Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1918, Page 13, Image 13
THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSITAY, MARCH 11, 1918. 13 HELP WA1S t iiU F EM ALE Professions and Trades. ; THE Nebraska TelepLone company offers an , exceptional opportui.ity to young ladies to . 'learn ;acal and .outdistance telephone eperaticg. Permanent poaltlona. upfor , tunities for advancement, good waget A alary paid while learning. Parerts desiring to acquaint themse'yee with the working conditions or any other r details are specially Invited to accompany the applicants. Apply to C. F. Lambert. 1807 Douglas street. 25 GIRLS WANTED AT ONCE FOR CANVAS WORK ON POWER MACHINES. APPLY FORELADY, SD FLOOR. SCOTT-OMAHA. TENT & AWNING CO.. 1501 HOWARD ST. WANTED 25 GIRLS, experienced on power sewing machine; light, clean and steady work. Experienced operators can earn from $12.00 to $16.00 per week. Guarantee given to new beginners. Omaha Auto Top Co., 709-11 South 15th St. WANTED Trimmers and makers In milli nery workroom. Apply superintendent. Brandels stores. I. EARN barber trade 1401 Dodge St Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Young lady to solicit orders by telephone; one having had some business experience preferred, and not afraid to talk; mutt be able to write a legible hand; good, ateady position for a young lady who can do the work. Address Box 5597, Omajia Bee. WANTED EXPERIENCED P ALESI . A D Y FOR GROCERY DEPARTMENT. AI'i LY SUPERINTENDENT HAYDEN BROf lu A MONTH up, to bright compentont ladiei with ability In out-door soliciting, exceptional opportunity tor advancement. Phone Walnut 2813. WANTED Salesladies between 18 and 21 years old for permanent position. Oppor tunities for advancement. 8. W. Wool worth Co,, 114 S. 16th St. Household and Domestic. WANTED By man with three children, middle aged woman as housekeeper, Pol ish Catholic preferred. Mike Kudron, Genoa, Neb., Route 2. WANTED Competent girl for housework; must be good cook. Mrs. J. J. Hughes. 11J 6th Ave., Council Bluffs. EXPERIENCED NURSE Well care for Invalid In her own home, also nursing. Web. 2100. WANTED Lady to keep house for two boys on farm. L. Woodworth, Vermillion, S. D Route No. 1, Box 26. WANTED Elderly lady to do housework Ifor an elderly couple. Mrs. D. A. Halm, Syracuse, Neb. WANTED Competent girl, general house work. 1906 Blnney St. Webster 6083. GIRL for general housework, no washing; 4806 Underwood Ave. Wal. 3686. COMPETENT white housemaid. Telephone Harney 2641. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Two dishwashers. Good pay. Short hours. Apply Green Room Cafe, B randels Stores. WANTED .Experienced maid. Must fur nish references. Claremont Inn, 17th and Jackson. WANTED 2 glrla for dining room work. 114 N. 18th St. educational soyles colXege; . DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day la enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, atenotypy, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil aarvlce all commer cial and English branches, catalogue tree, BOYLES COLLEGE, Douglas 1666. 18th and Harney Sts. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha Ns-tlonal Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. TO THE) WOMEN WHO HAVB ROOMS TO RENT. Remember that the weather condition, for the next few weeks will probably not permit room hunters making an ex tended hunt for rooms. They will stay Inside and watch the want-ads. It you wish your room rented, phone as your ad NOW. Tyler 1000. STEAM-HEATED rooms $2 wk.. also apts with kltehenets. Ogden Hotel Co. Bluffs. MODERN room for gentlemen; private home; walking distance. Douglas 6386. MODERN ROOM strictly private home, Walking distance. Call Harney 6487. PARY AVE. 1117 Nice clean room, private lamny. J-ROOM cottage, Walnut Hill, $8. Douglas 6545. Housekeeping Rooms. Final' floor, modern, southeast suite, ideal for couple. 401S Lafayette Ave. Wa.nut 1903. 614 SOUTH 28TH Modern rooms, private. Near car. Everything furnished. MODERN, well heated, good location. No children. Harney 8564. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, nicely furnished. Colfax 2298. Board and Room. