Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1918, Page 9, Image 9
9 A Sunday, March 17, 1918- tore Hour: 8i30 A. M. to 6 P. M. -BURGESS-NASH STORE NEWS FOR MONDAY- -Storo Houni 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. -Phone Douglas 137 et Burge is-Nash Help You Get Ready for Easter THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCTI 17, 1918. . What An Interesting Place This Is Often you hear a person say: "Why, you're getting younger looking every dey." Usually you hear it said of one who is bright, cheerful and happy. For the secret of looking young lies much deeper than mere dress or "aids to beauty." This store knows the secret it is growing younger every day. Interesting things are happen ing every day. Mid-season dull ness? Not a bit Each day for weeks past we have given you a fascinating glimpse into the important phase of the Spring Fashions Further glimpses, just as en grossing, will be revealed from day to day, of, all the other style developments of the season. The store blossoms like a big flower garden from top to bot tom with the Spring things. Not only clothes and hats for the family, but spring garb for the home. It is a store most Omahans are glad to call their store a fact which becomes more and more evident each succeeding day. You'll find a lot to see and to like. Come. nLACE Your Furs in Our Storage Vaults In vaults that are fire-proof, burglar-proof and moth-proof. Your furs will here be pre served, protected even re vivified in an atmosphere made identical with that where fur hearing animals thrive best. Telephone Douglas 137 our automobile will call for your furs and any other article you wish stored away for safe keeping. Burf -Nath Co. Sacond Floor Easter Novelties A GATHERING of the new and unique in Easter nov elties greets you in this display at the Stationery Section. Among them Easter table favors. Nut cups, plain or decorated. Nut cups with flowers. Table covers and napkins. Easter cards. . Prayer books and rosaries. Burgeaa-Naah Co. Main Floor B RING Your Films to Burgess-Nash If you will bring your W dak films to us any day ! .2:re 12:30, they will be de 'elopec printed and ready for y-.a t 11:30 the next. Likewise all films left before 4 p. m. will be ready at 3:30 the next day. We guarantee our work, too. Burfcit-Naah Co. Main Floor New French Kid Gloves Perfect in Fit and Workmanship GLOVES to wear with the new tailleur suit or gown. Now is the time to make selection for Easter. Kid gloves properly fitted will re tain their shape and wear much longer and our expert fitters are at your service Kid gloves from $2.00 to $3.50 pair. Chamoisette Gloves, $1.00 to $1.25 Fine quality chamoisette gloves, perfect fitting. Black, white and colors, at $1.00 and $1.25 a pair. Special Value Gloves, 85c Two-clasp, extra quality chamoisette gloves in plain white or with black backs, splendid wearing quality, priced special at 85c pair. Burfeas-Naah Co. Main Floor Taffeta Silk is in Great Demand A Feature at $1.69 CHIFFON finish and most desirable for dresses, suits and skirts, in such shades as navy, Belgian, Copen, dark green, French gray, old rose, .sand, brown, 36 inches wide and very special at $1.69 yard. Pretty Satin Charmeuse, $1.75. In assortment of 30 pretty shades for street, afternoon and evening wear. Soft satin finish, at $1.75 yard. Real Kayser Silk Jersey, $2.50. Stylish, soft, pretty for one-piece dresses. Pretty new spring shades, also white and black, 36 inches wide, at $2.50 yard. Foulard Silks, $1.95 to $2.50 Yard. Very new and styljsh for dresses. Large assortment of different color grounds with dots of all sizes and pretty figures, both large and small, 36 and 40 inches wide, at $1.95 to $2.50 yard. Burgeas-Naah Co. Main Floor There's an Individual Touch About These New Suits At $25.00 to $65.00 THAT you'll find distinctively Burgess-Nash. All the new style features have been cleverly adapted to these exceedingly smart creations possessing that in dividuality so much sought by the woman who gives a thought to her wardrobe. The style trend is a de cided change from seasons past conservation of wool materials has not brought about a lessening of smart lines and styles of the new suits. The skirts are narrow, the coat sleeves are, tight and the shoulders loose fitting Where extra materials have teen used, if any, is in the ripple flare of the coats. Some of the new suits show the Eton effects; others the pony jackets, and still others the smart se verely tailored effects. The materials are poplins, serges, tricotines, poiret twills and mixtures. i Burgaaa-Naah Co. Second Floor A ROUND the . Score Veils ( Main Floor) March winds will hold no terrors for the girl who wears a fine mesh slip-over veil over her face and hair. There are plain ones and some have fascinating designs. Neckwear (Main Floor) Collars or collar and cuff sets have become an almost in separable part of the suit or frock, There's a charming se lection awaiting you here. Babies' Corner ( Second Floor) Such a fascinating dis play of the cutest little togs for little tots, as any mother will love to look at and admire. Big display of Easter gift novelties for baby. Handkerchiefs- (Main Floor) Wee little affairs to tuck in your glove are cleverly em broidered with colors. The range of selection is quite ex tensive. Ser ice Bags (Main Floor) In silk, cotex and leather, va riety of styles and sizes in colors and black. Very new. Artilhry Red .