Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1918, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 17, Image 17
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MARII 23, 1918. " ENORMOUS WORK OF AMERICAN RED CROSS IN FRANCE 'Activities Cover. Every Con ceivable Need of Soldiers; Canteens Do Great Work for Exhausted Men. Paris, Wednesday, March 20 Something of the scope of the activi ties of the American Red'Cron in France may be gathered from the official totals showing the work d-' r.e during February in' helping soldiers, and exclusive of civil affairs. 'y Canteens in the metropolitan dis tricts supplied food and drink to 440, 000 men, 14 traveling canteens t -he front supplied 439,000 drinks, while seven canteens on the French lines of communication supplied 43,000 meals. The hospital supply service fur nished 1,465 hospitals with 4,096 cases, containing 257,863 articles. The bureau of home communication found 26 men of the American ex peditionary forces who were reported missing! and obtained information tcn cerning six others. The bureau aso wrote 118 letters to relatives of sol diers killed, or wounded in France. N Cigarets to" Sammies. Distribution by the military supply service totaled 5,580 pairs of socks, 3,316 sweaters! 1,560 ponchos,- 6,000 pairs of gloves, 1,110 mufflers and 13,000 comfort bags. The bureau of donations to hospi tals for American soldiers supplied 199,600 pairs ofv flannel pajamas, 146, O00 pairs of muslin pajamas, 22,500 tiandkercluets, 130,1)00 pairs of socks, 51,000 shirts and 1,040 cases, each con taining 122 cartons of tobacco and cigarets, , were- distributed among the American soldiers. Three rest stations were opened by the Keel Cross on the lines ofcom-. muiiication. Each station is feeding 600 men daily and contains an in firmary in diarge of a Red Cross nurse for soldiers taken ill and unable to continue their journey. It also es- taonsnea one emergency canteen to r I , ' . . icea soiuiqrs on leave returning. 10 ind from the front. ; The bureau of farms has leased land near seven base hospitals. The farms will be worked by convalescent soldiers and the vegetables given to the hospitals. 10W AM IS AMONG INJURED MEN IN LAW VIOLATED IN ; BISBEETROUBLE Report of Deportation of Min ers Goes to President; Some Officials Say Federal Statutes Broken.' NA VAL C0LLISI0NKAISm ON WEST mum iu wALn Washington, March 22. Twelve additional deaths as a result of the collision between the destroyer Man- ley and a British man-of-war March 19 were annoffneed today by the Navy department. k This brought the death list to 16, John C. Holmes, carpenter's mate, of I .Boston,. Mass., was one of the 12 men reported killed today. It -was announced that 10 men not k- reported yesterday also were injured, f 'In addition to those previously re ported the following injured have been landed and sent to the hospital: Earlc P. Nelson, electrician, Water loo, la. William A. Johnston, ship's cook, '86 East Seventh street, North Port land, Ore. . , ! Kirk W. Morse, chief gunner's mate, 1011 Third street, Snohomish, - Wash. William J. Luckock, gunner's mate, Jfe-wport, R. I. Isaac Diggs, mess attendant, Nor folk, Va.v Charled D. Dwight, seaman, Chi cago. 111. John" Leo Cardin, fireman, Wilkin Snville, Mass. Edward F. Russell, seaman,-Natick, Mass. , Frederick Hanson, coxswain, Brooklyn, N. Y. ' Charles William Cagle, greman, Monroe, Okl. - ? (ges Women to Do City Work To Allow Meq Return to Soil Washington, March 22 The primary responsibility for furnishing labor for the farm this year is a community and not a governmental one, said Clarence Ousley, assistant secretary of agriculture, in a statement tonight on women working on farms. "No agency of the government," he said, "can create labor or compel men to pursue any particular vocation." He urged that women seek to "re place men in cities at brief intervals, to enable the men ta work on the farms" during the cultivating and har vesting season, pointing out that "it should, be understood that the man power of the country is not yt ex hansted, and that except for certain slighter tasks men are better adapted .fhan women for farm work." To Stop Abie-Bodied Men in New York to Sxee Draft Card New York, MarchZl-rAble-bodied men in New York, who appear to be of ataft age, will- be stopped by po licemen on the streets after the first of April and asked to show their classification draft cards, it was an nounced today'by Martin Conboy, di rector of the draft for New York City. Fifteen thousand men of the 580,000 to whom questionnaires were mailed, Mr. Conboy 'said, had failed to make return.