Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1918, Page 12, Image 12

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..'E BEE; OMAHA, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1918.
Secretary of War Inspects Every Detail of Soldiers
Life; Tastes Sammies' Food; Visit Birthplace
s of Joan of Arc;
ance of
With the American Army
.-ecreiary or war Baker
n.: a. it- a ....
"r; . )T "me mujtary zone , France with a trip
-.v iw. urn rrom me Verdun sector to great headquarters
, n"aea of one
wmcn ne addressed as representative of the whole army.
The secretary also visited the birth-
place of Jeanne of Arc and made an
incidental inspection of the troops
here and there over the route which
he traversed.
Tonieht the stcrefarv AmartA n
.., . . ' .
iwnu otner aspects ot his visit to
The brigade of the First division
Vwas reviewed from a stage on a high
plateau commanding ,a wide pano
rams of one of the most scenically
ucauuiur pans oi i ranee, it is reached
by a steep winding road from the
valley below. A twenty hours' rain
had made it inaccessible by motor.
o me secretary ana his party made
ine ascen: on loot, slipping and slid
ing on the grassy mud.
just as thev arrived of th ian
General Pershing and his personal'
Biau came across tne held and dis
mounted. i he entire party then
joined tne waiting division? and bri
gade generals and their staffs.
', Review Impressive Spectacle.
A cold March wind and occasional
squaiis ot rain made the scene more
impressive as the brigade, in full
marching equipment, swept by at
company front, each saluting like
clock work, while bands played mu
sic wnicn swelled and softened in the
gusty wind. , t
Secretary Baker lifted his hat to
each regimental flag as it was lowered
in: salute and occasionally spoke to
general rershmg, who stood beside
This brigade from, the first division
to put foot in France was composed
of men seasoned in training under
summer aid winter skies and inured
to mud and cold under all conditions
. of campaigning. They were" the first
in the trenches and the first to suffer
casualties. Under the weight of full
field equipment, from trench tools to
extra tools, steel helmeted, tanned
and fit, the 'soldiers stepped swingiy
through the sticky mod that was al
most too much for the mules who
drew the one-pounders and the
. wheeled kitchens. '
Complimented By Pershing.
- It was the first time that an entire
. brigade which had been in action had
been reviewed and the secretary
complimented the general command
ing and the colonels of the various
units. When the review was con
cluded, the brigade and commissioned
officers assembled in a semi-circle and
were presented in a body to the war
secretary by General Pershing in a
brief address, in which he compli
mented their record of fitness and ef
ficiency. t Secretary Baker, with bared head
in the cold wind, told the officers
they were tj pical American soldiers
and said they, were "the point of the
wedge of the army which the whole
American people is driving into the
ranks of their adversary." The offi
cers then formed in line and each
shook hands with the secretary as his
name was announced. The secretary
acknowledged each greeting and when
some acquaintance approached,, he
added s personal word or two. ,
. Know What War Is. '
General Pershing showed griiifica
tion 4 the splendid condition an-j ap
pearance of the brigade and re
marked: "These men have been there and
know what it is. You can tell .nat
by the way they throw out their
-chests as they swing by." "
When the review was over the
brigade disbanded into units and
marched back to the camps. The
secretary, General Pershing and his
staff and the other generals trudged
down the hill through the mud ta the
x .waiting motor cars. : ... ,, .. v
Secretary Baker's day was a full
ne, as he covered several hundred
kilometers in his automobile. Emly
n the morning he drove to the Ver
dun region to a spot from which Fort
Douaumont was visible. He saw the
activities behind the French lines and
a long artillery wagon train and
marching troop's. ,
On the way the secretary stopped
wherever American troops were bil
leted, the organizations turning out
lor inspection.
. The soldiers were questioned re
garding details of food, billets and
equipment, and the secretary often
went into the billets to gef a personal
Tastes Sammies' Food. !
The only complaint registered was
about a scant food ration, which was
tound to be due to the temporary
, change in the stations of the units af
fected. Once the secretary1 party
met a traveling kitchen. The secre'
tary left his-automobile and had a
taste of the soup and food. His com
ment was "very good." .
.During the day Secretary Baker
visited the French divisional com
, mander, who complimented the
American trocos. savin? h hit rau.A
the attention of his men to the ex
peditious and snappy way the Amer
icans unloaded and assembled their
artillery. ...
On iTuesday, finding himself in the
vicinity pf ascertain unit, the secre
tary sent for a fellow Ohioan, Car
lisle Babcock of Cleveland, a private
in the marine corps and a son of a
personal friend. After a brief talk
the two were photographed together.
t The Visit to . Domwmv lh
of Jeanne of Arc, was the concluding
incident of the day, Secretary Baker
iana ucnerai i'ershmg driving to the
pittfe village. They inspected , the
Church where the French heroine was
baptized and the humble cottage
pwucrc sne was oorn
' " Wew V cittoa Market. "
new York, March 81. -Cotton future
;jpena steady; May, Si.CSe; July, M.IZe;i
vivir, &acemDera tu.tic
Praises Fine Appear-
U. S. Men.
iir France, Wednesday, March
today concluded his visit of
brigade of the First division
Defense Board Head Threatens
to Have Mayor Indicted; Says
Socialist Platform Equiv
alent Jojedition.
