Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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j . Nebraska
Determination of Bryan to
Force Prohibition Issue Be
fore Lawmakers Looked on
as Start of Big Fight.
I Horn a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, March 21 .(Special.)
Some persons predict that the coming
extra session of the legislature will
be in session for at least four weeks.
Failure of Governor Neville to in
corporate in his call a ratification of
nation-wide prohibition and the Veiled
j attack upon the executive by Mr.
Bryan in his speech Tuesday night
with the passage of resolutions at that
meeting and the appointment of a
committee to watch the legislature
and see that action is taken on the
amendment is held as evidence that
a scrap is coining over prohibition
which may have its effect upon legis
lation for which the session was
Did Not Want Fight.
It is understood the reason the gov
ernor 'did not incorporate the prohi
bition matter in his call was because
he did not want to see the legislature
get into a fight when other important
matters were to be taken up which
he thought should be considered with
out factional strife. It is said that the
executive has not forgotten the bitter
fight of the last session, when many
good pieces of legislation were either
hampered or killed because of the wet
and dry fight and 'that he would rather
the matter be seetled later after the
people at the election had practically
ettlcd it themselves.
'J he attempt of Mr. Bryan to force
the issue, coming all the way from the
south to inject the subject into the
session, is not seting well on the po
litical stomachs of - many of tMe
friends of Governor Neville. They
appear to believe if Mr. Bryan has no
other interest in Nebraska, but to
come here for a day or two once a
year and force upon the democratic
siate administration an issue which
'ihe administration has so far han
dled with a great deal of credit to
itclf, th'at he might better stay away.
Governor Neville will not? discuss
the situation. It has been known for
some time, the governor has put m
inich thought over the wisdom of
njectiiig the wet and dry fight into
he suecial session, and as nothing
;ould be gained by early action and a
whole lot might be lost by doing
iv hat the coming regular session
might do just as well, he has been
loath to take any chances. It is said
I hat he had hoped to have the legis
lators meet, consider the legislation
in the call and adjourn, at least in
10 days, but all hopes now of a short
session appear to have gone glim
mering. Depend on Howard. '
k It is said that the" Bryans are de
T ending upon Lieutenant Governor
i Toward, as presiding officer of tfre-
senate to be the Czar Ree'd of the
session. He will be expected to force
the issue and force it hard. They arc
expecting that the lieutenant gover
nor will not again be compelled to say
that "the" senate has crucified the
democratic party on a beer keg," as
V lie did the last session. As the fight
over the matter will be in the senate,
if there is a fight, Mr. Howard will
be expected to calm the turbulant
political waters by persuasive ability
, or calm them otherwise, even if ht
has to use the mailed fist or the
hickory gavel.
Republicans are calling attention to
the apparent effort of Mr. Bryan to
give all credit for prohibition legis
lation to the democrates, but the
history of the big fight in the
Nebraska senate at the last session
disclose that eight of the ten re
publican senators -were for the pro
hibition bill in the fight on the am-
L Jments and that 17 of the 23 derrfo
crates were opposed to it. Of the dry
votes of the last session one will be
missing. Senator Douthett, having
resigned. The wets will have their
full strength, unless some of them
have"seen the error of their ways,"
as Mr. Bryan would put it.
Carl Allgaier Killed in
Automobile Accident
Avoca, Neb., March 21. (Special.)
Carl Allgaier, 21 years old, was in
stantly killed Saturday night when
his auto overturned on the road east
of town. He was the son of Mr. and
v Mrs. Louis Allgaier, well known,resi
dent of this vicinity. Funeral serv
ices were held Tuesday and the body
juried in the Avoca cemtery. '
Virgil Clark and Miss Anna
Staack, both of Syracuse, were mar
ried at Nebraska City this we$k.
