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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1918)
this Eta: umaha, SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1918. OMAHA 'LIVE STOCK Cattle Market Rules 'steady; Hog Receipts Fall Off and i Prices Slump; Sheep Higher. MIS l7 ,4S i.too Omaha, March 12, 1111. Receipts were: Cattle. Hofj. Sheep. Official Monday 10.481 15. U !. official Tuesday...... . " Official Wednesday ... T.Mt U.OJI Official Thursday.... f.MI 11.(1 ...... r-.u.. . l fino 17.700 , Five days this week.. H. (81 J0.I60 41.180 ' Sam. days last week.. 81.527 78.101 18,(11 Sam. day. 1 wks. at o 14.614 71.76 7J.717 Bin. day. 1 wks. ago S7,0l 8MI0 14.815 Sam. day. 4 was. so ll.fll ((. Sam. days last yar..l9.83S 41.835 45.800 - Receipt, snd disposition of ltv. stock at the Union stock yards. Omaha, for 14 hour, ending at I p. m. yesterday: RECEIPTSCARLOADS. Cattle. Hoc Sheep. C, M. 8t V.4 -: Wabash Union Paciflo ..CAN. W., east. C. N. Wwest. C. St. P, M. O. C, B. Q , east, r C. B. Q.. west. C, R. L east. .. C, R. I. P., west Illinois Central Chicago Great Western.... Trttnl racelnts 141 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Morris & Co HI ." Swift & Co.... 1.007 4,0J Cudahy Tacking Co..l.04.7 4,184 Armour A Co 1,008 S.JM Schwartz A Co l.J J. W. Wurpliy 1.061 Lincoln Packing Co.. (( S. O. Packing Co Wilson Packing Co.. 131 ..... Cudahy. country F. B. Lewis HI J. B. Root Co I J. H. Bulla 1 F. O. Kellogg 15 .( Wurthftimer Ic Deien 114 Kills Co 5 Sullivan Bros 17 Omaha CasL Grain Prices Today. Farlv gales of com brought OUt a good demand, with the prices un changed u cents mgner. up to noon sales had. been made .t $1.35 1.82 a bushel Receipts were 149 carloads. Oats were 15 cents higher, selling at 9090, cents a bushel. Receipts were 68 carloads. Wheat receipts were 6 carloads. a ) 16 I' 1 14 . i 4 10 .. 1 1 1 (6 11 8 24 8 31 1 4 1 (1 . 1 t 2 3 6 327 35 Sheep. SOI 1,161 1,6(1 (24 934 Mo. & Kan. Calf Co. 12 ..... Christie 78 Huffman 8 Roth 1 Meyers . 1 ..... Glassberg 4. 15 ..... Baker, Jones a..., ..... . ,. , , .. . . . . . . ., . ..... , . ,. 1.734 Knnnr Bros. a. John Harvey , 392 Dennis Francis .... 118 ...... Jensen A Lungren .. (8 , ..... Other buyer. ........ Ill Total. 5,141 18,767 8.114 Cattle About 1,000 cattl. Arrived today. respectable Friday run, and the tlv. day1 supply became approximately 15,100, .4,000 mora than a weok ago . and 15,000 .Dior, than year ago. The market wa. just about steady. In spot, a little stronger, and in other spot, possibly a .had. easier. Quality of th. beef steers wa. not as good as on Thursday, but right good strong weight steer. Mid readily at $12.75-011.28, th. bulk of th. fair to good 1.000 to 1,160 ponnd steers going at f 11.71011.60. Cow. and heifer, ruled steady to a .hade easier than Thursday, but th. general market for both beef steer, and butoher stock ruled all of 16t!6o higher than th. olos. of last week. Desirable fle.hy feeders wer. In good supply and fully steady for th. day and week while th. general run of stock cattle ruled a shad, lower, and price, ar. around 16o low.r than a week ago for all except th. strlotly desirable grades. Quotations on eattlet Good to ohoio. beeves. 813.81011.60! fair to good beeves. !U.76011.76; common to fair beeves, 18.60 11.501 good to choice yearlings, su.eotj 11.601 fair to good yearlings. 810.00Oll.00i , common to fair yearlings, $8-5001.60; good to ebolos grass beeves, $11.01011.00; fair to good grass beeves, $8.60011.00; common to fair grass beeves, $8.0001.00; good to choice heifers. $. 6011.00: good to Choice , cows, $1.60010(0; fair to good sows, $8.60 tpf.60; common to fair cows, I7.uvtya.udt prims feeder., $11.00011.26; good to choice feeders. 110.00011.001 fair to good feeders, f (8.00O10.00; common to fair feeders, (0.