Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1918, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily B
Fair; Mild ,
VOL. XIA'll, NO. 234.
i I r 1 1 i iiii ii
Body Receives President Wilson's Message With Great
Enthusiasm; Threatened Split Is Squelched Before
Vote; Result of Vote Forecast as Result of Mos
cow Party Caucus; Also Plan to Break Treaty.
London, March 17. The Germans have occupied Niko-1
layer, in addition to Odessa, according; to a Reuter dispatch,
from Petrograd.
(Br Aorljitl PreM.)
Russia has bowed to the Central powers.
The hard terms of the peace treaty submitted by the Ger
mans at Brest-Litovsk have been agreed to by the all-Rtissian:
congress of Soviets, in session at Moscow, in spite of the opposi
tion of an important element of the Russian people.
A bolshevik resolution, approving the acts of the govern
ment of the Workmen's and Soldiers' delegates, and of the
peace delegation and calling for organization of the defense of
the country by the creation of a national army of both sexes,
was passed after Lenine's restoration of peace among the war
ring factors, and his statement that this action was the only way
out, intimating that the treaty might be broken under changed
The opposition, notably the social
revolutionaries of the left, made a val
iant, but futile, effort to prevent the
acceptance of the treaty, which was
characterized by the minister of jus
tice as being "anti-revolutionary and
anti-socialistic. He stated that the
social revolutionary party repudiate
the responsibility for the acceptance
of the treaty, would resign from the
government and devote all its power
and Influence to the organization of
armed resistance to German imperial
ism. The result of the vote was forecast
in the announcement from Moscow
on Friday, that the bolshevik dele
gates to the Moscow congress had at
a party caucus voted in favor of rati
The message sent by President
Wilson to the congress in which he
expressed his sympathy with ' the
Russian people, was read at the open
ing session on Thursday night. It
wai received with marked enthusiasm
and a reply embodying a resolution
of appreciation was sent to the
American people. That there was
piritcd opposition to the ratification
:f the treaty is evidenced by reports
'hat trouble broke out on Frid-v be-
ween the bolshcviki and social revo
lutionaries of the left, who havf teen
epresenting the council of peoples'
(Bjr AxKH-latrrt Frr0
Wellington, March 17. Forty-nine
l imes appear on today's casualty list
Mufd by the War department. Eight
men died of disease, one died of ac
. tdrnt. one was severely wounded and
'') were slightly wounded. The only
ommissioned officer named is First
Lieutenant Harold M. Hirsch, sl;ght
1 wounded.
Corporal Robert Edward Byrne;
Private William P. Decunha, Herbert
von Alt, James B. Stewart, John M.
Crouch, Warren C. Hauser Charles
Besty. Steve Norman.
Private Oliver J. Bufford.
Wounded severely Private Po.ter
I irst Lieutenant Harold M. Hirsch;
Sergeant Willard l!ion Brown; Cor
poral Roy de Bruyn," Robert H.
Griffith. John Gurski, Stephen T. Ilal
U. James J. Murray; Bugler Wi'bur
Ihomas; Privates Theodore J. ilar-
tr. I.lmer J. Bell. Asa K. Boatman.
Mm W. (7;er. Karl P. de Lng,
K hard K. JJowd, John Fedjruk!
Robert C. Fennell. Loyd W. Frost,
Millard I". Gatewood. John J. G- tch,
Me W. Hall. Kdgar A. Hartmann,
'r J. Hill. ZoU T. Johnson Janes
lones. Frank I nxi Cri C 1
- ........ V H I I J J (j V -
''he Weather
Nebraska Fair; continued
Trortar at Omaha Vt-lrUT.
urging. Wilham I . Miller. CliW,l
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,, -"I'nir i. leiicey. sieve than any other agency,
ha ianovtrh. Vernon L. R-ddle. The results eff the new regulations
,rntst Mjurelirh. Owen L. T.lor, were summed up in this way today by
i.vimaf J. Tiiorla, Charles A. Urs-er, Victor Rosewater, editor and publisher
v.'if Mt tan Oyer.. William We::nrr. of The Bee:
-vt . white. James F. White
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Interviews With Leading Oma
hans in Chicago Tribune Dis
close Their Views on Pro
' hibition in Metropolis.
