Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1918, Page 10, Image 10

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. Officer, at Army Post Is Played
, Up as Hero of-One of Big
Riotous Comedies Pre
sented to Soldiers.
' Camp Funston, Kan., March 22.
'(Special.) A deter young comedian
in a theatrical company at Army City
scored a hit and convulsed the can
tonment when he conceived the idea
of making Lieutenant Colonel Crim
mins the hero of a riotous musical
comedy, presented before a soldier
Colonel Crimmins is commander of
the detention camp and a notable fig
ure at Funston. When "The Devil
i and Tom Walker," opened at the
'Army City showshop, camouflaged as
"The Devil and Colonel Crimmins,"
set to music and plentifully decorated
with pretty girls, dressed as for the
(climate suggested by the title, even
the victim himself shared the .laugh.
' The first scene showed the deten
tion camp, but such a camp as was
never dreamed of on this womanless
reservation, A beautiful blonde was
the stage colonel's orderly. A won-
derful brunette drilled an awkward
sauad of little cuttes just outside his
tent The comedian was -the soldier
whom the colonel sentences to do
kitchen-police for writing mash notes
to the shapely auburn haired ad
fttUnt, And They All Laugh.
The scene in the nether " regions,
in which that worthy, evidently pro
moted from kitchen police, is . the
prince of darkness, rocked the house.
When the actor impersonating
Colonel Crimmins appeared and was
sentenced to peel 1,000,000 asbestos
. spuds with a knife made of butter,
the audience went into spasms. One
rookie, with the tell-tale marks of
the spud peeling squad on his hands
nearly required treatment for hys
terics. -
In the close of the burlesque,
Colonel Crimmins' men followed the
man to hell. There they played; a
dirty trick perhaps, in rescuing bim
from the clutches of the . flock of
- captivating little red-tighted chorus
devils, but the travesty had put across
one hit that told, for many say that
the colonel's men would follow him
farther than that,
' Colonel Crimmins' friends left the
theater holding their aching sides
and. suggesting : that perhaps the
drinks well, yoo know. Behind the
scenes the young comedian's pals
were patting him on toe back and
congratulating him on scoring 1 the
laugh of the season.
Accepts the Plaudits. 1
He accepted the plaudits mechani
cally, but his thoughts were on a let
ter he had. just opened. It brought
him to his mind the sage old saving,
and unfolded' the possibilities of the
later laugh. .. ....... .-.
It .told him that' he would shortly
be called in the draft, sent to Funs
ton and landed as a rookie in the very
detention camp over which Colonel
Crimmins , presides. And then I Oh
boyl '.. .-. ... '
Warm spring weather has brought
an exceptionally large crowd of visi
tors to the camp, the rush of eager
relatives and sweethearts com
mencing early in the morning and
taxed the . capacity of the pass . is
suing places, whose records show ar
rivals "from all of the 'nearby states, as
well as many farther ones.
As no women are allowed in he
camp excepting on the firsjt Satur
day of each month, the Young Wom
en s Christian association hostess
house was the mecca for them, while
little brother or father or a mes
senger, as the occasion might be,
hustled through the camp' in search
of the boy in the case.
Nothing in the army -regulation!
prevents women from climbing the
hill bordering Funston, however, and
the elevation provided grandstand
seats for hundreds wJio spent hours
pi&ing out "the place where Johnny
sleeps and "the barracks where
" Jimmy lives," from among the hun
dreds of buildings spread out below.
V Depot Busy Place.
The headquarters information bu
reau, in charge of Orderly Hirshmart,
took .care of the majority of the
crpwtf, which arrived on the interur
ban ears. However, the camp receiv
ing station; near the depot to which
visitors arriving from a distance via
train go first, was also a busy point.
There a long line formed with the
arrival of the . first early morning
train,: Some of the visitors had come
from as far away as Arizona, and a
few affecting reunions were mingled
with the many happy scenes. Every
tone carried bundles.