(0 08.00: good to choice .tockers, (1.100 11.00; .took heifers, $8.00 0 1000; stock " cows, $7,000 60; stock calves, $1.00010.50; veal calves, $8.00011.00; bulla, stags, to., I7.50O10.00. . ; Representative salesi ! BEEF STEERS). No. v At. Pr. No. At. Pr. 4 (61 $8 00 4..,..., 606 $8 IS 18 428 75 f S3 (08 10 00 (......, $78 10 10 f , (11 10 25 S 147 10 (0 IS $1 11 16 It 848 11 16 4.fc (Ot 11 (0 24 1011 11 80 8 610 IS 08 40 1140 11 10 10 10S II II 15 101 11 40 S S(t II (0 14 11(1 11 (0 11.. 1058 11 16 7. ...... 11(0 18 00 II... ,.,.1114 IS II 22 1111 II It v STEERS AND HEIFERS. II. 141 10 75 10 , 17$ IS Tt HEIFERS. , . 1....... lit I 00 5 , 170 I II I (! I 60 - I. ...... 851 I II I....... 171 I 16 1 1009 1$ 10 11 141 10 21 , 11 117 10 10 4., 8(0 II 45 ' I 70S 11 II I...... .10(1 II 15 COWS. T , 100 T 16 T Ill T Tl I lit I 00 I , 147. I 15 ' I IU I IS II 711 I II I. .., 184 S 71 10 1011 I 15 II 101 I 00 1 1001 I II 17 1041 I 11 10., .....1017 I 10 4. ......111! I (0 I....... 881 71 I.. 1011 I II 14 164 I 10 1 1150 10 00 v II 1120 II SI ' 17. ......1210 10 IS 4. ...... 1186 II 40 ; . . BULLS, : 1. ...... mi oo t ..1111 s io 1 1411 I 00 I. ...... 1111 110 CALVES. 27 n III I 71 11....... 414 I 00 I 161 10 $0 1 110 11 SO I....... til 11 71 ; ly 101 11 00 Hog Receipts ef hogs show a consid erable falling off this morning from yester- . day, and shipper, bought early at prices that were tor th. most part 15c low.r than ' yesterday. ' Trad. In, their division was limited. They were taking only th. real good quality light weight hogs, thl. class of stuff bringing $11.15 for th. top, showing a deolln. from yesterday's top figure of lOo. .- Packers were rather alow and inoltned to foroo prices lower, and later In the fore noon were buying their hog. at least 10 tie lower. Th. bulk of th. offerings moved at $11.60011.10. No. Av. fib. Pr. No. At. Sh. Pr. III. .I50 ... $11 II (I..I71 110 $11 IS (7. .171 ... II 00 II. .141 ... II II 15. .Ill ... II TO 17. .1(1 71 II 71 4. .121 ... II II II. .211 71 II II 71. .Ill ... IT 00 II. .Ill ... 17 16 Sheep Supply of sheep this morning wss IS cars or 1,000 head. Th market opened . active and the offerings wer cleaned up by about 11 o'clock. Quality as a general rule was not as wood as on preceding day., and prloes looked anywhere from .teady to i lOo higher than yesterday. Top lamb, reached 117.10, lOo higher than the top to local packers yesterday while the general run of heavy and medium lambs brought , from $17.10 to (17.75. There was a 10-car consignment oft Idaho feeders that averaged II pounds at $17.16, a his as tbey have sold thlg. season. There was a short supply of ewes and the choice kinds sold up as high a $14.10, with a load of commoner kind, as $12.50. Quotation, on Sheep and Lambs: Lambs, : good to choice, $17.76018.00; lambs, fair to good, $17.25017.76; lambs, heavy, weight, $17.00017.76; lamb., feeders, tll.50O17.25; lambs, .horn, $11.00014.60; lambs, culls, 112.00O10.00; yearlings.- fair to choice, I14.OOOK.60; wethers, fair to choice, (13.25 14.76:, ewes, fair to choice, I12.00O14.O0; ewes, breeders, all ages, (11.00 018.50; ewes, culls and canners, $8.00 0 10.00. -. No. At. Pr. 8 fed lambs II $11 15 II fed lambs II 17 10 167 fed ewes , Ill IS 10 185 fed ewes 17 II 10 III culls (I I 71 161 fed ewes II II 60 , 171 culls j 71 I 00 (4 few wethers 84 14 10 231 Mexican yearlings .....,... 74 It 71 ' ; 220 fed lambs 74 17 66 . 231 few Umbo II 17 II OMAHA CASH GR'.IN PRICES TODAY GRAIN AMKPR0DU6E Corn Unchanged to 5 Cents Up, With Oats Better Than Cent Up; Bye Continues to ." Climb. Omaha, Neb., March 12. 1111. ' Recelnts of craln today were: Six cars of wheat, 148 cars of com, 18 cars of oats. two cars of rye end 12 cars ot barley. Prices for corn ranged from unchanged t 5c higher. Trading was moderately active from the beginning. The top was obtained for two cars of No. I white, which brought (1.