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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1918)
THE. BEE: OMAHA, 'Hi U USD at, T.TAKcn n, 1317. 3 CITY WILL VOTE IN QUESTION OF SI, 000, 000 BONDS Proposition of Providing Funds for New High School Build- ing Submitted at Coming Election. Omaha is asked to vote a bond issue of $1,000,000 at the coming elec tion, to provide a large, modern and uell-equipped Commercial high school building. This is needed for these reasons, sdfool experts say: 1. The present building is unsan itary, poorly lighted, poorly venti lated. ' 2. The present plant is scattered in various buildings over an area of three blocks oi both sides of Leavenworth street. This leads to inefficient administration and exposes the students to the weather. 3. The enrollment in this school is increasing so rapidly that even the present makeshift arrangement will be completely overcrowded in a short time. In the last tnree years it gained J4.o per cent in enrollment while the Central high school gained only 8.1 per cent in the same period. 4,. Omaha is far behind other cit " ies of equal size in its Commercial high school equipment. The cost to the tax payer of this great improvement to the city has been figured out to be only $1.56 per annum on property worth $5,000 on the average. Omaha's present Commercial high school conditions are rated the worst in the United States. As a matter of civic pride alone, apart from the other considerations, the new High School of Commerce is considered an absolute necessity. As far as the present cost of build- ing is concerned, it isnot at all like lv that building conditions will be come more favorable for some years and they will probably grow less favorable. The building of the school is a thing that, the public school authorities ay, cannot wait. The main building of the school lias 11 rooms and accomodates 400 pupils. It is- heated by four stoves ' and nine furnaces! In the threean nexes are 15 class rooms, each heated by stoves. It has been found diffi cult to keep coal gas from these rooms. Use Store Rocms. The worst condition of all prevails in the 10 rented store buildings, lhese are long, narrow and lighted very poorly from the front. In some of them artificial light has to be used throughout the day. The present school is without spe cial rooms such as auditorium, gym nasium, rest rooms, laboratories. One lunch room is provided, located in one of the old store buildings, a dark and unsanitary place. Omaha Boy Scouts Enlist To Fight "Battle of Hoe" The second "Battle of the Hoe" will lictrin in Omaha within 30 days. It will be a big drive against, the ' kaiser's minions, and will continue, without cessation, until early fall at least. v . Omaha Boy Scouts will be the'at tacking forces, and the battleground . will be vacant lots and other trrcts in the city where gardens mar be raised. . Last vear the boys enlisted in the ( garden campaign with great zeal. As ; a result there were more than lUfi in dividual gardens carefully tendei as ' well as six large troop gardens, and a ' scout garden ot six acres. ' "It is impossible to say how much food was contributed through the me dium of the scout gardens, ' says Dr. E. C. Henry, president of the Omaha council, "but I venture to say that if all the produce raised in those 300 gardens could be stacked up in one place it wo:ild amaze the people who saw it. "We shall have another garden ft jjimpaign this year. The scouts recog nize tne necessity ior producing every ounce of food possible to raise, until the war is over; and I believe that more and better gardens will be grown this year than last." ' Volunteers of America Issue Statement of 1917 Work .Last summer more than 300 poor mothers with small children were given a summer outing. Those in charge of the work hope to be able to send a larger number away for a short holiday during the coming hot months. Major and Mrs. F. A. McCormick are the officers in charge of the work. Advisory board consists of Casper E. ost, J. A. Munroe, VV. E. Foshier, G. H. Payne, H. S. Susman, Dr. D. A. Foote, W. E. Reed and F. A. McCormick Volunteers of America furnished more than 2,000 meals to the 'unem ployed, medical aid to 200 persons nd lodging to more than 600 of the :ity's homeless during 1917, according :o the annual statement. The organization also distributed " roal and clothing to poor families and obtained employment for many . persons who were cut of work. Union Pacific Employes To Hold Patriotic Rally A big patriotic rally will be held at :he Municipal auditorium next Mon day night by the Union Pacific em ployees for the purpose of organizing a Family War Relief society to care for relatives of former Union Pacific men in war service. Ross Hammond will be the princi- pal speaker. N. H. Loomis and May i or Dahlman will be on the program. Rev. T. J. Mackay will give the in- vocation. W. H. Jeffers will preside "4 is chairman. Rotarians Hear Debate On Military Training Rotarians held their weekly meet ng at the Hensha hotel Tuesday .won and heard a debate on universal nilitary training. Dr. E. C. Henry nd Francis A. Brogan represented he affirmative, and Dr. C B. Atzen md James Allen the negative. Will Clarke acted as presiding officer and timekeeper, and Harley G. Moor tead, J. H. Beveridge and Herbert M. , Htfrsm acted as judges 1 i The GARDEN of SPRING STYLES A VERITABLE flower garden of the newest for Spring an occasion when we announce and demonstrate to the people of this community our completeness of preparation in every section of our store for the season just beginning. The New Tailleur Suits Show "Individuality" in Every Line THIS season Fashion has sharply defined her styles and, above all, the well-dressed woman must have authority and individuality back of style quality in fabric and in the making. Women with a feeling for dress recognize at once the authorita tiveness and individuality of Burgess-Nash Suits. Suits that are ideally correct for street, dress or sports wear, in poplins, tricotines, gabardines, serges, coverts and black and white check. The jackets include the etoh, pony bolero, box and straight line, tunic or panel effects. It's, indeed, a