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS1 If you fall to find the room yon desire among these ads call at The Be office for a Room List Gives complete description of vacant rooms In 11 parts of the city. New lists Issue PARK AVE. First class front room, bay I -I t..a.. , 1 - ferred. ROOM and board for two gentlemen large pleasant southeast room, on car line; private home. Webster 4809. FURNISHED rooms and board. Modern conveniences. 701 South 18th street. 2123 PINKNEY board and room for 2; prl vate home; also garage. Web. 6970. Unfurnished Rooms. HEATED ROOMS. CRFIGHTON BLOCK. World Realty Co.. Douglas 6842. Sun Theater Bldg. FOR RENT HOUSES West West Farnam District Two beautiful brick flats, all modern newly decorated, 11 rooms each. Superb location for a home or high class family hotel $60 and $65 per month. Nine-room house 8540 Harney all mod ern, on quiet street, pleasant surround ing, $60. Call us for further particulars. The Byron Reed Company, - B?-"-J?L 212J3. J7th St. 8216 CUMING 7-r. modern. $25. Zabrisklei 401 MeCague. Walnut 817. Miscellaneous. t-ROOM. all modern house, close In. $46. JOHN J. MULVIHILL (Realtor). 200 Brandels Theater Bldg. Phone Doug. 16 nnrrsira IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY CBF.1GH SONS A CO.. BEE BLDQ. GARDEN, 4119 N. 38th. 5 rooms $12750 208 S. 41st; hot water plant 25.00 JOHN N. FRENZBR, Douglas 684. SHOPEN A CO.. RENTALS. Douglas 4228 FO RENT APARTMENTS West. J APARTMENTS FOR RENT. WEST FARNJM DISTRICT. A few beautiful apartments, with every modern convenience, In a brand nw, fire proof building, located West Farnam dis-i Irict. close to two car lines. Ranging in prlri .rom $5 and up. Building has storage space, modern laundry equipment and room for servants; steam heated garage at rear For families who desire nice surround ings and all modern convenience three apartmen'r: will prove most attractive. Inspection can be arranged by telephon- A V. rsl'RR a. in and 6 p rn. tr; i -' en V JiA j. 1 1 iw. APTS - Hi.-i .i.f W-- i Jiaiu. riiiiiLUcd or uiiiji ins iuii. U J i 7 2 I FOH RENT APARTMENTS West. COLLEGE TERKACE. New apartments, just finished, with all tha latest features and lonverienc -fireproof throughout. $35 and $40. Located southeast corner 23d and California Sts.. or call OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 49. TO SUB-LET Beautiful five-room apart ment with screened porch, maid's room and bath. Exclusive residence district. Telephone Walnut 142. BEAUTIFUL 3 -room and batn apartment, walking distance. In fine location. $19 60 winter. Douglas 3140. North. ONE four-room and bath and one five-room and bath, modern, n ated apartment In refined resld district. 2S21 North 20th St. boulevard. Special low price to party without children. Phone Webster 68S2. TWO 4-room apta. with sun room, modern, steam heated $51.50 and $35 winter. Maple Court. 1815 Maple St. Red 688. South. HEATED APARTMENTS, t rooms 'the Hudson," 807 South 26th avenue; summer, $42.60; winter, $50.00. 6 rooms. 410 South" 25th avenue, summer. $40.00; winter, $4.00. BENSON A MYERSX).. J Realtors. 424 Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg. D. 746. Miscellaneous. PETERS TRUST CO. Specialists in Apartment management, WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Aprrtments and Houses. WANTED TO RENT Five or six-room mod ern house In Dundee or Benson. Will guarantee to take best of care of property, i Address C. C. Cochran, 2048 Farnam St. I FOR RENT Business Prop'ty , Stores. FINE. new store room and baseniant at 27th and Leavenworth Sts. 8team heat. For oartlculars see Cotirad Young, $22 Bran dels Theater Bldg. Douglas 1571. MODERN store, 16th St., near postofflce; low rent. G. P. STEBBINS, 1610 Chicago St. NEW store for rent at 24th and Farnam. floe location. Call D. 1472. Office and Desk Rooms. OFFICES, $20 per month and up. FIRST NATIONAL, BANK BLDG.. FIRST TRUST CO.. Agts. Tyler 600. WHY experiment? Offioe in The Bee Bldg., and know you are right. Keystone In. Co., Tyler 131. FOR RENT SUBURBAN FOR RENT 8-room modern suburban home with 12 lots, near street car line. In Bellevue; rent reasonable. Write