The Chicago Tribune, after sending
a staff man through western states to
find out how dry laws are working,
publishes his findings "on the situation
in Omaha. The correspondent was .in
Omaha last week, following a trip to
Colorado. His interview witty local
citizens and his deductions are here
(By a Staff Correspondent Chicago
Omaha, March 14. After eight
months of "bone dry" regime, Oma
ha is prosperous, but public officials
and citizens are not yet ready to an
alyze the full results of the abolition
ot the dramshops.
Neither the campaign claims of the
"drys" nor the "wets" have been ful
filled. Business has not gone to pot,
but the city this year will have to
put up an extra $300,000 in taxes, au
thorized by the legislature, to make up
the deficit in revenue caused by the
loss of the saloon license money. This
amounts to 7J4 per cent of the total
cost of the operation of the city ad
ministration, including the public
school system, to which the license
funds went.
The bottom of property values has
not dropped out, according to mer
chants and realty men, and rentals
have remained firm, but some saloon
properties still are unoccupied. Build
ing has been active during the whole
of last year and today the downtown
section has all the characteristics of
a building boom.
Vice Conditions Improve.
There nas been a decrease in the
number of arrests for most classes of
petty crimes, but the enormous in
crease in liquor law violations has
made it impossible to decrease the
police force. There has been a gen
eral improvement in vice conditions,
the city has been able to abolish its
workhouse, and the number of county
jail prisoners has been cut in two.
It is the general poinion that social
and business conditions are better to
day than they were a year ago.
While some of the more enthusias
tic of the "drys" lay this to the fact
that Omaha has done away with the
saloons, the conservative business men
say the war fs much more of a factor
"The predictions of both sides of
the 'wet' and 'dry controversy have
fallen short. Prohibition has not
brought us the calamities predicted
by its enemies, neither has it given us
the perfection that the 'drys' prom
ised in the elimination of crime and
the social ailments. I think that the
(rontlnueii re lift, Column One )
Dead on Tuscania Is in France
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wecth of
I Gretna have received word from their
I son, Edward, who was reported as
: one of the victims when the Tuscania
I wax sunk, telling of his safe arrival
! in France.
', This is the first word that has been
j received from young Weeth since
j before he left the United States and
i in friends had almost given up hope
f hi being still alive. His mother
I iva ill from worry and the other
j member oi the family tried to keep
wtjomii m 11 I n L A
umuft lULH
Says Question of Uniting Ticket
Offices and Doing Away With
Unnecessary Stations Now
Under Consideration.
Washington Bureau of The
Omaha Dee, 1311 G Street.
Washington, D. C, March 17.
(Special Telegram.) Tlue attention
of Secretary McAdoo, director gen
eral of railways, was called today to
the suggestion made by The Bee, that
Omaha be given a union passenger
station by closing the Burlington and
sending all train into the Union Pa
cific station.
Without passing in any way upon
the merits of the suggestion, the di
rector general said that the question
of uniting licket offices and doing
away with unnecessary passenger
stations was now under consideration
by officials connected with the de
partment of railroads.
May Favor Plan.
"Of course, it is not the purpose of
the department to inconvenience the
public in any way, but whenever
economy can be- -accomplished with
out impairment of service, I think it
should be done," said Secretary ivlc
Adoo. '
Judge Lovett, who isone of Sec
retary McAJoo's closest advisors on
all matters pertaining to railroads,
was out of the city.
Wants Nebraska Man.
Congressman Kinkaid, having
learned that it was the intention of
the Department of' Agriculture and
the food administration to appoint a
committee of 25 representative farm
ers to act in an advisory capacity to
both the department and the food
administration, today presented the
claims of Nebraska to Food Admin
istrator Hoover, as a state entitled
to representation on the committee,
there being two or three places not
yet filled.
Makes No Promise.
Judge Kinkaid spoke of Nebraska
as one of the great sjn;nd stock-
producing states of the ; United-
States, and that it was nearly if not
quite surrounded with representatives
on the committee; he insisted a rep
resentative farmer ffom his state
should be selected. and he said: "We
have many ;iich."