(3. The No. 4 white grade ranged from II. 7001.75 for the early market; No. 4 yel low, (1.80O1.C1, and sales In No. 4 mixed brought $1.(0. Oat figures were 101'4o up. One car of No. I white brought II He the high. The bulk or sales were in the No. S white at lie. Rye prices were 2c to to up. One car of No. 2 sold at 12.80. . CARLOAD RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Omaha , 8 148 68 Chicago ' 6 Minneapolis , ID Kansss City.... 21 St. Louis....,.' 22 Winnipeg 154 PRIMARY MOVEMENT. Receipts; Wheat Corn-, 267 ISO 10 11 NEW YORK STOCKS Market Very Sluggish Owing to Developments in-War Zone Absorbing All Interest. Oat. Shipments: Wheat Corn Oats Today. Tear Ago. ... 203,000 618,000 ...1,4(3,000 (36.000 ...1,132,000 7(0,000 , 134,000 511,000 -.. 1,800 488,000 , (34,000 712.000 UNITED STATES CLEARANCES. Today. Tear Ago. Wheat (01,000 1(1,000 Oats 1,000 These sales were reported today; Corn No. 1 white: 1 car (16.10 to 17 moisture test), 11.83; 4 cars (17.2.0 to 17.40), $1.12; 1 ear (17.40, I per cent damaged), $1.82. No. 4 white: I cars (17.80), $1.75: I cars (17 to 17.80), $1.71; 6 cars (II to 11.10), 11.72; 2 cars (18.40), (1.71; I cars (18), $1.70. No. t white: 4 cars (17 to 20), $1.(0; I ears (20.40 to 20.(0). 11.65; No. I white: 1 car (18.60), $1.60; 1 car (20.20), $1.41; 1 cars (1(10 to 11.80), $1.40. Sample white: 1 car (17.10), $1.40; 1 car (11.(0), $1.27. No, I yellow: 1 car (17.20), $1.72; I cars (17.20 to 17.80), $1.70. No. 4 yellow: S ears (11.40 to 18.10), 11.(1; S cars (11.10 to 18.10), $1.11; 1 car (18.20), $1.11; 11 oars (11.40), $1.10. No. I yellow: 1 car (18,10 per cent damaged), $1.14; S cars (20), $1.11; S cars (18.(0 to 20), $1.51. no. yellow: l oars (17.10 to 18.80), $1.40; I cars (11 to 31.40), $1.11. No. I mixed: I cars (M.69 to 17.80), $1.80. No. mixed: 1 car (11.10), $1.(0. No. I mixed: 1 car (11.(0), $1.48. I cars (20.40 to 20.10), 11.47; S cars (20 to 10.10), 11.41. No. I mixed: 1 cars (17 to 11.(0), (1.42; V, car (18.80), $1.15. Sample mixed: 1 ear (17.(0). $1.11. Oats No. I white: 1 ear, II Ma. Standard: I cars, llleo. No. I white: 14 cars, lie No. 4 white; I cars. lOUc Sample white;' 4 ears, (Oo. Oats and barley: 1 car, lOo. Rye No. I: 1 car, $2.80. Chicago closing prices furnished The Bee by Logan St Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 111 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Art. Open. High. Low. Cloe.TTsst. Corn. I . I ' I I Mar. 1 171. 1 i1 127 1 17 11714 May 1 tthi I I6H 125 1 26K 125ft Oat. Mar. 11 It 11 11 I0H May . 87 17 17 17 l( Pork. May 41 71 41 SO 41 76 41 71 41 75 Lard. May 18 10 21 17 28 10 II IS II 10 July II 17 26 10 21 15 II It 21 10 Ribs. May 24 17 25 01 24 IS , 14 II 07 July IS 10 21 40 25 10 21 18 26 15 . . . Chirac Live Stock. t Chicago. March II. Cattle Receipts. 11,000 head: market, unsettled; native steers, $1.50 014.65; stockers and feeders, . , $8.00011.10; cows and heifers, $10.00011.16; caives, iie.gon.ui. - - v: Jiogs Receipts, 47,001 ' head; market, , weak, 150250 under yesterday's average; bulk. $17.10017.70; light, $17.16017.16; . - mixed, $11.16017.86; heavy. $11.80 017.10; rough, (if.K0tyn.66; pigs, llg.oooio.7a. , fiheen and Limb Receipts, 10,000 head market, etrong: sheep, $11.00016.00; lambs, fif.ifljfis.ti. y ' - - -.. .i ii i ., . St Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph, Mo., March Si. Cattle -Receipts, 1,000 head; market steady; steers, 100011.75; cows and heifers, $7.00911.80; salves, $6.00 011.00. , Hogg Receipts, . 4,101 bead; market Stoartj; top, $17.15; bulk, lli.70O17.10. , Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 4,600 head; market -steady; lambs, $11.00011.25; ewes, $7.00011.00. . OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. Beef Cuts Wholesale prices of beef cuts effective .March 18 are as follows! Loins No. 1, 18o; No. I, !