Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1918, Page 3, Image 3
3-A The greatest store and the greatest business' have builded here on the foundation of PUBLIC SATIS EASTER COMES EARLY THIS YEAR prepare now and with the opportunities which these offerings give you to order NEW YORK STYLES BY MAIL, you will have no difficulty in getting the best outfit you ever had, and at a price that will surprise you. Remember, THE PRICES WE QUOTE DELIVER THE MERCHANDISE RIGHT INTO YOUR HOME. Anything else that you desire to make your Easter outfit complete, you can be sure of getting here, because we carry by far the biggest and most complete stock of any store in this Middle West, and because of the great buying power we possess, (always paying cash for purchases), we are able to quote prices very much below those you would have to pay elsewhere. ' '!! FACTION. 1 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 17. 1918. Sringiig This Sflre Kighf Dobir Wimp a ! 1A Send for order blanks to use when you order by mail be sure to state.sizes and colors desired and write your name and address plainly. Don't overlook the fact that in buy ing from this page you are making your purchases just as though you were in this store in person. The best of care will be used in giving you perfect satisfaction. All Items on This Page Delivered Free of Charge Brandeis Guarantee If for any reason any article ordered from this page does not fully meet with your ap proval return it promptly at bur expense and we will at once refund your money. nimii Taffeta Frocks at $22.50 ! Buy Suioes mw for faster Here Are Good Styles at Low Prices Here is an oppor tunity to purchase a beautiful Silk D r e s s at a very moderate price Made in the very latest style right from New York. You will be im mensely pleased with the style and finish of this dress. We offer it with the full confidence that it will give you perfect satisfaction. aom Tn.ffp.ta Frock, with satin collar, re- vers and pockets, decorated with yarn em broidery. A very smartconservative frock shown in navy, taupe, brown or go? 50 black. Be sure to state color desired v ' Excellent Hosiery Offerings To be well outfitted otherwise and not to have the proper hosiery is to destroy the whole effect, especially as the sea son is approaching when low shoes will be in highest favor. Here are hosiery offerings of an unusual character, from the biggest stock in this Middle West. C19A1 Women's Pure Thread "l4WI Silk Hate-pure dye, lisle tops, reinforced soles, heels and toes ; silk to Knee, in no www SI. 50 black and white only, pair. C-f 9fl9 Shoe Shades in Thread I IV I Siik Hosiery are very popular; we have them in all the latest shades, such as bronze, cor dovan, brown, new tan and" all shades of gray, per pair, at CI 4(1 4 Fiber Silk Hose in all ",4wg the wanted c o 1 o r s seamless, spliced heels and CQ a toes; good value, pair wiw CI 9fll Boot Silk Hose in black, -lUt wnite and some colors; these are fashioned with high spliced heels and toes; lisle tops and thread silk; per 7C pair, at 50c CI 9 AC Girls' Silk Lisle Hose in "I fine quality and fine inVinf in the new shacks of brown, white and black; per pair, at CI 9 Afi Girls' Hose, lisle thread, ",tUv black and white only; double heels and toes; 4Cfi per pair, at Uwv Three Pairs for $1.00 C-1207- -Boys' Hose in the Black Cat Brand and other makes, in different weights; fine and medium ribbed; triple knees; double heels and toes; all OA sizes; per pair, at www CI 4(10 Boys' and Girls' Hose ILVV minium wAicht. fine 11 v "O r ribbed, double heels and toes; all sizes, pair 25c Girls' Wash Dresses The Best Spring Styles ' Right from New York, and from some of the best makers in America. Styles that would be hard to get anywhere at much higher prices. All good colors and well made. EL 8. 1 C-6501 -Combina- Chambray and Plaid materials, little vestec effect, with wide belt, straight button front, good full skirt and big pockets. Well made in . jjvery respect, sizes 6 years $1 .50 A CCAO Made f n'cc Ginghams with white VUvVk collars and cuffs, white panel front, inset two rows of small buttonsseach side and tWO large poCKCLS. neuuuucin ji VIS .WIsWV Again this Basement Department gives you the oppor tunity to supply your wants for stylish, satisfactory footwear at little prices all new Spring styles, and in excellent variety. We picture just four of the group. W801-Patent Quarter, black or gray cloth top; McKay sewed sole and one-inch Cuban heel ; plain toe ; 9 inches high ; lace style; per pair, at I a 1 803 Women's Black Vici Kid, v Two-Strap Pump; hand turned sole; 2-inch Cuban heel; beaded toe, per pair C-1 802 A1 black v XL kid, 9-inch lace; plain toe; 2-inch leather concave heel light flexible sole; either plain toe or imi tation tip; per pair C-1 sod Aii Patent Colt; bay do11 1 r,ww last; light flexible sole; close I .... i 1 -. Pi 1 I l i 1 I. lifted arcn, in iy2-incn straigni new; per pair, at ir na r I A ffii fin li I Here fire Excellent Shirts for Men ill I iwo largt ..v.. ...