Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1918, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 15, Image 15

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    Friday, March 22, 1918.-
-Store Hours: 3:30 A. Myte 6 P. M.-
-Stora Hour: 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M.-
-Telephone Douglas 137.
Remember, Burgess -Nash Close Saturday -at 6.0'Qock
New French Kid Gloves
Perfect in Fit and Workmanship
EVERY woman knows the finest and best wearing
gloves come from France. We made early and lib
eral provision and are still receiving shipments, from
oversea. '
New styles and exquisite color
ings are here for your choosing,
and we know we can fit you per
fectly. Our expert fitters are at
your service. Prices range from
?2.50 to $3.50."
New Silk Gloves
New styles and colorings, at 75c
to $1.50 pair.
Chamoisette Gloves, .
$1.00 and $1.25
That fit perfectly; white, gray,
mastic, pongee and chamois colors.
Special for Saturday
White chamoisete gloves, exceptionally fine quality, plain or with
black stitched back, 85c.
Fabric Gloves at 39c
An assortment of chamoisette gloves, slightly soiled and mussed ;
are otherwise in perfect condition; black, white and colors.
Burfe.i-Na.h Co. Main Floor
You'll Appreciate These Women's
Pure Silk Hose Values at $1.25
IT'S been some time since we've been able to offer such
splendid values at the price. Pure thread silk. Black
or white, also novelty silk, lace instep, full fashioned and
seamless, at $1.25 a pair.
Women's Cotton Hose at 39c
Black, whits and coloft, full seamless, garter tops, special, at
39c a pair.
Children's Mercerized Hose, 39c and 50c
Pins ribbed In the most popular shades ;tan and nigger brown.
Sizes 5 to 7 at 39; sizes 7 to 9 at 50c.
Burfo-Naah Co. Main Floor
Women's New Spring Shoes
That Pass All Criticisms
Price Range, $8.00 to $12.00
WOMEN are more particular than ever before
, as to the kind of shoes they wear. Not only
must the itylerbe correct and the quality desirable,
but the colors must harmonize with the costume.
W have provided assortments for
Spring wear that pass the severest cri
ticism. They are correct in every detail
and we are showing them in, the many
shades of brown, gray, taupe and tan.
Many times two harmonizing colors are
effectively combined. Shoes of com
bination fabric and leather are espe
cially desirable and are shown here in
many styles and colors.
Children's Shoes, $1.65 to $5.00
Featuring Educator and Kindercraft shoes for misses and children
-the best wearing Bhoes made.
Burf u.-Nash Co. Sacond Floor
Special Sale of Hand Bags
Featuring a Wide Range of Styles
At $1.95, $Z.95, $3.95 and $4.95
THROUGH the wide variety of these featured groups it is possible
for women to exercise freely any preference they may have
in style. s
, In the assortment are hand bags and strap purses of pm seal,
morocco, vacnette, coors ana long grained leathers, also suk moire,
all nicely lined. ,
Bar tu-Naah Co. Mala Floor
Easter Gifts of Jewelry
A Profusion of Beautiful Gifts
ar shown in our jewelry section at a wide range of prices
Bar Pins
Of sterling silver, platinum style with rhinestones; exact imita
tions of diamond and platinum pins; $1.50 to $12.50 each.
Watch Bracelets
Convertible and ribboned style solid gold, gold filled and silver;
many eddly shaped. $12.50 to. $42.50.
n Pearl Necklaces
In nfany sizes and styles. New shipment just received, 50c to
H7.B0. Rosaries
Scapular medals lockets and brooches; a large variety for selec
tion. Especially desirable for Easter gifts, 50c to $5.00.
New French Jet Jewelry
Jewelry necklaces, brooches, chains, barrettes and pins, at 75c
to $7.50. Genuine Diamond Rings
' . .F011 cut Btnes, 'n a range of plain and fancy ring settings. Spe
cially priced, from $7.50 to $30.00.
Burf Mi-Nash Co. Main Floor
This Is Refrigerator Time
1 and We Feature the Automatic
EIGHT-WALL construction, mineral wool insulation, outside case
made of selected heavy lumber, with three coats of varnish; all
St. M TVlllfaC did ill-
Electrical welded tinned wire
Automatic traps.' "
Solid brass hinges and locks,
heavily nickle plated.
II I I- to lUggapa 1 El Metal ic rack.