Milwaukee. Wis Mii, o
Wheeler B. Bloodgood, chairman 'of
me county council of Defense, told
newspapermen today that he had pa-
lie urawn up t0 geek the indictnfcnt
, "ayor tioan, socialist, just renom
mu num B roeiertinn am
mayor being practically assured, he,
wjuuu, wouia seeic to nave Mil
waukee placed under militaru ia
tir- . . . vT J
o m sm : oeuer act now than
wait." Said Mr. Rlnnrlp-nnH "Tl,-
time for actio has come. If th-
peace machinery of government is
inadequate to deal with a situation
like that in Milwaukee and in some
other sections, there are enomrri f
. o remiorce tnat machinery to war-
ujiic macmnery.
"I assured Mavor Hoan in th
presence of many witnesses that I
would have him indicted and I as
sured him that he would never again
be mayor of Milwaukee," ssid Mr.
Bloodgood. "I am seeking his in
dictment on the grounds M h a.
cialist platform itself, to which Hoan
'It declares that the neonle AA nnf
want the war; that they do not want
the war, and that it was forced on
them by the ruling classes. The rul
ing classes can mean only one thing
in Americathe president and ton
gress. That is sedition.
I have two bovs in Fra
dent Wilson hal assured them they
shall not be attacked in the rear
as thev hav been in Xfil tub ti L a T
and hundreds of others 'next of kin'
of those boys in France are o-fcan-izinfr.
now to assurevigorous' prosecu
tion of the war, and I say solctsnly
that these men are of the quit tnd
determined character which w'li not
stand for a socialist government in
Milwaukee or the state of Wisconsin.
We will be nrenarert tn art YV- ,.n
for instance, act if we do not get rear
iaw or an indictment which will
prevent Hoan from being: swjrn in
again as mayor. I hone that it will
not be put up to our organizafon
we call it so far 'The Next of K;n,'
falter"4 " neccssary' We win not
Vli Htnntfh Develop. Corn, 0vlnf to
Chicago. MAtX-h 21 .1.
wloped In the corn market today owl
ner and to likelihood thnt rn...i.. .1..
seaboard would be relieved to a material
...vuh viusina; prices, althoutfh Unsettled,
were HOK net hlKher, with March ll?74
and May I1.S5H. Oats trained U and
provisions 10f13o to 10 eenta.
Emphasla on the reduction of the amount
of corn arriving was due to definite word
that farmera dollverles to Interior elevators
had diminished considerably and that the
auspicious ' conditions for Teltl work wore
iiiveiy w restrict still further the move,
ment from first hands, inn.ii,.....,. .
the leisure f Dutch ships, although a fore
gone conclusion, was also, regarded by many ,
. nuiusn laetor, the inference
being drawn that a llhonl h.r. . .k.
tonnage would be used for exporting grajn
and that much corn would perhapa be in
eluded. Toward the last the market under
went something of a reaction because of
toppage of buyingon the part ot leading
Active purchasing for tha aeaboard lifted
tne onts market Arrlvala remained light,
but aeedlng reporta were hlehiv nm..!.!..
especially aa to Iowa and Illinois. .
Provisions rose with hogs and grain. Pack
ers wera conspicuous buyers of lard.
Corn No. yellow, nominal; No. I yel
low. Sl.S8tSl.78; No. 4 yellow. S1.4J0U5.
e.'i0, ' whlt Mc; standard,
Kye No. , la.M.
Barley At
Timothy At 5.00S't. 09.
ClovrAt t28.00eJl.09.
Pork--Market nominal.
Ijird At $36.10. i
Rlba At v i
, !
New Vork fleneral Market.
New Tork, March 11. Flour Rtv
springs. llO.tSeil.JO; wlntera, tlO.S04Jll.16;
Corn Spot, steady; kiln dried No. J .
low, tl 0K; No. 4 yellow. I1.8S: No, I
white, 12.04 1i. c. 1. f.. New
shlpirtent; Agentln (3.40, nominal, f. o, b.,
Vtli 0.
Oata Spot, steady; natural, tl.0610l.
Hay Quiet; No. 1 tl.Stt; No. t, 11.16
1.40; No. , tl.U4Jii.10; Shipping, J1.00
Hops Easy; state medium to choice, 1917,
lE46o; 11, nominal ;Padflo coast. 1117.
SOiillc: 1116. 34014s.
Hides Quiet :Boiota. 100 SSn;
America, 116110.
Leather Steady; hemlock sola ever
weights, 48c; No. 1, 4c.
Provisions Pork, firm; mesa, I5VOO9
S1.60; family, S5S.00; short clear, 162.00
IJ.00. Lard, steady; middle west, t:4.004J
Tallow Steady; city special, looae. lTo.
Wool Steady; domestlo fleece. XX Ohio
and Pennsylvania unwashed, 61946a.
i Rice steady; fancy head, 54ic: Hue
rose. IHvlHc.
Butter Barely steady: receipts, 10,145
taba; creamery higher than extras, 41Ht)
41o; extras (11 score). 40 ft 41c; firsts, tiL
4014c; seconds, 1899o.
Cheese Market weak: receipts, l.tlT
boxes; state whole milk, flats, held, specials
Iteitc: average run, 14t14He.
Eggs Market unaettled; receipts,!
cases: fresh gathered extras, 40H41e; ex
lr 'lr,t 3V4i firsts, HQ Sic; seconds.
Poultry Allvs, market strong: Long
Island broilers, 4Qo; young ruotera, SSo; old
1 7c; turkeys, 16c Dressed, market Quiet and
Mtaaeaeolls Grain.
