THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. MARCH 21. 1915. to jHELP WAN i D FEMALE Professions and Trades. WANTED EXPERIENCED HELP IN ALTERA TIP AND MILLINERY WORK ROOM. P!'T SUPERINTENDENT BRANPEIS STORES. v. ANTED Girl meat wrappers. Apply The Washingtoq Market. 1407 Douglas St. WANTED Registered surgical nurse and registered n trse not likely to be called to government service. Apply to Intendent Orthopedic Hospital, Lincoln. Neb. LEARN barber trade 1401 bodge St - Saleswomen and Solicitors. wanted. experienced saleslady millinery department. 1 apply to mr. f. lind, HATDEN BROS. . WANTED. , EXPERIENCED" HELP IN MILLIN ERY. CLOAK. SUIT AND WAIST DE PARTMENTS. APPLY SUPERINTEND ENT BRANDEIS STORES Household and Domestic. Wanted girl for general house , work; no laundry; three in ' family. must go home nights, WALNUT 984. - WANTED Cook and second maid! Refer ences required. Mrs. James E. Davidson Harney 6384. Residence April 1st. 201 South llrd St. COMPETENT girl assist with housework, smatt family,, no laundry, references re quired. Mn. Fred Whitmore, valley. Neb. ' , WANTED A girl for general housework, a small ne house, best wages paid. 109 So"th 5nJ 8t- H,rney COMPETENT woman for general house work; small family; plain cooking; good wages. Telephone Walnut 465. GOOD girl for-rlght housework; dandy home for good girl. Phono Harney 4285 or Har ney 2268. WANTED Competent girl for housework;; must be good cook. Mrs. J, J. Hughes. 118 5th Ave.. Council Bluffs. W A NTED Housekeeper for family of three. Good wages to right party. Bot 4276. umana flee, EXPERIENCED NURSE Well care tot Invalid tn ber own home, also nursing. weo. aiuo. NEAT white girl to help with housework; three In family. Telephone Waln'it HI. VlKL for light housework. Small family. Doug'vr 6028. Inquire 1917 Webster. MAID for general housework; small family. Harney 5917. 3406 Davenport. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED 1 good chambermaid; also 1 good dining room girl; none but good, clean girls need apply; good wages; steady posi tion for the. right parties. Stockman's tiotei, urawrord. Neb. F. C. Bauman WANTED Male cook. Address J, Bee Office, South Omaha. WANTED Walter for restaurant, 4907 S. 26th, EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. nvery day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial .and English branches. Catalogue ft ee. BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglas 1585. - 18th and Harney Sts. Van Sant Selioolof Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 5890. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. CLEAN front rooms, with use of phone, to one or two gentlemen. Board optional. Not strictly modern, but homelike. 1803 N. 24th St., upstairs. Webster 3148. STRICTLY modern room, suitable for two gentlemaji. Clowry Court, Apartment C. I7tn and Chicago. Red 6676. BLEEPING room, very nicely furnished, on first floor, suitable for two. 2420 Cass St. Douglas 7968. NICELY furnished room In steam-heated apartment, close In, walking distance. Douglas 8138. ' - Is T E A M-HEATED room 12 wk., also apt with kltchenets. Ogden Hotsl Co, Bluffs -BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms, clean. modern, by day or week, 2208 Harnsy St. MODERN house, private home, west side. Clone to carllne. Telephone Douglas 7480. MODERN room for gentlemen; urlvate home, walking distance. Douglas 5335. NEATLY furnished room, modern, convenl ent. 2529 California St. Douglas 709. ELEGANT front parlor for two gentlemen with board, close In. Red 7648. LOVELY front room, private home! 105 S. 29th Ave. Phone Harney 6407. . NICELY furnished rooms, private home, home privileges. Tjder 1921. PLEASANT rooms In the Vernon Apart mets, 204 South 25th St. - PLEASANT south room for rent at 1119 S. 31st St. Harney 1215. CLOSE In, south front room, In modern fiat, tf.yl 8557. - Housekeeping Rooms. 2578 HARNEY very desirable light house keeping rooms. Bath floor, 1, 9 or 3 -room. Board and Room. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS 1 It you fall to find the room you desire among these ada call at The Be office for a Room List Gives itornplets description of vacant rooms in II parts of the city. New Hats Issue? very week. LARGE beautifully furnished library roi n first floor, southeast exposure. On all car' lines. Walking distance. Good home cooking. Gentlemen preferred. 118 S. 25th Ave. 712 N. 22D ST. Large, well furnished front parlor, only $12 to a respectable gentle man who will be permanent; on who appreciates a clean, quiet, homelike p.ace. LARGE, handsomely furnished room, win dows on three sides, suitable for two In modern home; references required. Close to car. 1619 South 25th St. Red 8573. ROOM and board $U per week for three young men. Webster 4313. Unfurnished Rooms. SUITE of 4 rooms for light housekeeping: modern conveniences; laundry. Webster 2390. HEATED ROOMS. CRFIGHTON BLOCK. World Realty Co.. Douglas 1342. Bun Theater B'dg Board. WILL accommodate three or four with good home cooking. 117 Turner Blvd. Harney 4777. Rooms Wanted. COU4WK wishes 2 furnished rooms for light housekeeping; within walking distance and in private family preferWa. Refinances ex changed. Box 4293. Omaha Bee. FOR RENTFURNISHED Apartments. WOorinTVs" Woodbine furnished apartments, 24th and Wirt Sts. We want two couples without children on 3d floor. 3. rooms, $20' 4 room, front. $30. Call at once. Web ster 6946. Ed B. Olhbs. FOR RENT HOUSES West WEST FARNA.VL ) 3 real good homes, all modern, best or.lo fcttions, pleasant surroundings. See these before locating. 319 Farnam 180.00 3540 Harney 60 00 301 So. 38th 65.00 THE BYRON RK&D COMPANY. Realtors. Douglas 297. 