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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1918)
- V ' " 12 . , 'x ' THE BEE; OMAHA, ' V . y - "V ' - . ' 'a, DRAWN FOR THE BEE BY HERSCHFIELD Want Ad Hates tCaah With Ordr.) Hit P word . each Insertion So ptr word (or tbrM eonseeutivo insertions It ptr word (or oneh additional instrtion Mo ad taken (or Imo than a toUl ol 30 or Ims tbaa 10c por dor CHARGE It ptr lino (coont wordt to lint) ono tiiao So ptr lino eacn time, mimu .. la otr lint toch time. SO eonseeutivo' timet It per u AT1QNS WANTED 25e otr lint ...ptr wort CARDS OF THANKS AND FUNERAL N.0T1CES 10c ptr lint lnttrtlon (Minimum tnarga, sv wu.i Contract Rata 0 Application For eoBTonitBco of adTorttitTt want ado wUI bo aottpUd at tho following off iett I ma TV OFFICII.. ......Boo Building Aaet Offieo 411 North 14th St. Uka Offiet .....2611 North 24tb St. Vlotoa Offieo., 1711 Vinton St Para Offieo Mil Leavonwortb St. K south Sid ms N St. Rfflineli Bluffs 14 Main fit. North THE BEE will aot bo responsible (or nana thsa ono incorrect Insertion of an ad vertisement ordered (or snort than ono tim. rjto THE TELEPHONE U you cannot eon vtnitntly bring or atnd your ads to any of tho above offices. Ask (or Want Ad Taker . and yon whl recti vt tho tenia good ttrviet at when delivering your aa in person. PHONE TYLER 10OO Want Adf Columns Close Evening Editions...... II:0 M. Morning Editions .10:00 P. M. ' Sunday Editions. .10 P. M. Saturday Evtnlng MOVIE PROGRAMS North ALHAMBRA, 24TH AND PARKER JACK PICKFORD, and LOUISB HVVr, In "WHAT MONET CAN'T BUT." GRAND, ". 16TH AND BINNET I PAULINE FREDERICK, in "MRS. DANE'S DEFENSE." South APOLLO, ."" JtTH AND LEAVENWORTH , VHOMAS INCH. - j SUPER-SPECTACLE, "CIVILIZATION.' KOHLKF, 26TK AND LEAVENWORTH WILLIAM FARNUM, in "WHEN A WAN SEES RED." West DUNDEE, H8T AND UNDERWOOD . NO SHOW TODAT. TUirDHniV JANE AND KATHERINE LEE. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permlta to wed have been uwuedio the tVUVWIIIg Name and Residence. Age. Augutt Neuhaus, Benann.-Neb. 21 Helen Kllnktr, Benson, Neb... f, 11 Marcus Seala, Omaha..'.. ............... 21 I Ada Clay, Omaha....... 17 riavln Harrison, Omaha. ..,.,.., II Corlnno Johnson, Omaha... II I Franklin ft. Taylor, Llnooln, Neb..,,.., tl Lucy F. Bjosenfelt, Courtlsnd. Neb ZS Lon N. Morris, Omaha II Minnie M. Mack. Omaha.. Ill ' I TM7 k TU inn P1TVVDAT. MOTIPIP I fir""' "ilM..?" , .,,-tZ!Z O'SHEA Mrs. Anita, agad, I fears, March 1. Funeral from residence, 1140 Sooth ltth , St., Thursday, V:10 a. m.. to St Patrick's church, I a. m. Interment Holy Sepulchre cemetery. Deceased Is survived by her husband, James O Shea, one alstsr, Mrs.- Boas Shlelda; one brother, Terenae Shields, an or omana. rwaae omit nowers, 8H EETS Permella, beloved wife of Frank E. sheets, Tuesday, March it, agjd III years. Funel-al sen'icet at residence, 1101 N. 24th St. Thursday, March list, at 2:10 p. xi. Interment, Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends welcome. BUILDING PERMITS. Permits to build have been leeued to the following: t . John Tuttle, 2001 CumlnV street; altera tions. Iioo: Edith Hill. 4U6 Camden ave nue, additions and repairs, 1250; Mlgs-Orr Investment company, 1002 to 2001 Harfiey street, garage. (30,000; Fred Fonter, 2217 North Nineteenth street, garage, (100. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. ' Blrtha Peter and Elisabeth Lublsuher, Forty-eighth and R strsett, girl; Albert and Elisabeth Slegl, $137 South Twenty second street-boy; Andrew and' Mary ' Vanowtrf, 2I3 Jefferson street, girl; Wll llam and Pearl Leurltsen, 111 North Twenty-fifth avenue, boy; George and Mary Bobler, Fiftieth and W streets, boy; Den nis and Sarah Hurley, Thirty-third and R atreets. girl; Fred and Mary Lae, 401 Bancroft street, girl; Jesse and Alta Lor-1 ring, Menaerson, ia., noepita gin; uaorge and Nellie Crowe, 4021 South Twenty eighth street, girl; John andyRhea Ljnn. 1124 North Fifty-fifth street, boy. Deaths Carl Bryl, I. Fort Crookl Wulf Fried, (4, 1114 North Twenty-fifth street; Sally C. Leas, 71, 1461 Evans strsst; Jamet 8. Sayers, II, Clarkson, Neb., hospital; Josephine Krijek, II, 2101 M street; George it. Wood. 10, 2611 South Thirty-second avenue; Frank Franek. It, 1114 South Twenty-fourth atreet f CAPn OP THANKS ,. 