Minneapolis. Marco. 31. Flour St cents
d , ye . ,
1 ! Bran
Cattle Sell' 10 Cents Higher;
Hogs RulVSteady to Lower;
Sheep In Good De
mand. Omaha. March 21, 1917.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
.....10.480 15.H1 16,261
Reselpts were:
Official Monday....
Official Tuesday...
Official Wednesday
Estimated Thursday
.1 14.42 1.715
7.623 1M2 1 167
6,090 15.000 U 000
Four days .this week. 30. 931
Same days last week.. 26,221
Same, days 1 wks. ago.Sl.67S St,625 62 897
Same days 3 wks. ago.32,360 77.931 80 080
Ma me daya 4 wks. ago.2fl.909 48.939 7.S41
Same days last year.. 18. 455. 30.78S J,121
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
the Cnlon stock yards, Omaha, for 24 hours
ending at 1 p. m. yesterday:-
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. HVs.
C. M. & St. P..
Missouri Pacific
union Pacific ..
C. at N. W., east.. 41
C. 4 N. W.. west.. 1.1
C, St. P., M. O.. 39
C, B. ft Q east.. 8
C, B. A Q., west.. 24
C, R. I. St. P., east 25
C, R. I. ft P., west 1
Illinois Central .... 8
Chi. Great Weat.... 4
Total receipts ..283 264
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep!
Morris ft Co 692 2.116 787
Hwlft ft Co 1.564 2.498 1.659
Cudahy Packing Co.. 161 1,872 2,651
Armour ft Co ....1,024 3.623 3,609
nenwarta ft Co 274
J. W. Murphy 3,829
Lincoln Packing Co.. 86
8. O. Packing Co 22
Wilson ft Co 165
Cudahy, Denver , .... ..... 251
w. B. Vansant Co.... 67 .....
Itenton-Vansant 19
V. B. Lewi J93
Huston ft Co 62
1. B. Root & Co.... 118
J. H, Bulla 64 ,
Roseristnrk Bros. .... 33 '
F. 1. Kellogg in
Wertheimer ft Degen' 171
H.-F. Hamilton 124
Sullivan Bros .6,1
Rothschild ft Krebs . 25
Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co.. 161
Chrlntle 124 ... .
Higgm 3 .....
Huffman 31
Roth ji ;;
Moyers 12 .. ..
Glassberg 4
Baker, Jones & S 39
John Harvey ., 357 .....
Dennis ft Francis .... 64
Jensen ft Lungreo.... 118
Pat O'Day 4 ' ..."
Other buyer 68t ..... 2.29
Totals 7,839 16,213 10,944
Cattle For a Thursday cattle rreint
wers fairly liberal, about 6,000 heal, and
the four days' supply, 81,000 hell, has
been nearly 6,000 heavier than a wee ago,
and 12.000 heavier than a ye&r ago. Quality
was very good as a rule. Ind tha maiket
active at strong to lOo higher prlcis all
around. Prime long fed steers bronght
tl3.SO011.76, the highest ot the season and
tha general market far both hr
and butcher atock ia around 150250 tl gher
for the week. Business In stockers and
feeders was rather quiet, tha beat grades
holding steady, and medium and o.,mmnn
kinds selling slow at lower prices.
Siuoiations on catt e: flood in Phni
beeves. tl2.85tjllS.60; fair to good beeves.; common to fair beeves. 89.60
fill 1.50: good to choice yearllnas. lit inim
12.60; fair to good yearllnrs. UO.OOfflM l.nii'
common to fair yearlings, t8.B06)8.6O; good
to cnoice grass beeves, 811.0012.00; fair
to good grass beeves, M.6011.00; common
to fair grass beeves. S8.OO1199 on- tnH
choice heifers, t9.6S011.OO:
cows, t9.5010 60; fair to good cows. 88.60
Wt.60; common to fair cows, 37.00iff8.00;
lm feeders,; good to choice1
feeders, tlO.0OlL0Oj fair to good feeders,
19.0010.00; common to fair feedera, t.60
O8.00; good to choice stockers, t'.&O
1.1.00; stock heifers. 88.004eiO.ooi .twu
cows, t7.00Ot.R0; stock calves, t8.0010.50;
fs.uuQiii.ov; nuns, stage, etc,
t7.60O10.00. '
Representative aaiea;
No. Av, Pr. No. A. Pr
1 676 tS 00 - 1 460 t 40
660 t 75 18 640 10 00
It 844 10 60 XI 7 791 IS it
It. ...... 9.11 11 00
20....,.," 864 11 60
18 372 11 70
11....... 76) 11 85
1031 11 65
13. 1030 11 85
1010 It 00
24.. 4105 13 30
24. ......1006 13 40
88 13(7 13 75
13.. ,.,..1156 13 10
10 t(6 11 tO
.... 866 It 26
11 ..1220 13 15
11... ..,.1075 13 60
21 1056 13 00
67 1663 13 75
1 649 t 00 t 663 10 26
7....... 586 10 76 t '. 740 11 00
IS Hi 11 15 t 30 11 40
788 11 60 , 175. 894 11 (0
20.. 803 11 86
1. ...... (30 t 76 1....... 640 8 25
3 ,. ISO S 75 17 ,. 460 20
722 9 00 17 684 25
10 643 t 60 ' 1 tOt 10 26
IS . 805 10 tO 3 165 10 60
44 741 7 65 4 89
53 t89 7 10 4. ,,... 870
89 tit 8 15 6....... 718
7 85
8 10
8 20
8 76
t 00
S 60
9 75
t02 S 60 3....... 954
38. ..i... 1015 S 85 3 850
. 984 t 35 17 968
.1104 t 60 4. .,,,,.1070
1073 t tO t. ...... 948 10 00
..,.1260 10 40 7.. .....1214 10 60
3. ...a. .1000 t 15 1 1720
1.M....3000 t 60 1 ,.1820
1....... 880 10 00
f 00
821 8 40
425 S 00
...... 410 60
21....... 377 8 35
9 394 t IS
21 641 If 00
3 240 13 It
1....... 100 12 76
6 168 13 00
3 165 13 60
1 110 13 00
S 684 S 75 38 410 t 00
11 S8S t It 2 37S" SB
It......'. 684 t 71 17....... (60 85
52 434 1049 1 (10 10 36
Hogs There was a liberal supply ot hogs
on hand thla morning and shippers - took
limited number of the earlv hosa at
prices that Were steady to, in soma cases,
perhaps, to lower. On or two packer buy
ers were elW picking out a few light losds
on about the same basis. Trade was very
low. Tha best price paid for light hogs
was, ateady with yesterday's top
figure, while tha bulk of the hogs moved
at tlt.tSO 17.00. The indications pointed
toward a steady trade all the way. Heavy
hogs wers selling a little better than they
have been tor tha last few days, although
the demand Is still rfor tha lightweights.