Mrs. Al Patton died at her home
in Otoe county Tuesday. She is sur
vived by her husband and six chil
dren. Funeral services were held
Clyde Bogard of Avoca, who en
listed in the United States navy, last
August, is here on a visit with his
parents, Mr, and Mrs. William
Bogard. Clyde has just returned from
France. He is stationed on the Von
Steuben. He states two submarines
were sunk by his fleet during the
The Board of Education at Unadilla
has elected the following teachers
for the coming yer: Supterintend
ent W. F. Wilkins; principal, Miss
' Alica Black; grammar, Miss Majorie
W est; intermediate. Miss Elizabeth
Miller; primary. Miss Lizzie Doyle.
Patristic Mass Meeting
. ' Hell at Oconto Tuesday
. ' Oconto, Neb., March 21. (Spe
cial.) A patriotic meeting was held
here Tuesday. Hon. Edward Mc
Dermott of Kearney and Rev. Mr.
Gaston of Broken Bow delivered ad
dresses. McDcrmott branded the Nonpar
tisan league, which has been organiz
ing "here, as being founded on unpa
fiotic principles, and advised the
farmers to get out f such an or
fjgnization. Rev. Mr. Gaston spoke on
Ti war savings stamps and the ne
cessity, of conserving and producing
Council s of Defen3-j Says
Patriotic Reasons Should
Prompt Every One to Take
Cereal to Market.
(Frort a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, March 21. (Special.)
The State Council of Defense for sev
eral weeks past has been making vig
orous inquiry as to stocksof milling
wheat held by the farmers of the
State and urging that it should be
marketed a; soon as possible so that
the government can be assisted by
a contribution representing Nebras
ka's maximum ability of wheat sup
plies. During this inquiry a number of
cases, which show a flagrant disre
gard of patriotic duty, have been
found. Willful withholding of large
quantities of wheat from the market,
which is spoiling in the bins where
it is stortd, have been discovered.
Such a gross lack of appreciation of
the duties of citizenship cannot and
will not b tolerated by the govern
ment. The state council is assist
ing in bringing those offenders to ac
count before the United States courts
to answer for their behavior.
Patriotic farmers of the state who
have wheat on hand are earnestly
urged to market it during the next
few weeks so that the government
can be given all the support possi
ble in providing the necessary food
supplies so badly needed. Every
bushel of wheat on hand that can be
spared, should and must be placed
at the disposal o the government as
soon as possible.
Cozad Holds Auction Sale
For Benefit of Red Cross
Cozad, Neb.,' March 21. Special
Telegram.) The largest Red Cross
auction sale held in this part of
Nebraska this year, was held at
Cozad on Wednesday afternoon. The
territory around Cozad was canvassed
and more than 1,000 donators gave
geese, hogs, cattle, horses, sheep,
chickens and grain.
Smith. Ash, Gorum, Knahp, Ger
man and Sculley cried the sale to the
largest crowd ever visiting Cozad.
Every article put up for sale brought
a big price and many articles were
The Cozad Red Cross will realize
more than $5,000. The sale was in
charge of O. D. Smith, Fred Anderson'
and Fred M. Hughes.
Charles F. Feemster Dies
At Brother's Home in York
York, Neb., March 21. (Special.)
-Frank Record of Stromsburg and
Addie A. McDuffie of Netica were
married by Judge Hopkins Monday.
Charles F. Feemster died at home
of his brother, H. C. Feemster, 936
Florida avenue, after an illness of
one week of erysipelas. Prof.
Feemster had charge of the manual
training department of the Stroms
burg High school. Funeral services
were held Wednesday afternoon, i
The Board of Education opened bids
for furniture to be placed in the new
$135,000 school building. The Oma
ha School Supply company obtained
the contract.
Broken Bow Holds Caucus
To Name City Candidates
Broken Bow, March 21v-(Sfecial.)
At the city caucus held here this
week W. W. Waters was renominated
for office of mayor; Ray Kuns for
treasurer, and A. J. VanAntwerp for
city engineer. Councilmen for the
four wards were nominated as fol
lows: Charles Robinson, first ward;
Ross Moore, second ward; D. R.
