Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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    .HE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. MARCH 18, 1918.
Chicago Tribune Staff Man
Gives Interviews With Leading
" Omahans on Effect of Pro
hibition in Metropolis.
(Contlnned From Pace On.)
community as a whole is satisfied with
the new conditions, especially under
the present war situation.
Time Was Favorable.
"We were especially fortunate in
having the new Jaw go into effect at
a period and tinder conditions that
made easy adjustments. The state of
Iowa just across the river already had
become 'dry' territory; the war activ
ity made it possible for every one
thrown out of employment by the
cessation of the liquor traffic to find
work; and the new federal law for
bidding the shipment of liquor into
dry states aided greatly in the en
forcement of our loral liquor regula
"The 'fact that we are living un
der war conditions makes it impos
sible to make anything like accurate
measurements of the results.
"Business men say that collections
especially on installment payments
are very good, showing improvement
But the war has some effect on that
perhaps, because of the good wages
that are being paid in all lines of work.
Savings bank accounts have de
creased, but the war again is held
largely responsible, for our people
have contributed most generously to
the Red Cross, the Liberty bond pur
chases and the thrift stamp cam
Dahlman Admits It "Works.1
Mayor James C. Dahlman, who has
headed the city government for 12
years as a leader of the liberals or
the "wets" and who is a candidate for
re-electionnow, put it in a different
"I said that prohibition wouldn't
work," he remarked with a grin. "But
it does."
"I'm not a prohibitionist, as most
everyone in Nebraska knows, but this
new law seems to be working out to
the advantage of the city and its
people. It has resulted in a decrease of
the social evil; it has cut in two the
number of cases of wife abandonment
and cruelty to women. Most of the
saloon property, which was made va
cant by the removal of the dram shops
has been rented, and we've got a lot
of new buildings going up. ,
"It's surprising to any inquirer who
find how many men who voted against
and worked against the prohibition
constitutional amendment are accept
ing the situation and boosting the
new law now. We never expect to
see the city 'wet' again, and it prob
ably shouldn't be. This county, Doug
las, went 'wet' 9,000 votes at the last
election, but it would go 'dry today.
It's costing us some money, of course,
but I believe that the people are
willing to pay for it. Of course they
haven't paid the tax yet. .
Question Settled For Omaha.
"Yes, I'm a candidate for re-election.
I don't think the prohibition
question will be any factor at all.
That question is settled so far as
Omaha is concerned. We have been
doing our best to enforce the new
law and shall continue to do so."
While the records show that the
total number of arrests in Omaha have
been decreased during the arid period,
Chief of Police H. W. Dunn is author
ity for the statement that it has
worked his force harder rather than
made it possible for a reduction to be
made, as had been claimed by the
Police Work in Figures.
The following figures on arrests
taken from the records of the police
department indicate some of the new
police features resulting. The figures
cover the last eight months of 1917,
when the "dry" regulations were ef
fective and the corresponding months
' 5i 1916, when the city was wet:
Character or violation. isie.
Violation of liquor laws 17
Abuslne family 77
Wife and child abandonment.... 31
Drunks 3.536
Incomplete. .
Total arrests 12,79 9.433
T. J. McGuire, assistant attorney,
who handles the liquor violation pros
ecutions for the city, and who also has
been named as a special prosecutor
by the governor, stated that the total
number of arrests for violations was
near, if not quite, up to the 1,000
mark. Some of the cases do not get
on the arrest book of the police de
partment. The federal authorities have
prosecuted 60 additional cases. As
sistant United States District Attor-
D. W. Dickinson said.
Bootleggers Are Busy.
Although a most vigorous prosecu
tion policy has been followed, accord
ing to observers, there cannot be said
to be any consistent diminution h the
number of violations reported month
by month. The police figures on vio
lations, as shown by the arrest books
for the 10 months the law has been in
effect, follow: May, 94; June, 73; July,
52; August, 70: September, 86; Octo
ber, 106; November, 87; December,
110; January, 124; February, 78.
"There's no letup in the game of
bootlegging," Chief Dunn said. "I've
got a detail of 10 men on that work
alone. We fine them $100 for the first
offense under the law and jail them
for the second. The third offense
means a felony and a year in the pen
itentiary. The penalties don't stop
them. We've got to keep busy all the
"We'll have the bootleggers whipped
in 18 months," Prosecutor .McGuire
said. "The government estimate is that
the supply of whisky.will be used up
by that time. They can't bootleg beer
.and get away with it."