212-South 17th St. North. " 4 ROOMS-on first floor, modern except heat 2609 North 19th Ave. Webster 3578. 2405 EMMET Five-room cottage, modern. Webster lP.'a ' South. 418 PARK AVK, 7 rms 110 09 7 8. SSth St.. 8 rms 4.r.00 J , ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. Tyler 1536.' , 333 Securities Bldg- FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous. t-ROOM. all modern house, close In. Hi. JOHN J. MULV1H1LL (Realtor).' 100 Brandets Theater Bldg Phone Doug. 9 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THB CITY. CREIGH SONS A CO.. BER BLDG. GARDEN. 4119 N. 38th strevt. 5 mis. $12.60 208 South 41st; hot water plant l;5.00 JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 564. Shopen A Co., Rentals. Douglas 4228. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. MONTEREYE Apartments. 145 N. S4th St. 5 rooms. (56.00. 3 rooms. $35.00. KLOKE INVESTMENT CO. BENBOW COURT, 44TH AND DODGE. Apt No. , having five rooms and tile bath, 2nd floor, east front, abundance of light and air; beautiful court In fact there's good looks everywhere; tenant will show. you through or call on us; price - $50 and $59. Modern Garages on premises. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, 616 Omaha Nat l Bank. D. 1016. . COLLEGE . TERRACE. New apartments, just finished, wi ll all the latest features and convanlences-y-flre-proof throughout. $35 and $40. Located southeast corner 23d and California Sis., or call . , OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 701 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 496. TIZARD PALACE BLOCK Close in, few equal; 1-room apartment; also 4 -room flat. Apply 220 N. 23d. Phone Red 42J. HAMILTON APTS.--Fireproof. 24tb f Far nam furnished or unfurnished. I) 1471 North. ONE four-room and bath and on five-room and bath, modern, h ated apartment In refined resld .district, 2821 North 20tb St. boulevard. Special low price! to party without children. Phone Websten 6892. NEW apartment, 4-room and sun room, modern, $30. 4-room modern apartment socond floor, corner screenod porch, $2,350, vacant 26th. 18th and Maple. Red. 682. South. 5-ROOM apartment to sublease. 3125 Pa cific St. Miscellaneous. PETERS TRUST CO. Specialists in Apartment management, 1 RMS., steam ht. Aptst near post office; low rent. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. T FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Stores. FINE new stors room and basement at 27th and Leavenworth Sts. Steam heat. For nartlculars see Ot.rad Young. $22 Bran dets Theater Bldg. Douglas 167L MODERN store, 16th SL, near P. O. lew rent. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago St Office and Desk Rooms. THE BEE BLDG. Offices for high class tenants who want the best. Keystone Investment Co. Tyler 131. OFFICES, $20 per month aud up. FIR8T NATIONAL BANK BLDG., FIRST TRUST CO.. Agts. Tyler 600. WANTED TO RENT Business Property. large eastern concern wants 5,000 to 7,000 square feet of Ground floor space for branch house, rent must be; reason ABLE, Box 4046, Omaha Bee. MOVING AND STORAGE METROPOLITAN VAN STORAGE! CO. Owned and operated by Central Furni ture store; office on Howard St. betweea 15th and 16th. Phone Tyler 3400. Have your moving handled just as you would an order for new furniture. That's the way we do It. Ask to see our dally rental lists. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping, i . ... i OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 106 8. 16th. Douglas 4163. FREE S FIDELITY Phons Douglas 3 S3 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. Globe Van and Storage Go. For real service In moving, packing and storing call Tyler 280 or Douglas 4838. JPWn' Express Co., Moving, . J. IXEjEjU Packing and Storage. 1207 Farnam St. Web. 8741. Doug. 6146. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. A WEST FARNAM HOME. This fine 10-room modern, two story house with good basement and attic Is offered for sale at this time at a fair price. On an east front lot with a frontage of 67 feet, only two blocks from Farnam car line, one block from Turner park, one block from the new Tates school and on one of the best streets In thjs . district: Address 112 N. 32d Ave. Will be glad to make an appointment to show you the property. CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY. REALTORS. Douglas 200.. 503 Bee Bldg. FIELD CLUB HOME. OWNER LEAVING CITY. . Dandy 7-roora semi-bungalow, finished In oak and white enamel throughout; beautifully decorated, has fireplace, sun room,' built-in effects - In kitchen, full brick foundation, white enamel laundry tubs in basement, etc. Choice south front lot, 60x128. Price Is only $6,260, which , Is at least $1,000 less than it could be duplicated for,- or will sell with $2,600 of now furniture for $7,600. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 01 Omnha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. . Tyler 496. EQUITY $330 on $875 lot, northwest corner 4:id and California Sts. for $100. You can buy balance of lot at $10 a month. Will take diamond ring or stick pin. Write Box Y 451, Omaha Bee. FlELD Club District 7-r. modern house, garage, lot 70x166; price $4,250. C. A. Grimmel. Phone Doug. 1615. North. We Make It Easy To "OWN YOUR HOME" 1100 down; $16 per month Including In terest. These homes we offer have 3 and 4 rooms; electric lights; ful basement; well built In every detail and there Is one thrrd acre of ground with each, lpur of these homes sold within the last 10 days. You will have to hurry if you get one. PRICES ONLY $1,860 TO $1,995. Location just west of Omaha's largest park, Elmwood. If you are interested we will call for you any day or evening and take you out. .. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY. 616 Offl. Natl Bank Bldg. D. 1016. NICK -moil-.rn i'u;i,tai w;th large grounds and some fruit. At 3026 Larlmore Ave., for $2,500 " W. H. , GATES, 647 Omaha Nit. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1294. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED ! North. ' Bargain Extraordinary ! Get Started "OWN YOUR HOME" We offer a splendid home only a half block from Kountr.e park, first you step into a very large living room with beam ceiling and built-in book case, then Into good siaed dining room with paneled walls, the kitchen has every built in fea ture that every woman wants. There Is a splendid full cemented basement, good hot air furnace, and all necessary laundry conveniences. Upstairs there are three dandy bed rooms all good site with plenty of windows and roomy closets, in fact this house is RIGHT from top to bottom, and we have never offered a more attrac tive proposition In a home Its an undeni able bargain at $4,250 with $i00,down and then $35 per month. This is the best bargain In the North end. Situated on a beautiful south front lot 47x130 ft. With all paving paid In full. Location 2120 Evans street. Look at It from the out side. If Interested we will arrange to show you through. DO NOT BOTHER TENANT. PAYNE & SLATER Ct)., (Realtors) ilS Ora. Nat. Bank Bldg.. I'll. Doug 1016., RENTING IS WASTING. Uncle Sam condemns wasting. Mend your ways, buy a home. We hive $ very fine new bungalows just now to offer you at a big bargain. All are modern and up-to-date in every way; mostly oak fin ish, with built-in features; on choice lots and paved streets, near park, school, church and car line. Prices $3,150 to $4,175 cash, or terms. Several other big bargains. Let us give you an auto ride and show them to you. RASP BROS., REALTORS, 210-12-14 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. CLOSE IN, NEAR 27th and Leavenworth 6 rooms and garage, practically new. Owner leaving city. Living room, dining room, kitchen, oak finish aud floors, first floor; three bed rooms, bath and open sleeping porch on 2d floor. Full lot. Pav ing paid. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 396.!. 919-20 City Nat. Bank. 7-ROOM BARGAIN. On Ogden Ave., near bouleva.-J, all modern, oak finish, largo lot, paved atreet. Includes curtain rods, drop curtails on sleeping porch, linoleum, gas plat and work bench In basement; a nu for $4,500. TEBBENS. THE REALTOR. 606 Omaha Nat. Bank. Phone D. 2182. OWN YOtJR HOME NOW. 3621 Hamilton, oak finished $3,160 Acre with good improvements ....$4,000 1841 N. 23d, only $1,300 I full lota and 6 houses ' $6,000 JOHN V. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. NEAR 26TH AND FORT STREETS. . SIX-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. All on one floor, oak finish, all tha built in effects, sun room, buffet, etc, south front lot, 60x136. Built , by carpenter for home. Price only $3,650. $1,000 down. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496. FOR SALE OR RENT 3471 Grtint St. 8-room house with 3 full stzs lots, vacant land adjoining for gardening purposes. MITCHEL INVESTMENT CO., 24th and Ames St. Col. 317. $150 CASH. A good t-room house, with oak floors, strictly modern, may be bought on easy monthly terms; good neighborhood: not ' far from car.. Go- out today. Phone Douglas 3628, days. , KOUNTZB PLACE Modern l-room house, full basement, large lot, close to car. Price $3,360 Norrta A Norrls. D. 4370. OAK bungalow, 6 run., brand new, all mod., very attractive, $3,160; only small amount cash, bal. like rent, D. 3140. FOR SALE OR RENT 2731 Saratoga St., I strictly modern 6-room cottage; easy terms, call coirax mau. MINNE LUSA homes and lot offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. OWNER leaving city will sell 6-room mod ern home; Evans St.; part cash. Web, 731. South. 1010 S. 38TH AYE. 7-room house with hot water heat, elegant lot, trees, shrubbery. Price $3,400. $400 cash and the balance $30 a month. Now If you want a real snap you better go and look at this house without any delay, as It Is not going to be on the market any time, i You will find the key at 1003 S. 38th Ave. C. G. CARLBERG, 312 Brandets Theater Bldg. Miscellaneous. FIBLd15lUH BUNGALOW. ' PRICK ONLY $6,500. Beautiful seven-room, all brick and stucco bungalow, sunroom, sleeping porch, big living room with fireplace, bookcases, etc. Finished In oak, biroh and white enamel throughout. This is one of the best we have ever had on our list. Call OSBORNE REALTY CO. 701 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496. HUNGAI.OW. New, 6-room stucco; oak finish; nicely decorated; fine location; near car line. Price $4,000. Tsrms: $600 cash, balance monthly. BENSON & CARMICHAElt ' 642 1'ii ton Block. BUNGALOW. New, 6-room stucco; oak finish; nicely decorated; fine location; near car line. Price $4,000. Terms: $600 cash, balance monthly. BENSON & CARMICHAEL. 642 Paxton Blk. W. FARNAM SMITH ft CO.. Real Estate and Insurance. 1320 . Farnam St. Doug. 1064. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West. HAVE a 40xl30-foot lot, located In one of Omaha's best residence sections, 42d and Califor nia, that I must dispose of. Will arrange very easy terms. For further information, address Box 4249, Omaha Bee. North. VACANT NORTH. Rave 6 full lots on Plnkney street, south front, at 26th Ave., among beautiful new homes. Priced to sell, can give terms. TRAVER BROS. CO.. Douglas 6886. 819 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Miscellaneous. GARDEN lots, located south. $125 to $20oT No interest or no taxes. Near car line. $5 down. 60c per week. Phone D. 6074. REM. ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty WE WILL buy your home or business property ana pay casn. H. A. WOLF CO.. Electric Bldg. Tyler 69 BUSINESS properties and Investments. A. P TTIlflTT mnA $20 First National Bank Bldg. Income, Business and Trackage Specialist 16th and Dodge Sts. Donglas 415. Bee , Want Ads Bring Results. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. DUNDEE STUCCO HOME This Is a J.stnry, 7-toom modern house, lor,tcd oil north front lot S block vast of 6 til it t . , near Happy Hollow, and 1H blocks trom school. Has living room with brick fireplace and hulliln bookcases, dining room with builtin buffet, kltcnen, pantry, lrebox room, front vestibule, etc. All finished :n oak oxcept kitchen. Four bedrooms. Includ ing enclosed sleeping porch, and bath room on secon" floor. Finished in white enamel. Price $5,600. Terms $1,800 cash, balance monthly like rent. Im mediate possession. See. GEORGE & CO. DOUG. 756. DUNDEE (Evanston)' , HOME FOR SALE Xew, 8-room. modern, up-to-date brick veneer and stucco house, with oak wood work In first story, white enamel In sec ond; hardwood floors upstairs and down; tiled bathroom; full cemented basement; hot water heat; Rudd water heater; gar age for 4 cars; 2 full lots. Price $lJ.0O0. suhlect to paving not delinquent; $3,000 cash and monthly, quarterly or annual payments will handle this. J. H. DUMONT &. CO., REALTORS. 416-18 Keellne Bldg. Phone Doug. 69(i. Acreage AN ACRE OR A CITY LOT AT THE SAME PRICE Why not buy an acre, which Is 6 times ss large as an ordinary 60-foot city lot. You can buy an acre as cheap and on as easy terms as you csn one city lot In BENSON GARDENS, , WEST BENSON. SOUTH SIDE ACRES OR NORTH SIDE ACRES. The last two additions are on car line and paved roatl. Don't wait, prepare now for spring. ACRES FROM $450 TO $975. If an acre is too much b-jy half an acre. $5 cash, $5 per month. Can show you thest any daylight hour. PLOWED AND HARROWED FREE READY TO PLANT. For a short time we will prepare the ground for a garden with no extra charge. Call Tyler 60 and make appointment. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 HARNEY STREET. V-ACRE BARGAIN $300 WORTH $500 OWNER NEEDS MONEY Located northwest of F'ort Omaha, 7 to 8 blocks to car line. Here's your chance to Htj't a garden and raise chickens. Don't hesitate! This Is going to sell. I L. HIATT CO., FIRST NAT'L. UUOBK. BLDG. PHONE 0 TYLER U A LARGE suburban tract of ground outslds city limits, near carllne. Ideal plaoe to raise poultry or garden. This Is a 260-ft frontage for $510; will sell 00 easy terms. Telephone Walnut $46$. REAL ESTATE -To Exchange WE have acreage to exch. for home In r'ty. What have youT Call Mr. Browne. INTERSTATE REALTY CO., 913-14 City Nat'l. Douglas t81. CLEAR 160-A, unimproved Jonea Co , S. P., for clear modern house. Seward Bros , 678 Brandels Bldg. Douglas 3840. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT STOCKED RANCH OR FARM. .Widow has 6 five-room houses, one 7 ronm, modern house, ono 8-room . modern house and 2 modern store bulldihgs; all well rented, on paved streets, close to car lines In Omaha; also $20,000 first mortgages; prices are right and property In first olass condition. , S. S. & R: E. MONTGOMERY, 1213 City National Bank Bullijlng. WE HAVE several good reliable buyers for 6 and 6-room houses and bungalows with $300 to $600 down. Call Osborne Realty Co. Tyler 496. 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. WANT good residence; about $6,000. Will pay one-half cash, balance In good resi dence lots. Box 1792. Omaha Bee. Horses Live Stock Vehicle! We will haul your live stock. T.IVE STOCK TRANSFER CO., 2209 Farnam Sf. Telephone Douglas 2508. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. WfS want 100 mortgages on Omaha real dences; funds on hand for quick closing. E. H. LOUGEE. INC., 638-40 Keellne Bldg LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. H. Thomas & Son. Keeline Bjdg. Dividends of r pe,r cent or more! One dollar starts an account. OMAHA LOAN A BLDG. ASSOCIATION. H. W. BINDER, Money on hand for mortgage loans. City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. -Q'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 2715. CI Of FARM LOANS. "72 1 PAUL PETERSON. 6 364 BRANDETB THEATER BLD-J. LOW RATES C. O. CARLBERG. 312 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. 685. HARRISON & MORTON, 512 sis umana Nat. bk. wag. CITY AND FARM LOANS 5, 6H and 6 Per Cent. J. H. DUMONT Co., Keellne Bldg. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha, Private Money. SHOPEN A COMPANY. Douglas 4228. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. MARCH 19. ! Our next excursion to McOehee. Arst j W. 9 T.ANK. 291 NEVILLE BLK. Colorado J-ands. LOWARE ROUND TRIP Homeseekers' excursion to Colorado points every first and third Tues days. Write for free farm booklet and special land-seekers rates for parties of five or more. Immediate possession and eight years' time on our lands at $ per cent. THE TWIN LAKES LAND AND WATER rflUPlKf 93$ First Nat'l Bldg.. Omaha. Missouri Lands. SMALL MISSOURI KAKM. $2.6$ cash and $2.50 monthly; no In terest or taxes. Also an Interest In our . B'ib uovriyjiuciH project WHICH WHOIII I l . s .L A. ..... . . . 111 iical tuw uiumns snouia pay you one hundred dollars for every dollur you In vest Highly productive land, close to three big markets; photographs and full Information free. MUNOER. II. 317. N. 1. Lire wag., Kansas City Mo. GREAT BARGAINS. $5 down, $5 monthly, buys 40 acres, good fruit and poultry land, near town, south ern Missouri. Price only $220. Address Box 282, Springfield, Mo. $6 MONTHLY, buys 40 acres southern Mis souri; price .1160; farm, fruit, poultry lsnd; "free list," Geo. D. Williams, ML Vernon. 