THE BEE: OMAHA, fKUM, AlAHCll 22, liUS. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Oregon Lands. What heads the list of sound, sure investments? Real Estate. It is, or should be, the arribition of every man to "own a home." Study these offers carefully for to day's prices on these properties will look mighty cheap in 1920. "OWN YOUR HOME" NEW Jordan Valley Project Heart of the range. Get on lb ground floor who u acres Irrigated Isnd In connection, wlih open range. You o.n grow stock success fully and cheaply. Personally conducted excursion ever)- tv wceka Oend for bul letin. Harley 3, Hooker. (40 1st National Bank Bldg. Miscellaneous CHOICE FARM. Nlelson. 423 Rose Bldg. "OWN YOUR I HOME" 1 HELP WANTED MALE ' HmIL ?Ln Solicitors. Salesman wan fie rT" by large house to ifceovor Iowa. Must bo experienced In the Teale of Paints. Varnishes, etc with a previous successful selling record. Ap plicants will pleasa stats experience, re ference, and salary expected. Good op portunity to right party. Box Y 459 i Omaha Her. WANTED, EXPERIENCED SALES PEOPLE IN SHOE DEPARTMENT. PERMANENT PLY SUPERINTENDENT STORES. BRAN DEIS Trade Schools. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Learn in six weeks, no books; easy to learn: free catalogue. National Auto School, 291 N. 80th St., Omaha, Nob 50TH men and women to learn the harber trade. Special rates. Call or write ttOi Dodge. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLFGE. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Male cook. Address J. Bee Office, South Omaha. Boys. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR BRIGHT BOY Apply r CUDAHY OFFICE, . South Side iff ANTED Good office boy. Field-HamlU ton-Smith Paper Co.. 1114 Harney. JR'ANTED A reliable boy to learn the jewelry business. Albert Edholm. Miscellaneous. WANTED f is freight handlers; steady work; can use 16 colored men. Chicago & northwestern rail, way, 14th and davenport sts. WANTED express deliverymen, express handlers. apply wells-fargo & co. union station, OR 114 S. 16TH ST. WANTED, FREIGHT HANDLERS. APPLY AMERICAN EXPRESS CO., UNION STATION. MEN WANTED, GE 21 TO 60, FOR GENERAL YARD VORK, STEADY JOB FOR GOOD MEN. APPLY TO TIMEKEEPER. UNION STOCK YARDS CO.. SOUTH OMAHA. NO man 18 to 20 who can set tyte Ad dress Box 4400, umana ee. J"REE JOB No office fee. Apply at 22 S. 10th St. If HELP WANTED Male and Female EE OTTRlMnA 0-nvernment war nosltlons nnen. Men and women wanted. $100 month. Write for list Franklin Instl tute. Dept. 233 C. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Man and wife to work on farm, man to operate new Avery tractor, wife to cook for 6 or 6 persons. Good wages. Box 4298, omana Bee. HOLER Barber College wants young men and ladles to learn tbe barber trade. Call or writs for free catalogue. 110 S. 14tb BL. Omaha. Neb. HELP WANTED-FEMALE Stores and Offices. Experienced stenographer wanted for bank, located In county seat town of 3,000 people, wltnm nu mues oi umana; banking experience not necessary; salary, $76 to start and bonus amounting to $10 tier month. CHE CHARLES E. WALTERS COMPANY. 1424 First National Ban:: mag, umana. EIGHTEEN STENOGRAPHERS, $50-$76. P. B. X. operator and office clerk, $45. Typewriter operator, $50-$60. rruv. HTI SERVICE. 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, Bookkeepers, now Is ynslftopporiuniiy to get in iuucu nu soil good positions. NO FILING FEE. Cooperative Ref. Co., 1016 City Nat. Bank. I STENOGRAPHERS $60-$75 OFFICE GIRL $30-$36 THE CANO AGENCY. 600 BEE BLDG. tir a TTinnAn aYnerlenced stenographer. Apply Washington Market, 1407 Douglas street cTcwnnc aputtr for law office: state age. experience, qualifications and salary ex pected. BOX asi, umana pee STENOGRAPHERS, S6, $76, $65, $50, $40. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 First Nat. Bank. rmvnenCiPnilD TO MANAOER. $90. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N WANTED 3 bright young women for cleri- cal work In store, rnone Tyier mm. mmnflRAPHER. small law office, $60. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. Professions and Trades. 25 GIRLS For hand work on army supplies No experience necessary. 18c per hour 1st month. 19c per hour 2d month. 20c per hour thereafter. APPLY ALBERT MATHER. FOREMAN. 1ST FL. SCOTT-OMAHA TENT & AWNING CO. 1501 Howard St. rHB Nebraska Telephone company offer an exceptional opportunity to young ladles to learn local and mng.distance telephone operating. permanent positions, oppor tunities for advancement, good wages. A aalarr paid while learning. Parent desiring to acquaint themselves with the working conditions or any other details are specially invited to accompany the aoollcants. Apply to C, F. Lambert, 1807 Douglas street. WANTED -4 experienced help in altera TON AND MILLINERY WORK ROOM. