Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1918, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee THE WEATHER -Unsettled VOL. XLVII NO. 237. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 21, 1918 FOURTEEN PAGES. rffiVfci..?- SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. - rn '4: V7 IS 6) FOE FORCES ARE BEFORE PEtROGRAD Occupation of Russ Capital by r Germans Only Matter of Hours; Fear Capitulation of Moscow. 1 London, March 20. Occupation of Petrograd by the Germans is only a matter of hours, according to dis patches from Petrograd to several of the morning newspapers. The Russian capital is said to be assuming a waiting attitude and is not displaying the slightest sign of organized resistance. The Germans are reported in a Reuter dispatch from Petrograd to have reached the vicinity of Dno ; Station, about ISO miles south of Petrograd. x The Austro-German advance in southern Russia continues. The en emy has occupied Soumy, five hours march from Kharkov, the dispatch says. Moscow in Danger. German possession of Petrograd Aould give the enemy complete con trol of the Gulf of Finland and all the important ports on, its coast ex cept those in Finland yet in the hands of the Finnish rebels, who are being '.ttacked by the Germans and Finnish government forces. , , This would cut Moscow off from the Baltic sea. The various reports from Russia also indicate the greatest anxiety over what appears to be an enveloping movement the Austro-German forces are carrying out against Moscow. There is talk' of moving the govern ment, according to these advices, to Sarjoff, (probably Saratoff, 450 miles southeast of Moscow), or to Nizhni Novgorod (265 miles northeast of Moscow). ( ' Church Boycotts Peace. V A Reuter'a dispatch from , Petro grad : dated March' is, .reports v the patriarch of the Russian church to ; T ' " have .sennrtnessage to- the orthodox f population declaring that the church cannot regard as binding a', .peace which dismembers: the. country and places it under the domination of a conquering .foreign power. In this connection the Communist is quoted as declaring that the Rus sion proletariat cannot make, further concessions, but must be ready to rise at anjr moment irrespective of its state of preparedness. Other reports from Petrograd State that the council fii people's . comn is sioners has ordered the arrest cf M. Bibenko the commissioner of marine, for opposition to the ratification of the peace treaty. Petrograd dis patches filed March 13 reported that M. Bibenko has been missing several days. Russ Friend of Entente. Moscow, Tuesday, 'March 19. Russia's relations with -'the en:ente are unchanged, M. Tchitcherin the bojshevtk foreign minister, declared in an interview with the, Associated a Press correspondent today. More friendly relations were btmg established with the United States, he added, and he commented rpon President Wilson's message to Fussia as showing that America wou?) rot take aggressive action against it. Leon Trotzky and other bolshevik leaders are quoted here as denying rumors that large numbers of Austro German prisoners have been armed by the bolsheviki at Irkutsk, Chita and other Siberian cities as well as in European Russia. Welcome United States Probe. The announcement that the United States is sending a mission to investi gate the reports of the arming - of prisoners is hailed with enthusiasm by the government organs. The Weather t'pr Nebraska Unsettled; somewhat cooler. 1 Temperature at Omaha Yeaterdajr. fl U m 47 "la. m 49 Cj a. m 62 T10 a. m.. .......... 60 )T 12 m.. .!!"!!!. 68 L, 1 P. m... 72 Ez p. m. 7 3 3 p. m 78 C 4 p. m.... 72 S P. m 71 I D. m HH Comparative local Record. ins. Hiarhest Jsterday 75 . 68 71 26 Lowest yesterday ., . JS 40 21 lean temperature ..1,80 4S 86 - tt 1'rwMpttallon ........ 1.(10 .00 1 .00 .02 Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal: . Normal temperature J8 Kxcpss for the day 22 Total excess since llaerch 1. 215 .Normal precipitation .04 Inch Deficiency for the day ............ .04 Inch Total rainfall since March. 1... 11 Inch Oeflclencyslnce March 1 .67 inch I ) Excess for cor. period, 1S17 .SI Inch Deficiency for cor. period, 18U. ....70 Inch iBeporls From tSatlons at 7 P. M. Station and State Tem, High- Kaln ot Weather. 7 p. m. est. lalL Cheyenne, part cloudf : 48 So .00 Davenport, cloudy .... 66 74 .00 Oes Moines, cloudy .... 68 76 .00 Dodsa City, clear .... 70 76 .00 Lander. - clear 56 ' .00 North Platte, clear .... 64 -70 ,o 3ueblo. cloudy . 64 , 70 , .00 Sapid City, part cloudy F. , jh ,00 anta Fe, cloudy .44 56 .00 Sloox City, cloudy .... 