Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1918, Image 1

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    The Om a
Fair; Warmer
: : ; 0
Casualty Roll Contains No Names of Severely Wounded;
All Came From American General in One Day;
Names Held Up Friday Were Men Men
tioned for
Washington, March 16. Eighty-five name, including
those of nine officers one killed in action, one in an accident
and seven slightly wounded were contained in the casualties
listed today by the War department.
It was explained at the department that with two or three
exceptions the names in the list were cabled today by General
The exceptions were names held
ov from yesterday's casualty report
.ise of difficulties in checking.
Cost of the 40 odd names held up
yesterday however were of the men
recommended for promotion or men
tioned in various activities of the ex
peditionary forces. They at first were
taken to be casualties.
Today's list, the first in weeks to
. :ontain the names of no men severely
ivounded, follows:
Lieutenant John Norman.
Sergeant Louis E. Leffew.
Corporal Leo H. Rogers.
Private Fred M. Eager.
Private Charles T. E. Luggmlknd.
Private Claude W. Newlee.
Private Srowe Petty.
Private Oscar Swartz.
Corporal Marvin Bunn.
Private Dan P. Bracelin.
Corporal Ignatius Fleming.
Corporal Walter E. Furne.
Corporal Herbert H. Krombaos.
Corporal Percy Stone Bosworth.
Private Will Calloway.
Private Charles ty. Hoerning.
Private Theophile Joseph Proulx
Private Clare R. Tapager.
Private Harrison Welch.
Private Wagoner Arthur E. Fisher.
Lieutenant Andrew Carl Ortmaycr.
Comoral Cliff 6rd J. Stevens.
Private John J. Brannon.
Private Peter Cazan.
Private George Mock.
Private John E. Hawkins.
Sergeant Byrd W. Penrod.
Major John W. Downer, Captain
Harry B. Whitney, Lieutenants Blake
H. Cooley, Herbert J. Jones, Dona d
G. Macklachan, Frank M. Mitchell,
Warren A. Ransom, Sergeants
Charles E. Allen, Peter Danowski,
Corporals Brodie B. Cauele, Eugene
O. Hickey, John C. Kadron, George
Leveque, Chester W. Mahaffie, Orvil
F. Martin, William J. Monahan,
Henry Reimer, Privates Arza O. Am
burgey, Gust Anderson, Earl Beasley,
Luigi Berni, Julius Bojarski, Benja
min Brenner, Charles Brocke mann,
George Carman, Jack Carson, Christo
rtfier O Coughlin, Sam Donofri. Ralph
V Frantz, William Frederick. Don
ald Gruell, Otto Haas, John F. Ir
van, Phillipp Isaacs, John Janulewicz,
David R. Johnson, Julius G. Kolt,
Charles H. Lee, Albert A. Lommel,
Tames V. Lvons, Willram R. McKim,
Raymond W. Miller, John O'Neal,
Conrad H. Ordeman, David M. Reid,
Frank C. Schultz, George E. Schwab,
William S. Shelton, George F.
Shields, Neil Sorlein, William A.
Sykes, Adam Tracszk. William Ves
cove, Lawrence E. Whitford, Joseph
T. Wickler, Cloyd Wilson; Mechanics
Harry Christenson, James Lajoio.
County Agents Hold Meeting
To Create Interest in Sorghum
Lincoln, Neb., March 16. (Special.)
County Agent C. W. Smith of Sew-
ard county and Agent C. R. Young
of Dakota county are endeavoring to
arouse enthusiasm in sorghum mak
ing. Mr. Smith is holding several
meetings in his county, discussing the
proposition with the farmers. There
is at least one sorghum, plant in Da
kota county which could be put to use.
The object is to do away with the
necessity of using only sugar for
The Weather
Temperatures at Omaha Tedterday
Hour Deg.
I a. m 31
6 t. m.. 30
T a. ni 31
S a. m 34
a'm...... 38
10 a. m 43
11 a. m 4S
13 m 53
1 p. m. 56
2 p. m..... , 58
5 p. m 61
4 p. m 63
5 p. m 62
t p. m 60
7 p. m.i 58
rnmnaratlTS Local BMtord.
, 118 117 1916 1915
W nithnl yesterday .... 62 4t 61 40
Lowat yesterday .... 30 27 2 28
Mean temperature .... 46 34 40 84
Precipitation 00 .29 .00 T.
