1HE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1918. tr-l Adelaide Kennerly w TE. tt. w r tt Ella Fleishmaii ASS'T.BDITOR. . Jggj Spnwjpr Bnnas Thoughts and Opening . .'' ' 'Sy MELLIFICIA, March 20. WITH, the first touch of green on the hills and the lilting note of the meadow lark is heard the thoughts of Omahans begin to turn to their country homes. Suddenly there is an insatiable desire for rakes and hoes, seed catalogues supplant the newest fiction and the chief topic of con versation about the tea tables consists of beans, turnips and potatoes. Omaha boasts of a number of charming country places. "Aloha the home f the A. L. Reeds,, will be opened the first of April this year and already the grounds are being put in shape for the summer sea son. Thr-workHs'-not left entirely to gardeners, however, for Mrs. Reed is a most successful out-door worker, herself, .and she may "be found in her garden almost every summer morning. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Learned will move to Jheir home, "WaldetK.Wood," thf middle of next month. Mr. Learned plans to do farming on an extensive scale this year, as he will have 20 acres of potatoes, corn and green garden truck. The lure of the "green things growing" will call the C C Allisons very early in the spring this year, too. "Rosemere Lodge" is one of the most at tractive homes and its hospitable doors, are always open during the summer season. Numbers of delightful affairs are given at the lodge during the sum mer months, as Miss-Grace Allison is hostess at many an informal dance or dinner party at this delightful spot. "Maxwelton, the homer ot Mr; and Mrs. Lowne. Lhtlds, wtll be dark and lonely this season, for its charming mistress will be in the east, where Mr. and Mrs. Childs will make their home. ' ' - i "Kirkwood" is' a most delightful spot in the warm days and many a machine load of jolly young people motor out for picnics. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Kirkendall have not lived there for some time, but the house is always in readiness for any party. , Wagner-Guinter Nuptials, A .most effective setting of green produced by a profusion of palms and ferns will be used this evening in the First Presbyterian church in Dundee for the marriage of Miss Elleene Guinter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Guinter. to Mr. Russell E. Wag ner, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wag ner. Rev. H. B. Foster will read the marriage lines. The wedding will be very simple one. onlv the relatives and a tew close friends being present at the ceremony. The bride and bridegroom will bt un attended, i ' ' The bride will wear her travelling suit of midnieht blue veloua, witn a hat of blue and tan georgette trim-med- with rose colored flowers. A corsage bouquet 'of sweet peas will complete her costume. A wedding supper will be served at the Blackstone following the cere mony. The vari-colored sweet peas will be used oh the table and covers will be laid for the members of the two families,' whd will include Mr. N. E. Guinter of St. Paul, : uncle of the bride, who was aft out-of-town guest' at the-wedding. " .Aftei-an eastern wedding trip, the young couple will make their home in Omaha.' ' " .'' : Gabby Detayls rumored the . en gagement of the young couple some weeks ago.' This' bride is a most at tractive gir!. 'She' attended Brownelt hall for three years and graduated from the Ward Belmont1 school in Nashville, Tenn., in February. . Fraternity Reunion. A few memhers of the Silver Lynx fraternity held a meeting -'Tuesday evening at the home of Mf. Wilbur Haynes in honor of two members, Thomas Reese and Kenneth Corn-sh, formerly of Shelby,. Neb., who stopped in Omaha enroute to the naval ,, aviation school' at Camp Dewey. The two .men have had preparatory., training at the .. Great Lakes naval ' training' statipn. . Clif ford ReinBirge. Neuman and.. Tack Eldredge of Lincoln were guests a the affair, also.GUiejrt. Eldredge. Rus sell Oarkv CafL-Amick and Cnanes Weymuller. ... Food Sales. ' .'