Mr. Hoover agreed with all that
the judge had to say about the prairie
state, but made no promise, and gave
no reason why he could or could hot
recognize Nebraska on the commit
tee. Iowa, Wyoming and Colorado
have already representatives on the
Kinkaid Helps Farmers.
Having received several applica
tions from constituents, addressed to
the president and the adjutant gen
eral, asking that their sons be given
furloughs from the army to go homo
to work on the farms, Representative
Kinkaid, knowing that the law pro
vides that all requests for furloughs
of this character must be signed "by
the individuals making the applica
tions, and addressed to their proper
commanders, has asked the provost
marshal general for explicit direc
tions as to now soldiers desiring fur
loughs in order to repair to their
homes for f?rm work shall proceed.
General Crowder has advised Judge
Kinkaid that he will issue rules and
regulations in a few days.
Amundsen Still Willing
To Try Reach North Pole
New York, March 17. Roald
Amundsen, discoverer of. the South
Pole, has not abandoned his plan to
reach the North Pole by the joint use
of a specially constructed ship and an
airplane, he announced upon his ar
rivel here today from an extended
visit to the American trenches in
Europe. The trip to the western
front was undertaken at the sugges
tion of the committee on public in
formation and Captain Amundsen will
tell American audiences in a-series of
lectures of conditions in the zone and
of the part American soldiers are tak
ing. Captain Amundsen said he would be
ready to start on his journey to the
North Pole in July and was anxious'
to return to his home in Christiania,
Norway, where he has gathered -supplies
for a seven years' trip and where
the vessel which is to carry him and
his party to the far north is being
Vanderlip Goes East.
Los Anceles, Cal.. March 17.
Frank A. Vanderlip of the National
City Bank rf New York left today
for New York.
their fears and newspaper rumors
concerning his fate from her.
The letter which has just been re
ceived has dispelled the gloom which
the weeks of anxiety brought to the
Wecth home. The frail little mother
wept when she was told that her son
is safely !amled in France.
Edward Weeth studied electrical
engineering in the Chicago university
forMhree years and his work abroad
will be of that nature. He was
dratted last September. His father
is a wealthy miller.
American War Head Walks Three Miles and Puts in
Fourteen-Hour Day Investigating Vast Undertakings
of Sammies Abroad; Completes Conferences
With Statesmen and Generals.
(By AiMH'lae Pre.) Q
On Board Secretary Baker's Spe
cial Train in France, March 17,
Secretary Baker's first work after his
conference withv1he French statesmen
and American generals at the capital
has been to begin his study of what
the Americans are doing and ought
to do in France, by a survey of a
great port department.
"I am still absorbing," said he at
the end of a 14-hour day. "I must say
frankly that I did not know the im
mensity of the enterprise which we
have undertaken in opening new ports,
and when I see what we have occom
plished here I am satisfied."
The American war secretary at the
port in question was attended by
General Pershing, Major General
William M. Black, Brigadjer General
W. W. Atterbury and the officers of
the engineers, who have been creat
ing a vast new equipment for dock
ing and unloading ships. The secre
tary walked for three mites along the
American army dock front already
constructed or in the process of con
struction as an extension to the berths
for a number of ships placed at the
disposition of the Americans by the
French government. Two miles of
this new sea frontage consisted of
marshes on October l last. The
ground has been filled in by dredg
ings and ships are already alongside
some of these new berths. On other
parts of the frontage concreted ware
houses are going up and a great sys
tem of switches has been laid or is
in the course of being laid.
"I like to come out here once ,a
week," said a colonel of the engineers
to the correspondent, "and see how
different things look from what they
did the week before. I almost lose
my way."
This new dockage, with two other
hew frontages that are being de
veloped in connection with it, will al
low 40 large, or 60 i medium-sized
steamers to be unloaded : simultane
ously. . : -
Questions Are Frequent.
