Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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les for Spring and Easter Biandeis Stores
York SL.
f Smart Tailored Frocks at $34.75
the latest types, showing new
pockets and belts and every
suit beautifully silk lined. We
have established an unrivalled
reputation for this trade mark.
Look for the label Fashionseal.
HE new hip length Coats with
pleatings, ripples, rufflinfes
or shirrings; button trimmed or
braid trimmed. All the new re
vers and belts; some semi-tailored
and some loose fitted mod
els. Materials are Wool Serges,
Gabardines, Poplins and Ve
lours. In Navy Blue, Tan, Gray,
Sand, Rookie, Copenhagen, Blue
and Black.
In An Unusual Offering Saturday
The growing popularity of the one-piece Gown
is Serge or Jersey has prompted us to specialize
in a medium price Etamine and Wool Scrim
Frock that will show the features found in higher
priced lines.
New smart coat effects, others in Moyen Age
type, effectively trimmed in braiding, em
broidery, lovely satin and georgette collars and
vestees. Shades of
Sand, Navy, Copen
hagen, Beaver and
Taupe being the most
highly favored.
A Special Group
for Saturday's
Selling at
a. V. '.
New Spring Coats, $17.50, $19, $25
Smart and attractive new models, shown in popular
priced lines. Lovely Spring shades of Gray, Pekin,
Clay, Rookie, and Navy, in Poplins, Gabardines,
Velours and Serges.
New collars to match in contrasting shades.
For trimming, buttons, belts and unusual pockets
add clever touches. A most unusual display of ex
cellent styles.
Second Floor
t t V
ialty Shop
Small Women
linary values
ag Suits, at
much .sought after and
charmyto every woman
For the Busy Woman
She works in it, plays in it-and when she takes it off
at night, it is the same delicate, flexible, durable piece of
feminine apparel. She wears it in the morning under a
house dress, decides in haste to go shopping, dances at night
the very same American Lady she put on in the morning
adjusts itself to every whim, to every varying movement of
her body. , (
are the corsets for you. Slender or stout, of medium figure
or hard to fit, there's an American Lady model exactly
ngnt in style and price for you.
we have graduate Corsetieres who will select for you the right model and fit is so per
fectly that you will think it has been molded to your figure. Take sufficient time to
have your Corsets fitted properly we can give you more intelligent and better serv
ice, and the Corsets will wear longer and give much better satisfaction.
$4.00, $3.50, $3.00, $2.50, $2,00 and Even Less
Third Floor
Women's Novelty Boots
Formerly Priced Up to $11.00 '
Many of the newest styles are to be had in this
group, in lace and button styles, with turned or
welted soles, low. medium or high heels, all sizes.
This affords a splendid opportunity to obtain
two pair for little more than the ordinary price of
one. Take advantage of it.
Girls' Shoes,
at $2.95.
Misses'' Shoes, for dress
wear, of best grade patent
kid, with tops of white A
calf, white Sea Island
canvas and black cloth.
Turned soles and sizes
to 2. Regularly up
to $4.95.
Main Floor Roar
Just Arrived From France
A New Shipment of Kid Gloves
About 200 Dozen French and Lamb Gloves, overseam
sewn, in black, white, tan, brown and gray. i
al Filet Collars
allars a most wonderful, selec
i Coat Collars in many pretty
S.qO, at $2,25
88 and Table Favors
Parties and Dinners
Shamrocks, a dozen at 10c
Shamrocks with pipe, 2 for , Sc
Shamrocks with Bows, each 5c
or a dozen at 50c
Shamrock Flags, a dozen at 10c
St Patrick Candies, cream wafers, a pound
at 35c
St Patrick Reception Sticks, a pound
at 40c
St Patrick Hearts, a pound, at 39c
St Patrick Cream Shamrocks, a pound,
at $1.00
1 Saturday
of black walnuts, a pound at 39 I
At $1.95 a Pair
These gloves were purchased by our Paris office from one of
the best makers, months ago. They are all excellent beautfiul,
soft flexible skins; light and medium weight, overseam sewn, two
clasp style.
Every pair guaranteed perfect, and at $1.95 they should in
duce many women to supply their wants for this season and next.
i w
Perrin's GlovesComplete Stocks
The world's best makes of gloves, still at
moderate prices. Black with white backs
and white with black backs plain as well as
beautifully embroidered. New shades of
Tan, Brown, Mode, Beaver, Light and Dark
Gray, Champagne, Mastic, plain or with
black embroidered backs.
Prices Range $2.50 to $3.50 a Pair
Kayser Silk Gloves
We are Omaha headquarters for this
world's famous make. Complete stocks in
black, white and grays; plain and fancy.
Every pair guaranteed by the makers and
by us.
