Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1918, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 16, Image 16
... -THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MARCH -23, 1918. -"VI'LL &E CLAD IT MUVT tig CRAND F14HTN"0VE THERE" VrtTH Nti rani t-c t how oh: she- vell- m 40NN A TAKE YOU OUT THERE NOW- TLL HELP Tft NO- IT CREPT UP AMD BIT MEJ ;t, " ' .... , :UP - - - 'FATHER EVERYTHING fcT IN THE FKHT woumoeo at A tHELL HE'5 FIXED IT 00 IU. AT HOME? NEVER 5IT CUT- 16 EXPLODE? fiopyrifht. International News i' ' Service. & . Drpn for; t The Bee f sv. ....;... I George f.McManus r It jlRISH. ARE WINNERS INHOOPPORCLASS ;;! t. I-- ii'rf urpby-Did-Its Take ' Game and Championship From South Siders in Hard fought Game, , ,'los SejUtbs, 10 kn, 0. " ' (ManJltT Mdf JU. Mi South Mil fnm. ,: In a well played; game, which was taort a.!ih4hjWrof -26 to 19 indicates, thc-Mitrphy Did'-Iti nabbed Khe local junjof-cfiarnpionship by -de 7eatinj'thit uthSide Muny chanty last nwHtat'theung.Men'a Chris Wion a&jai&m; Tlje, '.Murphy' Did Its will np.ijii.(evgeh,it-Vheeler Me. jfaorialjchiinpji tpr'Clas' B, for. the JbimpTo6Wpv ,v v!' v- -v-V t- ' H TheTaWenuln.tet.vChamps of the fCorarrteffcial' leaglie -won a lop-sided Jsamefrptritfbe! champs from across ihe rryet&The Joe Smiths -were the victors in:;aprevious contest, but last Hjr ight's rarueiehowed without doubt rwhich war-th,. better teaai, ; r' Leo.Konecky guarding, was the sfeature'pf the jnjiiorgame. Camero and Calvert were the'chief point get ,rs foriihe victors arid Rathsack for ,'tTie Ioses.vrhe'fufpliy Did Its forged head.H. to-rin'tlie first half, But 4were ujaMeto, Increase their lead in the coiijd, 'in' which each' team yade 12 'cAiniej.-'ir) -';.j . , !,.The mkins'tiadTan easy-time with he Iowa--'nipper..-f Bromley dis tinsruished "himseM bv makinir nine eld goalrand wo free tosses. Han-1 sen, the Ieft""f6rwarfl,' was second, 'jth eight; field ; goals. During the rst period 4he visitors made eicht t their counters, failing to rnake iore than jwtr free tosses in the last period. , ' -'--"7vr . Vj ' "jrOnly oneechliicalTfqljl was ddm witted during the evening'. t The summaries: vi :. t MuRvHT-tllD-JITS. "':'?, j vr.a, r.T. p.r. T if.pui, KUn, it, t. ,.,?. I t 9 lt 1klvrt( e, ...Ui.i., , -i 0 L. KBclr, r' 1 l Nelson, I. S i" l Snllf (ub) ....?.-., . . 4 , i .....,.,.U t ". MCNT CHAMPS. voi. t. it..';l.ii.';.,. i ; o Nlraan, L (......... ft i Uthck, e. .vli.... 1' , :ard. r. ( 10 i i. ; , , s ;. t IS nannlt, I. $ 0 ( HumiuHn (tub) .... 1 ; 0' '; OffleUli! Htndklln, rfrs Jdtllk, urn piri ttmkepr and corr, Wtilori. Tlni ot htlvei, li nilnute each. ) "i ; ' 1- JOB, SMITHS, i ' , . r.a. t.T. p.r. T.F.Pt. Sttpraoli, r. (..,.,. S Jopb, I. i. ...... t Kovy, e. t Joseph, r. f......... t B. Albartl, 1. ( , 0 Albert! (tub) 0 Total NAKENS. ' Krsmlay, t. t S I . tfanaon, I. t...w,...- S O 1 " 0 ha, r. f...., i o Hpr. t t s , lllobrU.(ob ,, '0-0 j OfSctatat; Roanell. rafana: Xlapatr, Sim irj Biy. -uiTKKeapor;, went on, acorar. ytma c balvaa, 10 mtnut aach. ffJAWN'' GOfiDING NAllED CHIEF OF I MUNICIPAL UMPS IJohn Gondinav veteran Omaha catcher, has been 'appointed chief of the municipal umpiring staff by the Soard tt . Kecreatton. tit succeeds eorgt-Clark,who held the position two years. y Gonding, since his retirement from the playing end -of the game, has been umpiring in and around Omaha. He as a member d .the municipal staff yirt of Jast yean- : , Johnny has called a meeting of the municipal umpires for' next Tuesday night at. tne city .hall. Candidates (or positions -will be given instructions. Myers and Byers Split Even ; In Pocket Billiard Match Clayton . Byers and August Myers brAks even ia Ibeir 500-point pocket billiard match at thev Grotto billiard parlor Thursday, Myers winning irt , the afteraioon, 250 tc 154, while Byers displayed a great, form in the evening, winning, 152;to 29.,-The match will be fpught fcut 'this afternoon and eve- layers wfja tbe crowd in the parlor wkh amaie'ment-Thnrsday evening bv slijoting almost impossible shots