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1,
and compared with the last two years;
.ormal temperature 36
Exceaa for the day 10
Total excess Etnce March 1. 1917 127
Normal precipitation 04 inch
For the day 04 ,nch
Total precip. since Mar. 1. 1918 .11 Inch
Deficiency since Mar. 1, 1918.. .51 Inch
Excess for corres. period 1917 .67 Inch
Deficiency for corres. period 1916 .54 inch
k T" Indicates trace of precipitation.
h. A.
WELSH, Meteorologist.
For Nebras
Fair; warmer.
HONORniULirr Jk r:
Summary Latest
Honor Roll From
Fields "Over There"
The newest casualty list con
tains 85 names, divided as fol
lowst Killed in action, 8.
Died of wounds, 2.
Died of accidents, 6.
Died of. disease, 10.
Died from undetermined
cause, 1.
Slightly wounded, 58.
Ultimate Purpose to Have on
Duty in Washington Gather
ing Trained in latest War
Elements. ' "
' ' ByAwocttd lrtM.) '.)"''
Vaslungton, March 16. Major
, General March, chjef fof staff, an
nounced today that a plan bad been
approved whereby staff officers on
duty with American expeditionary
force's will be systematically ex
changed for those on duty in Wash
ington, the ultimate purpose- being to
have on duty here a general staff com
posed entirely of officers who have
been through training in the latest
elements of warfare. 1 f
It is intended to -have General Per
shing returnTto this; country in de
tachments of 30 the officers who, in
his opinion, have assimilated. the de
tails of modern -warfare, from the ac;
tual association with front line opera
tions on the American sectors.
Oldest Men First.
The first increment will be from
the officers who have been longest in
France. These will be replaced by an
equal number of officers trained here
in general staff work as it applies to
the War department and an inter
change of information would be estab
lished, between the department and
the fighting forces which officials be
lieve will be productive to smooth
administration and competent staff
work on both sides of the water. It
also will produce a degree of co-ordination
for both ends of the 3.000 miles
of transport lines than could not be
achieved under any other plan.
Presumably, qualified officers of
General Pershing's staff who have
been wounded or otherwise incapaci
tated for active duty at the front will
be assigned wherever possible to duty
in Washington during the period of
recuperation, their services and ex
perience thereby being of continuous
value tothe government.
Incapacitated Officers Home.
In this connection it . was learned
that in accord with the practice found
desirable in Europe, incapacitated line
officers .will be gradually placed in
charge of all training units, replace
ment divisions and other military
agencies in the United States, which
require he supervision of trained mil
itary men. That process already has
begun with the assignment of a num
ber of major generals physically unfit
for service in France to divisions
training in this country.
'Secretary Baker already has an
nounced that a similary policy of al
ways having direct information from
France would be followed in the
makeup of the new war council, com
posed of a group of senior officers of
the War department.
Workers in Russia Compelled
To Flee Before German Advance
Chicago, March' 16. (Special Tele-1
gram.) Young Men's Christian as
sociation secretaries .in Russia have
been compelled to retire before the
German advance toward Petrograd
and many of the Red Triangle huts
have been destroyed, according to ca
ble dispatches received by the Nation
al War Work council here.
All secretaries and workers are,
however, reported to be safe. ..
Many of the Young Men's Christian
association workers are remaining in
Moscow to await new opportunities
for service. Native Russian secreta
ries have assumed responsibility for
carrying on the work of the Young
Men's Christian association in Petro
grad as long as that is possible.
That Spontaneous Popular Demand
( V- T 1
I M 'ISJ H' HI I Iff' W a ml f Mi II im II I
v : ; '
County Attorney Holds it is
Not His, Duty to Test Law
Designed to Protect
That "Bob" Smith's request to the
county board to investigate the
legality of the law to stofTfee grab
bing, enacted by the 1917 session, will
be ignored, is the statement of Coun
ty Attorney Maguey.
"If the board takes my advice, it
will make no effort to challenge
whether that law was properly passed.
The law is there, and, until it i
proven otherwise, I assume that it
is legal in every way. It is not my
duty to test out the law, which is
designed to protect the tax payers and
is favorable -to the county. Let Mr.
Smith do that if he .wants to. I will
so advise the county board."
As it stands, the law compels Smith
to account for naturalization fees re
ceived since July ,27, 1917. , He should
have reported' anil paid in fees Janu
ary 1, puc he has ignored and defied
the law instead. Auditor, Barnett As
preparing a statement-of the amount
due the county from Smith under the
law. A recent ruling' of the supreme
court on the old law which the new
law changes gave him between $8,000
and $9,00Q in fees, which he had been
holding but. .'
Only Smith Knows.