(o; No. I, 17 He Ribs No. 1. I4Uo: No. I. llVioi NO. I. ISfto. Rounds No. 1, 20c; No. I, 10ei No. S. l(o. Chucks No. 1, 17o; No. I, 14c; No. I, 16c Plates No. 1, Mtto; No. I, 14c; No. I, 13 Ho. ' Oysters Northern stsndards, per gal., II. 60; large cans, 61o; small cans, lis; se lects, 11,10 per gall targe cans, ISo; small cans, 43o; counts, $1.10 per gaLl largs csns, $3.10; small, 70o; small cans, 41 Chesa peake standards. (3.16 per gal.! large cans 46c; small cans, 10c; selects, 11.11 psr sal,! largs csns, too; small cans, ISo. Celery California mammoth, fresh trim med dally, well bleached, per dosen. lOo. Fish Whiting, ocean pike, por lb., skin skinned, 7o; round, to; bos lots, !o; her ring, per lb., round, IVto: sack lots, IHo; herring, per lb dressed, lie; bos lots, 10a; tulllbbe. white avge. 1 lb., per lb... lie; box lots, 10c,i Canadian W. C. jack plokerel, rd., lie; box lots, iloj yellow pike. No. 1, llo; box lots, 17a. Fresh Frosen (per lb.) Halibut, eoast fro sen, lie; salmun, red, coast frosen, 12o; pink, IOoi black cod sable tlraV frosen, 16ei black bass, O. 8., 18c; large or mall, 10c j trout, small, lOo; whlteflsh, ms dlum and largs, Uo;t pike. No. 1, 18c; box lots, 17o; plokerel, dressed, l(o; round, 12o; orapple, average, II lb., llo; tlleflsb, for steak, 15o; yellow perch, Ho; buffalo and carp, llo; ling cod, llo; flounders, llo; western redsnapper, llo; silver smelts, Ho: native rJaokerel, llo; wh.tlng rd. O. S. and medium large, lo; frogs, Louisiana black bulls, per dos., jumbo. 11.71; medium, 11.00, . Fresh Caught (per lb.) Halibut, fancy ex press stock, 16c; sslmon, red, fancy express slock, l(o; black" cod sable fish, lie; blsck bass, O. 8., IOoi Urge or .mslU 16o; cstflsh. O. 8. and large, llo; medium, llo; orapple, O. 8. and large, 12o; buffalo, genuine, Rd., If any, t(o; buffalo-carp, Rd 14c; red snapper, 18c; native mackerel, chilled, llo; haddock, chilled. Ho: cod. eastern, chilled, 15c; flounders, 14c; Spanish mackerel, 17o: silver smelts, chilled. He; shad, split, each (frozen), 16c Kippered Sslmon, 10-lb., baskets, plenty, fill all orders, 11.10; kippered sableflsh or grsyflsh, 10-lb. baskets, plenty, fill all orders, 11.40; smoked wblts (lakeflsh), 10 lb baskets, plenty, fill sll orders, 11.10. Frogs Louisiana black bulla, per dosen Jumbo,-13.00; medium, I1.0O, . . ' '- I New Tork, ilarch 22. The sluggish course of today's stock market was largely If not wholly Influenced by developments In the foreign war sons. Interest in that quarter subordinated all other considera tions. Stocks were slightly Irregular at the out set but Immediately rallied, only to lose more than their Initial advantage before midday. Ralls, shipping, representative Industrials snd miscellaneous Issues shared in th gradual decline, which became most pro nounced In the final hour. War shares, which should benefit In the logical course of events by the further enormous wastage of arms and ammuni tion now proceeding along the French front, were reactionary with so-oalled "peace" stocks. Jn the case of several equipments, rea sons for comparative backwardness were well defined. Bethlehem Steel's report for 117 disclosed a net decline of more than $7,700,000. Allied Industrials were under Intermittent restraint, pending announcement of Wash ington's new peace schedule and oils, also subject to early price revision, fortified gains of t!i t incedlng session. Shippings and tobnrr, . o displayed greatest weak ness at the ive close. Sales amounted to 126,000 slu r The P'-:i bond list was slightly Irreg ular and 1: Issues again fell back after a further . jnstratlon Of strength. - Ad vices from v hington Indicate early an nouncement of the terms of the next Issue, Including Interest rate and date of matur ity. Total aales (par value) aggregated $3,850,000. United States bonda (old Issues) were unchanged on call. Number ot sales and quotations on leading stocks: Closing Sales. High. Low. Bid. Am. Beet Sugar.. 