nepresentauva sales: I
A v. Sh. Pr. No. Av.
Sh. Pr.
... tK
... IT 10
... IT IS
65. .291 170 tK tO 69. .260
(5. .318 ... IT 00 61. .131
4. .111 ... IT It 61, .121
71. .195 80 17 85
Sheep The market opened today with
seventy cars ot sheep, or 16,000 oei.d. on
sals and It was sometime befors packers
and saleamen got together on a trading
basis. There was a good demand for aged
atock. aid sales made in this class looked
steady with yeaterday. Fat ewes sold up to
814.00 Tor choice kinds, and 813.90 for an
other string. The quality of tat lambs ran
to the medium weight and heavy order,
nn ma t:au lor mess was aoifiewnai Slow
nd the feeling lower than yesterday. Early
bids were 15o to 15o lower, with no aales
made early, except a string of heavy shorn
lambs that sold at 813.60 steady with
yesterday's price. A string ot heavy feed
era sold at 817.20. The general market was
ateady tor sheep and 15o to SSo lower on
Quotations on Sheep and Lambs: Lambs,
good to choice. tlT.76 18.00; lambs, fair to
good, tit. 15017.76; lambs,' heavy weight,
tl7.00Olt.T6; lambs, feeders, 116.60O17. IS;
lambs.- shorn, tl3.06O14.60; lambs, culls,
tl3.00O18.00; yearlings, fair to choice,
814 00014.60: wethers, vfalr to choice. 311.26
014.TSI awes, fair to choice, til. 00O14.00;"
ewes, breeders, all ages, 112.oooi8.tO; ewes,
culls and canners, t8.00O10.00,
Representative aalea:
100 fed lambs 68 1735
178 fel lambs - 1716
410 clipped lambs...., 110 1SS0
tit fed lambs... IT 1790
184 fed lambs. IS 1T4
tt ted lambs..., 87 ' 1790
Chic Uv Stock.
Chicago, March 31. Cattle Receipts, 15,
(00 head; market weak; native steers. If .50
10.50; stockers and feeders, 88.20012. IS:
cows and halters, tMOOll.15; calves, tlO.50
Hogs Receipts, 41,000 head ; market
firm, 10016s above yesterday's average;
bulk. tlT.t601SOO; light, 817.60018.16;
mixed. tlT.00O18.ltt heavy tl6.4S17.80;
rough, tl4.46l.T0; pigs, tl3.60 01T.3S.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 10.000 head:
market firm; sheep, tlt.0015.00; lambs,
Liberty Bonds Only Active
Feature of Market; Final
. Hoar Brings Out Mod- S
y erate Activity.
New Tork, March 21. Another brisk ln
qulry for Liberty bonds was tha dlstin
gulshlng feature of today's session of the
siock exenange. Dealings In stocks dl
mlnished steadily until' the final hour when
moderate activity aet in under the lead of
Industrials and oils.
These shares were favored because of an
advance in crude oil prices and intimations
rrom Washington that the new achedule
for steel and iron would in all probability
eliminate existing Inequalities.
Texas company was foremost among
the oils at an extreme gain of t comta.
and United States Steel was roused Cut of
Its previous torpor, gaining almost a point
on relatively neavy accumulation.
Other substantial gains were confined to
sucn specialtlea as American Car. Inactive
equipments and Industrial Alcohol, Dis
tillers' securities and Malting preferred at
aavances ot 1 to 3 points.
Early pressure upon rails, motors and
tobaccos was partly overcome ln ths gen
era! ' rally of the close, but aome gains,
notably that of Unloif Pacific, proved only
temporary. Sales amounted to 260.000
Official seizure of Holland's ships, the
Teutonic bombardment on the western front
and a naval engagement in which the Ger
man forces seem to have been worsted, were
among the deterrent developments of the
Liberty Issues again constituted the sole
features of the bond market, second 4a gain
ing almost I per cent, but reacting sharply
later. Sales, par value, aggregated 86,650,
United States bonds, old issues, unchanged
on call.