Rockwell, third ward; Dan Lanter
man, fourth ward. Owing to war
conditions little interest is being
taken in local politics and it is doubt
ful if another ticket is put in the
The Time Is Here
While thousands, for years, have used
this real American, beverage as their
regular meal-time drink, others, with
out trying, have "wondered why."
A can of Instant Postum from the
grocer will quickly demonstrate such
qualities of excellent flavor, conveni
ence, health, economy and time-saving
as to win you for its friend.
: "There's a Reason''
Sends to All Exemption Boaords
Statement of Meaning of Bill
for Relief of Fighting
(Prom a Staff Oorrspdondcr.t.
Lincoln, March 21. (Special.)
Governor .'evillesent out today tu
all local exemption boards an expla1
nation of the bill enacted by congress
giving relief to soldiers and sailors
serving in the army or navy of the
United States. Ttie matter covers
liability of men in the service to meet
obligations ."nd is as follows: V
"A soldier or sailor may owe
money on a note. Or he may have
bought or leased land or tools or fur
niture on which an installment is yet
due.; Or he may have mortgaged his
home, and be liable to foreclosure
for nonpayment. Or he may have
started a homestead or mining claim
and be unahie to continue the neces
sary occupation in the required period
of time. Or he may have carried life
insurance for several years and now
be unable to keep up the premium
payments. Or he may have a money
claim against someone and during his
absence the lapse of time may raise
a legal bar r.painst suing for it when
he returns. Or he may be sued on
some claim in his absence and may
be unable to defend the suit effec
tively while absent.
"In these and other ways he may
suffer undue hardship. The object of
this act is to give relief from such
, How to Proceed.
"The provisions of the act are too
numerous to set forth accurately here.
Enough to point out that its main
principle is as follows:
"A) Let someone, on behalf of the
soldier or saiior, notify the court that
the party concerned is a soldier or
sailor. Then the court will make
prompt inquiries into the merits ot
the case; if the case merits it, the
court has power to stay the other
party from further proceedings, or to
give other remedy that may be ap
propriate. The court may also appoint
an attorney to represent the soldier
or sailor in the lawsuit.
"(2) If a iawsuit has been begun
already in some court against the
soldier or sailor, go to that samec
court and give the notice, above men
tioned. If no lawsuit has yet been
begun, but some landlord or other
person is preparing to sell out or to
take possession of property in which
ithe soldier or sailor is interested, go
to the court :n whose iurisdiction the
property is,! notify the court as above,
and ask the court to summon the
other party. All such persons are for
bidden by law to take property in
that way without first applying to
court for an crder; but some persons
may attempt to take possession with
out doing so, in ignorance of the new
Was Risk Service.
"(3) If the soldier or sailor had an
insurance policy or a fraternal bene
fit membership, before September 1,
1917, and fe-rs that he may not be
able to keep up his payments, he
should write to the war risk insurance
bureau at Washington and ask them
for a form of application (or ask his
post adjutant at the camp.) The gov
ernment, on certain conditions, will
guarantee the payment of the prem
iums, so that the policy or member
ship will not be forfeited during the
soldier's or sailor's absence; hce will
then have a year after his return in
which to pay up and save his policy
or membership. This relief does not
apply to all policies or memberships,
and details cannot be given here; but
on filling out the application and
sending it to the war risk insurance
bureau it wil! be duly taken care of,
if it is the hind of insurance that is
protected by this act."
American Boat Sunk.
London, March 20. Lloyds an
nounces that the American schooner
Carrie A. Lane has been wrecked at
Assinie, on the Gulf of Guinea, Africa.
The crew abandoned the vessel.
For You
Agricultural Interests of Ne
braska Form Council to
Back Up Government in
All Activities.
Fanners of the state have organ
ized the Nebraska banners' War
council. Tlu action followed a series
of conferences held in Omaha when'
heads of fanners' organizations from
all parts of the state met to talk over
the possibilities for service in such an
This is the first organization of its
kind in the Lnited States. The coun
cil was organized to back up the gov
ernment in the third Liberty loan
campaign, and all other government
activities that may have need of the
services of this body.
