Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1918, Image 1

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    a Daily Be
JJiwi miK tte., t.
Oi Trains, ( Hottli.
AND 200
Berlin Official StatemenJ Says Successes of Great Of
fensive Between Arras and La Fere Extended; Ar
tillery Duel Before Verdun Continues With Ter
rific Intensity; Other War Theatres Quiet.
(British Admiralty Per Wireless Press.) -London,
March 22. Sixteen thousand prisoners and 200
guns have been captured by the Germans, according to a Ger
man" official communication received by wireless tonight. The
text of the communication follows:.
"The successes of yesterday in the fighting between Arras
and La Fere were extended in the continuation of our attack.
"Sixteen thousand prisoners and 200 guns so f aV have been
reported captured. Before Verdun the artillery duel con
tinued. From other theaters of the war there is nothing new to
report." k -
British Army Headquarters in"
France, March 22. The Germans to
day continued their assault against
the positions in the Cambrai sector,
notably in the region of Croiselles and
At least 40 divisions have been
identified on the battle front. No
such concentration of artillery lias
been seen since the war began.
On the southern battle field a bitter
struggle was waged today. The enemy
had 1,000 guns in one small sector
one for every 12 yards. Severe fight
ing was proceeding this morning in
St. Ledger, southwest of Croiselles. ,
The hardest fighting yesterday in
the northern battle was between the
Canal Du Nord and Cro'seHes.
Doignies was retaken in the evening
in a brillant counter attack. A bright
sun at midday today rendered obser
vation possible.
Joe Ihm is Name of Boys' -
And Girls' war Gardener
JEtoja'-JLsirls war gardener
lsJoe." -' ' ' .
His full name is Jos Ihm and he
has arrived to help the young folks
of Omaha this season with their gar
dens. ,
He was.sent here by the extension
department of the, University of Ne
braska, will maintain an office at
school headquarters on the fifth floor
of the city hall, and will work
through and with all of the schools
of the city.
"Joe" has been in the service of the
horticulture department of , the state
university. ' One of the features of
his work will be the distribution of
22 practical lessons on gardening to
the boys and girls whom-he will
guide in, the "how, when and what"
of war gardening. He will help them
to conserve their energies, to get the
best results fronr their efforts and to
do something worth while in garden
ing in Omaha this.season. Garden
clubs will be promoted and encour
aged. The Board of Public Welfare has
assigned 800 lots to persons who
have agreed to cultivate them. Those
wishing, lots are requested to call
Aid register, and those having lots or
F tracts to loan or rent are urged to.
make themselves known at the wel-"
fare office.
Omaha Boys to Jail.
Norfolk Neb.,' March 22. Special
Telegram.) Art Humphrey and
, Ralph Spellman, twe Omaha boys
arrested at the point of a gun by the
marshal at Pilger when they were at
tempting to escape with an automo
bile stolen from Norfolk, were bound
over to the district court in justice
court liere. lheir bonds were fixed
at $1,000 each, Being unable to fur
nish bail the nien were taken to the.
Madison county jail by Sheriff Smith
Friday evening. ' , ' -
The Weather .
For Nebraska Fair: warmer.
Temperatures at Omaha yesterday.
6 a. m..
6 a. m..
7 a, m.,
8 a. m. .
a. m.
I 10 a. m 44
11 a. m 47
"12 ra 61
1 p. m
J p. m
. 63
. 55
. 57
. 67
. 68
. 65
. 63
. 60
3 p. m
4 p. m......
5 p. m.....
6 p. m
7 p. m
S p. m
Comnarative Local Record.
, 1918. 1817. 1111. 1915
. Highest -yesterday .. 67 75v .47 43
Lowest yesterday . . 34 38 31 2
'Mean temperature ... 48 68 39 38
I'reoipUatlon ,..... .00 .00 .01 .00
-Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal: -'
Normal temperature 3
Kcess (or the day 7
Total HCfra fines March 1....' S3
Normal precipitation , .05 Inch
jH-tiriency for the day .06 Inch
TotV. rainfall sinr March 1. ....... .11 Inch
Deficiency since March 1 76 Inch
Excess for cor. period. 1917 42 inch
Deficiency for cor. period, H18 78 Inch
Reports from Stations at 7 P. M.
