Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1918, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 20, Image 20

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Odelaide heimerl
Ella Fleishman.
You'll never v f
beundecided as to which X .I
1 .beverage to order for self
.V friends or family &fter you've tasted V,'
Not for a single second. Right
off sudden your selection will be
Gund's every time no matter what
time ol lite your years regis
ter. It's different better.
? Try it.
sent heme. Watch how
everybody "goes" for it.
'' To be had wherever
soft drinks are sold,
and that's everywhere.
By the glass bottle
jy Vf ; or case.,,,.. t., M m jy
jf J if Tho Qund Company , -
CU- A v La Croaaa, Wla. JJS3SSSS
if 4fe :S: Si i
' ' 7 'I j J 14th and Leaven. ,M"fBBBW,
ril r BEVERAOC w.
or case.'--..:,
Wheatless Wednesday
c&Tado large
War-Saving Stamps, the topic of today.
A rise, all true Americans, and make a grand display, N
R cserve the extra dollar you were going to spend in smoke. ,
S aving stamps are here to buy, this is no time to joke. .
A merica is the big I-T in this dreadful war ;
V igil watch the enemy keeps on us as ne'er before. r
I ncrease our government's supply of money if you can ;
" N ever such opportunities has been given an American.
. G erman militarism we must quash, there is no time to lose. "
. S end for war-saving stamps right now. How can you refuse?
T oday they are making a big drive for a Million Dollars r more,
A ssist in this noble effort, no matter what you've done before,
M ake up the cash by trading at the Washington Market, and see
r rices so tow, ana values so great,
Shoulder Roast, lb.,..17He, 20c
Rump Roast, lb , . .20c
Prime Rib Roast of Beef, lb. . ,20c
Pork Tenderloin, lb ........ 33 H e
Spare Ribs, per lb. ... . . . ... .15c
Home'' Made Hamburger or Sau
sage, per lb. ......... ,.l7He
Pure Lard, per lb. ..... . . . . . ,30c
Compound Lard, per lb. .... , .25e
Sugar Cured Skinned Hams, half
or whole, per lb. 27 vie
Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon
per lb 34He
,Del Monte Ketchup, large bottles,
per bottle. . . . . . . . . .... . . .25c
Ground Bone, for chickens,' 6 lbs.,
for .,..........!. .25c
On of the Largest Mail Order Houaas ia the Middle West.
United State Fod Administration lieanta Number G-27634.
Visit Our Branch Market at the McCrary 5c and 10c Store ,
Ia the Baaamant. ; '
. . t
alMavw aeaatT f
household arts Dpt
"'am Cote" in Wor Time
Many of us feel that it is necessary
to put aside our tried and true ook
Jxooks until the war is over, and topt
new and strange methods of coot.'rg.
To a certain extent it is truj, t'uat
some things are taboo in every pa
triotic American kitchen; but w ran
utilize m6re of our own recipe Wan
would appear at first thoughts. .
To prove this idea, my high hool
Have a ease
lyr from Oats
r A
Iooseiie3 Riscurr (6mpany
and exceptional quality.
Tomatoes, per can. ... . . . .. . . 10c
Extra Fancy Potatoes, pecV. . .20c
Leaf Lettuce, 8 bunches . ; . . . 10e
Extra Fancy Read Lettuce, 2
bunches for. . . '. 15c
Red Globe Onions, 3 lbs. . . . . ,10c
Extra Fancy Celery, stalk. .Sc, 10c
Strictly Fresh Eggs, dozen. . . .35c
All Brands Creamery Butter, per
lb at ....... i. 44c
Good Oleomargarine, lb. . . . . .25c
Extra Fancy Peaches or Plums, in
syrup, 2 cans. .25c
Karao Soup, all flavors, 3 cans, 28c
. Extra Fancy Strawberries, 2 boxes
T2.L.TYLLR 470
rum m&ct wwr
czKfifAL high school
'. Miss Gross will be very glad to
receive suggestions for the home
economics column or to answer, sis
far as jhe is able, any questions
that her readers may ask.a
classes took a familiar" cake rer'pe
and changed it until it could .'uok
Mr. Hoover himself square m the
facet Cake has three counts aganst
it it used to call for butter, it takes
much sugar, and it calls in general
for white flour. The recipe origin lly
read as follows: .
Plain Cake,' 1915.', '
e. butter. ' ,1 e. flour. ' .'
J c sugar. . 3 l. baking powtbr.
1 eggs. , H't vanilla.- :v , ,;
i c. milk. , " Few. grain aalt;,
. Fat Substitution. ,
The fat substitution was an 'asy
problem, f6r fat substitute ' fa's . in
cooking, while new to the rpa'oi 'ty
of people, have been in use fo- sev
eral years. You may use any ot the
oleomargarines or nut margarines to
be found on the market, using an 'qtal
amount; or you may use any si the
vegetable fats or oils, using on-ffth
less. The reason for using less of
the vegetable fats is that thev are
nearly 100 per cent fat, while butter
and margarine is only about 85 per
cent 'fat. The cooking oils make ex
cellent cakes, though they canr.ot be
handled quite so easily by the n'?ce.
