Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1918, Page 4, Image 4
THE BEE: OMAHA, FRiiUY, MARCH 22, 1918. FAMOUS SOLDIER TELLS OF HORROR IN GERMAN CAMP Sergeant Edwards, Liberty Loan Speaker, Relates Super Cruelties at Hands of War Mad Teutons. Wounded three times, gassed a num ber of times, and 15 months a pris- oner in Germany,; Sergeant Edward Edwards, a. survivor of the annihilated Princess Pat regiment of Canada, " longs to be back in the'trenches. He was in Omaha yesterday accompanied by Dorothy Frooks, aviatrix, to speak in the interest of the Liberty bond v campaign at the Auditorium mass meeting. . , , .- "I would rather be in the trenches, said Edwards. "I feel more at home there. I guess I am no good any where else. I don't like living at ho tels and things like that."'' . Edwards speaks in a low tone of voice. The German poison gas has affected his throat. fHow does-it feel to be gassed? Edwards was asked, f ; Rather Be Wounded. -"Qh, well, I'd rather. take a wound any . time. I have been wounded three time and know how it feels. You never get over , the gas. You think you are over it and you feel all right bn some days, but on a rainy day or misty day it comes up' in your throat and ichokei you.". V "When j you saw tthe,. Germans swarming in over the trench the day your regiment , was "wiped out, you hardly thought you would, be sum vivory did you? .wa .question, put to Edwards, who never t talks unless fee ' questioned. 1 f.' ' ' . -."We didn't care much whether we were or not.' On May 8 after our reg. fment had been wiped out and a few of us were prisoners, we tried to ag jfcriva'e them into killing us: We would frather have been killed than to go jhrough the tortures of -the prison "tamps. : v' "' J i Squght Quick Death. 5 "levanted to' get thenj to put a bul ' get into me, but couldn't coax them o do it. I didn't care how they killed Itne so long as I didn't get, the bay onet. Once they lined us up against a '.wall to shoot us, but fchey changed their minds. When they lined me and , my partner up I said to him, 'Charley, they're going to do us inland Charley ;id, 'Let her go; I don't tare. k "There are probably 25 survivor in M of the Princess Pat regiment of Snore than UOQ men. At first t we 'thought there were only from seven 10 men left, but here and tjere rin ihnivt ii n from inme nrison ramn. Only a few months ago one of .hem 4ame back, ine Germans tnocuiateo )iim with tuberculosis germs while in th nrUnn ruin. Thv do that auite ipften. Then when he got' sick, ibey ent htm home.' lit came oar to Canada and, after two months, died 8 "Sometimes they Rave us the choice , 0n the prison ot taking a term o; se- vere punishment, torture of come . kind, or taking the tubercular inotula 'tion. We chose the torture instead of the tuberculosis. Some of thf pyis " oners will take the , inoculation in stead of the immediate punishment." Sponsored; By Princess. I The Princess ' Pat regiment was sponsored by Princess Patricia of v Canada, hence the name of the regi ment It was made up. Sergeant Ed 'wards explains, of soldiers of fortune, .or men who had seen previous serv ice. "We had American veterans of the Spanish-American war," he said, "Boers' who fought against us in South Africa, r sergeant of a machine gun battalion who had been with Villa in Mexico, fellows who had "served in the Philippine insurrection, and, in fact, soldiers from all over the world.; They were all men who were ' pretty, well able to take care of them selves In th field in one way or n other.' V ! i- v . j. "- ' ' Wife pf Omaha Jeweler : v ; Owns Valuable Oil Land Mrs. Fred Brodegaard, wife of the . Fred Brodegaard, jeweler1, would be $45,000 richer if she accepted an of fer for her . land in the oil districts , of Colorado. , She has been offered a profit of ' $40 per acre for her land over what - she paid for it last August. She has ; decided not to sell. I Last summer she bought 960 acres of Colorado land at $10 per acre. Re " cently the Pennsylvania Oil company, ;which is generally understood to be ,vone with the Standard, struck oil , three miles south of Mrs. Erode '. gaard's land. Last Sunday the Penn sylvania . company Jiad three geolo gists working oii the Brodegaard Jand examining the strata of ground Kand rock,.tBdeavoring to trace the signs of oil. 4. 