311 , FARM AND RANCH LANDS Minnesota Lands. RUSH I HURRY I Buy now. You can never do bettor. You will pay more If you wait. The value of land will rise rap idly tills year Our company offers some choice dairy, gardening and farming lands In St. Louis county, near the great mar kets of Duluth. Write. Come. Arnold, Com'r, Iron . Range Railroad, 607 Wolvln Bldg.. Duluth. Minn Montana Lands. FOR SALE 3.100 acres of first class hay and grain land, good witter rights, close to town and railroad: 480 acres In alfalfa hay; 400 acres plowed ready for sprlsg crops. No waste land on place. Price $30 per acre. For particulars call on or address E. G. FARNS WORTH. Dillon Montana. Nebraska Lands. 58 ACRES Irrigated land, Lincoln county, 6 4 miles from Hershey. rich Platte valley land, all under the ditch; 3-room house, barn, etc.; t acres of alfalfa. A bargain at $3,900. One-half cash. Immediate possession. White & Hoover, 454 Omaha National Bank Bldg. EXCEPTIONALLY good bargain In 20-aore Improved Buffalo eounty farm, within auto drive of Kearney. Neb.: $60 per sere, C. K. DAVIE9. KEARNEY. FOR SALE Best large body high-grade, medlim-prlced land In Nebraska. Very little monsy required C. B-adley, Wol bach. Neb NEBRASKA FARM LANDS ARE SURE INVESTMENTS. For best lands at beat prices write Geo. Antlll. Blair, Neb. WRITE me for pictures and prices my farms and ranches tn good Old Dawes County. Arah L. Hungerford, Crawford, Neb. RANCHES of alTslsea And kinds, eaej terma A. A Patiman. $01 Karbach Blk. Oregon Lands. NEW Jordan Valley Project Heart of the range. Get on thi ground floor wltb 60 acres Irrigated land In connection with open range. Yon en grow stock success fully and cheaply. Personally conducted excursion every tv wieks. Bend tor bul letin. Harley J. Hooker. $40 1st National Bank Bldg. Wisconsin Lands. $1,400 80 acres, level to gently rolling. 10 under cultivation, balance practically open with only a few scattering t.ees. Good 2-story, 7-room house, prac'lcally new: good new frame harn for 16 head; large granary and poultry house, borders small lake, near big resort lake. Highly productive dark, sandy ldam sol'.; 8 miles from live market town of 2,500 pop L ulatlon. near Shell Lake. Wisconsin. Owner very ill and forced to saormce lor only $1400 for quick sale; $S00 wish, balance to suit. Take the next train if you want the biggest snap offered In years Im mediate possession. No trados. tCqnlty Realty Exchange. 806 Globe Bldg., St. Taul. Minn. ' WyontigLand.' WHEATLANWyoBilng""farmsr$50 per a.. Including paid-up water rights. Henry Levi A C M. Rvlander. 864 Omnha Nat'l. Miscellaneous CHOICE FARM. Nlelaon. .421 Rose Bldg. FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with us If you want to keep It. E. P. 8NCWDEN SON. 423 a 16th. Douglas $371. GOOD Omaha Income brick flat for land. Price $12,000. Wtg. $5,600; Inc. $1,000 r year. 211 Brandels Thea. Bldg. Mr. Pease. POULTRY AND PET STOCK 50.000 PURE BRED BABY CHICKS, 13 varieties, $12.60 to $18.00 per 100, Safe delivery guaranteed. KANSAS POULTRY COMPANY, NORTON. KANSAS, "OLD TRUSTY" Incubators and brooder's shipped promptly. Big catalog free. M. M. Johnson CP.. Mfrs., Clay Center. Neb. BUFF ORPINGTON c'gga. Colfax 1164. MONEY TO LOAN Organised by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos snd notes ss seourlty. $40. t mo.. II. goods, total, $9.60. Smaller, larger am'ts proportlonats rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 432 Securities Bldg.. 16th. Farnam. Ty. 66$. LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY 1 Cf SMALLER LOANS. OOJ J- O W. C. FLAT AU, EST. 1892. 1 6TH FLR. SECURITIES BLDO. T . 960. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths Harry Malashock. 1514 Dodge. D. (619. Est. 1891. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Margaret C. Judson to Frederick W. Simpson, et al. Davenport streot, 60 f.'ct west of Flfty-ftrst street, south side, '50x123 IU60 Rslph L. Shepard and wife to-Charles B. Otis and wife, southeast corner Thlrtv-second and Lotlirop streets, 74x124 6.800 John Volz and wife to Fred II.-Bristol. Forty-ninth street, 93 feet south of Cuming street, west Bide, 47x126 3.760 A. L. Brown and wife to I). O. Wright, Seward street, 100 feet east of Forty-first street, north side, 60x130 10 Chrlstabel Sihoenman and husband to Itufus A. Willis, Crown Point ave nue, 136 feet west of Twonty-flflli avenue, south side, 46x120 4,250 George C. Flack to Vern O. Hlesrodt, northwest corner Twenty-seventh and Grand avenue, 46.1x120 2,650 George C. Flack to Charles W. Bee dup, Saratoga street, 135 feet east of Thirtieth street, south side 3,150 Edwin D. Smalls and wife to Ralph L. Medhurst, Thirty-second street, 150 feet south of Curtis avenue, west side, 135x120 2,150 William H. Warren and wife to Jos eph Hrabovsky and wife, southeast corner Thirty-second and Grover atreets, 86x130 1,425 Anna Beauchamp to Martha F. Calla han, Jefferson street, 230 feet west of Twenty-first street, south side, 60x128 1 Guy D. Solomon and wife to Henry Mlchecls. southeast corner Thirty first and Reynolds streets, 132x132. 7,750 Emma A. Fuller and husband to D. Catherine Carroll, Morton' avenue. 294 feet south of Main street, east side, 50x128 . . .' 3,000 Grover & Lyman Realty Co. to Kile Mountain, northeast corner Eight eenth street and Fowler avenue, 40 X128 380 Nftthan Roberta and wife to Sanih V. Noriega, Twenty-sixth street, 2fc4 foot south of Woolworth avenue, east side, 60x127 2,200 John F. Flack and wlfn to Minnie E. Wright, Sprague street, 36 feet east of Forty-fourth street, north side. 40x108 295 Rufus A. Willis and wife to Loala M. Drake, southwest corner Twenty eighth street, 60x120 500 Charles C. Bushncll and wife to David O. Cassidy and wife, southwest cor ner Thirteenth and Ellison avenue, 40x121 100 International Realty Associates, Inc., to Kva Strausbaugh, et al., Forty seventh avenue, 240 feet north of Wirt street, west side, 40x125.... 