It is estimated that a ton of good
things to eat were brought in by to
day's visitors for the boys. Many
, carried a huge armload of the duly
appreciated delicacies and there were
picnic parties by the score up on
vthe hill, while the Young Women's
Christian association cafeteria fed
hundreds. . ' . .
f One of Freaks of Wan
- A recent reunion at Camp Funston
illustrated another of the many co
incidences of war. Years ago Alfred
pouchet and Fernand Reich were
schoolmates in Frarfce, , Afterward
Bpuchet went to London where he
entered business, while Reich remain,
ed in Paris. When the war broke out
both entered the French army in dif
ferent branches, but never saw each
other. It was one of the freaks of
war, that the old friends, now lieu
tenants in the service of the tricolor,
should both be assigned to the French
military mission to this country, and
they , met recently i at Funston for
the first time, both going there for
duty as instructors.. .
.The importance of the salute in the
making of, a well disciplined soldier
has again been impressed upon Funs
ton in a bulletin from Major General
Ballon, ordering all commanders- to
make, it a fixed part of their drill
until the men re proficient. "This
phase of the soldiers' training-must
be considered vital instead of casual,"
the bulletin reads, "and the individual
should not be classed as proficient un-
; till he can perform the act of saluting
i with1 the bearing and look of pride
(that are so vitally necessary to the
accomplishment of the real salute."
N T7ar Finance Passes House.
'.Washington, March, 22. The ad
ministration bill to establish a war
finance corporation was passed by the
towe today. 369. to 2 , v , V ,
J 1 si
Governor Charles S. Whitman of
New York has announced his candi
dacy for a third term. It was while
elated with the news that he had
been nominated by the farmers' coun-
cil that Governor Whitman defiantly
proclaimed he was ready to meet
anybody who would dispute Ins title
to a third term. Tht governor said:
"I am ready to meet all comers at
the primaries for the republican gu
bernatorial nomination.
Federal Appointments
, And Transferrin West
WuhlBftoa Bnreaa of Th
Omh Bm, 1311 O Street.
Washington, March " 22. (Special
Telegram.) Sue V. Wolfe, Sheridan,
Wyo., and Margaret K. Vandiest,
Lincoln, Neb., were appointed clerks
in the War department.
Captain Frank 5s ireadway, quar
termaster reserve corps, is relieved
from. duty as assistant to Quarter
master at Fort D. A. Russell, and will
proceed to St. Louis, Mo.
rrank I Melvin, appointed post
master at Murdock, , Cass county,
Neb vice Emma Davis, resigned, and
Paul. E. Bellamey, at Hardin Grove,
Haakon county, b. v., vice Eawm 11.
Spurling, resigned. . ;
Rural letter carriers appointed for
Nebraska: John Nelson, jr., Nebraska
-uy; wmiam j.- uougneny, ixew
Castle; Glenn H. Williams, St. Ed
ward; Harry S. Haynes, Sterling;
Harry J. Bright, Venus: Eugene' L,
South Dakota:' Herbert V. Hunt-
ev. -Avon: Clarence. W. Peterson.
Burke r William W. Wood, Gayville;
Ray E. Bridge, Ward; Grove 11.
Flindt, Frederick; John . R. Udseth,
Summit.- ' ' ; ," - '- -
' '. - . . " ' 1
Boy Scouts Preparing
- For Spring Cleaning Day
Spring housecteaning day for Oma
ha is close at hand. ?
"Get ready to clean .up those ash
piles, tin cans and other' litter early"
says John W. Welch, scout commis
sioner! "The Boy Scouts will get
you if you lont watch out."
These lads did their bit last spring.
They -were asked to make a . survey
of the entire town, ' take notes on
sanitary condition! in yards, hand out
circulars urging the , necessity for
cleaning up for summer, and urge on
the people the importance of making
Omaha'a city beautiful. '
"I am for the Boy Scouts all the
time," says Mayor Dahlman,' in com
menting on the work of the boys.
"The training a boy receives as a
result of being a scout is, to, my
mind, thevgreatest man builder the
world has ever known" is- the tribute
paid to the boys fcy President ,W. H.
Clarke of the Rotary club.
Crack Shat Liberate Elk.
Taking a ihot at tin elk to liberate him
without alaylng' him 1 an unusual thins to
do, but It haa happened.
Elk are protected In Utah, and the ani
mals are the cpeclal care of the atata ftah
and g-ame, department.