1 wish to thank St Luke'a choir and our many friends for their kindness and sympathy shown us at the dsath of our beloved wife, mother, daughter and sister. FRED TECKMEYER AND FAMILY. MRS. A. GALSCHE AND FAMILY. FRATERNAL ORDERS. WASHINGTON lodge No. 27, D. of H. Of ficers and members attend your regular meeting Thursday. March 21, I p.v m. tura Miller. Chltt of Honor. Bridget Donnelly, Recorder. FtWERAL DIRECTORS. - "STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertaken. II A Har. P. 887, il L. DODDER CO.. Funeral Directors. P. L. Fero, Mgr., Sld and Cuming Sta. Phone Douglss 177. Auto ambulance. HUI.SE RIEPEN. undertakers and em- ' hslmers, 701 S. 16th. Douglat 1121. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker and meoaimer. nil Ftrnsm at narnw s FLORISTS. Fon tensile " Klorlata. LEE L. LARMON 1114 Douglss St Douglss 1214. LARGEST assortment ot fresh flowers. HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM. WKKER FLOWER SHOP. 411 8. 14. D. 1102 ROGERS. Florist. Ill 8. llth. D. 1400. BATH. National Fl)rist, 1804 Farnam tjt. A. DON'AGHUE. 1423 Harney. Doug. 1001. CEMETERIES WEST LAWN offers sympathetic service la sudden sorrow; perpetual cart: no aesess ; meats; lots on tasy terms. Phone WaU 120. lost-found-rewards OMAUA ft COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY company. Persons having lost torn artlelo would do wtll to call t) i tho offlct of tht Omsha Council Bluffi 8trt Railway company to crtln wbther thsy loft it ia tbt ttrttt car. Many arttclta tach day art turned la and tht company la anxlout to rettort them to tht rightful owners. IV TOU loit anything and will advtrtlit It htrt you will aurtiy racover it ir Kuna by an honest person. If you fh.d any. thine of valut tht honest wty la to ad vertise for tht owinr. LOST Gold puree In Brandels more, with namt on Inalrie. Libers! reward. Mra. c. If. Aahton, Harney 6437, LOST Marten scsrf, Saturday afternoon, Call Douglas 10(7. Reward. For Sale MucelUneoeua Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION SALE Saturday March 23, 1918 . ' . PIANOS. TALKING MACHINES, PARLOR FURNITURE, SEWING MACHINES. DRESSERS, BEDS, DRESSING TABLES, WARD ROBES, COMMODES, LIBRART, TABLES, PINING TABLES, .CHAIRS, ROCKERS, BUFFETS, BOOKCASES. CHINA CLOSETS, DAVENPORTS, RANGES, GAS RANGES. KITCHEN CABINETS. REFRIGERATORS. OAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURE8, COM- ' PLETE SODA FOUNTAIN OUT FIT, TRUNKS, RUGS, CARPETS, LINOLEUM. LACE CURTAINS, LINEN, CHINA, PICTURES, ETC, V Fidelity Storage and Van Company , . IT BUTH 11TH STREET. ' (Between Jackaon and Jones Sts.) Saturday, march is, iji. JAMES L. DOWD AUCTION CO., Auctioneers. - 1 ! I ' THOUSAND8OF DOLLARS WORTHOF FURNITURE. RUGS. STOVES ETC. Our Surplus Stock. MUST BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST. Buy Now and Gat First Choice. . Tbt choicest home furnishings 'bat money can buy. We make a tpeoialty of complete' home outfits, alto botsls and rooming houses. Railroad fart (rtt to all out-of-town buytra within 10 miles of Omaha on purchases of 120 or more, STATU FURNITURE CO.. Tel Doug. 1817. Cor 14th and Dodgt Its., Omaha. "Ton Can Buy It for Leas at tht Slate." BARGAINS IN STOVES AND FUrWuRBT Beds, springs, mattresses, bedding of all kinds, tables, chairs, china and kitchen ce bleats, rugs and linoleum, 1839-1147 N. 14th St, Webster 1C07. Optn till p. m. ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Full lint of furnlturt, gas and coal oil stores. rugs, baby carriages, trunks, ato. Loyal Furn. Co., 321 N. 16th. FOR SALE Ntw high-class walnut drtater and ehtffloner. Walnut 124. ORIENTAL RUG bargalna, selling all stock Invoice prices, your last chance to buy . "'"' "gs, 111 8. ltth St. bjish right oown ana get your share or all Kinas oi lurnuuro at a sacruics out n. ism W I I I I TJtansta mis A M,, el.- a 1 TnBtrnn,.nt. ' .muwivii... A. HOSPB CO., 1M1 Douglas, have pianos to rent at 13.10 per month, or will sell oa assy terms. Machinery and Engines. FOR SALE A steam boiler, 40-H.-F., and 25- 1I.-P, engine; one pressed brick machine, with all accessories, 40 feet rubber belt ing. Address John Faulk, Btromsburg, Nebraska. Sewine Machines. SEWING MACHINES Wo rent, repair, sell nttdlea and parti ol all sewing machines. MICKEL'S ' NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., ltth and Harney Sts. Doug. 111. v Nurseries. Seeds and Plants. 6HIO seed potatoes, ItJii pr bushel, 1101 Newport Ave. Colfax 2231. Store and Office Fixtures. WB have moved to new location. We buy, tell and make desks, ssfes. ehoweatea. shelving, etc Omaha Fliture A Supply Co., b. w. cor. ntn ana Douglaa, D. 1734. Typewriters and Supplies. FOR RENT Remington, Monarch and Smith Premier typewriters. Sent anywhere. Rental supplies on purchases. . Remington Typewriter Company, Nineteenth and Douglas otreeta TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Bent an Oliver 1 months for It. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1901 Farnam. WB buy. eell and exchange typewriters: f. :T-J?JrWl"Zr Hat. Midland Typewriter Co.. 404 Dodge. OLD Dutch line ribbon and carbon. Tou try I It before you buy it from Hlatt 1120 1st National Bank. Tyler 1411. Miscellaneous. 200,000 good common brick, 110,000 flrt rrlck. Also a lot of shafting, bangers and pulleys. All ss good aa nsw. Apply at tht Omaha Brick At Tilt Co. yard. Id and Hickory Sts. Doug. t. Alfred Thomas, Trustee. 104 First Nst'I. Bank. FOR BALK 1,000 opera chairs and scenery I In one of Omaha theaters. CASSEL REALTY COMPANY, 122 Bee Bldg. Telephone Doug. S1SI. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathers steamed. renovated and made up In new feathar I proof ticking. 1107 Cuming. Doug. 1417. WHISKY and wine barrels (empty) for sale. Nevlns A Schwlen. 411 Felix street. Stoseph, Mo. SWAPPERS' COLUMN ECONOMIZE IN WAR TIME. ' Trade those articles of furniture, cloth ing, personal belongings, etc., thst you hava no need ot Gtt something you can use. Special rats for ads In Swappers' Column 26o for S-ltne adv. I days and 3o par I answer for a., letters received. Business ads regular rates. WILL trade grade piano and caoh for I new auto. Btx 4330. Omaha Bee. DIAMONDS Jewelry for rifles, shot guns. closing. Frledmsn. 111 Douglas. WILL exchange new piano er player piano tor goon Ford far. Douglas nasi. Bee Want Ads Bring Results. WANTED TO BUY teeW WANTED Old fa lee tefHh, crowns nd bridges. Wt pay from 13- to 120 per st Send by parcel post and ws send check by return mall subje-t to your, approval. Jackson's Dental Depot. Davenport. Iowa. DESKS DESKS DESKS New deaka. used desks bought sold and traded. J. C. "Reed. 1301 Farnam. D. 4146. JUNK ami second-hand furniture, and Wlsblttt. . Vb. 10. t Ll'stilo announcements Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON. aide, knife, sunburst, box pltatlnf, covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot tdglng, Eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. 100-101 Brown Bids. Douglas 1934 HEMSTITCHING PLEATING. BUTTONS. O. U. VanArnara Pleating Co. 131-T Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 1101. Baths. LaBELLE Bath Inatltute; electric and tialn bathe; massage nt all kinds: expert at tendsnts. f 1508 Harney. Douglaa 704b. MASSEUSE, baths, manicuring physical cult. Miss Walker, 224 Neville Blk. Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Ste. Billiard Parlors. Private tables ior parties at Holmes'. Baggage and Express. I REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS CO MP ANT will haul everything for you. Packages lesa than 20 lbs., It cents. Doug. 411. THE ONLY WAYS THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Carpenters and Contractors. LESSARD ft BON. 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1111. Chiropractors. Dr. J. C. Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. D. 1411. Dentists. Teft's Dent. Rnia.. 301 Boat Bldg. D. 218$. Dr. Bradbury. No paW. $21 W,vcT"w7Bldg Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING By day; work guaranteed. Tyler 2004 W. DRESSMAKING. Mlaa Sturdy. Douglas 1196. TKRRT Dressmaking Co.. 20th and Farnam. COMPETENT dresamaker by dayTlIar. 4TiT Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. 112 Neville Blk. Evidence tenured In all cases. Tyler 1131. Lumber and building Material SAVE HALF on beams, columns, brick. H. Gross Lumber and Wreck Co. Web. t'A4. Fixtures and Wiring. TiTTP'K'T'M Eleclrla washing, AS (J AVXYlll .Urtrln Iron and ri1li lamps. 8323 Cumjng St Dnug. tilt Hairdressing. NO WAR PRICES at Madam Wllaou't hair drsalng parlors. For medium head sham poo, curled and dresd, 80c. Give us a trial, we r best soap, 1610 Doughs St. Phone Red 1S70. -r Insurance. NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE? . INSURANCE COMPANY. tll-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2111. i Kodak Finishing. F"8 e.v,0Il', " 0" '"'l4, ., auuan uiuuivi iinriiisi AJiKia Hth and Harney. Jewelry. to bur back at small profit. GROSS. 401 N. Hth St. "Medical. PILES, fistula and other rectal 'diseases cured ' without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed. Write for book on rectal dis eases with testimonials. DR. E. R, TARRT, 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Osteopaths, DR. MABLE WESSON Tyler 2960, (14 Brandels Bldg, Res. Phone, 4741. 