R. S. Calder, St. Charles, Mo., or see Ed Mayers, Agent, Bellevue, Neb. MOVING AND STORAGE METROPOLITAN VAN A STORAGE CO. Owned and operated by Central Furni ture store; office on Howard St between 15th and 16th. Phone Tyler (400. Have your moving handled Just as you would an order for new furniture. That's the way we do it. Ask to see our dally rental lists. c FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND 8TORAGB CO., 806 S. 16th. Douglas 4163. TDfC RENTAL nnn ttv SERVICE . A 1ULJJUJL A A Phone Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houaes and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing caU Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. J. C. REED Express Co., Moving, Packing and Storage. 1207 Farnam St Web. 2748. Doug. 614. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West WEST FARNAM HOMES PRICED TO SELL $4,600 131 N.- 81st Ave., 7 rooms, mod ern, well built; terms easy. $4,800 362 N. 41st St., 8 rooms, fully modern with garage and drive; full lot; paving all paid. $5,000 126 N. 33d St.; new house, never occupied; 7 rooms, modern, with 4 bedrooms; large living room ar rangement, fireplace; paving all paid; easy terms. 6,000 3012 Davenport St., 7 rooms, mod - ern, with t bedrooms and sleeping porch; garage. ' , $6,600142; N. ,35th St.; 8 rooms, thor oughl'y well built; full east front lot; garage and driveway. $8,000131 N. 36th St.; high class stucco home; 8 rooms, with sleeping porch; , hot water heat, tile bath; terms reasonable. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3962. 919-20 City National. LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS COTTAGE, OWNER HAS LEFT CITY, and will sacrifice his nearly new 6 room, strictly modern home, oak finish In big living and dining room, oak floors throughout, bookcases and seats, built In. Full brick foundation, built for a home. This is on the car line, har nice lawn and someone will certainly get a bargain, why not you 7 OSBORNE REALTY CO., T01 Om, Nat'l Bank Bldg. Ty'er 496 FIELD CLUB BUNGALOW. PRICE ONLY $6,600. Beautiful seven-room, all brick and stucco bungalow, sun room, sleeping porch big living room with fireplace, book cases, eta. Finished In oak, blrcd and white enamel throughout. This 1 one of the best we have ever had on onr list CaU OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 49. WEST FARNAM HOME BARGAIN. PRICE ONLY $7,000. Eight room and bath: all the built-in features, quarter sawed oak flocra throughout, tile bath, floor and walls; choice east front lot, only two blocks to new Yates school. A real home Ir, a splendid location. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Om. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 496. 5 ROOM house hardwood finish, A-l piumoing, storm windows and full screens, large porches; lot 60x120; 1 blocks from two car lines, at 4227 Grant St. Have to see to appreciate, or phon Walnut 1723. STRICTLY MODERN 6 room home fine location, must sea to appreciate. Harney -f- North. FIVE ROOMS, ALL ON GROUND FLOOR, LOCATED NORTH. This is all modern .oak finish in living and dining rooms.' refrigerator room, pantry with cupboards; full basement floor drain and guaranteed furnace. Price $2,700. Can give terms. This Is a bargain. Five-room story and half bungalow. Very large living room and dining room, both finished In oak with colonnades. Price $2,800. This is located south, near Deer park and must he seen to be ap preciated. Call Douglas 6886 for appoint ment. TRAVER BROS. CO., 819 First National Bank Bldg. Own Your Own Home Minne Lusa Bargain 5-room, brand new bungalow; oak floors throughout; built-in buffet; colon nade openings; built-in bookcases' piate rail and panel"d walla; bedrooms finished In white enamel; full basement; furnace heat; south front, on paved street; one half block from car line. One of the niftiest bungalows for the price In this addition. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. 