(Main Floor) Is the new shade in bead necklaces, bar pins and earrings Hand Bags (Main Floor) Top and back strap bags of seal, vachette, long grain and morocco leather. A large se lection is on display. w E'LL Plan, Cut, Fit and Pin Free of Charge Your new Spring coat, suit or dress of any material you may buy, at $1.00 a yard or more.. Come and ask Mrs. Moultonan' Her Staff of the Keister Dressmaking School for , style information. You'll find their suggestions most helpful, instructive, and make the producing of your garments mcuh easier. Please accept this service with our compliments. Burgeas-Naah Co. Main Floor Announcing for Monday Our Annual Mina Taylor Apron With a Price Range of $1.00 to $3.95 THIS is our annual apron event, and this year it will create greater interest than ever, as the values are most un usual, due to our buying these aprons many months ago, before the advance in materials, enabling us to sell them FAR BELOW PRESENT PRICES. The materials are percales and ginghams in solid colors and novelty checks and stripes. Sale We Illustrate But 9 of the Many Splendid Styles Offered Monday A TWo-Piece Sets, $2.95 Skirt and jacket of two-tone stripe effects, belt and patch pockets, sailor collar and turn back cuffs. Sizes 36 to 44, at $2.95. E Priscilla Aprons, $1.95 Amoskeag gingham in stripe effect, panel front, stitched down collar and cuffs, wide belt in plain colors, $1.95. B Slip Over Aprons, $2.25 Imported percale in pink, blue, lavender, green and tan, striped effects, colli.;, pockets and belt of contrasting chambray, $2.25. Bungalow Aprons $1.50 Open side front, made of best chambray in pink, blue and lavender, trim - med with fancy contrast ing braid, $1.50. G Coverall Aprons, $2.50 Amoskeag gingham, in blue, lavender and pink, trimmed with vivid plaid, sizes 30 to 46, at $2.50. C Breakfast Sets, $2.25 Skirt and jacket trimmed with wide contrasting flag stripes, gingham, Aviation collar, wide button belt, sizes 36 tp 44, $2.25 H Bungalow rons, $1.75 Pink and blue cham bray, barrel pockets, turn-back cuffs and mid dy collar of contrasting squares, at $1.75. D Bungalow Aprons, $1.75 Pink or blue chambray, collar, cuffs and belt of large polka . dots, , finished with rick-rack $1.75. I Middy Aprons, $1.95 Fancy - check percale, lace front, roll collar, cuffs and belt of plain chambray, dark; or light colors, at $1.95. braid, Ap- Burg eaa-Naah Co. Sacond Floor An Extraordinary Bef ore-Easter Sale of Oneida Community "Par Plate" Silver (Ten Years Guarantee) E VERY woman who cares about the effectiveness of the appearance of her dining table knows the vaW ue of any silverware which bears the Oneida Community mark. ;' , Par plate which wl offer at special prices Monday, is so scientifically designed that it gives the great est possible Service for the money and is especially adapted for home, club or banquet service. Par Plate patterns were originated by the same artist who created the exquisite Community Plate designs, and are more pleasing to the' eye than anything else in the Silverware line at the price. Here's An Idea of the Special Values Flat Pie Servers, special, Primrose Pattern An unusually dainty design. The festoon of flowers is charm ingly arranged and the design has great beauty and attractive n e s s. French gray finish. Tea Spoons, set of 6 for 79c. Dessert Spoons, set of 6 for $1.69. Table Spoons, set of 6 for $1.80. Bouillon Spoons, set of 6 for $2.45. Berry Spoons, special, each $1.10. Baby Spoons, special, each 39c. Gravy Ladle, special, each 95c. Medium Forks, set of 6, for $2.15. Medium Knives, set of 6 for $2.65. Individual Salad Forks, set of 6, $2.45. Butter Knives, special, each 42c. Sugar Shells, special, each 42c Cream Ladles, special, 75c. Pickle Forks, special, each, 65c. each $1.35. Cheese Knife, special, "each 69c. Soup Spoons, set of 6, $2.35. Iced Tea Spoons, set of 6, $1.69. Orange Spoons, set of 6, $1.95. Oyster Spoons, set of 6, $2.35. Individual Butter Spreaders, set of 6, $2.25. Sugar Shell and Butter Knife Sets, 90c. Knife and Fork Sets, 6 hollow han-, died knives and 6 flat handled forks, table