with a liiercury balU;;of.Av'Kich he is com plete master. Lelivelt to Get Trial s -' n At First With Louisville Jack Lelivclt, who fell out with the Kahsas City club last year oyir an at tempt' "by George Tebeau "to whack his salary in mid season and later was defclared.a free agent, has sjrned with the Louisville Colonels. and the report ,iatfhat h''iirget a trial' at first base tinMer Clymer. ' . .. I- sSnpport for Walter.'" ! "tlarfCriffitKIs trying to land a pitcher, aod. ap. infieldej:. The Sen ators :'arc:badl)' need of some sup port for sJValter Johnson. : . i OMAHA QUINTET TO PLAY CHAMPS OF SIOUX CITY Two classy basket ball games will be played at the Omaha Young Men's Christian association tonight, when the fast Benson-Thome quintet, last year's independent champions of Ne braska and claimant's for this year's honors, play the Olson Sporting Goods company of Sioux City, and the Nakens, champions of the Commercial league, play the fast Fremont Young Men's Christian association. The Olsons are the Independent champions of Sioux City and vicinity and will giv the a hard battle. The Benson-Thome out fit has not been defeated this season and plans to end the season with an other victory. The Fremont Young Men's . Chris tian association team is composed of the fastest players in Fremont, includ ing several of this year's high school Stars. ' ' ' ....- The Benson-Thome game will start at 8 p. nvand the Naken game will start at 9 p. rn. Ihe lineups follow BKNBON.THORNE StOUX CtTT. Burdlck R.F, KIPMf ...... ...L.r R.P..... Tuckr(e.) h.V Andoraon 0 Connor R.O Plttnmn T.O....w Booth Hnvey .C. I'rlh ..........H.O. Korn ......... .L.0, NAKENS. Bromly ., H.F. Hnn , ....... .L.F. FRKMOKT T, M. C. A. R.F .filalr I'F. ...... Kttzulimnonn C. Vtna. R.O ., Trumball LO Anderson Fix. C. Richard H.O. Nardtlrom L.O. Jack Reddy Signs to Be ' V Miske's Business Agent Billy Miske, St. Paul heavyweight, lias signed articles of agreement by which Jack Reddy, matchmaker of the fll. Paul Boxing'club, is toalook after his interests in the future. . Reddy Is experienced iu handling boxers and as the two have been friends for years the signup was not unexpected. Miske has for .several .years been under the managerial eye of Peart Smith of St. Paul. They broke this week,. Miske feeling that he could do bettef undent another arrangement. There is stili a matter of $1,000 in dis pute between them. School Boy Hurler Goes South With Moran's Crew Bill McXenty, the1 schoolboy pitcher of Philadelphia, who created such a furore last year, is td be taken south with Manager Moran's Phillies and will be given a thorough tryout. State Bowling Scores Singles. 1st .....204 .....101 ......JOT .....lit 1(1 !d Sd Total M7 141 (OS ni too sis 173 184 Hi IDS HO (IS lit ISO 4S ill 14S (47 iti m ( 1 173 S3S 171 1 664 205 0t ((S 14. 169 (1)4 1(1 171491 Lapanakl Kanndy R. Kala K. Naala 0. Crana j. vnn ....HI I 1 AC K. Den man Coupal , ,....,....1T Barblarl . ....... ...HI . .... i O. A. Olaoa MS Q. Toman , MT , , Doubles. ' , OMAHA. lat. ' td. R. Karla ....... .174 183 E. Naala ....170 lit 3d. 190 170 Tot. S4 (4) . Totals ,,.......344 171 "-- - ... ' OMAHA. Buchy .'..Ill 1S Ilrannlan ...110 110 Total sTl 34S OMAHA. J. Willi ., .140 133 K. Danman 179 1(0 3(1 1088 111 120 1031 441 (44 981 493 S41 1034 444 - m 1021 477 (13 "Tio Tot. 4( (02 (16 474 (02 Totala ... ...(,. 313 OMAHA. ...113 1( ...134 Ml ...34 ,127 OMAHA. ...14 133 ...1S1 201 0. A. Olson A. Uayar .. Totala ... Lapanskt . . Q. Kannedy Totala ... 307 341 OMAHA. Coupal lt 1(0 fiarblarl ....... ..1(8 1(9 Totala 323 319 343 v CORET AND McKKNZIE lat. id. 3d. Schoanman 141 174 174 J. London ,..1(7 179 lt Ruaall 170 140 19 Prlmaran 139 191 141 Zaryo 133 ll( 309 Totala 725 341 994 3,491 NTESCHNBIDBR-NEB-IOWA. lat. 2d. 3d. U 3. Hoovar 1(7 ' 113 140 J. B. Irwin 140 1(0 1( H. Horthoff 191 147 154 H. W. Zimmerman 144 . 