R. H. Slddoway, atata tlah and (ama eom
mlaaloner, recently received word from
Ted Beeholzer, deputy - (am warden at
Logan, that he wa obliged to coma to the
reacue of a big- male elk by using hla ritla
on the animal. Aa a reault the elk la mlnua
a portion of one horn and a burden of
chicken wire by which ha waa hampered.
Mr. Seeholzer aaya In hla letter that ai
ha waa making hla Inspection rounds In
Logan canyon on day recently he amy a
big mala elk, -apparently entrapped by
on horn. Going closer, he found that a web
of chicken wire about three fret wide and
20 feet loac waa caught on th animal'a
horn and waa being laboriously trailed along,
meantime the elk fighting bravely to get rid
of hla entanglement.
Mr. Seeholxer aaw that th only freedom
for the elk lay in ahootlng off the wire
burdened horn. Th deputy warden ap
proached to within a few yards and in a lull
In the strangling of the elk he ahot about
a foot of th horn off the outer xtenilty
and th animal raced away, apparently glad
of Ita audden freedom from the undesirable
It la thought that the chicken wire be.
came attached to the horn either in brows
ing or In. a fight with another male elk.
Salt Lake Tribune.
In Justice to Ounclf.
Tt takea a hustler for the newspaper
business In this locality Just now, bui th
Bug! la equal to th emergency. W can
write a poem, d Incurs, the tariff, umpli a
ball game, report a wedding, aaw wood,
beat a lawyer, deecrlbe a fire ao thr.t the
reader will ahed their wrapa, make a dollar
do the work of 10, shine at a Soiree, addreaa
a horticultural society, measure calico, abuse
the liquor habit, teat whisky, aubac-tbe to
charily; go without meals, attack th) free
liver, defend blmentalism. sneer at snob
bery, wear diamonds. Invent advertiaemer.ts,
overlook scandal, praise babies, delight
pumpklnrajsers, minister to the afflicted,
heal the disgruntled, fight to a finish, act
type, mold opinion,' aweep the office, praise
the widows, run for office, apeak at prayer
meeting and atand in with everybody and
everything. Tamarora, Idaho, Bugle.,
Peanut Bread.
A baking company in Qalnavllle, Fla
working In co-operation with B. F. Wil
liamson, a . chemist of that city,' has put
peanut bread upon the market and Is se
curing wlda, distribution toe It in that lo
cality. The peVnut flour used is made
from- peanut cake left after oil extraction.
It contalna a eattxfoctory percentage of fat
and I said to have almost twice the nitro
genous food value of dried beef 44 per cent
for peanut flour, against Si per cent for
dried beef. - . ,
One-fifth peanut flour " to four-fifths
wheat flouf-. producea a balanced ration,
supplying - necessary Ingredient furnished
by bread and meat In human diet. PeaSut
flour I aald to be readily digestible, whole
some and palatable, and the Florida con
cern believes it will be able to market It at
a price below that of wheat flour, pound
for pound. New York World.
Department - Order. - '
Washington. March tt. (Special Tele
gram.) Bertha M. Death. Lincoln,- Neb.;
Mabel U. Oormley Florence, Neb.; Harry
B. Davis, Independence. la.; Alva W. Buxta
Lincoln, Neb.; Lydla Edwards ad Mac C.
Bahrenfusa. Webster City, la.; Ira M. Mc
Cauley, Clinton, la., have all been appointed
clerka, and Guy W. SearT Orlnnell.k la.;
Frank C Bowman, Cheyenne, Wyo.,. have
been appointed accountanta in the War
- Contract Surgeon Herbert B. Whlteledge,
United State army. Is relieved from duty
at Camp Dvif and will proceed to his
borne. i -
... a . --
Staff Correspondent of London
Times Declares Berlin Merry
Despite Conflict; Food
Conditions Good!
(London Timet Special Correspondence.)
Amsterdam, Feb. 21. A traveler
who had just arrived from Berlin told
me today that he reached Berlin at
the moment of the outbreak of the
strikes, but saw little of them as he
kept away from the quarters princi
pally" affected.
He arrived in Berlin at the. Pots
dam station, and was struck iiy the
large reinforcements of police visible
everywhere. In the royal castle there
were, it was said, two companies
of machine gun soldiers; he was in
formed that they had 24 machine guns
Although the strike caused alarm
it did not paralyze the activities of
tlLe citVi as traffic was interrupted
only in some localities.
