Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1918, Page 7, Image 7
V THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 17, 191b. :4-A T TO pening Announcement ill m 6 0 Oar Greats Enargerf Store and Combined Spring Style Exposition Which Will Occur Monday, March 18, 1918 A CORDIAL INVITATION is extended to our many friends, patrons and the people of Omaha and vicinity, to attend the operiing of our greatly enlarged establishment and view the wonderfully complete Spring Fashion Exhibits pre sented in all sections of this metropolitan apparel store. The expansion of many departments, in some instances to double their former size, emphasizes the forward strides of this business. The result of our efforts to develop an establishment equipped with every modern facility to meet the demands of the public is now presented for your approval Opening Our Great New Dept. Millinery Headquarters of the West Opening Our Greatly Enlarged , Women's Wearing Apparel Section Entire Third Flaor. INTRODUCING to Omaha the largest department in the West devoted to Women's Outer Garments exclusively. Our en tire third floor has been entirely rearranged and newly equip ped to accommodate our increasing patronage and consequent enlargement of stocks. It is with no small degree of satisfaction that we announce our preparedness to serve you more efficiently than ever. The prestige and efficiency' of our organization of women's wear experts enables the Nebraska to offer a style and value service unapproacheh in the Middle West. We invite inspectim Monday of our magnificent Spring Displays of Women's and Misses' Suits, Coats, Dresses and Blouses. Opening Our New East Room Men's, Young Men's and THE tremendous growth of our clothing business and the enormous selections we offer has necessitated complete rearrangement of this department. In justification of our present expansion, we point to the fact that for two years we have been so crowdedfor room on our second floor that it has been necessary to sell all overcoats on the fourth floor, often interfering with the service we strive to render. ! Entire Main Floor, East Room AGAIN, we've accomplished the unusual our beautiful main floor Millinery Shop in our recently acquired new build ingenabling us to place millinery sellin gin Omaha on a new plane of metropolitan efficiency. The discriminating women of this territory will find we've ushered in the dawn of a new era in millinery value-giving and style service The most modernly equipped Millinery Shop in America. v v Our connections with the largest millinery organi zations in this country enables this shop to secure the most wanted modes, to show the new styles first, and the most of the newest. Monday we will in troduce to you Omaha's most complete exhibit of New , Trimmed Hats and Millinery Accessories. i 1 and Mammoth Second Floor ' . Boys' Clothing Sections THE opportunity to acquire additional room on the second floor, enabling us to concentrate our clothing business on one floor, has come as a stroke of good fortune, and gives the Nebraska by far the largest department in the West devoted to Men's and Boys' wear. See the new east room and study our second floor arrangement; it's a model of modern clothing store equipment. Nothing like it elsewhere in the west. Among the Many Lines of Men's and Young Men's Clothes We Control Exclusively and of Which We Show the Most Complete Selections in the West We Mention: SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES World - wide favorites with young men and men who stay young. HICKEY-FREEMAN CLOTHES The finest hand-tailored, custom-fit and finish ready-for-service apparel. FASHION PARK CLOTHES Young men and men liking the snap of youthful apparel de mand them. j BRANDEGEE-KINCAID CLOTHES In all the world, no better tail oring nor fine quality fabrics. ADLER-ROCHESTER CLOTHES Recognized everywhere for quality and tailoring. None bet ter made. LEVY-ROCHESTER v CLOTHES Specialize In super-quality fab ric and careful tailoring. Opening Our New Spring Display of Men's Smart Hats Efficiency and careful service have at tracted to this greater store a vastly increased patronage in Men's Hats. We feature the most popular lines in , a wide variety of latest styles. Our Opening Day Monday, March 18, SEE THE PROGRESS THAT'S MAKING IN THE HEART OF OMAHA Opening Spring Footwear Fashions for Men, Women and Children Our Shoe Section has shared in the great growth of this store. Here you'll find greatly enlarged selections of correct footwear the season's smart fashions in the best footwear American ingenuity can produce shoe service plus. MHM A BMKHSOUmm. f J.I.J IJl'l m.L.MQU! CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN. Opening Our New Spring Display of Men's Furnishings The most conveniently arranged shirt, neckwear, underwear, glove, hosiery and col lar sections are here, presenting' the season's best styles and values. Prompt, efficient serv ice a feature. Our Opening Day Monday,' March 18, ,t INSPECT THIS GREATER STORE" STUDY ITS SHOPPING ADVANTAGE