"4 Costs Omaha $327,331.
As far as the official records Indi
cate, the new law has cost the city
or the school fund, for the liquor li
cense money went to the board of ed
ucation $327,331.77 a year. These are
the city controller's figures idr the
1916 income from saloon licenses and
penalties. There were 327 saloons and
each paid $1,000 annual license.
There are no official 'figures avail
able for the total saving in money
tW-it will be made annually from the
operation of the "dry" law, but ap
proximate estimates for the first jrear,
according to city officials, are near
The biggest item is the income from
fines, which now reaches nearly $20,
000. The abolition of the city work
house will save $9,500, and the sav
ing on feeding jail prisoners is
figured at nearly $10,000. Against these
i must be set off the expenditure of
$3,000 from the $50,000 fund given to
tne governor by the last legislature to
enforce the new prohibition statute.
Few Tenants for Jail.
The dispensing of the workhouse
possibly resulted as much from the
fact that the war has made it possi
ble for every man to get work as to
the enactment of the "dry" legislation,
some citizens say. In 1916 a total of
2,242 prisoners were sent to this in
stitution, while the county jail housed
2,060 men during the same period.
During the first four "wet" months
of 1917 442 men and women were sent
to the workhouse, while only 338 were
sentenced during the last eight "dry"
The jail figures for 1917 show a
similar situation. The first four
months show 709 prisoners sent to
the county jail and the last eight
months have a total of 876.
"I was not a prohibitionist when
the law was passed, but'I think it is
a good thing and would not want to
see it repealed, Mr. McGuire said
"Our regular Monday morning police
court grist before last May would al
ways average more than 100 cases and
often as many as 2o0. The daily aver
age was in the neighborhood of 70,
Our Monday average now is 35 and
occasionally is as low as 5. The daily
grist on other days than Mondays is
nerer more than 30.
Had to Close Workhouse.
"We have done away with the work
house because we don t have any use
for it. The number of prisoners
dwindled down until we didn't have
enough to do the cleaning up about
the place. It paid for itself except the
salaries of employes, which amounted
to $9,500 a year.
In the county jail, according to
Sheriff M. L. Clark's records, we now
have only 90 prisoners. They used
to run from 200 to as high as 300. Be
fore May 1, 1917, there were always
more than 200. Since then they have
av raged about 100 prisoners.
"The city welfare and legal aid de
partmentI have charge of the latter
shows how conditions have changed.
We have nowhere the number of calls
for aid we used to have. I don't say
that all this change is due to the 'dry'
law, for every one who wants to can
get work now.
"But we used to have many com
plaints from families of men who
worked, but spent the money for drink
instead of giving it to their families.
We don't get nearly so many wives
complaining about brutal husbands
and we know that the elimination of
the saloon has had a marked effect
on vice. Dozens of resorts have gone
out of existence and many women of
the streets have left the city."
Declare Business Improves.
Members of the Chamber of Com
merce and the Omaha Real Estate
board say that business has shown
a steady development since the clos
ing of the dramshops. They do not
pretend that this steady growth is
all due to the "dry" law, but they
argue the change has not caused any
slump, as many had feared.
There are still a few vacant build
ings formerly occupied by saloons,
they say. At the end of the first 30
days after the closing law went into
effect a survey was made. It showed
that 80 places vacated had not been
filled by new tenants, and that 224
places had been converted into soft
drink places. Others were being oc
cupied by restaurants, pool rooms and
small shops.
Records of the Chamber of Com
merce show that 96 new industries
had been located during the year
1917, that bank clearings had in
creased over the 1916 figures almost
$600,000,000, and that total property
valuation figures had grown from
$327,822,905 to $349,571,625.
Taxes Are Not Burdensome.
H. M. Christie, president of the
Omaha Real Estate board, said the
rapid re-adjustment that has occurred
has surprised many citizens.