Only Smith knows how much has
been taken in since that time, but it
is said to be a large sum, as there has
been a great, rush for naturalization
following the declaration of war, and
subsequent action against aliens. . .
When the preseht amepdment came
up for hearing, Smith went to Lincoln
and "worked "tooth and nail" for a
provision that it would not apply dur
ing his term of office. He now as
serts that the law requiring him to re
port these fees was not legally passed,
and has asked the county 'board to
order the county attorney to test its
legality for him. t '
Woman Assistant Attorney
General for Nebraska
(From a 6taff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, . March 16. (Special.) On
account of the transfer of Assistant
Attorney General Alfred Munger to
Omaha, Attorney Genera! Reed has
promoted Mrs. Josephine Wild, legal
stenographs . who was recently ad
mitted to practice before the supreme
court, to assistant attorney general
and Miss Mabel Estes, a stenographer
in the office, is promoted to legal
Grain Values Show Severe
Setback in Chicago
Chicago, March 16. Grain values
suffered a more violent setback today
than has taken place previously in al
most a year. '
. Dealings were on a large scale, with
extreme losses of 5 cents in corn and
64 cents in oats, May corn descend
ing to $1.20Ji and March oats to 83
cents. 15S3
Young Men's Christian association
work has been in progress at more
than 100 centers in Russia. The ef
fort was undertaken at the request of
the Russian government and made
such an impression that through the
various changes the association has
continued its work almost without in
terruption. The work, ranged from huts in the
front line to building work in Petro
grad, Moscow, other important Rus
sian centers and at the great concen
tration camps. The association work
did so much to uphold the morale of
the Russian troops and to emphasize
the fact that America, a sister repub
lic, is in the war, that the Germans
started the bitterest kind of propa
ganda against it.
To Car Readers
Failure of the railroad to deliver
our shipment of colored comic sup
plements, printed for The Bee in St.
Louis, compels us to serve today's
issue without them. To compensate
in part for their loss, we have
made up a special section of black
and white comics and war pictures,
which we ask our readers to accept
for this once. , Next Sunday the col
ored comic, with all the popular
The Omaha Bee-
Opinion, Written by Ohief Jus
tice Mtirrissey, Finds Distinc
tion Exists Between Reg
ular and National Army.
' (from a Staff Correspondent)
Lincoln, ' March 16. (Special.) In
the opinion of Chief A. M. Morrissey
of the State supreme' court, who wrote
the opinion, holding the soldier may
vote, congress ' recognized a dividing
line between the permanent military
establishment' of the army known as
the "regular army" and all other
branches of the military service.
The opinioin affirmed by the entire
count, hodls that a man entering the
service in the "existing emergency"
retains his rights as a voter.
Case from Douglas.
The case came from Douglas county
oyer an application of James J.
Simon, a soldier at Fort Crook, who
appealed from a ruling of Election
Commissioner Harley G. Monehead
that he was in the "regular" service
and therefore had no right to
The Douglas county district court
held against the election commissioner
and the case .was taken to the su
preme court and advanced to an early
hearing. .
Probable Call March 26.
The calling of a special session of
the legislature has been delayed pend
ing action of the court on the case
in order that legislation might be
enacted giving Nebraska men, in the
service a chnnce to vote, and now
that the court has held that they
have not lost their rights, the ses
sion can' go ahead and enact a alw
covering the emergency.
It had been hoped by Governor
Neville that the opinion would come
down in time to call the extra ses
sion for Tuesday, March 19, but now
it is probable that the call will be
made for March 26. ,
The supreme court holds that "The
regular army is the permanent mili
tary establishment which is main
tained both in pace and war, accord
ing to law.
Not In Regular Army.
"An elector of this state who en
ters the military service of the United
States to serve during the existing
emergency, under the provisions of
the act of congress of May 18, 1917,
is not in the regular army, as that
term is employed in Section 3, Article
VIII of the Constitution, and may ex
ercise the election franchise a such
places and under such conditions as
may be provided by law.
"The legislature has the right to
enact such legislation as will enable
electors of their state to exercise the
election franchise, notwithstanding
they have entered the military or na
val service of the United States, tinder
the provisions of the act of May 18,
1917, to serve during the existing
Supreme Court Reverses
Mother's Pension Ruling
Lincoln, Neb., March 16.(Specia!
Telegram.) The state supreme court
here today ruled that the mother's
pension law was constitutional, re
versing a decision maflf b.,l, "'uk
county court.
Danger Zone Proviso Now
Stricken Out of Agreement;
U. S. Will Seize Vessels
'. i
Washington, March 16. It wa.i in
dicated here today that at the same
time Holland consents to turn its
ships oyer to Great Britain and the
United States 'for use in the war wne,
it will make certain, conciliatory con
cessions to Germany.
