THE HUtl: OMAHA, MUNUAY, MAKUH 1, MAYOR JIM OPENS CAMPAIGN ELIMINATE USE AT VERY SELECT GATHERING QF WHEAT FLOUR i. IS THE SLOGAN Fifty "Personal Friends" Assemble at City Hall to Fire First Gun in Dahlman Campaign; Ward Workers Chosen; To Announce Platform Before Primaries. Mayor Dahlman opened his campaign Saturday in his office where 50 friends gathered to start an organization. The nA.. .nnnr)oJ to invitations from the mayor who ad- the ffatherinsr as his "personal friends. dressed the gathering as his "personal "We should place in office this time only men who are tried and true, rather than recruits," said the mayor, in a brief opening talk. He said he had hoped that he would not have found it necessary to make the race again, but being beyond the age where he could engage in active mili tary service, he believed he could serve his city, state and country as mayor. PIATTI CHAIRMAN. L. J. Piatti was chosen as chairman of the meeting and John Gentleman served as secretary. "Jim Dahlman is the best man Omaha ever bad as mayor. I .can't see how anybody should (oppose him at this time. He lias been your hon est representative during all these years," said Chairman Piatti, who suggested an organization to obtain an overwhelming vote for nomination ind re-election of the mayor. Ward Leaders. The names of those present were recorded by wards, each ward and precinct to have leaders who will at tend to the details of the primary LODGE ROOM HEWS OF GREATER OMAHA Odd Fellows of High Degree Meeand Induct Members of Large Class Into Secrets ' of the Order Food Administrator Wattles Urges Substitutes, That Wheat May Go to Boys Overseas and Uncle Sam's Aliles. campaign. Among those present were: Tom O'Brien, Gene Melady, Joseph Sal erno, W. A. Roufke, Tom O'Connor, P. C. Heafey, Dr. W. J. McCrann, T. J. O'Connor, Dr. S. R. Fatten, Meyer Klein, W. P. Lynch, H. V. Hayward, John Gentleman, J. B. Wat kins, Ed Lawler, Henry Anderson, D. J. Connell, C. P. Moriarity, T. J. McQuire, Jerry Fitzgerald, H. II. Harper, S. Arion Lewis, M. L, Endres, Albert Kalpan, J. M. Fitzgerald, John Welch, Ed McArdle, L. J. Piatti, John Moriarty, R. A. Schneider, Thomas Keenan, L. B. Kokas, Frank J., Riha. Mayor Dahlman stated that he would announce a platform before the primary on April 9. ' "Still Absorbing' . Declares Secretary, - Baker in France (Continued From Om.) many years if the war was not going on. Secretary Baker watched for some time in a yard the assembling and set ting up of the parts4of American built locomotives. He saw a series of them in various stages of complete ness. One hundred and seventy-two have been put together thus far. The secretary visited a. remount deporwhich for the most part con sisted of immense mule stables. It is here that the Americans have taken up French veterinary practice, ex tracting the "bray" from s mule by a slight surgical operation on the nose, so that the silvery bray, which can be heard for a mile or two upon silent nights at the front will become a harmless wheeie not enough to awaken the enemy and draw his shell - ; Talks With Wounded. Mr. Baker visited recently wounded Americans and talked with them. He listened to some personal accounts of the men's experiences. At the end of the day back aboard the train, General Pershing, in discussing the secretary's visit said: , "I had long urged the secretary to come to France. Now that he is here we are delighted that he means to take the time to master the details of our situation, as our chief who carries all our military effort at home and abroad in his own mind. He is seeing with his own eyes what we are doing on this tide and his visit is a personal in- miration to every orticer ana man Secretary Baker said to the cor- - -espondent: " "These days have been worth my trip across the Atlantic in the infor nation and t encouragement which they have given me. I have seen anly the effort in two ports, only the receiving depots of the great war jlant which we are constructing. But I have seen enough to convince me that we now have an organization which will meet the problem with its ncreasing volume of demand, of :oupling up the ports of embarkation it home with the ports of debarka tion in France. "I find that the written reports have given me an inadequate