537 Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg, D 1?.l. FOR SALE OR RENT 3474 Grant St.. 8-rooiu house with 2 j iuii nza mis, vacant iua adjoining tor gardening purposes. MITCH EL INVESTMENT CO. 24t nd Amvs St. Vi! 217. $150 CASH A good C-rnom house, with oal. floors. '.:li;iy modern, imiy lie l.mnh: on ,-asy inon-iily tenna: nctil nl:.'hirhoi,il ; riot far from cur ;.i cut tod.iv. fhone 1'ocrlpM ,!5'':. .''i".Vi.K rl.Ai'K ?w'nlini i.ti,nin hnns. tni! I.aai nirni. , t , ,,s- t i',jc, , IJ.Jiu NriU 4i Nun is. I j. tilt I REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. HOUSE and ! lots In Benson. Sell ea easy lernis or exe. for cottage In city. INTER-STATE REALTY CO., 913-14 City Nat. Doug. 2819. MINNS LU8A homes and lots "offer the oesi opportunity to Invest your money Phone Tyler 187.. South 8001 SOUTH 33D. New 6-room Kellastone cottage, large living and dining room finished in oak built-in bookcases and buffet. Kitchen . pantry and ice box room on 1st floor, 3 large bedrooms, sun parlor and bath on I'd floor.- Price $4,590. C. G. CARLBKRG. 310 Brandels Theater Bldg. LOT AT 20th and Vinton double frontage owner here for few days. Room 11 Commercial hotel, South tside. Miscellaneous. BUY A HOME AT "BEFORE-THE-WAR" PRICES We have for sale on easy payment plan a tew well-located houses, descriptions of which follow, which can be secured at much lower prices than If they had been erected during the last three years. These houses have all been constructed within the last four years. They are well built and In excellent condition. Inspection In vited. A 6 -room, all-modern, sory-and-half cottage in northwest part of city, oak fin ish, full cement basement, furnace heat. One block from CRr line. Price $3,800. Yerms $250 cash and $.'7 per month. A 6-room, all-modern cottage, west side, all-pine finish, full cemented basement, furnace heat. One-hair block to car line. Fine elevation. Price $2,360. Terms $200 cash and $22 per month. A 6-room all-modern bungalow, west side, oak In principal rooms, full ce mented basement, furnace heat, east front. Twp blocks from car line. Price $3,200. Terms $300 cash and $30 per month. A 4-room cottage, north Bemls park dis trict, modern except furnace and near Harney car line. Price $1,900. Terms $200 cash and $17 per month, A 6-room story-and-half cottage, north side, on Blnney street, all-pine finish, all modern, full cemented basement. Two blocks from car and school. Price $2,800. Terms $200 cash and $26 per month. A 6-room bungalow, part oak finish, all modern, located north side, on Blnney street. Three blocks from car and school. East front. Price $2,650. Terms $200 cash and $25 per month. For further particulars telephone .A. E. Burr, Douglas 2926, any week, day be tween 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. NEW 4-room nobby cottage and lot. 60x?26. This little cottage is two blocks from car line and paved street, has good well and cistern, electric lights, brick funda tion and basement; front porch and back porch enclosed; some cherry treei and grapes. A good buy at $1,750, $40 cash. Shuler & Cary, Realtors, 204 Keellne Bldg. Phone Douglaa 6074. A CLASSY PLACE. New, two-story frame and stucco house, Six rooms besides sun parlor and glassed in sleeping porch. Fireplace, large attic. Price $5,950. Reasonable terms. BENSON & CARMICHAEL, (Realtors.) 64J Paxton Block. Douglas 1722. FOR SALE Beautiful new 6-room modern white stucco residence on Council Bluffs car line. Handy location for anyone working In Omaha. Very easy term. A. H. Becker, 8208 Ave. A. Council Bluffs. 7-ROOM modern, hot water heat; paved street;. double garage; lg bargain $3,700. G. P. STEBBINS, 1610 Chicago St W. FARNAM SMITH CO, Real Estate and Insurance. 1320 Farnam St. - Doug. 1064, REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. ONE-HALF ACRE! . Buy this vacant corner on the south east corner of 40th and Camden Ave; Only two blocks from car line and school. Use the lots this year for garden or a chicken farm, and In a few years you can sell one-third of this tract of ground for what you pay for all of It. These lota have city water and at the price asked this Is a real buy. For price and terms call CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY. Douglas 200. Realtors, 608 Bee Bldg. VACANT NORTH. Have ( full lots on Pinkney street, south front, at 26th Ave., among beautiful new homes. Priced to sell, oan give terms. TRAVER BROS. CO., Douglas 6886. 