68 72 .0 Valentine, -cloudy 58 fct joo m "T" indicates trace of precipitation. T L, A. WELSH, Meterorologiit. MB Scene at Federal Trade Commission Investigation of Omahia and Sioux; City Packing' Industry Which is Now BAKER LOOKS OVER 'N0MAN'S'LAND;HAS CLOSE DEATH CALL War Secretary Visits Listening Post Far Out From Ameri can Sector; Talks to Sammies Who Greatly Sur prised; Great German Shell Drops 50 ' Yards From Machine. , (By Associated Press.) : ' With the American Army in France, MarcrT20.35ecretary Baker had his baptism of fire thU,; morning in the front line trenches, and while he was returning a German shell burst within less than 50 yards of his motor car. He was not injured. The secretary went into the trenches in a sector the lo cation of which must not be revealed, where American troops face the enemy nearby. For half an hour he plodded over the duck boards. , . SEES NO MAN'S LAND. The Germans maintained an active jSre with heavy pieces and .machine guns. Nevertheless Mr. Baker made his way to an advanced sap, entered a listening post and talked for several minutes with the soldier on duty But the narrowest shave was on bisO return to headquarters. The Get man shell, of 105 millimetres, roared down, and burst cleanly less than 50 yards from the automobile containing the secretary of war and the escorting of ficers. The shell hit a roadside dug out, digging a big crater. Mr. Baker wished to stop and ascertain whether there were men in the dugout, but the chauffeur, realizing the danger, opened the throttle, and made his best speed until the danger zone was passed. BAKER'S GREATEST DAY. This was the secretary's hardest and most exciting day in France. jfOn Monday evening, accompanied only by a general commanding a division and one other officer, 'he motored to a point accessible to the sector selected for his inspection. He dined anc slept in the chateau of French friends of the officersN Retiring early, the sec;etary arose at 4 o'clock in the dark of an overcast, chill March day. Taking breakfast quicklv, he drove through the misty dawn to his destination ,As the lines were approached the steady reverberation of guns sign&.Ied great activity of the artillery. This was confirmed when, on arrival, it (Continued on Page Two, Coloinn One.) FRANCIS HENEY IS POPULAR Oh., My, Yes; Just Like the Revolution . . Was to the Czar and the War to Serbia. PERSON IN PACKERTOWN SET By ELLA FLEISHMAN. Francis J. Heney is about a pop ular with "Mike" Murphy and others in exclusive South Side packer' so ciety as well, Anthony Comstcck was with painters of the nude. f Mr Heney of Reuf scandal fame in San Francisw is conducting an ex amination for the Federal Trad-; .om jnission in Omaha. Mr. Heney is try ing to find out all the "insides" of the packing and stock yards business and, judging by the amount and kind cf in formation he already has stored in his mind, I don't blame Murph and the vst of the gang for trying to hold out their business secrets. Why, if Heney got somebody, with motiey enough to back him, I cpine he knows enough about the business to hpst into the game himsetf fnd grab a fat handful of those luscious profits. He certainly would be lively competition" in my judgment. Why Heney even toid ath'n or two to the freight expert for the Ne braska Railway commission, who has been handling- local- stock yard 'fig ures for years, to say nothing jf the there. 1 CORPORAL HUGHES FIRST OMAHA BOY KILLED IN FRANCE Word Comes to Parents .That Son Gave His Life While Fighting With U. S. Rainbow Division. Corporal Russell1 G. Hughes, Com pany L, 168th United States infantry, Rainbow divisiot, is the first Omaha boy reported killed in action. Wednes day afternoon his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Hughes. 4116 Lafay ette avenue, received news of his death, which occurred March J 7. Corporal Hughes was 19 years old. He was born in Chicago, but the fam ily has lived in Omaha for five years. (Continued on Tagu Two, Column Two.) surprise he sprung on "Mike" yester day. It's some hog scandal Heney is unearthing-a''beastly" affair. (Bum jokey Which reminds me of an ex cellent suggestion I could advance t6 Herbert Hoover if he wants t6 save pork consumpion so our. soldiers and allies canxhave bacon for breakfast. Mr. Hoover can take a tip from Moses, who anticipated him several thou sand years in saving hog products. He ought to introduce a Hoover dietary law instead of the Mosaic law, forbidding the use of pork. The Jew ish population of this country is ob serving seven pbrkless, days a week instead of one 1 If everybody did this, wouldn't the price Df hogs take a slump. Then it wouldn't be fashionable to eat