300 79-4 78 'XV American Can 2.300 42 43 82 Am. Car t Fndry. 6,500 78 76 77 Am. Locomotive.. 700 th'i Mil 64 Am. 8. & Refng.. 1.000 78 78 71 Am. Sugar Refng. 800 104 103 103 Am. Tel. A Tel... 1,400 101 100 100 Am. Zinc. L. S. (00 13 13 13 Anaconda Copper.. 7,400 14 12 (2 Atchison 200 8414' 83 A. O. oc W. I. 8. L. 1.100 108 101 106 Baltimore & Ohio. 2,100 64 13 63 Butte Sup. Cop. 700 20 20 18 CaL Petroleum.... 100 16 16 ' 15 Canadian Paolflc... 7,000 128 126 136 Central Leather... 7.400 7 14 16 Chesapeake sc Ohio 1.600 18 67 57. C, M. A St. Taul. t00 41 418s 41 Chicago A N. W.. 400 12 - 81 ft C, R. I. V P. ctfs. 1.S00 21 20 20 Chlno Copper 200 40 40 40 Colo. Fuel ft Iron. 100 18 18 38 Corn Prod. Refng. 21,700 28 16 36 Crucible Steel...., 18,400 (6 63 (3 Cuba Cane Sugar.. 000 20 28 28 Dlstlllera' Security. 4,700 41 28 M Erie 1.000 16 15 15 General Electric 137 General. Motors 1,400 118 111 118 Ct. Northern pfd. 8U Gt. N. Ore ctfs.. 400 27 27 27 Illinois Central 85 Inspiration Copper. (00 45 44 44 Inter. U. M. pfd.. 10,400 86 83 13 Inter. Nickel 800 8 28 ?S Inter. Paper...., 3C K. C Southern 16 Kennecott Copper.. 800 31 11 31 Louis. A Nash.., 114 Maxwell Motors 27 Mex. Petroleum... ll.fOO 15 13 13 Miami Copper 300 20 20 30 Missouri Pacific... 700 23 22 22 Montana Power 65 Nevada Copper.... 700 11 18 18 N. T. Central 800 .71 70 70 N. T., N. H. A H. 600 28 28 28 Norfolk A West.. 800 104 104 103 Northern Pacific. 700 (5 84 14 Paciflo Mall 27 Pennsylvania 500 44 44 44 Pittsburgh Goal 62 Ray Con. Copper. 21.400 83 81 81 Rep. Iron ft Stool. 1.600 79 79 78 Shat Arts. Copper 16 Southern Pacific... 1,000 86 85 85 Southern Railway,. 500 23 23 23 Studebaker Corp... 2,000 46 45 45 TexaaCo 2,300 149 145 1:5 Union Pacific... 2,400 121 120 :?0 U. S. Ind. Alcohol 3.000 126 122 122 U. 8. Steel 42,000 (1 90 90 U. S. Steel pfd ... 900 109, 109 109 Utah Copper 1,400 78 78 78 Wabash, pfd. "B" ?2 Western Union 91 Westlngh. Electric 300 41 41 41 Total sales for the day, 325,000 sha-es. New York Money Market. New Tork, March 22. Mercantile Paper Four and six months, ( per cent Sterling Sixty-day bills, $1.72: com mercial 60-day bills on banks, $4.72; com mercial 60-day bills, (4.71; demand, $4,75 6-16; cables. $4.78 7-16. SllveraBar, 90o; Mexican dollars, T3c. Bonds Government, steady; railroad, ir regular. Time Loans Firm; (0 daj's, 90 days snd six months, I per cent bid. Call Money Firm: high. 4 per cent; low, 8 per cent; ruling rate, 4 per cent: closing bid 1 per cent; offered at 3 per cent; last loan, 3 per cent, U. S. 2s, reg.... 7'at. No. 1st 4VJs 88 U. S. 2s, coupon 97 111. Cen. ref. 43 80 U. 8. 8s, reg... 98Int. M. M. 6s... 91 U. S. s, coupon. 98K. C. S. ref. 5s.. 76 U. 8. Liberty 3s 98L. & N. un. 4s.. 82 U. S. 4s, reg..,104M. K. AT. 1st 4s 61 U.S. 4s, coupon. 104 Mo. Pac. gen. 4s. 66 Am. For. Soc. 6s. 95 Montana Pow. 6s 89 Am. T. A T. Clt 6s 90 N. T. Cen. deb. 6s 93 Anglo-French 6s 90No. Pac. 4s 80 Armour A Co.4s 84 No. Pac. 3s 67 Atchison gen. 4s 81 0. S. L. ref. 4s.. 82 ' B. A O. cv. 4s 77Pac. T. A T. 6s.. 91 Beth. Steel r. 6s 96Penn. con. 4s. 96 Cen. Leather (s. 95Penn. gen. 4s. 89 Cen. Paciflo 1st 79 'Reading gen. 4s 82 Ches. A (A-ev. 6s 80S. L. A B.F. adj. 6s 65 C. B. A Q. j. 4s 92S. Pac. cv. 6s 93 CM. AS.P.c.4s 72 'So. Railway 6s. 91 C. R. I. AP.ref 4s (3 Texas A Pac. 1st 85 C. A S. ref. 4a 68 'Union Pacific 4s 86 D. A R. O. T. (a 49 U. S. Rubber 6s. 7Y D. ot C. 6s (1131) 92U. S. Steel 6s... 97 Krie gen. 4s 61 Wabash 1st .... 