819 First Nat, Bk. Bldg. REM ESTATE B'negg Pr'pty WE WILL buy your home or business property and pay cash. H. A. WOLF CO., Rlectrlc Bldg. Tyler 85 BUSINESS properties and Investments. A. 1 TIIKKT mnA HflM (20 First National Bank Bldg. i M'CAflTfm INVlT8TMnitT rri Income.. Business snd Trackage Specialist 15th and Dodge Sts. Douglas 416. ... , REAL ESTATE To Exchange Miscellaneous. CLEAR 160A. unimproved Jones Co., 8. D., for clear modern house. Seward Bros., 678 Brandels Bldg. Douglaa 3840. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Bellevue. FOR KENT Suburban home. 8 rooms, mod ern In every respect with 13 lots and barn, in Bellevue, near suburban line, rent reasonable. Write R. S. Calder. 8t Charles, Mo., or see agent, Ed Meyer, Bellevue, Nel). Council Bluffs. FOR SAvE .'room modern house near Madson Ave. school, heated garage, barn, cistern, lot i24Hx218. Ask for owner at Black 3711, Council Bluffs. Ia. Dundee. Low Priced Dundee Home This Is a good 2-story, 7-room mod ern house located on south front lot 50x128 ft. with paved alley In rear.' near 6nth and Underwood Ave. Has re ception room, living room, dining room, finished In quarter sawed oak; con venient kitchen and lavatory In hal, first floor. Four corner bedrooms, com plete bath and large linen closet, second floor. Full cement basement Brick foundation, good furnace, laundry con nections, etc. Painted and decorated last spring. Garage for one car. Price $5,250, which Is much less than the original cost to owner. Terms $1,750 cash and balance monthly like rent. GEORGE & CO., Douglas 756. DUNDEE 6-room full 2-story home on Cass St. near 60th St. Large reception hall, liv ing room, dining room and kitchen. flrt floor: 3 large bedrooms and bath, second floor; full basement, furnace heat; south front lot; price $4,600, and worth tho money. J. L. 111ATT CO . 900 FIRST NATIONAL BANS RLDG. T m.r:R Do i W1I.I. IiL'V a Jun(l-e home 6 or H ruonm, modern and ne-v, and pay one-hslf cash Box 3J3 OmatlK Rve Acreage. A l.AH(iK fut, urban trail of vrotinfl nu city limits. Dear f-arllne hli-al piai rals poultry nr uaril.-ii This Ik a '' froniHgt. or t:,ii: win arii on easv i T.t-!hn Walnut ;(4M taiil to .i ft rm ;;i-:'( t-: ;..,.. i ,. t ... yii io- t hfon.tMv prl' t ; i .rp .! .. h : for tiad.-. .11 LiahUeis aIku. irH IV REAL ESTATE WANTED WAXT STOCK KD RANCH OR FARM. Widow has ( five-room houses, one 7 room, modern house, one 8-room modern house and 3 modern store buildings; all wsll rented, on paved streets, clone to car line In Omaha; also $20,000 first mortgages; prices are right and property in nrsi class condition. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY, IIS City National Hank Building. IF YOU want cash and "will sell cheapl 1 will buy your cottage, bungalow, house, flat or stores that you do not want; tired of holding or about to Ins for want of quick money. Give full particulars In first letter and best prices. P. O. Box 456. WE HAVE several good reliaTlbuyers for 6 and (-room houses and bungalows with $300 to $500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co. Tyler 496. 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. WANT good resldenoe; about $6,000. Will pay one-halt cash, balance In good resi dence lots. Box 1792, Omaha Bee. STRICTLY modern house, about 6-r., in good nistnct. u. Wead, 810 8. 18th St. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. MARCH 19. Our next excursion to McGehee, Ark W. S. FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. Colorado Lands. LOW FARE ROUND TRIP Homeseekers' excursion to Colorado point every first and third Tues days. Write for free farm booklet and special land-seeker rates for parties of five or more. Immediate posaesalon and eight years' time on our. lands at I per cent THE TWIN LAKES LAND AND WATER COMPANY. , 988 First Nafl Bldg.. Omaha. :i EKN OWNER offer3 quarters at $10 cru. cash only 4 miles county seat; also :."Od section $l5; $2 cash, balance $1 year, irood farm land. See Deputy Treasurer F. qulnn, Cheyenne Wells, Colorado. WHEAT lands. Kit CarsolTcountyTcoloradtT; $12.60 to $18 per acre. We control 25 choice quarters. Send for booklet Klou Investment Co.. Omaha. Minnesota Lands. RKAD THIS ADI It will not appear again. 