Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1918, Image 1

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    he Omaha Daily Bee
Fair; Warmer
VOL. XLVI NO. 235.
On Train i, at NotfU,
Nwi Standi. Etc., 6c.
Previsions of Proclamation? Number of Problems Included
Provide for 10 Issues for
Consideration of State
((From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Neb., March 18. (Special
Telegram.) Ten propositions will
be put up to the special session of the
legislature March 26, according to the
proclamation of Governor Neville is
sued today. One of especial interest
to Omaha is to correct an error in the
law relating to the voting of sewer
bonds so that action already taken by
the city may be legal. The call is as
follows :
"By virtue of the authority vested
in tlie governor under section v oi
article 5 of the constitution ot Ne
braska, I herewith call the legislature
to convene in extraordinary session
at 12 o'clock noon, March 26, 19if.'. to
consider the passage of the follow-
inS: ,
Purpose of Session.
"1. An act to extend the franchise
to electors in the military and nival
establishments of the United St.tes
and the state of Nebraska. An ap
aropriation to carry outhe provis-ons
thereof and such amendments to ex
isting election and primary laws as
may be necessary to harmonizesi'me.
"2. An act to extend protection to
civil rights of Nebraskans in the mili
tary and naval establishments of the
United States engaged in the present
"3. An act defining the crime of
sedition and prescribing penalties
"4. An act defining the crime of
sabotage and prescribing penalties
"5. An act to legalize the home
"6. An act to repeal the Mockett
To Amend Constitution.
7. An act to submit to the voters
at the next regular election an amend
ment to the tate constitution affect
ing declarant voters.
"8. An act conferring upon the state
board of educational lands and funds
authority to execute mineral leases
upon schools lands and to validate
leases .previously executed.
"9. An act to correct error in sec
tion 4387, being a part of chapter 87
of the session laws of 1917.
This section refers to the amount of pub
lic Improvement bonds Omaha may Issue
annually without submitting to a vote of
the people.
"10. An acf to appropriate salaries
for the state insurance examiners and
for the state bacteriologist."
Few American Soliders
Now Haunt Streets of Paris
Paris, March 18. The American
uniform has almost disappeared from
oublic places in Paris and on the
mnilevards the felt hat of the Amer
ican soldier is not seen as much as
during the last 11 months.
With the removal this month of the
railway transportation corps from
Paris to a city in central France, the
number of American soldiers station
ed in Paris will be reduced to a
Curtis Red Cross Sale
Net More Than $1,200
Curtis, Neb., March 18. (Special
Telegram.) Nearly $1,200 was raised
here Saturday at a Red Cross sale
from donated goods. Less than half
of the amount donated was sold for
want of time. Saturday, March 23, the
remainder of the stock and grain will
he sold at auction. Colonels Bick and
Hinton were auctioneers.
The Weather
for Nebraska hair: warmer.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday.
.. .51
r. a.
I'. 3.
m .
7 ;i. m.
s a. ni.
) a. m.
10 a. m.
a. m.
12 in. . .
1 p. m.
- !' m.
p. m.
1 p. m.
r p. m.
; p. m .
7 p. m.
8 p. m .
Comparative T.oral RerorH.
1918. 1917. 1516. 1915.
niche" yest'-ntay SO 36 53 37
I .invest yesterday 49 20 34 2fi
M.'an temperature 64 IK 4432
1're. ipitation CO .on .00 . T.
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal:
Normal temperature 37
Kxi(ss for the day 27
T.itat excess since .March 1 171
Normal precipitation 04 Inch
Deficiency for the day 04 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 11 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 59 Inch
Kxcfss for cor. perior. 1917 59 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period. 1918.. .62 Inch
Reports from Stations at 7 P. M.
Station and State Temp. High- Raln-
of Weather. 7 p. m. est.
Cheyenne, cloudy 58
Davenport, clear 66
Denver, cloudy 66
Chicago, clear ...66
Dodse City. clar 62
jander. cloudy 56
Vorth Platte, clear ,70
Omaha, clear 72
Pueblo, part cloudy 68
RaDid City, cloudy 66
Minneapolis, clear 64
Santa Fe, rart cloudy.... 65
Sheridan, cloudy 44 52
Sioux City, clear 70 SO
Valentine, pa-t ioudy...68 "8
"X" Indicates trace of precipitation.
h. A. WELSH. Meteorlogist.
in Proclamation Indicates Ses
sion Will Last for Sev
eral Weeks.