My informant declared that the
population of the towns were suffer
ing severely from underfeeding, but
the country folk experience less hard-
6m privation. His view is that
and will be the time of
greatest difficulty from the food point
of view, but if this critical period is
passed, Germany will be able to go
on again for another year, apart from
any possible supplies from the Uk
raine. Germany, he affirmed, is suf
fering terribly from the effects of
the war, but will never give way from
privation alone.
Victory Will End War.
"If the Germans Ret a good lick
ing, he continued, collapse will come
very quickly, and will be terrific, for
u - r :t...i: . u' r
the German people, including the of
ficers.' are heartily sick of fighting.
Soldiers and officers will do anything
to get excused from serving at the
"When I was in Berlin I rroticed
incessant troop transports from east
to west Train? were continually ar
riving at, the terminal of the east
ern lines with troops going to the
west front.
In Berlin itself I only noticed one
machine-gun battalion passing
through the streets. It was about
500 strong. The troops were very
smart, and the officers well mounted.
Their horses' hair was long, indicat
ing that they were from the East
There is an enormous amount of
dishonesty in connection . with food
in Berlin, where bread and meat cards
are easily purchasable. I bought a
bread card for five marks (shillings.)
It is said that millions of forged-cards
are in circulation. People with money
can get anything in the food way.
Plenty to Eat.
I lunched at one of ther first wine
restaurants in Berlin, and paid one
mark for a plate of very decenW
vegetable soup, and 6m. SOpf. for a
good, portion of goose with a few
potatoes. In . the boarding house
where I stayed, meat was served
with lunch every day. The pro
prietress obtained it surreptitously.
She charged 10 marks for a simple
luncheon. Still there is no question
that a food shortage exists, the
absence of fat particularly causing
great'hardship to the population as
a whole. .
Berlin, although dark, only one
street-lamp in about three being
lighted, is still gay in some respects.
Officers on leave are very numerous,
and spend money freely. As-a
natural consequence, fast life wijh
the female hangers-on forces itself
the more strongly on the attention.
The theaters also are packed every
night. All soldiers returning home
on leave, bring food from the front
to their relatives and their friends.
When they return to the front they
carry.medicines and bther necessities,
thus acting as commission agents.
In Berlin I heard that about ten
policemen were killed during the
strikes, but when a state of seige was
proclaimed the strikers' enthusiasm
cooled. They were told that they
would be sent to the front if they did
not resume work. Upon this they
asked if being sent to the front was
& punishment, where did the honor
come in for the soldiers in such
glowing terms. However, they gave
way before the threat of the military
authority. ,
At the end of January" and begin
ning of February there was greaH
interference with the railway traffic
while the Germans were completing
their concentration of troops in the
west. I experienced no difficulty in
travelling, however, when I left sub
sequent to this date.
British Bombard Helgoland
And Cstend; Airmen Retijrn
London, March 22. Ostend was
bombarded by British monitors today
and Helgoland was attacked by sea
planes, according to the official an
nouncement tonight.
Prior to the bombardment four .en
emy aircraft wre destroyed by the
British naval air squadron. Enemy
aircraft attacked the British machines,
while spotting for t,he bombardment
with the result that another enemy
machine was destroyed. - v
British seaplanes engaged in recon
naissance in Helgoland Bight, at
tacked enemy mine sweepers with
machine gun fire. There were no
casualties on the British side. All our
machines returned safely.
Fred Feakins Returns to :
Omaha in New Position
Effective- t immediately, Fred L.
Feakins becomes assistant general
freight agent of the Missouri Pacific,
with headquarters in Omaha, succeed
ing R. M.. Dozier, recently trans
ferred to Memphis, Tenn. Mr. Feak
ins has arrived and has taken up his
new duties. , -
- He conies from Boston, where for
the last three years he has been New
England agent of the Missouri Pacific
freight and passenger department.
Prior to going east he was the com
pany's Omaha commercial agent,
coming to the Missouri Pacific from
the Denver & Rio Grande.