idea of the difficulties which the enemy said we could " not overcome and which we are overcoming. After her long and stout-hearted defense, France could spare us little material or labor for our purposes, except by ill-advised diversions from her own organization. She could offer us land on which to raise our structures and the right of way for our communications. Pays High Tribute., "I should like to pay a tribute to the men who began last summer and fall to bring into being the blue prints of a great conception which now is advanced far enough to yield conviction of success to any observer, and a tribute to our engineers and ex perts from civi life in all branches who nave continued to arrive to serve with the officers of the regular en gineers in command of an increasing army of workers, all doing their part. I hey come from a pioneering people and they have brought to France a pioneering energy. They have turned marshes into docks, fac ing waterways which they will dredge, sent out a spur of railway track and built warehouses and the necessary supplementary plants for a system which will dispatch all lines of com munication to the front, food, clothes, guns, ammunition and all the enor mous amount of complicated war ma terial which the resources of our country can supply, to be transported by ships which we are building. "We owe it to their devotion and efficiency that the troops in action shall not want the means for striking blows. I only wish that every. Amer ican could see this work as I saw it I ceased to be an official when thrilled as a citizen with pride and satisfaction over the ever increasing force which we shall bring to the aid of the allied armies in trance. Hesperian Encampment No. 2, Odd Fellows, conferred the golden rule and royal purple dew-tes on a class of 32 candidates at tlie last meeting night, some being firm Ashland and Greenwood. Grand Patriarch E. J. Farr of Blair and Grand Scribe I. G. Page of Fremont were present to witness the confer ring of the degrees, which were ex emplified in full form. The mem bership takes great pride in the ef ficiency of their degree staff and the gorgeous robes add a luster which remains vivid in the memories of the initiates. This branch of Odd Fcllowsh o is showing renewed activity and the grand officers by their frequent at tendance enthuse the patriarchs to do their best. Thursday, important matters will come up for consideration and the officers desire a large attendance. The new scribe will be pleased to shake hands with each and every one. Loyal Order of Moose, Omaha lodge No. 20, Loyal Orner of Moose, will have a class of 22 for initiation Monday night. Nwly elected officers will put on some of the work. At the meeting last Monday there wa,s the election- of officers. Mr. Kaufold was elected trustee fo; the three-year term, and Drumir for the one-year. Others elected were: R. W. Hutchinson, dictator: O. F. Whitmer. vice dictator: H. P. .'kow. prelate; A. S. Carter, treasurer. The entertainment committee reported progress on the program to be given Monday, April 1. Woodmen of World. ,W. A. Fraser Grove No. 1. Wood men of the World, will give a darce fnday night at its hall. A Boy scout drill will be a feature of thoprogrrm. Brotherhood of American Yeomen, . Last Wednesday night!. Omajia Homestead No. 104 save a'ftsrd time dance. Next Wednesday night the Homestead will initiate a class of 25 candidates. The degree work will be in charge of the Omaha degree team. After the meeting, refreshments will be served. " .. Negro Stevedore Tells Secretary ' Baker He Must Have More Bread Order of Stags. Omaha Drove No. 135 met Thurs day night and several Candidates were obligated. The drove voted Jo give a dance Saturday night, March 30, in Swedish auditorium. The next meet ing will be ladies' night. Free dancing will feature the evening. Refresh ments will be served. This meeting takes place Thursday, March 28, in Odd Fellows' hall. The election of a treasurer will occur. The Stags will have a ball team in the field this year. Ladies of the Maccabees. The joint hives of Omaha and Council Bluffs of the Ladies of the Maccabees will hold a public initia tion Wednesday at 2 p. m. at the Swedish auditorium. The deputy grand commanders, Mrs. Belle Pat terson