750 Grove Whatron Construction Co., to Harry Knudocn, Sixtieth street, 19 , feet north of military avenue, east side, 40x148 600 A. Musll and wifo to Thomas Mc Quade et al. northeast corner Thir teenth and Frederick streets, 60x128 3,520 Anton Blazek and wife to tlrovo Wharton Construction Co., south west corner Twelfth and Dorcas streets, 33x67 1 Cotton Production for 1917 Exceeds Forecast Washington, March 20. Cotton production from last season's crop was 11,285,999 equivalent 500-pound bales, exclusive of iners, the census bureau today announced in its final report of the season's ginnings. Lin ters produced to March 1 amounted to 829,019 equivalent 500-pound bales. In December the Department of Agriculture estimated production at 10,949,000 equivalent 500-pound bales. Early indications were that a crop of more than 12,000,000 bales would be produced, but a heavy killing frost about the middle of October resulted in damage estimated to have reduced the crop by 1.000,000 bales. London Money. London, March 20. Silver Bar, 43 lid per ounce. Money 2 per cent. f Discount Rates Short bills. 1 9-l( net cent; inxee montns, I i-u p OMAHA LIVE STOCK Cattle Receipts Moderate; Prices Higher; Hogs Sell at Advance of 25 and 35 1 Cents. Omaha, March 20. 1918. Receipts were: Cattle. Hoai. 8heen. Official Monday 10.430 16,191 16,261 Official Tuesday 6,919 14.439 8,716 Rstlmate Wednesday.. 6,000 13,100 6.900 Three days this week. .11,399 41,120 10,861 Sams daya last week.. 10,084 46,951 38.808 fame daya 1 wka. a Co 26,987 40,151 46,431 Same days I wka ao 13,751 60,994 11.664 Same daya 4 wks. ago 22.779 15.9(2 ' 29.114 Same days last year.. 11,967 17,371 17,141 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union stock yards. Omaha, for 84 hours ending at 3 p. m. yesterday: RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle. Hons. Sheep. H'r's. C. M. A St. P 11 3 Wabash 4 1 .. Missouri Paelflo ..3 6 ,. Union Paelflo 101 14 11 4 C. N. W., east.. JO C. & N. W., west.. 37 34 6 O., St. P., M. A O. . 84 18 C, B. A Q., east.. 8 3 C, B. Q west. .31 14 .. .. C. R. I. A P., east !0 4 C R. I. A P., west 1 4 .. Illinois Central ..7 1 Chi. Ot. West 10 2 1 Total receipts ..239 167 27 t DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris A Co 913 1,611 1,(44 Swift A Co 2. SI 4 2.844 i.Sit Cudahy Packing Co. .1,434 3.578 2,4 Armour Co 1.433 8,468 3,586 Schwarts A Co I.S6J J. W. Murphy 1.453 Lincoln Packing Co.. 60 S. O. Packing Co.... 3.1 Wilson Packing Co.. 193 W, B. Vansant Co... 40 Ren ton, Vansant A L.. 43 ..... F. B. Lewis 671 J. B. Root Co.... 86 J. H. Bulla 46 L. F. Huas 66 Rosenstock Brof. .... 14 F. O. Kellogg 9S Werthelmer A Degen 41 Kills & Co 5 Sullivan Bros 93 Mo. & Kan. Calf Co.. 7.1 Christie 2 HlKKlns .' 19 V Huffman 7 Roth 1 Meyers , 21 ..... ..... Glassberg 16 ..... ..... Banner Bros. ...... Ill John Harvey 527 , I'ennls A Francis .... 33 ..... UJenaen A Lungren .. 179 ..... ..... r-ai uinf 1 ..... .,. Other buyers $41 $7$ Totals ;....11$ 13,811 16,5(0 Cattle Receipts were of moderate pro portions sgaln today, about 6.009 head, but the three days' supply has been fully 1,500 heavier than for the first halt of last week, and 11,000 heavier than for the same three days a year ago. Quality of the offerings was very good ss a rule, and with an active demand from all classes of buyers the mar ket ruled fully lOo ' higher than Tuesday for both beef steers and butohsr stock, Choice heav, beeves brought $11.(0, the high price of the season, and bulk of the fair to good 900 to 1, 160-pound beeves sold at $11.85011.86. Business In stoekers and fesders waa not very aotive, the best grades of all weights commanding about steady prices while the trend of values was lower for the medium and common stuff that made up the bulk of the offerings. Quotations on cattle! Good to choice beeves, $13. 35 0)13.16; fair to food beeves, (11.6001116! common to fair beeves, $9.16 11.16; good to choice yearlings, $10.T(O11.16; fair to good yearlings, $1.60010.(9; common to fair yearlings, $8.609.60; good to choice grass beeves, $11.00012.001 fslr to good grass beeves, $9.(0011.00; common to fair grass beeves, $8.0009.00; good to ohoioe heifers, $9.50 011.00; good to oholee cows, $9.85010.60; fatr to good cows, $1 ($09.15; common to -fair cowa, $6.5001.00; prime feeders,- $10.7(011.(0; good to choice feeders, $9.60010.76; fatr to good feeders, $8,760 (.50; common to fair feeders, (6.(001-00; good to ohoioe stoekers, $9.60011. 00; stock heifers, $.60 0 10.00; stook cows, T.00O9 (0t stork calves, (8.00O10.50; veal calves, 19.00 O13.00; bulla, stags, etc.. (7.008.76. BEEF STEERS. No. 46.. 12.. 10.. 10.. 2.. 7.. 40.. 7.. 24.. 19.. 4.. 48.. . 2.. 3.. 8.. 9.. a.. 20.. Av. ... 414 ... 680 ... 166 ... 171 ...1060 ... 861 ...1104 ...1106 ...1106 ...1218 ...1271 ...1471 Pr. $1 00 I 76 10 60 11 26 11 60 11 76 11 16 12 16 12 30 11 60 12 76 13 60 No. 2 7 4 II Av. Pr. (30 tl 16 7(1 10 II (II 10 II 890 11 11 110 11 II 7. II 1041 11 II 41. 1211 II 09 i.....llll It II 16 Will It 10 1 1221 II II 17. ......1360 It 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 610 7 60 840 I 00 31 120 1 443 I 11 I 76 681 10 00 694 11 00 777 11 10 ' 712 12, 00 dowB. 9.. I4T It 10 1 106 It 10 1 Ill 11 61 7 1017 19 40 I , 146 7 16 1 161 1 10 1 1016 1 21 I. ......1140 8 10 t 161 I 00 1 1090 9 16 20. ......1090 I 10 19 111S t 71 2 160 t 81 1 1118 10 00 3 716 7 86 6 436 I 00 6 1012 I 40 14 980 I 76 1 970 9 00 6 1072 9 25 4 1176 I 60 6. ......1071 I 80 6 1118 9 90 10 1281 10 10 t ..1211 10 26 4 1360 10 60 HEIFERS. . 