92 Gen. Electric 6s 88French Gvt, 6s. 90 Bid. Askeit'. CHICAGO GRATS AND PROVISIONS. Senate's Action on Wheat Guarantee Has Bullish Effect. Chicago, March 22. Action of the United States senate In favor of a higher guaran teed price for the 1918 wheat crop had a bullish effect today on the value of coarse grain. Chiefly aa a result, corn finished Kteady at 0c net advance, with March $1.27 and May, $1.26 U. Oats gained c. In provisions the outcome varied from unchanged figures to a decline of 22c. It was evident from the outset that the corTT market had been decidedly stimulated by passaTe ot the Gore resolution to lift the wheat guarantee to 12.51 from $2.20. Traders were not slow to act, on the theory that It wheat was worth 30o a bushel more, other cereals should command a notable Increase. Aside from legislative chances, moreover,- it wa pointed out ttiat the move ment of the corn crop had seriously dimin ished and that primary receipts today were nearly 900,000 bushels less than on the corresponding day last week, whereas North American clearances had more than doubled. Oats as well as corn responded promptly to the senate action concerning wheat In the late dealings, however, something of a reaction took place, owing to gossip that ex port interests had ceased bidding. Lower Quotations on hogs weakened pro visions. Chicago Cash prices . Corn No. 2 yellow nominal. No. 3 yel low, $1.701.86: No. 4 yellow, $1.601.7O. Oats: No. 3 white, 9495cy; standard, 95$95o. Rye: No. 2, $2.85 j 2.87. Barley: $1.752.10. Timothy: 15.O0&8.O0. Seeds: Clover, $;s.0n31.00. Provisions: Pork: nominal; lard, $26.15; ribs, $24.05 34.55. Omaha Hay. , Receipts of alfalfa heavy : fnarket draggy and prices $1.00 1.60 per ton lower. Prairie receipts good; demand only fair, causing prices to go lower on all grades. Choice up land prairie hay, 121.00. No. 1, S19.00O20.00. No. 2, I14.5016.60. No. 3, (11.5013.6O. No. 1 midland. 819.0020.0O. No. 2. (14.60O 16.50. No. 1 lowland, II 4.50 16.60. No. 2. 12.6013.50. No. 3. 811. Q0 12.00. Choice alfalfa. (28.50. No. 1, $26.50 27.50. Stand ard. (23.0025.00. No. 2, $19.0020.00. No. 3. $16.00; 19.00. Oat straw. $10.60. Wheat straw, $9.60. Metal Market New Tork, March 22. Metal exchange quotes lead quiet; spot, $7. :5f7.50. Spelter Mvket easy: East St. Louis de livery, spot. $7.25 asked. At London Copper, spot, 110; futures, 110; electrolytic, 125. Tin Spot and futures, 316. Lead Spot, 29 10s: futures, 28 10s. Spelter Spot, 54; futures, 50. Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Minn., March 22. Flour Unchanged. Rye $2.942.95. Barley $170 2.10. Bran $32.71. Corn No. 3 yellow, $1.801.83. Oat No. 3 white, 921493c. Flax $4.194.22. New York Produce. New Tork, March 22. Flour Steady; springs, $!0.76g11.20; winters, $10.8011.16; Kansas. $10.9011.25. Corn Spot, steady; kiln dried No. I yel low, $1.90; No. 4 yellow, $1.83: No. 3 ' . i r Kaw Tork. prompt shipment; Argentine, $2.40. nominal, f. o. 0 ca.r- c-.. ..,.! 81 07ttO1.08. Hay Quiet; No. 1, ll.$0: No. 2, $1,360 1.10; No. i. li.liei.iV shipping, $1,000 Hops Easy: state medium to choice, 1917, 1545c; 1910, nominal; Paclfio coast, 1917, 20f823c; 19K, 14016c n..,i Hides Quiet; Bogots. 3033c; Central America, 29 12c. Leather Steady; hemlock sol. ever weights, 48c; No. 2, 46c. .,,, Provisions Pork, firm; mess. IM-JJ 53.50; family, $55.00; short clear J- 68.00. Lard, steady; middle west, $26,000 "TaUow Steady; city special, loose, 17c. WoolSteady; domestic fleece. XX Ohio and Pennsylvania unwashed, 65 66c. Rice Steady; fancy head, 809c; blue rose. 88c. Butter Market weaker, firm; receipts, 6,347 tubs; cresmery. higher than ex tras. 4242c; extras (92 score), 4141c; firsts, 39 40; seconds, 39c. Eggs Market firmer: receipts. 