- . , ' .: - Many Permits Allowing ' I Coal Exports to Canada Washington, March 22. Permits for the months of April, May and June bave beenrtssued by the fud ad ministration to a large number of coal operators for exports of coat to Canada. ' . C. A. MacGrath, fuel controller for ftinadayhas been given the privilege of calling upon the fuel admin:lra tion to. issue permits to any sh-cpers who may apply toshim. Cadet Flier Killed; Faints 4,000 Feet Above Ground Fort Worth. Tex., March 22. Ca det S. W.'Arnhein, royal flying corps, was killed yesterday afternoon at Hicks. He was an American, but had the British service. His home a in New York City. Officers says be fainted while 4,000 feet in the air. Washington, March 22. Gathering of evidence against citizens olBisbee, Ariz., who were responsible for , the deportation of 1,186 striking copper miners last July 12, has about been completedby the Department of Justice, and a report will be? made soon to President Wilson. , Some Department of Justice offi cials believe that federal statutes were violated in the seizure by the vigilance committee of the Bisbec exchange of the Bell Telephone company and the attempt to exercise a censorship over interstate connection of both tele phone and telegraph lines, and by the committee's measures to prevent the return of some of the deported; work ers to their homes, where they were registered for the draft. If it is found that there is insuffi cient evidence to justify prosecution in federal courts, it is probable that the Department of Justices report will be forwarded to Governor Hunt of Arizona for any action he may wish toMake. . ' Would Discredit Labor. It is understood that federal agents also have investigated .complaints by organized labor that copper mining companies ot the Warren district ot Arizona financed Industrial Workers of the World propaganda among the workers in order to discredit the or ganized labor movement. Reports on this und other phases of the in vestigatiou have been received from United States Attorney Flynn of the Arizona district. ' The attention of the Department of Justice was called to the Warren de; portation particularly by a report o the labor mediation committee, headed by Secretary Wilson, last November, after inquiries into labor conditions in the Warren copper district. The committer declared . there, was little basis for the fear of Bisbee citizens that the strikers planned extensive sabotage, that most of the men were law-abiding American citizens, few were members of the Industrial Workers of the World, and that there was no justification for the forcible deportation, made under the direction of Sheriff Wheeler of Cochise coun ts', with the assistance ot a number of citizens sworn in as deputies. .. The committee recommended en actment a a federal law making sim? liar deportations from one state to another a criminal action. GERMAN ATTACK London, March 22. Emperor Wil liam,. Field Marshal von Hindsnl urg and ' General von Ludendorff nave gone to the west front to witness the German attack, says an Exchange Telegraph dispatch from Copen Bulgarian and Austrian troCos are now on the western front, the dis patch reports. ThevJ3ulgarian troops which have arrived on the western front will be used as a strategic reserve, the dis patch says. ,lhe number of Aus trians on this front is not largj, but Austrian cannon in great amount have been concentrated there. The Austrian war minister! Von Steiner, who is now in Berlin, U said to have promised Field Marshal von Hindenburg that the Austrians would take over' the work of guarding the eastern front when the offensive in the west began. Catholic Priests Executed In Belgium for Espionage T.nnrlnn. March 22. The vevitinn jn Brussels of two Roman Catholic priests on the charge of .espionage is reported ii an Exchange Telegraph dispatch from Amsterdam. . Eight other priests, the dispatch says, have, been sentenced to impiis onment at hard labor for life in Prus sels on the charge of espionage , , uerman neicnsiag kiiis - a Move to Evacuate Alands