Station and State Temp. High- Bain-
i of Weather. 7 p. ra est. fall.
L . . I., ii R4 El AA
Davenport, clear i4 60 .00
Den -r. clear 58 E8 .00
Dei Mutitws. pt. cloudy.. 60 54 .00
Dodgo City, cloudy .... 44 4G .12
lender, pt. cloudy..... 56 CJ .00
.Ninth Platte, clear .... 52 5S .00
irialia, clear 63 57 .(TO
I'ueblq. clear .' 66 (in .02
Rapid City, clear 1. 80 64 .00
.Salt Lake City, clear .. 60 62 .00
Santa Fe. clear 46 48 .82
r-hertdaii. clear 68 62 .00
Sioux City, clear 60 6S .00
Valentine, clear ..; 62 58 .00
L. A. WELSH. Meteorologist
$f A
Reported to Have Been Out-
- fitted From Mexican Coast;
Now Toweerto Pacific
A- Pacific Port, March, 22.t-A Ger
man raider operating in the Picific
o6ean' has been captured by a United
States cruiser and is now being toired
to this port, according to a report re
ceived here today. "
The raider is said to be a com
paratively srfrall vessel, but capable
of sinking- any -merchant shiptm the
Pacific. It is alleged to have keen
outfitted from the west coast of Mex
ico and was manned by an all-German
crew; I,
The, mariner in which it obtained
clearance papers is not yet known to
the United States .officials, and it is
said that alieady an investigation
into this aspect is being conducted
by Department vof Justice agen'i, ,
Germans Start Active,
Commerce in Seized Towns
Moscow," Tuesday, March 1.
Germans have already established
through railway connections between
the districts they have occupied and
Berlin, and are flooding the occupied
towns with German goods, especially
clothing and hosiery.
Russians who had managed to leave
Kiev, Mohilev, Reval and other oc
cupied cities all tell the same story.
At Narva the Germans . established
clothing, chemical and photographic
supply factories. At Reval they are
reopening the woolen mills and forc
ing the Russians to work.
At Narva the prices of clothing and
other manufactured articles dropped
50 per cent after the German occupa
tion.' Russian soldiers are being fed to
clean out the railway stations. The
general sanitary conditfbns are being
improved everywhere and idlers are
being forced to work.
Princess Cinderella Will
Be at Brandeis Stores
The little Princess Cinderella will
receive all of her small friends at the
Brandeis Stores Saturday. It will be
-children's day in the store and the
princess will be seated on her throne
in the millinery department from 10 to
12 o'clock in the morning and from
2 to 4 in the 'afternoon, when she will
snow all the tiny iplk the cunning
hats she has made. for them.
The princess makes a semi-annual
visit to her little Omaha friends and
crowds of, them come to Brandeis
Stores on these days to visit the
dainty princess and to see the pretty
frocks and coats especially designed
for them in the spring display of
wearing apparel. . ,
Niobrara Masons Unfurl '
Twelve-Star Service "Flag
Niobrara. Neb., March 22. (Spe
cial.) On Tuesday night the Masoftic
lodge of this place gave a patrjdtic
program and., lunch in honor of
Mosoriic brothers in the army and
nevy. T service fla$ with 12 -Stars
was unraveiled. .
Central High School to Honor
Memory of Lad Killed in Battle
Russell G. Hughes, first Omaha boy
in the American army to die in battle
in France, was popular as a student at
Central High school. He .is de
scribed by 'his former teachers as
bright, cheerful and studious.
During his junior year his mother
died. This caused a great change in
the boy, who soon lost interest in his
school worl. After dropping out for.
a while, he returned to school, but
never regained his former interest in
his work. At the end of the year he
left .school.
Central High school flags were at
rl f imfc ill ninm
rue a Linca in iuriu
Take German Positions After Artillery Bombardment;
Enter Trenches to Find Enemy Fled; Teuton Sol
diers Desert to United States Forces; Obtain
Valuable Information from Prisoners.
