Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1918, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 23, Image 23
f THE BEE: OMAHA, 23 i 1 "OWN YOUR HOME" HELP WANTED MALE Professions and Trades. 50 GIRLS For Icing and Packing Depts. Salary to start $9 per week and rapid advancement assured. Best possible working conditions. Apply it One. Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co. 13th and Davenport SU. WANTED, FREIGHT HANDLERS. APPLY AMERICAN EXPRESS CO UNION STATION. MEN WANTED, AGE Jl TO $, FOR GENERAL YARD WORK, 8TEADY JOB FOR GOOD MEN, APPLY TO TIMEKEEPER, UNION STOCK YARDS CO SOUTH OMAHA. HOUSEMAN wanted at once. Apply Clarkson hospital. FREE JOB No office fee. Apply at fllVt . mm st. HELP WANTED Male and Female. WANTED Competent, experlenoed fire In surance olerk for home office work. State age, experience and salary desired. Ret erances required. Box 4485, Omaha Bee, THOUSANDS government war positions open. Men and women wanted. tlOO month. Write for list Franklin Instl tute. Dept. 233 C. Rochester. N. Y. MOLER Barber College wanta young men apd ladle to learn the barber trade. Call or write for free catalogue, 110 a. 14tb St.. Omaha. Neb. TEACHERS WANTED Science, $900; com. mercial, $1,300, immediate work. Stewart Scnool service, Lincoln, Nebraska, HELP WANTED-FEMALE Stores and Offices. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER wanted for bank, located In county seat town of 3.000 people, within SO miles of Omaha banking experience not necessary; salary $75 to start and bonus amounting to $10 per month- THE CHARLES B. .WALTERS COMPANY, 14Z4 First National Ban.: Bldg. Omaha. WANTED An experienced stenographer. Steady employment and good salary; none but experlenoed need apply. HARTMAN FURNITURE A CARPET OO. 415 SOUTH 1STH STREET. ' STENOGRAPHERS, $100, 190, $85, $75, $6. Typist, $65, Ledger clerk, $65. Typist, 150. compt. opera, I6B, ISO, 50. Typist, $40. WATTS REF. CO., 112$ 1st Nat. Bank. $TYPISTS ... $4M0-$6 STENOGRAPHERS $60-$7l THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEB BLDG, It positions open for stenographers,, book. keeper! and offto clerks; no filing fee. Co-Operatlve Ref. Co., 101$ City Nat, Bk, STENOGRAPHER, small law office. $66. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND AS8"!f TYPIST; goo at figures, for billing; steady position; lift overtime. Call In person, ooooncn urng co uoi Harney . GENERAL office olerk. $65. $75. WESTERN REFERENCE ft BONO ASSK. Professions and Trades. 25 GIRLS for nana work on army : .supplies no experience necessary. 18c per hour 1st month. 19c per hour 2d month. 20c per hour thereafter. APPLY ALBERT MATHTsR, FOREMAN, 1ST FL. SCOTT-OMAHA TENT & AWNING CO. - 1501 Howard St THB Nebraska Telephone comDaay ctfleVa an exceptional opportunity to young ladlea to tearn local ana iong.aiatanco telephone operating. .remanent positions, oppor. tunltles for advancement, good wagec A i alary paid while learning. " Parents desiring to acquaint themselves with the working conditions or any . other details are specially Invited to accompany tne applicants. Apply to C F. Lambert, 1807 Douglas street., - WANTED EXPEJUBNCBD HELP IN ALTERA. TION AND MILLWERY WORK ROOM APPLY SUPERINTENDENT BRANDEIS STO4ES, WANTED Twenty-five girls, experienced on power sewing) machines; nice, elean, steady work; experienced operators earn 112 to $15 a week; guarantee given. Oma ha Auto Top Co., :o-U S. 15th St. WANTED Registered surgical nurse and registered ntrse not likely to be called to government service. Apply to Super- -v tntenaem urtnopeouo Hospital, Lincoln, :veo. WAITED Aft EXPERIENCED FUR OP ERATOR OR A GIRL WILLING TO LEAiRN; STEADY WORK, TELEPHONE TYLER 120. WANTED Waist Jessie F. Fox, Bldg. finishers and helpers. 774 Saunders-Kennedy wanted Girl meat" wrappers. Apply ine weening-ton Market, 1407 Douglas St l.EARN (better trad 1401 Dodge St. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED. EXPERIENCED SALESLADY MILLINTSRY DEPARTMENT. APPLY TO MR.! T. F. LIHD. HAYDBN BROS. WANTED. EXPERIENCED HELP IN MILLIN ERY. CLOAK, SUIT AND WAIST DE PARTMENTS. APPLY SUPERINTEND ENT BRANDEIS STORES Household and Domestic. KNTED Bright intelligent girl for gen eral housework and to assist In cooking. No objection to high class colored girl. ' Party must come well recommended; .modern home. 2 In family; chance for the right', party to travel with family. Apply Neb. HOUSEKEEPER, refined lady between 30 and 40; without children, for widower with one child. G. E. Clark, Junction City. Kan.. Care V. P. Depot. i ANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUflE- WORK: NO LAUNDRY; THREE IN rAMH.y. MUST WALNUT 9S4. GO HOME NIGHTS. iTJSNT girl assist with housework. family, no laundry, references re- j"ed. Mr. Ffed Whitmore, Valley. Neb, - - - -, , What heads the list of sound, sure investments? Real Estate. It is, or should be, the ambition of every man to "own a home." Study these offers carefully for to day's prices on these properties will look mighty cheap in 1920. 