Amsterdam, Thursday, March 21. The main committee of the German Reichstag has voted, 12 to 10, against motion of the .independent social democrats to evacuate the Aland is lands and not interfere with the inter nal affairs of Finland by the dispatch of troops and the supplying of arms. U. S. Destroyer Manley Safe at British Port London. March 22. The United States destroyer Manley, on which an officer and some of the men were killed' as a result of a collision, 1ias aTrived at a British port, according to an Associated Press dispatch re ceived tonight. ' i American Held Captive By Mexican' Bandits Joplin. Mo., ' March 22. E. A. Bourne, a minister here, yesterday, re ceived a message from Douglas, Ariz.. stating that his brother, Benjamin W. Bourne, a wealthy stockman, is held a prisoner by Mexican bandits across the border frpm Douglas. 3 : 1 , , Spanish Ship Threatened , x By German Submarine The Spanish Transatlantic liner Mon tevideo, which sailed for New York Monday, was held up by a German submarine Tuesday and forced to re turn herle. ' Baptist Drive Booms. ' ' New York, March 22. In the drive being made by the northern Baptist laymen to raise a fund of $1,000,000. six states Arizona, Delaware, Iowa,; North Dakota, Utah and Pennsyl vania have already reached or ex-; ceeded their quota, it was announced here today. The campaign will close April 7. ' .-. Looking for work? Turn to the Help Wanted Columns now. -You will find hundreds of positions listed there. . Friday, March 22, 1918- -BURGESS NASH STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY- -Telephone Douglas 137. This Is MEN y iJ- tss! ifk Here at Burgessash A WEEK set apart to emphasize our preparedness and ,unfold our plans for meeting youT every clothing require-; ment for the Spring and Summer season. Every section of our store given over to men's 'goods, will be in gala dress and demonstrate the advantages -in buying your men's wear here at Burgess-Nash. ' Saturday, Spring Opening . Men's, Clothing ' Seetion-4tli in Our : ! , " r loor J JSf another demonstration that SUPERIOR MERCHANDISE, together with BETTER VALUES and more CAREFUL SERVICE, will .bring the desired results. - I The clothes ideals of several of the country's foremost designers are here ready for you to slip on to see their distinctiveness to feel their comfort, and to give them the enthusiastic approval which is their due. The showing, which is remarkably complete, represents the skill and genius of the highest class tailor shops, revealing the very newest ideas in men's clothes. Every garment is strictly "tailored" throughtout, made to conform with our spe cifications, the - which means the best at any price. In fact, we feature strictly "tailored" suits for men and young men at a price range of $ 1 5.00 and by Easy Steps to $40.00 Smart models for young men, more mature models for elderly men, and a wide range of models for careful dressers of any age. In every garment there is quality of fabric and standard of workmanship that we stand back of. 1 The fabrics-new in weave, in color, in texture. And each is guaranteed unqualifiedly as to fastness and wear (important just now, you know;). We feature for Saturday 4 (l Men's and Young Men's Suits at $25 in models and patterns that will appeal (o the young man who gives particular attention to his clothes. A ' ' N ' FOR THE YOUNG MAN Slash and patched pockets. Two or three-button, single , or doublt brc&stcd Tapered sleeve, soft roll lapel. y Skeleton or one-fourth lined. High waist line. Plain colors, mixtures, checks and stripes. FQR THE CONSERVATIVE DRESSERS x Two or three-button sack. Skeleton or full lined. Box or semi-fitted plain back with or with- . . ... vout vent. ' Plain or fancy colors, pin stripes and checks. Patched or plain pockets. Regulars, slims, stouts and stubs. Suits for Men and Young Men at $15.00 A collection of smart styles, of which we challenge comparison. New spring models land pat terns, with all the new features, as well as the more conservative. Two and three-button sacks, with high-waist effect, medium or light weight, full, half or quarter, lined, patch or plain pock ets, in cashmere, worsteds, tweeds and flannels, yi fancy stripes, plaids, checks and mixtures. We've Not Forgotten the Boys in Our Preparation for Spring Y -Fourth Floor EVERYTHING in the way of clothing and furnish