THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1918. FIRST AMERICAN WAR CROSSES ARE GIVEN SAKS Jhree U. S. Soldiers Honored by Pershing; Already Wear . French Decoration for - Bravery. ; (By AaacUt4 Trtnt.) With the American Armv in France, Tuesday, March 19. General Pershing, the American commlnder-in-chief,; has approved the of the first American military crosses for extraordinary heroism. The recipients are Lieutenant ihn 0. Green, Sergeant William Wlcn and Sergeant Patrick Walsh. Lieutenant Green and Sergeants Norton and Walsh al! have re. rived the French war cross, Norton and Walsh being decorated personally by Premier Clemenceau ou Ma'ch 3. Lieutenant Green, an artillery offi cer, was wounded by shell fire early in March, Sergeant Norton, a et eran in service, formerly resic'sj in Arkansas. He was decorated by Premier Clemenceau for his aft in killing a German lieutenant and two German soldiers. He was challenged by the lieutenant to leave his dugout and led out his men fighting. , Orderly to Baker. Sergeant Walsh, formerly of Chi cago, also is a regular army His French decoration was received for heroism on the Toul sector , Sergeant Walsh was selected by General Pershing to act as orderly to Secretary of War Baker during hit present visit to the American army in France. The crosses were awarded for "ex traordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy." Lieutenant Green probably will stand on the records at the first to receive the honor, for his name is first on the list of three approved by khe commander-in-chief. The ex ploits of these men ire described by the general commanding their divi sion as follows: ; , Refuses to Surrender "Lieutenant Green, while in a r'ug out, .having been wounded by an enemy hand grenade, was summ ned to surrender. ' He refused to do so. . Returning the fire of the enemy, he wounded one and pursued the hostile oartv. "Sergeant Nprton. finding hir.mlf In a dugout surrounded by the enemy, into which a grenade had just been thrown, refused to surrender and made bold dash outside, killing one . of his assailants. By so doing ht saved mi . company a log book. , "Sergeant Walsh followed hi com pany cpmmander to the first lines despite a severe barrage. The captain belna killed. . he assumed command of the group and attacked a sui'ior force ol the enemy, inflicting severe loss upon them. Though of advanced ige, he refused to leave the front" To these recommendations General Pershing appended the following "The commander-in-chief approves the recommendation for awards of distinguished Service crosses. They are not on hand at present, bu will be forwarded when received and will be presented by you in the nam of the commander-in-chief with su'iable ceremony" ATTORNEY OmCIAL i. OF ' CONSERVATIVE K. A. Baird. Omaha lawyei, has been elected vice president of the Conservative Savings and Loan as sociation, i Baker Looks Over No Man's Land; Has ; Close Death Call (XT 37 SAMMIES ON i ALLIES GAIN ON (Continued ftom Fat Oim.) was found that the road selected for approach to the trenches was w er brisk shell fire. Indeed, the firing was so active, as to cause the genenl con siderable apprehension for the jf fety of his distinguished guest. Hi en deavored to dissuade Mr. Baker from , going on with the expedition, explain tng the danger. But the secretary overrode his protest. AccordMKiy, another route was reluctantly selected, Insists on Going. The party re-entered the motor and was driven to the1 selected point, as far forward as motoring, was safe With the general and the other oflv cer, Mr. Baker walked over the shell cratered region to a communication trench. - He wore civilian clothe! covered with a trench coat, khak breeches and boots borrowed from a colonel of about his size. He also put on a shrapnel helmet. The secretary was first put through the regular gas mask drill. He car ried his mask slung at the prescribed oosition when he went in. A sentrv halted the party as it was entering the trench and demanded a pass. "Division commander and secretary of war, replied the rprs . , Didn t you know that was the secretary?" the sentry was asked as! the party passed by. "Yes, sir; no sir;" stammered the confused sentry. Mr. Baker displayed the " keenest curosity in the surroundings, so