Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1918, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 22, Image 22
THE BEE: OJIAHA, ABIE THE AGENT V I GOT SOU IM Mi "-AND NEVER FCRQiT VOUB MEMBER-NWJ MUST COMt Tt) H SW, AWE, I'M HOW NOV) GrOlisft Bp ICKrl AAA. WGHT -ftli ft GOT fr CftMF FnB Mib CONDUCT TCS ft BROTHER MEMBER'- UAJ1VJ A pom aME IN For wiws Fop. THE wiTlfVTlPN TONVGjftt! AStsmNCE KT AU TIMES, aw e) a U)W member OK A N HCU&H -CM WU?E HR&vMwt3 AMD NEVJtKTAYCt? Krr OftTtt'ttJ rVJ& H&m xtxE hXNhm&.. or OVER? VOVCGR PlANER? EtEWlAfiC OF HIM IKi MN UNtCR-l N.TWtOVU THAN"-- (fcUB) TttRfc B8WWL'. JOV rTOMlwETO rWta. ' THl- WW 7" t Copyright mi. International Mown ; Service. DRAWN FOR THE BEE BY HERSCHFIELD r v Want Ad Hates iCaah With Onto.) I Me per wosd each Insertion ) par orti (or thrM consecutive Insertions la per word (or web addition! iasertioa Ne ad take fa bes thsn a total of tOe or loaa thaa 10c par day. . . ? CHARGE " l par lino (eoant I words to Una) one tlma 8a par Una each time, t consecutive tlmaa n i . l ia . 1 a l IV yer linv ncn timr, ov cvnsTCguri lima. SITUATIONS WANTED tie par line. pet week CARDS OF THANKS AND FUNERAL NOTICES lOe per Una each Insertion (Minimum Charge, (0 Cent.) Contract Kates Oa Applicatioa Tor eonvenlenee of advertisers want ada will ba aoeertad at the following afiieaai MAIN OmCX Bee BnOdlng Antes wiree ..alio North lata St. LakaOrfieo .....1616 North E4tb St. Faat Office (611 taaranworth St ww vuwdtn in iigru vca South Side... , ISIS N St. CouneU Blaffa .....14 Mala BU North THE BEE wfll not be rupomible (or ame than 'tone inaonreet inaartioA of an ad rertliemeat ordered for mora than one time. ' TTi mt nrr.TPMnw ...... ... n.wMV.. u fV. HUHVI HIH renlentip bring or trad pour ada to any of aoora oiiieaa. tor a want Ad Taker and roa whl raeelve the aama rood aerriee awiTuina; roar aa in peraoa. , PHONE TVtE 1000 - Waal Ad Celumaa Cleea ' Eraninr EditKne..,.,.,,..(...,lt:00 M. Momtog Edition!...... ......;16:00 P. M Sunday EdiUona..lO P. H. Saturday Evening ' 'movie programs Wet 1UNDEK, JANE AND KATHERINE LEE, in "TROUBLEMAKERS." North AWiAMBRA. iTH AND PAtlkSR ' LOU TELLEGEN. In . . THE BLACK WOLF."- HOU8H PETERS, and MTRTLB 8TEDMAN, la "AS MEN LOVE." South APOLLO. TH AND LKAVENWOftfli ELSIE FERGUSON, in "THB RI88 OP JENNIE CUSHINa" AND GOOD COMEPT. ..yMLFF, 6 LEAvENW6Afk DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, ia DOUBLE TROUBLE." I DEATH AND FtTNERAL NOTICE fffcyr'i rlf wnTTToTieTat Am a "eanesaay. Marok 20, Ills. L . ' . .Morse is survived by i'r,Mb"'4 and infant daughter, her i . a .orwin, wray, Colo., Funeral trnm aAO- , termsnt Torest Lawn eernetery. AS?r.H7 ."Tlir5a,ni. two ii.-h ,: .i"n- Thursday. Funravl Rutislaiif Uauk t . from thsrssidenee of his fsther-ln-Uw ugusi rroennow, to ths St. Charles cemetery ,n"t Forest Lawa VipN-aarry c, March 10. illl, aged 61 rears. . , Funeral servlcea will v. Brailsy Dorrance'a chapel, lth and Cuming streets, Saturday. March 22d"lli; ?iwi Jl0?!' , ww,v,,, mioua invuea. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. llrUmAtltonltlaa mrtA U -4- " a.i T"1 . JL'li Pauleen. IJI0 Davenport strsst, boy; Joseph voai, tivs oouth Thirty. . eta-nth itr..i t.... X.z. . i. Watasn. laitT o. . JZ..? wits. 2701 Franklin etrset girl; S. A. and 2ryA BIM, atreet, girl" a. nrewo, svi .ivorttt Fifty aecoifll atreet. girl. s , ,; U"h?--Manillllaa Rodloff, .' U .thnIW,nty;tmh i1"""' Bb' raulssn! u.Vu. . .V "ays ; Arthur O. ?". ' mnj,ni- Benson ; Dorothy E. Miller, 2. 401 South Twenty.flfth avenue; Garfield Tyaarcsyk, 4T. 20T Martha street: George P. Mohatt. 1. Illl rv.ri. ...... ,.iZ L."'."! R trI MlehaerGuerln. 44. .... -m.uiu ana m streets; Mrs. Ella H. 2'1, ".U. Bou,h Tety.fifth strseS Baby Hail, a days, ll South Forty.elghti avense. , MARRIAGE LICENSES. "the rermiia to wed have beea Issued to following! f&i , . .... I, Name and Resldenc. ,; -Agei Floyd1 K. Johnson, Omaha .,,,.7.... 22 Vivian Clark. Omah, .....V. u Shermaa A. Hayee, Omaha tt A. May Taylor, Omaha 4j Uoha Ort bmaha " 41 Mary Rjchtrlck, Omaha ., 2 Clifford L. 11, Omaha ......'.Idvaf 21 Jtan O. Blackmer, Omaha ........over II Arthsr A. Braun, Lincoln. Nab........ 22 Nellie Uhda, Marahalltown, la, 2J Obedlah K. Miller, Camp Cody, N. M.. 21 Ellsfbeth Holly.. PlatUmouth. Neb . 22 CARD OF THANKS.