0y-Acetylene Welding. EXPERT WELDING OF ALL METAL. H. W, LEVERING. 109 S. 12th St. D. 3G7I, Patent Attorneys. STURGES 8TURGES, U. & and foreign paten ta and trademarks. 130 Bee Bldg. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and aoldr Inter national Patent Co., 613 Brandels. D. veil. Printing and Office Supplies.- Waters-Barnhsrt Ptg. Co., 124 H. 13th St. Plumbing and Heating. TOPP A CO.. 1711 Vinton street. Plumbing and healing; general repair work our specialty. Oil burner experts. Tyler Ills. Piano Tuning and Repairing. THATCHER. CHAS. H., 110 Harney, Doug. 1011, Expert toning and repairing. Pianos rebuilt and reflnlahed. Estimates Tree. W. R. Dalbey, piano tuner!Douglas 0297. Safes. SSFES BARGAINS. 1213 Farnam. J. J. Derlght Safe-Co. Tailors. Dledrlck. P. U, 1 8. 10th. Tailor. P. 2431. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 8. 11th. P. 121 Trusses. CLECO COMFORT TRUSSES. Fitted Perfectly by Experts. Tht W. O. Cleveland Co.. 1410-12 Harney St "v Voice Culture. Albert llaberstro- Baaso cantante. teacher cf ,nKnw, technique and repertoire. 8tu- die, 431 Securiges Bldg. Tyler 2467-J. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co., TeL.Douglas 144. llll il III W 1 I I I'BSB AUTOMOBILES Results from our an nouncement in the Sunday Bee are proof that honest values in used cars is a winner. Our stock is not as large but the following cars are as yet Ur your at tention. . 1916 Paige. 1917 Irvin Six Packard. 1917 Studebaker Six. ' 1917 Willys-Knight 8. 1917 Willvs Six. 1916 Overland 83. 1914 Ford Roadster. 1916 Ford Tourinp. , USED CAR DEPT., Van Brunt Automobile Co. 2401 Leavenworth. RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt: large stock used radiators on hand. Maahed fenders and lamps re paired like new. Highest prices paid for junk radiators. OMAHA RADIATOR. TIRB A AUTO WORKS. tl Cumlni 8t Omaha. Neb. NEW llxht Mitchell, alx sedan. I1.S50: Allen two-passenger. 1500. Several used trucks at bargain prices. One 117 Ford touring, 1350. STANDARD MOTOR CO., , 20J0 Farnam 81 . Car; Cbancstroiu, Manager. AUTOMOBILES Auto Parts Co. Used Car 'Bargains 1916 Dodgs Touring 1650 1917 Overland 90 1500 1916 Chevrolet 1300r- 1911 Chevrolet 1250 1913 Pierce Arrow Spe-dater. . .13)0 Used Truck Bargains 1316 Smith Form-a-Truck, with body ar.d cab 500 1917 Ford, with Hubbard one-ton at tachment 1400 1914 Republic one-ton. with cab 1600 These trucks are In first-clans shape and are ready to be put In immediate service. If youare looking for a light truck now Is your opportunity. All the above cars are in first class shape and sold with a money back guarantee. AUTO PARTS CO.. 215 Farnam- St. Douglas ' 4660. KELSET "Streamline" body makes old Ford new. Sol S. Goldstrom Co., distributor, 2187 Farnam street. Telephone Harney QUALITT USED CARS. ' Studebaker-Wllton, Inc. Wt have tbt best bargains. See us at once. Harney 171. Farnam and 26th Ave. ALL kinds of csrs for hire, with or with out driver, by the mile or by the hour. Fords. 10a per mile. Douglas 7390. Ne braska Service Garage. CUMING GARAGE. 2411 Cuming St. D. 2833. Storage, day and night 'ervlce, carbon burning, welding, general auto re pairing. BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS McCaffrey Motor Co., 16th and Jaattson. Ford Agents. Doug 4600 BARGAINS In lined cars. ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 40th snd Farnam. Harney 414 WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Acto Ex change Co., 2107 Farnam St. Dnug. 6036. NEW Ford cars for sale, monthly payments If desired. Answer strictly confidential. Box No. 35S5 Bee Publishing Co, OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKI ' ND CO., 2300 Farnam St. 1911 SMITH Form-a-Truck. Jues over- hauled. In good shape. Auto Parts Co., Douglas 4560. QUALITY , USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 20th and Harney Sts., Douglas 8290. WE ARK TUB USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO. 1910 Farnam St., Douglss 9070. A FEW 1911 Ford touring care. One uted 1917 Ford touring. 4001 S. 24th St. bo. 4360. GOOD USED CABS. , 1 OUT L. SMITH. 26th and Farnam Sts. Douglas 1970. WE BUY, SELL, REPAIR FORDS. Tell & BinKIy, Doug. 1640 2111 Ham it St BATTERIES CHARGED AND REPAIRED Ever Ready Battery Station. 