strange to him, asking plans of every unfamiliar thing, its purpose and use, tnd frequently breaking in with in terrogations as technical matters were being explained. Several times he tsked the calibre of shells which burst close by. ; " ":.; ; Knows Machine Gun. "Ah, that's a machine gun!" he ex- claimed when one opened up from the American trench. s . Often the secretary-' stopped to speak to the men, asking homely questions, such as: "Well, how is it foing?" or "Where are you from?" "Fine sir," or "going very well, sir," was the usual reply. Once the secre- . tary asked a private if much was go ing on. ' i ' "It's pretty quiet, sir," came the , easy response. t Mr. .Baker's question I showed fa miliarity with trench construction and technicalities which had been gained from study. There was no mjstak ing his unrestrained and eager inter ' est ',.''' Troops from Ohio were among those in the trench. Several of the men were known personally to Mr. Baker, and he talked freely with them about their homes and families. One man said he was from Iowa, another from Chicago. The secretary kept up running comment upon the strangeness of the circumstances tin der which men from all. over America were fighting in distant France. Once e remarked: "I have been from farm to factory, and now I am in the front line." Gazes at Germans. Finally, notwithstanding "the pro tests of the officer, Mr. Baker made his way through the sap to the listen ing post. Peeping over the parapet into No Man's Land he said: "Now I am on the frontier of free dom." : The secretary asked the listening post sentry if he saw Germans often. "Not very often, sir," was the re sponse. Then he asked whether the Americans' shooting was better than that of the enemy, and seemed great ly pleased at the, emphatic, "Yes, it Mr Raker entered dusrouts and in spected other features of trench war fare as far as possible, being given miniature demonstrations of every thing experienced m the American i,Hnr Hi determination not to overlook anything frequently com pelled the general to exercise rc Iriint pTi.'rnintf to the 'trench. Mr. Baker encountered a working party laying duckboards. He saw a hammer 'y ng in the mud, stooped over, picked it up, and handed it to a soldier. xou neea not uo , iu man. . V '' . . . . "Well, the mud is so deep mat i thought It might get lost, sa-a wr, Baker. , Sees American Graves. Rrtnrninff. thi secretary saw a little rniisirfe cemcterv where are buried Americans who "have fallen in that vu-initv. 1 Over it floated the tn-clor, .. . - Nearby were a tew rrencn civ rum who were decorating the graves. He entered the Cemetery and with grave, nA (- rmaA tli n.itnr nil the VfTlDie monuments. .While he was thctf a burial squad of Americans matched in with th hndv ot a comraae. lnesec rfturv halted, turned back and stood with bared, bowed . head while the body of his compatriot was laid at rest, with simple military ritei in a foreign land. ', Later Mr. Baker; visited a" hospital and spoke with the wounded. He in quired about their wounds, how they were received, and how the men vere feeling, and gave a cheery wora-io each, reassuring them that line weather would soon arrive to nasten their recovery. One man remarked that he had received the French war cross, but could not wear it because the regulations forbade it. "I now give you ao so, said Mr. Baker. ' Another wounded man said proudly: "My lieutenant .won the war cross. A line good otticer, said tne secre tary. - Gives Friendly f am. There was an impressive incident during the trip from the place where Mr. Baker spent the night to the front. A battalion including men from Ohio had been drawn up ir the village in which it was billeted. The secretary reviewed the battalion md, calling the men awout him, gave an informal, friendly talk. This afternoon Mr. Baker visited the headquarters of another division. Word of his coming had preceded him and both American and French infantry, and cavalry were drawn op to receive him, while the trumpets sounded. This place is within sound of the guns, which, in fact, he heard most of the day. Later he went into a portion of the trenches held by this division. CASUALTY LIST FROM PERSHING Three Men Killed in Action; Two Die of Wounds; One Officer Mentioned in