- M E ish to expreea our thanka to our frtends and neighbors and especially -to the employee of the Nebraska Telephone company. Nebraska lodge No. 1, Ancient ee and Accoptyd Masona, and B. M. camp. Modern Woodman of America, for their sympathy and beautiful flowers sent us during ths sickness and death of our ' mother. A. C. Less, H. a Leas. C E. ia, ana r. vscar Btllea WE wish to thank our frleads and neigh" bora for tbelr kindness- and aympathy and the tnary beautiful flovere during the alckness and death of our son and brother, George. Vr. and Mrs C. Jr. , Clauiasn. Magdellne Clause, Maris Clsussea, Anna Clauaaen. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONEiT Independent Undertaksra, 24 A Hsr. D. I IT. 1C. I. DODDER CO. B-un-r-l r..-. F. L Fero, Mgr4 13d and Coming Sta. IPbone Douglas 77. Aoto ambulanee. HULSE RIEPEN. undertakers and em bslmsrs, T01 B. 14th. Douglas 111. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker sod mebiilmer, (411 Famam St Harney 112. CEMETERIES WEST LAWN offers sympathetic service In i' sudden sorrow; perpetual care; no assess- meats: lota oa easy terms. Phone Wai. 121. Lbolcingk(6r wbrk? " Turn t the Help Wanted Columns now. Yoa -..Ml GnA tinnArrA ttf nnsittAna Iiatrrl FLORISTS. rontnll Florlt. LEE L. LARM0N 1114 Donclae St DoUflaa 1311. Hc.NUc.KaUN, IbW f AKNAM. PRKER FLOWER BHOP. 411 8. 16. D. ilOl ROGERS, Florlit, 1 8. lth. D. 1400 BATH. National FUrtat, 1804 Famam St A. DON40HUB, 1(11 Harney. Douc 100. LOSTKPUNDREWARDS OilAUX ft COUNCIL BLUFFH STREET . , mir.iviv i'Aupih 6o wall to call u i tha oftlca of tha Omaha a wonncu uiuira Bireai naiiway company to aecartalo whether they left it in the (treat car. Many articles each day are turned to and the company la anxious to reetore mem ia nw riynimi own ere. FOtjND One lady's blue serge "Hng.nte. an uwnir can nuie.asme oy calling at Bee Lobby Want AdXountar. IF YOU loaa anything and will adrartlea It nero you win aureiy recover li ir euna by an honeet pereon. It yoa flutf any thing of value tha honest way la to ad vertise for the owner. For Sale Mucellaneoeus Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION SALE Saturday, March 23, 1918 PIAOS. TALKING MACHINES, PARLOR FURNITURE, SEWING MACHINES, DRESSERS, BEDS, DRESSING TABLES. WARD ROBES, COMMODES, LIBRART. TABLES, DINING TABLES. CHAIRS, ROCKERS, BUFFETS, BOOKCASES, CHINA- CLOSETS, DAVENPORTS, RANGES, GAS RANGES, KITCHEN CABINETS, REFRIGERATORS, OAS AND ' ELECTRIC FIXTURES. COM- PLBTE SODA FOUNTAIN OUT FIT, TRUNKS. RUGS. CARPETS, . LINOLEUM, LACE CURTAINS, X LINEN, CHINA, PICTURES, ETC. Fidelity Storage and Van , Company 17 SOUTH KTH STREET. (Between Jackaon and Jonea Sta.) BEGINNING 10 A. M. SATURDAY. MARCH 13, Ul. JAMES L, DOWD AUCTION CO., ' . ' - Auctioneers. THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF fUKNlTUKB, RUGS, STOVES ETC, MUST BE BOLD REGARDLESS OF COST. Buy Now and Gat First Choice. The choicest home furnlahlnva elta money can buy. Wa makl a speoialty of oompiete nome, outfits, also botala and rooming bouses. Railroad fars free to all out-of-town buyers within 10 miles ef Omaba on purchases of 120 or more. STATIC lfltRKTTrtBin m Tel Doug. 1217. Cor 14th and Dodge Sta., . . umana. "Ton Can Buy It for Less at the State." ' BAkGAINS IN RTflVR-fl awn IPfinijiTrtam Beds, springs, mattresses, bedding of all kinds, tables, chairs, ehlna and kitchen caoineis, ruts. ana linoleum, 1I2-1I4T N. " at. neosisr hot. upon mi s p. tn. ACTUAL1 TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Full una or rurnitare, gaa ana coal oil stores rugs, baby carriages, trunks, ate. Loyal rum, co., til n. llth. FOR SALE New hlgb-clsss - walnut dreeasr and ORIENTAL RUG bsrgalns, se'lllng all stock w invoics prices, your laat cnance to buy oriental run 111 R lath ct. RUSlTrlght down and get your share of art ainoa oi rurnuure si a sacrifice I0 N. Htb - Pianos and Musical Instruments. A.4IOSPE CO., 1111 Douglaa, have planoa m rent at per month, or will aell on easy terms. i , Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES Ws rent repair, eelj, seedlea and parts ... mu macninep, , , MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CTCLB COT llth and Harney 8ta. )oug. lilt, NurSsrirB. Ssaria' lei) Dlana w-.w, w.w. .ira . . . h . . OHIO seed potatoes. ll.TS per busliel. 