Price 75c to $2.00 Pair
Special for Saturday
Women's Chamoisette Gloves white or white with black backs. Guar
anteed washable. A pair at '. '. 75
v Main Floor
Until 9 P
Beautiful Blouses for Spring
Styles Chosen With Extreme Care
WE INVITE Y6U TO CHOOSE from the biggest and best stock
of Blouses that we have ever shown and that is saying the
equivalent to the biggest stock ever shown In the Middle West,
because our supremacy in this vicinity is unquestioned.
Beautiful GoorgotU Blouse
with Satin Collars; others with
Frills and embroidered and
beaded designs. .$5.00 to $8.98
v Beautiful Linger! Blouses,
Voiles, Batistes and Lawns,
trimmed with Irish laces and
insertions. One shows cross bar
tucks on collar and cuffs. Also
Venise and Val laces. Also
hand made Philippine embroid
ered Blouses ..$2.95 to $6.95
Crepo do Chin Bloutes and
Taffeta Gingham Blouses. Pol
ka Dot Crepe de Chine in all
the latest models, with new
style collars $5.95
Sport Striped Waists, figured
Dimities, plain white Voiles,
new Organdies, with new style
collars and vestees $2.00
Second Floor
2-. I
$ Don't count your Spring outfitting complete
until you have obtained a sufficient number of
pairs of this bright, new, fascinating Hosiery to
match up with Suit or Dress. We are showing
such a broad assortment, at such moderate
prices, that you can satisfy all your wants here
with modest outlay.
a Pair
Women's Fancy Silk Hose in Sport Stripes for
outing wear.
Women's Fancy Lace Striped Silk Hose new and
correct styles.
Women's Fancy Lace Instep Hose, one of the
newest designs.
Women's Fancy Embroidered Silk Hose, various
styles, right in vogue.
New Hosiery at $1.25
For Spring and Easter
From a Stock That Is Most Complete
BBssMssBBBBBBiBBBMBflsjBMBNsjBBSMBlflBjHssBBBBMSBBHsas atmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmKmrnmrnmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Omaha Stockman Witness Be
fore Senate Committee; Bas
inger Called to Capital
by Fort.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Telegram.) G. W. Wattles, food ad
ministrator for Nebraska, left this eve- -
ning for Omaha. He was a guest of
Senator Hitchcock at luncheon today,
in the senate restaurant. Mr. Wattle-,
said that as a result of his confer
ence with his associates, he was
more than ever impressed with the
seriousness of the wheat situation.
He believed bakers should still fur
ther reduce the wheat contents in
bread, because there had to be still :
greater self denial if we are to feed
ourselves as well as the allies.
Burke Is Witness.
John Burke, a well known live stock
man of Omaha, was a witness today
before the senate committee on agri
culture outlining conditions live
stock men were laboring under at the .
present time, as to the high cost of
feed and unsatisfactory market prices
for cattle.
W. S. Basineer. general oassenjrer .-
agent of the Union Pacific, with ..
headquarters at Omaha, has been
called to Washington by Gerrit Fort,
assistant director of transportation, to -aid
in opening the first union ticket .
office under government supervision f.
in this city, on or about May 10.
Uasinger has been a busy man since ,
his arrival yesterday working out
minor dimculties between the roads,
but he hopes to have the office run
ning at the time indicated.
He will remain in the capital as a
member of Mr. Fort's staff during the "
period of the war.
Name Women Who Will Be
In Charge of Gift Stations f
Funds for Armenian and Syrian re-"
lief will be solicited by prominent l,
Omaha women Saturday at stations
in the business district. Mrs. Charles '
Offut will commandeer s squad of .v
automobiles which will collect the ;
money from the different stations. '
Mrs. C J. Hubbard has charge of
boxes which will be placed in all,.,
Other .romen of the committee are!
Mesdames W. W. Head, 0. T. East- ?,;
man, W. G. Nicholson, W. J. Hynes, .
W. E. Rhoades and Samuel Rees jr. 'A
The following women will have . .
charge of stations: :
CUr Mil ana B Buliainf, Mr. Victor
RoMWKttri Kllpatrtok Co., Mr. Herbert '
Rotrt: Button Drue aotnpanjr, lln. Otli M. i
Smith: Union station, Mri. B. A. Simon; .
Omaha National bank, Mr. H. O. IMwardi;,
Loyal hoUl and poatofflea. lira, O. I Brad- -(.
lort Fontonalla and Ttlaphona bulldlnf, lira. .'
Edwin Bwobo and Mrs. wauaoa; wholesale '.v
dlitrlot, Mrs. Samuel Reea, Jr.; Dundee, Mrs.
W. W. Boaaland and Mrs. Luther Tate; "
Burlington station. Mrs. A. M. Long wall; -'
Keellne building, Mrs. Eire Millard a nit , "
Mrs. Charles O'Neill Rich; Florence, "Xrs. i
R. M. Olmateadl Demon, Mrs. R. B. Welch; -City
National bank, Mrs. A. S. Rltohle;
Twenty-ninth and Leavenworth, Mrs. T. R.