144 131 R. S. Karr 131 1(9 1(1 Tof ' 448 468 4( 419 7( 1,304 Tot. 4( 411 433 4(17 47 1.331 Tot. 417 489 Totala 774 71S Sit UPPIKE GRAIN CO. laL 3d. 3d. C. H. Howard ....131 M. O. Oraer 1(3 O. M. Bmlth 1(1 J. U Will 170 K. Danman ......173 200 1(1 147 127 10 149 1(( 170 1(10 144 Totala OMAHA C. Kalley O. Saehart . , R. E. Mavar ., A. L. Potnaroy ...787 OR AIM lat. ....1(0 ....H3 79( T79 GXCHANOS 3d. Si. .144 .179 470 (04 4(1 J. Racan 1(1 Totala ..7(( 743 799 3.327 ALAM1TO DAIRY lat. Id. 3d. Jim Mlraaky 137 136 143 t. Francl 160 13? 114 A. Dyt'k U9 in u Jno. Mlraaky .....144 U4 no A. . franel.. ...... J13 1(0 1U Tot . 480 413 474 4.11 411 Tottl .......... T0I 7(9 T24 , NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. 2,181 Tot. 459 447 lit.: td. 3d. Boaly Braaell A. Fateraon Holllday ... Kaatar ..304 ..149 ..10( ..140 ..MS . .761 131 145 170 127 .147 123 174 17( 14( ,1(3 450 419 4(3 Totala 1 170 2.2(2 MAJOR MAHER UNDER FIRE How "Mayor Jim" Saved Young Man's Feet From Being: Perforated by Cowboy's Bullets. AT THE BATTLE OF CHADRON Officers in the local army building are frequently called into executive session to discuss plans and proticms that confront the various departments. Following one of .these sessions the conversation turned to the sensafen of being under shell fire. After !seh ing while several fellow officers described their, experience in the Philippines and the southern re publics, Major Maher asked: "Have any of you ever visited Chadron, Neb?" Upon receiving a negative reply the maior told of his experience in the Nebraska city and how he acquired the name "Gingerale John." "When I was a stripling, I decided that I had graced the paternal table lonjf enough and in spite of the ob jections of my parents decided . fol low the advice of Horace' Greeley and go west," said Major Maher "I chose Chadron as the place to make my future, largely because my sav ings would pay carfare no further It was a rough town in those days, with saloons nearly every other door. It was the custom of the cowboys to spend the majority .of their time in the saloons and naturally I followed them. I did not drink, but went be cause I had no other place to spend my time and every one I knew was there. 'Jim' Dahlman, now mayor of Omaha, apparently took a 'liking, to me, probably because of my ignorance Important Sport Conference To Be Held in East Saturday New York, March 22. Several in tercollegiate contests and conferences, the outcome of, which will have im portant bearing on, eastern college sports, will be-beld here tomorrow, Columbia university will act as host to both varsity wrestlers and fencers, who will, epmpete for. the annual in-, dividual and team i championships. Cornell, Lehigh,, Pennsylvania, 'Co lumbia, Princeton and Penn State have entered teams in the wrestling cham pionships, and Yale, Pennsylvania and Columbia will be represented by foil men. A group of the eastern colleges which support rowing will have dele gates present at a special conference of crew managers and captains to consider plans and dates for the va rious (Jual and triangler regattas, which are to form the season's row ing program. ; The executive committee of the Na tional Lawn Tennis association will meet to pass on the dates to be as signed for the important tournaments of the season, including national, state and- sectional championship series. iWluie the dates and places for the more important tournaments may be announced, the complete list of sched uled play will not be made public for another week or 10 days. Other mat ters aside from the assignment of tournaments may be considered at this conference. Brooklyn Bogs Depends - On Coombs to Win Games Wilbert Robinson, manager of the Brooklyn Suoerbas. is counting on. Jack Coombs to play with th u perbas . this season, according to Brooklyn report. Jack hurried from Brooklyn the day the base ball eison was over to take up his duties as the toot ball and base ball coach of Rice institute in Houston, Tex. Jack had said last September that , he was through as a player in the major leagues, but his contract has a year to run with Brooklyn, and he admits he has a clause in his contract with iice institute by which he can leave" to join the auperbas whenever the cal for spring training in the majors vas issued. ; " Zibby and Cutler Will Clash on Waterloo Mat Waterloo. Ia.. March 22. Wladek Zbysrko and Charlie Cutler haye been matched to meet in. a finish wrestling mtch here April 3, local promoters announced today. , . Efforts to secure Joe Stecher ai Zbyszko's opponent failed, Stecher de claring that he was irt the market for a match with Earl Caddock only.