1101 Newport Ave. Colfax !2!l . Store and Office 'Fixtures. - v 1TB have .moved, to new location! We buy. sell and make desks, safea, showcases, shelving, eta. Omaha Fixture Supply Co., 8. W. Cor. 17th and Douglas. D. 1724. Typewriters and Supplies. FOR RENT Remington. Monarch iT3 RENT Remington, omnn premier typawrltereT Sent anywhere. Rental supplies bn purchases. Remington Typewriter Compsny, Nineteenth and tpuKiaa aireeis. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. an uiiver I months ror IS. Central typewriter Exchange. 1101 Farnam WE buy, sell snd exchsngs typewriters: guar, typewriters 110 and tip. Write tor Hat. Mldlanfl Typewriter Co., 1404 Dodge. OLD Dutch line ribbon and carbon. Tou try it wore you ouy it from Hlatt.lllO tat National Bank. Tyler 2442. I Miieellanenue. 240.000 good comijton brick, 150.000 firs urira. ino a ioi or netting, hangers and pulleys. All as good as new. , Apply at the Omaha Brick A Tt. Co. yard. Id and Hickory Bts. Dougr 44. Alfred Thomas, Trustee. .04 First Nafl. Bank. CLEAN DRY COBS. H buthela for 12.10; cheaper thaa kind ling, coal or wood for springtime fuel. ...rim ruei to, IKiUf. 4J0.. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathers etee'raei ana maas up in new featber. proof ticking. HOT Cuming. Doag. I4IT. WHISKY and wine barrele , (empty) for aaiav nevins Scbwlen, 416 Felix atreet St Joseph. Mo. KINDLING f.S load. Lumber cheap. tan weoater 461. SWAPPERS' COLUMN Ef!"lNfiaJ TT IT. IM U A iriun evaw vv AS j.smatsa Trads those artlclea of furniture, cloth ing, persona belongings, at, that yoa have no need of. Get aomethlng yoa can use. . Special rata for ads In Swappers' Column 2So for l-Uae adv. I day a and lo par answer for a., lbttera received.. - '"w aqspeguiar rates. ONE first class Singer' sewing macHlde-W . aropneaa, six drawers; for chickens, or what have you. Address Box vimu see, WILL trade. grade piano and cash for nw buio. ucx esio. umihi R.. DIAMONDS Jewelry for rifles, shot guna. awtAtklata Va4aJaa 1S . "fiuiusj. s ituiuaii, lAi Lnuillt. WANTED TO BUY DESKS , DESKS . D)SKS Asw desks, need deeks bought sold and traded. J. C. Reed, i:o: Farnam, D. im. WANTEP TO BUY wiuTRn Tn hitv I A RinTMfl VnPBI! Not Over I or t yeara old and ehould not weigh over 1,100 pounda. Telephone Douglaa 2920 and advlae where and when may can o ace animal oirereq. JUNK and aecond-hand furniture. Epatela ana wisbiatt Web. 1180. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON. elde, knife, eunburet, toz pleating, covered- buttons, all alzea and atylra; hemetltchlng, ptcot, edging, ye- lei cut worn, ouuonnoiea, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. S00-108 Brown Bldg. Douglaa 193 UEMSTITCHINO PLEATING, BUTTONS. G. U. VanAraam Pleating Co. IM-T Panton Block. Phons Doug. I10. Baths. LafiEI.LB B alh InalltlltM MlaAtrlA nlaln oaina; maaaaga ot all Klnda; expert at- lenaanta. loue narnev. uouaiaa Toea. MASSEUSE, batha, manicuring, phyalcal suit Miss walker, Z4 Neville Blk. Brass and Iron Foundries. Paaton-Mltchell Co., Ifth and Martha Bta. Billiard Parlors. Private tables for parties at Holmea'." Baggage and Express. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY win naui averytning tor you. Fackagea leea than 20 lbs., 16 cents. Doug. V4tl. THE ONLY WAYUi? itlBi UMAHA TRANSFER CO Carpenters and Contractors. LE8BARD A SON. 80U Cuming. Ty. 1622 Chiropractors. Dr. J. C. Lawrence. Baird Bldg. D. nil Dentists. Taft's Dent. Rmi.. ion Rots Bldg, D. Dr. Brsdbury. No pal.N 21 W. O. W. Bldg. Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING By day; work guaranteed. T.l.a .AAJ TD DRESSMAKING, Mies Sturdy, Douglas's!?? TERRY Dressmaking Co.. 20th and Farnam. COMPETENT dressmaker by day. Har. 4(11. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, 112 Neville Blk." Evidence eecureq in an cases, Tyler 1121. Lumber and Building Material SAVE HALF on beams, columns, brick.- H. Gross Lumber snd Wreck Co. Web. Idl4. Fixtures and Wiring. DTTRinN Electrlo washing mi turning ot. uoug. Hit Hairdressint:. , NO WA PRICES st Madam Wllaon'a "hair drssalne? narlora. Vaf m.inm i. a poo, eurled and dressed,' lOo. Glve'ua a iV J... ni soap, aeiott iJouglas St Phone Red 1870. Insurance. NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE - ... INSURANCE COMPANY, . I12r14 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1S1I. Kodak Finishing. FILMS developed. lOo a roll; one-day aerv Je. Kaae Kodak Studio. Neville Blk llth and Harney. , . Jewelry. DIAMONDS w py b,t prtoe .with s-rAaT.lUWliyOnrlvilece to huv TtarV at email profit GROSS. 