and Mrs. Harriet Williamson of Michigan will conduct the work. Hoover Asks Farmers to j Market Wheat by May 1 Federal Food Administrator Hoover is urging that farmers bring all avail able wheat, except seed wheat, to market before May 1. In a call just issued, he says: "In order that we may comply with the urgent demands of the allies for wheat and at the same time take care of our own domestic supplies, "we urgently need this year an earlier and more complete marketing of the wheat in farmers hands than usual The allies are taking from us 50 per cent of other cereals than wheat to mix in their bread. Inasmuch as the people in allied countries and the sol diers must be fed with bread baked in bakeries, it is impossible for them to prepare bread made wholly out of other cereals and we must furnish them with sufficient wheat to main tain their bakery loaf. Therefore. I appeal to all of the farmers in the state of Nebraska that thev shall bring all of their wheat, except their necessary reserves for seed, to mar ket before May 1. This is a war call and a service for Uncle Sam, vlio is fighting for his life. If your local miller is unable to buy all the wheat that is offered, market it in the other customary trade channels x through which it will reach the food admin istration grain corporation." Fortune Discovered in Old Abandoned Well Youngstown, O, March 17. An iron pot containing 5115,000 in gold coins was unearthed Wednesday in an abandoned well on the Isaac Shaffer farm in Lawrence county, near Miiisvuie, Fa- it became known here today. Employes of a limestone company were blasting and coming to the well set off a charge which sent a shower of gold coins skyward. In 1888, Isaac Shaffer, a rich cat tle buyer, died. Stricken by apo plexy he managed to mumble gold," motioned toward his farm and fell dead. During the last 30 years his heirs have explored the farm many times, hoping to find s the treasure. The gold has been de ' posited in a Newcastle, Pa., bank. Heirs of Shaffer have claimed the treasure. v t "Further reduction in the ue of wheat flour. "The use of the accredited substi tutes by housewives for wheat flour. "The immediate marketing of all wheat on the farms, saving just enough for seed purposes. "Rigid adherence to the three Mg ill enable us to furnish the requisite amount of wheat and wheat flour, which we must send to the allies between now and the r..xt h,rv,Lt" avs Gurdon C. Wattles, '---i . y .... . t foHArai fnort administrator ior Ne braska. . , fr Watt p has returned trom Washington, where a conteren;e oi fnnH administrators ot tne untea ;tatp resolved itself Into a disres sion bf the best means of meeting the wheat requirements. Situation Is Critical. "That the existing situation is crit ical was unanimously conceded. The one thought was how can the United States meet the demands with iair ness to the American people. Thit we must and will meet this situation was conceded." added Mr. Wattles. "Further limitation of the amounts for local consumption; the comman Hpprintr of nil wheat and wheat flour: and even the drastic measure of tak- intr wheat flour from the market were suggested by tne tooa aaminibirai ors- ... i. "Each had its supporters, while the last alternative developed many more exponents than might be imagined.. In the opinion of Mr. Wattles no such drastic action is necessary. He believes that the American people will respond to the call without forced action. . , "We must furnish to the allies and our own boys in the trenches 50,000, 000 bushels of wheat during the next four and one-half months," says Wattles. "That is a big task, but not too big for the American people. Must Limit Consumption. "Our ohlicration can easily he met if we will limit our corfsumption of wheat flour to six pounds per month per pefson, and if we will market all the wheat now on the farms be- fnrp fav 1. "We can limit ourselves to the six pound requirements by the intelli gent use of substitutes. These sub stitutes are as healthful as wheat flour; they are as palatable, and in the long run they are as economical as wheat flour. "When the housewives of Nebraska realize that we must use substitutes, they will rally as they have to every other demand. The question is o.ten asked, why we must send wheat to