60-lb. ice'eapacity, $37.50.
75-lb. -ice capacity, $39.50.
100-lb. ice capacity, $45.00.
With built-in water rnnWr
60-lb. ice capacity, $41.00.
75-lb. ice capacity,. $45.00.
- mn.lh ioi KinaKiftr Ui. in
Illinoi. RfViarratna
Are well proportioned and of five-wall construction. The outside
case is made of ash lumber, which has a pretty grain and, golden oak
handsome design"8 heavi,y nick,e plated' ver7 8t"n& nd of
Shelves are heavily tinned woven wire. :
berarhreed0r 8'd8 iCi"8 l Uvt wWte enae,cd food cnam'
Ice capacity 90 lbs., at $29.50. Ice opacity 75 lbs., at $25.00.
Ice capacity 100 lbs., at $35.00. ;Ce capacity 60 lbs., at $21.75.
Illinois Top Icing Tyrle
45-lb. ice capacity, galvanized food chamber, $12.50.
45-lb. ice capacity, -vyjiite food chamber, $15.95.
75-lb. ice capacity, white enameled food chamber, $21.00.
guri..Nh Co. Down Stair. Store
Made Caramels
The sort that tastes like
more. Vanilla and chocolate
flavor with nut centers, 33c lb.
Cocoanut and peanut brittle,
special at 29c lb.
Burf M..Nah Co. Mala Floor
Neck Fixins
Representing the very new
est ideas, are shown here first
The new Easter outfit calls for
new fixins and we're certain
you can best Supply that need
.Burg Mi-Naik Co. Mala Floor
Sundaes Served
in the
Cricket Room
Saturday Afternoon
"Toasted Cocoanut" (marsh
mallow). 10c."
"Old Favorite." 10c.
"The Cricket," 15c.
."Italian Goupe." 15c.
"Over the Top," 20c
"Fruit Salad.'' 20c. v
Good music. Prompt service.
Burf M.-Na.h Co. Main Floor
Carnations 3c
Long stem, fresh cut Car
nations, assorted colors, Satur
day 3c each. ,
Sweet Pai, 20c
Sweet Peas, large bunch at
Hyacinths, 15c
Potted Hyacinths, assorted
colors, at 15c pot. j
Violet, at 19c
California Violejs, 50 in a
bunch, at 19c.
Burfe..-Na.h Co. Mala Floor
RUG and
Toilet Articles
Colorite, 25c.
Chamois, washable, 15c and
Colgate's Tooth Taste, 10c
and 23c.
Pepsodent Tooth Paste, 39c.
Powder Puffs, large size, 10c
Sempre Giovine, 49c.
Dr. Graves' Tooth Pow
der. 19c.
v Orchard White, 32c.
Nonspi, 44c.
Peroxide, small size, 10c.
Peroxide, medium size, 20c.
Lavoris, small, 22c.
Lavoris, large, 44c.
Page's Talcum Powder, 12c.
Colgate's Cashmere Boquet
Soap, 10c.
Racarma Toilet Water, $1.00
' Djer Kiss Vegetal, $1.40.
Lov Me Face Powder. 75c
We have a complete line of
UMelba Toilet Goods.
Wayne Wardrobes will pro
tect your clothirig.
No. 8 Wardrobe," 50c.
No. 2 Wardrobe, 75c.
Burfea.-Nash Co. Main Floor
Here Are Two Big Ribbon
Specials Just for Saturday
FASHION is making large use of ribbons this spring.
The gown may be simple white organdy, but, if so,
a warm glow of colorful beauty is provided by the loops
of wide ribbon.
Exactly conceived for this use are these.
Wide Ribbons, at 49c
Including French taffetas, fancy stripes and
flowered effects in all the new Spring shades
and they are especially desirable for camisoles
and millinery purposes.
The values are unusual, at 49c a yard.
New Moire Ribbons, at 35c
7 inches wide, in a splendid range of shades,
also beautiful new warp prints on light grounds
for girdles, sashes and hair bows; special, at
35c a yard.
NOTE When the ribbon is bought here we will
make hat bows at a nominal charge.
Burf.t.-Naah Co. Main Floor
There's a Certain Charm About These
That Will Appeal to You at a Glance
Price Range, $25.00 to $125
FIRST, this is an early Easter; second, this has already
taken its place as a season of suit popularity; third, we
were informed by the New York house that we were
amongst thos,e limited number who were in their New York
show rooms, "on time" with early choice of models as first
deliveries in the store a most important point this season.