With the American Army in
France, Thursday,' March, 21. Enemy
first and second line positions on a
part of the sector east of Luneville
have been destroyed by American ar
tillery fire. After the raid ino the
German lines last night the Ameriran
gunners shelled the positions, heavily
all night and this morning.
Today a patrol without assistance
from the artillery crossed No Man's
land and found that the first and sec
ond lines had been' wiped out.
The patrol also obtained addi'irnal
information and returned without cas
ualties, the Germans apparently hav
ing decided not to molest them. Ar
tillery firing by both sides on this rec
tor continued all day.
On. the sector northwest of Toul
a number . of Germans deserted last
night and surrendered to an Ameri
can patrol in a certain wood. The
Germans approached .the Americans
shouting "Don't shoot." The pris
oners were turned over to the Frerch.
"Fed Up" with War.
Much information of value was. ob
tained from the deserters, who said
they were ''fed up" with the war and
decided they would rather be pris
oners. Included in the information ob
tained from the men was the state
ment that during the gas projector
Characterizes as Falsehood Ru
mors That German and Aus
trian Prisoners Occupy
. Communications.
(By Associated Press.)
Moscow, March 22. Rumors that
Austrian and German prisoners of
war have occupied the trans-Siberian
railway ae characterized as an abso
lute falsehood in a dispatch received
by LeonTrotzky, the bolshevik for
eign minister, vin response to inquiries
made of the representatives of the
bolshevik commissaries at Irkatsk.
, Under M. Trotzky's instructions, di
rect telegraphic communication has
been established with M. Stremberg,
commissioner of military affairs, and
M. Jansen,, president of the central
executive council of the All-Russian
soviet, both of whorii are at Irkutsk.
Protest Against Lies.
Replying to questions concerning
reports relative to pnsonersthey said
"Rumors about the occupation of
Siberian railways by German and
Austrian prisoners of war are abso
lute falsehoods. Prisoners of war, not
armed, are grouped -all along the Si
berian railway line and guarded by
armed patrols. We protest against
the spreading of deliberately false ru
mors by foreign representatives, who
further complicate the Russian situa
tion." -
, It is reported from Blagovieshtch
ensjc that during an uprising of the
white guards there the members of
this force fired upon Chinese in the
city and attempted to create dissen
sion between the bolsheviki and the
Chinese, but fled when thj Red Cross
entered the city. The Chinese popu
lation is friendly to the bolsheviki.
Manufacturers Asked to
Shut Down During Parade
. The Omaha Manufacturers' asso
ciation seeks to have all manufactur
ing plants in Omaha to shut down
April 6, while the Liberty loan parade
commemorating the first anniversary
of America's entrance into the world
war, is in progress.
A special committee has been ap
pointed to call on every manufac
turer in the city to induce him to
close if it is at all possible. The com
mittee consists of Howard M. Gould
ing, W. J. Monaghan, Fred S. Knapp,
Ross B. Towl, Arthur Metz. W. H.
Clarke, R. L. Wilder, E. W. Cornell,
W. M, Devitt, T. B. Tholl, J. M. Hard
ing and W. AEIlis.
half mast -Thursday in his honor. A
regimental parade of the cadet regi
ment will be held next week to mark
the death of the first Central High
boy at the hands of the Germans.
Two other Central High boys have
also given their lives. Stanley Mack
ay died recently in a camp in this
country, and Peyton C. March, son of
General, March, wis killed at an avia
tion schM. March attended Central
High in 1911 and 1912. He was then
a sophomore.
The Central' High service flag now
has about 560 stars.
attack against the American lines on
February 27 9Q0 projectors were em
ployed. One-half the projectiles fired
fell within the German lines and the
gas overcame many of the Germans.
Th- next day, according to the de
serters, 11 Germans were killed and
30 wounded while taking out the
American intelligence officers are
inclined to doubt the story regarding
900 projectors. American informa
tion is that only 75 were used.
New Concrete Trenches.
An American patrol last night en
tered the enemy first line and re
mained there six hours, but did not
see any of the enemy. ' It is reported
that the Germans recently had con
structed trenches that are concrete
half way up the side.
