Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1918, Page 4, Image 4
IHtl MM UMAHA, MONDA, MAKUH 18, iyi. 4 I i i t , s ; i s i 5 1 The Omaha Bee DAILY (MORNING) EVENING SUNDAY FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSEWATER VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR THB BEE rXJBUBHMO COM? ANT, PROPRIETOR. Entorvd at Omaha pasteffict aa steond-clas natter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Br Curtw. By Man. HOj mtt 9mSv V inck. ISo Pat Tw. .M Dally vttbM Sanda? 10o " M Inning sad Suodt; " lOo 6.00 Riming mbm Sands? " o " 4 00 Bands tM Mb " 4e 100 Bind ootica af chugs of address st Irrsnlaitt? ta deUfsry to masks Bm CUvaiatloo Dtpartmeou MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Th AsnUsud Fnm. of Mick Tbs Bs Is a nwmfxr. ardiKlftl sntltted to tbs nss for pobhoatloa of all asws dtspatclies eradiwd ta It or not MhcnrtM eredlttd la thli napsr. aad aim ths local am publlitwd hsnln. All rlcbu of poWleatloa of oar sptclsl tfsnstebas an ala nssmd. REMITTANCE Bwalt tv draft avrw or sostsi order. Oolr and i-tmt sumns itkaa ta awn ant at aasil soamnta Praal eases, asespl oe Jmaha aad antra sxchtnia. aot aaoapaad. OFFICES Omaha-a Bx Building, f hicuo--P(rle"a m BtlldlM- Bout Oaia-MU N fk. Nsw York-IM Fifth A. Council Bloffs-14 N. Mala St t UmlrNaw B k of ComBwrea. LiDOolaUUI Boildtnf. Wiialniton ISU O tit. v CORRESPONDENCE Address esssnimfesttons reliant to dw aod sdMortal mtHm ta Onaba Baa. Iditorlal Depsrtawat. FEBRUARY CIRCULATION 62,544 DailySunday, 54,619 limn etmUaUoa for a aonta. sotoserlbrd and swora ta bf Dwll WlUlama, OnwJaUni Utnsser. Sabacrlbara leaving ths city ehooU have Tha Baa ma Had la thaw. Addraaa changed aa a'ten at requested. . If the politicians will only give the farmer a chance, he will raise the crops needed to feed the world. "Own your own home" is good advice for anybody at any time. Just now it is doubly good for Omahans. The supreme court holds the Nebraska mother's pension law is good, thereby confirming popular opinion. Having ratified the treaty with Germany, the bolsheviki now propose to Ignore it. This adds to the kaiser's perplexities. Britons are getting along with one-third the quantity of strong drink consumed prior to the war. They have something else to think about naw. Secretary Baker is seeing something in France that ought to modify his personal views of the war, and aid materially in our part being pushed. Mr. McAdoo thinks the Omaha depots and ticket offices may be consolidated without greatly inconveniencing the public. So far as the depots ire concerned, the move will be an improvement Critics of the "silly knitting needles might well consult some of the boys who wore sweaters, helmets and other comforts thus provided to ward off the cold of last winter before entirely condemning the practice. The knitting brigade has far outserved the talking. For the present the state school lands are safe from the potash exploiters, but the legisla ture may hive to act before the waters in ques tion can be boiled down into commercial product. Here is another item to be included in the spe cial call. The great battle between the United States and Germany, now being waged in Wisconsin, comes to a dose on Tuesday. Surface indications are that Congressman Lenroot's platform of loyalty is arousing the people up there to a sense of responsibility, and that a stern rebuke will be given the Berger-I-a Follette disloyal com bination. The issue is plain between American ism and the kaiser, and the country yet has con fidence in Wisconsin. What is a Nonpartisan? Since we in Omaha are approaching another to-called nonpartisan election, the answer to this question by the editor of the Portland Orego aian should be in point to anticipate the wonder ment of some of our own querulous readers: It may be taken for granted that the inquirer recognizes that word meanings are not always governed by the dictionary. That erudite work says that a nonpartisan is one not controlled by parties or party spirit or party interests. Alas, dictionaries were written by old fogies. There is in Oregon a newly-formed ortrani- zation which has outlined a definite political program, intends to endorse candidates for office and will otherwise function as a politi cal party. Yet it calls itself nonpartisan. When one applies the archaic dictionary defi nition to a nonpartisan party it seems almost as impossible as a meatless pork roast or a paneless window pane or a toothless set of false teeth. Yet we have a nonpartisan party in. our midst. . : , We once thought a nonpartisan was always a camouflaged democrat. Again, it appeared that he night be an out who wanted to sneak in which is something like the first definition, but more inclusive. A still maturer judgment is that a nonparti san is an intense partisan of a confirmed mi nority seeking a way to fool the majority. Let us