it and the poor starving Belgians coiild have as much as they liked. J Mr. Heney was 12 minutes late get. ting into court this morning. I had visions "of hirelings of the packing house trust .phrase borrowed , from Jerry Howard) kidnaping the fa mous prosecutor from right under (Continued on Face Four, Column Sis.) ALLIES TAKE ALL DUTCH SHIPS TO WAR ON GERMANS Seventy-Seven Vessels, With Total Tonnage of '400,000 Tons, Seized in American' Waters by Government. Washington, March 20. Vpon Hol land's refusal in the face of German threats to put into effect her volun tary agreement for restoring her mer chant marine 0 normal activity, the United States government Jonight fequjsitioned alt Dutch ships in Amer ican waters. At he .same time; Great Britain was aking over. Dutch vessels hi British ports. A total of 77 ships of probably 600, 000 tons was added to the American merchant marine by the requisition ing. Another 400,000 tons are put into the allied service by Great Brit ain's action. Mostof them will be used in the food carrying trade between the United States and Europe. Holland Rejects Plan. President Wilson's proclamation taking over the ships was issued only after word finally came from London that Holland's delayed reply was a rejection of the British-American de mand. The government had waited more than 48 hours beyond the time when Holland had been requested to make a decision as to whether she would carry out the original pact or submit to requisitioning. Every effort was made to avoid drastic action, as transfer by agreement was sought, rather than by seizure, although the latter is an exercise of sovereign rights justified in international law and practiced by all nations. As late as 6 o'clock tonight it was disclosed that President Wilson, dur ing the day had been informed of the delay in the Dutch reply, with the re quest that he indicate whether o: not the requisitioning should proceed He decided to await the formal reply, which proved unacceptable, although under other conditions it might have served as a basis for further negotia tions. - Manned by Americans. Tlie president's proclamation was issued immediately authorizing the navy to tak over the vessels, which will be, equipped and operated by the Navy department ,and the shipping board, the Dutch crews being sup plemented by American, civilian sailors and naval reservists. Compensation will be made to the owners as required by law. Although the ships have been taken over without any informal agreement, the United States proposes to carry out scrupulously the terms of the original .pact, so that' Holland shall receive ample foodstuffs, and wi;l be protected in its colonial trade by hav ing sufficent tnnage to maitnain its commerce. President Issues Statement. In a statement outling the negotia tions which, preceded the requisition, President Wilson pointed out that the permanent agreement with the Dutch government had been blocked by Germany, despite the little king dom's acute need of foodstuffs, for which x the ; agreement provided. A temporary agreement then was ne gotiated to fide over the emergency and that, too, was held up by Prus sian diplomacy. y'Although the. reason never 'was formally, expressed," the president said, "it was generally known that the Dutch ship , owners feared lest their ships should be destroyed by German submarines. That this fear was not wholly unjustified, has un happily been shown by the recent act of the German government in sink ing the Spanish ship Sardinero, out side the danger zone, when carrying a cargo of grain for Switzerland, and after; the submarine, commander had ascertained this fact by an inspection of the ship's papets." ' . For two months the proposed agreements lay in diplomatic pigeon holes without action and meanwhile, the president say?: "German threats have grown more'violent'' SWIFT'S CONTROL EXTENDS EVEN TO POLITICS Of CITY Attorney Tells How Big Packer Corporation Forced Un ruly Independent to Sell Out to Save Invest ment; Strange Workings of City Council , Before and After Sale. Francis J. Heney, general counsel for the Federal Trade commission, Js endeavoring to show that ajp alleged packers' combine exist at Sioux City and that the ramifications ol.thif combination haft extended, and still extends, through many branches of the municipal life of that city, even to the city council. ' ' GERMANS PLOT TO HOLD RUSS AS PEACE PAWN Kaiser Said to Be Willing to Give Up Alsace-Lorraine and Evacuate Belgium in Return. (Br AiiooUted Frcsi.) Washington, March- 20. The con tinued advance of the German army into Russia despite the peace treaties signed at Brest-Litovsk is no surprise to American officials. They fully expected the German high command to prosecute its de signs7 in Russia to the fullest extent regardless of any considerations of good faith with the peace agreement. No formal explanation of the mo tives that impel the Germans to press their advantage to Petrograd and Moscow is available here, but it is known that officials regard the situa tion as filled with sinister possibilities. There have been many recent hints St anotlu.