Number of sales and quotations on lead
ing Storks: Sales. High. Low. Close.
Amer. Beet Suear 79H
Amer. Can 2,000 43 42 43
Am, Car ft Fdy... .16,900 78tt 76 78'
Am. Locomotive .. 2,100 (5 64 'i 65
Am. Smelt ft Ref 79 78 79
Am. Sugar Ref 104 H
Am. Tel. ft Tol.... 3,500 102 100 101 li
Am. Z. L. & R....J 13
Anacohda Copper . 1,400 63 63Va 3
Atchison 600 84V 84 84
A. O. ft TV. I. S.8.L. 1.300 110 109 110
Baltimore ft Ohio.. 400 54 64 64
Butte ft Sup. Cop.. 1,000 21 20 20 91
Cal. Petroleum .... 400 16 15 16
Canadian Paciflo .. 2,200 139 136 138
Central Leather .. (.100 67 66 67
Chesapeake ft Ohio 600 58 68 68
C, M. ft St. P 1,000 42-41 41 ,
C, ft N. W 200 91 91 tl
C, R. I. ft P. ctfs. . 600 21 21 21
Chlno Copper ..... ,. ..... 40
Colo. Fuel & Iron .1 ' 37
Corn Products Ref.. 25,300 37 36 37
Crucible - Steel .... 3,600 64 (3 64
Cuba Cane 8ugar.. 1,400 30 29 29
Distillers' Sec. ..,.13,600 41 39 41
Erie 1,600 16 15 16
General Electric. .. 800 138 138 138
General Motors ... 1,600 119 118 119
Gt, North, pfd 90
Gt. North Ore Ctfs. 600 28 27 27
Illinois Central ... 300 95 li 85
Inspiration Copper 44
Int. Mer. Mar. pfd. 6,700 96 95 96
Inter. Nickel 200 28 28 28
K. C. Southern.... It
Kennecott Co per.. 3,000 31 . 31 31
Louisville & Nash 113
Maxwell Motors' 27
Mex. Petroleum ...12,800 t 12 85
Miami Copper ..... 80
Missouri Paciflo ... 600 23 22 22
Montana Power .. ..... ,. .....
Navtfda Copper ...
N. T. Central .... 300 72 71
72 -28
N. T., N. II. ft H.. 200 29 29
Norfolk ft Western
Northern pactflo ,
Pacific Mall
Pennsylvania ...... 700 44 44
Pittsburgh Coal
Ray Con. Copper.. 600-23 23
Reading 12,400 83 82
Rep. Iron ft Steel.. 700 79 79.
Southern Pacific .. 900 85 86
Southern Railway.. 200 24 23
Hludebaker Corp. 2,700 46 46
Texas Co. , 4.200 149 146 149
Union Pacific .... 2,300 123 121 121
U. S. Ind. Alcohol.. 6,900 124 129 124
V. 8, Steel , 39,300 91 90 91
U. S. Steel pfd.,.. 400 109 109 109
Ulan uopper ...... v 16 i is
Wabash pfd. ' B" 23
Western Union .... ..... 91
West. Electrio 41
Tutal sales far the day, 260,000 shares.
London Money.
London, March 21. Silver Bar, 44d
per ounce.
Money 8 per cent.
Discount Rates Short and three months,
3 per cent.
"j New Tork Coffee.
New ,'Tork, March 21. The market for
coffee futures was quiet but generally steady,
today on scattered covering and soma fur
th rounding ot hedges accompanied by re
ports of an improving Inquiry for spot
supplies. The opening waa unchanged to
two points lower tut small otferlnga .were
readily absorbed and after selling at 8.63
Many rallied to 6.89 while December worked
up from 8.76 to 8.85. Ths close was un
changed to S points higher; March un
changed at ths maximum price, while moat
ot tha latter months showed advances.
Closing bids: March 8.600; Mary 8.67c;
July 8.74c; September 8.77c; October 8.79c;
December 8.84c. Spot coffee ateady; No 7
Rto t'a 9o; Santos No. 4's lie. Offers of
Santos 4's wers reported ln ths cost and
freight market at 10.8oc, Steamer ship
ments American credits. The official
cables showed an advance of 60 rets In the
Rio market with Santos spot unchanged
and futures 60 to 100 rels lower. Rio ex
change on Londotv waa 6-32 D lower.
Braslllan port receipts 21,000.
.St. Louis Live Stork. :
St. Louis, March 21. Cattle receipts 2,100;
yearling steers and heifers $7.00013.50;
cows t6-0O11.60; stockers and feeders 16-00
O10.50; fair to prime southers beef steers
19.o011.6O; beef cows and heifers t7.60
10.00; southern yearling steers and heifers
t6.00O10.00; natlvs calves 6.00 14. 00.
1 Hogs Receipts 17,400; steady; lights
317.76018 00; pigs tl4.50Ott.75; mixed and
butchers tlt.8617.90; good heavy llf.OOO
17.60; bulk tlt.3601T.96. '1 V
Sheep Receipts 700; steady. Lamba
14.0018. 15; awes 311.60 11.00; wethers
$11. 0013. 75; canners and choppers $6.60
O9.60. ' . .
Kansas City live Stock.
Kansas City, Mo., March 21. Cattle
reoelpts 3,000; strong. Prims fed steers
tl3.00O14.00; dressed beef steers $10,600
18.25; western steers $9.60 01(25; cows
$7.60ll.OO; heifers 17.76 12.00; stockers
and feedera t8.00Oli.T5; bulls tt.60O10.26;
calves $7.60 13.60.