Mr. Baker's questions were fre
quent, penetrating and often techni
cal when the engineers were explain
ing the railway plexus connecting the
various ports with the bases in the
interior. He asked particularly about
grades, so as to estimate the require
ments in engine power and the heavi
ness of loads. He rather astonished
the engineers by the detailed charac
ter of his questionings, which touched
the very problems that bother them
At a heavy artillery training camp
Secretary Baker saw Si battery of
long range, lareie calibre guns put
into position. They are swung over
by automobile tractors and shallow
recoil trenches were quickly dug, but
with unerring methods. Mr. Baker
took a stand close to one of the great
pieces and followed the explanations
of the. major in command. It was
one of the new guns from a French
workshop and of a type with which
the American artillerists are already
making a reputation on the front.
Sights New Oun.
The secretary had been told by
French officers of the skill of the
American gunners in handling this
weapon, in the management of which
the French artillerists heretofore had
considered themselves unexcelled. Mr.
Baker became so interested that he
mounted the chief gunner's sand and
looked through the master sight and
watched the adjustment of the piece
to the range markings.
The secretary's train arrived at an
important town near the port at 8
o'clock in the morning. The prefect
of the department, the French general
commanding the district and numer
ous American officers were there to
welcome him. His reception was
simple. The band, as Secretary
Baker and General Pershing issued
from the station, sounded the salute
to the colors, and a battalion of
American soldiers stood at salute.
That was the only ceremony of the
day, except a small review of the
troops at the artillery camp.
Official lunches and dinners are,
by the secretary's request, omitted
from his program. He and General
Pershing remained aboard the train
at night and spend most of their
traveling days on business.
Visits Dock Yards.
The Americans with the object only
of winning the war, are expending in
this region on permanent railroad and
dock works about $40,000,000. French
ports will be expanded as they prob
ably would not nave been for a Rood
(Continued on Vn Two, Column One.)
Surety Company Must Pay'
For Death of Fred Schroeder
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, March 17. (Specal.)
Hannah Schroeder may collect $5,000
from the Illinois Surety company for
the death of her husband, Fred
Schroeder, while in an intoxicated
condition from liquor alleged to have
been obtained from the saloon of
Peter Moscrey.
Schroeder. with his brother Peter,
and William Kapp, engaged in a sen
sational tight involving Humphrey
Lynch. Peter got the 'worst of it
They later started home, but sat down
near the sidewalk at Pacific street,
near Twenty-fourth, when all three,
were wounded by mysterious shots.
Fred Schroeder later died.'
Baker Spends Day
Observing From
Deck of Flat Car
(By As 'fluted Treu.)
On Board Secretary Baker's
Special Train in France, March
17. Newton D. Baker, tfw sec
retary of war, spent a large
part of Thursday in a rude ob
servation car which was only a
flat car' hastily fitted with lunch
eon hour with pine benches.
The car traversed the railway
yards 'of the American forces,
which spread over the lowlands
bordering a certain waterfront
in France. The yards will be
the biggest thing of that kind
in Europe when finished
something to bring railway en
gineers from afar in France to
The trackage will be 228 ,
miles and will provide for 2,500
incoming freight' cars and 2,500
outgoing cars, as well as 3,200
on the interior switches.
General Pershing and Briga
dier General Atterbury ex
plained them in abundant de
tail as the flat car with Secre
tary Baker was slowly drawn
over the trunk and switching
lines during the afternoon., A
dozen or more French and
American engineers were in
the party, some of whom were
members of the engineering
staff which constructed the
yards, and they added a point
now and then to General Per
shing's explanation.
None of Population Will Be
Permitted to Leave; Halt
-All Train Service to
(Br Auoeluted Pri.)
London, March 17. The evacuation
of Petrograd has been completed, ac
cording to a Ieutcr dispatch from that
city, quoting an official communica
tion. None of the population will be per
mitted to leave the city hereafter, and
in order to make certain that the order
is obeyed, all passenger train service
has been suspended.
To Publish Papers.
The council of commissaries of
"The Commune of Petrograd," which
will be the official designation of
Petrograd, and the district surround
ing it in future, has authorized the re
appearance of so-called bourgoise
newspapers of which had been sup
pressed since the beginning of the
German offensive.