Suet may be used in part or en'.'rely
if the cake is spiced. Otherwise its
flavor is not quite so pleasant in
cake. . ' ' v ' ,.
If one wants to be especially con
serving of all fats, it is possible to re
duce the amount of fat used to, one
third cup, even if margarine is Wed,
and tc increase the milk to two-th!rds
cup. For the fat and milk are related
to each other in proportions as the
one goes up, ht other goes dowA
. i Sugar Substitution.
Sirup may be substituted up to one
half "the amount with excellent re
sults. The only point one needs' to
remember is, that for each cup of ?iuip
used omi one-fourth cup , of liquid.
One-fourth proportion of sirup is
scarcely noticeable, and one-hal pro
portion js very pleasant The rfikw
back to the use of sirup is its cst.
Even in large cans it costs nea. 1 as
much per pound as sugar does, md it'
weighs half as heavy again. S:i that
Substituting for sugar runs M? the
cost of the recipe, , Still one ought
either to cut down "On sugar ra.pes
Get the Benefits of
This New
Benefit in
Food Value v
It's made from the juice of
the white meat of cocoanuts.
3590 calories, or energy units
to the pound Nutritious and
1 ' , Churned by
, Chicago
or be willingto pay the add'.tfcral
price; V- .": ', k ..
Of course plain cake in war time is
unfrosted. it may be baked as cup
cakes,, loaf cake, or layer cake, put
together with jelly or . jam. - In all
cases, the top should go unfrosted. So
far I have not been able to find satisfactory-
icings made entirely, of sirups
or honey. Apropos of frostings, the
patriotic housewife should remembei
that it is. just as disloyal to buy
frosted cake oi cookies, as it is to
make the froiting at home. Incident
ally one should remember also that
frosted dainties will be on the mar
ket just as long as you and I buy
them and no longer 1 .
" Flour Substitutes.
. We tried sut many of the substitute
flours in the plain cake. As I remem
ber it, the list included corn flour,
white corn tfieal, rice flour, barley
flour, potato flour, cornstarch and
rolled ;oats, ground fine in the food
chopper The potato flour and corn
starch were used half and half, and
produced excellent results, though
some 'of the girls objected to' the fla
vor of the cornstarch. Again we find
the practical" drawback, to these substi
tutes, the cost. It may be that potato
flour Vill cost less, if we have new
mills, but at present it is clearly in
the class with luxuries. However, it
is not greatly higher than Jhe best
grade, of pastry flours, and it does
make tfJccelhint cake.
The other substitutes were tried in
one-fourth and one-third proportions.
In the case tf cornmeal and oatmeal,
more than one-fourth made a some
what -crumblv cake, though the flavor
was excellent. The barley makes a
good cake if one disregards color,
which, of course, is entirely masked
in a chocolate or. spice cake. But our
problem was to see what could be
done without any high flavors and col
ors to mask changes.
As a result of our experimenting, a
recipe for plain cake might read now:
. ' Plain Cake, 1918!
w ve. elomargar!ne 1 c. white flour with
,or nut margarine
H o. " mlnue 1 - T,
vegetable fat.
H vC augar I
H e. alrup
c. milk mlnui
3 T.
t. vanilla . . - V
Few gralni i&lt
1 o. earns tare h or
potato flour.
' ' ' or
1 1-J c white flour
with 2-3 c. corn
." flour, rjee flour,
barley flour
; t or
Vk e. white flour
, with H e. cornmeal
or ground oatmeal
t t. baking powder.
A An Equal Quantity. -ood
gracious, Jane, where did
you get that pile of magazines?"
"At the grocer's. His wife is crazy
about continued, stories, and he didn't
know what tc do with the pile," so I
told him when I bought the flour I
would take an equal quantity of these
serials." . : i
Health Food-
s Benefit in
It saves you " almost half
the cost of butter "and we
only ask you to put it to ,
the test with the best cow's '
" I
Democratic Consideration is- - ., '
T Due AH Your Fellow Workers
Make friends with your fellow work
ers. From a utilitarian point of view
of humanity you actually owe then!
a friendly and democratic considera-j
tion.' "And from an ideal viewpoint
perhaps thefriendliness you have to
give may have almost unguessed value
in their lives.
'When Robbie came to our office he
was the sort of office boy in whom
cartoonists delight. Collars and fin
gernails left almost as much to be
desired as Aid his habit of forgetting
two-thirds'of the things he was asked
to do. Robbie was an unattractive
urchin, whom everybody shunned or
snubbed. Then Jimmie Hale came to
work in our place as stenographer to
the chief. Jimmie was an immaculate
soul, smiling, friendly and always
well groomed.