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT BRANDEIS 6TORES. WANTED Twenty-five girls, experienced on power sewing machines; nice, clean, steady work; experienced operators earn $12 to $11 a week; guarantee given. un ha Auto Top Co., 709-11 8. isu St. WANTED Registered surgical nurse and registered mrse not UKety 10 oe caueo ta znvernment service. Apply tO Surer- Htendent Orthopedic Hospital, Lincoln, WANTED Girl meat wrappers. Apply The Washington Market. 1407 Douglas St, LEAiLN barber trade. 1401 Dodge St HELP WAN iS FEMALE Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED. , EXPERIENCED SALESLADY MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. ArrLY TO MR. T. F. LIND, HAYDEN BROS. WANTED. EXPERIENCED HKLP IN MILLIN ERY, CLOAK, St 'IT AND WAIST DK PAKTMENTS. APPLY SUPERINTEND ENT BRANDE1S STORES Household and Domestic. WANTED Bright Intelligent girl for gen eral housework and to assist in cooking. No objection to high class colored girl. Party must come Well recommended; modern hums, 2 In family: chance for the right party to travel with family. Apply O. I. Oliver, Oliver theater, Lincoln. Neb. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HO'JSE- WOHK: NO LAUNDRY; THREiT IN FAMILY. MUST CO HOME NLIJ1TS. WALNUT 984, COMPETENT girl assist with housework,. small family, no laundry, references re quired. Mrs. Fred WUltmore, Valley. Neb. WANTED A girl for general housework. small nei house, best -afres paid.. 109 South 42nd St., Harney 4599. COMPETENT woman for general house work; small family; plain cooking; good wages. Telephone Walnut 45. GOOD girl for light housework; dandy home for good girl. Phone Harney 4286 or Har ney 2208. WANTED Housekeeper for family of three. Good wages to right party. Box 4276. Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED NURSE Well care for Invalid In her own home, also nursing, Web. 2100. NEAT white girl to help with housework; three In family. Telephone Walout M5. GIRL for light housework. Small family. Douglas 6028. Inquire 1917 Webster. WANTED Girl for general housework; no washine. Phone Harney 3147. MAID for general housework; small family. narney Dim. auo uavenpun WANTED At once, a maid for general housework. 4643 Dodge St. WANTED White girl for housework. Phone Walnut 2420, Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED 1 good chambermaid; also 1 good dining room girl; none but good, clean girls need apply; good wages; steady posi tion for the right parties. Stockman's Hotel. Crawford, Neb. F. C. Bauman. WANTED Three colored waitresses, 2 pan try girls, man or woman dishwasher. Hotel Castle. Inquire Mr. Jones, Red 7408. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at the Flatlron Cafe, 1720 St. Mary's Ave. VVANTED Waiter for restaurant, 4907 S. 26th. . Miscellaneous. NEAT LADY demonstrator In or out of the city; electrical. Call In person between 12:30 p. m. and 1:30 p. m. Wellington inn parlor, uoua samry. WHITE janitressi evening and morning work. $32.60 per month. Alfred C. Ken Inn parlor. Good salary. nedy Co., 205 S. 18th St. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. . DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy. typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil servloe all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglas 1665. 18th and Harnev Sts. Van Sant School of Business, Day ana evening scnoois. S30 Omaha National Bank Bldg. - Douglas 6890. - FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. L CLEAN front rooms, with use of phone, to one or two gentlemen. Board optional. Not strictly modern, but homelike. 1803 Ttf S4ih Sf ' unstalrs. Webster 3148. STRICTLY modern room, suitable fo wo gentleman. Clowry Court, Apartment G, 17th and Chicago. Red 6675. NICELY furnished room In steam-heated apartment, close in, walking distance. Douglas 8139t BEAUTIFULLY furnished parlor room; strictly moaern; private, iivo ruunu, Douglas 779" STEAM-HEATED rooms $2 wk.. also apts wltn Kitcnenets. ygnen rioiei mum. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms, ol'.an. modern, by aay or ween, zjua nam;., w. ,A1,1?DM Un.,an nUratA hrtmA Uf0t aI1A- Close to carllne. Teiepnono uougias im. MODERN room for gentlemen: orivate home, walking distance. Douglas 633. NEATLY furnished room, modern, conveni ent. 2529 California St. Douglas 7'09. BEAUTIFUL' first floor room, three win dows. 412 S. 24th. Douglas 7 70. LOVELY front room, private home. 106 S. 29th Ave. Phone Harney 6407. NICELY furnished rooms, private home. home privileges. Tyler 1921. PLEASANT rooms in the Vernon Apart ments. 2T4 South 25th St. PLEASANT south room in a private fam ily, 131 No. 31st Ave. Housekeeping Rooms. FOR RENT Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, 1611 Howard. 