"It is true that we have had to pay
for being dry," he said, "but today our
tax rate will compare favorably with
that of any other city. We have a
total of 106.28 mills for all purposes,
city, county and state, including the
new 10 mill increase. We are taxed
upon one-fifth full valuation and we
consider we are not being taxed high
at all compared with many other
"There are few if any more vacant
buildings now, I believe, than we for
merly had, and certainly not so many
as we see usually in other cities
whether wet or dry. We have now
under construction, I think, more big
buildings than any other city of 200,
000 people in the country. Commer
cial buildings totaling $6,000,000 in
value are under construction now.
"One of these is a 15-story struc
ture, two are 10-story buildings and
there is a total of eight of five stories
or more. We are building five new
automobile tire factories and numer
ous other plants for more modest
manufacturing concerns.
"Not a job has been lost to a work-
ineman through the shutting down of
our five breweries. One small one is.
closed down. Three are being operat
ed as soft drink manufacturing plants,
one with an ice plant annex, and these
three are employing more men than
they d:d making beer.
"Another has been converter into a
2,500 barrel a day flour mill, which the
rr.anager informs me is employing
many more men than had been em
ployed there when the brewery was in
I can say definitely that today we
have better m'iections in the real es
tate business than we had a year ago,
that rents have not suffered, and that
payment or. the installment plan are
much more prompt."
Get Caibolic Acid Substitute.
The Nebraska dry law, which was
enactel by the last legislature follow
ing the aaoption or a constitu' onai
prohibition amendment at the 1916
election is most drastic in its pro
visions. The law enforcing officials,
however, has been hard pressed to
keej the situation in Omaha under
control, even with a dry state, Iowa,
on the east and prohibition Kansas on
the south.
Most of the liquor comes into the
city by automobile from St. Joseph
and Kansas City, Mo., and some by
the motor route from Minneapolis by
wav of Siuux City. Omaha drug stores
also have been helping to quench the
thirst of the topers through the sale
of a so-called government formula
composed of alcohol, wintergreen and
carbolic acid. -Under the Nebraska
act alcoholic compositions exempted
item the excise tax by the federal gov
ern me rft may be sold. Alcohol-win-tergreen-carbolic
concoction gets by
technically under -this clause.
"It has to be diluted with water."
the police chief said, "and then the
addicts can be traced all over the city
by the carbolic acid odor they leave
in their wake."
Confiscate Chicago Whisky.
Two druggists now are being prose
cuted for selling this new "prohibi
tion" drink on the theory that their
sole motive in handling it was to evade
the state law. Nine barrels of the stuff
was confiscated at one place and 18
barrels were seized at the second.
A carload of whisky in barrels
shipped from Chicago also was confis
cated recently. It was seized when a
transfer concern took it from a car
and started to unload it at a ware
house. The consignee has not been
found and the name in which the
whisky was forwarded is believed to
be fictitious. The transfer people
stated a man gave them a written
order, together with the cartage
charges, but they aid not know his
Chief Dunn and Prosecutor Mc
Guire say they have established the
fact that several well known auto
mobile thieves have been engaged in
running the bootlegging gantlet be
tween other cities and Omaha. Four
teen automobiles used in this inter
state traffic have been seized. In
several instances it has been proved
the cars were stolen. In other cases
it has been found that the bootlegging
gangs have made only a small initial
payment upon the cars confiscated.
As great a quantity as 500 pints of j
whisky have been seized in a single
automobile confiscation raid.
Convict Bootleg Chief.
"We have found that there are sev
eral gangs which have made it a busi
ness to develop bootlegging auto
mobile lines to 'dry' cities," Mr. Mc-
tiuire said. (Jne crew known as the
Billingsley gang from Oklahoma have
operated in many cities. It is said
they cleaned up $250,000 in Seattle
alone shortly after that place abol
ished the saloons. They tried it out
here, but we put them out of business
60 days ago when we caught and
convicted one of them, Sherman
"It seems strange that the boot
leggers will continue to take the
chances they do for our juries are
convicting them and we are trying
all the appeal cases with dispatch.
"The plain drunk gets $10 and costs
as a penalty the first time up and the
second time he is sent to jail.
Head of Big Mercantile Store
Makes Decision for Saturday
Nights Upon Arrival From
California Trip.
f George Brandeis, president of the
Brandeis stores, has returned fiom
California, where he has been travel
ing for the iast four weeks, and im
mediately after he arrived he came
to the deciston to close the Brandeis
stores on Saturday at 6 o. m.