Report. Washington, March 20. First Lieu tenant Frederick ,0. Klakring .s the only officer appearing in today' cas ualty list of 37 names. He was wounded slightly. Today's list snows three men were killed in action, two died of wounds! two died of accident eight died of disease, five wounded severely and 17 wounded slightly. The list follows: Killed in action: CORPORAL RUSSELL G. HUGHES. CORPORAL GEORGE H. MILES. CORPORAL EDWARD MITCH ELL. Died of wounds: PRIVATE LLOYD CULP. PRIVATE FRANK PROISL. Died of accident: PRIVATE JOHN S. SMITH. PRIVATE GEORGE WILLIAMS. Died of disease: SERGEANT FRED T. RASS- BACH. Privates: JOHN V. ADDAMS, pneumonia. WINTON CLARK, pneumonia. HUGH L. GIBSON, pneumonia. LARKIN W. LEACH, uraemia. RONALD LOBAN, pneumonia. LOUIS MAYLAND, cerebral- spinal fever. MAJOR TEKKEL, pneumonia. Wounded severely: Corporal Otto G. Abbott. Privates: Earl Horton. ohn C. Huntington, .eonard Kostensky. Peter PauUon. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY. First Lieutenant Frederick 0. Klakring, Sergeant Louis A. Zeman, Cook Charles J. Hoover; Corporals Berry W. Langston, Ollie Q. Mar shall: Mechanic Leroy B. Hall: Pri vates Robert D Beale, Byron H. Dean, Clarence Flourney, Donald A. Gerard, John'H. Hoke, Donald A. Hunt, Robert K. Leib, Crumley U McKay, Orten E. Myers, Ernest Van De- Mark, Fremont b. Weils. CORPOKAL HUGHES FIRST OMAHA BOY KILLED IN FRANCE (CMtbiocd Front P On.) He was a member of the 1915 senior class at the Central High school. He was employed by the Omaha Gas company until the summer of 1916, when he enlisted with the Third Iowa infantry and saw service on the Mex ican border. To France Last July., After mobilization in Council Bluffs last summer Corporal Hughes went to Hempstead, U l.t and from there in July to France. His letters home have, described , his visits ;to his toric places and his experiences until within the last two weeks. Because of the intensive training recent letters home have been very short. The last letter was received 10 days before his death. 1 The youthful war hero was very highly regarded by his friends and business associates because of his happy disposition. When his mother wrote to him she addressed him as "Our sunny boy in sunny France." The parents are grief-stricken, but assert that they are proud that their only child is the first Omaha boy to give his life for the safety of his native land. When Corporal Hughes bade his parents goodbye before going to Hempstead for intensive training his father said to him: "You are going away, my son, per haos never to return." . The son answered: "I am willing to die for mv country, dad. The father is a city salesman for the Faxton-Gallagher company. With Colonel Tinier. Corporal Hughes was one of the men with Lieutenant Colonel Mat thew Tinley, Council Bluffs, cited for bravery and given the French war cross following an enemy raid March 5 northeast of BadonviIIer. The citation say that "the line was kept intact despite the efforts of the enemy, who was aided by powerful artillery." .. The young corporal was U-BOATS IN RACE FOR WAR TONNAGE ' ' Sir Eric Geddes Declares En tente Now ' Controls Forty Two Million Tons, and -' Increasing Daily.. (Br AMMiated Pi-mi.) London, March 20. One of the most important statements made to the country, recently was the speech delivered in the House of Commons today by Sir Eric Campbell Geddes, first lord of the admiralty. He appeased the' demand, ..which has become" general -recently, that the country should be told the exact amount of the shipping losses, and he also announced the appointment of Great Britains' foremost builder, Lord Pirrje.'as controller general of mer chant ship building. Statement of Facts. Sir Eric's speech was I a S simple statement of facts, with no oratorical sentences, but he was listened to more attentively, than the most eloquent orators in the government The total allied and neutral tonnage s now 42.000.000 Sir Eric stated. 