Hogs Receipts 6,000; steady; bulk S1S.80
17.30; heavy tlT.76O17.10; packers and
butchers $16.9017.45; light tlt.10lT.t0;
pigs $13.00 16.16.
Sheep Receipts MOO; steady; lambs
tlt.00O18v0; yearlings 814.00018-00;
wsthers $13.00016.00; ewes tl3.00Q16.00.
Omaha Bay.
Receipts ot alfalfa heavy; market draggy
and prices tl.00Ol.60 per ton lower. Prairie
recelpta good; demand only fair, causing
prices to go lower on all grades. Choice up
land prairie hay, $11.00. No. 1, $19.00020.00.
No. 3, $14.60016.60. No. 3. $11.60013.60.
No. 1 midland. $19.00t0.00. No, 3, $14,500
16.50. No. 1 lowland, $14.60014.50. No. 3,
$11.60018.60. No. 3, tll.OOOll-00. Cholca
alfalfa. 628.50, No. 1, $26.60027.60. Stand
ard, $23.00025.00. No. 1. $lt.00O$0.00. No.
3. $16.00019.00. Oat straw, $10.50. Wheat
straw, $9.60.
' Metal Market.
New Tork, March 31. Metal exchanges
quotes lead quiet; apot, 37.36 7.(0; spel
ter, quiet; East St. Louis spot, $7,260
T.4S. sjisaf,
At London:. Spot copper, 110; futures,
110; electrolytic, 125; tin, spot. 311; fu
tures, 318;' lead, apot, It 10s; futures 28
10s; spelter, spot, 54; futures, 60. .
St. Joseph Lite Stock.
St. Joseph. Mo., March 19. Cattle Re
ceipts, 1.500 head: market steady to strong;
stars, $9.00013.75; cows and heifers, 17.000
11.00; calves, $7.0013.00.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,600 head;
market steady; lambs, $14.00013.35; owes,
$7.00014.00. .
It Aids Nsiture
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy relieves
the lungs, liquifies the tough mucus and
aids in its expectoration, allays the
cough and aids Nature in restoring the
system to a healthy condition.
Echoes From Ouster Suit Heard
in Testimony Given Before
Inquisitorial Body Now
in Session. -
Echoes of the recent Lvnch ouster
Hearing were heard Thursday when
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Voss were called
before the grand jury. It was Voss
who testified that Lynch and Johnny
rora naa sotignt to induce him to re
open his road house on West Center
street, and promised their suooort if
ne would split the prohts three ways.
They were cldleted with the grand
jury more than an hour.
A. H. Gilbert, former bartender at
the cudweser saloon, who admitted
at the ouster hearing that he had
bfeen bookkeeper for the "ring" and
naa split the prohts from Lakeside
and other roadhouses between Den-
nison, Lynch and others, was also
summoned. "It won't take me long
to reu an 1 Know," he said, oefore
entering the grand jury room. .
JBurns Will Tell All.
"Farmer" Burns was also fc visitor
at the court house Thursday. In re-
pij 10 inquiries, ne saia ne expected
to be called soon before the jury. He
said he was prepared to tell all he
knew of te case, and intimated he
might tell "a little niore"r than' he
naa testihed to in the ouster suit.
"I wanted to tell the whole truth
then, but you know how technical
the law is, and they ruled my answers
out." -
Mrs. Wisdom, a neexess was an.
other witness of the afternoon ses
sion. Gambling Devices.
Searching TllQuirV into condition
at the pest house and invsticatinn
of punch boards and other alleged
gambling devices in cigar stores are
being made. ' . ,
Dr. J. Alex Williams and his rlano-h-
ter, June, were witnesses in the pest
house hearing. Miss Williams was re
cently a patient there. J. Scott, 4515
South Twenty-sixth street, was calfed.
He, was confined in the pest house 15
Rumors of an investigation into thp
igh prices charged for launrlrv work
have been circulated.
Barbers; higli prices may come 'up
for consideration.
Charles E. Cone. ir.. 041 North
Twenty-seventh avenue, manager of a
printing company, and Charles John-
son, .it cinney street, a retired
laundry man, have been chosen to Jill
the vacancies of Tames H. Bulla and
James Pettegrew, excused from serv-
i-s uu.tiic juryv
Moscow, Tuesday, March 19. jAll
available rolling stock is being used
for the removal from Petrograd of all
valuable property along the lines of
the trans-Siberian and Ural railroads.
The Putiloff munition works and
the Schuszelburg power factory,
both employing from, thirty to torty
thousand men, are being removed to
Omsk and to Bolsk. Among the fac
tory workers are thousands of Ger
man and Austrian prisoners which
the goevrnment is sending to Tomsk
and other Siberian cities to do indus
trial work.
Many of the prisoners told The As
sociated Press that they had little
interest in the war. Some of the
Austrians 6ought medicines from the
American Red Cross for sick com
rades and did not know the United
States was in the war. .
Vologda, where the American em
bassy is at present, has suddenl-- de
veloped from a provincial city of
Ou.uuu to a congested transfer point
with a great floating copulation.
(Continued From Page One.)
waters and another 400,000 tons was
put into allied service. .
The president's proclamation was
Issued Upon Holland's refusal, in the
face of German threats, to put into
effect its voluntary agreement for
restoring its. merchant marine 4o nor
mal activity.