Speaking of his trip to California,
Mr. Urandeis said:
"I have been to Coronado Beach,
Los Angelts, Riverside, Catalina,
Pasadena, San Jose, Oakland ana
San Francisco, and everywhere Call
fornia impressed me as the land of
abundance nd sunshine the beauty
spot of the united States.
"While business was good in Cali
fornia I find it is excellent in Omaha
while the far west has energy and
initiative, we excel them, in my esti
mation, three to one.
Being very fond of golf, I thor
oughly enjoyed playing on the links
at Coronado Beach, and at different
times I had occasion to note more
than 50 aeroplanes circling around
over my head while I was driving
the tee.
California is giving wonderful
support to the government in air
fighting machines and aeronauts.
Wonderful Roads.
"One thine that impressed me for
cibly was th": magnificent automobile
roads which California possesses.
The motoring roads are the best ad
vertising which the Land of Sunshine
has thousands and thousands of
tourists journeying long distances to
take advantage of the almost ideal
conditions which exist in California
and the influx of these tourists brings
business ever, to the small and other
wise inaccessible hamlets on the mo
tor roads.
"Nebraska could well afford to im
prove her roids. We have a wonder
ful country for motorists to travel
over; with, trie right sort of roads we
would be bringing to our state thou
sands and thousands of tourists every
year; we would make it profitable foi
more and mure good hotels to estab
lish themselves along the routes and
make for bigper and better things for
the entire state.
Germans Admit Food Suply
Of Ukrainia Very Limited
Washington, March 17. The Ger
man view of the food stocks'available
in Ukrainia and conditions 'generally
in that country is given in a dispatch
today from Berne quoting a Berlin
telegram, published by the Strass
burger Post, March 14. The telegram
says the stores of grain are very lim
ited and that there is great political
unrest. The dispatch follows:
"After having announced that the
stock of cereal to be found in Ukrainia
surpassed all expectations, the German
press is today obliged to admit that
the resources which would be at the
disposal of the central powers has
been exaggerated."
Nebraska Music Teachers
Will Convene in Omaha
Music teachers of Nebraska will
meet in convention at the Hotel Fon
tenelle April 1-3. This will be the
second annual meeting of the Ne
braska State Music Teachers' asso
ciation. Among the speakers and singers
will be Miss May Pershing, sister of
General Pershing; H. O. Ferguson
and Rabbi Jacob Singer of Lincoln,
and Carl Beutel of Wesleyan college.
Employes and Stockholders
Are Guests at Dinner
The Nicholas Oil company snttr
tained 150 stockholders and employes
of the company at a "Hooveied
banquet" at the Hotel Fontetii'Ie
Friday night. The affair was a 'frtt
together dinner." J. A. C. Kennedy
and Frank C. Howell made short
Survivor of Princess Pats Will
Speak at Auditorium Thurs
day Night; Women to Hold
The first mass meeting of the
Omaha campaign for the third Lib
erty loan will be held in the Audi
torium next Thursday night.
The principal speaker will be Ser
geant Edward Edwards of the Prin
cess fat regiment. He was one of
the few survivors, having been taken
prisoner by the Germans. He after
wards escaped. He has a story with
which he has been thrilling the people
of Canada.
He will be accompanied by Miss
Dorothy Brooks, a famous aviatrix.
Following ikeir Omaha appearance
Sergeant Edwards and Miss Brooks
will proceed to Lincoln and other
points in the state.
Mrs. A. G. Peterson of Aurora,
state chairman of the Nebraska
Women's Liberty Loan committee,
has called a conference of the district
chairmen of Nebraska to meet Mrs.
George W. Fuller of Kansas City,
district chairman of the Women s
Liberty Loan committee of the tenth
federal reserve district. The meeting
will be held at the Omaha Chamber
of Commerce Thursday noon. The
l -" fit
us govt m
iThinl Kty loan
Kearney Stat Normal.
Dr. R. M. Bhrevei went to Grand Inland
Saturday to conduct study center work.
The 7zd meeting or the Bchoolmaaterr
club was held at the normal school on Fri
day evening. A flve-couree dinner wa
served by the domestic science class. The
main topic for discussion was 'Universal
Military Training-."