add that in our opinion the nonpar tisan species is the same and unvarying wherever found, regardless of climate or country, race, color or previous condition, and does not differ in any essential particular as between Oregon and .Nebraska. IN THE CASE OF WHEAT. No mystery should surround the wheat situ ation in the United States. Especially is this true of Nebraska, where a great shortage in sup plies held in mills and elevators is apparent. First of all, the 1917 crop was short in Ne braska, with only a few million bushels above state requirements. Control of all wheat was assumed by the federal food administration, and its milling department was given charge of op erations. Several weeks ago licensed millers in Nebraska were instructed to cease operation, as they had attained the limit of production per mitted them. This order prevented the accumu lation of stocks of grain in hands of the millers. What is true of Nebraska applies in some de gree to all parts of the country. Continual de mand for export has prevented the storage of grain as usual. At the first of March stock of wheat in hands of farmers was reported at 10,000, 000 bushels greater than a year ago; this is ac countable for by the fact that no speculative de mand for the grain has existed, and that all movement has been under direction of the food administrator, who has been hampered in turn by the railroad congestion and the shortage of cars for handling farm produce. In Nebraska the stock of wheat on March 1 was but little over 2,000,000 bushels, practically all in the hands of farmers, and much of it needed for seed. The gain in surplus is undoubtedly due to the great campaign for conservation of the grain. All these facts should be known at Washington, and they combine to exonerate the farmer from any charge of undue hoarding. However, if a farmer were inclined to hoard, he is furnished with con tinual incentive thereto by the action of congress, where from time to time promise is held out to him that the price of wheat fixed by the govern ment and by law is to be raised. The minimum price for the 1918 crop was put at $2 a bushel under belief that a liberal allow ance was being made. This has persistently been attacked by profiteers, and even now Senator Gore of Oklahoma and Senator McCumber of North Dakota are demanding a price of $2.50, while a Missouri "authority" insists the figure would be $4 if the government had not interfered. If congress will cease its agitation the farmer will continue to raise and sell wheat and earn a profit at $2 per bushel. "Standing Back of the President." The most amazing exhibition of devotion to an unpatriotic purpose we have been given within the last year is that persistency with which Sena tor Reed of Missouri clings to his futile attack on Food Administrator Hoover. During all the weeks the food administration bill was before congress the senator thundered with all his elo quence against the plan and against Mr. Hoover. Passage of the bill did not silence him; from time to time, as he can gain the floor, the tirade of abuse and criticism is renewed. Inasmuch as Herbert Hoover was the personal selection of President Wilson for the important place, and that the president has approved his course in all ways, the antics of the Missouri senator amount to criticism of the chief executive of the nation. What is said here is not offered in defense of Mr. Hoover, whose work has been done openly and with all sincerity, but to indicate the quality of support the president has had from his own party in congress. Senator Stone of Missouri was one of the "12 willful men" who defeated the presi dent in the senate last March; Speaker Champ Clark left the chair of the house to speak in op position to the selective draft, and gave out an interview strongly against it, and Senator Reed has relentlessly fought the president's food con servation measures. And out of all this the kaiser's supporters, here and abroad, have drawn comfort and support. Building Boats of Stone. . Success attending the launching of a ship huflt from reinforced concrete opens a new vista down which the imagination peers with pleasure. Man's slow struggle upward through the ages has been measured in a large degree by the facility with which he has adapted to his uses materials for navigating the waters of the earth. From the day the first adventurous antediluvian ferried himself across a reptile-infested stream, astride a log, in search of safety or impelled by sheer curiosity, down to now, civilization has gone ahead just as man has been able to make his journeyings by water more certain and expedi tious. Many ages intervene between the earliest raft on which he risked his life and gear alike and the time when his ripe experience taught him iron could be expanded into form to serve in lieu of wood, and he might thus unite strength and buoyancy and achieve