Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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" " ' ' ' 1
GIVES $500,000 IN
Credit on Ford Factories Will
Be Drawn Upon to Increase
the Ambulance Serv
ice in Europe.
New York, March 14.-The War
Council of the American Red Cross,
of which Henry P. Davison is chair
man, has announced that the Ford
Motor company of Detroit had do
nated $500,000 worth of automobiles,
ambulances, automobile parts, etc., to
the society. The gift is in the form
of a credit on the Ford factories, and
is one of the largest single gifts ever
made to the American Red Cross.
Thousands of ambulances are still
needed on the allied front in Europe,
and the Ford gift will make possible
the immediate increase of the Red
Cross service on those sections of the
fighting front where the need is
greatest s
"With the responsibilities assumed
by the American Red Cross for the
support of the American ambulance
v in France," a Red Cross statement
issued recently reads, "the Ford gift
is particularly valuable. Despite the
large number of ambulances now in
service on the western front, many
more are needed, and in this connec
tion it can be stated that reports that
no more machines are being accepted
for this theater of war are without
foundation. In addition to the work
in France, ambulances may be sent
af a part of the Red Cross aid to be
extended to Russia and Serbia."
New Type of Ambulance.
One of the highest ranking officers
in the medical corps of the army
stated a few days ago that shortly
after war was declared on Germany
the medical corps made known its
desire to purchase eeveral thousand
ambulances with i specially designed
chassis. The proposition 'was placed
before Henry Ford and he announced
that he conld solve the problem. Mr.
Ford thereupon called in several of
hit experts, and a working plan was
mapped out to meet the army needs
Every one of those ambulances is now
m service along 'the western battle
Experiments in a sew type of am
balance body are now being made
under direction of the New York
county chapter of the Red Cross. The
New York Transportation company,
operating the motor-bus lines on
Fifth avenue and other streets, has
contributed the service of itt chief
engineer to supervise this work. A
kitchen trailer designed by engineers
of the New York county chapter is
now being furnished in large num
bers to ambulance companies in train-
, ing at the camp at Allentown, Pa.,
Experts of the War department are
also trying out the trailer with a view
to itt adoption by the army.
City Council Awards
Fire Apparatus Contract
City council awarded the American
La France Fire Engine eompany a
contract to furnish the city nine
pieces of motor apparatus, according
' to a bid of $68,300,,
The bid reads:', One 1,000-gallon
triple motor pumping engine, $11,000;
two motor service trucks, $6,450 each;
six combination hose and chemical
cars with junior pumps, $7,400 each.
Commissioner Butler voted against
the award, contending that the figures
were excessive and that the city is
paying too much to carry out the plan
of standardizing the apparatus of the
, fire department
This is the conclusion of a three
year fight by Butler against the La
France bids and standardization of
fire apparatus. Superintendent With
nell and Chief Salter have been the
chief proponents of the standardisa
tion plan.
The cihr purchased squipmsnt from
the La France eompany ta 1916 and
ffthia 1917, die expenditaree being
$6S,000 each year. This year's con
tract will complete the motorization
of .the department for the present
Mott of the year's apparatus will be
placed 1m ire hoveee ia the Soath
Side,! f uoerentendeei WithneTl an
nociiejed. Feed Economy Problems
Discussed m New Book
"Food Problem" is the title of a
aew book by A, N. Farmer, superin
tendent of schools, Evanston, 111., and
Janet Ran Ida Huntington of the State
Department of Public Instruction of
.Wisconsin. .
The book Is published by Ginn &
Co. and ia especially recommended
by the publishers for sixth grade
- work. The book illustrates the mean
ing of food waste and what may be
N accomplished by economy and intelli-
' gent substitution and brings out such
points as the fact that if Mr. .Hoo
ver's food-saving programs are fol-.
lowed oat the nation will save a half
million barrels of wheat flour per
week, or more than 25,000,000 barrels
per year; that it will save 6,250,000
pounds of meat per day, or 1,125,000
tona of meat per year, etc
Endorsement of the book has sj
ready been obtained by letter from
Governor Neville, Governor Arthur
. Capper of Kansas, George Coupland,
vie chairman nf th VKrU TV...
---- T"- I
cil of Defense: State Superintendent V
uinnmons ana me tooa administra
tors of Illinois and Indiana.
Gretna' Man Killed When
Struck by Burlington Train
Julius Hansen of Gretna was in
stantly killed at 6 o'clock, when he
was etruck by a Burlington west
bound train as he was crossing the
railroad tracks near Gretna.
Mr. Hansen was alone and nothing
is known as to how the accident oc
curred. 'He had started on an early
morning walk. His body was horribly
mangled. -
Funeral services were held In Gret
na Thursday morning and the body
brought to Omaha for burial. '
Mr. Hansen had lived in Gretna
many years. He waa a baker.
He is survived by a brother and a
sister, both of Omaha. -
Fort Crook Band to Play
At "Y. W." Membership Meet
i A special Young Women's Chris
tian association membership meeting
vill be held in the "Y. W." auditorium
at 4:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon.