The -virtual liltimatujh pre'sent'-d it
The IIgue by diplomatic -'rcpfer'htt-tivei
6f the United States and Great
Britain specifically required tha' the
Dutch ships be taken over March
18 should be given 'without rejeva
tion against being sent into the dan
ger zone.
Through' Danger Zone.
The provisional agreement which
Holland has left unacted upon more
than two months provided : that the
ships should not be sent througn the
danger zone, but the newest repre
sentations informed The Netherlands
government that this proviso now
must be eliminated.
The agreement in practically all
other respects will be carried out.
No further communication had
been received here from The Hague
today, as far as could be learned. Gen
erally it was not expected that Hol
land would enter into a voluntary
agreement, because of pressure from
Germany., i
The announcement , from . Amster
dam aroused much speculation as to
what would be the character of Hol
land's explanation to Germany for
its action.
Reply Expected Monday.
London, March 16. A reply from
the Dutch government to the allies'
announcement rcgardinf the utiliza
tion of Dutch shipping is . expected
before Monday. According to in
formation received here it will
propose an agreement for the use of
Dutch ships on the understanding
that they arc, not to be taken into
the danger zone.
The allies will not assent to this
and it is expected, the taking over
of the ships on March 18 will proceed
according to the program.
Copenhagen, March 16. A dispatch
to the Politiken from Amsterdam
states that the Dutch government yes
terday prohibited Dutch .steamers
from sailing for England.
Captain A. A. Fricke, Omaha Man,
Married to Los Angeles Girl
Captain Albert A. Fricke, an
Omaha man, now surgeon with the
26th Engineers, stationed at Camp
Dix, Trenton, N. J., was married at
noon yesterday to Miss Betsy Thayer
McGuire of Los Angeles, Cal.
The ceremony took place at Mount
Vernon, N. Y., which is not far from
Camp Dix ?nd is the home of the
bride's relatives.
Captain Fricke is a member of the
University Club of Omaha and Phi
Kappa Psi fraternity, and Mrs. Fricke
is a member of Delta Gamma soror
ity. Boh young people attended the
University of Nebraska together.
For the present they will make their
home at Pemberton, N. J., a neigh
boring station to Camp Dix.
School Teacher Drowns.
Sturgis, S. D., March 16. (Special
Telegram!) Miss Ora B. Wright, a
school teacher at Jonesville.
county,, was drowned in the Belle
Fourche river. She, accompanied by
a man whose name was not lea'.itd.
was crossing the river when a cak? of
ice struck there vehicle and turned it
over. The man and team cacaoa.
Social Revolutionists Refuse to Ratify Peace Treaty;
Threaten to Bolt Meeting if Document is Signed;
Late Dispatches Show Russia Not Yet Com
mitted to Teuton Terms.
Moscow, March 16. The all-Russian congress of soviet
has ratified the peace agreement with Germany by a large ma
London, March 16. A conflict between the maximalist
and social revolutionists of the Left members of the council of
people's commissaries occurred in Moscow Friday, according to
a report received here from the Petrograd Telegraph agency.
The social revolutionists refused to ratify the treaty of
peace with Germany and said they were resolved to resign the
moment the treaty was ratified by the all-Russian congress of
1 O (By AniHtlntrd FroM.) '
Slavs Immediately Adopt Reso
lution of Appreciation;,
Lenine Given' Great
ry Associated Triw.)
Moscow, Thursday, March 14.
(Delayed.) President Wilson's mes
sage of sympathy to the Russian peo
ple was revived with marked ap
plause when it was read' tonight at the
opening session of the All-Russian
congress of Soviets. The congress Im
mediately adopted a resolution of' ap
preciation. The resolution reads: " .' '.' ) 'i.
"The, Al-Russian congress ot so'-,
iets expresses its' appreciation to Ihe
United States for the message sent by
President Wilson to the congress of
Soviets, in this time when the Russian
socialist soviet republic is ftvin;
through, m6st difficult trials. ' '; 't
"The Russian republic uses the pc
casion of the message from Presidcrit
Wilson to express to all peoples who
arc dying and suffering from the hor
rors of this imperialistic .war,' . s
warm sympathy arid firm conviction
that the happy time is near when the
laboring masses in all bourgeois' coun
tries will throw off the capitalist yoke
and establish a, socialist state of so
ciety, which is the only one capable
of assuring a permanent and just
peace as well as the culture and well
being of all who toil."