Great activity continues behind the
enemy lines. Wrfhin the last four
days a number of rock crushers and
concrete mixers have. been brought
up and there; are signs that the Ger
mans intend to construct a number of
new pill boxes opposite the American
fronts Several trains of material have
arrived at towns in the German lines
during the last 24 hours.
Today's reports say that three
German airplanes flew over various
parts of the American front line at
daybreak and fired their machine guns
on our positions. Their efforts; how
ever, were without result. (
Remove From Executive Com
mittees All Soldier Represen
tatives; Would Eliminate
(By Associated Tress.)
Moscow, March .22. The soviet
government is rapidly disarming and
disbanding the old army, and eliminat
ing its influence from public affairs.
' The ' Moscow v soviet ' has removed
from its executive committee all sol
dier representatives and similar action
is taking place throughout Russia.
The new voluntary army will se
lect representatives in the various
Soviets. The old soldiers are unwill
ing at many places to surrender their
arms and return to work. At Petro
grad three -regiments declined to be
demotl'ized The Petrograd soviet
has issued 'a statement, saying that
these regiments were under influences
contrary to the revolutionary move
ment. All Leave Petrograd.
In explanation of the government's
evacuation ot retrograd; the soviet
has issued a statement saying the
commissioners went to Moscow for
the purpose of saving Petrograd from
All available rolling stock is being
used for the evacuation of Petrograd
along the Trans-Siberian railroad to
ward the Ural mountains. Tfre Putt
loff munition works, and the Shulssel-
burg Powder factory near Petrograd,
employing from 30,000 to 40.000 work
men, are being. moved to Omsk and
-The entire western end of the
Trans-Siberian railroad is congested
with trains of machinery, guns, am
munition and automobiles. All sorts
of war material and factory equip
ment were stacked on flat cars and
government employes, factory work
ers and thousands' of German and
Austrian prisoners are being sent to
Omsk and other Siberian cities tot
industrial work in reretablishino;
piants. s
Prisoners Disinterested.
Many prisoners when interviewed
by the Associated Press correspondent
show little interest in the war, es
pecially the Austrians, who apparently
have no desire to return home. Some
of them sought medicines from the
American Red Cross unit for sick
comrades, and did not know that the
United States had entered the war,
Vologda, where the American em
bassy is now located, has. suddenly
developed from a provincial city with
a population of 60.000 to a congested
transfer point with a large floating
population. Military missions of many
nations leaving Roumania and "Uk
raine have gathered there awaiting
transportation toSiberia or Kola and
Petrograd.' Every inch of space in
side of cars, on platforms nd on the
bumpers is occupied by refugees. All
the stations are crowded with men,
women and children, fighting for
space in the. cars. - 1
Big Rise in Land Value.
Beatrice. Neb.. March 22. (Special
Telegram.) H. P. Crocker today sold
liis 320-acre farm north or Filley to
his son. C. F. Crocker, for $48,000. The
land was purchased 40 years ago for
7 an acre.
Documents Captured Show Germans "Have;
Failed Utterly in Execution of Original "
Bloody Program; Nineteen Enemy
Divisions Are Engaged. '
1 ' ' '
British Army Headquarters in France, March 22. The fighting is still con
tinuing, but the first stage of the offensive has passed. The enemy has failed badly
in the execution of his program, as is attested by captured documents showing
what he planned to do' in the early hours of his offensive. :
x Vigorous counter-attacks late yesterday restored some of the positions
which the British had abandoned temporarily.
Anson Bigelow Accuses Charles
Shrempp of Misappropria
tion of Funds; Testifies
Before Grand Jury.
Anson II. Bigelow, attorney, wio
has filed suit hi ijistrict court charg
ing Charles Schrempp, his : law
partner, with misappropriation of
funds belonging to ' the partnership,
appeared before the grand jury for
more than an hour Friday morning.
Schrempp has collected anT spp'ri
priated for his own use certain sums
of money belonging to the ! firm.
inese sums, higelow .says, are
"greatly in excess of, the amount to
which he i entitled.