Occupation by the Turks of the en
tire Batum region has been con
firmed. Latest details of the German occu
pation of Abo, Finland, state that 3,000
troops with artillery came from the
Aland islands in several transports
preceeded by an icebreaker. The Red
guards refused to surrender and the
Germans bombarded the town for half
an hour, forcing the red guard to re
tire. The Germans seized three Rus
sian torpedo boats and some mine
Forty-five hundred dollars wa?
raised on the streets for Armenian
relief Saturday.
This sum is believed by Armenian
relief workers to be a record, and
could have been considerably swollen
had more workers been out, they de
clare. The total sum for the week is well
over $30,000. W. F. Baxter, one 5f the
committee declares. A considerable
portion of the city still remains to be
canvassed, this work hanging over
until this week. Several large con
tributions, promised earlier will be
collected, and easily put the Armenian
relief campaign "over the top" for the
$45,000 goal, according to Mr Bax
ter. Mrs. W. E. Rhoades, Mrs. Charles
Offut, Mrs. W. G. Nicholson, Mrs.
O. T. Eastman and Mrs. Hubbard
were in charge of the street campaign.
J. W. Robbins and C. F. Harrison
expressed themselves as wonderfully
pleased with the generosity of Oma
hans. "I got a $60 subscription from one
man, whose coat was actually frayed
put and threadbare at the sleeves,"
said Harrison. "The man did not.
hesitate. He did not seek to argue
the matter. As soon as I mentioned
it he said, 'Why, yes, I'll be glad to
subscribe enough to save one life for
a year'"
Quickly Accomplish Purpose of Raid Which Extends From
Switzerland to Sea; Permission to Give Out
Number of' American Dead Withheld;
Great Activity on Front
(By Associated Press.
With the American Army in France, March 17. After a
terrifnc artillery preparation this morning, largo numbers of
the enemy crossed No Man's Land, on the extreme right of the
American sector northwest of Tout. ,
Apparently the purpose of the raid was quickly accom
plished, and only a comparatively small number entered our
lines. Permission has not been given to mention the number of
This raid, like most of the others, carried out all the way
from the sea to Switzerlad, was designed to gather information,
by means of taking prisoners.
East of Luneville our patrols have explored part of the
German, trench, which our artillery forced the enemy to aban
don. Patrols proceeded laterally until they established contact
with the Germans.
Our reconnaissance and wire patrols found snipers' posts, Jistening posts
and nests from which machine guns had been firing on our line.
Our artillery attended to all these posts. The German positions have
been so uncomfortable, at several places that they now are trying to regain
a foothold by holes.
Our troops 'have been subject to an extraordinary heavy artillery fire
for the last 24 hours. .More than 240 shells, which made craters 20 feet
deep and 30 feet in diameter, fell in one section of the line. In another sec
tion batteries have been shelled havily. More gas shells have fallen in both
the Toul and Luneville sectors, but the larger number in the former.
May Agree That Ships Shall Be
Sent Through War Zone; Of
ficials Mystified at
(By Anii elated I'rew.)
Washington, March 17. Holland,
on the eve of her shipping being
taken over by the United States and
Great Britian, has given evidence of
a readiness to make a voluntary
agreement to that purpose, even
agreeing that the ships shall be sent
through the war zone.
In view of the continued pressure
upon the Netherlands by Germany in
opposition" to such a stop, officia's
here were mystified at the sudden
change in the sftuation'and began to
speculate upon what arrangements
Holland might have made with Berlin.
It was stated in official quarters
that Holland probably would make
liberal concessions to Germany, when
she turns the ships over to the allies,
but it is feared that the sudden
acquiescence with the long opposed
provision that the ships be sent
through the war zone, might indicate
that the Netherlands government was
proposing something new in con
nection with the negotiations which
Great Britian and the United States
would be unable to accept.
The official attitude here is that all
arrangements have been made to
take over the ships on Monday, and
that the injection of any new pro
posals by Holland cannot slay the
decisions reached by London and
It was stated that if Holland de
sires to turn over the ships on the
terms alreadv laid down, by voliin-
I tary agreement, it would he con-
1 sidered very agreeable, but that they
must be taken over Monday, at all
events, on the final terms presented
to The Hague by the American and
British diplomatic representative.