So this trio of circumstances, an early Easter, a popu
larity for suits, and our early merchandise engagements
are making this a very busy Easter suit section, indeed.
The suits that come into the cases dailv. are the nroud
P representatives 'of well known New York designers closely
in touch with Pans developments, with individual skill of
a high order and noted for the originality of their models.
We can promise you full and complete satisfaction in
our section of suits.
The Full Length and Straight Lines
of the Spring 1915 Coats
Price Range, $16.50 to $50
THE summing up of the coat style situation
might be in the words, above, with the added
information that a distinguished feature is the
all plain color, and the coat with trimmings
in contrasting colors.
The use of two materials in combination,
is often seen.
Coats are frequently elaborate of body
and plain of sleeve and collar; or elaborate
of sleeve and collar and plain of body.
Many fabrics are favored tor coats, such
as silk, serge, gabardine, duvetyn, etc.
The colorings are those most favored for
this season.
Burfct.-Naih Co. S.cond Floor
w it
Women's Union
Suits at 69c
White cotton, low neck
and sleeveless, knee length.
Regular and extra' sizes,
Women's Vests, 50c
Kayser make, low neck
and sleevless, white cotton,'
Burf M.-Naih Co. Main Floor
The Hats
are made of hand made
lisere, Italian Milans,
finely sewed hemps. ,
Hats illustrated here
were sketched in our
own show room.
Extraordinary (k
Sale of
The Styles--'
include large sailors,
smaU, nifty turba'ns,
clever poke effects, new
Watteau styles, etc.
We illustrate but"
twelve of the many
You'll enjoy
the display
even if you do
not , intend to
make a selection.
N OFFERING so much out of the ordinary
that unusual plans have been given to
preparation. Smart, new, individual
and distinctive models, possessing that
characteristic of "different-
ness" so apparent in Burgess
Nash millinerya
feature sought by
women who
give a thought
to t h e i r
. It A A&k
Faced with taffeta silk
or georgette crepe and
wings, flowers and rib
bons are used for
The Trimmings
its x
, Individ ual
rooms in which
to make sclcc
tionsj if desired.
Plenty of black, also
browns, taupe, red,
navy, wine and gray
are included in
' The Colors
BurfMi-Nah Co. S.cond Floor
Smart New Tailored Suits
Specially Priced for Sat.
At $12.95
And they will not overlook
this wonderful offer for Sat
urday in the Down Stairs.
Wc have just received these new
Ruits,.vhich are made of sercc, strict
ly tailored, with pleated effect over
the hips and have either self or silk
collars. .
The suits are in navy and blacks
two most popular Spring shades.
Button trimmings nre one of the
attractive features of these suits.
You will find juat the suits that
you urs looking for. and Saturday
you Can benefit by this special price
of $12.95.
Waists at 98c
s ?
Fresh organdie, lawn and voile waists, somo are embroidered
in colors and white, others are trimmed with lac? r.nd embroidery.
Large collars, in pqinted and square style. Sizes t 4. Very
special, at 98c.
The NeWest Un trimmed Hats
$1.25, $1.50,
$1.98 and $2.98.
INCLUDING large lisere sailors,
short back pokes, and small,
nifty turbans, in all colors and
New Spring Flowers
29c, 39c and 49c , ,
Pretty nose gays, forget-me-nots,
pansies, roses, etc., made of
fine quality linen and silk combi
nations, all the new French col
orings. Burges.-Na.h Trimming Service
Freo of Charge:
Bring the Boy Here
I Saturday for His
Easter Suit
JUST the sort of suits for healthy, robust boys,
and they're very, inexpensive. Big variety of
styles and colors, all sizes 8 to 17 years. Price
range, $3.95, $4.95 and $5.95.
Boys Rah Rah Hats, 59c .'.
Made of cloth, in a variety of patterns and
colorings. Very special for Saturday, at 59c.
Boys' Wash Pants, $1.25 -
Wash pants of khaki, linen and palm beach,
sizes 5 to 17, special, at $1.25.
U Y Your Films
of Burgess-Nash
We carry a complete line of
Eastman films and you're sure
of fresh stacks here.
Burf M-Nah Co.-Main Floor '
: : i' 'i
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