4 . , When the geologists had "completed their inspection' of' the grounds Mrs. Brodegaard got a telegram offering 50 an acre, for the entire tract - . Husband Says Wife Goes ? I ' I To Movies With "Other Man" t Attending moving picture shows nvith another man, and the use of vile language, are allegations in a divorce petition filed in district court by Bert 3. Gibbs against Estella. The couple fwere married January 21, 1912 in Ta xoma. Wash. . fc Larma Sturdevant askes a divorce jrom Idar,on. the grounds of alleged desertion.'.'' v 'J .--, - I Hustle For Recruits; See Base Ball Games Major Frith's helpers in the Oma ha recruiting work are base oall fans. The major has written to Pa Rourke suggesting that a sea son ticket to the base ball games would be acceptable. If his "drive" is successful, he plans to allow the man who brings in the most re cruits one day to attend the base ball-game the following afternoon. HENEY WINDS OP OMAHA PROBE OF PACKERMETHODS Witnesses Say Control of Big Meat Corporations Extends Deep Into the Business ' World. The Omaha-Sioux City parking house investigation held here by the Federal Trade commission, repre sented by Francis J. Heney as ofn sel, was concluded in the fj'fual building Wednesday night and Mr. Heney resumed his work this mim ing in Kansas City. , During the hearings in this city Mr. Henev read into the official reco?ds a mass of confidential correspondence oetween pacxers ana reports ci cx-, aminers and special agents jf the trade commission. He expressed confidence thaf his efforts here showed existence of a stock buying agreement betweea the packers, the alleged South Omaha pact being on a basis of 30-30 25-15 between Armour, Cudaby, Swir. and Morris. j f Brought Out Bonuses. , .,, 1 Mr. Heney went into an' extensive investigation i of the affairs of.; the Union stock. yards of Omaha,, horn the inception "of that institution to recent date. - He brought out bonuses granted 'by that company tee big packers and heard evidence from South Omaha men who conteided that the stocks yards company has not developed this market as much at it should have done. He em phasized an allegation that no rew packers had been. induced to locate at the Omaha yards since the roitrol of the yards by the "big four." FEDERAL AGENTS BAG 19 ALLEGED DOPEPEDDLERS Gang Which Has Operated for Several Weeks Broken Up; Quantity Drug Seized in Raids. Nineteen alleged dope peddlers placed under arrest by the federal authorities are awaiting action of the grand jury. They are alleged to con stitute nearly the whole of the dope gang operating in Omaha in violation of the Harrison act, selling morphine, opium, cocaine and heroin. Part of their work is alleged to be the re cruiting of new victims of the habit by giving samples of dope to likely candidates and urging them to use it. Officers Russell Eberstein, Lake, Knox and Smith of the , federal bureau of investigation captured three negroes in raids Wednesday night. Virgil Price was arrested at 419 worth Thirteenth street and a quantity of cocaine confiscated. Jesse Shields was captured at 1313 Capitol avenue with a bottle of morphine in his pos session. William Purvine was ar rested at 21614 North Thirteenth street. Cocaine was found in his pos session. The three are in the coun ty jail. I v Customers Are Many. All the places were lighted uo nd filled with customers. One ntpro tried to make his escape from the Shields place, but was capture.t after a hard run. He said he hai "just come to get his laundry." Two of the 19 arrested are Harry Rudolph, now out on bond, an bid Allen, in the county jail. One morsel of morphine wrapped in a piece of chewing gum represented a dollar's worth of the drug. - It is as much as could be held on the tip of the thumb nail. ; Omaha Within $7,000 of . . $45,000 Armenian Fund Less than $7,000 is now needed in the American, relief