- Daughter to S chalk. Catcher Ray Schalk of the White Sox will have to work harder than ever now, for he has another mouth to feed. A daughter was born to Mrs. Schalk the other day. ' Today's Sport Calendar nrneh Rhowa Annual anew of Ptnehnrat Field Trial lub, Plnaliorat. N. C. I.ulf I nllad oath nail aouth nnwtaur rhaaiplonahlft for wotnra pena at t1n horat, X. C. - hwlmmlnf Cnatorn Intorrolltflat lad! tldual ehnmplonablpa, ( Prtnaatoa. WraatUnr Unatarn IntoreaOftat ebam nlonablDa. nt Columbia aalvcralty. Al- it'hny Bfonntaln A. A. IT, twanptoanalpa. al Ptttahnnh. Athlrttr Waatam In(Mwtttato aafr- anra Indoor ehaainUaiihlna. laraaatan. III. Annual lnriaor camaa ( titm Vara Athletlo club. Now York City. Boataa Matroaalttaa A. A. A. V. tinat- loaaaliw. at Mawark. Jf. l. ' Patay C.Uaa amin.t Jimmy Duffy, S rad, al rhlla- aripiua. of the west and I was constancy in his- company. "I was first under shell fire while watching Dahlman play cards in a Chadron saloon with other cowboys. A big, rough cowboy called Jack, en tered the saloon on this day and, fir ing hi revolver at the ceiling, in sisted that everyone drink at his ex pense. "I refused, bashfully stating that I never drank.- This angered Jack and he ar'-'.'i emptied his gun.' This time at nty feet, while I endeavored to crawl under a table. I was relieved when my new found friend quietly re marked: "'That will be enough, big fellow. This boy is a friend of mine and he don't drink.'" "I didn't drink, but I did learn the sensation of being under shell fire. On leaving the saloon Dahlman com mended me for not drinking ard ad vised me never to drink and to leave cards alone. It was a really temper ance talk and I considered it as com ing from a man who knew and I took Jiis words to heart. I have refrained from drinking ever since and have never played a game of cards. "I am firmly convinced that my first time under shell fire was re sponsible for moulding my future life and my gratefulness to Jim Dahlman, the man who interceded in my behalf, is still as strong as it was at the time of what I call the 'Battle of Chadron'." ' IOWANS HONORED WITH DECORATIONS ' r i i .i Lieut. Lier,' Captain Ross and Captain Casey Are Cited for Bravery in Recent Ed- ' r gaement. , 1 Des Moines, la., March 22. (Spe cial Telegram.) According to a dis patch received here today, Dr. C. N. O. ,Leir of , Des Moines, now Lreu tenan( Lier, in sanitary detachment 168th; Captain Ross of Red Oak, nd Captain Casey of Villisca have been decorated for bravery in a recent en gagement. Ten Killed or Wounded. With the casualty lists announced late Wednesday complete the Iowa casualties continue to grow. Two more Iowa men are dead and eight injured, according to this list Cor- Eoral Russell G. Hughes, formerly of Ouncil Bluffs and a member of Com pany L, is reported killed in action. Lloyd Culp, who enlisted at Red Oak in Company M, 168th, is reported to have succumbed to injuries. The wounded men are from four compan ies of this regiment, E. F, K. and M. The list follows: Iowa casualties: Killed in action: Corporal Russell G. Hughes, Com pany L, Council Bluffs. Died of wounds: Lloyd Culp, Company M, Red Oak. Slightly wounded: : ' Crumley C McKay, Company. F, New Market, la. Orton E. Myers, Company F, Douds, Ia. Ernest Van de Mark, Company E, Everly, Ia. Fremont S. Wells, Company , p, Grundy Center, Ia. ' John H. Hoke, Company M, Red Oak. Ia. . Robert D. Beale, Company M, near est relative. New Cambrai, Mo. Leroy B. Hall, Company K, Bed ford, Ia. . v Byron H. Doan, Company X, Mount Pleasant, Ia. Army Hosiptal Here. Fort Des Moines at the south edge of the city is rapidly being transferred