1 HELP WAN i cD FEMALE Saleswomen and Solicitors. COMPETENT girl for general housework, where laundress Is kept. Mrs. A. W. Car- "'"i hi p. tun ays. Harney eon. WANTED A girl for general housework, small nst house, best vases paid. 101 South 42nd St., Harney 45. COMPETENT woman for general house work; small family; plain cooking; good wages. Telephone Walnut 485. GOOD girl for lluht housework; dandy home for good girl. Phone Harney 4286 or Har- ney 22S8. WANTED Housekeeper for family-of three. Good wajes to right party. Box 4J76, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED NURSE Well car for - Invalid In her own ' home, also nursing. Web. 1100. NEAT white girl to help with housework; three in family. Telephone Walo'lt SI 6. GIRL for light Douglas 6038. housework. Small family. Inquire HIT Webster. WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing. Phone Harney S147. WANTED At once, a maid for general nousework. sms Dodjre St. WANTED AT ONCE Laundress. Apply Clarkson hospital. WANTED Second girl. Mrs. W. W. Marsh, 10 Pine St. WANTED White girl for housework. Phone Walnut 3420. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Three colored waitresses, 1 pan. try girls, man or woman dishwasher. Hotel Castle. Inquire Mr. Jones, Red T40I. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at Flatlron Cafe, 1720 St. Mary's Ave. the Miscellaneous. NEAT LADY demonstrator In or out of the olty; electrical. ' Call In person between 12:30 p. m., and 1:30 p. m. Wellington Inn parlor. Good salary. t WHITE Janitress, evening and morning work, $32.50 per month. Alfred C. Ken nedy Co., 205 S. 18th St. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free, BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglas 1565. ISth and Harney Sts. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. . 120 Omaha National Bank Bldg. i Douglas 6810. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. CLEAN front rooms, with use of phone, to one or two gentlemen. Board optional. Not strictly modern, but homelike. 1803 V, N. 24th St., upstairs. Webster 3148. ONE or two nicely furnished rooms In West Farnam district for ope or two business men or man and wife; private home. Walnut 62. NICELY furnished room In iteam-heate apartment, close Douglas 31SH. In, walking distance. BEAUTIFULLY furnished parlor room ; 370$ Farnam. atrlotly modem; private. Douglas 7780. STEAM-HEATED rooms $2 wk also apt with kltchenets. Ogden Hotel Co. Bluffs MODERN house, private home, west side. Close to earllne. Telephone Douglas 7480. MODERN room for gentlemen; private home, walking dlstanoe. Douglas 5835. NEATLY furnished room, modern, convenl ent 2621 California St. Douglas 7'0. BEAUTIFUL first .floor room, three flows. 413 8. 24tn. Douglas 77(0. LOVELY front room, private home. 105 8. 20th Ave. Phone Harney 6407. PLEASANT, rooms in the Vernon Apart ments. 204 Soutb 26tn St. PLEASANT south room in a private fam- lly, 1$1 No. 31st Ave. Housekeeping Rooms. FOR RENT Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, 1611 Howard, 1578 HARNEY very desirable light house keeping rooms. Bath floor, 1, 3 or 8-room. Board and Room, 5121 DODGE, board and room; best of home cooking- Douglas 8835. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTER3I If yon fall to find the room you desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List. Gives aomplete description of vacant rooms In 11 parts of the city. New lists Issue every week. 712 N. 2SD ST. Large, well furnished front parlor, only iz to a respectable gentle. man who will be permanent; one who appreciates a clean, quiet, homelike p.ace. LARGE beautifully furnished library rotm, first floor, southeast exposure. On all oar lines. Walking distance. Good home cooking. Gentlemen preferred. 11$ 8. 26th Ave, LARGE, handsomely famished room. win. dows on three sides, suitable for two in modern home; references required. Close to car. 1610 South 26th St, Red 3(7$. WELL furnished room for two with board. PlenJant home- Remit Dark. Wal. 1522. WANTED A married couple for room and board; good location. Webster $(14, MODERN nicely furnished room; beautiful location; no children. Harney 6554. ROOM and board $6 per week for IE? young men, Webster 4313. Unfurnished Rooms. SEATED ROOMS. CRriGHTON BLOCK World Realty Co., Douglas 6343. Sun Theater B'dg. 251$ N. S16T. Nice unfurnished rooms; res, sonable. Phone Webster 2100. FOUR-ROOM suite . for light housekeeping; monern home; laundry. Webster 2390. Board. WILL accommodate three or four with good home cooking. 117 Turner Blvd. Hney 477T. Rooms Wanted. cotn?LE wishes 2 furnished rooms for light housekeeping; within walking dlstanoe and In private family preferred. References ex. changed. Box 4293, Omaha Bee. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. WOODBINE. Woodbine furnished apartments, 24th and win on. we want two couples without children on 3d floor. $ rooms,' $20; 4 rooms, front. $30. Call at once. Web- ster 6$4$, Ed B. Glbbs. 