401 N. llth 8t Medical. PILES," fistula and other rectal dlaeaaea cured without aurglcat operation.- Cure guaranteed. Write for book on rectal dla eaaea with testimonials. DR. B. R, TARRY, 240 Be Bldg. Omaha. Osteopaths. 55! MART. HI U,'R.Q.aMV Tl.. ,bca - .... . . . .j. v. ...v, 114 oranoeii piqg. Kes. fhonew 4741. Oxy-Acetylene WeldingT EXPERT) Vvri.niNn nn m. H. W. LEVERING. 202 & llth St D. 2571, Patent Atjorneys. STUROES A 8TUROES. U. a and foratan pateftts snd trademarks, 280 Bes Bldg. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and aold. Inter- nauonai raient vo., t.83 srandela. D. 611. Printinar and Office Sunnlioa. W, r r ators-Barnhart Ptg, Co., 524 8. 13th St Plumbing and Heating. TOPP eV CO., 1716 Vlntoa atreet Plumbing . pnimi;' general repair work our apeolalty. Oil burner experte. Tyler 1112. Piano Tuning and Repairing. THATCHER, CHA8. H., 1901 Harney, Doug. irrt tuning ana repairing. Pianos rebuilt and Paiiai.i.. ... . W. R. Dalbey, piano tuner. Douglaa H7." SltesT" SAFES BARGAINS. 1111 Farnam. J. J. Derlght Safe Co.- Tailors. v Dledrlck. P. W.. 211 8. 10th. Tailor. D. 143J, Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S. llth. D. 121. Trusses. CLECO COMFORT TRUSSES. rated Perrectly by Experts. Ths W. q. Cleveland Co., 1410-11 Ha Harney 8t Voice Culture. Albert Hebe ratro Basso cantante. (earner of singing, technique and repertoire. Stu dlo, 481 Securities Bldg;-Tyler 246T-J'. Wedding Stationery. n EDDINO announcements and orlntlna. Douglaa Printing Co.. Tel. Douglaa 144. AUTOMOBILES QUALITY USED CARft- atudebaker-Wllson, Ino. Wa have tbe best bargatna. Sea ua at eace. Harney ITL Farnam and 16th Ave. RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; large stock used radiators on band. Maahed fenders and lamps re paired tike new. Highest prices paid for Junk radiators. OMAHA RADIATOR. TIRE 4 AUTO WORKS. lilt Cumin I St Omsbs. Neb. NEW liglx Mitchell, six eedan, I1.2S0; Allen two-passenger, ogo.v several used tracks at bargain prices. One 1117 Ford touring, 1360. ;. STANDARD MOTOR CO, - 210 Farnam St Carl Changatrom, Manager. RlLSEY "Streamline" body makes old Ford new. Sol 8. Ooldstroin Co.. distributor, 1T Farnam street Telephone Harney 464S. FINE ASSORTMENT Fords, Maxwells, Overlands, Bulcks, Chsvrolets and Batons. All In A-l -condition. Meeks Auto Co . new location. Mid dle State Garage, 2021 Farnam St., Doug laa 1290. . GOOD USED CARS, our u SMITH. llth and Farnam Bts. Douglaa 1170. BATTERIES . CHARGED AND REPAIRED Ever Bead Battery Station, 1101 laraan. AUTOMOBILES WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1210 Farnam 8t. Douglas 4070. QtlAMTr tiSTon rana TAN BRUNT AUTO CO., 2040 LEAVENWORTH ST. ALL klnda of care for hire, with or with out driver, by the mile or by tha hour. Forda, lOo per mile. Douglaa 7190. Ne braska Service Garage. CUMINO GARAGE, 2415 Cuming 8t. D. 2822. Storage, day and night -ervlce, carbon burning, welding, general auto re pairing. BARGAINS JN USED FORD CARS . jucaiircy motor t-o.. lllth and Jackson. Ford Agents. Doug 600 BARGAINS in uad rmrm ORR MOTOR 8ALES CO., 40th and Farnam. Harney 414 WANTED FOR 6POT CASH, 100 USED vAtia; quick action; no delay. Acto Bx chanre Co. 2107 IFarnam fit 'n.nv aon NEW Ford cars for aala, monthly payments it aeeirea. Answer strictly confidential. .pox wo. Bee Publishing Co. OAKLAND Renal hi. Hi. MARSH OAKI ' ND CO., 2200 Farnam St A FEW 1911 Ford touring cars. One used ii7 rora touring. 4001 S. 24th St bo. 4210. WE BUY, SELL, REPAIR FORDS. n jimmy, vovg. iD zsis nam y Bt MUST aell speedster at once, Al condition. omumey, nirney Auto Bodies. now is The time to paint y6ijr autu, WM. PFEIFFER AUTO Si OtR RIAOB WK8 2525 Leavenworth. Ty. 101. Auto Tires and Supplies. GUARANTEED TIRES ONBT HALF PRICE. ' ' 2000 Milea Guaranteed. 20x1 17.75; 10x2 28.76; 32x2H 110.25; 23x4 112.25; 24x4 112.25; 36x4 H 115.60 Write ua today for particulars. AGENTS WANTED. . Expert Radiator and Tire Repairing "2 IN 1" VULCANIZING CO., ' 1511 Davenport St Omaha, D 2914. v - FORD TIRES. 10x2 t 9 45 10x3 H 2,000-Mlle Guarantee. THE TIRE SHOP. 8612 Farnam St. Douglas 4172. TIRES AT HALF PRICE, ALL ' SIZES NEW 20x3 Flrestons, 18.00; Ford tubes. 12: NEW IOtIU. Non.nkM vi .An-. en KAIMAN'S TIRE JOBBERS, 1721 CUMINg! SAVE ED PRR 7T0N'P CiH vniTB Tini". G. O. Tlrs and Vulcanizing Co., 2415 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-W. TIRE price wreckers. This is no 2-ln-l tlrs. wamwAiiUM Tints FACTORY. 