(From Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln. March 18. (Special.) If
anyone thinks the special session of
the legislature called by the governor
today for Tuesday, March 26, will be
of short duration, it is necessary only
to read the proclamation to dispel the
Ten propositions have been put be
fore the men who will come to Lin
coln next week, among them some
subjects that are likely to start a
The members are coming at their
own expense and their stay will be
governed by the size of their bank
account, which may shorten their
stay. "
First on the call is the matter for
which the calling of a session was
first agitated, that of giving soldiers
in United States service from this
state a right to vote and fixing the
manner in which the voting will be
done. An appropriation must be made
to cover the expense necessary in tak
ing the vote.
It is understood the governor fa
vors a vote by mail similar to our
present law covering that situation,
but of course with some additional
features to meet the situation.
Other important matters in the call
will provide for the passage of acts
to punish sedition and sabotage.
These may not call for much discus
sion, but will have to be carefully
handled so as not to go beyond the
constitutional rights of the citizen.
Legalizing home guards, many
companies of which have been
formed, will call for consideration.
Repeal of the Mockett law permit
ting the tea; hing of foreign languages
in the public schools, one of the bones
of warm contention at the last regu
lar session, is embodied in the call.
It is not expected much opposition
to its repeal will develop, though
there may be an undercurrent as to
how far the repeal shall go.
Leases on Mineral Land.
Giving the state board of educa
tional funds 1 he right to execute min
erafUeascs on land already leased for
agricultural purposes may turn loose
the fireworks, according to rumore at
the capitol today. There will be op
position to methods, if not to the
leases, and it is understood some
members favor the development of
the potash industry by the state it
self. Correction of an act of the legisla
ture regarding the issuance of bonds
for sewer construction in Omaha has
been embodied in the call. It is un
derstood that Omaha had made. all
provisions for issuing these bonds,
only to find an error in the act which
called a halt on the proceedings. This
will be corrected, provided the Doug
las county delegation can agree long
enough to vote on it.
It will be necessary to vote an ap
propriation for the pay of insurance
examiners and a state bacterologist,
which the last legislature failed to
provide for.
Officer Who Forged Checks
In Omaha, Declared Deserter
St. Paul, March 18. Paul Gildea,
24 years old, alias Lieutenant James
Keane, private in the 3.18th machine
gun company, at Camp Dodge who
was arrested Saturday on a charge
of passing forged checks on firms
here and in five other cities, recently,
is a deserter, according to a telegram
from Camp Dodge to Chief J. J.
O'Connor today.
Gildea, according to the police, ad
mitted passing forged checks amoun
ting to thousand of dollars in Omaha,
Des Moines, Chicago, Waukegan,
111 , Minneapolis and St. Paul.
Young Woman and Escort
Killed at Grade Crossing
Alma, Neb., March 18. (Special
Telegram.) In an auto accident at
a grade crossing two miles west of
Alma over the Burlington, Sunday
afternoon. Miss Ethel Rasmussen,
aged 17, and Alpher Lamdeen, were
killed, when struck by a west bound
freight train. Miss Rasmussen was
prominent in Alma society and a
talented musician. Mr. Lamdeen was
a resident of Bertrand, and had en
listed in the navy. He was awaiting
call to service.
Turks Drown Babies, Crucify
Old Men, Seize Armenian Girls
(By Aawlated Prats.)
Amsterdam, March 18. While the Turkish semi-official news
agency is telegraphing abroad reports of alleged atrocities committed
by bands of Armenians, the Armenian correspondence bureau at, The
Hague declares that the re-entry of the Turks into Trebizond, capital
of the vilayet of the same name in Asia Minor, was marked by fresh
acts of savagery and rioting.The plan was, leave no Armenian alive in
the reoccupied territory.
According to news reaching the bureau from its Balkan agency,
thousands of .Russian stragglers captured by Turkish cavalry were shot,
drowned or burned to death.
The Armenians were subjected to indescribable tortures. Sacks
filled with children were thrown into the sea, old women and men were
crucified or mutilated and all young women and girls were handed over
to the Turks.
( 3 I F0R 3 2SDVTHS k s$y
General Counsel of Federal Trade Commission to Investi
gate i Local Trade Industry ; Sioux City Probe to
be Included in Inquiry Here; to Develop
Information of Investigators.