A break in the partnership, the pe
tition says, occurred February 19. On
that day Bigelow says he, demanded
an accounting, but that Schrempp not
only has delayed this accounting, but
has collected and. appropriated fur
ther sums. On March 20, he alleges.
Schrempp collected $400 and de
posited it to his own account.
Bigelow seeks to have the partner
ship 'dissolved and the bank re
strained from paying to Schrempp
the $400 in dispute.
Bad Mat) Called.
David Billings, alleged negro had
man, was another summoned before
the grand jury Friday morning.
Billings was arrested following the
theft of a diamond pin and watch
from C. R. Prawitis, Sanford hotel.
Billings was a porter at the Sanford.
Police declare Billings is a "bad
man." He carried a revolver when ar
rested. His defense was that he car
ried the gun for protection from an
other negro who, be said, was hunt
ing him. I he other negro s wife.
Billings confessed, was the point of
issue between himself and his pursuer.
A short time ago, Billings escaped
from police officers by jumping from
a fire escape in the Carleton hotel.
He also is said to have served three
years in the Missouri state peniten
tiary for a cutting affray at Sedalia.
I. W: W.'s Hold Bond Selling
Drive All Their Own in U. S.
Chicago, Marth 22. A bond issue
and a campaign for the sale of "gen
eral defense stamps" lfave been
started by the Industrial Workers of
the World to combat the Liberty loan
and War Savings stamps campaign,
according to literature seized by Fed
eral officials in, recent raids on Indus
trial Workers of the World headquar
Thousands of dollars already have
been realized from the sale of the
bonds and stamps, according to the
literature. The money is to be used
in defense uf members now in jail,
and in the furtherance of sabotage,
according to one pamphlet.
Another circular declares that al
though the work of the Industrial
Workers of the World has been
greatly handicapped by the activities
of government officials, it is now
"gradually getting back to normal"
Another document declares that
"many money contributions have
been received from Canada."
The Industrial .Workers of the
World bonds are called "freedom cer
tificates." Large Class of Masons
To Be Initiated Next Week
Gothenburg! Neb., March 22(,5pe
cial.) eBtween 35 and 40 'Maons
will be initiated into the Scottish Rite
by a team from Hastings here next
Wednesday. This is the largest rlass
that lias ever been obtained at s.ny
town in the state outside of Omaha,
Lincoln and Hastings, where the teg
ular'reunions have been observed.
The degrees from fourth to 14th
will be conferred by the Hastings
team. At the conclusion of the 14th
degree, a banquet will be serv:d in
the dining room of the Presbyte'ian
London, March 22. Nineteen enemy divisions were iden
tified in yesterday' fighting:, Reuter's correspondent at British
headquarters wires. He adds:
"The whole ting is too big to be able even to sketch or
visualize easily. Thus far the enemy has paid a colossal price
for such small gains as represent the (ruits of his mighty effort."
The great battle on the western front continued until last
night, the war office reports. The British are holding the
enemy. " ; -
, The statement from the War department says:
"Fighting continued until a late hour last night on "the'
whole front between the River Oise and the River Sensee. Our
troops continue to hold the enemy in the battle positions.
"During the enemy's attacks yesterday his massed infantry
ottered remarkable targets to
H J- 1 I r 11 .
uiiery, or wnicn run advantage
1 1 . ' Lie.. . - i '
the reports testify to, the 'excessively heavy losses suffered by
the enemy. - ' -- .
.?wgr-N serious attack has yet developed this morning; buV
heavy fighting is still to be expected." v
"Battle positions" are defenses directly behind the first
line trenches. Haig's statement would indicate that the Ger
mans' penetration has been limited.
It is not yet possible to give more than a very general and
vague idea of the fighting Thursday on' the front between the
Oise and the Sensee, which continues with swaying fortunes,
according to the accounts of correspondents at the British front
in the morning papers. ' '
The German attack made on the British, front west and
southwest of Cambrai evidently aims at recapturing all the Hin
denburg line, says a dispatch to the Morning Post from British
headquarters in France, which adds:
"O wTha Curman rtMs affarlriner Aut-t
Duty of Allies to Maintain In
ternational Traffic for Na
tions That Cannot Exist
Without It.