2578 HARNEY very desirable light house- keeping rooms. Bath floor. 1. 2 or 3-room, Board and Room. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS1 If you fall to find the room yon desire among these ads call at The . Bee office for a Room List Gives complete description of vacant rooms in 11 parts of the city. New lists Issue every week. 712 N.i 22D ST. Large, well furnished front parlor, only $12 to a respectable gentle man who will be permanent; ona who appreciates a clean), quiet, nomeiiite p.ace LARGE beautifully furnished library roim. first floor, southeast exposure. Or. all car lines. Walking distance. Good home cooking, i Gentlemen preferred. MS o 25 th Ave. T.ARfiTC. hnnilnnmelv famished room. Win dows on three sides, suitable tor two in modern home; references required. Close to car. 151D soutn zoin tn. nea soia. WELL furnished room for two with board Pleasant nome; nemis para, wai. WANTED A married couple for room and board; good location. Webster 691 4. ROOM and board $ per week, for three young men. Webster 4J13. 2221 DODGE, board and room; best of home cooking. Douglas span. Unfurnished Rooms. HEATED ROOMS, CRPIGHTON BLOCK World Realty Co.. Douglas $342. Sun Theater B'dg . Board. WILL accommodate three or four with good home cooking. 117 'iurner uiva Harney 4777. Rooms Wanted. COUPLE wishes 2-furnished rooms for light housekeeping; within walking distance and In private family preierrea. nererences ex changed. Box 4293, Omaha Bee. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. WOODBINE. Woodbine furnished apartments, J4th and Wirt Sts. We want two couples without . children on 3d floor. 3 rooms. $20; I rooms, front, $30. Call at once. Weft. ! tor K94S Pit R ftlhhl FOR RENT HOUSES North. 4 ROOMS on first floor, modern except heat 80 North 19th Ave. Webster 3578. 2406 EMMET Five-room cottage, modern Webster 1069. FOR RENTHOUSES West. SIX-ROOM house, modern. Harney (47. South. 516 PARK AVE.. I rms $49 09 509 S. 3th St.. 8 rms 4f ,00 ARM STRONG-WALSH CO.. Tvler ir.3'i. - 333 Securities Hid. Miscellaneous. -ROOM, all modern bouse, close In. 146 JOHN J MULVIH1LL (Realtor), ton Brandele Theater Bid. Phone Doug HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. CREIGII SONS ft CO.. BEE BLDQ GARDEN. 4119 N. 38th street, 6 rms. $12.50 208 South 41st; hot water plant t:'5.0U JOHN N. FRENiSER, DOUGLAS 654. Shopen 4 Co.. Rentals. Douglas 4221. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. MONTEREYE Apartments. 143 N S4th St. 6 rooms, $55.00. S rooms, $35.00. KLOKE INVESTMENT CO. COLLEGE TERRACE. New apartments. Just finished, wi h all the latest features and conveniences fire proof throughout, $35 and $40. Located southeast corner 23d and California Sts., or call OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Ty'et 496. HAMILTON APTS.--Fireproof."24th Fr- nam- furnished or unfurnished, u mjx North. NEW apartment, 4-room and sun room modern, $30. 4-room modern apartment second flour, corflor screened porch, $2,360, vacant 26th. 18th and Maple. Red. 682. South. 20 S. 30TH ST. Three rooms, modern; everything furnished: gas range; very reasonable; private family; no children. Miscellaneous- PETERS TRUST CO. Specialists In Apartment mtnagement. 7 RMS., steam ht. Apts; near post office; low rent, G. P. Stebbins, 1610 Chicago. FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Stores. FINE new store room and basement at 27th and Leavenworth Sts. 8team heat. For nartlculars see Cor.rad Young, (22 Bran dels Theater Bldg. Douglas 1571. MODERN store. 16th St., near P. O. lew rent. G. P. Stebbins, 1610 Chicago Bt Office and Desk Room. CONSIDER The Bee building when choos- lng offices. It Is time well spent. Key stone Investment Co. Tyler 131. OFFICES. $20 per month and up FIRST NATIONAL, BANK UULnt., FIRST TRUST CO.. Agts. Tyler 600. WANTED TO RENT Business Property. LARGE EASTERN CONCERN WANTS 5,000 TO 7,000 SQUARE FEET OF GROUND FLOOR SPACE FOR BRANCH HOUSE. RENT MUST BE REASON ABLE. Box 4046, Omaha Bee. MOVING AND STORAGE METROPOLITAN VAN & STORAGE CO. Owned and operatea oy central rurni turs store; office on Howard St. between 15th and 16th. Phone Tyler $400. Have your moving handled Just as you would an order for new furniture. That's the way we do It. Ask to see our dally rental lists. mnKPHnfiS' WAREHOUSE. Separate locked, rooms for household roods and pianos: moving, pscklng and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 8. 16th. Douglas 4163. FREE FIDELITY Phone Douglas zss tor complete i list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Bts. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service in moving, pactum n storing call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. J1 Tjt?t7,'ri Express Co.. Moving. . J. XXFjI-jIJ Packing and Storage. 