Compensation will be made to the
owners as required by law.
Although the ships have been taken
over without any formal agreement,
the United States proposes to rarry
ftnf crrtmtilmiclv tn fprmo. of thff
original pact, so that, Holland s'.all
receive, ample foodstuffs, and w;.' be
protected in its colonial trade by hav
ing sufficient tonnage to maintain its
''President Issues Statement.
In a statement outlining the negotia
tions which preceded the requisition,
President Wilson pointed out that
the permanent agreement with the
Dutch government had been blocked
by Germany, despite the little king
dom's acute need of foodstuffs, for
which the agreement provided. A
temporary agreement then was ne'
gotiated to tide 5ver trie emergency
and that, too, was held up by Prus
sian diplomacy.
"Although the reason never was
formally expressed," the president
said, "it was generally known that
the Dutch ship owners feared lest
their ships should be destroyed by
German submarines. That this fear
was not wholly unjustified, has un
happily been shown by the recent act
ot the German government in sink
ing the Spanish ship Sardinero. out
side the danger zone, when carrying
a cargo 01 gram lor Switzerland, and
after the submarine commander had
ascertained this fact by an inspection
of the ship's papers."
London, March 21. The Associated
Press learns that, the United States
having authorized the reauisitionin?
01 uuicn snips, ureat Britain will 1m
mediately order similar action in re
gard to Dutch vessels in British ports.
Notwithstanding the 'statements
which have emanatprl from HnMmA
the British government thus far K&I
received no communication from The
Netherlands government regarding
acceptance or rejection ot the allies
Concord Club Will Work
For Ak-Sar-Ben Memberships
The Concord club memhre witl
hustle membership for Ak-Sar-Ben
this year. The club held a special
Ak-Sai-Ben day luncheon at the
Henshaw Thursday noon, and took in
14 members for Ak-Sar-Ben. At the
same timethey voted to make every
v-uiiiuiuci it tuiiiiniiiee 01 one tc
bring in more Ak-Sar-Ben members
Harry Mahaffey and Emil Ganz
were members of the" committee in
charge of the entertainment.
Secretary J. D. Weaver and Gus
Renze, the artificer of Ak-Sar-Ben,
spoke. Charley Black, member of
ne governing committee, also made
a short talk on the importance of
making Ak-bar-Ben activities a big
Federal Officers Arrest
s Men for Having Morphine
Cocaine and morphine in large
quantities were found on William
Purvines, 2224 Paul street; Vergil
rnce, zsis Dodge street, and Tesse
Shields, 1313 Capitol tivenue, negroes.
Wednesday night, when federal offi
cers arrested them at Fourteenth and
Davenport streets.
Officers say more than $25 worth
of the narcotic drugs was found in
one of Price's pockets. The same
amount was concealed in Shields
clothes, it is said
Charges of violatm the Harrison
drug act were mad.e against them.
Step Lively! Corns
Quit with "Gels-It"
. r-
Th Great Corn Loosener of the Ag:
Never Fails. Painless.
1 Watch my step? What's the use! I so
along; "right side up without care," even
with corns, because I use "Gets-It," the pain
less, off-like-a-banana-Deel corn remover. 1
tried other ways galore, until I was blue in
the face and red in the toes. No more for me.
Corns simply can'fstop . we use "Gets-It" I
Use "Gets-It." It never fails. Touch any
corn or callus with two drops of "Gets-It,"
and "Gets-It" does the rest. It's a relief to
be able to stop cutting corns, making them
bleed, .wrapping them up like packages and
using sticky tape and ef7es. It removes any
corn clear and clean, leaving the toe as
smooth as your palm. You can wear those
new shoes without pain, dance and be frisky
on your feet It's great to use "Gets-It"
"Gets-It" is sold at all druggists (you
need pay no more than 25 cents a bottle),
or sent on receipt of price by E. Lawrence'
ft Co., Chicago, 111.
Sold in Omaha and recommended as the
world's best corn remedy ty Sherman ft Mc
Connell Drug Co. Stores. Advertisement
Take it glass of Salts to Flush
- Kidneys if bladder bothers JJ
Eating meat regularly eventually
produces kidney trouble in some form
or other, says a well known authority,
because the uric acid in meat excites
the kidneys, they become overworked;
get sluggish; clog up and cause all
sorts of distress. . particularly back
ache and misery in the kidney region;
rheumatic twinges, severe headaches,
acid stomach, constipation, torpid
liver, sleeplessness, bladder and uri
nary irritation.
The moment your back hurts or kid-
Ineys aren't actjng right, or if bladder
foothers you, get about-four ounces of
Jad Salts from any good pharmacy;
take a tablespoonful in a glass of .wa
ter neiore breakfast tor a few days
and your kidneys will then act fine.
This famous salts is made from the
acid of grapes and lemon juice, com
bined with lithia, and has been used
for generations to flush clogged kid
neys and stimulate them to normal
activity; also to neutralize the acids
in the urine so it no longer irritates,
thus ending bladder disorders. -
Jad Salts cannot injure anyone;
makes a delightful effervescent lithia-
water. drink which millions of metvand
women take now and then to keep the
kidneys and urinary organs clean.
thus avoiding serious kidney disease.
en we Q 1 twiaa f-!'!1"" Wlft..
WEEKS' colors. 4CcauuS!
Fireman on Union Pacific Says!
Tanlac Has Restored
Him to Health.