Miss Marian Smith of the art department
will address a meeting of the District Teach
ers' association on the subject, "Drawing
In the Elementary and Grammar Grades"
at Central City, April 1. Mies Smith Is
planning to use work done by the training
school for illustrative purposes.
Miss Florence Wethers. 16, who Is teach
ing mathematics and science In the Clarke
High school, visited Miss Emma Ilanthorn
of the mathematics dpartment Friday. Miss
Wethirs has been re-elected at Clarke.
Miss Gertrude Agnew, a graduate of '14,
and Miss Florence W'eihers, In the clans of
16. who are now teaching In the city school
at Clarke, spent the week-end with Miss
Laura .Agnew.
The advanced class In designing has
a display In the art room, of colored enamel
work. The students nav maae original
designs and color schemes, applying them
to the dncoratlon or wooden howls. Dot
tles and brick doorstops.
Miss Inls Jennings, in, or Hendiey, nss
accepted a position as teacher in the pri
mary department or the nslrnury puDiio
schools and will begin her work there on
March 25.
Miss Gertrude Coon, eounty superintendent
of Webster county, was In Webster Friday
to attend the executive committee raoMng
of the Nebraska State Teachers' assoolation.
Dr. A. Francis, government expert veter
inarian detailed for hog cholera work In
Buffalo. I'helps and Dawes counties, will
Klve an Illustrated lecture before th rd-
emy of Helenas and Mathematics Thursday,
March 31. He will explain the metheds 01
preparing serum and of vaccinating.
The Campflre held a ceremonml
Thursday afternoon at which the Mlses
Ethel Jopes, Grace 8nydel and Gladys Ware
ham took the Woodgatherers' rank.
Miss Cora O'Connel, high school supervisor.
conducted a study center at Coiad Sa unlay.
1'nlvrrslty of Mouth Dakota.
The deDartment of Journalism at the
University of Bouth Dakota will be three
years old this month. The unlvcrally was
the first Institution of. higher education in
this state to begin class Instruction In
journalism. When the department was
established In the spring or Airrca m.
Brace, a If" graduate of Belolt college,
who had been a member of the staff of the
Manila Times and Associated Fress cor
respondent at Shanghai, wss placed In
charge. Upon Mr. Brace's resignation In
11. Robert W. Jones, a 1(11 graduate of
the University of Missouri, who was city
editor of the Columbia (Mo.) Tribune, was
Chadron Normal.
'Fanny and the Servant Problem," given
by the Junior class, Friday night, at the
Pare theater, was well received.
The Normal Trio Is billed for the North
Platte Valley Teachers' association April S.
The class In public school music methods
have been working out problems In first
year work.
The pupils of the seventh and eighth
grades have enjoyed using the piano In
the public school music room. As soon as
' women will complete plans for the
:hird Liberty loan campaign in Ne-
raska. i
The Omaha committee has organ
-ed as follows:
William E. Khoades. chairman.
Raymond G. Young, director of
Mrs. E. M. Fairfield, chairman
women s committee.
T. P. Reynolds, chairman industrial
Arthur C Thomas, director of
newspaper f ubhcity.
Jay Burns, director of outdoor ad
Franklin Mann, chairman of sales
C. J. Lyon, secretary.
The state committee is:
T. C. Byrne, chairman.
J. C McNish, vice chairman.
Dr. P, L. Hall, vice chairman.
E. F. Folda, secretary.
O. T., treasurer.
The for Douglas county,
outside of Omaha, is J T. Wachob.
During the absence of Jay Burns his
duties will be carried on by H. L
Sculptor May Charge Signal
Corps Heads With Failures,
Blunders and Delays in
Aircraft Program.
(Bjr Associated Vr.)
Washington, March 17. A report
to President Wilson on the progres
made on the airplane program up to
about the firt of this year, prepared
by Gutzon Borglum, the sculptor,
promises to play a part in the inquiry
in i n Biriaiin; nirairi Birvanv nuiin
by the special board headed by Snow.
den Marshall of New York.
Aviation officials will invite a full
investigation of all failures shown, or
charges made m the document.