620 S. 30TH ST. Three rooms, modern: everything furntahed; gas range; very reasonable; private family; no children. FOR RENT HOUSES West WEST FARNAM. t real geod homes, all modern, best ef lo cations, pleasant surroundings. See these places before looattng. 3 Kit Farnam $60.00 2540 Harney 40.00 301 So. 38th $6.00 THE BYRON REED COMPANY. Realtors. Douglas 297. 212 South 17th St. COTTAGE, 8019 Chicago. St., modern, good repair. Possession April 1. Rent, $25. Call at premises or phone H. 2291 or South 2S4. WILL Mrs. Anderson, who looked at the house at 67th and Marcy, call Webster 3757. ' HOUSE for rent, 67th and Marcy. Walnut 2757. SIX-ROOM house, modern. Harney $47. North. 2405 EMMET Five-room cottage, modern. Webster 1059. 2405 EMMET Five-room cottage, modern. Webster 1059 South. 51 PARK AVE., 7 rms $40.00 209 S; 36th St.." S rms '.. 4f.00 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO. Tyler 1 ' 333 Securities Bldg. Miscellaneous. shopo t Co, Rentals. Douglas 4228. FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous. 21$ Mason St., g rms., all mod $11.00 40$ H N. 26th St., S rms., mod. ex. hL$10 00 2602 Chicago St., rms., mod. ex. ht.. $11.00 $15 S. 25th St.. 3 rms., part mod ..$ $.00 B1RKETT COMPANY,' " 150 Bee Bldg. Doug. (S3. 9-ROOM, all modern house, close In. $41. JOHN J. MULVIHILL (Realtor). 800 Brandels Theater Bldg. Phone Doug. II HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THB CITY. CREIOH 80NS A CO.. BEB BLDO. GARDEN, 411$ N. 38th street, $ rms. $13.60 20$ 8onth 41st; hot water plant $35.00 JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 564. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. BENBOW COURT 44th and Dodge Streets Apt. No. $, having $ rooms and til bath, Including reception hall, dining room, bedroom, large sun parlor with Murphy In-A-Door bed, and a dandv kitchen with all built-in features, 3d floor; east front;, new building; beautiful grounds; on Dundee car line. Available April 1. Rental $50 and $6$. Garages on premises. Don't let this opportunity pass. These apartments are exceedingly oesiraoie. PAYNE & SLATER CO., 61$ Omaha National Bank. Phone D. 101$ MONTEREYB Apartments, 145 N. 34th St. 5 rooms. $55.00, $ rooms, $35.00. KLOKE INVESTMENT CO. .COLLEGE TERRACE. New apartments, just finished, with all ine latest leatures and conveniences fire proof throughout, $35 and $40. . Located southeast corner 23d and California Sts. or call OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 40$. FLATS, 3115 Davenport; Upper flat $3250, t rooms and sleeping porch. C. G. CARLBERG, 810 Brandels Theater Building. TIZARD PALACE BLOCK Close In, few equal; 8-room apartment; also 4-room , flat. Apply 23014 N. 23d. Phone Red 4232. HAMILTON APT8. Fireproof. 24th namr furnished or unfurnished. I Far. 1472. North. 4 AND 6-ROOM apts. new, modern, first and second floor, soreened porch. $21 to 880. I8th and Maple. Call Red $82. Miscellaneous- . PETERS TRUST CO. Specialists In Apartment management. 7 RMS., steam ht. Apts; near post office low rent, O. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago, FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Stores. STORE FOR RENT City National Bank B"iMinr. thin is the only store available on 16th Street, between Dodge and Howard streets. GEORGE & COMPANY, Douglas 756. FINE new store room and basement at 87th ana Leavenworth Sts. Steam heat. For narlloulars see Conrad Young, $J1" Bran dels Theater Bldg. Douglas 1171. MODERN store, 16th St., near P. O. low rent. Q, f . Stebblns, 1610 Chicago Bt Office and Desk Room. OFFICES, $20 per month and up FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDO., FIRST TRUST CO.. Agta Tyler $00. LET US SHOW YOU why you should office in The Bee Bid. Keystone Investment Co. Tyler 131. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Houses, WANTED TO RENT 4 or 7-room modern House In Dundee, 2 or 2-year lease; can take now or will watt; give location and price In answer, Box 4494, Omaha Bee. Business Property. LARGE EASTERN CONCERN WANTS 5,000 TO 7,000 SQUARE FEET OF GROUND FLOOR SPACE FOR BRANCH HOUSE, ' RENT MUST BE REASON ABLE. Box 4046, Omaha Bee. . MOVING AND STORAGE METROPOLITAN VAN A STORAGE CO. Owned and operated by Central Furni ture store; office on Howard 8t between 16th and 10th. Phone Tyler 1400. Have your moving handled lust as yon would an order for new furniture. That's the way we ao it. Ask to see our dally rental lists FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and snipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 306 fi. 16th. Douglas 4163, FREE RENTAL SERVICE FIDELITY Phone Douglas 28$ for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing call Tyler 230 or Douglas 433$. JTOREED Express Co., Moving, Packing and Btorasa. 1207 Farnam. St Web. 2748. Doug. $140. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. West Farnam Home $300 Down; Balance $50 Per Month Just listed, a 7-toom home; 4 rooms on the first floor; finished In oak; three rooms and large sleeping porch on second floor; finished attlo on third; double gar age; paved street; paving paid. This is a snip. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 637 Omaha Nat Bank Bid. D. 1781. EQUITY $330 on $$76 lot, northwest corner 43d and California Sts. for $100. You eaa buy balancs of lot at $10 a month. Will take diamond ring or stick win. Writs Box Y 441, Omaha Bee. FIELD Club District 7-r, modern boos C. J garage, lot 70x166; price $4,250. Qrlmmal. Phone Dcug. 18J8. North. MDWE LTJSA homes and" Io"to offer "tie beet opportunity to invest yoor money, Phnne Tyler 1ST. Kountze Place Bargain ' Very fine new bungalow, handiomely designed. Incorporating all the lateat Ideas. Living room 12x18, and all other rooms very large and roomy. Nea-ly all finished In the best oak, with a number of built-in features. Stairs to second floor, where I or 3 full rooms can ' fin ished. Best of furnace and plumbing, fine lighting fixtures, shades and au-eens. Very choice south front lot Paving jald. Fine close-in location, near ar line. Price only $4,175. caxh or terms. In some much farther out locations this house would sell for up to $6,000. You will be sur prised when you see this real home. Rasp, Builder and Owner, 210 Kceline Kldg. Tyler 721. Webster 1460. OWNER leaving city will sell t-room mod. ern home; Evans St.; part cash. Web. 7$1. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. Miller Park Bungalow $300 Down and Balance $40 Per Month $-room nearly new bungalow. located south of Miller Park; oak finish: built-in bookcases: full cement basomont; furnace heat; south front: gurus:. Price $3,600. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. 637 Omaha Nat. Bank Blau. O. 1761. MILLER PARK BUNGALOW. Six large rooms and bath, all on the one floor, oak finish, dandy sun room with French doors, bookcases, buffet, sleeping porch, everything you could de sire to make one of the coziest bunga lows In the city and It is only one block to car; the prloe Is certainly right, only $4,000, and can be handled with $1,000 down and $36 per month. This sure won't last, call OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496 CLOSE IN, NEAR 27th and Leavenworth ( rooms and garage, practically new. Owner leaving city. Living room, dining room, kltohen, oak finish and floors, first floor; three bed rooi$)s, bath and open aleeplng porch on 2d floor. Full lot Pav(ng paid. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglaa 893. 919-20 City Nat. Bk. 7-ROOM BARGAIN On Ogden Ave., near boulevard, all modern, oak finish, large lot paved street, Includes curtain rods, drop curtains on sleeping porch, linoleum, gas plate and work bench In. basement a snap for $4,600. TEBBENS, THE REALTOR. 605 Omaha Nat. Bk. Phone D. 3183, A RARE BARGAIN. $500 cash and $87 monthly will secure a very choloe new $-room all modern cottage, S blocks from car line; this Is one of the choicest offerings on our list ana must be seen to be appreciated. MITCH EL INVESTMENT CO., 24th and Ames. Colfax $17. $150 CASH. A good 5-room house, with oak f'.oors, strictly modern, may be bought on easy monthly terms; good neighborhood; not far from car. Go out today. Phone Douglas 3628, days. OWN YOUR HOME NOW. 3621 Hamilton, oak finished $$.150 Aore with good Improvements ....$4,000 1841 N. 23d, only $1,300 2 full lots and 8 bouses $6,000 JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. 6-ROOM modern house at 8215 Sherman avenue, now vacr.nt; very easy terms. W. H. GATES. 847 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. D. 1394 KOUNTZE PLACE Modern e-room house. full basement, large lot. olose to car. Price 83.850 Norrls A Norrls. D. 4270. OAK bungalow. 6 rms., brand new, all mod. very attractive, $3,150; only small amount cash, bal, like rent. D. 8140. FOR SALE OR RENT 2731 Saratogi St, strictly modern 6-room cottage; easy terms. Call Colfax 1630. South. FOR SALE (-room cottage and garage. 4037 JU St. would take a light oar in part payment. Phone South 961. CLASSY home, with garage; nice lot; 1 blk east or Hanscom park, $3,000, F. D Weed, 810 South 18th St. Miscellaneous. BUNGALOW. New, 6-room stucco; oak finish; nicely deoorated; fine location; near car line. Prloe, $4,000. Terms, $600 cash, "balance montmy. BENSON & CARMICHAEL, ' 642 Pa I ton Blk. BUNGALOW. New, 8-room stucco; oak finish; nicely decorated; fine location; noar car line. Price $1,000. Terms: $600 cash, balance montniy. , BENSON & CARMICHAEL 642 Paxton Blk. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO., Real Estate and Insurance. 1330 Farnam 8t Doug. 1004. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT 3-STORY brick apartment building In Han- scorn Park district brings $2,880 year price, $40,000; Mtg., $17,500; want clear western land for equity. B. O. Nordqulst, 3i3 .Neville Blk. , REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. VACANT NORTH. Have I full lots on Pinkney street, south front t 16th Ave., among beautiful new homes. Priced to sell, can give terms. TRAVER BROS. CO., Douglas 8888. 