Statement aftwfetatement is now
being made by the people of Omaha
in connectionwith Tanlac, the Pre
mier Preparation, which is accom
plishing such remarkable results
throughout the United States and '
Canada. Ira W. Polsley, a well known
fireman ! on the Union Pacific rail-
roadwho lives at 2033 Elnr'atreet,
called at Sherman & McConnell's drug
store, Sixteenth and Dodgfj streets,
recently and in relating his exjjer-
ience with the medicine, said:
"Tanlac certainly is a real medi
cine, for nothing but a real medicine
could do what a few bottles did for
me, and I'm glad to tell everybody
about it. I always felt strong and well
until about six months previous to
the time I began taking Tanlac. Then
somehow or other I got all otlt of fix
and my good health was fast slipping
away from me. At the time my trou
ble started I weighed one hundred and ,
forty pounds, but it wasn t long until
I lost several pounds and just felt
tired and worn-out all the time. My
annetite was very uoortend mv food
failed to give me proper nourishment
and 1 couldn t- work long without j
feeling exhausted. My liver was slug-"
Fish and I had no ambition or energy,
often suffered from headache and
was nervous and restless all the time.
I don't know what all did ail me, but
I just felt miserable and unfit for
work all the time. v '
"I' hardly knew what to do until
a Union Pacific engineer told me
now Tanlac had helped him and ad
vised me to try it. So I took his ad
vice and now I'm glad to come out
for Tanlac, because it proved to be
just whst I needed. The first few
doses made a big difference in my .
feelings. My appetite soon came bat if
to me and I could eat and enjoy any
thing set before me.' When I finished
my third bottle I found I was not
only restored to full vigor and health,
but that I had actually gained ten
pounds in weight besides, and I'm
now even heavier than I was before
my trouble first began. My tired.
worn-out feelings are gone and I have
energy, ambition and strength to do
my work wit n ns much ease as I ever
could. Tanlac certainly is a wonder
ful medicine, and it was lucky for mc
that I took it."
There are thousands of people who
complain of feeling nervous and run- .
down. They are not sick exactly, but
feel tired and good for nothing most
of the time. They need something to
rjuna tnem up ana tnrow 011 the
symptoms of this weaTcened, debilitat
ed condition.
The system, besides being nurified
by Tanlac, is toned up and invigorat
ed as the medicine, aside, from fssist
ing the blood, reinvigorates the con
stitution, overcoming as it seems to
quickly do, nervousness, indigestion,
non-assimilation of tha food, head
aches, backache, kidney complaints,
general debility and many other ail-,
ments that are so common to the
thousands of . half-sick, depress f
men and women. y
Tanlac is sold in Omaha bv Sher-
man & McConnell Drug Company
corner 16th and Dodge streets; Owl
Drug Co., 16th and Harney streets;
Harvard Pharmacy, 24th and Farnam
streets; Northeast corner 19th and
Farnam streets, and West End Phar
macy, 49th and Dodge streets, under
the personal direction of a special
Tanlac representative. Adv.
Actress Gives Simple, Inexpensive
Recipe for Streaked or Faded,
Gray Hair.
Mrs. Mackie. the well known New
York actress, now a grandmother,
and whose hair is still dark, recently
made the following statement: "Gr-Av,
streaked or faded hair can be imnre
diately turned black, brown or lieht
bfrown, whichever shade you desire, by
tne use or the lollowing simple rem
edy tnat you can make at home :
"Merely get a small tox of Orlex
powder at any drug store. It costs
only 25 cents and no extras to nuv.
Dissolve it in one ounce of water and
comb it through the hair. Full direc
tions for use come in each box.
"You need not hesitate to use Or-
ex, as a $100.00 gold bond comes in
each box guaranteeing the user that
Orlex powder does not contain silver,
lead, zinc, sulphur,' mercury, aniline.
coal tar products or their derivatives.
"It does notvub off, is not sticky
or greasy, and leaves the hair fluffy.
'It will make a gray" haired person
ook many years younger. Adv. .
' I'
Colda, Coughs, Croup and Catarrh
Relieved in Two Minutes.
Is your throat aoreT
Breathe Hyomei.
Have you catarrh?
Breathe Hyomei. .
Have you a cough ?
Breathe Hyomei,
Have you a coldt
Breathe Hyomei.
Hyomei ia the one treatment fnr ll n.
throat and lung troubles. It does not contain
any cocaine or morphine and all that is
necessary is to breathe it through the little
pocaex innaier tnat comes with each outfit.
A complete outfit costs but little at drug
gists everywhere snd at Sherman ft McCon
nell Drug Co., and Hyomei is guaranteed to
banish catarrh, croup, coughs, colds, sore
throat and bronchitis nr mnn.v hark. A
Hyomei inhaler lasts a lifetime and extra
bottles of Hyomei can be obtained from drua-
gists.1 Advertisement i
ANever Failing Way
To Banish Ugly Hairs
(Aids to Beauty) '
No woman is immune to superflu
ous growths, and because these are
likely to appear at any time, it is ad
visable to always have some delatone
powder handy to use when the oc
casion arises. A paste is made with "
some of the powder and water and
spread upon the hairy surface; in
about 2 minutes this is carefully re
moved and the skin washed. You will
then find that your skin is entwlv
1 - 1. t rt -
Ixree iroin nair or iuzz. DC sure, f v.
ever, to get real delatone. Adv
si.-- JiAsrU)