J. O. Phillippi, who has been act
ing assistant general freight agent the transfer of Mr. Dozierr re
turns to his former'duties as commer
cial agent, -
English People Reserve Calm
During World's Greatest Clash
(By Associated Trees.)
London, March 22. Although a
battle is beir.g fought which is likely
to develop into the greatest struggle
of modern history, and perhaps settle
the result of the war, the English peo
ple preserve the same quiet calm they
have worn for the last four years.
There are no signs of unusual excite
ment or nervousness in London, no
crowds outside the newspaper offices
or elsewhere.
The statement made by Andrew
Bonar Law in the House of Commons
was circulated in the hotels and other
public placei. That is the last news
the majority of the people will have
of the great struggle before they see
the morning papers, but Bonar Law's
words have ;arried much assurance.
First Act of Director General
Prescribes Basis of Compen
sation to Owners During
Federal Operation
(By AsHfclated Freaa.)
Washington, March 23. The first
act of Director General, McAdoo,
after President Wilson signed the
railroad Dill which provides $500,000,
000 revolving fund, and prescribes a
basis of compensation to the owners
during federal operation, was 'to is
sue an order restricting railroads'
capital expenditures to; extension and
betterments absolutely essential un
der war conditions.
Inasmuch as the government has
now undertaken largely the financ
ing of improvements and purchase
of new equipment the order will serve
as a , safeguard to the big 'working
The signing of the bill opens the
way for the railroad administration
to proceed with necessary extensions,
with the ' negotiation of agreements
on compensation, arid with -other
forms of financial assistance to the
companies. - ' '
Lovett at Head. v
Without waiting for the railroad bill
to pass the final stage of the presi
dent's approval, Mr. McAdoo had
created in the railroad administration
a division of capital expenditures,
headed by Robert S. Lovett, former
director of priorities for the war in
dustries board, ' to supervise the
regulation . of additions and better
ments. , - ' .
This division will "scan all requests
for the building of new terminals, ex
tensions of lines,' purchase 1 of loco
motives, cars and other equipment.
and all other enterprises requiring
expenditure of capital. ' .
Engineers, of fclie railroad 'ad'-i
ministration will report on the ohvsi-
cal necessity of proposed betterments
betore these are considered by higher
officials. After being approved by Mr. '
Lovett and tlje director general, pro
posals involving capital expenditures
will go to the division of finance and
purchases, headed by John Skelton
Williams, for execution.
Charles F. Feemster Dies
At Brother's Home In York
York, Neb., March ,22-(Specia!.)
Frank Record of Stromsburg and
Addie A. McDuffie of Netica were
married by Judge Hopkins Monday.
Charles F. Feemster died at home
of his brother, H. C. Feemster, 936
Florida avenue, aftdr an illness of
one week of erysipelas. Prof.
Feemster hadharge of the manual
training- department of the Stroms
burg High school. Funeral . services
were held -Wednesday afternoon.
the Board of Education opened bids
tor furniture to be placed in the new
$135,000 school building. The Oma
ha School Supply, company obtained
the contract. ' .
Holdrege Second Auto Show
Opens With Fine Prospects
Holdrege; Neb... March 22.-(Spe-
cial.) The- second annual Holdrege
auto show opened with a bang yes
terday. The affair would do credit
to any city and in most every way
but size, it outclasses any show m
the middle west. The displaySare
first class, the decorations extra
ordinary in every detail and the en
tertainments of the highest order.
Wednesday afternoon Swanberg's
orchestra gave a splendid concert.
The Holdrege Automobile Dealers'
association, which is behind the show,
is a permanent organization, com
posed of the eight local auto dealers,
all of whom are keen business men.
C. Engstrom, senior member of the
Engstrom Motor company, is presi
dent of the organization and R. W.
Kiplinger of the Kingsbury & Kip
linger firm is secretary and treasurer.
Noonday Club Now Sponsors
For Foreign-Born Sailor
The members of the Noonday club
are sponsers of a navy recruit.- Erail
Ella, of Sioux City, la., Austrian
born enemy of the kaiser, who was
presented to them by Ensign Con
dict of the navy at the monthly
meeting held in the Chamber of
Commerce last night.
The sailor boy was sworn into
service and the oath of allegiance
was given at the meeting in 'the
presence of the club members."