Francis J. Hertey, general counsel of the Federal Trade
commission in its investigation of the packing industry, is on his
way to Omaha to investigate certain phases of the packing in
dustry in the Gate City.
Mr, Heney, aboard a train that passed through Kansas
City yesterday afternoon, announced the purpose of his visit to
He announced there are certain phases of the packing in
dustry in Omaha that he will probe thoroughly.
He also will make an investigation of the packing industry
at Sioux City and Kansas City.
Hearings will begin in Kansas City Thursday, Mr. Heney
Heads of Omaha packing concerns
will give Special Counsel Heney every
opportunity to investigate local condi
tions, they declared.
"We will give the counsel every op
portunity to probe conditions here,"
the Omaha packers said. "All we ask
is a fair report."
Mr. Heney said the Omaha hearing
will begin this morning. The investi
gation into the Sioux City industry
will be included in the hearng at Om
aha. Mr. Heney's plans, he sad, would
be to develop information obtained by
his individual investigators who had
been in the southwestern field several
Enemy Alien Taken to
Georgia Detention Camp
Ernest August Frederick Mohr vas
taken from the county jail to Fcrt
Oglethorpe. Ga., for internment nur
ing the war. Mohr was arrested two
months ago in a bath house at Hx
teentli and Howard streets, where
he was a rubber. He had pictuc s of
the kaiser, Bismarck and Von Hin
denburg in his possession, and I ho
lographs of himself in German army
Boy Loses Both feet in
Fall Under 'Moving Train
Clarence Nelson, 14-year-old boy,
suffered the loss of both feet when
he fell under a moving train near
Florence Sunday. He is the son of
Oiaf Nelson of Florence.
Germany to Retaliate for U. S
Disposal of,German Property
London, March 18. The Spanish
and Swiss ambassadors at Berlin have
been directed by the German foicign
office to notify the American govern
ment that Germany will proceed with
measures against American property
in Germany in the same proportion
that action is taken against German
property in the United States,
Reuter's Amsterdam correspondent
Hitherto, it is stated in the K:ilin
advices announcing this action, the
German government has restricted it
self to measures "absolutely necessary
to prevent enemy property in Ger
many being taken out of Germany
during the war and therehv Keniing
Germany's enemies
. . - I
Embassy at Washington Con
tinues to Support Cause of
Allies, Despite Pact With
Washington, March 18. Ruia's
acceptance of the German peace 'errns
was denounced here today by Boris
Bakhmeteff, the Russian ambassador,
who last November formally repudia
ted the bolshevik government.
The conditions imposed by Ger
many, the ambassador declares,
threaten the existence and indepen
dence of the country. The embassy,
he declares, will continue to advuate
co-operation with the allies in the
war on Germany.
The ambassador made known his
position in the following statement:
Hope of Liberty Fades.
"A sinister pact of submission has
closed the circle of happenings that
have laid Rusjia open to the ag
gressor. "The conditions ihiposcd by the
enemy are such that the very exist
ence of an independent Russian na
tional organism appears to be threat
ened and the cherished hope of lib
erty to be vanishing.
"In these days of supreme trial for
the country the Russian embassy re
affirms its deep conviction that the
people of Russia cannot accept as a
definite solution of their struggle for
liberty this settlement of violence
brought forth by conquest, anarchy
and despair.
"The present turn of events, this
most bitter phase of the great crisis
Russia is passing through, is not its
ultimate outcome and a new task of
national redemption arises before the
people of Russia the vindication of
the very independence and freedom
of the country, the reunion of the
Russian commonwealth, the liberation
of Russia from disruplurc and en
slavement. Allies Must Help...
"To this broad task of liberation,
conceivable only with the co-oi tra
tion and direct support of the allies
to this achievement, which should
rally without differences of factions
all those who strive to the establish
ment of a politically united and
economically independent Russian
democracy will the embassy in
Washington continue to conse:.ate
all its endeavors and effort, fi iding
a source of inspiration and confidence
in the noble and heartfelt attitude of
sympathy and assistance which the
Americans never cease to nianifr-.t to
Russia in the hours' of its darkest
Three Federal Judges Hand
Down "Blue Sky Law" Decision
Federal Judges Woodrough, Mun
ger and Wade handed down a decssion
Monday refusing to grant an injunc
tion against the State Railway com
mission in the "blue sky law" case.