1206 Farnam. Auto Bodies. NOW IS THE TIME TO PAINT TOUR AUTO. WM. PFEIFFER AUTO A CAR RIAGE WKS.. 2525 Leavenworth. Ty. 101. Auto Tires and Supplies. GUARANTEED TIRES , ONE HALF PRICE. 2000 Miles guaranteed. n03 17.76: 30x3H 18.75: 32l34 $10.15; 33x4 113.35; 34x4 113.25; 35x4 '4 115.60 Write us today for particulars. AGENTS WANTED. Expert Radiator and Tire Repairing "2 IN 1" VULCANIZING CO., 1511 Davenport St Omaha, D 2914. FORD TIRES. 10x3 1 1.46 10S4 11.10 J.ono-Mlle Guarantee. THE TIRE SHOP. 2511 Farnam St. Douglat 4271. TIRES AT HALF PRICE. ALL SIZES NEW 30x1 Firestone. 11.00: Ford tubes. 12; NEW 30x314 Non-Skid. FIrestones, 11 3.x I K AIMAN 8 TIRE JOBBERS. 1721 CUMING. SAVE 60 PER CENT ON YOUR TIRES G. O. Tire end Vulcanising Co., 1411 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-W., TIRE price wreckers. This is no 2-in-l tire. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY, 422 8. 13th. Agts wanted. Omaha, Neb. BUT Lee puncture-proof pneumatic tires and eliminate your tire troubles; Powell Supply Co., 2051 Farnam St Auto Livery and Garages. RENT a FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF. lOo a mile, S5o per hour minimum charge. N (Expect Sundsys snd holidays.) FORD LIVERT CO., Douglas 1623. 1114 Howard St. Auto Repairing and Painting. PHONE HARXET 2907 for auto DELAY A BEAU W. Farnam Garage. S527 Farnam. Now open. Give ua a trial. EDWARDS, E. S., 2611 19th Bt Web ater 1102. For best results with repair work consult us. Starters and Generators Repaired. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto, lit 8. llth St. Douglas 6483. We repair any storage battery,' guaran teelng aame for six months. OMAHA BATTERY AND SERVICE CO., 2212 Harney St Tyltr 3394. Motorcycles and Bicycle H A R L E T-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines. Victor H. Roos, the Motorcycle Man. 27th and Leav enworth. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Grocery store doing an exceptionally good business. West ern Nebraska town of 7,000 popula tion. Situation is the best in town, Good chance for increase in busi- - , i ness. van state reason jor selling to interested parties. Box Y 450 Umaha Bee. WE WANT to give you absolutely free 1110 to 1500 atock, prospective value 12,000 to 110,000 In a rapidly growing incorporated manufacturing company. No business, per haps, possesses such possibilities tor enor mous" earnings. Nor any. according to history of the Industry, which is mora cer tain of great success. Write today, w.lh out obligation, for particulars. Canada Bon Sales Co., 1222 Standard Bank Uldg. Vancouver. Canada. A REAL BARGAIN FOR CASH It taken at once; new SSx7l-foot brick garage, on mam atreet; 22 blocks pavement In best garage town In southwest Iowa; lota of business, or will Invoice atock and lease building, n. B. Anderson, Malvern, la WANTED To correspond with a competent brick maker. One who understand.! all about preparing and laying out a brick' yard. Write J. M. MOTT, ' Ketnxarer. Wjo. MOTION picture machine bargains, new and retuuit. fully guaranteed. kAII suppllea omana Him Eschsnge, 109 South llth St. DRUG store for sale. Part cash. Sales 1 1 9.000 year. Hecker's pharmacy. Hunt' phrey. Neb. FOR SALE Meat .market: fine business. Writs ukk to Bos X-iii, Omaha Boo. BUSINESS CHANCES BUSINESSES furnished and sold. All states. F. V. Knlest. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. MEDICAL WHT SUFFER! Latest and most Scientific Treatment for All Diseases. Dr. Charlea Barnes. 611-22 8ecurties Bldg. Examina tion and Consultation free. He (a reliev ing thoussnds. WHT NOT TOU 7 Delays are dangerous. If you can't call, write, v. Hours: 9 s. m. to 6 p. m.. 7:30 to 140 evenings. Sunday, 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation. Ckll or write. Dr. Frsnk H. Wray 306 Bee Bldg. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Home eo Helta your old clothing, furniture, maga tines. We collect Wt distribute. Pbont Doug. 4126 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new homo. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. OMAHA Bath Inst Electric, stesm or tub baths, massages of all kinds. 221 Neville Blk. Doug. 7311. ltth and Harney Sts. MISS FISHER, sulphur, stesm batha and massage. 171 Bran. Thea. Bldg. D. 1161. MAE BRUOMAN. sclentlflo masseuse and baths. 201 Karbach Blk. Red 2727. VAPOR and tub batha Massages of all kinds. Rm. I, 1506 Harney. Doug. 704S. Manicuring (Healer) and scalp treatment. For appointment call Ty. 1031. 