- peace effort by the Ger mans in the near future, and if these predictions are fulfilled, it is pointed out. a vast section of Russia actually in German hands, and furnishing enor- mous tliougn undeveloped mineral and other resources for employment in the German war program, might well serve as a foundation upon which to erect a compromise peace proposal. Evacuate France and Belgium. It has been suggested that with those resources in its possession Ger many might offer even to restore Alsace-Lorraine to France, hoping thereby to be left in undisturbed pos session of the eastern field, With such a proposal could go an agreement to evacuate France and Belgian, the whole constituting an al luring prospect to the war-worn peo ples of france and Great Britain, if they did not look deeper and see the threat their statesmen point out in the sacrifice of Russia. Given time to develop Russian re sources, many officials here believe, the Germans could well afford to sur render all they hold ituthe west with perfect assurance of both their eco nomic and military future. 1 Russians in Germany Army. Some officials here even expect re cruitment of the Russian peasantry into the German armies. Others, how ever, believe the Russian people are so thoroughly Tmbued with the spirit of the revolution that no great move ment of that sort is to be expected; Americans Reported in Canadian Casualty Lis' Ottawa, Ontario, March 20 A Canadian overseas casualty lis is sued here today-mentions the fo; ow ing Americans: " Wounded V. L. Pearce, G.yid Ranids. Mich in Full Swing v nnMiHiTE KTriTTY rrrv On Tuesday Mr. Heney made the statement that in his belief the Swifts dominated the situation in Sioux City, . J. Stason, Sioux City attorney, representing the Hurnf Packing company before that plant was bought by the Swifts last year, was called to the stand by Mr. Heney. He 4hrew some light on the situation in the up river town. Heney read letters said to have been written by Louis F. Swift to Sioux City men, these letters being offered by counsel to show the connection of the packers with various interests in the city in question. STARTED AS BUTCHER. Attorney Stason related that R. Hurni started in at Sioux City many years ago as butcher arid eventually his business grew until he built a small packing plant, had an ideal lo cation and bought hogs from wagons instead of paying, yardage charges' which the stock yards company is said to have demanded of him. Witness related that before" the nir chases of the Hurni plant by the Swifts the city council of Sioux Oty denied Hurni the privileges of plac ing a spur track which was netted for their business, but as soon a it.1 lie Swifts had the plant, he added, the council granted the spur track priv ilege. Compelled to Sell. "Did the worries of the sitti?.,.Joii have anything to do with Hurni selling to the Swifts?'' Heney ashd. "Yes; Hurni practically worked himself to death. He sold bsra se lie rpali7pH it was liiq latt nnnnrlnnitv and thai if Up Aui nm n thn i. Would be compelled to sell later on and would lose hfs investment. He was never able to obtain concessions from the stock yards company. The general line pf this testimony is an effort by Heney to show how the large packers have been absorb ing the small or so-called jndepend- ant packers in this territory. He of fered letters to indicate the general influence of Swifts. Armours and Cudahys in Sioux City. Made No Improvements. Have the Swifts improved the Hurni plant since they have taken it over?" he asked of Stason. "Not so anybody could notice it," was the reply. "It is generally .understood that Swift will build a plant at Sioux City?" It has been understood so. Foster Becomes Evasive T. H. Foster, vice president and general manager of Morrcll & Co., packers at Ottumwa, la., caused Coun sel Heney to grow a trifle irascible when witness became evasive in his replies. 