Eurone when we are told that other cereals are just as rood, and we are asked to use 'them?, Why not send the ' Answer Is Simple. "The answer is simple. We must send wheat to Europe because they can make bread of wheat that they cannot make c ut of oats, corn or rice. No one hakos domestic bread in ranee. You will find no individual bakers there. The bread is detveted to the home, and bread is one half the diet of the home. Since th; war bread has taken the place ot mtny things that have become scarce, and for this reason bread takes on an added importance in the wairing Countries. "American women do their own baking, more than half the lota! amount of bread consumed in this country being baked in the homes. Our housewives are resourceful. They know how to use the other ce reals and they have the facilities for using them. .In France and other allied countries the women are work ing in the factories and in the fi.kls and they do not have the time to bake bread, even if they had the fa cilities and knew how to do it. Must Have Bread. "They must have the bakery bread and it must be within easy reach. Also remember that this bakery bread they are buyinar contains from one fourth to one-half substitutes and the wheat we are sendinjr furnishes only the basis for the bread they consume. If we take the bread away frtm these people who have been so val iantly fighting for nearly four vears, we must assume the responsio I'ty for whatever might follow. Every Nebraska woman who is not using the substitutes, should im mediately learn to use them and to eliminate as much wheat flour as pos sible from her daily menus. we must also market every avail able bushel of wheat at once. There is nothing to be gained by holdinar it The price has been assured and will not vary. In Nebraska alone there are more than 3.000,000 bushels of wheat on the farms and in the elevat ors. That 3,000,000 bushels will po a long way in meeting the 50,000,000 requirement. Great Patriotic Service. "When Uncle Sam is fichtine for his very life and for the existence of his people, no one can do a greater patriotic service than by putting on the market every possible bushe of wheat. 'Never did a greater opportunity exist .tor the producer and the con summer to work to a common cause. The former bv Duttin? into the chan nels of trade the wheat on the farms and the latter by reducing consump tion to the minimum, can join hinds and say to our boys over there ind our associates 'We are back of you io tne end. (By Associated Press.) On Board Secretary Baker's Spe cial Train in France, March 17. In his trip of inspection of American military establishments today Sec retary Baker stopped frequently to talk with private soldiers. His im pression, and that of all the civilian members of the party, was that the men are well-housed and fed, and want to go on with their work. Only one complaint was made. It came from a negro in one of the stevedore regiments serving as an improvised shipyard. ( - How do you like the cooking: the secretary asked. "Well, I gets only one piece of bread," the man replied. . 'Ts it good bread?" asked Mr. Baker. "Oh, it's good, boss, but when I asks for another piece I wants it." Small gangs of German prisoners were encountered. Usually they saluted. They gazed seriously at the secretary of war, and the commander in chief. Near the harbor develop ments which the secretary inspected, is an amazing system of warehouses. When completed there will be rows of one story warehouses covering about 2,000 acres, stretching out for three and one half miles, to a depth of a mile. Construction has been lippun of a hospital which will have 20,000 beds. It will be the largest in the world. The British have the next largest one, with 16,000 beds. firmed. Sedgwick, J. not sitting. Ross -and Cornish, J. J. not participating. 11321 H. F. Lu company against Elgas. administrator. Reversed and remanded. Cor- nlsh, J. UJ42 Woodbury Granite company against Miller. Affirmed. Hamer, J. 19811 Burkley against The city or uma- ha. Reverted and dismissed. Cornish, J., Sedgwick. J., not altting. 10J Bridges against St. ram r. at ai. Ina. Co., consolidated with Brown against 8t. Paul F. & M. Ina. Co. Reversed and dis missed. Cornish, J. Dean, J., dissenting. Sedgwick, J., not sitting. 