1207 Farnam St Web. 3748. Doug. i REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. FINE HOME Here Is a bargain in an almost new stucco homo In the Field club district. Large living room, dining room, kitchen, vestibule and butlers pantry on first floor.' Four bed rooms and bath on sec ond floor. Oak finish and floors. Up-to-date In every way. Very best vacuum heating plant; large lot. Located 8306 Walnut street. All new homes In this addition. Price $7,600. Terms. NORRIS & NORRIS, 400 Bee Building1. Phone D. 4270. EQUITY $330 on $875 loCaorthwest corner 43d and California ma. ior iuu. iou can buy balance of lot at $10 a month. Will take diamond ring or stick pin. Write Box Y 461, Omaha Bee. FIELD Club District 7-r. modern house, garage, lot 70x165; price $4,260. u. A. Grlmmel. Phone Doug. 1615. North. We Make It Easy To "OWN YOUR HOME" $100 down; $15 per month includ ing interest. These homes we offer have 3 and 4 rooms; electric lignts; full basement; well built in every detail and there is one-third ace of ground with each. Four of tnese homes sold within the last 10 days. You will have to hurry if ycu yet one! PRICES ONLY $1,800 TO $1,995. v Location just west of Omal a's largest park, Elmwood. If you are interested we will 4call for you any day or evening and take you out. ' PAYNE & SLATER CO. 616 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. - D. 1016. CLOSE IN, NEAR 27th and Leavenworth 6 rooms and garage, practically new. Owner leaving city. Living room, dining room, kitchen, oak finish and floors, first floor; three bed rooms, bath and open sleeping porch on 2d floor. Full lot. Pav ing paid. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 396.'. 919-20 City Nat Bank. MINNS LU8A homes and lots offer tbe best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 1(7. REAL ESTATEIMPROVED North. REAL HOME BARGAINS Here Is a list of homes that are priced way below their value; go cut and look at them DON'T nivrjIEH TENANTS the houses are ALL In fine condition, simply a CLEANUP SALE Cot lie In or call our salesman they won't last. $3,100 5556 Pierce St.; a bungalow In walking distance; one mile from !th and Farnam Sts.; lot 30x183 feet: In good neighborhood: close to car and school: would cost $4.lin to duplicate; Is nearly new; $3on cash and $2$ per month. $3,850 J436 Manderson St.; a BUNGA LOW built for a home; nearly new; HOT WATER HEAT; living room 26x13; dining room and kitchen on first floor; two bedrooms and bath nn second floor: full basement; lot 50x128: shade trees; fine lawn; block to 24th St. car; In fine neigh borhood of good homes: house has oak floors and beautiful finish; would cost $4,850 to duplicate; $11 cash and $35 per month. $3,700 Northeast corner of 37 th and Laurel Ave.; a BUNGALOW on cor ner lot; NEW and fine In every respect; beautiful oak finish and oak floors. $4,300 2035 Fowler Ave.; a fine 2-story square house, 28x28, all large rooms; living room 27x14; dining 1 room and kitchen on first floor; three big bedrooms with large closets and bath on second floor- lot Is 60x133 feet; paving all paid; $500 ! cash and $38 per month. Would coat $6,500 to duplicate. $4,250 2115 Pratt St.; a large BUNGA LOW, 2640 feet; six large rooms; fireplace; built-in buffet and book cases; sun room; lot 40x133 feet; garage and driveway; would cost $5,000 to duplicate: la close to churches, school and car line. $4,500 Southwest corner 24th and Brown Sts.; six fine rooms, all modern and complete; fine oak finish; large cor ner lot 62x103 feet; shade trees; a good buy. M. O. Headley, Colfax 2482. V.. A. Hoisington, Colfax 2202. REALTORS. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., REALTORS. 742 Om. Nat. Bank. Tyler 187. Kountze Place Bargain Very fine new bungalow, handtomely designed, incorporating all the latest Ideas. Living room 12x18, and all other rooms very large and roomy. Nea-ly all finished In the best oak, with a number of built-in features. Stairs to second floor, where 2 or 3 full rooms can be fin ished. Best of furnace and plumbing, fine lighting fixtures, shades and eu-tens. Very choice south front lot. Paving raid. Fine close-in location, near car line. Price only $4,175, cash or terms. In some nuch farther out locations this house would sell for up to $6,000. ;You will be sur prised when you see this real home. Rasp, Builder and Owner, 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. Webster 1460. ON VERY EASY TERMS $2,1001507 N. 46th St., 6 rooms, with furnace, bath and electric lights. $2,3002613 N. 69th AVe., Benso.i, f rooms snd bath, large lot and barn. $2,3004232 Grant St., 6-room cottage, all modern, with good furnace. $2,6504543 n! 36th St.; modern bunga low. 6 rooms and floored attic; fully modern. $2,6504231 Wirt St.; t-room bungalow, fully modern, good furnace, $2,7608621 Lafayette Ave., Bemis ?ark; i-room cottage, thoroughly mod ern; lot 60x140. Investigate and submit your offers. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 8962. 919-20 City National. Kountze Place Bargains $600 Down and Balance $3 Per Month Seven rooms strictly modern house. Large corner lot. Paved street, paving paid for. Three large rooms on first floor, oak finish; built-in fireplsce. Four rooms and bath on second floor. Full cement basement. Hot water ,heat. East front. Property worth $6,000. Owner will sell for quick sale at $4,200. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 637 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. D. 1781. A Beautifully Finished Home In the Cathedral District $5,250 A splendidly built home of six large rooms and bath; 2-story stucoo with as phalt shingle roof; one year old, Just being decorated; south front; surrounded by fine homes. An Inspection will cer tainly please you. Near 36th and Cass. J. L. HIATT CO., QAA FIRST NATIONAL CQ VVJ BANK BUILDING. TYLER OO MILLER PARK BUNGALOW. Six large rooms and bath, all on the one floor, oak finish, dandy sun room with French doors, bookcases, buffet, sleeping porch, everything you could de sire to make one of the coziest bunga lows In the city and It Is only, one block to car; the price Is certainly right, only $4,000, and can be handled with $1,000 down and $35 per month. This surs won't lsst, call OSBORNE REALTY CO., ' 701 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 481 7-ROOM BARGAIN On Ogden Ave., near boulevard, all modern, oak finish, large lot, paved street, includes curtain rods, drop curtains on sleeping porch, linoleum, gas plate and work bench In basement, a snap for $4,500. ' TEBBENS, THE REALTOR, 605 Omaha Nat.' Bk. ' Phone D. 2182. A RARE BARGAINj $500 cash and $27 monthly will aecure a very choice new 6-room all modern cottage. 2 blocks from car line; this Is one of the choicest offerings on our list and must be seen to be appreciated. MITCH EL INVESTMENT CO., 24th and Ames. Colfax 21T. OWN YOUR HOME NOW. $611 Hamilton, oak finished ......$3,150 Acre with good Improvements ...,$4,000 1841 N. 23d. only ...j .....$1,800 I full lots and 8 houses $6,000 JOHN W. ROBBIN8. 1802 FARNAM ST. 6-ROOM modern house at 3316 Sherman avenue, now vacant; very easy terms. W. H. GATES. 647 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldy. P. 1294. OWN ER leaving city will sell 6-room mod ero home; Evans Bt; part cash. Web. 734, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. FOUR-ROOM house, modern except heat; good neighborhood. $50 cash and balance easy monthly payments. Phone D. 3638. KOUNTZK PLACE Modern S-room bouse, full basement, large lot. close to car. Price $$.$60 Norrls A Norrls. P. 4170 OAK bungalow, $ rms.. brand new, all mod., very attractive, $3,150; only small amount cash, bal.JIkej-ent 5?1 FOR SALE OR RENT 2731 Saratoga St., strictly modern 6-room cottage: asy terms Call Colfax 1CM. South. 1010 S. oSTH AVE. 7-rooin house with hot water heat, elegant lot, trees, shrubbery. Trice $.1400. $400 cash and the balance $30 a month, Now if you want a real snap you better go and look at this hotse without any delay, as it is not rf ing to be on the market any time. You will find the key at 1002 38th Ave. C. G- CARLBERG, 312 Brando's Theater Bldg. Miscellaneous. BRICK SEMI-BUNGALOW OWNER LEAVING CITY (-room semi-bungalow, located near Military avenue. Three rooms on first floor, two snd bath on second. Will sacrifice for cash. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 687 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. D. 1781. BUNGALOW. New, 6-room stucco; oak finish; nicely decorated; fine location; near car line. Price $4,000. Terms: $600 cash, balance monthly. BENSON & CARMICHAEL (41 Paxton Blk. W. FARNAM 8MITH CO, Real Estate and Insurance. 1310 Farnam St Dour. ' 1064. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT 3-STORY brick apartment building In Han scorn Park district, brings $2,(80 year; price, $40,000; Mtg., $17,500; want clear western land for equity. S, O. Nordqutat, 322 Neville Blk. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. VACANT NORTH. Have full lots on Plnkney street. south front at 26th Ave., among beautiful new homes. Priced to sell, can give terms. TRAVER BROS. CO.. Douglas 6S86. 819 First Nst. Bk. Bldg. Miscellaneous. GARDEN lots, located south. $126 to $200. No Interest or no taxes. Near car line. $5 down, 50c per week. Phone D. 6074. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty FOR 8ALE Hotel and restaurant on main line U. P., In town of 800; only restau rant In the town; doing good business; will sell reasonable. Address R, Bee office. South Side. WE WILL buy your boras or business property and pay casta. H. A. WOLF CO.. Electrlo Bldg. Tyler 85 BUSINESS properties and Investments. A. P. TUKEY and SON, 620 First National Bank Bldg. M'CAOUE INVESTMENT CO., Income, Business snd Trackage Specialist 15th and Dodge Sts. Douglas 416. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Acreage LARGE GARDEN LOTS GOING FAST DO YOU WANT ONE? $1 CASH $1 A WEEK Plowed and harrowed FREE, already to plant In the new town of West Ben son. Just off of paved road and jitney line. Price 1171 to $200 each, 2 lots. $2 cash, $1.60 a week. See us about trans portation while working your garden. No richer, better garden land In Doug las county. Cholcs to build on. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 HARNEY ST R RET. PHONE TYLER 60. i ACRES north of Krug park; Improved with good house, barn, chicken coop, 'grapes, rasperrles and strawberries, $6,100. F. D. Wea. 810 S. 18th St. Dundee. Beautiful Dundee Home A REAL BARGAIN This house is all modern on lot (0 ft. by 125 ft. on" paved street. Constructed of brick and stucco, finished In hard wood throughout Four rooms with sleeping porch second floor, three excep tionally large rooms ground floor. . Pries $1,600. Could not be duplicated for I7.SP0 today. Terms $1,000 cash and $60 per month. For further particulars telephone Douglas 2921, between ( and i p. m. Ask for Mr. Burr. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. Low Priced Dundee Home This Is a good 2-story "-room modern house located on south front lot 60x128 ft. with paved alU-y In rear, near 60th and t'ndcrwood Ave. Has reception loom, living room, dining room, finished in quarterns wed oak: convenient kitchen and lavatory In hall, first floor. Four corner bedrooms, complete bath snd large linen closet, second floor. Full cement basement. Hrlek foundation, good furnace, laundry connections, etc Painted snd decorated last spring. Oar age for one car. Price. $5,260, which Is much less than the original cost to owner. Terms. $1,760 cash and bal ance monthly like rent. GEORGE & CO.. Douglas 756. REAL ESTATE-ACRE AGE THE THRIFT STAMPS TWIN BROTHER IS "OUR JUST A LITTLli EACH WEEK" LOT SAVING PLAN. IT'S THE START TO A HOME OF YOUR OWN. $1 DOWN. 80C A WEEK, NO INTEREST OR TAXES FOR TWO YEARS; NO PAYMENTS IF SICK OR IN THE ARMY. CALL N. P. DODGE A CO.. REALTORS. 15TH AND HARNEY. DOUO. 8$. ACREAGE FOR tVt acres west of Falracrsa; house, chicken house, garage. Owner will build smsU barn; rent $30 per month. PAYNE INV. CO., REALTORS 537 Omaha. Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781, A LARGE suburban tract of ground outside olty limits, near carllne. Ideal plaee te raise poultry or garden. This Is 360-ft frontage for 1610; will sell on easy terms. Telephone Walnut $466. REAL ESTATE To Exchange WE have acreage to exch. for home In city. wnai nave yum ,mu mr. ji u,n,, INTERSTATE HEALTY CO.. (13-14 City Nat'l. Douglas $(1(. CLEAR 160-A. unimproved Jonee Co., S. D., for clear modern house. Seward Bros., til Brandels Bldg. Douglas 3840V REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT STOCKED RANCH OR FARM. Widow has ( five-room houses, ens 7 room, modern house, one l-room modern house and a modern store buildings; all well rented, on paved streets, oloss to car lines In Omaha; also 120,000 first mortgages; prices ars right and property In first clsss condition. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY, 118 City National Bank Building. I IF YOU want cash and will sell eheap, i I will buy your cottage, bungalow, house, flat or stores that you do not want; tired of holding qr about to lose fbr want of quick money Give full particulars In first letter and best prloes. P. O. Box 45(. WE-HAVE several good reliable buyers for I and l-room houses and bungalows with ..n. .a mn tmm fall Oahnrni P 1 1 v Co. Tyler 4(1. 701Om. Nst Bank Bldg. WANT good residence; about 11.000. Will pay one-half cash, balance in gnoa resi dence lots. Box 1793. umana nee. ' Horses Live Stock Vehicle We will haul your live stock. LIVE STOCK" TRANSFER CO., 2101 Farnam St. Telephone Douglas 1601 For Sale. FOR SALE Three head of big work horses; five sets of double work harness; one pat ent dump wagon. Omaha Stables, 14th and Howard. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. WK want 100 mortgages on Omaha resi dences; funds on hand for quick closing. E. H. LOUGEE. INC., 138-40 Knellne Bldg LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. i W. H. Thoruas h Son. Keeline Bldg. DIVIDENDS OF 6 PER CENT OR MORE. One dollar alarm an account. OMAHA LOAN BLDG. ASSOCIATION. II. W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loans. city National wank mug, OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. ,n,a A.k. XTa, la.nlr Tllifv riAii 1711 LOW rTFeS C. O. CARLBERG, 111 Bran- dels Theater Jiing. v. see. 5 Vl HARRISONNTMORTON, 5 I ViV lis Uit. AJm, CITY AND FARM LOANS 6, 6H and I Per Cent J. H. DUMONT Co., Keellne Bldg. $io"o Zi $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wea d, Weed Bldg,. 