1 want to tell. you. under no circumstances should you put off the selection of our farm. Lands are going up. The dunand for food Is great. Eviry acre should be tilled. Do your part. Prepare. Vi-d for literature. Do It today. An,nld, Com'r, Iron Range Railroad, 607 A'olvln Bldg., Duluth, Minn. Missouri Lands. SMALL MISSOURI FARM. $2.60 cash and $3.60 monthly; no In terest or taxes. Also an Interest In our great development project which within the next few months should pay you one hundred dollars for every dollar you In vest. Highly productive land, close to three big markets; photographs and full Information tree. , HUNGER, H. Sl7. N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City Mo. Nebraska Lands. CHOICE 320 acres. $8,000 worth Improve- ments; 70 acres rail wheat; 150 acres resdy for spring wheat. This Is the best halt section In t community. East edge Kimball county, north table. Price $60 per acre. $20 scree unimproved except fence; Joins above half; all good wheat land: all can be plowed; will break 200 acres for fall Wheat 1918. $45 per acre. 320 unimproved except fence; Joins sbove; all good level trader wheat land except about 80 acres., Will break 150 acres ready for 1918 fall wheat. Price $37.60 per acre. AH of the above Is choice Sidney silt loam soil. Not sandy, vlll bear thorough Investigation. Write LcRoy deLongpre, Owner, Lodge Pole, Nebraska. 1,280-ACRB ranch In Keya Paha oounty, 8-room, two-story, full basement dwelling, with furnace; large barn, double corn crib and granary, cattle shed, extra good hen house, two wells and mill, scale and fence. All Improvement! new In 1917 and worth about $10,000. An Ideal ranch. Must be seen to be appreciated. Price, $20.00 per acre for quick sale." O. H. Johnson. Norfolk. Neb. POSSESSION $2,140 cash; 80 acres uplund; well Improved; one-half le good, balance quite rolling, but practically all suitable for cultivating; good road; handv to school and churches. Price only $TI8 per acre with cash payment of only $.I40, bal. 6 yrs., 6 per cent Posesslon. Act at onco. Orln S.-Merrill Co., 1217-18 City National Bank Bldg. 58 ACRES irrigated land, Lincoln county; 6V4 miles from Herahey, rich Platte valley land; all under the ditch; 3-room house, barn and other outbuildings; 9 acres of alfalfa. A bargain at $76 per acre; $2,600 cash, balance long time. White & Hoover, Omaha National Bank Bldg. EXCEPTIONALLY good bargain In 820-acre Improved Buffalo county farm, within auto drive of Kearney, Neb.; $50 per acre C, K. DAVIES. KEARNEY. FOR SALE Best lage body high-grade, meuium-pncea iana in Nebraska, Very little money required. C Bradley, Wol bach, Neb. WRITE me for ptotures snd prices my firms and ranches In good Old Dawes County. "ran u. tiungerrora, Crawford, Neb. RANCHES of all sizes and kinds, eas) terms. A. A. Patsman. 30l Karbacb Blk. Oregon Lands. NEW Jordan Valloy Project Heart of tbs range. Get on thi ground floor with 80 acres Irrigated land In conneotlon with open range. Yon en grow stock success fully and cheaply. Personalty conducted excursion every t7. weeks, (lend tor bul letln. Harley J. Hooker, (40 1st National Bank Bldg. Wyoming Lands. RANClON THE OIL DISTRICT" 700-acre ranch, 640 acres Goshen Co., Wyo., and 160 acres Sioux Co., Neb., all In a body; lies 10 miles north of Henry, Neb.; 7-room house, barn for 20 horses, cows; tool house; good well; land Is nearly level; has 2 miles running water through the ranch; large part of the land could be Irrigated; clear of encumbrance. Price $30.00 per acre; half cash, or would take eastern Iowa or III, farm only. S. O. Nordqulst, 823 Neville Blk. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms. $(0 per a.. Including pald-np water rights. Henry Levi ACM. Rylsnder. 854 Omaha Nafl. Miscellaneous. CHOICE FARM. Nlelson. 