into a general army hospital, where eventually wounded Americans hroueht home from France will be cared for. It will be the chief gen eral hospital for the central division. Colonel Cooper is now in command with 70 men on duty. The quarter master's department has about 40 men. Men from base hospital v at umana are exnected to be transferred here soon and a detachment ot aoout w will come in on the draft. Convales - . a jaa cent patients at Camp Dodge will be transferred to Fort Dei Moines. Make Red Cross Plans. Red Cross state and district lead ers met in Governor Harding's office at the state house today with the gov ernor and B. E. Sunny of Chicago, director of the central division and Lewis Wiggins, also of Chicago, head of the Red Cross bureau of de velopment. Plans were made for the big-war fund drive which is to" take place fom the 20th to 27th of May. A. E. Kepford, general director of the Red Cross work for Iowa, will be in eh arse of the Mav campaign. A spe cial director will be chosen to have especial charge of this Work. ; i Accidentally Shot " Erric " Genrick, son of Mrs. John Genrick of Luverne, Ia., was acci dentally shot through the stomach with a gun Thursday, receiving wounds from which he died. A play mate pulled the trigger of the gun which he didn t know was Joauea M H (,MV AGREEMENT ON SELLING PRICE OF CORN MEAL Food Administrator Wattles and Nebraska Millers Get Together on What the Charges Should Be. Toa standardize the price of corn meal, jpsofar as it is possible on a fluctuating corn market, a committee of the Nebraska Millers' association has agreed with Gurdon W. Wattles, federal food administrator, as to what will constitute a fair maximum charge for' manufacturing, profit and other details entering into the manufacture. Under the agreement a fixed charge is made. A differential is established in the price of white and yellow corn meal, on the basis of the difference in the pric of No. 3 white and No. 3 yellow corn. . , The recommendatbns accepted were: All millers should use two and one-fourth bushels of corn in making 100 pounds of corn meal; all other recommendations are also ' made on the basis of 100 pounds. Fair Manufacturing Cost. A fair manufacturing cost shall be 40 cents and the millers may charge 2Vi cents profit; an additional 15 cents' may be added where the meal is sold in less than carload lots to cover cost of shipping and handling (this charge eliminates jobbers' profits.) Where meal is sold f. o. b. con signee's station, an additional charge of 20 cents per 100 pounds may be added- and in addition the cost of a 100-pound sack must be included, at present 27 cents. . .. From this total must be deducted the amount received by the . miller for the. corn bran or residue remain ing, on the basis of 24 pounds from every two and one-quarter bushels. All prices are to be figured on the basis of No. 3 white corn and on the price paid by the miller for. corn at his station. Basle For Figuring. .Under this agreement the price of white1 corn meal to the retailer in Omaha on the present Omaha price of $1.80 for No. 3 white corn, wuld be $4.86J4 per hundred, as follows: 514 bu. whit corn, 11.80.... l.0S Manufacturlhc coat 40 Profit 12 '4 Jobbing axpenae. Iws than earloada. . .15 Freight (If prepaid) .10 Present cost of 100-lb. aack a ta.iou Leas 24 Iba. corn bran at $1.35 per 100 .33 Coat 100-lb. sack cornmeal to retailer. 34. !H The Trice of yellow corn meal under this agreement should be $4.524 per hundred, as the difference in the price of white and yellow corn is IS cents per bushel. Deducting two and one fourth times IS cents, or 34 cents, a price of 44.52J4 is arrived at. J. W. opirk, chairman ot the mill ers' committee and president of the Nebraska Millers association, says that this agreement should be met by every miller in Nebraska, about 175. Under this agreement we will be able, to get by, although we will not be making the great amount of money some people think we are. However, in war times, we are content to make a bare living and' with this in