Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1918, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 19, Image 19

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- I I , - , .1,. ,1- I ! II ..I I , ,- I.
GRdelaide Keimerly
Ella Fleishman,
Firsf Line Trench -Depends
on Strength
Of the Bread Line
"Over the top!" this must be the
battTecry in the "kitchen of every
American home today, as well as the
battlecry on the fields of Europe.
It means that the time of talking
about food winning this war and how
we must save it, is past.
"Over the topi" Get into the real
fight of saving food! Face the enemy,
Starvation, that is invading the coun
tries of our associates in' this war,
despite the efforts of their brave wo
men to check its advance.
These women have put up a splen
did, fight. They knew that their men
were putting all their strength into
beating back tly enemy and they,
their wives, sisters, mothers' and
sweethearts, must face the great
struggle against starvation alone.
Women whose nearest approach -to
farm labor before the war was to
train their rose vines to grow over
their porches and pick fresh sweet
peas to their drawing room tables
are doing the heavy work of a farm
i laborer today. They are plowing,
raising crops, feedingi and tending
live stock, keeping cattle barns and
farm machinery in repair.
Run Food Factories.
Besides the farming, the women.
are practically running the food tzci
tories, keeping them going day and
night as long they can obtain the
raw food products with which to
Down to the last child these peo
ple have learned something that very
few people here in America hav as
yet learned. It is this: the strength
of the first line trench depends on the
strength of the bread line. As long
. as the women can hold the bread line
under the shock of war, the men can
hold the trenches. When the wo
men fail, the men fail.
In their hour of need, the women
of Europe are calling to you, women
of America. - "Over the top!" Into
fight with us against hunger!"
If we are to help them, we must
save food as never before. Where we
' have had one wheatless day in our
wfek, we must put two in now or
better still three or four! We must
remember that every ounce of food
saved is just that much food sent to
our soldiers and the allies.
Government faay Take
Platinum Jewelry
The Women's National League for
the Conservation of ' Platinum is
warning women to prepare for a fed
eral order commandeering rings,
tiaras, bracelets, mesttbags and other
articles of jewelry which have plat
inum in them.
"As our normal consumption of
platinum per annum is 165,000 ounces
of fine metal," writes Mrs. Ellwood
B. Spea of Cambridge, Mass., to the
division on women's war work com
mittee on public information, "and
we have in sight for our war program
21,000 ounces of crude metal, I think
it possible that later the government,
will have to call for tiaras, meshbags,
bracelets, etc. If so, this league will
i j i i i. i . ,,
qo -everyming u can xo ncip.
Women college executites, profes
sors of science and wive9 of scien
tists form the majority of the mem
bership of the council of the organiza
tion, which was organized to inform
v women of the platinum shortage and
the need of this metal to carry on the
, war.
Buy Larger Birds
Because food-saving throws a
heavy burden of consumption upon
poultry products, the Department of
Agriculture advises the public to stop
buying small broilers and squab
chickens weighing a pound or less,
as such birds if kept alive several
' weeks longer and systematically fed
in crates could be . brought "up to
about 3 pounds by the feeding of
buttermilk, sour milk, skimymilk, low
grade grains, and similar semi-waste
food by-productsV Three pounds is
set as the minimum weight for poul
try purchased by people who desire
to aid in true food conservation. For
A stewing, old birds weighing up to
S'ive or six pounds are economical,
A new print is called gros d'Afrique
and is being featured by Paquin.
Our trademark tells the story
of the purity, wholesomeness and
flavor of this delicious nut butter,
t It Is made right from the oil
of the meat of cocoanut combined
with peanut oil, milk and salt
not "a particle of any other in
gredient, preservative or animal
For a combination of practical
economy and genuine goodness
it can't be beaten. It coats fully
a third less thin creamery butter
Pastes just as good (many users
say better) just as high in food
value and just as digestible.
Serve It with every meal and
usd it in cooking. -
V. E. Food Administration License
No. U-18776.
Manufacturers, Minneapolis.
Tour Urocer, Delicatessen Store anA
All Dealers In Pure Kood Products
' Hell the Holiday JJrand.
. Wholewle Dlstrllmtors.
If being in the proper atmosphere
has anything to do with results,
Daughters of the American Revolu
tion Red Cross auxiliary j owes its
success to the fact that the women
work in the army building.,
With ' traditionary gallantry, army
men have surrounded the "Daugh
ters" with every comfort. The latest
bit of co-operation is the establish
ment of the coziest little tea room
and kitchenette where the industrious
ones can have luncheon without even
taking off their white veils and
aprons. ' !