422 Rose Bid. FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with us It you want to keep It E. P. SNOWDEN & SON. 423 S. 15th. Douglas 93T1. POULTRY AND PET STOCK "OLD TRUSTY" incubators and brooders shipped promptly. Big catalog fres. M. M. Johnson Co.. Mfrs. Clay Center, Neb. SINGLE or Rose Comb Rhode-IsTsn'jKed cockerels; alo eggs for hatching. Walnut 1799. BUFF ORPINGTON eggs, $1 a setting; fancy stock. Red 63i0. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans Jri4MoI8ag. 6V4 and 6 per cent mortgages secured by Omaha residence or Nebraska farms. E. II. LOUGEE, INC., 638 Kcellne Bldg. DIVIDENDS OF 6 PER CENT OR MORE. One dollar starts an account OMAHA LOAN 4 BLDG. ASSOCIATION. H. W. BINDER, Money on hand for mortgage loans. City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 2716. C 1 (I FARM LOAN'S. 'I i PAUL PETERSON. 5 364 F.RANDKI8 THEATER BI.D.l. LOW RATES C. ft CARLBKRG, 812 Bran d'ls Theater Bldg D. 685 iZ, MONEY i CI Of O '2 O HARRISON & MORTON. " 2 A 919 Omaha Naf Bk. Bldg. CITY AND FARM LOANS 6. B'4 and 6 Per Cent. J. H DUMONT Co.. Keellne Bldg. LOAN'S ON CITY PROPERTY. V. Fl Thomas & Son. KeclineBldg. Ilim to SHi.umi MADE promptly. F. D. Wead. Wnil Hid.. 18th and rjrnnm Sts M'iNKY to lonii on Improved farms and ranch s l-Tloke Investment to., Omaha. Private Money. SHOPEN A t'OMPANY. pnugla 4228 MONEY TO LOAN ' II . ,!: " ft l . Illr iij! , KI l'.M l l'KI-; ,ia.-;,.a Mif li inn . t u'oit.l N.- Men wt lillililia 1 iioi.-s n scurlty totni. -t r.o 'i.i!"r ti i''' . 1 1 i.'m,'ri I'f,;, i late ) im: .v ':nt -ih'ittv i S.'UUU'.s lU'Jti , IViii, I'rtiuuia. lj. sob. I OMAHA LIVE STOCK I Moderate Run of Cattle ; Prices Higher: Hogs Sell 25 to 40 Cents Up; Receipts Light. Omaha. March IS. 11S. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 6,439 12.117 10,: Official Tuesday 7.659 19.803 It., '74 Estimate Wednesday . 6,300 14.600 l'l 600 Thre days this weekl9.39 46.519 39.6S0 Same days last week. ,26.937 4.1.259 4f! .422 Same days 2 wks .go 33,751 60.091 21.554 Same days 3 'wks. ago.23.779 35,953 Same days 4 wks. ago.16.625 44.830 t.t 7S7 Same days last year. . 21,986 43.265 St Receipts and disposition of live sto k t the Union Stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for 5 4 hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m., March 13. 1918: RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C. M. & St. P 2 1 Wabash 6 Mo. Pacific T 3 1 Union l'aclflo 64 S8 . S C. A N. W., east .... 32 15 C. A N. W., west 34 55 8 3 c. st. r m. & o,... ;7 C, B. & Q . east 12 8 C. R. 1. & St P .west.. 1 6 C. R. I. P., east.,.. 18 12 C. R. P.. west 1 6 Illinois Central 4 Chicago (It. West 8 16 Total receipts 234 194 52 6 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs Sheep. Morris A Co 770 2,10f, Swift A Co 1,612 3,137 S.403 Cudahy Packing Co.. 1,073 2.588 1,:33 Armour A Co 1,365 2.698 L'.Sf.S Scbwarts A Co 1.106 .... .1. W. Murphy 3.168 Lincoln Packing Co.. 61 .... S. Omaha Pack. Ko., 9 .... Wilson Packing Co.. 200 :'l!l Hunslng A Oliver .14 Ellis A Co 49 V. B. Vansant Co.... 2 .... .... Hill A Son 84 F. B. Lewis ... 2lii J. B. Root A Co 164 J. IT. Bulla 13 L. V. Muss 2 9 K. O. Kel'ORg 8.1 Werthetmer A Iegen iiio Sullivan Bros ;i Mo. A Kan. Calf Co. 72 Christie 1 uK 3 Hlgglns . Huffman Roth . , is Meyers l Baker, Jones A Smith 87 Banner Bros 4! John Harvey ., Rio Pennla A Francis .... 7 Jensen A Lungren .. 304 Put O'Dny Other buyers .. 1 .. 660 2.865 Totals 7,664 l4.802 11,883 Cattle There was another very mod. erate run of cattle today, about 6.300 head, and the three days' supply, 19.400 head, has been 7,600 short of the first half of last week. Market was active and stronger for anything at all useful In the way of beef steers or butcher stock, and move, ment was brisk all forenoon at the higher figures. Compared with the close of last week values are anywhere from lOo to 25o higher, the Improvement belr.g mo -e . on the ordinary light and medium weight cat tle than on the choice grades. Medium cows and heifers are selling as as they have sold any time during the sea son and there Is a very broad demand for them. Demand for stockers and feeders continues vigorous and prices Rtrong for practically everything In this line, Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves, 812.0013.25; fair to good beeves, 110 7511.75; common to fair beeves, 9.00 10.50; good to choice yearlings, 110.75 12.25; fair to good yearlings, 89.60fl)10.DO; common to fair yearlings, 7.60i8)9.60; good to choice grass beeves, 111. OOJf 11.75; fair to good grass beeves, 9.6011.00; common to fair grass beeves, f8.00tS9.00; good tj choice heifers, I9.6010.7D; good to choice cows, I9.2610.60; fair to good cows. 88.000 9.00; common to fair, cows, S6.50QI8.00: prime feeders, $10,754(111.25; good foxholes feeders. $9.6010.76; fair to good feeders, 88.76QI8.50; common to fair feeders. 