mind I believe we will be able to secure the co-operation of every miller." Wattles Sends Out Notice. ' Food Administrator Wattles is sending out advices of the agreement to every county food administrator, directing them that under this agree ment a basis can be established in nx ing the fair retail price ta the con sumer. "This gives as near a standard' price as is possible on' a fluctuating corn market,", says Wattles. "It gives a fixed basis in establishing fair prices and will standardize prices of corn meal through tbe state. Naturally there will be some variations because of the fluctuating price of corn in dif ferent parts of the tate. "Naturally the price of fneal out in the state will be considerably less than the Omaha price because of the dif ference in the price paid for corn. The same applies to yellow meal, also, be cause of the difference in price." LAME SIGNED BY BROOKLYN OF NATIONAL LOOP New York, March 22. Napoleon Lajoie, veteran inftelder, who man aged the pennant winning Toronto team in the International league last year, has been purchased from To ronto by the Brooklyn National league club, it was announced here today. . " 1 ' Boston Wanted Vitt. Manager Ed Barrow sounded PrsiVtnr FranW Navin en a orooosi- tioa to trade for Oscar Vitt of the Tigers, but Navin would not hear ot i Thrtmnn BarrOw announced that he would start Stuffy al third base for the Ked uox. From Our Nair Ndghfowo Avera. Mr. and Mra. W. H. Thlele left thta waek for Dovtlas, where tbey will reside on a farm. William Gollner waa a Tloltor at Omaha the first ot the weak. Mra. H. H. Marquafdt and sona were vlaltlnr at Dunbar over Sunday. lira. Charles Royal and children wen bare from Palmyra thla week for a visit with relatives, Miaaea Clara and Ella Meyer were visit Ins relativea near Syracuse the first o. the Week. . A. Zlmmerer and eon, Adolph. were here from Nebraska City the first of the wnek. Miaaea Floy Canady and Marie Hastle ware vlaittna; at Weeplnr Water Sunday. Mr. and Mra. O. W. Breazeale will leave next week for Lincoln, where they will reside. t L. 3. Marqnardt waa an Omaha bualnes visitor the first of the week. George Malcolm was visiting relatives at Nehswka Sunday. Jeff Brehdel was aver from Murray the first of the week for a visit with relatives. Charlea O ruber, William Kempke and Louis Caraten. Jr., were at Omaha Tues day wtth stock. ' Miss Mary Stefan of Omaha was visiting friends here Sunday. A number from here wars at Omaha Thursday evening to hear Harry Lauder. Mr. and Mra. F. W. Ruhge were visiting at Berlin Wednesday. Mias Lualla Opp was bars from Lorton Saturday for a vlait with her parents. Mr. and Mra, Jacob Opp. Mrs. Fred Cooper and son are spending the week with friends at Sterling. ' Mr. and Mra. B. C. Marquardt were Oma ha viattora tbia week. Mrs. E. E. Stoffer Is spending the week with relatives near Vnadllia. Adolph Zlmmerer waa here from Nebraska City this week for a visit with his brother, Joseph C. Zlmmerer. Mra. L. W. Fahneetock has returned from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Charles Woodson, at Council Bluffs. Tbe Avoca Woman's club met wtth Mrs. H. H. Marquardt Wednesday afternoon. Mrs, Herman Behrna and Mlsa Mamie trillman were Weeping Water visitors Wednesday. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Thiols and daugh ter were here from their homo near Doug las last Sunday, for a visit with relativea. -Mr. and Mra. August Boettger and chil dren of Berlin were here Sunday for a visit with relatives. William II. Wright left ' this week for Balrd, Neb., where he will engage In ranch Ins;. E. Q. Spencer and family ware here from Talmage Sunday, visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Johnson left thla week for Roohester, Minn., to consult Mayo brothers. Mrs. Robert Mlckle has returned from a visit with relatives near AN. Mr. and Mra. William Gollner and chil dren were visiting relativea near Cheney last Bunday. L. J. . Marquardt: and L. W, Fahneetock were Omaha visitors the first of the week. Ora E. Copes, Ralph Graham. Simon Rehmelrer, Fred L. Carsten, Aden tutt, B. C. Marquardt and Dr. Brendel were at Weeping Water Monday evening attending Masonic lodge. Ellis Laftue of TJnion was a visitor In our city the first ot the week. . " John t. Nutiman and : William Gollner were visitors at the Otoe county metropolis Wednesday. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Roscos Harshman were at Omaha Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Norley and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Love were visitors at Bethany Sunday. Aaa J. Johnaon and H. H. Marquardt were Omaha vialtora Thuraday. Mrs. A. T. ' Harmon was at Omaha this week to aee her son, Earl, who la at one ot the hospitals, E. E. Stoffer and L. A. Dlller were at Talmage thla wtyslt on buslneas. Herman Behrna waa at umana jnurs- day with a car of atock. . Springfield. Sam Meta of Funston was here on a furlough the tors part of the week. A cablegram was received by L. A. Bates last Sunday from bla aon. Ross, wbo la In France, which read, "Safe," "Well." Mrs. E. S. Wykoff and eon, Roger, are vlslttnr Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Gelb. Dr. Charlea Armstrong of Preaton, Ia., spent a few days this week with his mother,' Mrs. O. Adslt. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jarman of Nelelgh are visiting In the neighborhood. Lee Grltchfleld, one of the high school boys, took sick at school Friday and was taken at once to an Omaha hospital, where he died on Sunday. Chrla Joren of Seward vlalted. hla brother, Otto Jbern, the fore part of the week. R. G. Glover of Weeping Water was here laat Saturday on bualneas. An auotlon sals of a little of everything will be held on Saturday at the opera house. The family of Tom Bundy moved to a farm near Ashland. . Solomon Zeorlan, who waa a sergeant In the army stationed at Allentown, Fa., died of pneumonia March 1. The body will be brought here for burial. The Methodist Brotherhood met at the home of C. A. Besack Friday evening. J. J. Christlanson . had a visit from his brother, E. N. Chriatlanaon of Waterloo. . Mra. Jack Mester of Lincoln ' visited her The Wheatlessproblem solved ! a CTYXado large l tfSSvi IooseWiixs Biscuit (bMRWY Don't Blame "Spring Fever" st as. SBsasa a For That "Down-and-out heeling Your Blood Need a Thorough Cleaning Just IN ow. A a finrlna. annro&cbes. the impuri- ties that have been accumulating in the system throughout the winter begin, to clog up the circulation, anoint a crnnersi weakness and de bilitated condition that is generally known a"Spring lever. Tha first symptoms are usually a loss of appetite, followed by a grad ually lessening of energy, the sys tem becomes weaker day by day, until you feel yourself on the verge of a breakdown. x Children just at this season are peevish and irritable, and become puny and lifeless. This whole condition is but the result of impurities in the blood that have been accumulating and make parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Armstrong, this Herbert Burbank of Fllley visited friends In this vicinity last Saturday. Mjss Rowena Polland is visiting at her home in Nehawka. .William Ely, Jr.. and Robert Ely left on last Wednesday for Virginia where they expect to locate. Superintendent Milton Transchel of Ken nard iias been elected superintendent of Sprlngflld schools. The minstrel show at the opera house last Saturday night netted (78 for the Junior Red Cross. Rev. Stambaugh of Richfield preached in the Methodist church last Sunday. PapilUon. Miss Agnea Spearman, who teaches nes Avoca apent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Spear man, i Miss Eva Kennedy vlalted friends a Blair the first of the week. The Sunshine band of the Methodic! Sunday school gave a "hard times party' for the "overcomera" Monday evening Ir the church basement The meeting ot the district school offi cers of Sarpy county waa held at the couri J room Thursday afternoon to plan for s war savings stamp campaign. The princi pal address was made by R. M. Switzler of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Claus