4 "It never worries me what the big packers do," was the surprising reply of the witness. Heney looked at'the Ottumwa man with new interest and proceeded. "Whynot?" asked Heney. "It seems they have swallowed up nearly every independent packer and you are the only one left in a large terri tory. Does not your business sagacity tell you what is happening? Has the territory from which you naturally get your hogs been reduced by rea rnntinnMi ah Tmwu Vtnr. Column One.) HITCHCOCK FEARS VOTE OF CENSURE Nebraska Senator , Leaves Ur gent War Work at Washing- ton to Look After Special Session of Legislature. "Hush! Don't tell anyone! Our Senator G. M. Hitchcock has sent word that he will be back in Omaha by the end of this week. No, of course, he is not coming be cause there is nothing for him to da in Washington. Congress is still In session and up to its ears in urgent war business and the committees to which the senator is assigned are over- loaaea witn work. Then, too, he re cently returned from a two weeks' outing in Florida, but that is not pre. ' venting him from sliding here. Needed attention to his personal af fairs or directions to the sub-editor of his paper as to the city campaign may be offered as the excuse. It is to be noted, however, that Sen ator Hitchcock is hurrying home just on the eve of the special session of the legislature convened by the-gov-v ernor tb meet next week. . . Extra Session Ahead, Rumor has it that the' senator is coming to Nebraska to renew' acquaintance with a few of the law makers. For, though Governo.- Ne ville, specified only 10 bills to be con sidered at the extra session, there are low rumblings that, once the leg islators get together, they havf a right to express their opinion on pub lic issues and thai a resolution may be offered and adopted censuring the democratic senator for his pro-German activities in congress and calling on him to show his loyalty to An. er ica rather than to the kaiser. The senator's lieutenants agree among themselves that his polircal fences in Nebraska have been prr tty badly broken down recently in con sequence of his peculiar attitud:a on wap questionatt-WashngtJn;"Tiar-ticularly'on account of his pershtint sword-crossing" with the admli.isira tion 'while pretending friendship and fealty. :v ' - "v.' - -v- . That Worried Look. And some of the emocrats sav he will have a lot of repairing to dj here to hold his old 8upp6rters in the. Hitchcock corrali Even member of the legislature who used to be pro nounced pro-Germans are manifest ing their disgust with the senator'! inconsistent and turncoat perform ances. . . . ........ The present legislature is made up of a. large democratic majority, it is true, but plenty of these democrats are not concealing their dissat'stac tion with Hitchcock's hyphenated record before and since the war, and have : placed him ' strictly in the class of the Reed and Stone demo crats and other undesirablesT So he is likely to be a worried look ing senator when he begins seeding out messengers summoning his fed eral appointees to report for instruc tions and prepare ;defensive opera tions. - ' . ': , ' v American Aviator In French Service Lands Fifth Plane v Paris, Tuesday, 'March 19. David E. Putnam of Brookline, Mass., a descendant of Isreal Putnam and a member of the Lafayette flying squad ron, has just brought down two . more' German airplanes. Putnam also has been promoted to the rank of sergeant in the French army. He already has the war cross with palms. On the afternoon of March 14 Avia tor Putnam attacked three Albatross monoplanes, bringing down one and putting the other? to flight. The next day he .attacked two two-seated ma chines, one of which crashed to the ground in flames. In each case Put nam was alone on patrol duty. This makes four machines with which Putnam js officially credited, although he brought down a fifth ma chine on a German airdrome. This was not seen by French; observers and, . therefore, was not officially credited... OLD FIGHTER Veteran of. Several Wars Wants Action. WOULD SERVE Thomas F. O'Brien, 3321 Cuming J street. 82 years old, a veteran of the civil war, and a grandfather, wants to get into active service in the United States army. t ; O'Brien, who served more than 40 years jn the United States army, en listed in the fairious 68th regiment of New1 York volunteers in 1864. He took part in several of. the big battles ; of the civil war and later saw service in the Indian wars. He also served in the Philippines and served in the British army throughout the Crimean war. -v ' . O'Brien is an old man now, well past the alloted three score and ten, and his hair and long flowing beard : is snowy white. . ,.- . ... The veteran soldier has a. son, Thomas, jr., who enlisted in the "Dandy Sixth" Nebraska last sum mer -nd is now in the service ur Washington, and a daughter, Miss Cathrine O'Brien, who is connected I with the Omaha Welfare board, , f