Lieutenant Harry B. Boyd of Camp
Dodge, Iowa, will apeak. The Thirty,
first Infantry band from Fort Crook
will play and a quartet from the First
Methodist church and Miss Ruth Gor
don will sinfj -
randeis Stores I Remarkable Saturday Sa
Girls' Spring Togs for Easter
The Biggest Stock s We Ever Had
Now is the time to geyour Girls'
Wardrobe ready for Easter.
Sizes from 6 to 14 years and the
hard-to-fit age 12, 14 and 16 years.1
Tub Dresses, $2.95 .
Fresh, Crisp Wash Dresses, in pretty styles;
neatly made of beautiful plaids, ginghams,
plain chambrays, Reps and Jap crepes.
High waisted, norma! walsted or boleros
with plain or pleated skirts, with new pockets. I
Others up to $5.95. '
Tub Dresses, $4.50
Also for the growing girls, 12, 14 and 16 years.
A splendid assortment of Tub dresses, made in the
latest, styles; especially designed for the growing
girls, which gives them youthful lines. High waisted,
straight lines with large classy pockets. Materials
are Candy Striped Ginghams, Chambrays, Repps,
etc. '
Others up to $15.00.
All of these Dresses are absolutely
fast colors.
Graduation and Confirmation Dresses
A wonderful selection; Nets, Georgette Crepes,
Sheer Organdies, trimmed with real fine laces; beau
tiful ribbon sashes. Made high waisted and normal
waist lines styles that are just suitable for the grad
uation and confirmation girls. Can .also be worn for
party wear. Sizes from 6 to 16 years.
$6.95 to $22.50
Girls' Coats from 6 to 14 Years
$5.00 to $9.95
Snappy styles that all girls will fall in love with at
first sight Made of Velours, Del Hi, Serges, Wool Pop
lins, Trench Materials all new colorings now in demand.
Youthful styles, also for the Flappers, 12; 14 and
16 years. Latest belt models, mostly high wajsted with
sheered backs and fancy pockets and buttons; trimmed
with new silk detachable collars. Also the new Trench
models made of the Del Hi and Trench materials.
$8.95 to $25.00
New Spring Coats for Little Tots
Sizes 1 to 5 years. Models that are decidedly smart,
and specially priced, showing the high waisted or the
normal waist fine; made of fine serge, poplin and silk,
1 1 I with detachable collars end cuffs of fine pique in all
FJsi the high shades.
$5.95 to $9.95
Second Floor
-Miiiiiimimiiimimmmmmm iiiiisieiiiiiiitiiiiinii: jii m fiiiiiniiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiinnmimiiiuiiimmi
Many Jus ft
from Netw
This is our first offering of Fash
ionseal Suits this season, and in
order to make it memorable, we
have selected the very best styles
and materials to sell at this ex
tremely moderate price of $25.
The event starts with the broad
est variety of styles we offer
these at the same price as other
years, despite the fact that ma
terials have risen prohibitively.
AT least fifteen different
styles, the majority having
just arrived from New York.
Most of them are modeled after
higher priced suits and every one
made by the best manufacturing
tailors in the East. Youthful
styles as well as those for mature
nmiimiimiiimim: u iiiiiiui imimmmiiimummi iiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiii
Mi J
Boys' 2-Pair-Pant Suit, $6.50
Scores of other splendid values in two 'pair
pant suits. Mainly with double seat and knee
features; all brand new styles.
Knickerbocker styles to straight knee styles.
Here's a special grouping of new Spring styles,
priced at $6.50 for Saturday.
Real smart looking mixtures and plaids, made
in. the smart new military models; fabrics that
will stand the utmost wear.
Others $J.50 to $15.00
New Spring Top Coats, $2.95 to $10.00 A big
table full of real toppy little coats for ages 1 to
10 years. Every wanted style from smart mili
tary models to belt styles. All the new colors
and fabrics; by far the biggest assortment we
have ever shown.
Wash Togs Galore, $1.00 to $5.00
Every new style and color, every color
absolutely fast, and the biggest assort
ment by far. Sizes 2 to 8 years.
'New Spring Student Suits, with
Two Pairs of Long Trousers
$16.50 to $25.00
Newest Spring Models and Fabrics
patterns that are roost pleasing:. Here
- 1a a Jl I l V il.i i
ro suits isuurou siung unes uiai leave I -m I.. I
flttjns; qualities to please the most par- CjSI
ucuiar v& uoyw, wmi in . sizes xo to
20 years. i
Second Floor Men's Store
The Name
Is a Splendid Guarantee
The name "Coronet" In a hat guarantees of style, charm and
good workmanship to be found in no other hat at the price.
$10.00 Alway$
The grace of line quality of materials and the clever little
trimming innovations which characterize this collection of hats
are truly irreproachable. Featured are the newest sailors and
pokes; jaunty "shapes under the name of turban, rolling brims
and mushrooms' in black and all the leading Spring colors.
Suitable for immediate wear for both Street and Dress.