C. 11. Gustr.fson ot Mead, president
of the Nebraska Fanners' union, is
chairman of ihe council. O. G. Smith
of Kearney, president of the ty'braska
Farm congress, and E. R. Daniclson
of Lincoln, secretary ot" the state
board of agriculture, are directors.
Frank G. Ocit 11 of Omaha, vice presi
dent of the International Farm con
gress, is secretary.
Headquarters Opened.
Headquarters have been opened in
the Federal Reserve Bank of Omaha.
The presidents of the various affili
ated organizations will this vrek send
a letter to their members enclosing a
service card for the farmer's signa
ture. All farmers in the state wf be
given an opportunity to pledge their
support to the government, and a
practically 100 per cent response is
The Nebraska Fanners' Waf coun
cil has been organized by the farmers
themselves and will be controlled en
tirely by them. The farmers of each
county in the state will co-operate
with the county chairman of the Lib
erty loan and other war activity com
mittees. There will be'a Liberty loan meet
ing in every country school house,
and an active canvass of members of
each organization by its own commit
tee. The slogan h( the government
is: "Nebraska Farmers Back the
Offer Their Services.
At the organization' .meeting in
Omaha the following tender of serv
ice was presented to the Nebraska
Liberty loan committee:
"The undersigned, representing the
various slate agricultural organiza
tions set opposite their names, ten
der to the Nebraska Liberty loan
committee on behalf of their organ
izations and the farmers of Nebraska,
the services of our respective organ
izations for ,he period of the war, for
any assistance which it is within our
power to give in the support of the
government through any of the ac
tivities with which your committee i3
"Subject to the approval of your
committee, we suggest that an organi
zation be here created to je known as
The Nebraska Farmers' War coun
cil. This organization, through its
various affiliated organizations, w'H en
deavor to reach the farmers of Ne
braska in any emergency with any
message, which the government de
sires to convey.
"We are at your service, and trust
that you will find for us the oppor
tunity to do our part."
C. II. Gustafson, president State
Farmers' Educational and Co-Operative
O. G. Smith, president Nebraska
Farmers' congress.
F. G. Caldwell, vice president Ne
braska Dairymen's association.
Frank G. Odell, vice president In
ternational Farm, congress.
To Try
R. H. B. Weber, seutary State
Horticultural society.
J. D. Ream, Master Nebraska State
Charles Graff, president Nebraska
Improved Live Stock Breeders' asso
ciation. .1. S. Cauaday, president State Co
operative Grain and Live Stock
State association.
W. 11. Clemmons. state superin
tendent of public instruction.
K. R. Dauielxou. secretary State
Hoard of Agriculture.
C. W. Fugsley. director agriculture
extension. I'nivprsitv oi Nebraska.
George Couplumi, vice chairman
State Council of Dcfonx-.
D. P. Ilogan. president Federal
Land bank of Omaha.
T. F. Stutgess, editor Twentieth
Century Fanner.
A. G. Kittcll, editor Nebraska Farm
S. R. McKclvie. editor Nebraska
Oak Davis, editor Nebraska
Bruce McCulloch, editor Journal
Farmers' Service Card.
The following service card will be
sent to farmers of Nebraska this
To tha Nebraska Farmer' War Coun
cil, for Liberty Loan Committee, Keileral
Reserva Flank Uullillns, Omaha. Noli.
Please enroll mo as a volunteer to kM
tho ifovemment for th period of the war.
I will help In the following activities:
( ) Volunteer Speaker.
( ) T will, subscribe to tha
Cheek With Third. Liberty lxan.
X ) I will solicit other sub
Service You scrlptlous.
Will Give. ( ) 1 win help War Sav
ings Stamp Campaign.
Member of .