- The Womin's Auxiliary, of the All Saints' church will hold a-' food sale at the David Cole creamery Thurs day. A specialty of doughnuts will be made. - The "women in charge will be Mrs. Lois J. Cochrane, Mrs. J. R. Inktser and Mrs1. W. P. O'Brien. The women of the . Central Con- gregationap church will ' hold their "tguiar sale saturaay au aay ac ine . i r . , , mit eamery. ; Doughnuts, war oreads, cakes and cookies will be on. sale. Theater Parties. . s -- Mr.' and Mrs. J. E. Davidson will entertain six guests at a theater party at the Boyd Thursday evening. Mr, Fxed Hamilton will hive six guests, F. J. Fitzgerald will entertain a party of five, and foursomes will be given by'F W, Thomas, E. T. Swobe, Clarke Coit, George Thummel, T. Russell and M. C. Peters. Club Musicale. ' ' , A musicale will be given at the Prettiest Mile club this evening. Mus ical numbers will be given by the different members of the club. ,Mrs. V. B. Benedict, Mrs. J. MV.Sturde vant and Mrs. J. H. Price' are the committee in charge of the affair. , PiT8(n)niails Mrs. A. C Pancoast is spending a few days at the Elms hotel at Ex .celsior Springs. ' ',' Mrs. , Philip Potter Jeft Tuesday for i two weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs. H. C. Weed, and Mr. Weed,, in St. Louis. : : Miss Helen Eastman will not be home for EasteT this year, as the vacation will ndt be granted the Art institute. r ' Miss Kathryn -Ostenberg and Miss -Arvis Carter will arrive Friday from the Mount Ida school in Boston to spend the Easter" vacation with Miss Ostenberg's parents, Mr. and Mrs, William H.f Ostenberg. . . ( Myrl Swope has returned to' Fort Bliss, Texas, after spending a 15 day furlough with his parents, Mr. i and Mrs. J. M. Swope, and his sister. ? Mrs.,. T. V. Tujly, jr. A number: of informal affairs have been given in his honor during his stay. Francis W. Reynolds, who has been the guest of his brother, Mr. Tom Reynolds, and Mrs. Reynolds, will leave Wednesday for Berkely, Cal, where he will enter' the school of aeronautics.' Mr. Reynolds is, an Omaha ..man and for the past : five years has been'dbing government en gineering work. ; Dr. Olga Stastney has beat) named as -a -member of '.the executive com mittee of.tb Woman's Liberty Loan of Gcdehvrig of Lovely Country Places Lincoln Girl Bride Of Omaha Officer Noble-Proudfit Wedding. A military wedding of great interest is that of Miss Alice Proudfit, daugh ter of Mr. ; and Mrs. R. S. Proudfit, and Lieutenant Will F.' Noble, son of Mr." and Mrs. G. W Noble of this city. The ceremony took place Monday aft ernoon'at the First Baptist church at St. ' Augustine, Fla, The young coupfe are now staying at the Hotel Alcazar", St. Augustine, Mrs. Noble re maining, until Lieutenant Noble is or dered abroad, which will probably be very soon. The bride is very well known In Omaha', as the romance began at the University of Nebraska, of which col lege both ar; graduates. - Mrs. Noble is a member of the Kappa Alpha iheta sorority. I he bride s brother, George Proudfit, married the sister of Mrs. Ralph Peters, and thev now live in .Lincoln.-,. Another brother. Lieu tenant Frank Proudfit, is now in the service overseas, a member of the quartermaster s corns. Mrs. Proudfit. the bride's mother, was present at the wedding. Lieutenant Noble was a member of the famous peace expedition soon sored .by Henry Ford. He received his commission at the first officers' training camp at Fort Snelling, and was assigned to Camp Dodge for a iewmontns. m November he was " T T -fl . iu wnip josepn jonnson at jacK- sonville, Fla., where he has been commanding first lieutenant of Com pany D. motor, supply train. The young officers a member of the Kap pa.Psi fraternity. v Red Cross Collects Clothing for Needy In Suffering Belgium When you t?ie your offerings of clothing for the destitute people of Belgium and nortliern t ranee to the Auditorium for collection byi the Red Cross, you must not put any notes m me pocKets, ine Ked Cross and the commission for relief in Belgium would pe open to the charge of trick cry if you do. ' . You . must; not give anything that nas rupDer in -it, not even garters, nor stiff hat of st,iaw or -felt. Every ining must De; mended and all ar ticles will be cleaned and sterilized before shipment is made Word comes from the sufferers that they need among other things, pin atores, shawls, knitted caps and ciotn nats. ihen here are, of course, the ordinary suits, coats, shoes, stockings. Men want overalls, underwear, suits, jerseys; boys need shirts, socks; tne gins, dresses, night gowns, petti coats and shoes, and the babies need everything that a baby wears. The Red Cross unit of the Omekro E-Xrma club will meet Thursday at 7:30 at theSocial settlement. - Mrs. Walter Silver, chairman of the surgical dressings department, has gone to Chicago, called there by the death of a relative. She will return the latter part of the week. Mrs. R, B. Zachary, vice chairman, is in charge during her absence. One of the latest additions to the new Red Cross rooms in the Masonic teihple is a very large map of Omaha on which small red buttons mark the number and location of each of the 155 auxiliaries now working in this city. - This map is valuable to the driver who takes the supplies to the work centers, it enables