American Tanker Claims
Victory Over Submarine
An Atlantic Port, March 17. At the
end of an hour's battle between a
German sdbinarinr and rn American
tank steamship, the Paitlsboro of the
Vacuum Oil company, which arrived
here today, the U-boat apparently was
sunk, according to officers of the
American vessel.
One of the crew on the tanker was
wounded. Two other shots struck the
American ship, which was not seri
ously damaged. The figlft took place
in the Bristol channel on February 24.
The American vessel was about 24
hours out from a British port when
the U-boat began shelling her.
The tanker halted and gave battle.
The officers said a shell fired by the
American gun crew struck the subma
rine fairly in the center and it disap
peared immediately. The American
vessel is of about 4,000 tons gross.
Wisconsin Swimmers Win.
Madison, Wis., March 17. The
University of Wisconsin swimming
team defeated the Chicago university
team in a dual meet tonight 43 to 24.
Biereach of Wisconsin was the in
dividual star, getting two firsts. He
broke the western conference record
in the 200 yard breast stroke, and
equalled the intercollegiate recoid
by making the distance in 2:45 2-5.
He also won -the ISO yard back
v trfpi? WT?aw cuvt 1 e
The American troops in the sector
east of Luneville, in conjunction with
the French, on Friday were still hold-
ing the former enemy trenches north-1
east of Badonvgltfers, although the
Germans had made another attempt'
to drive them out with artillery.
Shells, most of them heavy and some
of them of, the 12-inch type, had
ounded the position intermittently,
ut the Americans iujd.itkeitaillej.
have held on, .- ,
Consolidation df the position has
been continued and the series ol
operations jn this particular point oi
the sector, has brought the French
lines up on a front of nearly threi :
miles. The parapets have been turnec
toward the enemy; dugout entrance! '
have been changed, and new dugoutt
have been built to protect the men, ;.
Tonight it. appeared as if the enemy
would abandon his attempt to drive
out the Americans and French, realiz
ing that this is an almost hopeless
task. Throughout the sector artillery
firing is continuing, but no infantry
activity has developed so far. s
One of the, American' patrols
Wednesday night encountered an
enemy patrol in No Man's land in the
Toul sector and -opened lire. The
Germans fled, carrying with them
several bodies supposed to be of men
killed or wounded. They were so
busy getting away that there was only
a feeble return to the American fire
and none of the American patrol was
Two enemy airplanes flew over the
American lines during the night, one
dropping flares as signals. The others
were overhead at a time when the
Germans began a barrage which the '
American guns countered. It is nol
improbable the enemy plane was try
ing to locate the batteries by th
flashes of the guns. No infantry ac
tivity followed the barrage.
The American artillery continues tc
do effective work against the encm;
lines and silenced a battery which wai
firing big shells in its direction from t
point in the rear of Sonnard wood
Several other places where activity
was observed also were shelled.
Full of Curiosity.
New German troops have enterec
the line in front of the Americans. Ap
parently they have been told they ar
opposite Americans because man
times the new arrivals have been seen '
observing their opponents curiously
through field glasses. This curiosity
has oroved disastrous to them 011
more than one occasion, for the Am
erican snipers arc as active as the ar
tillery. In the intermittent bombardments
at various parts, of the American
sector considerable numbers of mus
tard, phosgene and chlorine shells
wrc used.
American aerial observers in the
rear of the lines have been formed
into a squadron under command of a
French captain. They were over the
lines today, but had no encounters
with enemv machines.
Charles S. Gerdon oi Iowa, the first
man wounded in the Luneville sector,
has been awarded the cross of war.
Wave of Arm to Sweetheart
Costs Man Five Thousand
Shenandoah, la., March 17. -(Special.)
A wave of his arm to his
sweetheart lost for Earl Whitehall a
$5,000 damage suit against the city of
Shenandoah. The young man was in-'
jured in a car wreck on the streets of
Shenandoah in September, 1916, and
was suing the city for negligence. The ,
car he was driving for the Union De
livery company was wrecked by- a"
rope across the street.
Testimony was introduced to show
that the driver's attention was at- .
traded by his intended wife, whom
he has since married. While respond-
ing to her wave and not watching the
road the accident is said to have oc
curred. ( -
1 r