18th and Farnam Bts. MONEY to loan on'lmprovsd farms and ranches. Kloks Investment Co., Omaha. Private Money. SHOPEN ft COMPANY. Douglas 4321. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. MARCH II. Our next excursion to MeGehee, Ark. W. 9. FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. Colorado Lands. ( LOW FARE ROUND TRIP Homeseekers' excursion to Colorado points every first and third Tues days. Write for free farm booklet and special land-seekers rates for parties et five or more. Immediate possession and eight years time on our lands at I per cent. THE TWIN LAKES LAND AND WATER COMPANY. 131 First Nat'l Bldg., Omaha. Missouri Lends. 'GREAT BARGAINS. $6 down, $5 monthly, buys 40 acres, good fruit and poultry land, near town, south ern Missouri. Price only 1220. Address Box 282, Springfield, Mo.' $5 MONTHLY, buys 40 acres southern Mis souri; price 1160; farm, fruit, poultry land; "free list." Geo. D. Williams. Mt Vernon, 111. Montana Lands. FOR SALE 2.100 acres of first class hay and grain land, good water rights, close to town and railroad: 480 acres In alfalfa hay; 400 acres plowed ready for spring crops. No waste land on place. Price (30 per sere. For particulars call on or address. E. O. FARNSWORTH. Dillon Montana, Nebraska Lands. 68 ACRES irrigated land, Lincoln county, 6V4 miles from Hershey, rich Platte valley land, all under the ditch; 3-room house, barn, etc.: I acres of alfalfa. A bargain at $3,900. One-half cash. Immediate possession. White ft Hoover. 454 Omaha National Bank Bldg. EXCEPTIONALLY good bargain In ISO-acre Improved Buffalo county farm, within auto drive of Kearney, Neb.: 160 per sore. C. K. DAVIES, KEARNEY. NEBRASKA FARM LANDS ARB SURE INVESTMENTS. For best lands at best prices write Geo, Antlll, Blair, Neb. WRITE me for pictures and prices my farms and ranches in good Old Dawes county. Arab L. Hungerford. Crawford. Neb. KANCHES of all sixes end kinds, easy terms. A. A. Patsmsn. ("1 Karhseb Blk. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms. 160 per a., Including paid-up water rights. Henry Levi ft C M. Rylander. 161 Omaha Nat'l. FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with us it you want to keep It. B. P. SNOWDEN A SON, 433 B. 16th. Douglas (371. GOOD Omaha Income brick flat for land. Price U2.000. Mtg. $6,500; Inc. $1,000 per year. 311 Brandela Tlwa. Bldg. Mr. Pease. POULTRY AND PET STOCK 60.000 PURE BRED BABY CHICKS, 13 varieties, $13.60 to $18.00 per 100. Safe delivery guaranteed. KANSAS POULTRY COMPANY. NORTON. KANSAS. 'OLD TRUSTY" Incubators and brooders shipped promptly. Big cstalog free. M. M. Johneon Co.. Mfrs., Clay Center, Neb. MONEY TO LOAN Organised by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE), pianos and note as security. 140, I me.. H. goods, total. $3.60. Smaller, larger sm'ta proportionate rats. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 4,1 eu''ltles Bldg,. lOth. Fsrnsm. Ty. ((. LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY. ICf SMALLER LOANS, J V7 O W. a FLATAU, EST. 1191. O (TH FLR. SECURITIES BLDQ. T . (60. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest ratea Private loan booths. Harry Malashock. 1514 Dodge. D. 1111. Eet 1891. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Robert George McCasIln and wife to Frederick J. jtosanacn, eevenifenin street, 17.1 feet south of Laird street M. itrtn and other nrorertyt 1(4 Caroline McN. Barkalow et at. to Mar garet M. Burke, northeast corner Twenty-fifth, and Capitol avsnus, 11 M11l 1.(00 Michael L. Clark, sheriff, to Ida M. Wharton, nortnwest corner jmsai- .lk V atrta t&TlK.- .... 1.(80 . . 1 , . .... ., Ia Tu Wolf, Thtrtsenth street, 34 rest north of Canton street, west side, n.m 1 Reserve Realty company to Ives J. Marks, southwest corner ininy ninth end Miami street. 10x120.... !!t , ww 1. T an wlfa at el. tA David F. Tubba, nortneast corner ...Ml,, anri RhafffeM. . 400 ' J, P. Oreen's'hVelds and wife to 'Arthur H. Laird, Douglas street test esst of Forty-fourth street, north aMa 15-118 1 I.SOV Etta V. Leigh and husband to Agnes Morris, Eighteenth street, iso ioi ...nth nf .T .trust, west side. 40x110. 1,160 C. B. Mosher and wife to A. T. south of Weolworth, east slds: Twenty-nlnth street. 10 feet south of WAjvlwAwth aaat aide. 0x141 ...... '.1 11 Chester A. Romlgh and wife to Ar thur L. Downs, nortnwesc corner Thlrty-slxth and Btatt street S(4x a. ....... l.XOft 96V ... .,,,..