19228 Marshall agalsnt Busn, receiver. Order set aside and matter remanded to state railway commission (or further hear ing and consideration. Letton, J. BedgwicM, J., not sitting. 15 Hall agalnat Ballard. Affirmed. Letton, J. Hamer, J., dissenting. Sedg wick, J., not sitting. S01S1 In re. Application for Mothera' Pension. Rumsey against Saline County. Reversed and remanded. Sedgwick, J. Cornish, J., not participating. 0S8 Sutter against State. Reversed and remanded. Cornish. J. Sedgwick and Hamer, JJ., not sitting. 20426 Fawn Lake Ranch Co. against Cumbow. Reversed. Letton. J. Morrlesey. C. J., not participating in decision. 20633 State ex rel. Simon against Moor head. Affirmed. Morrlssey, C. J. The following cases were affirmed without opinions: ian W. V. Brown ft Sons against Chi cago & N. W. R. Co. Letton. J., not partici pating. Sedgwick, J., not silting, . 19836 First National Bank against Marsh-Burk Co. Cornish and Letton, JJ., Dot sitting. ' 198S2 McClintock against McCllntock. Sedgwick, J., not sitting. 19959 McCllntock against McCllntock. Sedgwick, J., not sitting. The following cases were disposed of by the commission: 19890 Schroeder against Moscrey. Af firmed. Mcairr, C. 19917 Llbby against Erlckaon Lake Co. Reversed and remanded. Parriott, C. 19SG8 Ryan agalnat Thompson. Affirmed. McOlrr. C. 199(5 Dempster Mill Mfg. Co. against Thompson. Decree modified by reducing same In the sura of $50 and affirmed as modified. Martin, C. 19957 Reasoner agalnat Murray Broth ers and Ward Land Co. Affirmed. Par riott, C. 19961 Nehls agalnat Springer. Affirmed. McGlrr. C. 19963 Atdrlch against Richardson County. Affirmed. Martin, C. 19976 Sprecher against Folder. Affirmed and remanded for further proceedings. Mc airr, C. 20008 Summerfleld against Cavanah. Affirmed. Parrtott, C. The following are rulings on motions for rehearing: 19702 McFarland against Callahan. Over ruled. 15742 Bosenstock against Clay Robinson & Co. Overruled. 19929 Grosvenor asralnst Fidelity A Casualty Co. of New York. Oral argument ordered on motion for rehearing at ses sion of court commencing April 16, 1918. FORM JUNIOR ORDER OF FOUR-MINUTE MEN Schools of Nebraska Organize Pupils for Contest in Writ ing Short Speeches on War. Lincoln, Neb. March 17. (Spe cial.) Into the 63S high schools and 664 grade schools of Nebraska the division of Four-Minute Men of the United States committee on public information is to extend its patriotic educational work on war questions. The "Junior Four-Minute Men" is the name of the new organization, announcement concerning the pur pose and plan of which was made Friday by Prof. M. M. Fogg, state chairman of the division of Four Minute Men. The work will open within a week with the "Junior Four Minute Men War Savings Stamp" contest. A bulletin of material on that subject will be distributed this week. Bulletins prepared under the super vision of war departments, with edi torial aid of prominent educators of the country, will be issued approxi mately once a month during the war. Prepare Speeches. These bulletins will be used by teachers as text matter from which the pupils will prepare four-minute essays or speeches. The best speech will be delivered at a meeting of the entire school, to which parents and friends may be invited. It is planned to have the first contest to take place on the day preceding the Easter holi days. To the pupil who, according to the judgment of a committee, presents the best speech, a certificate issued by authority of the government of the United States will be given. The certificate is signed by Director William McCormick Blair of the di vision of Four-Minute Men, and is countersigned by the principal of the school who issues it to the winning pupil. The names of the winners are sent to Washington on official report cards and are enrolled at the capital. Direct Value. "The educator will recognize the value of this movement in its direct effect upon the American youth and upon the American home," says Di rector Blair. "It will stimulate among the young people a real interest in the public affairs of the day and will de velop in them the power of expres sion. Topic after topic will be treated in the same manner, and we believe in this way a sound and thorough un derstanding of