In Our Misses' and Children's Section
We have just received large shipments of fine Italian Milana
in large att-incn Dnmmea nats. inese hbm come irwuucu
in wide gf os grain ribbons some have button trimmings on
the side of self material others ribbon streamers. These hats
can either be used rolled up or turned down into large mush
room shapes. Come black or white Milan.
Priced at $4.50.
We also have a number of Hand Mad Hats Silk crown and
Milan hemp brims, made up Into poke bonnet shapes, crushers
and little close-fitting hats for glrla from 4 to 12 years, in all
the season's new colors, such as khaki, sand, cherry, old blue
and other desirable shades. -
Priori $1.50 to $3.98 Tti V
Second Floor
v JTi
ens ssee 0
Very Extraordinary Offerings
Beautiful Mesh Bags
$1.19 "J $2.98
5 "M
c.., e- ::r.-i
And Fully Worth from $2 to $10
IT IS A FACT that the very material which goes into these
Mesh Bags is worth much more today than it was a few
months ago and IT IS ALSO A FACT that under ordinary
conditions we should have to sell these at full prices. A for
tunate purchase of a limited lot enables us to quote these
astonishingly low prices and because of the limited Quan
I fkl- 1 A very fine group of Mesh Bags, in all sizes and shapes.
Jut; i, x gom, tre green jroi(j gome Roman gold;t 8 to 7-inch
frames; fine ring mesh; fine fish scale mesh and some soldered links.
Just 260 Bags in all and not more than two to a customer. d 1 in
Worth S2.00 to $7.60, at ; . ipl 1 V
I fit 2 4Green Roman Gold and Silver Plated Mesh Bags,
I. 4 tery maut fme mesn jn both ying and fish scale mesh. This
is one of the best groups of Bags we ever had to tell about. Just 350
Bags in the lot and not more than two to a customer. $n qq
Worth $5.00 to $10.00, at." j70
f The sketch! are exact 'reproductions of the different styles.
Mala Floor
Drugs and Toilet Needs
At Prices Which Should Induce
, You to Buy Liberally
It is well to have yourself well stocked
with these needs, and especially when
you can fill your needs at such low prices
as we quote for this Saturday event.
Pozxoni't Face Powder, 50c size at 29c
Imported Brunette Rouge, 50c size at 25c
Peroxide Vanishing Cream, 25c size at 19c
Luiterite Nail Enamel, 25c size at 16c
Noa Spi, 60c size at I ..33c
Milkweed Cream, 50c size at 36c
Sanitol Tooth Paste, 30c size at ...23c
Graves Tooth Powder, 25c size at 18c
Locust Blossom Perfume, special, an ounce at. .29c
Honeysuckle Perfame, special, an Ounce at... 29c
White Ivory Dressing Comb, 8 inches long, 88c
value at .79c
White Pine Cough Syrup, 50c size at 19c
Moth Balls, 25c package at 15c
Sal Hepatica, 60c size at 42c
Camphor Ice, in tube or boxes, at 17c
Fitch's Hair Tonic, $1.00 bottle for .69c
Peroxide of Hydrogen, Vi pound bottle for. . . .12c
Sassafras Bark, per package 10c
Rubber Gloves, extra heavy, 89c value at .59c
2-Quart Het Water Bottle, 98c value at 79c
4711 Soap at 16c
Rozella Bath Tablets 7c
Essex Peroxide Soap, a bar at 8c
Jap Rose Soap, a bar at. 8c
Bacabilia Castile Soap, a bar at 10c
Witch Haxel, pint bottle for 25c
Simplex Cuticle Remover, 25c size 16c
Main Floor Rear 1
The Special
For Misses and
1 Offers extraorlina
also, in Spring i
The "youthful" styles so mucl
which express so rrjuch of chaj
who can wear them.
Second Fleer
Special Sale Real
New designs in Egyptian Filet Cpllai
tion, priced specially. 'Dress anl O
designs. Values up to $5.00 at. .
Values Up $5.0
Mam Floor
Flowers for the Home
5,000 Roses, long stems and all colors,
each 5c
10,000 Sweet Peas, a bunch at. ... .23c
Nice Fresh Violets, large bunches, a bunch
. . . . 19c
Wedding and Funeral Designs Our Specialty.
Special Attention Given to Phone Orders.
Main Floor, Entrance to Pompeian Room
St. Patrick's Noveltifes
A Complete Stock for Pi
Hat, each at? 5c, 6c and 10c
Green Satchels, each 10c
Small Green Satin Baakets, each 10c
Green Satin Heart Boxes, each.. . ... . ,5c
Pipe Boxes, each 5C
A Beautiful Lot of St Patrick Suit Cases,
each 5c and 10c
Policeman' Billies, each ...5c
The Shamrock Bottle Nut Case, each. .10c
St Patrick Mottoes, containing hata, favors
and toys, a dozen, at. . .'60c, 75c and $1.00
, . Special Fcr Sal
Delicious Freah Black Walnut Taffy, full . bl
Pompeia Keaa
Store perni Ui