size, set $7.95. Family Silver Chest, 26 Pieces, $8.25 This beautiful family chest of "Par Plate" Silverware is something any woman in the world would be proud to own and use, con sisting of 6 knives, 6 forks, 6 tea spoons, 6 desert spoons', butter knife and sugar shell,'; for $8.25. j- I Vernon Pattern Suggests the vogue of the beautiful colo nial des;gns now so popular. The Vernon is fin ished in bright burnished silver. An attract i v e and dignified de. sign. Come and Let Mrs. Primo Tell You the Proper Way to Set Up and Decorate Your Table Mrs. Primo, representing the Oneida Community, will be in our Silverware Section Monday, where she will be pleased to explain to you why Commun:ty Silver can be honestly guaranteed to give satis, factory wear, and she will also delight in telling you the correct way to decorate your table. Come and consult Mrs. Primo. No charge. Bunaat-Naah Co. Main Floor His Majesty the Baby Needs a New Carriage I N WHICH to take its daily airing, and we know of no place where you can make better selection than right at Burgess-Nash. For Monday we feature a splendid line, of '' ' ' . Reed Baby Cabs at $22.50 to $49.50 In ivory, French gray, pink, royal blue, old ivory and frosted canary green,. Either reversible or stationery body and lined with corduroy to match. Collapsible Sulky, $7.50 ',. Reclining back to three posi tions. Extension bed for the child when sleeping, good springs, one piece tubular frame, three-piece steel wheels, nickel trimmed, at $7.50. Collapsible buggies, $9.00 to $25.00. . . Oriole Go Baskets Very compact, easily folded to take on street car or in automo bile, $11.50 to $14.50. Baby Slumber Cribs, $5.50 to $8.50 White enamel with springs, 34 inches long Price range $5.50 to $8.50. Burteaa-Naah Co. Fourth Floor ; Ginghams Lead in Washable Fabrics' For Smart Dresses AND we are showing a very large and pretty line in plaids of new color combinations. 32 inches wide and the finest Imported quality at 59cts $1.00 yard. ' ' ' New Wash Voiles, 39c to 59c Hundreds of pretty pieces from which to select Light or dark ground with figured dot, striped or plaid design, at 39c to 59e yard. New English Voiles at 75c ' Practically every possible plain shade, foi blouse and dress. Very stylish and will launder, 40 inches wide, 75c yard. ' " Burg -Math Co. Main Floor ELECTRIC Sewing Machines A wonderful convenience for the woman who does her own sewing. Operating the ordinary sewing machine with foot power is hard work, but with this electrical equipment it is mere play. We feature the STANDARD ROTARY Electrically Equipped You can buy it on terms as low as $1.00 DOWN $1.00 A WEEK These specials Monday 1 Standard Rotary, auto lift (new), $39.00. 1 full cabinet floor sample, $40.00. 1 Standard Rotary, tailoring (new), $45.00. 1 box top White, $5.00. 1 drop head "Singer," $12.00. Burfoaa.Naah Co. Fourth Floor Specials for Monday in the Down Stairs Store That Will Help to Make Your Housework Easy Flour sifters, at 19c. Family scales, weigh to 24 lbs. by ounces, complete with scoop, at $1.79. Genuine "Dun lap" cream whip, complete with bowl, easy to op erate, special, 85c. No. 8 and 9 all white enamel ed coffee boilers, seamless, first quality, choice, $1.00. All white enameled seamless oval dish pans, 15-quart size, $1.00. Spice jars, made of glazed semi-porcelain with delft blue decoration, at 23c. Cereal jars, made of glazed semi-porcelain with delft deco ration, assorted names, each .48c ' Lander's Frary and Clark's Climax bread matter, 2 to 6-loaf size, special, $2.69. "Wear-Ever" Pure Aluminum Cooking Uten sils, Featured in a Special Sale and Demonstration Monday Wear Ever tea kettles, tight fitting cover, adjustable bajl, 6 -quart ca pacity, $5.40. Wear Ever Windsor kettle with new style tight fitting cover, 5-quart size, $2.40. Handled Berlin sauce nans with aluminum cover,, 2-quart size, extra special, 98c. Wear Ever pure aluminum lipped sauce pans, 1 -quart size, extra special at 49c. Wear Ever corn cake or muf fin cans, 6-cup size, $1.10; 9-cup size, at SJ.45. Wear Ever bread pan, at 80c. Co Wear Ever double boilers, 2 quart size, $1.60. Wear Ever heavy household fry pans, 11-inch size, $2.50. Wear Ever pop over pans, 6-cup size, 55c; 9-cup size, POc. seamless Burreaa-Naah Co. Down Stairs Stora. Electric toasters, G. E. make porcelain base, holds two slices, with -toast rack on top to keep toast warm, $2.75. Paring knives, good steel blade, 10c; But c h e r and bread knife, wood handle, as sorted sizes, choice 25c. Waffle irons, No. 8 size, high frame, extra special, $1.00 The Dazey glass churns ' and butter mergers: , No. 1 size, $1.00. No. 2 size, $1.45. ; Universal food choppers, com plete with full set of knives. . ' No. 0 size, $1.29. No. 3 size, $2.25. ' "EVERYBODY STQPE" i.