Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1918, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 21, Image 21
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1918. Jidelajde Kenherly g Ella Fleishman, ASS'T EDITOR. Strawberries, Rhubarb and Fresh Vegetables on Market Strawberries nice, red, ripe straw, berries, straight from the gardens of Louisiana, brought to Omaha as fast as steam can bring them are on the local markets now. .And the spring drive toward strawberry shortcake has started, for the berries are only 20 rents for a pint box. These are the first strawberries of the season that are of natural and not forced growth They are really ripe and have a good flavor. . . Rhubarb of the real kind that grows out in the sunshine is on the local market for the first time this season. That which was here before was grown in cellars and had a pale color and rather flabby body. But this has a good, honest red color and is crisp and solid.. Green and white string beans from the gardens of the south are here at 30 cents a pound. Tomatoes from the south At 30 cents a pound and hothouse tomatoes, grown around Omaha at 40 cents a pound, are among the luxuries. Aspar agus from California also comes in this Jist It is SO cents a pound. Lettuce, radishes and the like are plentiful and cheap. Cabbage and cauliflower have never been better than now. Beets, carrots, turnips and parsnips of both the old and new crops are plentiful in all local markets. Potatoes are still holding down to low prices, with no prospect of an advance. Canned Vegetables Often canned vegetables need only skillful seasoning to make them as good as fresh. Chopped onio n or green peppers may add a good flavor. Of course, you will not use any canned vegetables about which there is a suspicion of spoilage. Canned corn is Very good when ' turned into a baking dish, milk and reasoning added, and the whole heated through in the oven and allowed to brown on top. Outside stalks A cel ery cut up, a green pepper, or both, added before baking, make the dish more appetizing. Vegetable Chowder. Rice and pkra may be substituted for potatoes and carrots or almost any vegetable may be used. 1 yotatoei. . piece of lt pork. ". carrots. S level tablespoons ' :i onions. flour. I pint canned toma-2 cups iklm milk. toes. 2 teaspoons alt. " tablespoons fat, or a Cut potatoes and carrots in small pieces, add enough water to cover, ind cook for 20 minutes. Do not Irain off the watsr. Brown the jhopped onion in the at for five ninute. Add this and the tomatoes 0 the vegetables." Heat to boiling, idd two cups of skim milk, and hicken with flour. Celery tops or reen peppers give good flavor, too. Spinach Loaf. You can make a small can of spinach, chard, or beet tops serve ;cven or eight people by making into 1 loaf combined with rice or bread . -rumba. Asparagus or string beans ifc also good served this way. can chopped splnacb.I cups white sauce. I cups boiled rice. 1 red pepper. Make a thick sauce of two cups skim milk; four tablespoons flour, four tablespoons oleomargarine and one teaspoon salt. Melt fat and mix with' flour, acid to milk and stir over fire until it thickens. Mix with the rice, chopped spinach and pepper. Form into a loaf and bake 20 to 30 . minutes. Girl Scout Gardeners Mrs. Herbert Hoover, chairman of the District of Columbia Girl Scouts War. Garden 'committee is making . plans whereby every Girl Scout troop in Washington will have a -war gar den which will'be a troop responsi bility. To stimulate interest and in dustry two main prizes will be given for the best and biggest crops at the close of the season. In approval and encouragement of . ttiis project Prof.- O. H. Benson of .the Department cf Agriculture has offered to train four or five of the older Girl Scouts in an intensive gar den course to prepare them to be scout garden directors. The Washington Girl Scouts are also to have the benefit of instruction and information " from H. M Conolly, the Department of Agri culture City Garden association's Washington agent, as well as the help of two other officers of this or ganization. When the Girl Scout gardens are established and the crops have matured, the Girl Scout News demonstration team will step in and help care for the produce by giving advice' and assistance ir the master of canning. Twenty-seven Washing ton Girl Scouts have obtained the Department of Agriculture's certifi cate of proficiency in canning. Money for Defense ' Unique means of raising money for carrying on the work of the woman's committee. Nebraska Council of De fense, are being resorted to by its members. In Red Cloud a hen and a tag day was widely advertised. The original call for the donation of a hen or the price of a hen was changed to the eggs or the price of eggs upon the government order that hens be Chairman of Civil War Veteran's Auxiliary f A A Jr o ii Li Loss of Temper Means Loss of Dollars as Well as Respect Ulvs.JiQpt. Stodda?d conserved. The men were asked to buy tags. In Aurora