the directors to send Workers to an auxiliary conveni ent to their homes and prevents the establishing of auxiliaries in neighbor hoods where others are already oper- Red Cfs !Mts Milqpuiy f Modern M: Em 1 A new job came to you yesterday without a definite shape! Its worth is up to you. By ADELAIDE KENNERLY. ANEW JOB came to y6u yesterday. It had no definite shape just the same little job that comes to us all. You know the kind 1 . There isn't even a guide to show you the way to bring this new job this almost nothing-r-from obscurity into prominence. It brought no plans? Well, what of thatl None of them do. , ' And now you complain because it is small. Freely it came into your hads as a piece of plastic clay this little job that is entirely dependent on you. Will you mangle this clay or mould it? Will you smile upon it or scold it? Remember, it's entirely up to you. Can you make of it a colossal thing? Or, in the end, will there be noth ing to show for your work except a conglomeration of efforts misdirected, time wasted because interest was lacking, and because there was no love of labor? Will you and your job. that's only a baby job now, go down with the drifting tide of humanity into insignificance? Or can you bring up this charge to meet your fondest dreams? Put into your new little job a life, a soul, to grow and make you proud; bend every effort; tap all your resources before you give up and sink under a failure s cloud.- And remember, it s all up to you. You nd your job must be friends, not foes, or it will sicken and die. If you drag along bemoaning your fate, your chances to win are lost. Meet your new little job with a smile each day and a welcome in your, heart. Say to it: , "You're a baby now, but I shall try with my might to develop a worth while adult. I'll work with you, pray tor you, and sometimes fight for you. You are just like all other jobs. I am the jockey and you are the horse we start under the wire of chance all together, we winners and losers Some fall by the wayside and many keep up all the way at a modest pace. "The winners? "Why they smile and smile from the very beginning. Even though they may cry and have heartaches, they smile, because they have faith and courage ana love for work. "I know you are small merely a chancebut you shall be mighty some day, and it is I who will nourish you with labor and love." Take heart, you person with new little jobs of almost no consequence. A job is only the reflection of the man or woman who handles it. "Tall oaks from little acorns grow," and your job is what you make it. Actress Collects "Smokes' for Thespian In the Trenches A certain little actress sat waiting for her cue one evening and to while away the time she picked up a theatri cal magazine. Turning the pages she spied a letter 'headed "Somewhere in France." It was from a lonely soldier boy who had been an actor, too, be fore his enlistment. He told of the hardships of the trenches, of the long marches, of the wet and the cold, but none of these ills were as hard to bear as the dearth of tobacco. "All right, Miss Jordan," aroused the girl from her reading and. she had to hurry on to her act. As she balanced and bowed on her tight rope, her gay parasol bobbing above her head, her thoughts werenot on her work, nor on the sea of faces "out front," but far away in France with tne down-nearted jsaramy. She enlisted the help of her sis ter, Miss Josephine Jordan, and to gether 4hey started out to collect "smokes" for the boy. Two very de mure young women they are, but very determined, and as a result of their efforts evevy actor on the bill at the Orpheum this week has pledged a cer tain amount to the smoke fund. A certain Jack Cameron in the front line trenches will be a very happy man one of these days from the good ly array of cjgarets and tobacco that will be sent to him as a result of the work of these young women. The Misses. Jordans fill every spare moment with, work for the soldiers. Every month large packages go to the different forts. They have played at a number of cantonment camps and have made friends everywhere, so that their list grows every 'month. Their' fingers fly busily at their knit ting in between acts or while on the train. rA cousin, Will Currin, who en listed with the Canadians at the out break of the war, was killed in action not long ago. His brother has en- listed in the American army, to "fin ish the fight that Will started," as he says. JNieuie Jordan conhded with a pretty blush, that her husband was waiting for his call to the colors. "Oh, I will be so proud when he goes," she said, her face lighting up. The Misses Jordan have had inter, esting experiences