The suit was brought by the Capi
tol Gold Mining and Milling company
a South Dakota corporation, which is
seeking to nut its stock on the mar
ket in Ncbiaska. The plaintiff con
tended that the law, passed by the
Mebraska legislature in 1913, did not
grant the State Railway commission
the power to enforce this law, and if
such power had been granted the
State Railway commission could not
have accepted and exercised it.
I Bee's Panorama o? Omaha Will
I Be Used in- Church Campaign
i 1 he. Bee's copyrighted panorama of
Omaha is to be used as a sli !i for
; illustrative purposes in the rhur'i) ex-
1 tension campaign, conducted lv the
Methodist Episcopal church thrjvgh
out the country. The request for pcr-
mission to show this picture, which
was promptly granted, came ;rom
Ralph Welles Keeler, head of th (pub
licity bureau in charge of the p'rn.
Austrians Demobilize
Units of 50-Year-Old Men
Amsterdam, March 18. A dispatch
to the Vossische Zeitung of Berlin
says demobilization of three of the
oldest Landstrum levies serving with
the Austrian forces, consisting of men
horn in 1867, 1868 and 1869, will begin
immediately and will be completed by
May, October and December, respectively.
Judge Redick Instructs Grand
Jurymen to Probe Vice Rumors
The Douglas county grand jury was
impaneled and instructed by fudge
Redick Monday afternoon.
Seventeen jurymen reported to
Tudee Redick at 2 o'clock, fames j
F. Pettigrew was the only man of the
17 to seek release. He sought be
excused for business reasons, but his
request was refused.
The 17 names were placed in . hat
and Sheriff Clark drew out one. Halph
B Weller was the fortunate jutvman
and he was excused. .
John Bekins was appointed foriman
of the jury and John G. Arthu.- was
named bailiff.
In his instructions Judge Redid;
urged the grand jury to investigate j
Washington Military Experts Believe Teuton Preparations
Are for Defensive Move and That Threatened
Spring Drive Will Not Be Undertaken;
Americans On Five Sectors
In France.
Washington, March 18. Germany's threat of a great
spring offensive on the western front no longer impresses
American military men.
In its weekly review today the War department records
the conclusion that the enemy, in spite of its vast preparations,
will not take the offensive unless forced into it.
American Patrol in Night Raid
Enters Enemy Trenches;
New England Troops
(Itv A)rltfil PrcM.)
With the American Army in
France, Sunday, March 17. American
intelligence officers report evi.'erce
leading to the conclusion that pos
sibly a spy may be at work within
the American lines northwest of
Toul Karly this morning an Ameri
can sentry saw flashes of a H'j'nal
light from a window facing in the
direction of the enemy lines. He fired
through the window and dashed in
to the house, but failed to find any
one. Four hours earlier important tele
phone Wires within the American
lines were found to have been cut.
An American patrol last night en
tered the enemy trenches at on md
of the sector and penetrated them for
some distance without difficulty.
Much valuable information was gath
ered. As they were ready to re
turn they established contact with
the enemy, who opened fire w'h a
machine gun. The Ame-'cans
jumped to a safe distance and h u!ed
grenades at the enemy gunners, si
lencing the gun.
Bring German Rifle.
Returning to the. American side of
No Man's land, the raiders bought
back with them a German rifle breech,
protected by a metallic cover ov?. the
muzzle and a snap click cover, both
of which operate quickly and effi
ciently. Officers declared it wm the
best thing of the kind they had ever
seen for protecting rifles. The mech
anism was turned over to the in
telligence department with a recom
mendation that the attachment he
furnished the American troops.
Another patrol on the othc end
of the sector reported that the t.rniy
first line was held strongly. V.'liilc
the raiders were inspecting the Ger
man positions the enemy fired upon
them several times with rifles and
machine guns, which arc unusi.a! at
that point.
Wreck Gas Projectors.
Our artillery bombarded effec'ivcly
billets, troops and new enemy v.orks
at I.ahayville, St. Haiissanl, the vil
lage of MontA'c, Kicliecourt, In the
Uuart d: Reserve, along the I'annes
Monsard road, and a conside.rble
body of troops northwest of l!uv:'.rcs.
They also battered to pieces a. ther
battery of gas projectors, which had
been set up in a double line of
The enemy has shelled various parts
of our positions rather heavily, many
gas shells being mixed with high ex
plosive ones. Some American sol
diers who happened to he near or who
walked through the shelled areas aft
erward said there were intimations
that the enemy was trying to isolate
one of our positions with shell fire.