campaign to bring Omaha up to mark of $45,000. The total reported by the committees Thursday noon was $38,191.82. .. linasian, Candidate for ;y City Commission, Fined fs Johsf l Taminasian, socialist can didate for - city commissioner, vas lined $12.50 and costs in police court Thursday charged with -. assaulting tr. Messiah' ,Mesropian in his office in the Paxton block. The assault is Alleged, to have occurred February 25. jfcfesropiani is. 57 years old. V ? ; Spring" Officially Arrives; jl . Winter Passes at 4:26 A. M. '".Did vou observe, as-vou-iwere aris. ing at 4;26,o'clock Thursday tnorning, that there was a new balmmest in the ir? Did; you list to the happy chirp or me room, the blithesome buzz of the bee. the wild call of the ice man, AH this was because soring officially arrived in Omaha Thursday morning. PUTTING IT OVER IS WHAT COUNTS v A "Big Idea" Isv Valueless If Conceived in the Mind of a Coward The world is full of people who can duplicate the feats of the really great, but who fail to attract attention because they hide their lights "under a bushel." Every new invention hat been thought out by a score of mindsi but the idea never got out of its cradle. Many a small merchant has watched a young upstart rise to fame and fortune, and while viewing the colossal busi ness that so overshadows his own, contented himself with the remark: "I COULD HAVE DONE THE SAME THING IN FACT, I TAUGHT THAT BOY ALL HE KNOWS." Perhaps he did "teach" the boy, but he DIDN'T PUT IT OVER AND THE BOY DID. ; J I have no doubt but what there are1 a dozen Dentists In this city who could have made a greater success of Den tistry than I have men who had as thorough an educa tion, equally good training in Dental College, as much, and perhaps more, Natural ability, and who were as sin cere and ambitious as myself, but they have not realized on their talents and opportunities because THEY DID NOT PUT IT OVER. 4 I am not going to charge them wifh mental cowardice, but I AM going to say that had there been an ounce, of cowardice in my make-up I would not be standing today at the head of the largest Dental Practice in the states When I conceived the Idea of SPECIALIZING AND SYS TEMATIZING DENTISTRY reactionaries who had profited by the ignorance of the public: (as to the actual cost of Dentistry) fought me tooth and toenail. 1 Men who could learn the rudiments of Dentistry at my hands sneered at me and tried to discredit my ability in my profession. , t5;; ., "" It did not discourage me, however, because I had back of me the great mass of people who were sick and tired of paying outrageous fees for inferior dental work.- They welcomed my advent into the Dental field, because they realized it meant the end of high prices, the end of needless suffering, the end of insanitary Dental offices, arid the birth of better dentistry. The people were with me, and have stayed with me that is why you people in ordinary circumstances can today secure as good dental work as the millionaire. THAT'S HOW I "PUT IT, OVER" PAINLESS WITHERS, Dentist 423-428 Securities Bid gr. 18th and Farnam Streets. OMAHA, NEB. Office Hours: 8:30 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sunday, 9 to 1. jo) FISTULA CURED Kectai Diseases Cured without a severe sur fiica) jperatioa No Chloroform or Ethe used Cure guaranteed fAI WHEN CURED WrlU for thtttrmted book Do Keeta l UlsMse. rlt oames tad testimonials ot aior cha i000 oroml lent oeool hr havt bees nermanentH anrl jtl E. R. TARRY.. 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. rrn (D) i la. PIE E MAfflA f The Nebraska War Savings Director, un der authority of the United States Treas ury, has called all citi zens to go to their nearest public school house ttn iiimi V 1 Between 7 and 9 O'clock to pledge Omaha's full quota in War Savings Stamps to be pur chased in 1918. You Are Expected to Attend 9 This is a meeting for those who have subscribed as well as for those who have not yet purchased stamps. - 1 1 Moll ' 1 1M Call? Nebraska Will Be the First State in the Union to Subscribe Its Fall Quota OMAHA WAR SAVINGS COMMITTEE