81$ First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Miscellaneous. GARDEN lots, located south, $125 to $200. no interest or no taxes. Near ear line. $5 down, 60o per week. Phone D. $074. REM ESTATE B'ne8 Pr'pty FOR SALE Hotel and restaurant on main line U. P., In town of 800: only reatau rant In the town; doing good business; will sell reasonable. Address R, Bee office, South Side. WE WILL buy your borne or business property ana pay casn. H. A. WOLF CO., Electric Bldg. Tyler 85 BUSINESS propertlee and Investments. A. P. TUKEY and SON, 820 First National Bank Bldg. M'CAGUE INVRSTM.K'P0 Income, Business and Trackags Specialist 16th and Dodge Sts. Douglas 416. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. Beautiful Dundee Home A REAL BARGAIN This house is all modem on lot $0 ft. by 125 ft on paved street Constructed of brick and stuoco, finished In hard wood throughout. Four rooms with sleeping porch second floor, throe excep tionally large roams ground floor. Price $6,600. Could not be duplicated for $7,600 today. Terms $1,000, cash and $60 per month. For further particulars telephone Douglas 2926, between 8 end 5 p. m. Ask for Mr. Burr, DUNDEE Practically new 7-room home on Burt St., near 61st St. Living room with fire place, sun room, dining room; kitchen first floor; 8 large bedrooms and bath sec ond floor; full basement furnlce heat; south front; 2 blocks to car line. A very attractive home and well worth the money. Price $5,850. J. L. HIATT CO., QnnriRST NATL. PHONE Q TYLER OO 'VVBK. BLDO. WHY NOT START NOW! Buy a good lot In Dundee If you can not buy a home now; 1-10 down; bal ance on monthly payments will secure a good lot near earllne and near school, with all street Improvement In and paid for except paving Installments not de linquent No better place to live: no safer place to. make a residence prop erty Investment Plats, prices and full Information at ' our office. GEORGE & CO. Douglas 756 You can secure a maid, stenogra pher or bookkeeper by using a Bee REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. DUNDEE LOTS Have several well located lets In Dun dee that we ran sell you as low as $1,250. On uaved street, cement walks. Will malie easy terms. ' ' HASTINGS HRYDKN. 1614 Warney St. Phone Tyler 60. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE GARDEN PLOT NEAR OMAHA Ten acres, high, sightly land, with bam and well: It acres In fruit, bal ance plow land and alfalfa. Adjoins Otnaha'a city limits: m miles from street car; olote to paved road. Price $5,500. This would malie a splendid fruit farm or vineyard. The average net profit of vineyards near Omaha Is more than $150 per acre above all expenses. Will furnish vines to plant this land at 3 cento each, which Is less than one tenth of the retail price. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 416-1$ Keellne Bldg. Phone Douglas $90 A LARGE suburban tract nf trriiunft MitmlAm city limits, near earllne. Ideal place to raise poultry or garden. Thla Is a 260-ft frontage for $610; will sell on essy terms Telephone Walnut $46$. REAL ESTATE To Exchange WE have acreage to exch. for home In city, What have you 7 Call Mr. Rrowne. INTERSTATE REALTY CO.. 918-14 City Nat'l. Douglas ?818. CLEAR 160-A. unimproved Jones Co., S. D., for clear modern houae. Seward Bros., $78 Diaaueil in opr. UOUglas 3640, RLJESTATEWANTED WANT STOCKED RANCH OR FARM. Widow has $ five-room houtes, one T room, modern house, one $-room modem house and 2 modern store buildings; all well rented, on paved streets, close to car lines In Omaha; also $20,000 first mortgages; prices are right and property In first class condition. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY, sia Ulty National Bank Building. WE HAVE several good rellablebuyers for 5 and (-room houses and bungalows with $300 to I50O dnwn nail b..i. Co. Tylor 498. 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. WANT good residence; about $0,000. Will pay one-halt cash, balance In good resi dence lots. Box 1792. Omaha Bee. Horses Live Stock Vehicles We will haul your live stork. LIVE STOCK THANsifRn nn M0 Farnam St. Telephone Douglas 2608. For Sale. FOR SALE Three head of big work horses"! five seta of double work harness; one pat ent dump wagon, Omaha Stables, 14th and Howard. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. WE want 100 mortgages on Omaha resU ucuces; iunas on nana tor quick closing. E. H. LOUGEE, INC, 638-40 Keellne Bldg DIVIDENDS of 5 P.ER CENT OR MORE. una uouar starta an account. OMAHA LOAN BLDO. ASSOCIATION. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY W, H. Thomas & Son, Keeline Bldg. H. W. RINHItR. Money on hand for mortgage loans. City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1018 Omaha Nat. Bank Bids'. Dnus. 9718 LOW RATES C. (1. CARLBERO, 213 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D, $85. HARRISON! IORTON. 5Vo 919 Omaha Nat. BkBldg. -: ; CITY ANDFARM LOANS-"! T 8, 6H and Per Cent, 3. H, DUMONT Co., Keellne BIdf. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts. MONEY to loan on lmnroved farms and ranches. Kloke Investment Co.. Omaha. Private Money. SHOPEN A COMPANY. Dbuglas $328. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. MARCH 19. Our next excursion to McGehee, Ark. W. 8. FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. Colorado Lands. ' LOW FARE ROCWTRIP Homesaekers' excursion to Colorado points every first and third Tues days. Write for free farm booklet and epeclsi land-seekers rates for parties of five or more. Immediate possession and eight years' ttms on our lands at $ per cent THB TWIN LAKES LAND AND WATER COMPANY, $ First, Nat'l Bldg.. Omaha. Missouri Lands. ' GREAT BARGAINS. $5 down, $5 monthly, buya 40 acres, good fruit and poultry land, near town, south ern Missouri. Price only $220. Address tioxrss, Springfield, Mo. $5 MONTHLY, buya 40 acres southern Mis- auuri, price iow; rarm, iruit, poultry land; "free list." Geo. D. Williams, Mt. Vernon, III. Montana ands. FOR SALE 2,100 Seres of first class hay and grain land, good wator rlghta, closo to town and railroad; 4S0 .acres In alfalfa hsy; 400 acres plowed ready for spring crops. No waste land on place. Prlco $30 per acre. For particulars call on or sddress E. O. FARNS WORTH,. 1 Dillon Mnntann, Nebraska Lands. NEBRASKA RANCH 1,120 acres 16 mites from Bui well, about $50 acres In several valleys cut for hay; enough broken out to raise winter feed, balance well grained hill pasture (no bunch grass); set of small frame buildings; 2 wells; 2 groves; 640 acrea fenced and croas- fenced. Price 312.60 per acre. Immediate possession. Owner don't need the money and can't use the land. If you can stock the ranch and make a small payment very cary terms will be given on balance. This ranch Is In a good stock-raising and farming part of Nebraska, where lands are rapidly Increasing In value. Any good, thrifty stockman with a little caah or live stock can make this land produce his living and pay for It self In a few years. Anwer promptly don't delay. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 413-1$ Keellne Bldg. Phone Douglas $90. 164 ACRES FOR SALE Combined . stock snd grain farm within 2Vt miles ot Be atrice, Nob. Thla farm of whloh 100 acres is tillable, the balance being pasture and hay land, will be eold at public auc tion at ihe farm on Tuesday, March 26, at 10 a. m., to settle an estate. Possession at once. For further Information write or phone E. L. Hevelone, Beatrice, Neb. 68 ACRES irrigated land, Lincoln county, $M miles from Hershey, rlcn I'latte valley land, all under the ditch; 3-room house, barn, etc.; $ aorea of alfalfa. A bargain at $3,900. One-half cash. Immediate possession. White & Hoover. 454 Omaha National Bank Bldg. - NICE 40-aore tract with Improvements, Sarpy county, between Gretna and Springfield, for Immediate sale; $175 per acre; terms. Good reason for selling. Possession April 1, Address owner. - Box 4448, Omaha Bee. RANCHES of all sixes sfJ kinds, efV terms. A. A. Patimao, $01 Karbaon "OWN YOUR HOME" FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. 1,640 ACRES FOR SALE BARGAIN Alt of section 31-15-61 Cheyenne Co., Neb. $2,000 cash, balance can run 6 yeara per cent. .Make best offer at once. John A Pope. Cedar Rapids. Iowa. b:ClCl TIONALLY good bargain in $30 -acre Improved Buffalo county farm, wltbln auto drive of Kearney. Neb.; $60 per acre C K. DAVIES KEARNEY NK BRA SKA FARM LANDS ARE SURE INVK8TMKNT8. For beat lands at best Vfli-ea write Oepj Antlll. Blair. Neb. WRITE me for pictures and prices my farms and ranches In gbod Old Dawes County. Arab L. Hungerford, Crawford, Neb. Oregon Land. NEW Jordan Valley Project Heart of the range. Clet on th ground floor with 80 acres Irrigated land In connection with open range. You c. n grow stock success fully and cheaply. Personally conducted excursion ever- tr. weeks, (lend for bul letin. H.irley J. Hooker. 810 1st National Bldg Wisconsin Lands. OWN a farm. We have some of the choicest land In the heartof the very best sec tion of the Clover Belt of Central Wis consin. Low 'prices. Easy terms. Writ for booklet and map. John 8. Owen Lumber Co., Owen, Clerk County, Wis. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, 860 per a., Including psld-up water rights. Henry Levi ACM Rylander. 854 Omaha Nat'l. MisctHaneoua $2,200 Down Secures Farm With 26 Cows and Pr. horses, doion calves and yearlings, wagons, buggies, sleds, sleighs, mower, rake, XX grain drill, plow, harrow, har nesses, hay, corn, grain, etc., etc., all In cluded by retiring owner of thla produc tive 176-arra firm in America's greatest dnlry county; 10-room house, big barn, silo, hog and poultry houses; $7,200 takes all, with $2,200 down. Details page 1$. Strout's Catalogue of Bargalna In dosn states; copy mailed free. B. A. STROUT FARM AOENCY, DEPT. $07$, $06 $J. IRth St.. Omaha, Neb. CHOICE FARM. Ntelson. 