the causes of the war and the duties of our people may be spread to every section of the coun try. "Every boy and girl in the schools of the United States wants to do his or her part. The bulletin tells them what their job is and the necessity for the work thev are to do." The 287 Four-Minute Men local chairmen will co-operate with the schools in this junior work. They will send to the schools from time to time speakers to make four-minut sd dresses on the subject the pupil is studying at the time. The bulletins on the opening cam paign will be distributed from the office of the state director of the na tional war savings committee, and the work in this campaign will be con ducted jointly by Mr. Burgess, State Superintendent W. H. Clemmons and Prof. Fogg. Bakers Not Making "Victory Bread" Will Lose License Washington, March 16. All bakers not using the required 20 per cent of wheat flour substitutes in bread and rolls were ordered tonight to cease baking those, products on March 20. They will not be permitted to resume until they are prepared to conform to the regulations, under penalty of re vocation of their licenses. A com mittee of food administrators said the action was a step toward making ef fective the slogan "Victory bread or close." In the Supreme Court Following are rulings on miscel laneous motions and stipulations In tne supreme court of the state of Ne bram. March 18: I037 State, ex. re!. Caddis against nrya-n. Motion and stipulation for con tinuance sllowed. Cause contlnuel to sea slon of court commenclnr April J. 191. 10408 in reformation of drainage district No. 1. Lincoln county. Union Pacific Rail road company against Jenkins. Stipulation aimwea. Appeal dismissed at costs or ap pellants. Judgment of district court af fired. Mandate to Issue forthwith. The following opinions wsre filed: 1953 Exchange bank of Wilcox agalnat Glfford. Affirmed as to defendant, Louisa "irrora: revised as to defendant, H. A. Olf ford. Dean, J. Sedgwick, J. not participat ing. 19654 Reynolds agalnat Hathaway. Af Start today to bny War Savings Stamps An excellent investment and a patriotic duty 29ulitv.atway Three new Victor triumphs These three great Victor ctudy courses give f resh evidence, of how closely the Victor keeps in touch with the times how alert and eager to serve the people as new occasions and demands arise. Singing taught by the Victor A complete course which provides the oppor tunity for every aspiring singer to study under the direction of Oscar Saenger one of America's greatest and most successful vocal teachers. Twenty lessons on ten double-faced Victor Records separate sets for soprano, mezzo-soprano, tenor, baritone, bass. Each set complete in a container with book of in structions, at the same price a one-hour lesson would cost at the Saenger Studios in New York -$25. French taught by the Victor A set of three double-faced Victor Records which easily and quickly teach the American soldier enough of the French language to meet his immediate needs the moment he steps on French soil. The complete set is fumishei in a special waterproof container with two vest-pocket size ready-reference books. Specially priced at $2.50 per set. Wireless taught by the Victor This course was prepared in collaboration with the Marconi Company to aid the govern ment in meeting the urgent need for wireless operators. Opportunities for advanced rating in the military service are open to competent operators. A set of six double-faced Victor Records, complete in a container with manual of instructions, and specially priced at $5. Any Victor dealer will gladly give you fujl information about any of these new courses and demonstrate any Victor Records you wish to hear. Victors and Victrolas $10 to $400. Period styles to order from $375 to $950. Victor Talking Machine Co Camden, N.J. Important Notice). Victor Raeerda and Victor Machines an dantiScatt)r coordiaatsd sad procassos of maniifactura. ana vmx ass, om wlta UM outer, as Dsomaiy osasntlal to a per Now Victor Raactdi aiMHati J at, all WUrs tU lot af aasfc aath i Victrola I 1 "Vktrola" la tba Kiristarad TradVmaa of Us Victor Ta&lni Machlot Compaay dasagaatloi tbo vraiucts ot thia Compos? only. synchronised fn tha I Bpwsjj et roproductioa. Ip3gz3 lot tbodic thia Cooonyoor 4'