a "white elephant" town sale was held. Although the request was for "something you are tired of" many sacrifices were made and valu able donations given. One hundred and fifty women are studying at Kansas State Agricultural college to become electrical engineers. The United States Pood Administration Says: The more home grown garden stuff you eat this year the more food you will put on the dinner table of a starving family in Europe. It is up to every foot of American soil to produce as much food as it can. Put your backyard on the honor roll. The man with the hoe must get behind the man with the gun, to beat Germany. Plant a garden! Eat the food you raise yourself and release other food that is needed in Europe. The food administration will see that the food you release is sent where it is most needed.. There's a lot of solid satisfaction in eating the fruit of your own soil, and, besides, it worries the kaiser. Plan to plant this summer and to can for next winter. Food is the most precious thing in the world. How much can you raise this year? Plan to plant all you can, and conserve all you plant. Eat it or can it! The hoe and gun are both needed to win the war. Plant a garden! Plenty in the cupboard next winter will depend on what you plant this spring. . A fine garden is the best war. service a civilian can give. Attention, gardeners! Hoes up! We are out to beat Germany I War food prices can never be low. Plant a garden for economy. Relieve the railroads. Raise food at home. Plant a victory gardfcn. It provides the best fodd at the least cost. It relieves railroad congestion. It saves wh&t and meat for your fighting men. It is the best way to give your spare time to Uncle Sam. The United States is just U S. We are pledged to carry on the fight, shoulder to shoulder with the allies, with men and guns and food. Will youplant a garden and help the fighters fight? Fresh Egg, 3 dozen for $100 Fresh Dressed Chickens, per lb. Fresh Country Butter, -per lb ...34d On Sale Daily, Consumer's Dept., 1116-18 Douglas SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Selected Pullets for brooding $1.50 Each Fancy Cockerels...... $2.00 Each CONSOLIDATED POULTRY & EGG CO. United State Food Administration License No. G-01191. if If 1 Itl alii aUk aVfiaa Every day you can save and satisfy---by serving N VICTORY A CRACKERS , mall, dainty squares of tasty, flavory goodness made of 40 wheat-saving flours At your grocer's 2Qc PfiR fl At yur grocers With plain tops for serving with milk, or cream or half-and-half for serving with fruit salads, cheese, etc. For use in puddings and other baked desserts. With salted tops for serving with soups, stews, vegetable salads, cheese, etc., and for general soda cracker use. For crumbling and using in place of bread crumbs. Use these good crackers at every meal and HELP SAVE THE WHEAT! OTHER ITEN QUALITY WHEAT-SAVERS : For serving with soups, stews, etc.- Iten Corn Dodgers small, square, salty. Iten Liberty Wafers long, double, corn V wafers, salty. You can serve Iten Wheat-Savers at any meal, including all wheatless meals. Your Grocer can supply you with I-ten Wheat-Savers Be sure to get the genuine I-ten Quality Products BAKED AND GUARANTEED BY ' For serving raorning,noon or evening. Iten Com Crackers, Iten Scotch Bannocks Iten Oatmeal Biscuit, Iten Graham Biscuit No sugar required in serving any of these Iten Wheat-Savers, as they are sufficiently sweetened in baking. WAR SAVINGS STAMP Iten Biscuit Co. Snow White Bakerie: BOY MOTHER WAR SAVIRSS STAMP (REG. U. S. PAT. OFF.) United States Food Administration License No. B-04H. By BEATRICE FAIRFAX. . J'AH right; suit yourself! Don't bother about me, I'll do it. It will be a long time before I ask another favor of you, though." The head stenographer flounced out of the of fice and back into her own sanctum. Millie stared after her resentfully. "Now, what right had she to go up in the air like that? I wasn't crazy to stay after hours and help her get out all those catalogues, but I sup pose I might have if she'd asked me different But when sbe comes out and says that she supposes it's too much to ask of me and she knows I don't take enough interest in the firm to give up an evening at the movies to get out their work, I just naturally got riled and said I wouldn't stay." Now that head stenographer might be an office manager or perhaps even an official in the organization, but she can't keep her temper, and that has blocked her own success. Sometimes temper hurts only the individual. It interferes with his health, it costs him friends, handicaps his ability. Do you know that a great many cases of bad digestion come from bad disposition? You can't digest a cup of chicken broth and a piece of toast if you are "all riled up" when you eat them. Temper handicaps the individual, but it does more than that. It blocks the success of an organization. The other evening at a dinner party I met the new manager of big film corporation, a film corporation that has failed and must be