Peasants in Majority.
The congress-is being -held in the
splendid banquet' hall of the Nobility
club, where former emperors often
were entertained. Soldiers, sailors
and peasants .fprmed a majority of
the 1,164 delegates present. M; Sver
loff, chairman of the central executive
committee of the congress, presided.
The bolshevik .members .number 732
and there are 38 social revolutionists
of the left. '
Tremier Lenine made the principal
speech and received , a. grrat ovation.
He reviewed the history of the revolu
tion and emphasized the necessity of
signing a peace trcr.ty. M. Tchitch
erin, the acting foreign minister, read
the peace terms. It was decided that
peace should be considered first and
after that the permanent removal of
the capital from Petrograd and the
election of a new central executive
committee. r
Strong forces of guards were about
the hall, but there were no attempts at
disorder. Moscow is quiet, bolshevik
control apparently being absolute. .
Final action on the German peace
treaty apparently has not yet been -taken
by the all-Russian congress of
Soviets at Moscow.
While dispatches ,dated Thursday
from Petrograd reported the congress
had decided overwhelrnir 'y to ratify
the treaty, advices from woscow Fri
day say that there has been a division
in the council of people's commissa
ries and indicate' that Russia has not
yet been committed to the .German
Bolshevik approval of -the treaty
seemingly has aroused the members
of the government belonging to the
party of the social revolutionists of
the left, who refuse to ratify it.
The social revolutionists are said to
have resolved to resign from the coun
cil should the congress approve the
treaty. This probably means that de
cisive action has not yet been taken
by the congress1 as a whole. .
Organize for Defense,
An Associated Press dispatch from
Moscow, dated, fTbur5daj(aTSrhe -tbolsheviki
ata party caucus voted to
'approve the -course of the Lenine gov
ernment :iu 'agreeing to the German
ter4iis,;which,4nevertheless( they con
demned. The bolsheviki said it wai
necessary tb, organize for the defense
oi the nation against the invaders.
. . cicvciai jminsicrs m me ienme gov
ernment are members of the social
revolutionist party of the left. They
were admitted ' late last December
when the bolsheviki, were threatened
with the loss , ofipiower unless the rev
olutionists were recognized. The so
cial revolutionists of the! right have
been opposed continuously to tHe bol-shevikj.-wbo
broke up the: constituent
assembly when the party of the right
elected' the chairman.. ,"
Commend U. S. Attitude.
Moscow, Thursday, March 14. The
newspapers generally commend the
disposition of the United States to re
frain from joining in any plan to dis
member Russia. '
A caucus of the bolshevik!, while
favoring a signing of the German
peace treaty, has resolved to approve
the course of the, peace delegation of
the council of people's commissaries.
The caucus also condemns the Ger
man peace terms and declared it was
necessary to restore order and or
ganize for defense. '
Wilson to Speak.
Washington, March 16. There
were intimations in official circles to-
day that President Wilson might
make an early declaration on the Rus
sian situation. It was not indicated
what might be its form or its man
ner of delivery.
America's attitude towards inter
vention in Siberia by Japan,, whethe
it acts independently or in Conjunc
tion with other powers, has not under
gone any change, it was said today
at the State department.
Japan Still Undecided.
Officials remained. reticent regard
ing Japan's expressions of its inten
tions, but it was indicated that an ex
change of views was continuing and
from this it was deduced that Japan
has not determined definitely on a
course. It was suggested that final
dtcision might be delayed until the
new Japanese ambassador, Count
Ishii, reaches America, but the proba
bility of that was discounted at the
department. ,
It is known that the United States
has been doubtful of the need of in
tervention by Japan, many officials oi
this government fearing that such ac
tion might bring together the various
factions in Russia 4o combat the Japa
nese, even if they were supported by
the armies of the entente and Amer
ica and however good their inten
tions '
Dr. Wilcox, Plant Pathologist,
Says Potatoes Have Dry Rot
Lincoln, Neb., March . 16. (Spe
cial.)Dr. E. M. Wilcox, plant path
ologist of the Nebraska experiment
station, calls attention to the neces
sity of controlling dry rot, in Ne
braska potatoes and of avoiding the
shipment of potatoes so affected in a
statement just issued. ' The serious
side oMhe rituation is seen in the
fact that a few; days ago an entire
carload of N?braska potatoes' shipped
to Oklahoma for seed were held up
by a government agent who discov
ered that at least 85 per cent of them
were affected with dry rot. An exam
ination of potatoes in western Ne
braska this month showed from a
third to a half affected with the dt. :
ease ;