a real triumph in naval progress. This lesson was taught by necessity of war. The Monitor and the Merrimac Tiave given birth to progeny of such might and variety as still amaze and confound the simple, with the deadly submarine at the end of the lengthening line. To this must now be added the "stone" boat, for that is what the reinforced concrete vessel amounts to. Its possibilities are yet to be developed. One launching does not make, al though it does promise, a fleet. If the new vessel should be what its projectors fondly hope, the building of merchant navies has gone another great step farther because of the war that has brought about this experiment. Questions For Nebraska Farmers Which Is of Greater Value to the State The Sheep or the Dog? , BY G. W. What is the matter with the sheep busi ness in Nebraska? Why have Nebraska farmers and land owners not more sheep on their lands? Why is Nebraska one of the lowest states in the union in sheep popula tion? An endless list of questions might be asked defining the lack of interest among the farmers in this state in the matter of owning and keeping sheep. There is one reason at the bottom of the scarcity of sheep in Nebraska, and that is the dog and coyote nuisance, the fear of damage to the flocks from this source. It is a well known fact that sheep cannot be safely kept in Nebraska without building a dog and wolf-proof barricade around all pas tures, sheep lots and enclosures where sheep are left over night. This annoyance and vexation of frequent loss by the killinsr and wounding of sheep is too much for the or dinary stock man to endure, and he sells out and quits. Nebraska can be made one of the greatest sheep growing states in the union by a little good protective legislation in favor of the sheep growing industry. Other sheep grow ing states have their dog laws and wolf bounty laws that make it .possible for the sheep owner to prosecute this industry in safety. It is only necessary to make the dog responsible, financially, for the sheep killed and Injured, and the farmers will tumble over each other to get into the sheep grow ing business. Why? Because there is more money in it than any other feature of live stock handling. ' Give the farmers to know that the dogs of the state are all taxed, and that this tax fund is held in each county treasury ready to pay any and all damage to sheep com mitted in the county by dogs, and you have insured sheep raising. All the farmer wants to know is that he is safe from dog damage to his flock. If the dog tax is established, he knows there will be fewer good-for-nothing, idle sheep-killing dogs kept and in case he meets with loss that he will get what his sheep are worth. This solves the question whether or not Nebraska shall remain as at present with an annual population of about 200000 sheep or develop to 1,500,000 to 2.000,000 sheep within the next few years. . Nebraska farm ers would prefer to raise their feeder sheep, but they cannot take the risk of this inevi table loss, under the present lack of pro tection. The sheep-killing dog is the greatest hin drance to the growth of the sheep industry in any state that the sheep owner has to en counter. The wisdom of legislation, in the suppression of the dog nuisance, stands out HERVEY. prominently in all states that have suc ceeded in developing the sheep and wool business. It may plainly be stated that no farming state has ever been able to main tain a free and untaxed dog producing in dustry and the sheep business at the same time, and be successful in both. It has been tried in all states in the union and failed, the useless dog that does not represent any legitimate industry being obliged to give way to the sheep. There are but few states in the United States whose sheep and wool interests are not represented by millions of dollars. On the other hand there are but few states that recognize the dog as of any value. The per sonal value of the dog is so low in the esti mation of the general public that it is con fined almost entirely to the friendship or attachment that the dog and his master have for each other, and this has no market or intrinsic value, such as is found in the mut ton chops, leg of mutton or the woolen fab rics that clothe humanity, both rich and poor. As to the relative value of these two classes of animal creation in their relation to man, there is no basis upon which a com parison can be placed. The sheep feature of our live stock con ditions are wrong-end foremost here in Ne braska; we should have fewer dogs, no coy otes and more sheep, yes, millions more dol lars employed in the creating of more dol lars, more prosperity, more wool to clothe our people, more mutton to feed the hun gry. Think of this, and help to plan for the protection of our legitimate industries. Think of this and help conserve the food waste that is providing the 109,742 dogs of