So far as is known the BorgTuni
report bears little relation to the
present status of the aircraft pro
gram. There have been intimations,
however, that it refers to serious
blunders or delays, and it Is into that
side of the question rather than into
figures as to the actual output of air
craft at the time the report was
made, that the inquiry board is ex
pected to look particularly.
may vnargc rronicenng.
There are fuggestions that the re
port may contain some intimations
that a profiteering ring controlled the
aircraft program to its own advan
tage. If that is true, officials of both
the signal corps and the aircraft pro
duction board feel that it should be
disclosed, but they are said to be per
sonally satisfied that there is no jus
tification for any such accusation.
The inquiry board is planning, it is
understood, a trip to factories, flying
schools and aviation stations to vis
ualize the whole gigantic undertaking
and see the progress being made. Of
ficials here in closest touch with the
situation insist that only a favorable
finding could be made on such an in
Frank Odell Starts East
On Liberty Loan Campaign
Frank G. Odell, secretary of the
Federal Land bank of Omaha, will
speak for the Liberty bond campaign
in Illinois and Wisconsin for two
weeks. Mr. Odell left Saturday for
his new field of activities. He has
been practically drafted for this serv-
ive by the federal government.
Major General Swinton of the Brit
ish army will accompany Odell on the
speaking tour.
Castelar Social Center
Gives Dramatic Sketch
The Dramatic club of Castelar
Social center gave a play Friday eve
ning at Castelar school. The play
was a boarding school sketch called
The Trouble at Saterlee s."
The cast was as follows:
Dorothy Eva Dahlqulst
Xllc Mabal Elmqulst
Marlon Frieda Funk
Mildred Tm,
Bertha Clara Mayilrlck
Kathleen 'H's,n .av,V!
Mine Saterlee EHIe Dlnkel
Ohoeta Helen SvoJtek, Georgia Tuma,
Nora Thompeon
arrangements can be made each room will
be given a specified time to use the piano.
The flag drill, which was given at the
Young Women's Christian association
"stunt" program last December, by th
girls of the class of 'JJ. under the direction
of Mlaa Delsell, wss repealed last week, be
for the literary department of the Woman's
The children of the fifth snd sixth grades,
under the direction of Miss Nell Durham,
are taklnjt up the study of textiles and man
ufacture of cotton cloths.
Miss Amanda Osnes. who has been taking
work In the commercial department, has
accepted a position as stenographer In Gor
don Alt children In the primary rooms are
learning Dutch tulip songs appropriate to
th month.
Hastings College.
Rev. C. E. Lemmon, who spent a few
months at Camp Cody, gave a talk on the
religious work of th camp before the
Young Men's Chrltlan association last week.
Dr. Veach of Philadelphia also spoke on
the lessons he got from Csmp Dlx, N. J.
Rev. Lnmpe spoke on Korea before the
Young Women's Christian association. Rev.
Lamp la home from Korea on a furlough
this year. He also spoke at th Presby
terian churoh Thursday evening.
The Glee olub has been finally arranged
to start on Its tour April S. It will give
concerts at Kearney, Lexington. Cosed,
Gothenburg, Scottsbluff, Bridgeport, Im
perial, McCook, Cambridge. Hastings and
The spring vacation will extend from
April to 16.
The summer school will begin commence
ment week (mediately following the close
of collegp, June 12, and will close August 2.
Courses will he given In review and aiso col
lege work as well a music. A number of
the regular college studonts will continue
advanced work In th summer school.
Among the ltre at the college last Week
were MIhs IScrtrutfe Coon, county superin
tendent of Webster county; Mr. Frazer, for
mer superintendent of schools at Stromberg
and Ed nil r; Miss Ida balmon, a former stu
dent of the college, and Rev. Breckenrldge
of Yuma, Colo., who etopped on his way
home from a trip east for a visit with his
son who Is In collego here.
Fremont College Note.
The students are Interested In tho wek's
war news given every Monday morning by
on of the faculty. The maps shown are
of particular Interest.
College folk were pleasantly surprised
with a visit from A. II. Dixon of the state
normal training department Thursday.
Th stenographic department continues to
grow In numbers but Is still unable to sup
ply the demand.
St. Patrick's day was observed with ap
propriate exercises by th teachers' class
Friday morning. Oreen was th color used
In dncoratlon and an interesting program
bearing on the day was given. Floyd
Hoot Is president of the clsss.