1 ha fact that it is at this figure is largely ue to the new construction by the United States, and the seizure of Ger man ships. The output ot new tonnage, con nued the first lord, was very low in 1915, and reached itslowest point in 1916. This decline had been coin cident with the increased output of munitions, and before the intensified submarine war began Great Britain was 1,300,000 tons to the bad. Work Kusiimg Now. During the last quarter of 1917, said Sir i Eric, the allies were averaging within 100,000 tons monthly of making their losses good, and were then replacing 75 per cent of their lost tonnage. At the present time, the first lord went on, 47 ship yards witn .w berths 'were engaged on ocean going merchant vessels. The ship yards work was completely disorganized during the first two years of the war from various causes, ne explained, but nevertheless there had been an enormous accomplishment by the ship building industry. The output forhe last auarter of 1917 was 420,- 000 tons, as against 213,000 for the last ouarter of 1916. while during the last quarter of 1915 it had been only 42,000 tons. killed March 17. It is thought he had been in active fighting since the American expeditionary forces went . .1.. n i ' jnio tne ioui sector. Iowa Bot Also Killed. Dcs Moines. March 20. (Special Telegram.) Another Iowa boy has rivn Vita lite in the war. Private Lloyd Culp, lilted as dead of wounds, was a member of Company M. 168th infantry. His home address was given as Lawen, Ure. U M M KHMHffli HHMWW WMM3 VWIM S3I KisselKar. Steel side rails of high carbon contents are used in the Kissel frame, while ("hrome Vanadium steel predominates in , the springs.; y J The dependable Kissel driving shaft is made, of a special heat-treated steel forging, while nickel steel is used in the gears and pinion. - An investigation ot its Hundred Quality Features 'fill reveal a hundred reasons why you should place your order now for an early delivery. Foshier Bros. &Dutton Omaha. Nebraska ' TH E THEELECTRI CAL SYSTEM Drico Starting; Lighting and Ignition la , ao perfectly adapted to the Wettcott Motdr, ao simple, ao entirely auto matic and ao free from mechanical complications, that it ia practically trouble proof and un failing in its response to every demand that can be made upon It Sama Modal SiaMtetmO ' f.o.k SprintMd, Ohio Btb Standard Motor . Car Co. CARL CHANCSTROM.Ptm. -Distributors ' 2020-22 Fnim St. . Douflaa 170S ' OMAHA. NEB. ( Th bt and trunk made. MEATLESS DAYS DO NQT CONSERVE, SAYS MEAT HEAD Washington, March 20.- Meatless days have not conserved the meat supply, Joseph P.! Cotton, head of the food administration's meat di vision, today told the senate com mittee investigating food supplies, but on the other hand, he believed there had been more meat consumed on those days than usual. ' . ; . This was caused, Cotton said, be cause, while many persons observed the meatless days, others who pre viously had not used much meat were enabled to do so by the high wages they were receiving and this resulted in a net increase of consumption rath er than a saving. 60,000 DRAFTED MEN CALLED FOR TECHNICAL WORK Crowder to , Summorr Class 1 Registrants1 Wanted for Spe cial Training, , : Within Few Weeks. ' 'Washington, March '20. Provost Marshal General Crowder will begin within a few days calling out for spe cial instruction the men in the draft needed by the army in technical posi tions. - y A general survey of the educationa institutions of the " country is ir to determine what colleges and in -dustrial school? will be available' fo their training during ,he surmr.e. months. ' . i ' '. .- rroDaoiy ou,uuu men, ODiained pmu cipally'from class one. will be ordered . r , T . . r. boards "will publish, widely the oppor tunity, that is afforded to registrants with a view to obtaining as many voluntary inductions into the service as possible. :, r.; Licking Stamps Is Very l'nsanlUirT , . Use a dampened eponse to seal yoor let ten and to moisten the stamps, advise the Populsr Science Monthly. The Blue uaed on stamps and envelopes (alps Is made of bones and hoofs ot cattle, and all sorts of rags are used In psper. Besides, although they may have been sterilized, the articles pass through rnany dirty hands while on 'their road to you. most practical , SOP! The padded top prevents clothe from falling off tha hanger. Th lift top make all garment qually ay to got. , Outtid' construction of trunk i supreme in trunk building. , Priced no higher than ordinary trunks. . , Just mora detail and ' thought put into tha trunk for your com fort.