170 1 26 62 114 10 26 . 890 I 00 10....,,. 760 I 21 . 867 1 60 4 741 I 71 . 124 10 01) I. 711 10 20 . 105 10 26 1 710 It 71 . 670 11 00 - It Ill 11 10 1.. 1.. 20,. 9.. 4.. 1.. BULLS. 1 1030 I 16 t ..1171 I 71 1 1360 1 It 1 lilt I 00 1 1646 I 16 1.......1860 t 10 1 1400 It 00 1 ,, 721 It 21 CALVES. 1 230 I 60 I lit I eo 6 412 I 71 1 490 It Ot 1 177 10 10 1....... 130 11 00 1 190 II 71 1 180 It 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 36 666 I It 10....... 189 I 16 46 171 I It It Ill It II 9 673 It 26 41 , III 11 It 61 1070 12 26 Hogs Receipts of hogs )his morning were only fair, but there was a keen de mand for offerings and the trade opened with both packers and shippers readily buy Ing at prices that were as much as ISO 36c higher than yesterday. The light and medium weight hogs were first sellers, but the demand waa also good for heavy kinds, and a good clearance was made, praotlcally everything In the yards being oat of first hands a little sfter mldforenoon. The best price paid was 117.26, showing an advance over yesterday of 26o. and 20o hlfher than was paid a week ago today. The wide balk was selling from 116.75 to 117.10, with the narrow bulk probably going from $16.80 to 116.95. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av, Sh. Pr. 77. .183 ...16 65 70. .261 ... 114 70 38. .280 ... J 75 47. .278 ... II It 29. .263 70 16 85 69. .262 ... II 90 74. .250 ... II 95 38. .203 ... 17 09 78. .186 ... 17 10 16. .178 ... 17 20 74. .176 ... 17 25 PIGS. II. .108 ... 14 00 Sheep Offerings here today consisted of 26 loads or 6,900 head Including four or five loads of ewes and the balance lamba. The market opened with an apparently stronger feeling and the bulk of the lambs sold at prices strong to 16c higher than yesterday, quality considered. Top lambs reached 818,00 and the feeling was that be fore the day was over a better top might be realised. Most of the lambs today ran to the heavy and lnbetween grades, and sales of this class went from 17.50 to 117.10. Choice heavy lambs brought 118.00. Fat ewes were ready sellers at 813.76014.00. One load of canner ewes sold at 110.00. General undertone to the trade was firm, and prices generally ISc higher. Quotations on Sheep and Lambs Lambs. good to choice, 317.75 18.00; lambs, fair to good, 117.26017.76; lambs, heavy weight, I16.5017.e0; lambs, feeders, $14.5017.16; lambs, shorn, I13.0014.60; lambs, culls, 112. 00916.00; yearlings, fair to choice, $14.00316.50; wethers, fair to choice, 111.26 '7-14.76; ewes, fair to choice, 112.00 911.81; ewes, breeders, all ages, 811.00 17.90; ewes, culls and canners, I8.00Q10.00. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, III., March 20. Cattle Receipts, 9,000 head: market unsettled; native steers, 19.50 14.60; stoekers and feeders, (8.20O 13.25; cows and belters, 17.10912.16; calves, 110.75916.60. Hogs Receipts, 28,000 head; strong, lo above yesterday's average; bulk, $17.1684 17.10; light, $17.40918.16. the highest since last October; mixed, $16.85918.00; heavy, $16.36917.60; rough, $16.35916.60; pigs, $13.60917.16. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 14,000 head; market steady; sheep. 111.00914.76; lambs. $14.60911.49 HEW YORK STOCKS Session, Aside From Libert; Bonds, Very Dull; Bullish' Incentive Lacking in Market. New Tork, March ll.Tradlng on the stock exchange today, aside from the rela tively heavy dealings tn Liberty bonds, was dull, almost to the point of extinction. Hour ly sales after 11 o'clock barely averaged 25. 000 shares, the day's turn-over' amount ing to the meager total of 115.000 shares. Bullish Incentive was again lacking, chief ly by reason of the so-called Holland- American situation and the uncertain status of the Iron and steel Industry In connec tion with the new price schedule to be fixed . by the war Industries board. These conditions were balanced In a meas ure by freer offerings of call money, which fell to 4 per cent after opening at 5H, and indications that the local banking pool may soon shade the long prevailing I per cent rate for time funds. Representative stocks made little or ne change, these Issues closing at nominal gains and losses. Some of the highly speculative Issues reflected the mixed opcr atlona of pools. General Motors making an extreme decline of 4 points, while Industrial Alcohol gained almost as much. Ship pings were again sensitive to Impending developments and rails wars listless until the final hour, when the paelflo group hardened with Great Northern and minor coalers. United States closed at a small factional advanoe, forefltlng part ot Its gain. Liberty Issues contributed overwhelming ly to the Irregular dealings In bonds st advance of H to 1 per cent. Total sales, par value, aggregated 15,676.000. United ' States bands, old Issues, were un changed on call Number ef sales and quotations on leading stocks: Cleslng Sales. High, Low. Did Am. Beet Sugar... 200 7IH 79H 9j American Can...h 4.800 4S'l 42U h Am. Car A Fndry , Am. Loeomotlva... 79 (4H 84 64 'I Am. S. Rafng 1.400 79 H 78 H '.8'. Am, Sugar Refng 10ii Am. Tel. Tel.... 1.600 )03 100 1"2 Anaconda Copper.. 2,100 ti 12 63 Atchison 84 A. O. A W. I. 8. L. 1.300 110H 108 '0 V Baltimore A Ohio. 1.100 14 V 63 Butte A Sup. Cop t0 Canadian Pacific. 1,0o6 137H 134 HS'l Central Leather... 5.300 61, 67H 67 Chesapeake A Ohio 1.100 69 6' fH C... M. St. Paul. 1.900 41 U 40 H 41 C. R. I. 4k P. otfs. 11.800 im 21 it Chlno Copper 600 40i 40'i f Colo, fuel A Inn. ''Jl'fc Com Prod. Refng. 1.200 36 i 38H 36 Crucible Steel 1.300 14 681 6 ' Cuhar Cane Sugar 4,700 10 21 H '.1H maimers' Security. 