Bryant; World-Herald building. Mrs. C. O.
Talmaga and Mrs. A. H. Walsh: Flret Na
tional bank, Mrs. W, R. Rhoades and Mrs.
Frank Field: Burgoai-Naah oompany, Mrs
Frank Norton, Mrs. Oeorgt Flatner, Mrs. G.
W. Wloksrsham and Mrs. Charles Sykei:
Rome hotel and Dally News, Miss Daley Frj
and Mrs. Robert Wilson; Court bouie and
Pall's Drug store, Mrs. N. B. Updike; Wood
men et the World, Mrs. B. M. Syfert and
Mrs. U M. Lord; Faxton hotel, Mrs. O. C
Cunningham and Mrs. Browsr MoCague; . .
Merchants' National bank. Mrs. Fred Cue-
eaden; South Omaha and Exchange build'
Ing, Mrs. William Berry and helpers,
wholesale dlatrlot Mlas Sybil Nslsoa and
slpers; Paxton-Oallagher, Parln Oren- ,
dorf. Rook Island Plow. American Plow
osmpany, Belan Malchlen and helpers;
Carpenter Paper company, Byrne-Hammer,
John Deer Plow oompany, Adlyln Wood and
helpers: Burlington headquarters, Mrs
George Bngler and helpers; Wright WU
helmy, Richardson Drug oompany, Mrs
Raymond Hay ward and helpers; U. S. Sup ,
ply, Falrbanks-Morss oompany, Crane com
pany, Mrs. William Ramsey and helpers
Fairmont Creamery sompany, Bemls-Bai
oompany, Nebraska Seed company, M. U.
Smith company, Mrs. Samuel Rees, Jr., and
helpers: MoCord-Brady company, Hughes
A Co., Cola Creamery, Mrs. Charles Ash
ton and helpers: Itsn Blseutt company. . ,
Loose. Wiles, Miss Bertha Vanghan and
helpers: Twenty-fourth and Leavenworth
streets, Twenty-fourth and Farnam streets.
Mm. Willis Todd, Mrs. Joseph Polcar and ..
helpers: union Pacific headquarters, Mrs.
W. A. Plxley, Mrs. A. A. Arter and help- "
era: Haydea Bros., Bhsrman-MoConnell, Mre. t
W. B. Adair and helper ; Thompeon-Belden . .
company, Toung Women's Christian aaao- "
elation, Oreea Drug store corner, Mrs. C. J.
Hubbard and helpers; Fry Shoa company
corner, Mrs. A. C. Stokes and helpers; Rose
corner, Beneon-Thorns corner, Mrs. B, A.
Simon, Mrs. Harry Wolfs, Mrs. Tedder,
Mrs. Freed man. Mrs. Waolfaon: Brandies
and Courtney, Mrs. Warren Blaokwelt anij
helpcrsi Fortieth and Farnam, Colonla'
apartments, Mrs. O. W. Russell and helpers
Fortieth and Cuming streets.
Mrs. Irving D. Redfield Dies :
At Home in Kansas City ,
of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ellsberry, 2533
South Ninth street, died Wednesday ,
afternoon at her home in Kansas City. .
Mrs. Redfield was well known in .
i j i .
umana ana was prominent in musicai :
circles. She was a graduate of tht ,;
Central High school end studied
music at Brownell Halt. She was' i
member of the Moiart Musical dub.
She is survived by her parents, has- -
band and two small children.
Funeral services will be held in -
Ksnias City Friday afternoon.
Schumann-Heink to Sing
For U. S. Soldiers Abroad
TiiTsi f ftiarrt 11 aria ma
s be awwwaan, tuwi Masii m auiUHiuv
Schumann-Heink, the operatic con
tralto, said here today that at the
close of her present concert season -'
she will go to France to sinsr to the
American soldiers. This winter she
has been singing in the training camps
in the United States. 4
Texas Senate Passes Dry
Bill to Third Reading
Austin. Tex. March 14. The sen
ate at 4:50 this afternoon passed to .
third reading the statutory proiv'bi
tion bill by s vote of 19 to 10. The .
motion to suspend the constitutional ,
rule and place the bill on final passage
(ailed by s vote of la to 0, it requiring
21 to suspend rules.
Two Homes Burglarized;
Loot is Jewelry and Money
The home of K. D. Phillips. 3271
Center streeu and H. M. Anderson.
3267 Center street, were burglarized ,
early Thursday morning. Phillips re-.
orted the loss of jewelry to the do- '
ice. Anderson lost $8.
Congdon to Wahoo.
Fremont. Neb.. March 14 fSoecial
Telegram.) A. R. Congdon. for 10 "
years principal of the Fremont High "
school, has been elected superintend-,
ent of the Wahoo schools and will
take up his new duties next fall. Mr '
Congdon came to Fremont frotr '
I Omaha 1