The boy's father and mother are
still in Austria and the son, who has
heard no word from them for some
time, is worried about them.
Has Nine Relatives in
France, Visits Dr. Callfas
TUmi. WAVirA ,nl HIV. WMKsrJ
IIVIIIU j iilliaiu aalaVft aUlt .-
liere from Canada, are visiting the
home of Dr. William F. Callfas. Mr.
Hilliard is prominent in - insurance
circles in the north. , , " '
He has two sons, two grandsons,
one son-in-law, three nephews and one
niece in the service in France. Three
of the boys are commissioned officers
in the British army. One, Lieutenant
Harry Hilliard, was severely .wounded,
but he is still in the service.
Omaha Food Prices Compare .
Favorably With Other Cities
Comparison . of Omaha's retail
prices of fundamental foods : with
prices maintaining in 35 other cities
of the United States shows that con
sumers are setting lowest prices.
Omaha is below thw average on all but
iwo article . ' '
The Germans had talked so freely
about their great offensive that many
people thought they were making a
feint to conceal some other policy;
some looked for a campaign against
Saloniki, instead of a big attack in
France. Repcrts have been circulated
that the Germans have built a large
number of tanks and super-tanks, but
the British, who first. launched this
weapon, are not likely to be stopped
by the, nor is it conceivable that
they would be behind in numbers of
tanks or improvements.
Extensive preparations have been
made by the English hospitals to re
ceive the trains of wounded from the
channel porU which follow every bat
tle. The first of them is expected
Publicity Posters for
Third Liberty Loan
Throughout Ihe United States,
Hawaii, Alaska, Porto Rico, Cuba,
the Philippines and "somewhere in
France," 9,000,000 postes are being
sent various committees-for distribu
tion in anticipation of the coming
campaign for the third Liberty loan.
The 'drawings are contributions of
artists ranging from a night school
student to, the most widely known
illustrators, and are issued by the di
vision of pictorial publicity, commit
tee on public information. Work on
the posters was begun early in Janu
ary. All. the designs used were fur
nished without charge.
One of tlie most powerful posters,
by Joseph Pennell, .shows a bat
tleship in dock. Airplanes circle over
head.5 Sydney Riesenberg's painting
is entitled"Over the Top for You,"
and "Halt the Hun," in red lettering
is -the title of the poster by Henry
Raleigh. The contribution of Howard
Chandler Christy pictures a modern
ized spirit of Victory bearing an
American flag.
An attractively executed design and
a tlever caption are combined in "Are
you 100 per cent American? by Syd
ney S. Stern. The artist is a young
man who writes that hejittended vari
ous evening schools of art. Exact re
productions of the famous Liberty
bell and Independence hall in Phila
delphia are shown in the "Ring It
Again" poster. i .
In addition to the 9.1)00.000 posters.
5,000,000 window stickers, 50,000,000
poster stamps and 16,000,000 third
Loan buttons have been prepared.
New York Times.
Buildings and Grain Burn. 1
York, Neb., March 22. Special
Telegram.) Fire destroyed several
buildings on the farm owned ' by
Dennis Mahan and occupied by Dan
Keef a few miles north of this city
Wednesday. Fifteen hundred bushels
of ; oats, 1,600 bushels of corn, two
autos, two wagons and a lot of farm
implements were destroyed.
1 r-
A dashing lieutenant colonel, former mem
ber of the general staff, was approached
by a recently drafted man.
"What might your name be? Co you be
long; to this bunch?"
Tm the colonel in charge." f
"Wal, I aea the balance of 'em busy
around here, and I don't see you doln' any
thing. How 'does a fellow go about gittln'
your Job." Everybody's Magazine..
.; ' ifce S
arid the call is "Own Your Home"
Probably one-half the adult population
of Omaha was born in the country.
A healthy man of rural birth rarely
takes kindly to confinement.
For this' reason there is a latent desire
widely prevalent to "Own a Home"
. in the Suburbs of this city. This de
sire is particularly urgent in. the
spring. ' .
- '
In choosing a location for a permanent
suburban home or summer residence
accessibility to . business and social
. privileges should be well considered.
Omaha Is rich in choice suburban areas.