43$ Ross Bldg. FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with us M yea want to keep It. B. P. BNOWDEN A SON, 43$ , 18th. Doualaa tut. OOOD Omaha Income brlok flat for land. Price $12,000. Mtg. $6,600; Ino. $1,000 per year. 311 Brandels Thea. Bldg. Mr. Pease. Horses Live Stock Vehicle For Sale. AUCTION sale Saturday, March 30, at 1 p. m., Ralston, Neb., 60 head of Hnlsleln and Jersey cows, heifers and bulls. All are from Wisconsin. Williams and Davis, Sf hi t if in Ll l 'fyi'f sv sswiHfl 'fHUft yTi ' I LI1 s fses ff POULTRY AND PET STOCK 60,000 PURE Brd BABY CHICKS, 12 varieties, $12.60 to $13.00 per 100, 8efe delivery guaranteed. KANSAS POULTRY COMPANY. NORTON, KANSAS. "OLD TRU8TY" Incubators and brooders shipped promptly. Big cttslog free, M. M, Johnson Co., Mfre., Clay Center, Neb. MONEY TO LOAN Organized by (he Business Men of Omaha. FUKNiTUKis, pianos end notes as security. $40, 6 mo.. H. goods, total, $3.50. Smaller, larger am'ts proportionate rats. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 483 Securities Bldg.. 16th. Farnam. Ty. 88$. LOANS ON ' DIAMONDS' AND JEWELRY 1 CK. SMALLER LOANS. OCT A 0 W. C. FLATAU, EST. 189$. (0 6TH FLR. SECURITIES BLDO. T'., $60. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Mslashock, 1614 Dodge. D. 561$. Est 1181. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Charles W. Lyman and wife to .St. Adalbert's church, northwest corner Thirtieth snd Wright streets. Irreg ular, approximately, 182x168 ,$ 1 Edwin 3. Whistler and wife to Selma .Dixon, Morton avenue, 60 feet north of Reed street, west aids, 60x120., $,$00 Paul W.'Kuhna and wife, to Cath- -f erlne M, Dowd, northwest corner Thirty-seventh and Speneer streets, 40x110 130 Ida M. Wharton and , husband to ' , George F. Rockefeller, northwest corner Seventeenth and H streets, 85x60 I Grant L. Bailey to Rlvett Lumber eV Coal company, Pratt street, 183 feet east of Forty-fourth avenue, south aide, 40x134.8 1 United Real Estate and Trust com pany et al. to Carl K. Sanderholm, -Rugglea street, 180 feet east of Thlr-ty-slxth street, soutb side, 80x138.. 170 Serena E. Rohan to Fred P. Coyls, Twenty-seventh street, 134.4 feet north ot Grand avenue, east side, 44.8x121 I,$$0 Clarence I. W. Smith and wife to Charles Hiram Ferguson, Franklin street, 30 feet salt of Thirty-fourth street, north side, 40x137.5 .... .. 1.860 Royal L, Stewart and wife to- Frances Holovtchlner. northeast corner Thirty-second svenue and Martha strset, 50x127.6 , $.500 Maurice V. Goodbody and wife to E. Isabel Pollard et al. Thirty-first street, 80 feet south of Mason street, west side, 40x121 M00 SHALLENBERGER TO " VISIT HIS DISTRICT Congressman From Fifth Will Come Back for Visit Early in April and File for Renomination. Washington Bureau of The , Omaha Bee, ml O Street. Washineto'i. March 21. (Special Telegram.) Representative Shallen- berger, acting on tne suggeition ot Secretary McAdoo that member! of congress should 6pend a few day! in their districts, if they can get away from Washington, to heln give the camoaien for the third Liberty loan a start, will go back to his district early in April for a short stay. Today Representative Shallenber ger gave out a statement urging sub scriptions to the Liberty Loan and announcing that while in Nebraska the first week in April he will file for renomination to congress in the Fifth district. Reavis Qeti Commission. Congressman Reavis is a proud father today, having learned that his son, Charles F. Reavis, jr., has grad uated with exceptionally high honors at the aviation school at Austin, Tex., being one of three young men to graduate with the highest honors out of 1,000 graduate. Young Reavis, who gets a lieutenant's commission, will go to San Diego, Cal., for his finish ing training in aviation, but as it is, he is ready to go abroad at any time. John F. Stout and Charles Arm strong are in Washington on, business before the commissioner of internal revenue. . Be Knows. "Are your people here fully awake to the stern duties that this awful conflict has placed upon themT" asked the horse-faced guest . "Yon bet oh a" replied the landlord ef thl Petunia taven. i "ISeerybody that has any j'tsjtp to seJIVhe doubled the price snd more, too." Chicago Post. ASKS SOCIALISTS TO TAKE STAND ON WAR Bohemian Federation, Branch of Organization, Would Have Party Offer to U. S. Loyal Assistance and Support. New York, March 13. A demand that the socialist party of America declare in favor of the war against the central powers and that it offer to, the United States government all its loyal assistance and support against the outer and inner enemy everywhere, is contained in an ap peal addressed to "the socialist party of America," issued here today by the Bohemian federation, one of the party's constituent organizations. Abandonment of the attitude as sumed by the socialists in adopting a resolution at their St. Louis conven tion which contained a declaration that "it is not war against the militarist regime of the central pow ers," is called for is the appeal which says, "development of affairs in Rus sia demonstrated beyond a shadow; of a doubt its untenability." "We have been noting for some time that the stand of the St Louis