702 S. 24th. PRIVATE licensed maternity home. 4411 N. 18th t8. Phone Colfax 2042. MECHANOTHERAPY, Massage. Halran, 223 Neville Blk. Mlas BATH and mas?age. 1202 Farnam St., Room 2. Phone Douglas 1751. Manicuring and mass. 1623 Farnam. R. It. MISS WEST, manicure, mass.. 210 N. 17th. SCIENTIFIC mass. Ell Paxton Blk. X. 6372. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. I WANT 'a permanent position with a fair salary and good prospects for advance ment In a growing Omaha concern; 1 can do general office work; I have a good record; 1 have good references; I have a f good character, and I have lots of am bition : also some advertising experience. Box 2121, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED dry goods clerk epsn for , position; married man; past draft age; It years' experience; good window trimmer and stockkeeper; capable of mamvger. Best of references. Box T-455, Omaha Bee, WANTED By competent Ford mechanic . position in some smaller town. Am mar ried, not subject to draft Am at present employed. Stats wages you will pay. I havs good reasons for wanting to change. Write to Bert 'Williams, 1700 Avenue A, Council Bluffs, Ia, YOUNG man with five years' experience de aires position as time keeper or construc tion clerk with construction company. No objection to leaving city. Box 4141, Oma ha Bee. SITUATION wanted by comp., exp. grocery clerk, who Is also a capable window trim mer and card writer ref. ;- marrlod. Ad dress R. E. Thompson, Coliseum Hotel, Hutchinson, Ksn. HONEST trustworthy man wants work in private family. Is licensed fireman. Can do any kind ci work. Phone Douglas 6566. WANTED Job on farm or ranch the year 'round by married man; state wages when write. Box 153, Dallas. 8. D. EXPERIENCED chauffeur, gardener, and machinist wishes position. Peto D. Mare, 1441 South J4th St. s Chauffeur wants work In private family or truck driving. Phone Web. 4627. YOUNG man wants position aa collector. Telephone Coif as 2171. Female. WANTED A position ss housekeeper or with a small family, by a young woman with 3-year-old boy; city references. CoL 2270. 6418 North 33d Ave. ' RELIABLE dressmaker wants sewine by da,y or at home. Call after I p. m. V eb. 6291. POSITION as housekeeper for elderly couple or widow. Box 4081. Omaha Bee. TYPEWRITING at home. Exp. typist. Ty. 1386-W. Laundry and general housework. Tyler 2987. Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED laundress, washing. Ironing and housework by day. Satisfaction given. Web. 3680. WASHINO Rough, dry or finished: blankets and curtains specialty; soft water. Wal, M33. BUNDLE washing to take home work guaranteed. Webster. 4309. RELIABLE colored woman wants day work. Lula Moody. Web. 698. RELIABLE colored woman want day wcrk. Call Webster 1302. HOME LAUNDERED, rough, guaranteed. Walnut 2765. BUNDLE washing, rough dry and finished. Red 6673. Exp. lady wants houaeclesnlng and launc'.ry. Doug. 1673. DAY aorVand bundle washing. Web. 1088, EVP lniinrirn for dav work. Web. 1867 BUNDLE washing w-.nted. Walnut 2 '.69 CURTAINS laundered; w'k guar. Har. 1130. Colored lady wants day work. Har. 4406. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. YOU MEN WHO HIRE AND FIRE Advertise for 'help" the ssmo way you advertise to sell merchandise, and tba difference In returns will surprise you. The next time you need help call Tyler 1000. A trained and experienced ad taker will asaist you In- preparing your advertisement BILL CLERK. TYPIST... 150 2 BOYS. BANK 140-160 STOCK ROOM BOY 150 CLERK, (some Bkkpg. knowledge) .. .190 I STENOGRAPHERS 160-180-190 TTPISTS 150-171 THE CANO AGENCY. Ol BEE BLDG, STENOGRAPHER. 190-1130. Steno, lmplt menta, 180. Ledger clerk, $76. Accountant $150. Bookkeeper, $100. Price clerk and typist. $75. Office clerk, $65. Office boy. 135-145. Office clerk. 160. THE MARTI SERVICE, 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS Omaha soon; men desiring government positions, departmental, postofftce, railway mail. customs, write for free particulars to J C. Leonard (former government examiner) 624 Kenola Bldg., Washington. WE WANT STENOGRAPHERS, BOOK KEEPERS, CLERKS AND ALL KINDS OF OFFICE HELP. SEE US AT ONCE FOR A GOOD POSITION. THE CANO AGENCY, 100 BEE BLDG, WANTED Toung man. 22 to 25 yea a of age, aa casnier ana oooaaeeper. u.i Ber ing some experience In selling prof aired. Good, steady position, juicou ine xauor, 211 S. l&th St BOOKKEEPER. Council Bluffs. $100. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASSN BOOKKEEPERS. $150. $125, $100, $90. $85. Steno.. 