most fascinating display of the new, and you'll enjoy viewing it. Burgeee-Naah C. Second floor Strikingly Original Features Mark the New Coats for Women and Misses THE novelty starts with the rich and brilliant fabrics, soft wools, duve tyn cloths, tricotines, gabardines and combinations of satin and cloth, in the fashionable and most favored spring shades. The range for style selection is very extensive top coats, for sport and afternoon wear. A coat for every purpose. The collars are first to present unique effects some quite large, becomingly draped; some with fetching shawl fronts, and the cuffs are often striking, and the adornment, both front and back, expresses beau ty as well as originality. j And right now is the time when you will be most delighted to possess and wear them. Burgeaa-Nath Co. Second Floor The Enlarged Importance of the Separate Skirt THE blouse and separate skirt come into their own again much to the gratification of women who like frequent change of apparel. There is a surprising variety among the sport skirts in wool and worsteds Stripes and plaids pleated, tucked and ar tistically gathered. Among the-more dressy skirts there's a wide range of materials as well as styles many of them original in design and effective in finish. Burgeae-Naah Co. Second Floor Don'tWorr yAbout Your Figure Bring That Worry to Us WE promise to keep the worry and send you home happy. Are you stout? Be happy that you are not thin. Good health is a blessing. -It is only bad corseting from which stout women suffer, and we can correct that. 1 Perhaps you'll be just as much amazed to learn what the modern stylish stout corset can do with your figure, as have scores of other women, who had given up hope pf shapeliness long ago. Just give us a chance to show you the results, when you have a little time to be fitted if pos sible, before you select the new suit for Easter. Our expert corsetieres are at yout service. Burgeae-Naah Co. Second Floor r . . . . Blouses Have Never Been Ex celled in Novelty or Beauty WE scarcely know where to stop, when making our selections neither will you. There are so many different varieties to serve so.many differ erent purposes ' fr 1 ' Yet all are smartly designed, cleverly exe cuted and made charmingly' becoming. But so bewitching are some of these models that many women will claim them. Every woman who loves dainty apparel will be eager to see the whole collection see it Thursday. Burgeaa-Naih Co. Second Floor ' , ' . . . ' ' ' " ' There's a "Differ entness" About the Dresses You're Certain to Like (TT'S easier to buy a dress than to make one," when you consider JL what lovely styles and what interesting materials and trimmings make the new dresses. All the new style features have been cleverly adapted to these ex ceedingly well made dresses, as you'll note at a glance. Dresses for every occasion, practical purposes, street and after noon wear. The' materials are plain or in combination, in a variety of models, that you cannot fail to find just the sort of style you have in mind and most desire. There is originality and smartness in everyone, which you must see to appreciate. Burgeae-Naah Co. Second Floor Most Important to Mother is Baby's Easter, Outfit WE'VE been looking forward to serving the baby as though there wasn't, a grown-up in the world. Never saw such charming dresses and coats as we found this season. My, but baby is Retting fashionable such care and art have been displayed in designing this new apparel for the coming season. And bonnets and hats, you'll say they came right from Paris where, of course, the ideas were born. Just bring baby in and let its show what we have planned and brought here for him. You'll be prouder than ever of him if that were possible when we show you his pretty Easter things. Burgeee-Naah Co. Second Floor D ONT Forget the New Silk Petticoat Your old one will make your new suit or gown fit badly and that would make you most unhappy. The new silhouette demands a more slender cut to the petticoat as well. We have exactly the right kinds , to give correct fit and smart finish to your new Easter outfit. You'll enjoy looking at them and we'll enjoy showing them to you. ' Burgeei-Nesh Co. Second Floor N EW Silk Stockings to Match Your Gown There is nothing that is more im portant nothing easier to do and have the combination right. But wouldn't it be too bad not to have done it before Easter morning?j Here are the nicest silk stock ings, in good fitting shapes, in all the new tones of the fashionable colorings with intelligent aid to help you get just what you require. Burgesi-Naah Co. Main Floor H OW About the Hair Ornaments? The gleam of Rhinestones from under the brim of the new hat will enormously enhance the charm of the head dress. There's a witchery about the sparkle as it snuggles in dark hair or blond and the carefully coifed woman never omits it. Here are simple pieces that are most effective and handsome kinds that make delight ful Easter gifts. Burgeee-Naeh Co. Main Floor YOU'LL Like the Easter 1 Gloves We've Provided Every forecast was for glove scar city this Spring. But it hasn't hap pened yet. Glorious France still counts glove-making one of her nation-saving industries and America gladly buys all the gloves she can send. So you may have kid gloves from France and the prices are far less than such a privilege is worthy Here, too, are the best America made gloves. - Burgeaa-Naih Co. Main Floor '' Exquisite New Conceptions in Easter Neck wear Fixings Invite Your Inspection TVTORE than ever this season the new ready-to-wear has set a de 1 mand for dainty neck dressings. And as usual the new ideas are shown here as soon as created. You'll enjoy this display of new neckwear and we urge you to come and see. . Burgeee-Naeh Co. Main Floor F Unusual Interest Has Been Aroused in the New Easter Footwear Styles IRST hand information regarding Spring and Easter styles by careful inspection of the many models now on display. There is no further need for speculation as to what is correct in footwear. These authentic styles represent the final word from the leading fashion centers. Burgeee-Naah Co. Second Floor Burgess-Mash Gompamy.