1,800 39 18 i 39 F.rl .' 1.400 II 16 m General Electric. 600 118 137 Vs 138 General Motors 319 Ot. Northern pfd. . 90. at. N. Ore ctfs.... 209 SI 27H -'H Illinois Central 91 Inspiration Copper. 100 41 44 e 44 '4 Int. M. M. pfd.,.. T.200 64 94 95 Inter. Nickel . 21 Inter. Paper ... 14 Ksnnecott Copper.. lot tm IHl ll'i Louis. Nash 11 tH Maxwell Motors.... ...... ... 97H Mex. Petroleum... 4.101 93 12 II Miami Copper i.t 0'4 Missouri Paelflo... 100 2I It ?f Montana Power.... 100 m 66 tiVk Nevada Copper.... 100 114. 11 .84 Nsw Tork Central. ...... ... ... tlH N. T.. N. H. H ... Norfolk West 104 Northern Paolflo ... ... , - 84H Paelflo Mall STV. Pennsylvania 400 U 4i ' 44i Ray Con. Copper.. ,100 11 II H la 14 Reading 100 14 81 " Rep. Iron Steel - (Ot 79 71 78 K Shat. Arts. Copper. ...... ... 17 Southern Faelfle.. 700 16V IS 84 ISH Southern Railway.. 700 15 IS lift Studebaker Corp... t.loo 41 4 Texas Co.,,....... 800 145 144 144 Union Paolflo 1,100 111 111 121 U. B. Tnd. Alcohol. 1,100 114 122 l?3i II. S. Steel 1.100 11 10 11 U. fl. Steel pfd 400 101 )0I 109 Utah Copper 400 71 78 9 Wabash pfd. "B' ... Western Union.... 100 11 91 11 Westlngh. Electric, 100 41 41 41 Total sales for tha day, 131,000 shares Mow Tork Money Market. New Tork, March It. -Mercantile Paper-4 Four months, per eent six months, I per . cent . j - Sterling Sixty-day bill, 14.71: commer cial It-day bills on banks, 11.71; commercial m 00-day bills, 14.71; demand, 14.71.31; " cables. 14.71 Ml. ' 1 Silver Bar, I80: Mexican dollars, 71 c. - Bonds Government, strong; railroad, lr '' regular. ' '. Time Loans Strong; 10 days, It days snh.' six months, 1 per cent bid. t.V Call Money Weaken high, 1 per cent' r, low, 4 per cent; ruling. rate, 1 per ent, closing bid, 1 per cent; offered, 4 per , cent; last loan, 4 per cent. ' .,' U. S. Is, rag.... 17 a ref. 4s.... 71 U. 8. Is, coup. 17 Int. M. M. 6s.. 11 ' U. S. Is, reg... 98 K. C. 8. ref. Is 71' - U. 8. Is, coupon 93 L. N.'un. 4s.. 14 i ' U. 8. Lib. 1S.. It HK AT 1st 4s 41 U. S. 4s, reg...,104Mo. Pao, gen. 4s 67 V. B. 4s, coup.. 104 Mont. Power Is.. Il Am. For. Seo. Ss 11 N. T. Cen. deb Is 13 ' ' Am. T. A T. e is II N. Pao. 4s It Anglo-French, Ss 10 N. Pao. Is 68 Arm. Co. 4s 14 0. 8. I., ref. 4s.. 13 Atchison gen. 4s llPac. T. T. is 91 B. A O. ev. 4s 77Pann con. 4s., 9 .. Beth. Steel r. 6s II Pcnn. gen. 4s 19 Cen, Leather la 11 Reading gen.' 4a 82 V i Cen. Paelflo 1st 71 S L 8 F a 6a 16 ' C. O., cv. Is.. 10 8. Pao. cv. Ss.. 12 , C. B. A Q., ). 4s 11 Southern Ry 6s., 11 .' 1 C M A 8 P 4s 73 Tex. Pas. 1st 86 ' C R I A P r 4s 01 Union Pacific 4 16 CAS. ref. 4s.. 61 U. 8. Rubber Is 77 . D A R O ref Is 41 U. 8. Steel 6s.. 17 ' D ot C. Is (1111) II Wabash 1st 14 , Erls gen. 4s.... 61 French gov. is 96 , Oen. Else. Is 11 -Bid. , ' New York Coffee. New Tork, Maroh 10. There was a mod orate business In the markst for coffee fu tures today with fluctuations irregular. Thi opening was"! points lower to 1 polnti ; higher, and the market was general I) ' ; steady during thi early session on trail' buying, which carried active months abou' , .'. 1 to 4 -points net higher, with May sellings' l.69o and September at l.80o. This advanci met scattered realising or liquidation, how- 1 aver, with May selling off to 8.660 and Sep- tember to 1.710 during the afternoon. Last ' ' prlcss were at praotlcally the low point. -the close being net uaohanged to I point! ' lower. March, 1.60c; May, l.lic; July -8.67o; September, 1. 7 3o: October, 1.74c; De ' oember, 1.78c. Spot coffee steady; rlo 7s 1; Santos 4s, lie. Ne change was reported In the ooean freight situation and very few fresh offers were noted In the cost and freight markst. The official cables showed an advance ef 71 rels at Rlo with the ' santos markst unchanged. Rlo exchange on London l-32d higher. Brailllan port re- ' celpts, 13.000. St. Louis Live Stock. St. Louis, inarch 11. Cattle Receipts. 3.500 head; market steady) natlvs beef steers, 1.00911.50; yearling steers and heif ers, 7.00913.60; cows, $4.00911. 10; stoek ers and feeders, $6.00910.10; fair to prims southern beet steers; tt.0091t.CO; year ling beef cows and heifers, I7.500 10.00; southern yearling steers and heifers, 16.009 10.00; native calves, 11.00 9 14.00. Hogs Receipts, 14,100 head; marke'. lower; lights, $17.70917.901 pigs, $14,609 17.76; mixed and butchers, $17.86917.90. good heavy, $17.00917.40; bulk, 117.25 17.85. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, none; mar ket steady; lambs, $14.0018. 16; ewes $11.1091100: wethers. $18.00911.75; can non and choppers, 16.60 9 1.S0. r Kansas City Lire Stock. Kansas City, Mo., March 11. Cattle Receipts, 10,000 head; market steady; prime fed stsers, tll.P0914.00; dressed beef steers, . tlO.S091t.26; western steers, $10.00911. IS; cows, 17.60911.00; heifers, I7.76911.7i: stoekers and feeders, $9.00911.60; bulls, $7.60910.00; calves, I7.S091I.25. ' Hogs Receipts 14,000 head; market 1 higher; bulk, $16.75917.40; heavy, $16,700 -17.00; packers and butchers, 116.85917.40, light. tl7.25917.S6; pigs, I12.S0916.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 6,000 head; market steady; lamba, 117.00918.40: year lings, H4.0091S.St; wethers, 113.00914.00; ewes, tl2.6014.OO, New Tork Coffee Market. New Tork, March 20. Coffee Rlo No. 7, !c; futures, steady: May, t.lte; October, 1.74c - I . Spot cotton, quiet; middling, 14.30c. - Jl THE STOCK MARKET? lag ar eelltag any, protect year la vestment b cettlmg tha Judgment of far-famed oiper published la the INXtUsTRlAL A N l P AGK. Publlshoel weakly elnrw Jnnn Subecitptfoa I rear. Sample con ic smrpeas of tatroductloa if you 1 - ' ' -mediately. I , .- INrHTSTWAL AND WINING S7 Winiaaa st, New Yarh lrwtGratmmlmk,FmUmtimli V