Professor N. W. Gaines was a guest In
chapel Wednesday morning. His lecture
was announced for the following evening,
when he gave his famous lecture. "New
Win In Old Bottilfi " Th proceeds wore
for the benefit of the encyclopedia fund,
which Mr. Gaines was Instrumental in plac
ing, In iho library.
Circular Letter Containing
Company News and Local
Items Be Gotten Up; Equip
ment for All.
One hundred and thirty-five men
from the Omaha plant of Swift & Co.
have gone .uto war service, and the
company docs not intend that one of
them shall lack for such comforts
and pleasure as home folks are per
mitted to pr.wide.
The solditrs' and sailors' welfare
work for the Swift organisation is
handled through the Chicago head
quarters office, which gathers infor
mation from all branch offices as to
what is needed for the boys. Indi
vidual boxe are then made up once
a month in Chicago and sent to the
boys in training camps and abroad
A circular letter containing com
pany news tnd local items is gotten
up by the leys' former fellow work
ers and sent to them once a month.
At present every boy is fully
equipped with sweaters, socks, wrist
le', helmets, etc., and Swift employes
contribute every week, through the
Military Welfare association, to a
fund to provide their former associ
ates with smokes, sweets and other
The entire Swift organization has
contributed 3,089 young men for war
service almost a full regiment.
In the Sw ft Legion of Honor. 103
of the men have won commissions in
the army, many of them receiving
part of thei: training in the Swift
Military club, organized when "pre
paredness" was the admonishment of
the hour.
The Military Welfare association
also gives information and advice to
relatives of the boys in service.
Liberty bonds to the sum of $3,879,
700 are owned by 28,718 Swift em
ployes. Funeral Services for
Frank Franek Tuesday
Funeral services for Frank Franek.
66 years old, who died at his home,
5136 South Twenty-fourth street, Fri
day morning, will be held at the Bo
hemian Catholic church Tuesday
morning at 9 o'clock. Rev. Father
Joe Cundelack will officiate. Inter
ment will be in St. Mary's cemetery.
Mr. rranek is survived by his
widow, son, John, and two sisters,
Mrs. Francis Stanek, South Side, and
Mrs. Karolina Stanek, Port Chester,
N. Y. The grandchildren are Charles,
Herbert, John, Anton, Joseph and
Bohomil Franek.
Mr. Franek was a native of Bo
hemia. He lived six years at North
Bend and JU years in South Omaha.
He was a member of the following or-
fanizations: Hvezda Svobody No. 45,
. C B. J; W. O. W., Jiz Kub Dub
camp No. 115; F. U. of America;
Lodge Vermost No. 62; I. O. O. F.
Chambers Court, and Prokoo Velkv
No. 3380.
Douglas Fairbanks
In "The Habit of Happiness' at
the Besse i "day.
Tomorrow, Mr. Tom Mix.
Tuesday. Harold Lockwood in
"The Avenging Trail."
Wednesday and Thursday, Douglas
Fairbanks in "A Modern Musketeer."
Friday, Pauline Frederick in "The
Hungry Heart."
Saturday, Pauline Frederick in The
Antics of' Ann." Besse.
Exemption Board Needs
300 Badges for Next Draft
Local exemption board No. 2 is in
need of 300 badges for the boys who
are going into service.
Here is a chance for the women to
do another good turn for the boys,"
said Chairman J. J. Breen. "All that
is needed to make the badges is a
strip of cloth, any color, about an inch
and a quarter wide and five or six
inches long."
The badges the board has been giv
ing out bear the following inscrip
tion: Omaha Division No. t.
"Our Houth Side Boys."
Compliments of the Houth Omaha
Iluslness Men's Association.
Three Improvement Clubs
To Meet Monday Night
Three improvement clubs will hold
a joint meeting at the hall at Twen
tieth and S streets Monday night.
They are the East Side Improvement
club, Brown Park Improvement club
and the South Side Improvement club.
Important business is to come before
the joint meeting.
Central High School Band
To Give Annual Concert
The cadet band of Omaha High
school will give its first annual
concert at 2:45 on Wednesday after
noon. A cornet duet, composed and ar
ranged by one of the members of the
hand, will be one of the features.