As the noon day whistles blow, the
gauze and muslin is abandoned for
the tea kettle and the sandwiches.
One hour is allotted for the noonday
The tea room's opening is almost
co-incident with the first anniversary
of the workers. Just about a year
ago J. J. O'Conner, head of the cen
tral division of the Red Cross, sent
two S. O. S. messages to the Daugh
ters of the American Revolution, ad
vising them to begin at once on war
relief work. 1 '
Mrs. Walter Selby was chosen
chairman. She immediately organized
the first independent Red Cross
auxiliary in Omaha. They began
daily work in two small rooms. To
day they are established in a room
large enough to accommodate 400
women and Jiave to their credit 35,
000 surgical supplies and hospital
garments. '
Perhaps such a splendid record is
in a measure due to the inspiring
talks which the army men frequently
give to the assembled workers. The
interest in. these war relief workers is
a personal mater with the officers, a
Mis, M
i r
l Youll
circle if
13th and Leavenworth Sts
Schoenhofen Company
Go o d Judgmeni
number of them have wives and
daughters who are enrolled here.
When Colonel Grant urges the
bandage makers to further endeavor
he is addressing his wife and three
daughters, ' the Misses Dorothy,
Helen and Mary Grant.
The wives of both Major Frith and
Captain Faringly are included among
the army women who devote many
hours at this Red Cross center. Any
woman is welcome whether she can
point to distinguished warrior an
cestors or not.
"Willingness to wojk is the only
requisite," said Mrs. Selby. "There is
no fee charged as there was in the
beginning of our work."
The following Daughters of the
American Revolution members act
as chairmen: Monday, Mesdames
J. J. Stubbs and.R. C. Hoyt; Tues
day, Mesdames Walter Selby, C. E.
Hall and E. F. Pope; Wednesday,
Mesdames C. E. Hall, Lynn Kilgore.
Vincent Hascall; Thursday, Walter
D. Williams, J. Von W. Schulte, W. I.
Walker, and Friday, Mrs. Walter
Selby. x 7
Women of the Morris apartments
Red Cross auxiliary cleared $1J5 by a
card party and dance they gave in. the
hotel Saturday night. The proceeds
wil! be used to buy a sewing machine
and supplies to carry on Red Cross
work. The dance was held in the
lobby; cards in the smoking room and
punch was served in the Chine room,
besides which the women sold home
made candy. Mrs. A. J. Cockle and
Mrs. A. J. Hasson had the affair in
Among the newest Red Cross aux
iliaries are the Benson High school
auxiliary, j Miss Mary McNamara,
chairman; Central Park Congrega
tional church, Mrs. George Lorenz,
chairman; Field school, Miss Jeanette
Newlean, chairman; Albright, Mrs. J.
M. McCarthy, chairman; Sunny Hour,
Mrs. J. W. Nicholson, chairman.
At the Thursday night meeting of
the Business W'oman's auxiliary to
the Red Cross, at the Young Wo
men's Christian association, 65 work
ers were present and 1,015 gauze ban
dages were made.
J. R. Pullis, recently returned from
the front, spoke to the women on
the work of the Red Cross in France.
Verdigre is the first town to an
nounce that a shipment of the work
done by the junior Red Cross is
ready. The children have completed
13 sweaters", five pairs of wreslets,
four pairs of scks and 28 wash
cloths. . '
Aj school for teachers who are tak
ing up junior Red Cross work in the
schools has been instituted at Colum
bus by County Superintendent Fred
S. Lecron. "
score 'big in your
you order a case of
Beverage ,
A beverage of real merit rich in strength
building qualities and delicious to the taste.
Edelweiss Cereal Beverage is a "different"
beverage pleasingly different in its invigorating
properties and sparkling purity.
Try it today.
For sale everywhere.
Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas 1670.
Hf ; J
Mi, Iv
liifiu vvmnrv i
Menu of Central High school
banquet at the Blackstone Thurs
day night:
Cream of Tomato Soup
Hearts of Michigan Celery
Queen Olives
Roast Tenderloin of Beef
Mushroom Sauce
Browned Potatoes
Garden Peas
Head Lettuce
Thousand Island Dressing
Ice Cream Cake
Demi Tasse
Why Not Use Popcorn
Instead of Candy?
Use popcorn. Give candy a rest.
Fopcorn belongs to the romantic
period of the open fire and the home
made Christmas of our Pilgrim fath
ers. The United States food adminis
tration has asked us ,to save sugar.
Of course we will, and one of the
ways we can do it is by eating less
candy. Popcorn makes an adequate
The number of people who serve
it is growing less and less. Yet a dish
of hot buttered or candied popcorn
is invariably greeted with enthusiasm.