Amsterdam, March 22. A dispatch
from The Hague to the Handelsblad
says one of the most prominent mem
bers of Parliament intends to'askjhe
government .whether it is not time to
recall the Dutch minister at Wash
ington and hand passports to the
American minister at The Hague.
Commenting upon President Wil
son's proclamation regarding Dutch
shipping! the Algcmcn Handelsblad
says it consider? that' there ndw de
volves upon the allied powers the
moral duty of maintaining interna
tional traffic for states which cannot
exist without it. Continued refusal
to permit Holland to obtain grain
from Argentina, it says, would be a
serious matter for both parties.
1 he Jelegraaf says it is wrong to
speak of rejection of the allies ulti
matum by Holland. It asserts that
the Dutch government acceded to
the proposals of the allies as far as
was compatible with its position as a
non-belligerent and adds:
Maintains Holland's Rights.
"The ultimatum was thus accepted
in principle, but in such a form' as to
maintain Holland's rights as against
America's unlimited power. The
Dutch government thereby acted iq
accordance with the principles set
forth by President Wilson in consid
ering a future peace based upon right
above might"
The Nieuws Van Den Dag says it
is a singular fact that both Dutch and
the allied governments seem to have
little knowledge of the course of
events. It adds:
"One would be inclined to ask
whether there is someone in between
who is holding up reports."
New Commandant at Scott.
Rockford, 111., March 22. Appoint
ment of Colonel Frank E. Harris,
U. S. A., to be commandant at Fort
Winfield Scott. San Francisco, was
announced here today. Colonel Har
ris has been acting adjutant of the
Central department.
our rifles, machine guns and ar
. . ...
was taken by our troops.
i . i
wvtHii mitt Bvvuwniii j ovmim
of the Scarpe seems to have delivered
its first blow principally in ' the tri
anale of the Arras-Cambrai and
Bapaume-Cambrai roads, while' the
German army south of CambraJis
striking against our trench system in
the region west of the Scheldt canal.
"Ho doubt the enemy hopes that
the attacking forces of these two
armies may. succeed in forming a
junction and thus cutting off a con
siderable slice of the British front snd
taking back all the Hindenburg
trenches lost exactly four months
ago. , -
Struggles for villages and ruined
farm houses continued throughout
-thursday, according to the corre
spondent of the Daily Mail.
"The enemy bombardment," he.
says, "began at 5 o'clock in the morn
ing and at 7 o'clock some of the Ger
man units left their trenches and at
tacked the B'itish with heavy and
light machine guns. Between 9 and
10 the engagement became general
on a front of some 25 miles. '
Strike at'Three Towns.
"The right of the German attack
was aimed at Croisilles, Bullecourt
and Lagnicourt and there was hard
fighting in a brick field near the first
of these villages.
"Along the Bapaume-Camhjai road
.1, . i . . i i .
uic enemy uo auacKcu ana men 10-.
wards Gouzeaucouft, while his left:
wing was' pushed in the direct of
Ronssoy and Hargicourt.
"The British front in the area of at
tack forms a rather sharp salient. If
the enemy could pinch off this salient!
and run his line straight in a north-l
westerly slant instead of having ' it
run ab an angle first north and then
west, he would be able to hold it with
fewer troops.
Would Take Britishers.
"Also, in pinching it off he would
hope to surround and capture a good
number of British troops. These, 'it
seems plain, are his aims in the first
stage of the offensive.
"The enemy is trying to repeat on a
larger scale the operation by which
he won back some of the ground we
gained in the battle of Cambrai. Then
he pushed in on an angle of our front
both from the north aad the east. His
two bodies of troops did their best .to
join hands, but. could not make it,
though they had at first considerable .
success. . "
"Much the same design is beitijr
followed now. We have good reason
to hope that it will be checked as wis
the previous one.
J : :
British Miners Give la. $
London, March ,22. It is u;k'?.
stood that the Miners' Fctlerri:c:'
cepted the government's prc;'.o.:3:
garding the combing cut m;n :V
military service. J