32,164 cases; fresh gathered extras, 40 41c; ex tra firsts, 39c; firsts, 3839c; seconds, 37038c. Cheese Market Irregular: receipts, 2,179 boxes;.state whole milk, flats, held, specials, 25?25c; do, average, run, 24024e. Poultry Market live and strong: young roosters, 35c; old, do, 27c: turkeys, 15c. Dressed, quiet and unchanged. Coffee Market. New Tork. March 22. The market for coffee futures shoed continued firmness today. With spot coffees selling at a big premium above the maximum price fixed for the current month, holders of contracts i. lib-Aiv in Hm,ni1 dallverles and one of the features today was covering by May shorts. The general nsi openea un charged to 4 points higher and active months sold about 10 to 12 points above last night's closing figures, with May touching 8.77c and September 2.87c. The close was a shade off from Uio, best under realizing, with prices net unchanged to 8 points higher. March, 8.50c; May, 8.73c; July, 1.82c; Sep tember, 8.84c; October, 1.86c; December, 8.91c. Spot coffee, firm; Rio, 7s, $c; San tos 8s, 11c. No Santos offers were reported in the cost and freight market, but Rio 7s were said to be here at 8.80c, London credits. The official cables showed., decline of 50 rels at the Rio market. Santos spots were 100 rels and futures 75100 rels lower. Rio exchange on London l-16d higher, at 11 6-16d. Brazilian port receipts, 21,000 bags. Savannah Turpentine. Savannah. Ga., March 22. Turpentine Dull", 39 bbls.; sales, none; receipts, 17 bbls.; shipments. 201 bbls.; stock, 24,256 bbls. Rosin Firm: sales 158 bbls.; receipts, 211 bbls.; shipments, 704 bbls. ; stock, 82,309 bbls. Quote: B. D, E, F, O, H, I, $5.10; K, $6.(0; M, $6.75; N, $7.15: WG, $7.30; WW, $7.40. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, March 22. Corn No. 1 mixed, $1.6501.75; No. 2 white, $1.1(0 1.90; No. 2 yellow, $1.7601.(2; May. $1.26. Oats No. 2 whl'te, 92c; No. 2 mixed, 8889C. , , St. Louis Grain. St. Louis, March 22. Corn No. 1, $1.71; No. 2 white, $1.85; May, $1.26. Oats No. 2, 91c; No. 3 white, I4096e; May, 88c. SIGNS OF OIL IN DEEP WELL , AT REV CLOW Red Cloud, Neb., March 22. (Spe cial Telegram.) The Big Chief Oil company well reached a depth of 2,325 feet today. A limestone formation was encountered after going through 15 feet of sand, A considerable trace of oil appears in the formation brought up. Salt water has risen 1,800 feet in the well. Propects for finding oil could not bet better, according to experts on the ground. Copper Mine Employe;, 1 Jn Nevada.Go on Strike Sacramento, Cal., March 21. About 300 employes of the Nevada Consolidated Copper company have walked out on strike at Ely, Ruth and MagiU, Nev., according to special dis patches received here today 'from Reno. Governor Boyle and R. F. Cole, state labor commissioner of Ne vada, have gone from Reno to Den ver to settle the trouDie, tne aispaicn said. Demands by the men on strike were said to 'include time and a half for overtime, a flat increase of 50 cents a day, and a half an hour time for preparation for work without any deduction being made from the em- f ployes'labor time. Hangs Self in Jail. Sweet Water, Tex., March 22 Si Bostick, who was arrested in Garza county Tuesday in connection with the killing at Clairemont of C. C. Ijggins, former district judge, hanged hitnself in jail here last night. London Honey. London, March 22. Sllver-Bar, 4 Id psr punce. Money 3 per cent Discount Rates Short and three months, I 9-16 per cent. . , . New . Tork Cotton. 1 , New Tork, 'March. $3. Cotton futures opened -steady; March, 14. 07o; May, 23.90o; July, 32.15c; October, ll.Olo; January, 30.70O. l Doluth Unseed Market. Duluth. Minn., March 12. Linseed $4.20 04.29; May, $4.14 asked; July, $4.21; Oc-r tober. (3.66. . - St. loots Z1t Stock. St. Louts, March 11. Cattle Receipts, 1,100 head; market, etesdy; native beet steers, (J. 00018.60; yearling steers and heif ers, $7.0001160; cows, $6.00011.60; stock ers and feeders, $1.00 010.10; fair to prime southern beef steers, $9.00011.(0; beet cows and heifers, $7.(010.00; southern yearling steers and heifers, $6.00010.00; na tive calves, $(.00014.00. Bogs Receipts, 17,001 head; market, lower; lights, $17.