in their travels about the world. In 1903 they were interned in Nagasaki, for it was during the Russo-Japanese war and every foreigner was eyed with suspicion. "Our father and mother played fn Omaha 22 years ago," said Miss Jor dan, "but they are now retired and at our home in New Jersey." , Wdr Time Tips Cream for whipping should be icy cold. Celery is more digestible when cooked. Each lettuce leaf should be washed separately. Try putting fruit instead of sugar on cereals. Salt codfish is a savory element in a breakfast. Drain sausage fat and use it in gingerbread. Excellent cookies are made with peanut butter. Very fat fish should not te given to young children. Small heavy heads of cabbage are generally the best. . Chicken fat or salad oil can be used for making pastry. The most sanitary way of disposing of dirt is by burning. . Loving a Child By Mary Carolyn DotIm. Loving a child ts key To Heaven's mytry. Loving- a child, and (tvlnr It knowledge, thla la living:. Loving- a 'child brings pain, . And is Ufa's greatest gain. Loving a child Is knowing The fierce joy of a sowing That shall, cause mighty reaping. Loving a child Is weeping. And fearing, too, and praying; This, there ic no gainsaying. Loving a child is being A part of Ood, and seeing The world beneath one's hand Enlarge, expand. Be different, and grow To one's thought. Even so. Loving a child Is key To every mystery. Loving a child Is laughter And heartache after. . Heartache and grief and pain. But always Joy again. Ice Cream Can Liners Save Tin The tin plate shortage has centered interest upon the c?i liner, a device with which many ice cream containers ordinarily discarded can be made serviceable and sanitary for a fraction of the cost of a new can, and with minimum use of new tin and steel. These liners are an important eco nomy to the ice cream trade just how, for ice cream makers purchase an enormous quantity of new cans year ly, and today are confronted not only with scarcity and rising cost of cans, but increased cost of milk, crtam, sugar, gelatin and other ingred ents, as well as increased taxes on flavoring extracts. Large Packages Economize Tin A backing powder concern in Chi cago is distributing a; placard to gro cers recommending that consumers purchase double size packages of all food articles packed in tin, thus sav ing about 35 per cent tin plate for use in ammunition. Baking powder is also recommended in connection with cornbread and a special booklet of war-time recipes is offered house wives who are interested. New Vapor Way of Treating all Gold Troubles KortK "Carolina Drgist'In Tents a Salve That is y apprized by the Body Heat NOTHING TO SWALLOW YOU JUST BUB IT OK Particularly Valuable to Mother wua pm&u uauaren. x,oc&i Druggist! Are Offering 25o Jan on 30 Days' Trial Coldi are simply inflammations ot the air passages and everybody knovs mat we only war to reach tne air passages direct la br jneana of vapors that can be inhaled; The old-fash ioned Tapor treatments however, were cumnerBome ana costly, but a North Carolina druggist solved this problem by inventing a salve that is vapoh lied by the body beat Tnn preparation, known as VleVi VapoRub, la sow being Introduced! here. The local druggists know the danger of constant "doeing," especially to ' small children, and are anxious that all their customers should try this new "ontsida" treatment. Ar rangements have accordingly been made with, the manufacturers to sell the small size jars, price 25c, on 30 days trial no charge to be made if the customer; Is not delighted with the results. For deep chest colds, sore throat, bronchitis, tonsllltls, or incipient pneu monia VapoRnb should be applied over the throat and chest and covered with a. warm flannel cloth. The vapors arising carry the medication, with each breath, to the air passages and 1 lungs, in addition VapoRnb is ab sorbed through and' stimulates the skin taking out that tightness anil soreness in the chest For bead colds, hay ferer, catarrh1 or asthmatic troubles VapoRnb can either be applied up the nostrils or a little melted in a spoon and the vapors Inhaled. Croup is usually relieved within fifteen minutes and one appli cation at bedtime prevents a night attack. Xm'J Vy wis muS Fashion Notes From Paris War is war, but women must know the fashions from Paris. This is demonstrated in a comprehensive fashion letter from its Paris corre spondent, published in the February 11 issue of the London Times, which has just been received by The Bee: "At an exhibition of new models some pi-plty spring and summer Artrsrt have been fhown," writes the cofrpomiont. "Taffetss Is a favorable materiel, taffetas mixed with mousaeltne