Try it the next time your friends
drop in for the evening.
For 10 cents a package of popcorn
can be bought which will go further
than three pounds of candy. Popcorn
can be served with milk as a supper
dish and never fails to call forth ap
plause. The parched kernels when
ground like coffee make a very good
breakfast food with cream or top
In preparing buttered popcorn, re
member that a very little butter goes
a long way.
Have you tried sugared popcorn?
A syrup is made, by boiling together
two teacups of sugar and one teacup
of water. Boil until the syrup strings.
Then pour over six quarts of freshly
pooped corn and stir well.
Have you forgotten the delicious
old fashioned popcorn ball? This is
the way they are made:
Si pints syrup (mo-4 tablespoon butter
lansos or mapU). 1 taaapoon vinegar.
I cup sugar.
Cook until the syrup hardens when
dropped into cold water. Remove to
back of stove and add one-half tea
spoonful of soda dissolved in a table
spoon of hot water and then pour the
hot syrup over four quarts ot freshly
popped corn, stirring till each kernel
is well coated, when it can be molded
into balls or into any desired form.
Popcorn can be colored by dipping
into beet juice or any fruit juice.
To polish grained wood, soak a
flannel in a little linseed oil, rub the
wood well, then polish with a dry
soft cloth.
a"'"MnMMMMMMBMWM"' f -,-n B i iimi I,, i M rin1 ""T-rTFTinrTTnisTs
' '''
Buy It With Thought
To buy food with thought means o buy
it with knowledge of food values. There
is a great ditterence between foods, ac
cording to their actual food value in relation to cost.
Many foods with a fow price per pound are so defi
cient in nutritive properties as to be really expensive.
Puritan Hams and Bacon are foods with high caloric
content. There is comparatively little waste in them
practically no waste at all in their preparation.
Ask your dealer for PURITAN.
'The Taste Tells"
If your
Wilhelmina of Holland
Assailed by Subjects
As a War Profiteer
aiEEX WXVHBtrtlftA
Some of the beloved subjects of
Oueen Wilhelmina of Holland are
grumbling at the immense profits out
of the war the queen is credited with
making. These profits come partly
from the sale, at quadrupled prices,
of timber from the royal forests, and
from the queen's share in several
steamship lines, her subjects declare.
The (Dutch, being a notably thrifty
folk, are not grumbling so much at
the royal profits as over the alleged
fact that her royal highness pays no
income tax.
Extra Fancy Strawberries,
Creamery Butter, per lb. kf 41s
Seed Onions, per qt 12V'i
Elkhorn Cottage, Pet or Carnation Milk,
2 eans for 25e
Tall Salmon, per can ISc
Neb. Potatoes, IS lbs, to the peck, par
Peck J. U'4
Rod, Globe Onions, per pock ...... .35c
Grapefruit, large one, each Be, or 6
for 2Se
Cauliflower, per lb..i , TVtO
Leaf Lettuce, S bunches for. . . . i , . . lOe
NOTE We have added 3 mora trucks to our delivery. Our order department Is com
plate, so telephone your orders now, as we can fill them at any time and deliver t
all fearte of the city. , ,
113 South lBth Street.
I , . ; r
dealer doejn'1
1321 Jonea Street, Omaha, Neb.
tt , Telephone Douglas 2401.
PURITAN HAMS and BACON art smoked
dally to our Omaha Plant, iaauriag freah.
brightly smoked masts at oil times.
Puritan, phone
milk products
are wholesome
food substitutes
Alamito Milk Products
Scientifically Pasteur
ized Milk
Special Jersey Cream v
Guernsey Milk i
Alamito Liberty I '
Cream Cheese I
Pasteurized Butter
pound and half
pound packages !
delivered to most
homes before ,
breakfast ;
Phone Doug. 409
Council Bluffs No. 205
per box. ......15c
Head Lettuce, each 7 Vic
Steer Sirloin Steak, per lb 21 Vic
Steer Shoulder Steaks, per lb....,lSVC
Steer Boilinit Beef, per lb 13Vi
Steer Pot Roast, per lb ...17Vie
Home-made Hamburger or Pork Sausage,
per lb , ...15c
Extra Lean Skinned Hams, per lb. ,27 Via
Sugar Cured Hams, per lb. . ...... 22 Vte
Extra Lean Bacon, per lib 4te
Sugar-Cured Baeon. per lb. ....... 34 Vic
fork Meek Bone Spar Rlbs......7V.e
Dou 2S0T, i !