411 8. 13th. Agts wanted. Omaha, Neb, BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatlo tlrea and eliminate your tire trouoies. foweil auppiy Co., 2051 Farnam St. Auto Livery' and Garages. RENT a FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF. 10s a mile, ISO per hour minimum charge (EXCEPT Sundaya and holidays.) ' FORD LIVERY CO.. Douglas 8622. 1314 Howard St Auto. Repairing and Painting. PHONE HARNEY 2907 for auto UBL.AX MEAL, W. Farnam Garage. I62Z Farnam. Now open. Give ua a trial. EDWARDS, E. 8., 2111 llth Bt Web- ater 1102. For beat reaults with repair work consult us. Starters and Generators Repaired. AUTO ELECTRIO SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto. Ill 8. llth St Douglaa 6483. We repair any atorage battery, guaran teeing aame for alx months. OMAHA BATTERY AND SERVICE CO., 2212 Barnsy St . Tyler 2324. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army fhduetriat Home so Helta your old clothing, furniture. msga alnea. We collect - We' distribute. Phone Doug. 4126 and our wagon will call. Call and inapect our new borne. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge 8t OMAHA Bath Inat Electric steam or tub baths, massages of all kinds. 221 Neville cik.- uoug. -jSBi. istn ana Harney sti MISS FISHER, aulphur. ateam batha and massage. 371 Bran. Thea. Bldg. D. 1669. MAE BRUOMAN. acientlflo masseuss and batha. 203 Karbach Blk. Red 2727. VAPOR and tub batha. Maasagea of all klnda. Rm. t, 1501 Harney. Pour. T04I. Manicuring (Healer) and scalp treatment. ror approt. can nar. Hi.o. ijgj narney. PRIVATE licensed maternity home. 4411 N. sstn to. rnone i;oirax rati. MECHAMO-THERAPY. Massage. Miss Halran. 222 Neville Blk. BATH and massage. 1802 Farnam St, Boom s. t-none uougiaa bidi. Manicuring and mags. 1123 Farnam. R. 19 MISS WEST, manicure, mass.. 110 N. 17th. SCIENTIFIC mass. 611 Psxton Blk. D. I37L MEDICAL WHY SUFFER! Latest and moat Scientific Treatment for All Dlaeaaea. Dr. Charles Barnes, 612-22 8ecurtles Bldg. Examina tion and Consultation free. . Ha is reliev ing thousands. WHY NOT TOUT Delays are dangeroua. If yoa can't call, write. ' Hours: a. m. to S p. m.. 7:80 to HI evenings. Sunday. 11 a. m. to 1 p. tn. RUPTURE . successfully trested without a surglcsl operation. Call or writs. Dr. Frank H. Wray. 301 Bee Bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Grocery store doing an exceptionally good business. West ern Nebraska town of 7,000 popula tion. Situation is the best in town. Good chance for increase in busi ness. Can state reason for selling to interested 'parties. Box Y 450 Omaha Bee. FOR SALE. Blacksmith ahop. Including stock of jnaterial, tools, fixtures and machinery, all modern and up-to-date, loeatsd la thriving town of DO people la Bast Cen tral Nebraska.. Oa account of poor health, this will be eold at a saerMlee by tbe owner If deal made eooa. Here is aa op portunity to acquire a good established business at a bargain. Apply te A. A. Jenaen, Dannebrog, Neb. FOR BALE Restaurant, stock add fixtures at Clarke, Nebraska, including good soda fountain and equipment Good opening; for right man. Terms and prleea right for quick sale. M. CHAM BERLIN. Clarks. Neb. FOR SALE BARAGE AND REPAIR .BUSINESS. Excellent location, dotrtg good business: a anap it sold at once. Box 4410, Omaha Bee. MOTION picture machine bargains, new and . rebuilt fully guaranteed. AU supplies. Omaha rum Exchange, 101 Soutlt 141 St BUSINESS CHANCES " OPPORTUNITY I am now offering at par fyOO per share a limited amount of tbe Guaranteed Preferred Participating Stock of the SKINNER PACKING COMPANY of Oma ha, Neb. Thla company is backed by some of the leading business men ot Omaha and ia un 'dcrthe personal management of the Skinner Brothers, who operate the Skin ner Manufacturing company, the world's largest" manufacturers and diatrlbutora of macaroni products, snd ths specialty lines of .the SKINNER PACKING COMPANY will be marketed under the present na tionally known SKINNER quality trade mark through the preaent national" aales organization of the Skinner Manufacturing company. TheBKINNER PACKING COMPANY s organized oa a high grade basis and there Is not a dollar ot promotion atock. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PROFITS OF THE PACKING BUSINESS. Morria Co this. year, paid ovsr 180 per cent on their capital stock. N Whlls ths preferred stock of the SKIN NER PACKING COMPANY calls for only an I per cant dividend, the best authorities satimate that their plant will earn an an nual dividend on their entire capitalization of over 30 per centand as each share of the atock In the sompany participates squally In the profits, this stock should be on a 30 per cent dividend paying basis within a very short time. Entire capital isation only $3,600,000. Omaha la tha world's second largest live a atock market; $192,000,000 of meat products were packed here last year which represented but 10 per cent of live atock hipped to this market. " Ths operating by tha SKINNER PACK ING COMPANY ot Omaha'a Daylight Snow White Independent Packing Plant will retard the trans-shipment of live stock at thla point which will mean a great economic aavlng. THE TIME IN WHICH TOT CAN TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE THIS STOCK AT PAR IS LIMITED. Wire or write at once for further par tioulara and atate amount you wish to in vest so sams may be reserved for you. Addreaa ma personally; P. D. Askew, Manager, Financial Department, Suite, ' 111 B, First National Bank Building, Omaha,' Nebraska. DRUG stors for sale. Part cash. Sales $18,000 year. Becker's pharmacy, Hum phrey, Neb. FOR SALE Meat market; fine business. Writs quick to Box Y-456. Omaha Bee. RESTAURANT Soft drinks for sale. Fine business. G, Romatedt. 803 S. 13th, Omaha. BUSINESSES furnished and eold. All states. r. v. Kniest, tiee Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Motorcycles and Bicycles H A- R L B Y-DAVIDBON MOTORCYCLES Bargains in used machines. Victor H. Rooa, the Motorcycle Man, 27th and Leav- nworm. V SITUATIONS WANTED Male. HAVE you an opening tn your bank for a , young married man who wanta to get into tne banking game In a email town where he can learn the business. I have had cashier, general office and newspaper experience, and can give references ss te, ability and character. Box I860, Omaha Bee. , . EXPERIENCED dry goods elr rk open 'for position; married man; past draft age; 15 years' experience; good window trimmer and atockkeeper; capable ot manager. Beat of references. Box Y-456, 'Omaha Bes, YOUNG man with fivs years' experience de stres position ss time keepeja or' construc tion clerk with construction company. No objection to leaving city, BoX)4141, Oma ha Dee. SITUATION wanted by comp., exp. grocery clerk, who ia also a capable window trim mer and card writer; ret.: married. Ad dress R. E, Thompson, Coliseum Hotel, Hutchinson, Kan. MARRIED man, with wife and rhlld. wishes position on farm; separate house preferred. Box 4484, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED chauffeur, gardener, and machinist wishes position. Pete D. Mare, 1441 South 14th St . TRUSTY MAN wanta Job as watchman; aged 52 years. Telephone Webster 3842. ELECTRIC carpet cleaning; window cleaned, etorm windows removed. Doug. 6364. Chauffeur wants work in private family or truck driving; Phone web. 4127. YOUNG man wanta position ss collector. Telephone Colfax 2172. Female.' WANTED-iiA position aa. housekeeper or with a small family, by a young woman with 1-year-old boy; city references. CoL 237Q, 6418 North 2Sd Ave. MIDDLE AGE HOUSEKEEPER with ret. wanta place In wldower'a home or on ranch. Ty. 1241. POSITION as housekeeper for elderly couple or widow. Box 4081, Omaha Bee. TYPEWRITING at home. Exp. typlat Ty. 1285-W. Laundry and general housework. Tyler 2167. Laundry and Day Work. ' EXPERIENCED laundress, washing, lronlflg and housework by dsy. Satisfaction gtvan. wk lias. WAHlKO--&ouga, diy or BaUheSVblaaksta aad ciirtafas pecisJty; .soft water. WsX 481. CTJLORED lady wVb. fel wants plate er 4 days each week. Webster 46IL hUNDLS waattisg to take home; work guaranteed, w abater 4309. RELIABLE oolored woman wanta day work. Lula Moody, web. iti. . HOME LAUNDERED, rough, guaranteed. walnet 27s. BUNDLK waahing. roCTh dry as flhTaned. Red If 72.' Exp. lady wantl bousecleanlnf and laanCry. Doug. SSTl. DAY work and bundle washing. Web. 1083. BUNDLE washing' w.nted. Walnut ttll. CURTAINS laundered; w'k guar. Kar. 2110. Colored lad waats ear work. Har. 1406. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices.- WANTED Young man below draft age for assistant cashier and bookkeeper in Ne braska bank, small town, experience not necessary. salary jtu to 60 to start aiso maie stenographer with banking ex perience for llowa bank.' Good salary The Charles E. . Walters Company, "The Bank Position Specialists," 1424 First National Bank BJdg., Omaha, vYOU MEN WHO HIRE AND FIRE Advertise for ""help" the aame way you advertise to sell merchandise, and the difference in returns will surprise you. ' The next time you need help call Tyler 1000. A trained and experienced ad taker will assist you In preparing your advertisement SIX STENOGRAPHERS. 150-175. uirice clerk, experienced, $65. Typewriter operator, 165-175. -Comptometer operator, $65. Three dlntanhnn. nn.-..n-a fee t.f THE MARTI SERVICE. 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED. IMMFDIlTFT.V Vt.n ror railway mail clerk examination April "i goou entrance salary and rapid ad ,vancement For Information write. Inter otate Bchools, Cedar Rapids, Ia. THREE STENOGRAPHERS $60-$125 TWO TYPJST8.'. $76-$90 THREE SHIPPING CLERKS. .$45-160 THjS CANO AGENCY. 600 BEE BLDG. - ALL KINDS )FFICE TQSITIONS OPEN. THE MARTI SERVICE, 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Yiung men to work In atock 4-oom. Appiy to OMAHA WALL PAPER tu., 1113-17 Howard St. Bring references. BOOKKEEPERS . . . .$125-$100-$90-8O-$76: STENOGRAPHERS $U5-$100-$90 WATTS REP CO.. 1138 lar v.m TEMPORTARY office clerk, $80. ' WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. Professions and Trades. WANTED We can use a limited "r.un ber of men between 21 and 40 years of age as CONDUCTORS AND x 0 , MOTORMEN. Steady, healthful em ployment. - Must be physically sound, of good character and habits and come well 1 recommended. , Apply in person at of- fice of superintendent of transportation, Room 205," second floor Merchants National Ban,k building. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. COLORED PORTER WANTED, I One who can wash cars and sssist In shop. APPLY 2569 Farnam St. . . 2 or 1 steady married men who lva in . Omaha. . . . .OMAHA BOX CO. EAST OMAHA. . 4i WANTED First class men to lay out sash and doors snd operate iholder machines. Also experienced bench men. Address Cen tral Nebraska Mlllwork Co.,' HasJUnga, Neb. v. WANTED At once a -harness maker over . draft ago, capable ot running a Landla ..machine. - One that wants a- steady Job the year round. Pleass state wagea wanted. 511 Central Ave., Fort Dodgs. Ia. WANTED Truck driver for Ford car; must know ths city thoroughly and corns well recommended. Apply OMAHA .WALL PAPER CO., 1113-17 Howard St. MECHANIC WANTED Must be first class repairman; write or ' apply In person. MANDEL AUTO REPAIR: COMPANY, Sioux City, la. s NEW ahop wants experienced tlrs repair man; give full particulars aa to, wagea and employment Box 4362, Omaha Bee. REGISTERED PHARMACIST Wanted, -top wages; no one afraid to work to apply. Box Y '448 Omaha Bee. WANTED Experienced druggist Must be thoroughly competent Address St Jo seph Drug Co., St. Joseph, Mo. WANTED Country trained, all round printer, good enough for foreman. No booze. Write particulars. 8entlnel-Post Shenandoah, Ia. BLACKSMITH Good all around man. steady work. State wages wanted. M. H. Mat thlesen. Superior, Neb. EXPERIENCED automobile shop men. Ap ply to foreman, Peltoa's Garage, 220S Far nam St. ' i rWANTED A coat and bushel man at once. C. F. Struts, Atlantic, Ia. WANTED Ten carpenters, finishers; 64 cents per hour; new hotel, Franklin. Neb. LEARN barber trade, low rates now. Call or write Barber College. 1124 Douglaa St WANTED Gordon press feeder; permanent position. Superior Printing Co., 4120 8. 14th WANTED Upholsterer for furniture depart ment Box 41405 Bee. .. .. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN WANTED BIG OPPORTUNITY FOR A FEW GOOD SALESMEN WITH CLEAN REC ORDS AND CREDENTIALS; EXPERI . ENCED . IN SELLING STOCK. INSCR ANCB AND ADVERTISING. OUR PROPOSITION IS BACKED BY MOST PROMINENT BUSINESS MEN IN IOWA; IF YOU ARB A $5,000 MAN TOU CAN MAKE 110.000 ON THIS PROPOSITION ; CONDITIONS HERB ARB MOST PROS PEROUS. ADVANCE ARTISTS- ARB NOT WANTED. FOR FURTHER INFORMA TION WRITE OR COMB AT ONCE BE FORE TERRITORY IS ALL ASSIGNED. W. E. LEVEY. SALES DIRECTOR. 