de sole and lightly embroidered. Another becoming material la dlalga, a mixture ot eotton and silk, but ta suprle and -silky as eharraeuae. Trkotlne. a kind of serge, Is used for drosses and cos tume. Checks trim plain materials, In silk and cloth costumes, and some cheeks, both in mouaaellne and silk, have colored stripe In them, allowing some striking color arrangements. Striped muslins somettmea have their stripes broken by a bunch of printed flowers; checks In black and white will show a small square In each of the larger squarea of some color, like a draught board with yellow or rose or blue men on it. "The line ot all the dresses shown was slim snd straight, with no waist to speak of; tunic effects were general; embroidery was much uaed, and dresses were high In front snd low at th back, giving a be coming shoulder line and full value ot wall- polaed head. Sleeves were chiefly long, snd showed many variations In cuffs; shoulders were wide, accentuating tne sumnees or tne straight hip lines; the narrow skirt was I not lower than the ankles, but always reach ing to them. 'One black taffetas dress snowed a loose bolero bodice over a front of black snd white, and a gold check mouaaellne d sole. In pleats this soft material fell down the front, to be caught at the feet by a note of gold and black embroidery on whit taf fetas. A plain white taffetas sailor collar lightened the bolero, and sleeves and wa'st Children's Dresses On Sale Thursday AT BERNSTEIN'S 111 SO. 16TH ST. Issued by Nebraska War Savings Director Under Authority of U. S. Treasurer To the People of Omaha showed a touch of the gold and white snd black embroldflry. For the rest, the taffetas toll down Mraight snd allm. with Just enough fullness to allow, for easy walking. Another black taffetss had draperies ot blsrk and white striped mouaaellne. with flower Impressions, and the front of the bodice was In pleated organdy, with rose ribbon threading the fullneis. The rJt. of rose wss further csrried out m lithe but. tons made of paper painted with' tiny rosea, covered with glsas, and encircled with a rim of rose silk. All sorts of little butions are mads by dressmakers this season. A handxome 'cloth dress was In Indian .-ed trl cottne -embroidered In wools snd silks of gray, dull gold, and old Nut; the lines, sim ple and stately, showed the embretder. well. Another simple and handsome frock was In ohamols-colorrd dlalge. with a lint t ot Sevres blue, which showed as a trlmmltg, whsn the buttoned front was unbuttoned at the throat, and at the sides when the pleats opened. The buttons had a line of the same blue round them, and the -sleeves showed a rim at the wrists. The front of w;,l!raaB!i!i!l!K Easter Hats 1: ji Anew up-to-date line. You will like them. I Give us a call I F. M. SCH ADELL '& CO. 1 tl 1522 Douglas Street i IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM MFEOA CMJL! You are hereby notified to attend a meeting at the school house in your home district (the public school which the children in your neighbor hood attend), on Friday evening, March 22nd, between the hours of 7 and 9 o'clock. , Subscriptions will be taken at these meetings to pledge the entire amount of War Savings Stamps which the United States Government expects to raise in 1918 in your district. You will be asked at this meeting to fill out a card pledging the full amount of the stamps which you will be able to purchase this year. Your Government expects you to be present in person or be represented by someone with authority , to sub scribe for you. Do Not Neglect This Call! Omaha War Savings Committee. thla dress snd the back showed, straight narrow pleats, and the sides were plain. "Some fresh little linen dresses wen shown; mauve with trimmings of reu-col-ored ribbon; shell pink with Nattlet Hu ribbons, snd whit with greea ribbons Rib bons suit simple linen and muslltt ' trocki such aa can be made at horns. Striped tt check muallng are often hend-erabnWerei simply with some straight stltoh, In a t. trasting color, and even tailor-mades some time have a cotton or woolen stitching It different calorr to form the only trimming This stitching should bu dona by hsni sne hot overdone. "Bright green with black-and-white check en a blaok silk dress Is strom, Od equaU) bright color notes os black and gray.1ar likely to bs see thla summer. Blue In vill ous shade and gray are sura to be worn. It Is not possible to speak of tallor-madei or of serge and cloth materials generally! a good many leas serlous-looklag stuff tot summer dresses will probably find buyer! because they ar light, pleasant and ctKapei than serge." - ' -'Si before you buy. ii; commit . l aung.