Nebraska a living which should be con verted to the present needs of starving hu manity, and commence at once in sowing the seed of practical conservation at home. What is our dog industry worth to our state? What revenue is produced by our dog population of 109,742 dogs? And this only represents those voluntarily listed. Does it yield a dollar in actual commercial interests? Yet we permit dogs and wolves to go unrestrained over our farms, destroy ing live stock. We are producing less than 50 per cent of the wool to clothe our own people in these United States, and yet Ne braska persists in feeding its $60,000 worth of sheep annually to the dogs and wolves, without money and without price. Why this wanton extravagance when the high prices of food and clothing are staring us in the face, and the passage of a dog law, such as the sheep owners and farmers have been asking for, would relieve this situation? Savage Instincts . of Prussians Germany the Slave of a Hybrid Race Louis H. Gray in ScribnerV of a hybrid race, the bondmaid of a people which has usurped not merely the lands, but the very name of an alien folk. The theft has succeeded well, so well that it has been for gotten by the world, and the Prussian boasts today that not only is he a German, but that he is the German. In a sense he is right, for he is but seeking to repeat in the present war the ruthlessness and the mercilessness which he practiced when first the Germans gained the mastery of the Prussians and the world, honest in the main and wont to take men to be what they claim to be, has believed his vaunt. In a far truer sense he is wrong in his boast and his historians must in their hearts know him to be false in it. He is not a Ger man; he is a hybrid, and through his male ficent sway, through his strange mixture of tyranny and intrigue, he has so corrupted and perverted the sterling virtues of the true Teu ton within the German empire that for many a year the real representatives of the ancient Germans, whom a Tacitus could portray as models for the decadent days of Rome, are to be found only without its borders. Anglo Saxon civilization is the heir of the spiritual and moral legacy of the Germany of olden days liberty and fair play, justice, honor and purity; German civilization has become Prussian and is no longer German. The war has been ascribed to many "causes and most of them have, indeed, been veryLcorda real laciors, ooin economically ana politi cally. But one reason for the conflict stands out above all the rest the concept well termed Prussianism. This Prussianism it is which has given this war its distinctive char acteristics. Morally the war is not remark able because of its vast scope nor is it note worthy because of the racial elements strug gling against each other. The world has seen these things before and has become the better through them; in all probability it will see the like again in its slow struggle upward. Neither is the war a mere struggle for liberty, dear though this be. In the last analysis we fight against a principle even more monstrous than enslavement and this is the reason why, more than in any other war that history records; the moral force of righteousness strengthens our arms against the well-nigh overwhelming powers of wickedness. a moral imbecile, an arrested development, a savage in civilization's garb and even the garb he has stolen. Like the savage, he is imitative, not inventive; like the savage, he is boastful and cunning. Among the na tions he is precisely what the type of morally imbecile but intellectually educated criminal is among individuals. If this were all we might forgive, though for the welfare of so ciety the imbecile must be segregated from the sane. But the peculiar horror of his in iquity is that the imbecility is voluntary and self-induced. "There is a sin unto death" so writes Saint John, the beloved disciple, who had leaned on the Master's bosom "I do not say that he shall pray for it." From the wider point of view this war Is but an episode in the age-long struggle be tween good and evil, between God and the devil. The end was foreseen almost 2,000 years ago by the seer on lonely Patmos. By reason of our human limitations we must bat tle with earthly weapons against the hosts of evil and must labor for our salvation. It is meet and right so to do, else we could scarce retain our self-respect, but the Cross of Saint George, floating over the Holy City, re deemed at last from the unbeliever, is to us a sign and a symbol of what shall soon come to pass, if only we be constant and perform our share of the divine covenant Sursum Conceived in greed and born in crime, nur tured in cruelty and grown great in rob bery, this hideous and incongruous hybrid of Roman and German, of Slav and Mongol, has flourished like the green bay-tree. But on its heart has ever been the worm whose name is Fear, and