710-711 SECURITIES BLDG. DES MOINES. IA. WANTE D EXPERJXJfCED SALESMEN FOR BILK DEPARTJtENT. ABBO BSV BKAL SALESMEN FOR OROCbYRY Dt--PARTMWNT; STEADY POSITIONS AND anon waoxss Tn rovrpiTCKT pen. HA APPLT TO SVPBItWTgNPzeyTf HARDEN BROS. V MANAGER U ton ST capaSts et or. gahlttg add managing a sales force of from 10 to' 10 men. get in touch with me, I will convince you thst my proposition Is - right and your income will not be less than $5,000 per yesr. No stock insurance or. real estate proposition, but a "war baby." Call or write H. E.' Christian, room $, third floor. Odd Fellows Bldg., Council Bluffs. Ia. Phons Bt WANTED Experienced casket salesman ' for large eastern company manufactur ers ot a full Una to cover state of Ne braska, aad pert of Zowa and, Missouri Bos X 4IL Ozaaka Bee. ,. - , HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED f e , Six stock salesmen to see stock in a well established corporation. G. H. LYNCH, i 350 Omaha ftat'l. Salesman Sales manager for Omaha territory, In surance or stock and bond man, expert enced; general manager will be at Fon tenelle hotel all thla week, room 101. Thla la a splendid opportunity for right man, aa it will mean a permanent profitable connection, -Salary and commissiok. Call in person with reference and ask fnt Mr. Sayles. a Sales Manager, Central Fuel, Light and Power Co., , Room 901 Fontenelle Hotel. LARGE manufacturing concern doing a na tional business with grocery trade through jobbing channels has northern Nebraska territory open with Omaha as headquarters Position pays salary, travel ing expenses and commission. Applicant must be experienced specialty salesman whose past record has shown results. Give age and full particulars in reply to ob tain consideration. Address Box Y 460, Omaha Bee. SALESMEN Men ot ability and character who can qualify on a real proposition. Tha demand tor our commodity is created by the government under the War Income Tax Law. Our men are all satisfied with their Income. Are youT' Call or write H. E. Christian, Room I, third floor. Odd Fellows Bldg.. Council Bluffs. Is. Phona 628 WE have an exceptional opening for a spe cialty aalesman, who is experienced in' selling direct to the user and who is ca pable of appointing epunty" agents, the Kerrlhard Co., 617 Bee Bide;,. Oirmhn. WANTED. EXPERIENCED SALESMEN -fN ill-'N'S HAT DEPARTMENT. PERMANENT PO SITION AND GOOD SALARY. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT B".N DEIS STORES. SIX STOCK SALESMEN TO SELL .W 8 PER CENT PREFERRED PARTICIPAT ING STOCK IN AN ENTERPRISE Ul' MERIT NOW DOING BUSINESS: 1,1 ij ERAL SALARY, EXPEN94SS AND CC..I MISSION. THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE HX.hH. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALES PEOPI.ll I.N SHOE DEPARTMENT. PERMA.NI.'.'T POSITIONS AND GOOD SALARY. Al' PLY SUPERINTENDENT BRANDUIS SCORES. Trade Schools. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Learn In alx weeks, no books; ejjv to learn; free catalogue. National Auto 8chool, 2814 N. 20tt St, Omaha, Nob. BOTH men and women to learn the barber trade. Special rates. Call or writs j403 Dodgs. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Male cook. Address 3, Bes Office, South Omaha. Boys. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR BRIGHT BOY .;: Apply OUDAHY OFFICE, South Side 1 or .a strong beys who Uvs at bomslCh per day . , OMAHA BOX CO. ' ' EAST OMAHA- WANTED Strong, Intelligent and willing boy or young man to work In sign shop. E. M. Clark, 113 8. llth St.. second floor. BOY or man to work in drug atore. All around work. 12d Ave. and. Arbor St narney M. WANTED A reliable boy to learn the Jewelry business. Albert Edholm. Miscellaneous. WANTED 21 FREIGHT HANDLERS; STEADY WORK; CAN USB II COLORED MEN. CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN RAIL. , , 1 WAI, 14TH AND DAVENPORT STS. Janitor Wanted AT ONCE. Lobse-Wilei Biscuit Co., llth aad Davenport Sta. . WANTED IXPXESS DELIVERtMEN. EXPRESS HANDLERS. APPLT WELLS-FARGO ft CO. UNION STATION, ' ' OR 11.4 8. 16TH ST. .5 MEN Wanted for Shipping Department loose.wilJF bjscutt CO. . llth and Daviaport CUSS MAN SB sanenatandant team ing sad truck delivery coal and buthtlng material. In application must atate age, experience, employment .laat three yeara and three references aso charcter and ability. Confidential if requested. No attention to applicants who fail to comply with these conditions. Permanent place for right man. Address 4103 cars Omaha Bee. WANTED A man with commercial expe rlenee to assist In making adjustments and settling Insolvent estates. Box 44nn YOUNG man II t SiT wua can sat lte ' uw jsos io, ontaaa Sea, V i,- "t' '.MramiiiW ' ! - -i in-, .-.,