-- - - - George A to. to Conrad H. Young, Fifty-third street, is reel norm wi ; Dodge street (sat slds.O 14x111.... 1.800 GRAIN AND PRODUCE Corn Trade Dull; Oats Sell TJn changed to Higher; Rye and Barley Also Higher. Omaha, March It. Ills. Receipts of grain In the local market con sisted of eight cars of wheat, 167 csrs of corn, 71 ears of oats, two ears of rye and four cars of barley. All cereals displayed a somewhat stronger tons and sold readily with the exception of corn. Early trading In corn was entirely neg-. leoted and no ssles were reported until late , In the session. Buyers and sellers were , seemingly unabl to agree and many of the offerings wsre carried over. Late sales showed the spot to be unohanged to 4o or K hither, the better grades apparently be ing slightly higher. The bulk of the samples hrnna-ht about yesterday's prices to a csnt or two over. The range of values In ths vari ous grades were as follows: No. I white, 11.77491.10; No, 4 white, (1.(1111.70! no. s white, (1.6(Ql.(o: wo. s yeuow, i.ooi No. 4 yellow, $1.6601.63; No. I yellow, $1.60 iff 1.66; No. 4 mixed, 11.(301.(4; No, 4 mixed, $1. 4601. 60. t Oats were also at a premium, spot quota tions being unchanged to o higher, the renter cart bringing the fractional advance, This cereal was In good demand and those offered were disposed of readily. No. I white sold at 90 90 We, and standard oats at 8914 90c; No. S whits brought (IttO (Oo and tns No. 4 wnite, owa. sample grade oats want at l(V8(o. Ru waa unnhanved to lfl nn. whtla harley . was unchanged to Ec higher. Millers took these offerings quite readily. No. 1 and No. 1 rye sold at (3.8603.87, respectively, while No. 3 barley brought $(.00 and the No. (. (1.(5. No. 4 barley sold at 11.(0 and one car of No. 1 feed at $1.85. Clearances werei Wheat and floor equal : to (0,000 bushels; corn, none1; oats, none. Primary wheat receipts were 161,000 hush sis and shipments 100,000 bushels, against receipts of 877,000 bushels and shipments of 610,000 bushels last ysar. Primary corn receipts were 1,818,000 bush els and shipments 1,017.000 bushels, against receipts of (16.000 bushels and shtpmsnts of 4(3,000 bushels last years, i Primary oats receipts wsrs 1,161,000 bush els and shipments 761.000 bushels, against receipts of 774,000 bushels and shipments of 481,000 bushels last year. . CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago 4 "I Minneapolis , .11 Duluth ;;. Omaha J" Kansas City J" Bt. Louis t 10( (0 Winnipeg ...11 These salss were reported today: Corn No I white: 1 cars, 11.(0. No. 4 whits: 1 car, $1.70. No. 1 yellows 1 car, $1.9; I cars, $1.(8. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, $1.63; S cars, $1.63; 1 car, $1.(1; 1 car, (1.80; 4 cars, (1.66. No. S yellow! 1 ears, $166; 1 car, $1.((; 3 cars, (1.60. No. yellow: 1 car, $1.41; t oars, 11.86. Sample yellow: 1 car, $1.$5. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.63. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, 11.60; 1 car. 11.48; 1 car, $1.47; 1 car, $1.46; I car. 31 46. No. I mixed: 1 cars, 11.40. Sample mixed: 1 car, $1.30. 1 Rye No. I; H r, IJ.IS. No. I: I ears 12 g7 J bate No. I whits: 1 car. I0e; t ears. 10. Standard; 4 cars (Ofco; 1 car, (0c; cars, 8914c. No. 3 white: 1 car, (Oo; 1 cars, 89Ho. No. 4 white: i cars, KHc; car, 89c. Sample white: I cars, 19c; t cars, 88c; 1 car, 880. No. I mixed: 1 car, 89Hc; 1 car, (9o. No. 4 mixed: car, (8)0. Barley No. 3: 1 car, $3.00. No. I: 1 car, 11. (6. No. 4: Z ears, $1.90. No. 1 feed: 1 car, $1.16. Omaha Cash Prices Corn: No. I white, $1.80, No. 4 whits, H.68491.7S: No. I white.,' $1.(0; No. I white, ll.16i3J.66; sample white, $1.40; No. I yellow, 1191.(0; No. 4 yellow, $1.6101.11; No. I yellow, $1,600 1 (I; No. yellow, $1.1601-4$: sampe yel low. $1.36; No. 4 mixed, 11.614J1.14; No. ( mixed, $1.42(3? 1.60; No. I mixed, $1.831.40; i - .I.-., tl so rta tm ' Krt 1 white.' 98 90c; standard, (090c: No. 3 white. 8(G90c; No. 4 white, 8989Hc; sam ple, 8mO$9o. Barley: No. I. (1-16; No. 4, (1.(0; No. 1 feed, 11.15. Rys: No 1. $2-16; No. 1. $2.17. , Chicago closing prices furnished The Bee by Logan ft Bryan, stock and grain brokers. $11 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: ' Art. Open. High. Low. Corn. Mar. 1 7H 1 fA 1K May 1 251, i 25 12S Oats. Mar. (0 (1 0 May UttOK ?K Pork. May 41 10 48 10 48 45 May 28 16 31 1$ 1 Lard. July 21 tl ( !H ! 0 July 21 it "Vfc 21 10 RMay 14 90 S5 07 14 87 July 16 20 26 40 26 17 1 17lt87i 1 26tt!126tt ion m llxij "1i 47 71 141 II 21 .7tt2 11. II z738 17 II 17121 17 35 07124 91 25 IS 26 21 Chicago Produce. Chicago, Marsh 21, Butter Market un changed. Eggs Market higher; receipts. 19. 82' cases: firsts, 34 3414c; ordinary firsts 3S03$Ke; at mark, cases included, S3 14c. .' . Potatoes Receipts, 31 csrs; market un changed, i Roosters Market unchanged.