Fear, whereby it thought to rule the world, is become its Nemesis. The Prussian has sinned, deliberately, con sciously and scientifically. His sin has brought him worldly gain and were it not for fear he would be well content. But sin is bought for a price and that price is moral death it is damnation both , in this world and in the world to come, unless there be true repentance and all possible reparation. For worldly gain the Prussian has stunted his own soul. We have $een what he is eth nologically and historically. Ethically he is "God's in His heaven. All's right with the world." People and Events As a concession to the war spirit and conservation, New York's swell hotels per mit people with the price to dine without dolling up in evening dress. Could pa triotism do more? A St. Louis millionaire who gave away $300,000 in three years is aleged to be of un sound mind by prospective heirs. Recipients of the bounty proffer expert testimony on his wholesome sanity. Once more the outs against the ins. The country during February agreeably checked January's hot pace in fires. January's fire losses totaled $37,575,000, surpassing the record for January, 1817. In February the total fell to $20,688,000, a figure much below the two previous February records. Social circles back in Connecticut, the "land of steady habits," gets another matri monial shock from Virginius J. Mayo, mil lionaire gayboy. Matrimony is Mayo's reg ular habit. His score is extensive, both reg ular and irregular, and the expense, even though it runs into the thousands, cuts no figure where charmers abound. One venture caught him for $100,000 alimony. A breach of promise poultice of $100,000 plucked by Honora May O'Brien from a New York octogenarian, appears to have restored the maid's heart to normal condi tion. With the poultice on the right spot Honora liied herself back to Ireland and gave her hand and the healed member to John Daly, a Skibbereen farmer. Wouldn't that jar you? Ton J ust 30 Years Ago Today I RiQht to the Point One Year Ago Tod In the War. German torpedo craft shelled Eng lish coast towns with little effort. Foreign Minister Mllukoft declared Russia determination to fight the war out with the entente allies. Relations between the United States and Germany further strained by announcement of the sinking of three more American ships. The Day We Celebrate. H. F. Curtis, railroad man, born 1864. Victor Murdock, member of Federal Trade commission, born at Bur lingame, Kan., 47 years ago. Dr. Richard P. Strong, Boston med ical scientist, born at Fortress Mon roe, Va., 46 years ago. Anna Held, star, born la Paris, 41 years ago. Bishop John W. Hamilton, chancel lor of the American university at Washington, born at Weston, Va-, 43 years ago. Trains OVr thai I'nlnn Taolfl. road were several hours late on ac count of the washouts resulting from the frequent heavy rains. Seventeen carriages and at least twenty private rigs conveyed nearly a This Day In History. 1782 John C. Calhoun, South Car olina statesman, born at Abbeville, & C Died in Washington, D. C March 31. I860. 1818 United States eongress granted pensions, to veterans of the revolution. 1871 Insurrectionists in Paris erected barricades and seised the Hotel de Villa. 1891 Telephonic communication between "ridon and Pario established. 100 men to a certain nlace in the country to witness a dog fight I I Captain C. V. Bainstord. who for many years has represented Peycke , Brothers, has abandoned the road and will enter tha brokerage business in! Omaha. - j Among the city Bchools. at which specimens of drawing and Denman- I ship were exhibited by pupils, Wal 1 nut Hill school made the best show ing. This school was organized a year ago and has an attendance of 226 pupils. j I Mr. Balch, manager of Hotel Bar-' ker. treated his hotel guests to an ele- gant special dinner on the event of the second anniversary of his man-1 I agement there. St Louis Globe-Democrat: No real Irishman will try to escape military service on the ground that he is a British subject. Minneapolis Journal: Some day the bear is going to look around for the fellow who cut a few steaks off from him when he was tied. Washington Post: By moving quickly Japan can get in in time to prevent the Germans from forging papers to prove that the Vladivostok ians attacked them first Baltimore American: One of the after the war dangers is that the women who have become bo proficient in knitting will insist upon their hus bands wearing the socks they have learned to make. New York World: Admiral Dleder ichs of Germany is now physically dead, but according to all the rules of Prussianism. ha perished when Com modore Dewey made him obey inter national law In Manila bay twenty years ago. Minneapolis Tribune: "Why has not a price been fixed on cotton, like on all the other staples?" asks a cor respondent who apparently overlooks the fact that