One dav he took1 Robbie with him
for 'a soda fountain funch of, hot to
mato bouillon and sandwiches. After
that the youngster made a point of re
membering whatever his idol'asked of
him and pretty soon he got the re
memberinsr habit."
Robbie began imitating his idol's
manner of speech of dress, and sud
denly he turned into a clean litMe
chap. He worked all these miracles
in himself. And it was because some
one treated him like a human being in
stead of the 'grubby little animal he
The Friction.
You have to live in contact with
your fellow workers at least eight
hours of every day. The friction
which comes from having them block
you instead of helping you is -great.
Th atmosphere which unfriendliness
creates iJ antagonistic, to good work
as well as to mere happiness.
. Friendly fellow workers can aid
you with bits of advice, ancles of vi
sion, crumbs of information all sorts
of little leads which you alone might
never have found.
The good will of the. people you!
woric witn is aisuncuy worm navmg.
Test this. .
Every member ofan organization
does his part toward keeping it
well oiled and smoothly running.
When Mary Jones of the telephone
switchboard is . not 'quite "good
enough" for Betty Malloy and Elea
nor Smith to include in their little
luncheon parties, Mary become more
than an . unhappv girl wlp feels
snubbed. She becomes a worker
whose daily task is unpleasant to her
because of the little humiliations the
other, girls put on her.
Perhaps she leaves the position she
- butter!
Dietribntora -
Omaha ' .
might have well filled; perhaps she
does her. work in a half-hearted man
ner and is dismissed. Betty and Elea
nor do not dream they have cost an
other girl her job I
A little Office.
I know of a little office whose force
consists of a business manger, his
assistant, their secretaries, two other
stenographers, an office -boy and a
telephone opetator. Eight people.
TJie general manager of the com
pany for which they work is always
laughing over the tragic necessity
of raising salaries in that little branch
"They do the work of sixteen," he
told me recently. "And yet none of
them ever seems tired or grumpy, and
if one of them - gets sick the work
goes on as before. The others vet
It out. " It's too good to be true, and
I don't understand it unless it is
that those folks all like' each other
So well and do such good team work
that they pull together in harness
about twice vas well, as they could
working as individuals."
Yes there' lies the secret team
work! Team-work always succeeds
where individual effort is not capable
of conquering. "Team work is the
chain that is as great a3 the sum of i
its links.
Go Back to Simple
life to Win War
If we had not grown so far away
from the ideal that built this nation
we would find saving food a much
easier task. ' ; f -
"From . a little group of frugal,
thrifty settlers, huddled together on
the barren shore of, Massachusetts,
we have grown into a mighty nation,
rich, luxury loving, and spendthrift.
We have r.ct been satisfied with the
simple life of our ancestors. While
they were content to make a whole
dinner of Indian pudding, we mtjst
have at least three courses fdr dinner.
We demand elaborately prepared
food. We have cultivated a taste for
fancy brands and imported products.
We turn up cur noses at fdod grown
in our own locality and select instead
that transpoited to u's from a dis
tance. No wonder foreigners traveling
here have gone back , to their own
countries' filled with tales of our
thoughtless extravagance and waste 1
But now we have a mighty task to
do. ' We must win this war if it takes
our last ouitce of strength. In self
defense, we, must. save. -food to feed
the people who are helping to fight
our fight ' "Even if you can afford to
live extravagantly, your country can
not afford to have you. Be content
wjth simple fare. Buy native, food,
when it is in season, and as far as
possible buy the products ,that are
grown in your own locality.
Go back to the simple life, be con
tent with simple food, simple pleas
ures, simple clothes. Work hard,
pray hard, play hard. Work, eat, rec
reate and sleep.; Do it all courage
ously, we nave a victory to win.
The Woman's Democratic club of
New York City is to hold a Jefferson
day dinner.
New Public Market
Everything Strictly Cash Deliveries on $5.00 and Over.
Pay Cash Carry Your Packages and Help Win the War.
Wa have just received a carload of fancy strawberries direct from the
" " . growers, which wa will place on sale Saturday, at, per box. . . 15c
PIG PORK LOINS, PER LB. :. . . . '.S . . '. . . .22c
CONE LEAF LARD, PER VLB. . . . , . . .... . . : . .2$c
; Wa have the finest and most complete fruit and vegetable department-
in Omaha and are buying . in large quantities direct ' from the
No middle men profits.