The visability was exceptionally good
today and the weather was like sum
mer. A great number of wagon
trains and small groups of Germans
were seen walking he hind the enemy
The American troops who have
been in action along the Chcmin-des-
Dames arc a division composed ex-
(Contlnurd on Tug Two, Column Two.)
cambling, prostitution, inn keepers
and bootlegging in Omaha. He de
clared laws pertaining to these were
violated in Omaha and that a thor
ough inquiry should be made.
The judge further told the jury
men that rumors were current that
certain officers ot the city and tate
were deliberately negligent in U'cir
duty and that they also attempted to
hinder more faithful officers ii the
pursuit of their duties. These ru
mors, too, should be probed, he jaid.
Contracting by public offi. ials,
graft and bribery, should be investi
gated, the judge declared, and he
urged inquiry into charges an ' ac
cusations of perjury, some of which
have been made openly.
This confirms the opinion many of
ficers have expressed for weeks in th
face of official forecasts to the con
trary from both sides of the Atlantic.
"While hostile preparations for an
offensive in the west are not slacken
ing," the review says, "it is becoming
more evident that the enemy will
launch the offensive only if compelled
to do so by the exigencies of the gen
eral strategic situation."
The nature of the information upon
which the opinion is based is not dis
closed. It is noted that fresh German
divisions have arrived on the western
front and the German lines are said
to be approaching the point in density
beyond which it would be impossible
to go without choking communication
lines and hampering free movement of
Apparently, however, tin's conclu
sion has come to be regarded as a de
fensive, not an offensive movement.
Much' of the statement is devoted
to the activities of American troops
now engaged on five separate fronts,
one of tlie sectors lying close to the
Swiss border. The official commun
ique, however, adds nothing to recent
ly published reports of the raids and
trench fighting in which the Ameri
cans have been involved.
May Attack la Italy, '
Elsewhere on the western front the
experts find no evidence of impending
major activities by either side. The
period of inactivity, the statement
says, is being prolonged. It notes,
however, indications of Austro-Ger-man
concentrations in the Italian
theater, which may forecast assaults
on Verona or Brescia as their ob
jectives. The statement follows:
"The period of inactivity in the
west is being prolonged. Though th
raids now taking place would in the
past have been considered important
engagements, nevertheless, owi"g Ic
the fact that they are merely of minor
tactical value, they cannot be lielti to
be major operations.
"While hostile preparations for an
offensive in the west are not slacken
ing, it is becoming more evident thai
the enemy will launch this offensive
only if compelled to do so bv the
exigencies of the general strategic
Sammies on Five Fronts.
"While fresh German division i ar
reported as arriving in the west, it is
important to note that the densitv o)
the enemy forces has nearly reihec
a point beyond which it will be im
practicable to go, for shout ! an.v
large additional body of men b
massed, the chances are that thr con
gestion of the lines of communication
will become so great as to make it
impossible to maintain the fiex-blity
of maneuver which i so t
"Out own forces in France hsive
been constantly in action.
"Oui troops are now in the
trenches at five different points.
"This week we undertook our first
assault against German position- un
assisted by any allied contingent
"At dawn, March 11. after a pre
liminary bombardment lasting three
quarters of an hour, we drove a high
ly successful raid against a German
trench segment. Our men penetrated
the German line to a depth of 30ft
yards The enemy was drivei. off
after a hand to hand fight, whereupon
our contingent returned to our lines
"At three places in Lorraine Amer
ican troops, acting in co-operation'
with small French detachments,
raided German trenches. Two of
these operations were carried out
simultaneously, each on a frontage of
(0Q yards. After a prolonged bi-m-bardment
the attacking units wer
able to reach their objectives.
Enemy Had Fled.
Few of the enemy were found in
the first line trenches and the at.rck
(C'ontimicd on rae Two. Column Flve.
Harbin, Manchuria, Monday, March
II. Released German prisoners are
co-operating with the bolsheviki in
Siberia in the campaign against the
forces of General Semenoff, leader of
the non-bolshevik faction.
Wounded soldiers of General Se
menoffs command say that in a bat
tle on March 1 they were fired upon
by former German prisoners attached
to the bolshevik forces. It is esti
mated that 200 Germans took part in
the fighting.
One wounded soldier claims that
General Semenotf's troops bayoneted
the armed Germans in hand to hand