-uv. ... ,11 every respect, sizes 6 to 12 years. M Specially Priced for Mail Order .1 5 A 4AI Made of extra fine quality Corded Madras, neckband style ; soft or laundered cuffs or soft collar attached. In neat or pronounced patterns; extra well made, perfect in fit and finish. These Shirts are worth $1.35 to. $1.50 each. Sizes in. a full range from 14 to 18 neckband. Be sure to state pattern and color ing you desire also size. This is a very exceptional 01 1 C offering, and it will pay to order half a dozen or more Brandeis Stores Omaha- Nebraska Boys9 Spring Suits at $6.45 Two Pair of Pants Here are snappy patterns that boys will like; that will give them long and excellent wear, and are very low priced at the figure we quote, $6.45, Choice of three different Datterns, each in the newest design, as pictured. Two Pairs ?f "Pants and each fully lined. A 44 A1 A neat tan mixture " AU 1 in a Cheviot weave. A very nobby color and great for long wear. Sizes 6 to 17 years. C 9.909 A dark gray Over--wVApiajd effect in a Ve- ' lour fabric. Very dressy suit and with two pairs of pants; an exceptional value. Sizes 6 to 17 years. CO. 9 A 9. Brown Overplaid v effect. Velour fabric; a great color and fabric for hard and long wear. Sizes 6 to 17 years. IIMMtMHtMMl I I Beautiful Spring Silks I Wc offer you, from what is conceded to be the bfgrcest and best Silk stock in this Middle Western country, some very excellent values in just the Silks you want right now for Spring and Summer wear. The prices are much below the ordinary because we purchased in immense quantities and give you the full benefit of the savings We made. Be sure to state weave and color. A 7A1 40-inch Georftu Crape, good firm quality in a good range V"IWI- f nolorintrs: worth 11.95 a yard: 51.25 special, a yard at C-fAH (O-inch Silk and Wool PpplJntt the kind that has always "Iw given the best of service; in a good range of colorings; worth $2.00 a yard; special, 1 4 A a yard at .Jlili! C'TAA 40-inch Crepe De Chine; all pure thread silk in a full line fww of street and evening shades; regular $125 $1.75 a yard; special, a yard at y,v A 7A J 32-inch Corean Silk, the new sport silk; will tub ahd wear; w"l VI crepy Bhimmery finish; in a good range of colors; special, a yard at $1.25 Black Silk Special, $1.50 Per Yard $LSO a Yard C-705 40-inch Crepe De Chine C-706 40-inch Silk and Wool Poplin. C-707 36-inch Chiffon Taffeta C-708 36-inch Duchess Satin C-709 36-inch Cassimere De Soie., C-710 36-inch Poie Dc Soie C-711 36-inch Messaline , 32-inch new Satin Stripa Shirting Silk in a beautiful array of colorings; extra good weight; every thread silk; will launder and wear perfectly; worth $1.50 per yard; SI 1 C special, a yard at ylalv 36-inch Puro Dye Taffeta; soft supple finish; will give excellent serv ice; in fifty new shades; worth $1.95; EA special, a yard at I TuMth Silks arc in great demand for skirts, dresses, and suits in the new pjain and novelty weaves in a full line of new colorings; 40 inches avdTtc:al: $1.95 to $2.95 Our showing of new Foulards is the largest and most comprehensive ever shown in the west; including the new 36 and 40-inch Surrah, Ra dium, Crepe, Satin, Cassimere Finish in a beautiful range of new color ings and designs; specially i CA I a (4 AC priced; a yard at f. lew IU 9w Laces and Embroidery for Spring Dress Wear $1.50 A AA1 42-inch Imported Voiles and Organdie Flouncing for this w wwi season's dresses; every pattern is new ana Deauuiuiiy em broidered with lace and floral borders; special, a yard at A Q AO 27-inch Organdy and BatUte Ruffled and Plain Hem VWV Flouncing. The season's newest patterns for skirt flounc ing, children's and infants' dresses; QQa a yard at wOW A A AO 18-inch Cambric and Swiss Flouncing neatly worked in blind VWVW an open patterns suitable for children's dresses, corset covers and skirt flouncings; 9"fi special, a yard at wl A A AC Collar Laces in filet and filet venise combination patterns; VJvv white and cream; splendid CA 75ft ftllfl SI 00 imitation of the real; special, a yard at. . I Ww SlIU V I sVV A A AC Camisole Laces; Van Fyke points with beading tops V'dVU shadow, filet and Val patterns; very special: a yard at A A A 7 Gold and Silver Lace Flouncings on silk tulle net; CA W-aUl 18 inches wide; a yard at CAAO Wash Laces Filet, vals and shadow patterns; fine French "wWU and English vals, edges and insertions; all linen cluny bands in ecru only; splendid for Ca curtains; a yard at 25c WRITE FOR SAMPLES Of Wash Fabrics, Silks and Dress Goods Of Fabrics Not Advertised on This Page. All fresh, crisp and new fabrics for Spring, 1918, just arrived from the best eastern mills. We are showing a wealth of beau tiful weaves and every wanted coloring. Will gladly send sam ples upon request. Be sure to state plainly the color you desire when you order. ('-