-v .Won't you lal u how you? FUELING & STEINLE "Omaha Bet Baggage Builder" - 1803 Far nam Street THOMRSON,BEUJ .- Co. One fashion Cenierjfor ZVomQf0 Washable Gloves Fownes and Kaysers silk igloves ! in . black, "white, mastic and gray 75c to $1.75. Whit e washable fabric gloves with self r and con trasting embroideries, 75c $1 Knitting Yam We have received another shipment of navy blue and light gray mixed . Knitting Yarns. The Utopia Brand kthe finest and softest. yarn made . Third floor Wash Cottons for Summer Wear Voiles, Crepes, Mixtures in distinctive- patterns and Summery colors. A display of mora than ordinary interest duo to variety and moderate pricings. It will be a pleasure to show them at your ' earliest convenience. ' 1 Opposite the Silk Woolen Skirtings Light weight materials -in rich plaids and stripes fashionable-for Spring and Summer"' Occasions. ( Such Skirtings will appear to all well dressed Women ' Lisle Hose 75c An excellent quality of lisle hose with garter tops and 'double soles.-Brown and gry 75c,k':i.mi v' WpmensOnderwar " Womens bodice vests, with out shoulder straps 35c out sizes 40c, Lisle union sutys with hand crochet tops and lace knees. A very special j. value for l. , . ' Buy W. S. Stamps Easter Apparel-Sensibly Priced Present showings are exceptionally complete, featuring the best of the New Apparel for well dressed women. There is a distinct Su periority to Thompson Jelden Apparel. In Style -Quality of Materials and excellent workmanship. Suits Coats Dresses Blouses Your Viewing Is Requested no extra Charge for alterations. Beldings Silks Here Exclusively Beldings quality Silks are not to be had in any othei Omaha store. Thley are decidedly superior to or dinary silks, so much so that we can guarantee their wearing qualities, yet they do not cost more than . .inferior grades There is a fielding Silk for every purpose at a pric,e you'll care to pay. See them now while the assortment is complete Men s Haberdashery -for Spring Wear- Silk - handkerchiefs: A popular vogue for Spring. These wash like linen, take up les3 room in ones pocket and are very, at tractive in plain colors, Btripes, checks and fig ures, 50c 75c $1 $1.25 New Gloves: Fownes and Perrins French pique dress gloves. Light weights in all shades of tan $3.50 the pair I , Silk Gloves in grayjj khaki, buck and chamois with self stitched and fancy em broidered backs , $1.50 $1.75 - - Washable fabrics in gray shades $1.35 New Hosiery: Onyx hose, vertical stripes, navy and white, white and black combinations $1 a pair. All Plain Shades in Silk, lisle and fibre hose. Many beautiful clocked effects. (9 to 12 sizes.) 25c to $3 a pair. . THE MENS SHOP A STEP TO THE LEFT AS YOU ENTER today the rivers of the milkwhlte wagons begin before breakfast delivery of Alamito Products to most homes. Phone Your Order Douglas 409 ALaMHO DAIRY CO. Council Bluffs No. 205 AT BERNSTEIN'S 111 SO. 1STH ST. Thursday Big Dress Sale $12.45 . sa T"7 TIM HID DrmnmaoviroriBcstaTi txrCXEVA, So ik Oii ton't tfaarnQsTaafisfytog diipkyoogrer fated. tefrartng. AndbosOiegcod .' tastsolbop. ' At atoectV, at drngRtots. u fset at aii place vim ood drink aca mm. ' UMP, Msfwrfvtnf ST. LOUIS H. A Steinwsnder. Distributor 1517 Nicholas St, Douc. 3842. Omaha. Neb. Ml ia nil I'v s ss as u mm - rx JsBestBeW FIFTY CENTS FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Dr. King's New Discovery for : coughs and colds. Tt fnf. offptWa as itver was in checking coughs and coWa. The only difference is tnai every year adds thousands and thousands of users to the millions who already use it Wnnw nf its cratifvinz results. Wards off the dangerous aftermaths of a severe cold, grippe, coughs, croup, sore throat, chest-tightness, bronchial attacks. . - -Use it yourself give it to every member of your family. Pleasant, harmless, soothing, aepenoaoie. caca ed by a half century of ever-increas ing popularity. lour aruggisx sens it, 50c. ' ' " lonstioation Causes Sickness A vlernmnn Sfnmaeti. nerfect work ing Liver and regular acting Bowels, if you will use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They correct constipation have-a tonic effect on the system eliminate poisons tnrougn tne cow' els. Still Z5c Aaverusemew-.. fl' Of - aaMaOTia R i Made lo order al 1 ' ' . " . Sl.SSSBSBfSBBMBBI .. THE BEE ENGRAVING DEPARTMENT OMAHA C