cotton la grown exclu sively in the territory of the southern members of congress. Louisville Courier-Journal: Most of us have learned to put coal shovels to other uses than shoveling coal, but none of us has had the opportunity of the British trawler skipper who put a German submarine out of com mission by smashing its periscope with !a coal 8hoveL Tag that shovel! State Press Comment Hastings Tribune: One thing Is certain and that is the draft did not get all the loafers. Norfolk Press: Mr. Hoover now tells us we may eat beef and pork six days every week without a limit. Now ii Mr. Hoover will only tell us how to get the meat all will be 'well. Plattsmouth Journal: The Federal , Land Bank of Omaha, serving the states of Iowa, Nebraska, South Da I kota and Wyoming, is one year old and has been a great help to the farmers- I Kearney Hub: Just as Nebraska has exceeded her quota of enlisted I men for the new army, the state has i also gone over the top in the matter of subscriptions for the dirterent war funds. Grand Island Independent: One county committeeman reports a case of a cltiien in his country precinct i who is very strenuous in his denunci ations of the kaiser. The head of the European nation cannot be assassi nated too soon to suit this owner of approximately 150,000 American dol lars. He la Bald to argue the case daily and heatedly, all of which suits the committeeman all right it It were only followed up a bit with the goods. But not a plunk can be argued out of the gentleman, even as a loan to the United States government. Think you that the military autocrats of Berlin would have very much to worry about I if all Americans orauive Umouth-patriots 7 Twice Told Tales A Trench Shock. The mails from home had been re ceived by a certain regiment. One Tommy received a large box ad dressed to himself, and with a tri umphant yell he rushed off to his company's lines and gathered them around him to share the contents of the box. "Smokes, lad," he cried, as he un fastened the wrapping. "From the old man, I know it, and there's sure to be a bottle or two of Scotch." He opened the box, gave one look and collapsed In a heap. "It's from old Aunt Mary," groaned the war rior. "Bandages an' 'intmenfe an' em brocation, an' splints, an' a book on 'ow to be your own surgtn." London Chronicle. Big Business. The children of the neighborhood had started an amusement company, which they planned to operate for commercial and recreation purposes with the other children as the vic tims, or rather, patrons. The com pany's property consisted, among other things, of a fine new swing. Since business waa rather dull the first afternoon the owners of the "park" were taking turns enjoying the rides themselves. One of the lit tle girls evidently thought that she had not received her share cf the fun. "George." she cried, "If you don't let me swing now I'll tell mamma!" George was not abashed. "Aw. go on!" he remonstrated. "We're not running this company on the tell mamma plan." Indianapolis News. ' Also Speaks For Bochner. ; Malvern, la.. March 15. To the; Editor of The Bee: I am glad to see in the dally of the 14th a letter from T. D. Gibson defending Len W. Boch ner. There Is a mistake somewhere. I have known L. W. Bochner more than 40 years and believe him to be as patriotic as any citizen we have. MARY A SUMMERS. Omaha Villi fled In Wisconsin. Omaha. March 13. To the Editor of The Bee: A friend at Marshfleld, Wis., sends me a newspaper clipping, with a notation on the margin as fol lows: "Some city you have! We thought of visiting you this summer, but perhaps it is not safe. WHO is Archbishop Harty?" The clipping proves to be an article furnished, and its publication paid for, by the brewers of Wisconsin in their campaign to keep Wisconsin wet under the local option laws. The first paragraph reads: "Nebraska, supposedly 'bone dry,' is now engaged In a running warfare with bootleg- j gers, blind pig operators, and an army of other people trying to circumvent the law. The police are at their wits' end to stop,, the traffic, which, after several months of so-called enforce ment, Is now so bad that the governor has called upon the commander at Fort Crook for United States troons to assist the city authorities in the matter." The article then concludes with a reprint of Archbishop Harty's views against prohibition, as printed in Omaha papers February 12, and , which the article comments upon as "one of the most sensible summaries of the entire question yet published j IIIO lUUIHI J . J VAVULV HID . 