ings have been provided in "generous assortments merchandise which any boy will be proud to wear, and parents will appreciate the sturdy qualities" and the splendid values. . , " - Boys' Wool Suits, $5.95 to $20.00 , Boys' Hats and Caps, at 50c to $2.50 " W Feature for Saturday: Boys' Bine Serge for Confirmation, $8.95 Made double breasted style, with pinchback or belt all around, patch pocket, two pairs knick , erbocker pants, full lined. We consider the values very unusual. " 1 Boys' Wash Suits, $1.50, $2.95 Junior Norfolk, Tommy Tucker and Oliver Twist styles, madeup of gala tea, madras, chambray and kindergar ten cloths, plain colors, stripes, checks and fancies very special, at $1.50. Boys' Furnishings f White waists, detachable collars, ji.uu ana 91.45. White blouses, collars attached, at 69c and $1.45. Eton blouses, at 79c. White ties, washable, at 25c. Burgeit-Naih Co. Fourth Floor You'll Want a New Hat for Easter AND we know of no place where you can make better Selection than right here at Burgess Nash. The range of style is so large and so varied that we're certain the style, shape and color that will suic you best, is here and at the price most sat isfactory to you. All the favored Bhapes and shades are represent ed. Just take""this hint look well to the brand you buy. When you. take off your hat you can be proud if it has "Stetson" or "Burgess-Nash" qualities. v We feature for Satur day a splendid line of Men's Soft Hats at $3.00" and $3.50 Also new lines of Stetson Hats, at $4.50 to $12.00 Bortalino Hats, at $6.00 and $7.00 Men's Spring Caps, 75c to $2.00 New patterns and weaves for Spring, big range of selection, at 75c to $2.00. Burftti-Naia Co. Fourth Floor I I I 1 1 hi) '.'JAWll'l WW U II . N1 I i 11 If . ' III 11 b . 11 1 iimt 1 .1 111 in 1 i' in, ' 1 Hi L Now for the New Easter Furnishings the Sort That Every Man Likes WE pride ourselves on the splendidly selected. line of Spring furnishings we have prepared for you this season we want you to come and see their., New Easter Neckwear, 50c to $2.50 A gorgeous line awaits your selection. All the new Spring shades and colorings, large flowing-end 4-in-hands, butwings and bows. Variety and assortments are better than ever and you will be surprised at the prices, quality considered. 50c to $2.50.. Beau Brummel Shirts for Easter Recent shipments and new patterns make this the strongest line. Easiest to select from and most satisfactory shirt on the market. All sleeve "lengths to 37, all neck sizes to 18. Let your Easter shirt be of the satis factory, dependable, pleasing Beau Brummel brand; priced, at $1.50 up. Men's Terry Cloth Robes The tub kind, sanitary and healthful Big assortment and variety of patterns to select from, priced, at $5.00 and $7.50. N - Men's Union Suits, $1.00 to $3.50 Athletic and knitted, made the wanted way, of comfortable materials, pleasing to the touch. $1.00 to $3.50 per suit. Men's Easter Gloves, $1.25 to $3.50 All the good shades in cape, skin and fabric materials, colors suitable for Easter; the kind you will want; $1.25 to $3.50. , Men's Handkerchief r 17c to 75c Silk and fancy bordered, hemstitched and hemmed edges, new patterns; you will want several of them when you see the kind they are. Priced, at 17c, 35c, 50c and 75c. MenU Hosiery, at 25c to $2.00 .. Fiber silk and thread silk, also fine lisle, plain and fancy colors; in fact, any style or kind of hose you might want, at 25c to $2.00 per pair. y Burf e-rfih Co. Main Floor Men's Shoes, Fourth Floor Specially Reduced Saturday W 'HEN we offer, you choice of four different lasts--the' .grades we carry the price is for, Saturday'.onlyl The newest ideas in business, dress , and sports shoes that are bound to please every well-dressed man. Included are : " . ;( ; ' A fine, black calfskin, dull calf tops, single sole of oak tan leather; pep last. ...... Black velour calf, blucher cut, medium round toe, heavy single sole V Black vici kid, custom last; a very dressy, but comfort able shoe ' V. Black vici kid, made on a combination last for men " who must have a very com fortable, easy fitting shoe . . Choice of These Four Good 'Shoes- $6.25 Saturday Only BUMSES EVERYBODY STORE" mm. Distributors of Banister Shoes ,t We are sole distributors for Oma ha'of the famous James A. Banister shoes" for-men. , , . : ; ,: - y Burftu-Nh Co. Fourtk . Floor ' s