An ambitious ensemble selection to
begin is E. T. Taull's descriptive
march - galop, "Napoleon's
Charge." The program, which will
be open to the public, is free.
Thursday evening the 30 members
of the band will be joined by 30
guests in a banquet at the Blackstone.
Drum Major Richard Wood will be
toastmaster. Principal J. G. Masters,
Edward E. McMillan, head of the
military department, and Irving Gar
wood, conductor of the band, will be
among the speakers.
Takes Coffees Place
Needs little sugar-No
boiling Economical
wwaua a tJiuix viliUXlAJLJ
Woman Sentenced to Year in
Penitentary; Would Have Ex
torted $500,000 From
Atlanta Mayor.
Atlanta. Ga.. March 17.-Mr..
Margaret A. Hirsch was convicted by.
a jury in superior court yesterday of
an attempt to extort $500,000 from
Mayor Asa G. Candler, by black
mail and was givfcn the maximum
sentence in Georgia for .a wnde
meanor a year in prison and a fine of
J. W. Cock, indicted jointly with
her, and tried two weeks ago, also
received the maximum sentence, but
instead of the prison term he was
given a year and a day on the chain
gang at hard labor.
When Judge Hill pronounced
Mrs. Hirsch, who had remained
seated, looked up and said:
"I have not a word to say." Her
counsel, however, immediately an
nounced that a motion of appeal
would be made later, and Judge Hilt
fixed the bond at $3,000.
Mrs. Hirsch was unable to furnish
hail and was returned to the cell in,
Fulton county jail, which she has'
occupied since her indictment a month
Officers and Delegates
Elected at T. P. A. Meeting
The Omaha post of the Traveling
Men's Protective association held its
annual meeting Saturday.
Fifteen hundred dollars was sub
scribed by the members to, the Third
Liberty I oan, and a resolution pledg
ing the body to further the cause of
the bond issue was passed. Officers
for the ensuing year and delegates for
the national convention at St. Louis
in June were selected.
They are: J. H. Stein, president;
George H. Savidge, first vice presi
dent; O. H. Peptin, second vice presi
dent; William H. Urbach, third vice
president; Charles L. Hopper, secretary-treasurer;
Harry R. Riley, O. L.
Erickson, R. D. Kirkpatrick, George
H. Jewell, A. A. Taylor, directors, and
Rev. John F. Pucher, chaplain.
Chairmen for the different commit
tees are:
fH. B. Patrick, railroads; W. W.
Watt, hotels; J. T. Hogan, legislative;
A. D. Spier, employment; O. T. Woh
ford, press; J. P. Fallon, government
roads; A. W. Miller, sick and relief.
Delegates to the natinnat conven
tion and alternates are: W. Stanley
Brown, John W. Gamble, H. R. Bait
zer, H. B. Patrick. W. W. Watt, A.
D. Hoag, George H. Savidge, R. D.
Kirkpatrick, H. R. Rileyi, Gus Miller,
Ben Mildner, H. G. Hoel, George E.
Begerow, D. W. Emery and O. L.
A banquet Saturday night wound up
the meeting.
The state convention oflhe Travel
ing Men't Protective association will
be held at Fremont.
Bee Want Ads Bring Results.
I Christian Science I
'B i
f John Randall Dunn, C. S. -
Of St. Louis
Monday Evening, March .18, "
at 8 O'Cloek -
In the Church Edifice j
St. Mary's Ave. and 24th St.
Tuesday Eveninft March 19, j
I at 8 O'Cloek
In the Omaha Auditorium
I Given by the First, Second '..
I and Third Churches of
I The Public is Cordially Invited i
Dark or Light
Order a Case Sent Home
Omaha Beverage Co.
Phone Doug. 4231.
I I I B,
For Burning Eczema j
Greasy salves and ointments should not
oe applied it good dear skin is wanted.
From any "truggist tor 35c, or $1.00 for
extra large size, get a bottle of semo.
When applied as directed tt effectively
removes eczema, quickly stops itching, and
heals skin troubles, also sores, burns,
wounds and chafing. It penetrates, cleanses
and soothes. Zemo is a dean, dependable
and inexpensive, penetrating, antiseptic
liquid. Try it, as we believe nothing you
have ever used is aseffective and satisfying.
Tha E.W Rote Co.. Cleveland. O
Lanpher Hat