4 V 1 U I sober, decent Catholics of Nebraska are proud to have the name of their bishop used by the brewers' of Wis consin to give credence and respec tability to an article villifyihg the good name of Nebraska and Omaha. ELINOR MARTIN. NO MORE FOOT MISERY ICE - MINT A NEW DISCOVERY STOPS SORENESS AND CORNS FALL OFF Just a touch or two with Ica-mtnt an vour corns and foot troubles ara ended It takes the soreness rlfht out, then thi corn or callous shrivels and lifts otf. No matter what you have tried or hoa, many times you have been disappointed here is a real help for you at last. You will never have to cut a corn agali or bother with bungllnc tape or plasters. Hard corns, soft corns or corns betweei the toes, Just shrivel up and lift off easy, It's wonderful. You feel no pain or sore, nass when applying Ice-mint or afterwards It doesn't even Irritate the skin. This new discovery made from a Jap anese product Is certainly magical the wsi it d.-aws out Inflammation from a pair ol swollen, burning, aching feet. Ice-mint im parts such a delightful cooling, aoothlng feeling to the feet that it Just makes yon sigh with relief. ' It is the real JapaneM secret for fine, healthy little feet. It il greatly appreciated by women who weal high heel shoes. It absolutely preventi foot odors and keeps them sweet and com fortable. It costs little and will give your poo tired, suffering, swollen feet the treat ol their lives. Sold and recommended by good druggists everywhere. MIRTHFUL REMARKS. He Here's a woman suing for divorce on the ground that she was in a trance whn she got marrleB. His Better Half Well, If marriage won't bring her out of It, divorce won't. Judge. Bessie Tou going to get married when you grow up? Jessie (resignedly) Oh, I s'pose ao. Tou can't get your alimony 'less you do. Pitts burgh Press. "He ean't ask you for anything simply. TeBterday when the waiter asked him what he wanted, he said to bring him a barnyard terminal." "What on earth did he, mean by that?" "He- wanted a cocktail." Baltimore American. A LITTLE BANNER. Through the window gleaming Like a beacon light, Hanga a little banner, Red and blue and white. In tha stately mansion And the cottage, too, Hanga this flag of service, Red and white and blue. Bright flags, soft and silken, Blue stars shining bright; Flaga of coarser fabric And in dimmer light. Silent little token In the window there Of a circle broken And a vacant chair. Mothers, wives and sweethearts, Fathers, sisters, too. Love this little banner, Red and white and blue. Precious little token I Of the ones they miss; Little banner christened With a tear and kiss. Little flag of service, Tou have helped us bear Loneliness and sorrow. Just by shining there. Through the window gleaming Like a beaoon light. Little flag of service Red and blue and white. Omaha, CELESTA L. MABEKY. ANewWay toShave Tender Skins With CubcuraSoap DRIVE AWAVJEADACHE; Rub Musterole on Forehead and Temples A headache remedy without the dUn gers of "headache medicine.'' Relieves headache end that miserable feeling front colds or congestion. And it acts at oneel Musterole is a dean, white ointment made with oil of mustard. Better than mustard plaster and does not blister. Used only externally, and in no way can it affect stomach and heart, bs some in ternal medicines da - Excellent for sore throat, bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, con gestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, all pains and aches of the back or ioints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). 30c and 60c jars hospital size $2.50 Hotel Dyckman Minneapolis FIREPROOF Opened 1910 Location Moat Central 300 Room with 300 PrWaU Batlii Rates $1.75 to $3.50 Per Day H. J. TREMAIN Pres. and Manager The Seven Commandments Are Good Business We have no word of criticism for the man or company who works Sunday, Some of us have to street cars telephones electric light and gas companies, and the church choir find they must work. But for the love of sunshine let's give the filling station boys one day a week to play. iia m m si " Fill up for OVER Sunday. L V. Bfcholas Oil Companjl President Open until 10:30 P. M. ' Saturday Night. Filling Station: 38th and Farnam 29th and Leavenworth, 12th and Harney St. Phone Douglas 382. "Not a lemon in the bunch." Have You $900? It will buy nine of our shares. If you have not this amount, start with lees and systematically save with us until you reach your goal. No better time and no better place. Dividends compounded semi-annually. The Conservative Savings & Loan Ass'n 1614 HARNEY STREET. Resources, $14,000,000.00. Reserve, $400,000.00. BmsssXSSSSSl THE SCHOOL FOR OMAHA GIRLS The National School of Domestic Art and Science Washington, D. C. Departments of Domestic Art, Science and Home Economics. Preparatory Department a substitute for High School Service Courses, including work in Telegraphy, Wireless, First Aid, Red Cross and Secretarial studies. N Strong Musical Faculty. Outdoor Athletics oh 11-acre campus. Brownell Hall Credits Accepted. Total expenses, One Thousand Dollarsany department Eifht model fireproof buildings, a few vacancies for 1918-19. ... --,L"i'r",in Year Book UPn Request Addra. REGISTRAR, 2650 Ave. N. W, D. C