Advertisements of good property in
all of Omaha's suburbs will be found
' in The Bee's Classified Columns. Look
-there NOW and ; -
"Keep Your Eye on The Bee"
Believe Tumult of ; German
- Artillery Cloaks Some Other
Purpose; Supremely Confi
dent Line Will Hold.
(Br Associated Freaa.)
Washington, March 22. Even word
from London that the drive launched
by the Germans on the west front is
on a larger scale than any undertaken
there since the war began has failed
to convince American military ob
servers that the long-heralded Ger
man offensive is at hand.
They are waiting for the usual scope
of the enemy action against both Brit
ish and French' fronts to be made
clear, and still believe that the logic
of the situation points away from a
German offensive in the west at this
time. :
There was a distinct feeling tonight
that the tumult of the German guns
might cloak some other purpose than
to commit the issue of the war to des
perate onslaughts against the all but
it ,i i ... .i. .
lmpregnaDie aiuea lines in ine west.
Supreme confidence in the power of
those lines to resist the shock char
acterized the expressions of all offi
cials. - .
May Hasten End.
Some high army officers, heretofore
confident that the German position
on all fronts made a defensive atti
tude in the west almost mandatory,
viewed with eagerness the possibility
that a great thrust, at Paris or the
channel ports had been actually set
in motion. They believed only some
internal pressure that ' would not
brook wise counsel could force the
general staff to risk such a venture.
They believed, too, that a German
assault in the west now would bring
the ultimate triumph of the allied
cause close, because the resisting
power of the allied armies is unshak
able. .
"If this is in fact a German drive,"
said one general officer, "I will look
upon it as the most hopeful sign in the
war thus farTDefeat of the movement
is certain,
"But I cannot believe that it is a
real drive. Every requirement of rea
son would direct the Germans to press
their exploitation of Russia's re
sources and Russia'sman power to
tlffe limit while they held the west
front locked against our efforts."
Holland Involved.
Reports from Holland that a peace
offer had been made semi-officially
to the entente by , Germany caught
immediate . attention. There was
nothing at the State department to
confirm this report,' but some observ
ers saw the possibility that the menace
of the "German guns had been turned
loose to play a thundering prelude to
such an offer for the effect upon the
French and British peoples.
Others saw possible significance in
the. fact that the German onslaught
.Improving .Every '-Day
comes quickly on the heels of the ac
quisition of Dutch shipping by the
United States and the allies.
There was speculation as to
whether that incident might have cre
ated a motive for the drive, in view
of the strategic situation.
The purpose might be, it was said,
to over-awe European neutrals, or it
might be that realization that the sub
marine campaign had failed to block
the movement of American troops to
France led td resort to a desperate
effort to reach the channel ports.
Poor Military Strategy.
From a purely military standpoint
the launching of an offensive this
early in the year is an innovation Ex
perience would indicate that the
ground is as yet too - soft with the
winter rains for extensive troop and
transport movements necessitated in
pressing home a great thrust. The
spring appears to be early in Europe,
however, and the German experts
have certainly gauged every factor
before undeitaking extensive opera
tions. It may well he that prolonged
bombardment, covering many days of
constant gunfire, "will follow the ini
tial rush in the Cambrai sector, pav
ing the way to greater efforts by the
infantry later.
The situation at Cambrai has
menaced the security of the German
lines ever since the surprise assault
by the allies last year gave them cer
tain strategic advantages. It was
thought here early today that the
Germans were seeking to restore
their old lines in preparatiow for pos
sible more extensive operations, later.
As reports indicated a movement of
wide scope today, however, this view
was abandoned.
J. G. Masters Elected to
Schools Executive Board
Chicago, March 22. Standards for
accredited schools will be greatly low
ered and the lowlier schools and col
leges will become more prominent as
a result of the war, delegates to the
convention of the North Central As
sociation of Colleges and Secondary
Schools declared today. '
A.A. Reed of the University of
Nebraska was elected president of the
commission on accredited schools and
J. G. Masters, Omaha, was elected a
Bombs Found on Ship.
Mobile, Ala., March 22. Five
bombs with fuses attached were taken
from , the Danish schooner Edske
Smith here today before the ship
sailed for the West Indies. No arrests
were made. '. , '
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