(Olve ninit
of organization
Naval Officials Receive
Beatrice Man's Invention
Beatrice. Neb., March 21. (Spc-cial.)-F.
R. Morris of this city, who
recently invented a device that he
thinks will make the German sub
marine ineffective, received a letter
from the Naval department Wedncs
day stating that it had been turned
A Rousing Sale of
Spring's Newest
Arriving T? jlw.. Arriving
Daily rootwear Dau?
! - . at
Military Lace Oxfords
For street wear; not the low heel,
but the new high military heel. This
will be the smart
, son.
500 Pairs Dull Kid
Lace Oxfords
To be sold at once. Fine, soft, dull
Military Plain Pump:
These New Beauties
(Just Arrived)
Come in dull calf, patent leather oi; soft
kid. For girls
sale tomorrow, at
1512 Douglas Street
over to Admiral Smith of that depart
ment. J. F. Mary, a pioneer of Beatrice,
died at his home in this city Wednes
day, aged tu years, lie was a civil
:ir veteran ami is survived by bis
widow and two sons. Clyde of Lin
coln, and Kay of Beatrice.
At the farm sale at the John Col-1
lctt farm, north ofi the city yesterday
horses sold as hih as $220 and cows
for $125 per head. !
i F. I . Campbell and I. W. Mc-
jKissick, deputy1 pure food "inspectors
who have been working in the city
, the last few days. Wednesday caused
Mlic arrest of several dairymen on a
i charge ot selling milk below th- lut
jterfat standard ot tne pure food law.
I They were taken before' Judge Ellis
; and fined $10 and costs. The names
(were not made public by the deputies,
j Funeral services for Mrs. Catherine
Butterticld, who died at her home
at Liberty, 1 ueselay, were ticiil
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at
the Origin
Genuine Aspirin is scld c.3 follows:
TABLETS in Fockct Boxe3 of 12
Bottles of 24 and 100
CAPSULES in Sealed Packages of 12 and 2i
Every package and every tablet bears
Beyer Crou
The trade-mark "Aspirin" Ter. f . P. Off ' Is a
I'uarunte that themonoet-eticsfiilrsteri.f islirrhesriil in
thiw tablet and capsules la of.Uw rhbWl)ajr menu
r z. r t , .
est oxford this sea-
for only
Patent kid or
calf. Tomor
with high Louis
covered heels of
tan, will be sold to
morrow for only
kid or patent lea
thers, with high,
beautiful heels; to
morrow; at
Kfl!! . T. sk
mm r Jr " a
or big girls; on
the Christian church. Interment vil
in the Liberty cemetery.
Sergeant Ross Skinner of Com
pany C, 1.14 infantry, who was slug-
rcu ami uiimcu auuui iwo monins ago
while en route to camp from Deming,
N. M Arrived home today having
been discharged because of injuries.
He was struck over the head with a
blunt instrument, which fractured the
skull and caused an injury to his
The 16th annual conference of the
Nebraska Daughters of the American
Revolution closed Thursday at noon.
The delegates were entertained at din
ner by Mrs. Dwight S. Dalbcy
Wednesday night. Wednesday's ses
sion was devoted principally to the
reports of officers and to a memorial
hour, conducted by Mrs. .Warren
Perry of Kairbury,' past state regent.
The sessions were presided over by
Mrs. Helen M. Drake of Beatrice,
state regent, and about 100 delegates
were in attendance at the conference.
Cue rente
..-m.,...-..j2M ,
.. t tic ; :1 fluX. .JP . : s-'fl
J5KgW V r f .1
Right Off of Fifth Avenue
Tan Calf Lace Oxfords
Truly beautiful, this tan calf oxford
with Louis heels; will be sold tomorrow
The New York "Craze"
Tan calf pumps. This plain striped pump
of soft calf leather
k i ii W
Pearl Grey Boots "
(Just Arrived) ryy ,,
Fine, soft, light WtiM
pearl gray, high Jj; V?!ti
covered heels. V0fi
Just for two days, feM