(001(00; pigs, $14,600 17.76; mixed and butchers, $17.1(017.76; good heavy, $17.00017.16; bulk, $17,100 1T.75. . . Sheep and Lambs Receipts, tot head; market, steady; lambs, $14 00 (y 11-15; ewes, $11.5013.OO; wethers. $13.09tl!.76; can ners and choppers, $6.60 9.60. Kansas City lira Stock. Kansas City, March 11. Cattle Receipt., I, 000 head; insrket, steady; prime fed steers, $11.00014.00; dressed beef steers, $10.(001216; western steers, 19.60013.11; cows, $7.60011.00; heifers. $7.7(01100; stockers and feeders, $8.00011.76; bulls, $7.60010.26; calves, $7.10011.60. Hogs Receipts, 1,000 head market, steady; bulk, $11.(0017.10; heavy, $16.(60 17.00; packers and butchers, $17.OO017.$(; light, $17.10017.(0; pigs, 113.00018.40. Sheep and Lamber Receipts, 100 head; market, steady; lambs, H7.00ffl8.00; year lings, 114.00OK.00; wethers, $11.00015.00; ewes, $13.00014.00. i - Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City, la., March .22. Cattle Re ceipts, 1.700 head; mar lit .teady; beet steers, $10.00011.76; fat cows and betters, 18.60 0 11.60; canners, (7.0001.15; stockers and feeders, $1.50011.(0; calves, (8.000 II. I0; bulls, stags, etc., 17.7(010.01; feed ing cows and heifers. 17.1609 76. ' Hogs Receipts, 48,000 head; market ISo to 15o lower: light, l(.l5ri7.00; mixed, $18.6001(10; heavy, (16.40 16 40; pigs, $14.(0(111.00; bulk of sales, (16.S0OK.I0. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, (00 head; market stesdy. ' , Chicago Produce Market. ; Chicago, March 11 Butter Market un changed. - Eggs Msrkel lower; receipts. 16,411 case; firsts, 14c; ordinary firsts, 3303(c; at market, rases Included, I30!3e. Potatoes Receipts, 43 csrs; market un changed. Boostors Market unchanged. . STORE OPENS AT 8;30 AND CLOSES AT 9 P. M. SATURDAY1 Months From Today Ton Will Be Talking of the Wonder Low . Price Yon Bongljt Yonr New Spring Apparel at Orkin's Removal Sale 1519-21 Douglas Street South Side of Street ' Notice-If You Are in Earnest About Saying Read Every' Item Offered in This Great Sale laVn BUILDING OELAV'SDl 1 1 V ft tt VLJI II k . 18 8 1 - q lil Mil MMfMlftl in ov old se Disappointment for us but a piece of unexpected good luck for the thousand of Omaha women who are buying Easter apparel. The enormous orders placed for our New Store are now being diverted to this store. We simply haven't the room to properly care for these tremendous shipments, so to relieve the congestion we are offering to the 'public New Spring Garments at less than the end-of-the-season prices. , . ' , ; New Spring W Si Blouses , mm. Arriving BJMMi Daily V mm Marked I L - MM for - if , i PB!(G Purchased for Our New StoreWorth to $45 Goes on Sale at This Store Saturday New Spring Suits in fine Serges, Poplin and Gabar dineworth $25.00 to $29.50 bonder group of: Suits in all the season's latest' materials. Colors are Navy, Pekin Blue, Rookie Tan and Checks. Worth $29.50 to $35.00 ' Here is a line ot Suits that will please the most fastidious dresser. Many exclusive models and all the season's array of col oring. vWorth to $45.00 BLOUSE SACRIFICE Georgette, Crepejjj de Chine and many T other materials, values to $5.00.... 2.95 Hundreds of HighJClass Suits Exclusive Models at Sensation ally Low Prices There are no better Suits to be found anywhere than in these three groups. Wonder exclusive mod els in Trieotine, fine Poiret Twill, new Tweeds and fine Serges. Eton, flared and fitted models offered worth to mw Worth to $5M Worth to W&M .Great Sale of Spring Coats .. . Spring. Coats in all the new col ors and models some plain, while others are beautifully braid and button trimmed, all this . season's new creations. -All -go .in this Great Removal Sale VtJset to $2f50 Values to $35.00 -1 M75 Orkin Bros 1519-21 Douglas, South Side of Street J