convention is being slowly but per-; manently abandoned by the most in-; fluential men of our party," says the appeal. "It is but a sort of reaction which is preventing our party from! taking the new course. It will be n honorable act of courage if the so-.' cialist party of America will declare1 its new standpoint openly "and in a way which will quite correspond to its interests, the interests of so cialism, the Interests of the demo cratic world in general." The Bohemian federation demanded that the socialist party ''take a stand, after the example of labor parties in the allied nations, on the side of its'! own country." It insisted that the-,; socialist party should renounce itt declaration at St. Louis that this war ' "is not a war to advance the cause' of democracy in Europe; in all mod-v ern . history there has . been no war ' more unjustifiable than the war which we are about to engage." Millions Suffer. Asserting that i millions . of. . Bo- hemians have been suffering for cen turies under the "frightful regime" of German militarism and that the Rus-' ian revolution was at the mercy of, the military castes of Germany, the appeal continue!: ' ' "We consider it our duty as social ists to urge most earnestly the social ist party in the United States to take, now at least, in the interest of Russia, which is being strangled, an attitude , of utmost seriousness, fully appre ciative of the demands of this critical moment of history, Shall the great revolution that it marching through the world, pass by without the prole tariat of this country entering it as an active, progressive force? "We demand with ' the full weight of our socialist vote, that the socialist party of America declare in favor of . the war against the centra! powers: that it offer this republic all its loyal assistance and support against the outer and inner enemy everywhere, where the social democrats and dem ocratic interests of this country suf fer in any way whatsoever. " " v "Bohemian socialist workers always did and always snail stand firmly upon 1 this principle.1 In the war of nations which was transformed into the great eat revolution of the suffering masses of humanity, we march on with our American nation toward the great goal of a better future, . "German militarism niust be ? crushed because 'the world roust be made safe for socialism and denioc racy,"' ' ' ' 1 The appeal is signed by Tony; No votny, secretary of the Bohemian fed eration; F. Belac, A. V. Vesley and Fr. Z. Vny, members tif the executive committee of. the federation ;. Stephen Skala, business agent of the Amalga mated Garment Workers of America, and others. , . Geiieral. Butler's ; Famous.' Revolving Mulcr Reports from Boston of the inven-t tion there of a new machine gun of the centrifugal type, whjch firelt it its claimed, 33,000 ; shots a' minute,"-n recalls to oldtimers the. first test ever. made of a centrifugal gun, early in the civil war. . It was under the personal direction v of the celebrated General "Ben" v Butler, and a young Brooklyn lieu tenant, named R. K. MacMurray, who' afterward achieved fame as "The ; Father of the Steam Boiler," and as, a consulting engineer of eminence. .? MacMurray, with his regiment, the Thirteenth Engineers, of Brooklyn, ... went south and took station at An- napolis Landing, Md., where General" Butler was in command. Soon after the arrival, art inventor li Washington sent to Butler a. prac tical working model of a. centrifugal gun, designed to revolutionise war-' , fare. The weapon was equipped with a,;i hopper, with channels leading to a j rotary plate, which when In action spun at a terrific speed. Projecting fy from ' this was a cannon barrel, ; ' through which the bullets were shot from the spinning plate. , Another feature was that the entire media nism, barrel and all, was designed to spin with the revolving plate. As the gun was in the mountain howitzer class, another essential ap- . purtenance was an army mule to tote it around and from whose back the weapon was discharged. The entire garrison assembled at the general's invitation to witness the test. MacMurray rigged the gun to the mule, fed the hopper full of bullets f and saulted. "Ready, 6ir," he said. "Fire I" shouted Butler. MacMurray pulled the trigger. For x the next two minutes the Union" garrison passed through an t. ordeal of fire such as not even No Man's Land has shown. .The gun . revolved rapidly. So did the mule. The entire garrison was flat on Us stomach. Butler, who was a short v man; with much dignity, - was not standing on his tiptoes, eithen ; "Stop that mulel" he bellowed." Crouching, Indian fashion, Lieuten ant MacMurray squirmed up to the revolving mule and shut . off the power. The gun was returned to Washing ton with General Butler's compU- t ments.- . . s . Later a centrifugal gun in a mora advanced and practical form, ap peared in the Spanish-American, ' wa . , and it. is thought that the.. present) . . gun is even , a mow efficient lavew tion on the same prfncifle, -7 '-"