Nebraska Grqwn Potatoes, 15 lbs. to the
peck, per peck. .... I. .19c
Extra Fancy Cauliflower, lb .......7ae
Fancy Celery, per bunch So
Strictly Fresh Ef ft, packed in carton,
per doien r35e
Fancy Elgin Creamery Butter, ia pound
cartons, per lb .4Ze
Wisconsin Cream Cheese, lb... ....30c
White Russian Soap, 6 bars far. .... .25c
Sunbrite Cleanser, 6 cans for. ....... ZSc
Fancy Head Rice, par lb 7l,e
Rumford Baking Powder, lb. can.... 19c
15c quality; Corn, Peas and Tomatoes,
per can, at.. ..........11c
Fon't Fail to Visit Our Delicatessen Department The Talk of the City
Chocolate Peanut Clusters, regularly 50c per lb., today,' per lb 35c
Fancy Jumbo Jelly Beans, regularly 40c per lb., today, per lb. ... . ,25c
( "(Service of the Better Sort.)
Mr. E. P. Tinker, poultry expert, will be in this de
partment all day Saturday to demonstrate Buckeye In
cubators and Brooders 5 iicount on all orders
placed that day. ' " t , f ,
pound ................ ......... ..7. ................. . .35c
Saturday, March 23, We Will Open Our
Special Demonstration Saturday on . - .
Coma In Saturday FREE Souvenirs Talk to Our Saleslady.
Best Oleomargarine, special Saturday, per pound. ........ .32c
Main Floor First National Bank Bldg. ; Phone Douglas 2793.
Varied Donations -To
Belgian Refugee
; War Relief Pilt
False hair, dolls and safety pins tre
among many donations sent to the
Red Cross workers who are gathering
clothes for the refugees of Be!um
and northern France. ;
The store room is located -n the
basement of the municipal Auditor
ium. Huge piles of clothing i:od,
bad and indifferent are place j on
the cement floor. The workers are
unwrapping, sorting and packing.
Arthur Guiou and Herbert Wheeler
were placed in charge. ..They fond
that by Thursday they were doing
such a rushing business that they had
to call on the services of the wiinen.
Mrs. Arthur Guieu heads th: wo
men. She has among her assistants
a number of Vassar alumnae mim
bers who have been doing the ave
kind of work with the Duryea P.!?ef
society. ;
There is an urgent need of cars
with which to collect ' the clotdes
Any one who can drive a caKwill fin!
plenty of work to do in this depart
ment. Sorters ana packers are ilso
wanted. Twenty-three boxes of wash
clothes are readv now for shio-nrnt.
1-More packing pases are wanted.
'Among the workers are Mrs. F. B.
Bryant, Mrs. Mame Pierman an.' Mrs.
J. 6. Furstenberg. '
Plan Your Garden Now
"The production of food is going to
be one of the most crucialoccupations
connected with the war, announces
Mrs. Fred Deweese of Dawson, chair
man of the food production, depart
ment, woman's committee, Council oi
Defense, in a message to the women
producers, of Nebraska. "If you can
be assured of making connections
with a consumer, it fs going to b one
of the most profitable activities in
which you can engage. Be sure of
your market by : beingproducer and
consumer yourself. Serve ydur coun
try, improve your health, spare your
pocketbook and better your living by
raising a garden." ,t
Some of the things which Mrs. De
weese advises for immediate garden
preparations are: Secure your land;
fairly level and well drained, clear it
of old vinesplants and weeds and
burn them, and treat with well rotted
manure. Plan your garden on paper,
providing for the constant use of the
ground by using early and late vege
tables. Get your tools in readiness,
buying top few rather than too many.
Study the tool question to avoid mis
Milk Conservation '
In several counties the woman's
committee, Nebraska Council of De
fense is co-operating with the uni
versity extension department in hold
ing -milk conservation demonstration
schools. In these schools lessons are
given in soft cheese making,'-in the
value of milk in feeding children, the
utilization of waste, the production
and care of milk and use of cheese in
cookery. '
PThe National League for Woman's
Service is arranging to' give a great
patriotic food show in New York next
month. , . '
j '
Steer Sirloin Steak, lb....- 221ic
Steer Porterhouse Steak, lb ... . . . .24V,c
Steer Pot Roast, lb . . r. ....... . . 18!sc
Steer. Rib Roast, lb 18V,c
Young Veal Roast, lb lT'sC
Young Veal Stew, lb 12Vtc
Extra Lean Pig Pork Butts, lb . . . ,244o
Swift's Premium Regular Hams, lb . . ,34c
Extra Lean Sugar Cured Hams, lb . .2S'je
Extra Lean Bacon, lb. 41 ',c
Sugar Cured Bacon, lb 34!,e
Sugar Cured Hams, lb 23 ',o
"Sunshine vGinger Snaps, lb .12Vsc
Sunshine Southern Fingers, lb .... . 18Vae
Sunshine Plain Household Cookies, ' per
lb., at ;...,;.nyc
and Nutola
( ...