190. Typist $90. Office elk , $C0, WATTS REF. CO.. 1131 1st National Bank. High grade commercial positions. No filing tee. Co-OperatWe Ref. Co.. 101S City Nat'L TEusnaiRT office clerk. 190-tlOOv WESTERN REFERENCE ft BOND A3S N HELP WANTED MALE Professions and Trades. -WANTED- We can use a limited number of men between v 21 and 40 years of age as CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN. Steady, healthful em ployment. Must be physically sound, of goodveharacter and habits and come well recommended. Apply in person at of fice of superintendent of transportation, Room 205, second floor Merchants ' National Bank building. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. 21 MEN AND BOYS OVER II TEARS OF AGE, WANTED AT ONCE. - APPLT AT OFFICE SCOTT-OMAHA TENT & AWNING CO., 1601 HOWARD ST. , WANTED FEW GOOD T.IEN STEADY WORK; CALL AT MILL,' EAST OMAHA. OMAHA-ALFALFA MILLING CO., EAST OMAHA. . WANTED At once a harness maker over draft age, capable ot running a Landta machine. One that wants a steady Job the year round. Please state wages wanted. 612 CentralAve.. Fort PodgJ. Ia. WANTED First class men tfT lay out sash and doors and operate molder machines. Also experienced bench men. Address Cen tral Nebraska Mtllwork Co., Hastings, Neb. MECHANIC WANTED Must be first class repairman: wnlte or arrply in person. v MANDEL AUTO REPAIR COMPANY, NEW shop wants experienced tire repair man; give full particulars aa to, wages and employment Box 4362, Omaha Bee. ' REGISTERED PHARMACIST Wanted, top wages; no one afraid 'to work to apply. Box Y 448 Omaha Bee. WANTED Furniture handler or packer; one with experience preferred. Apply Orchard Wllhelm Co., 414-18 S. 16th St. WANTED Experienced druggist. Must be thorouhly competent. Address Bt. Jo seph Drug Co., St. Joseph, Mo. WANTED First-class druggist. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., general office, 2d floor. 19th and Farnam St. WANTED Ten carpenters, finishers; 66 cents per hour; new hotel. Franklin, Neb. LEARN barber trade, low ratea now. Call or write Barber College. 1124 Douglas 8t EXPERIENCED scaler, $60 to $75. WATTS REF. CO.. 1138 1st Nat'l Bank. WANTED Experienced meat cutters. Apply Washington Market, 1407 Douglas St. WANTED A milker. Box 211, Millard, Neb., or Phone Cherry 652. WANTED Upholsterer for furniture depsrt- ment Box 41405 Bee. MEN for factory work. Nebraska ft Iowa Steel Tank Co. PAPER hangers wanted. Call Webster 133. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN WANTED BIG OPPORTUNITY FOR A FEW GOOD SALESMEN WITH CLEAN REC ORDS AND CREDENTIALS; EXPERI ENCED IN SELLING STOCK. INSl'R ANCB AND ADVERTISING. OUR PROPOSITION 18 BACKED BT MOST PROMINENT BUSINE8S MEN IN 40WA. IF TOU ARE A $5,000 MAN TOU CAN MAKE $10,000 ON TTIIS PROPOSITION; CONDITIONS HERE ARE MOST PROS PEROU8. ADVANCE ARTISTS ARE NOT WANTED. FOR FURTHER INFORMA TION WRITE OR COMB AT ONCE BE. FORE TERRITORT IS ALL ASSIGNED. W. E. LEVET. SALES DIRECTOR. 710-711 SECURITIES BLDG. PES MOINES. IA. WANTS P EXPERIENCED - SALESMEN "FOR SILK DEPARTMENT. AL80 8EV EP.AL SALESMEN FOR GROCERT DE PARTMENT: STEADY POSITIONS AND GOOD WAGES TO COMPETENT PEO PLE. APPLY TO SUPERINTENDENT. HATDEN BROS. WANTED Six stock salesmen to see stock in a well established corporation. G. H. LYNCH, 350 Omaha Nat'l. MANAGER If you are capable of or ganising and managing a sales force ot from 10 to 20 men, get in touch with me. -I will convince you that my proposition is right and your Income will not bo less than $6,000 per year. No stock Insursnce or real estate nroDOsitlon. but a "wst baby." Call or write H. E. Christian, room I. third floor. Odd Fellowt Bldg, Council Bluffs. Ia. Phone 626 SALESMAN WANTED by large house to cover Iowa. Must be experienced in tne sale of Paints.- Varnishes, etc. wltn i previous successful selling record. Ap pllcants-will please state experience, re ference. and sslary expected. Good op nortunltv to right party. Box T 459 Omaha Bee. ; WE have an exceptional opening for a spe cialty salesman, who la experienced in aelllne- direct to the user and who la ca j?able of appointing county agents. The Kerrlhard Co., u nee mag., uroint WANTED, EXPERIENCED SALES PEOPLE IN SHOE DEPARTMENT. PERMANENT POSITIONS AND GOOD SALART. AP PLY SUPERINTENDENT BRANDEIS STORES. SIX STOCK SALESMEN TO SELL AN I PER CENT PREFERRED PARTIdPAT INO STOCK IN AN ENTERPRISE OF MERIT NOW DOING BUSINESS; LIB ERAL SALART, EXPENSES AND COM MISSION. THE CANO AGENCY, 101 BEE BLDG. HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN Men of ability and charade! who can qualify on a real proposition, rne demand for our commodity ts created ttf tho government under the War Income Tax Law. Our men are all sattafled with their Income. Are you 7 Call or write H. E. Chrlstlsn. Room I, third floor. Odd Fellows Bldg., Council Bluffs, la. Phont 621 Agents and Canvasser BUILD a business of your own: enjoy in dependence: sell our 15.000 Health and Ac cident Policy with $15 weekly benefit for $10 yearly: you get all profits on yearly renewals: write today. North American Aecident Insurance Co., 809 Bonnell Bldg., Newark, N. J. Trade Schools. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOU Learn in six weeks, no books; easy to learn; rfree catalogue. .National Auto School. 1814 N. 20th St., Omaha', Neb. BOTH men and women to. learn the barber trade. Special rates. Call or write 1402 Dodge. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. Boys. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR BRIGHT BOY Apply. CUDAHY OFFICE, South Side WE HAvfi POSITIONS FOR A DOZES BOYS FROM 16 TO 25 TEARS OLD. SEE US QUICK. THE CANO AGENCY. 600 BEE BLDG. OFFICE BOY, fine uptown office, $35-$4o. TH E MARTI SERVICE, 1317 W. O. W. Bid. WANTED Good office boy. Field-HamlN ton -Smith Paper Co.. 1114 Harney. Miscellaneous. WANTED j 25 FREIGHT HANDLERS; STEAD! WORK; CAN USE 16 COLORED MEN CHICAGO ft NORTHWESTERN P.AIL WAT, HTH AND DAVENPORT STS. WANTED, FREIGHT HANDLERS. APrLT AMERICAN EXPRESS CO., UNION STATION. MEN WANTED, AGE 21 TO 60, FOR GENERAL TART) WORK, STEADY JOB FOR GOOD MEN, APPLY TO TIMF,KEEPER, UNION STOCK YARDS CO., SOUTH OMAHA. HELP WANTED Male and Female. THOUSANDS government war positions wanted. $100 - open. Men and women month. Write for list. Franklin Insti tute. Dept. 232 C. Rochester. N, Y. WANTED Man and wife to work on farm, man to operate new Avery tractor, wife to cook for 5 or 6 persons. Good wages. Box 4298, Omaha Bee. MOLER Barber College wants young men and ladles to learn the bsrber trade. Call or write for free catalogue, 110 S. 14th 8t. Omaha. Neb. ' HELP WANTED-FEMALE Stores and Offices. - v EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER wanted for bank, located In county seat town ot 3,000 people, within 60 mllea of Omaha: banking experience not necessary; salary $76 to start and bonua amounting to $10 per month. THE CHARLES E. WALTERS COMPANY. 1434 First National Ban:: Bldg. Omaha. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMNIATIONS In Oma ha soon; women desiring clerkships, post office, government departments, sten ographers, write for free particulars to J. C. Leonard (former government ex aminer), 524 KenojsBldgJI'ashingJ .' 5 TYPISTS $TO-$50-$60-$75-$90 ' STENO. BKKPR., out of city..$S0-$90 6 STENOGRAPHERS $61-$75 ASSISTANT BILL CLERK $45-$50 3 FILE CLERKS $30 $35 THE CANO AGENCY. 600 BEE BI.DO. WE WANT STENOGRAPHERS, BOOK KEEPERS AND OFFICE HELP OF ALL KINDS. SEE US QUICK FOR A GOOD POSITION. THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. TYPEWRITER OPERATOR. -50; . Steno.. $70; Steno., $65; Dictaphone Opr., $65; Comptometer Opr.. $65; Offieo Clerk, $40( ft THE MARTI SERVICE. 1317 W. O. W. Bid. r STENOGRAPHERS, $90. $5. $76, $65, $50. : Typist. $75. Steno and clerk, $60. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 1st Nat'l Bank. Stenographers and bookkeepers. See us for ' positions: no filing fee. Mrs. Spence, Mgr. CO-OPERATIVE REF. CO., 1015 City Nat l. WANTED An experienced stenographer. Apply Washington Market, 1407 Douglas street. STENOGRAPHER for Jaw office; state age, experience, qualiflcamns and salary ex pected. Box 4267. Omaha Bee. WANTED 3 b-ight young women for clerl- cal work In store. Phone Tyler 2206. STENOGRAPHER, beginner, $50. ' WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N.' Professions an$ Trades. -Tf, : 25 GIRLS ' For hand work on -army supplies. No experience necessary. 18c per hour 1st month. 19c per hour 2d month. 20c per hour thereafter. APPLY ALBERT MATHER. FOREMAN. 1ST FL. SCOTT-OMAHA TENT & AWNING CO. 1501 Howard St. THE .Nebraska Telephone company offers aa exceptional opportunity to young ladles to learn !ocai and longdistance telepbona operating. Permanent positions, uppor tunttles for advancement good. wage. A aalary paid while learning. Parerta desiring to scqualnt themseHei with the working conditions or any otbe-4 details are apeclally Invited to accompto" tho applicants. Apply to C F. Lambert, 1807, . Douglas street.. - 0