reorganized at a great loss. With wonderful stars, good directors, clever scenario writers and all the artistic and literary back grounds for success, nevertheless this film company has failed completely. And the reason is not far to seek. Temper did itl Of course, m the artistic world they ofttn call temper temperament, but the results are the same. , I remember iatching this particular organization take one single scene. Husband and wife sat in the dining room and the maid brought in the morning coffee. The husband was reading the paper and his face was hidden from the audience. So "the temperamental made star" saw no rea son why he should bother with a long, stupid scene in which his face never showed. Someone could double for him. .The "temperamental" female star objected to doing this scene with an "extra" man. Bickering and quar reling over that necessitated getting somebody who looked like the "young wife" in the picture to take the place of the ill-tempered star. Great Loss. Two mornings were spent on that scene two mornings ana a good deal of salary, and many feet of film were eaten up while camera men and direc tors tried to please two stars who didn't know how to keep their respec tive tempers. In the end the scene was taken all over again, with the stars instead of their doubles, and even then it had to be retaken several times because an ill-tempered director so frightened the girl who was taking the part of the maid that she dropped her tray in the first "take," got out of focus the sec ond time, had altogether the wrong expression on her face the third time and was so flustered the fourth time that she passed the tray to the man first instead of to the woman. One thousand dollars and a great loss of time an energy were what three tempers cost the film company for that one scene. I have an idea I know why the organization failed haven't yo'u? To, Equip Women With War Information In order to equip the women of Nebraska with facts with which to defeat enemy propaganda Miss Sarka Hrbkova, chairman of the woman's rommittee, Nebraska State Council of Defense, is urging them to read the educational booklets issued by the government. These booklets may be secured free of cost from the woman's committee headquarters, Bankers' Life building. Lincoln. The pamphlets which are particu lar! v recommended are the following: "the War Message and the Facts Behind It." This contains the state ment of the immediate causes of our war with Geimany. "The Government of Germany." This contains a review of the govern ment that rules Germany and showt why it is a menace to our f ree insti tutions. "American Loyalty." This is a com pilation of statements from Americas citizens of German descent It is in tended for the information of those o) foreign birth or parentage. Flaf Day Speech. "The President's Flag Day Speech' With Evidence of the German Plans." This is the. chief collection of the evi dence of our enemy's world-wide plot ting against us and shows why it it necessary for the United States to re main in the war until he is defeated "How the War Came to America," These are the facts leading to out entrance into the war. Talking, Figures Just figure out how much real substantial nour ishment you receive in a plate of Ice Cream and then compare it with any other dessert. Add the value of your satisfied happiness and you'll agree with us that our Special Tutti Frutti should find its way tojyour table next Sunday., , ! ' !f Compare Troco With the Best Butter You Can Buy at Anyrice , . ' i 1 1 i ' -V". J ITHIS appetizing new product is offered as butter's successor tc J those who heretofore have used nothing but butter, It is made by an exclusive process a process which gnres the. delicate flavor of gilt-edged creamery butter, The more criticat you are, the better you will like Troco. The makers of Troco specialize on this one product They have perfected the method which produces the quality which makes Troco not abutter substitute but actually butter's successor s An Attractive Combination Troco is churned from the fat extracted from the white meat of coconuts the same dainty tropic delicacy you use shredded on cake combined with pasteurized milk. It is as nutritious as butter and even more digestible. Like butter it is energy food of the highest value. You will use Troco in place of butter solely for quality because you rarely find butter so pure and sweet Your dealer will supply you . with a capsule of the vegetable coloring useo by butter makers. But remember, Troco contains no animal oils. And that it is made by a company which makes no animal oil products only; gure, sweet, appetizing Troco. ' " Remember to Specify TROCO i - Ask for Troco by name if you want f& en joy the butter flavor and butter quality which1 other nut butters lack. Your dealer has it or can order it for you. A 'phonporder will bring prompt delivery anywhere TROCO NUT BUTTER COMPANY MILWAUKEE, i WISCONSIN ( PAXTON & GALLAGHER CO., .Wholesale Grocers, Distributors., ' ...... - .