Elchher, sr., cele brated their 40th wedding anniversary Wednesday by entertaining their many friends. Miss Marie Sander left this week for Savannah, Ga.. whera she will visit friends. Miss Alice Robinson of Lincoln Is a guest of Mr. acid Mrs. X M. Robinson. Mrs.. E. S. Nlckerson attended the state Daughters of American Revolution meeting at Beatrice, Neb. The March term of district court convenes Monday with Judge James T. Begley of Flattsmouth presiding. . Mr. and Mrs. Buester moved Thursday to Memphis, Neb., where Mr. Buester Is em ployed. Mrs. A. W. T rumble Is critically 111 of pneumonia at the home ot her daughter, Mrs. John Frazeur. J. P. Spearman Is staying a few days with Sergeant Ralston Spearman, who is 111 in the base hospital at Camp Dodge. VaUoy. Mrs. S. 3. Rice returned from Camp Funston Wednesday from a visit with her son. Frank. Miss Wesley of Llnwood, Neb., com menced work In the Farmers' State bank Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Phllleo stopped In -Valley for a few days' visit with their son, Maurice, en route from Minnesota to their future home In California. Mr,, and Mrs. W. S. Eddy went to Oma ha Friday. The regular meeting of the Busy Beei was held Wednesday afternoon at tbe hom of Mrs. T. F. Greer, and the following offi-,", cers elected: Mrs. G. S. Kopp, president;. Mrs. I. W. Presba, vice president; Mra ; A. J. McDonald, secretary: Mrs. Johs Monahan, treasurer. Mra. Eddy assisted Mrs. Green in serving lunch. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Weekly, Erlna Week ly, Mrs. Harold Peterson, Misses Gertrudi Reynolds, Katherlne Nellson, Nellie Welch, Pearl Hanna, Bernlce Butcher. Hate! Foster, Helen TCennedy, Arthur Peterson, Duane Wlckland and Maurice Phtlles mad4 up a party of Valley people who went ti Omaha Thursday to hear Harry Lauder. The board of education of tbe Vallej achool unanimously reinstated Superin tendent Milton A. Sams for the coming year, Elkhorn. ' , Mrs. Van Alst la passing the week Is Omaha with friends. Peter Roth sold his farm to an Orasb man recently. Mrs. Charlea Wlttea waa an Omaha vliltol -, Monday. J. N. M'yatt autoed to Omaha Monday. Mrs. John Aye celebrated her birthday ; Wednesday. J. A. Gibbons went to Springfield Tucs- -day. ' William Witts of Bennington vlalted Wednesday with his mother Mrs. Chavles Wltte. Charles Parkonlngs, Jr., who Is home from New Jersey on a furlough, went to Omahl to have an operation preformed for ap pendicitis. William Folts and fatally moved out frois Omaha Thursday to the Odenrldea home. Chester Housley is home from Omaha. . Rose Mllke is visiting his slstef, Mis Charles Thlessen this week. , Bennington. Mrs. Clausen and family are' under quar antlne. Fred Ohlt, Charles Grau and John Dlerk were delegates to the Farmers' Unloi, ' county convention on Thuraday. I ; . Mrs. George M. Mangold entertained -, Thursday afternoon for her mother's, Mrs. " Marx Lamp's, birthday anniversary. E. G. Maxwell, county farm agent, at tended a meeting here Monday evening and -laid out a course ot spring farm work. The Royal Neighbors, at the close of ' their meeting Thursday afternoon, gave a ' miscellaneous shower for Miss Florence Grau, whose wedding takes nlaco this month. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting.. 'a It from Oats themselves felt more distinctly with , the change of seasons. They show ' that nature needs assistance in giving the system a general bousecleaning. Everybody just now needs a few ; bottles of S. S. S-, th great vegej. table blood remedy, to purify their , blood and cleanse it of impurities. It : is good for the children, for it gives , them new strength and puts their system in condition so they can more easily resist the many ailments so prevalent in summer. S. S. S. is with out an equal as a general tonic and system builder. It improves the ap petite and gives new strength and vitality to both old and young. Full information and valuable lit erature can be had bv writinir r Swift Specific Co., 440 Swift Labula- tory, Atlanta, Ga.