6. 50 tf 8.00; good to choice stockers, f 9.60 11.00; stock calves, 17.(09.60; stock cows, $6.60 9.00; stock calves, t7.00A10.OO; veal calves, $9.00 13.00; bulls, stags, (to, 17,00 8.75. Representative sales: ! BEEF .STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av Pr. 1 680 19 26 7 628 89 35 4 620 9 60 4 697 85 1 900 10 00 6 8C0 10 60 3 955 10 76 8 825 11 00 39 896 11 16 19 968 11 20 36....... 932 11 35 8 611 11 40 2 1080 11 60 II 1086 U 60 40 10,15 II 75 21 1102 l5 86 20 1313 12 00 19 1238 it 10 18 1233 12 10 22 1101 13 16 40 1152 11 20 18 1266 li 25 13, 1170 12 30 24. .120 12 86 40 1383 It 40 16 1361 12 60 20 1295 12 60 STEERS ANP HEIFERS. 4 425 8 25 2 549 9 00 16 681 10 00 8 "75 10 15 8 685 10 25 8 802 10 60 11 770 10 65 4 827 11 00 4 672 11 21 23 762 : 30 COWS. 27 830 7 26 2 835 t 69 15 8C3 7 75 7 758 8 00 MONEY TO LOAN LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY I Of SMALLER LOANS. O OJ J- 10 W. C. FLATATJ, EST. 1892. " 10 6TII FLR. SECURITIES BLDQ. T . 960. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rstes. Private loan booths. Harry Malashoclc. 1614 Dodge. D. 6619. Est 1891 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Thomas Targacs and wife to Oeorge Swierosek and wife. Northwest cor ner Forty-first and I streets, 40x122.) August Stsroska, snd wife to Julia Batko, northeast corner Forty-third and J streets, 46V4120 South Omaha Land company to Zlg mund Qrlnsavlch, Thirty-fourth street, 160 feet south of I street, esst side, 60x130 Orchard Investment company to Archllle R'jRghe, , Forty-fourth street, 120 feet north of P street, 40x120 Adelaide Raue to James A. Oleasou, 1250 1826 300 275 4,000 275 3760 2100 250 4210 1700 210 1515 1000 1400 300 Twenty-seventh street, 118 fet north of California street, west side, 40x67.6 Orchard Investment company to Reml Vancouwenbcrghe, Forty - fourth street, 120 feet south of O street, east side, 40x120 Nina M. Mac Bride and husband tfi Earle R. Carse, Hurt street, 90 feet east of Forty-ninth street, south aide, 40x128 ChriB Amende and wife t Samuel W. Doctor, Thirty-fifth street, 137 feet north of Grand avenue, west side, 40x120 Gerhard S. Benawa and wife to Kmma Stanley. Pnppleton avenue. 67 V feet east of Belt Line, south side, 60x109 Charlea Horn and wife to Emily V. I Thompson, Mayberry avenue, 135 feet esst of Forty-fifth street, north Side, 46x108 Gorton Roth and wife to Arthur N. Smith, Twenty-fourth street, 168 feet south of Boyd street, east side, 42x124 . William C. Norrls to Charles flam land. Fort street, 128 feet east of Fourteenth street, north side, 41x132 Frank W. Blnns and wife to August Verlants, Browne street, 108 feet west of Forty-third street, south side, 127x162 : Elisabeth S. Osborn to Gilbert Os borne, southeast corner Thirty-first and Meredith avenue, 49x128 John P Rahn to Frank Dltrtch, et. al , Eighth street, 146 feet south of Cas telar, west side, 40x160 Anna Miner to Noah Koerberlin, southeast corner Clifton avenue, Seward, 80x133 Beary E. Price to James W. Price, Forty-ninth street. 60 feet north of Cuming street, east side, 50x126 and other property . 15350 Arthur Theodore and wife to Wolf Fonarow, Northwest corner Twenty seventh and Seward streets, 62x83, and other property John A. Crelghton Real Estate com pany to Ralph R. Davison, Seward street, 37 feet west of Forty-sec-ond struct, north side, 46x105 Henry P. Carlson and wlfo to Sven Svenson, Charles street. 110 fert east of Thirty-first street, 4xl27.5. Home Builders Investment company to Sam Vence et. nl., Fort street 84 feet east of Forty-eighth street, Houth "lde, 40x128 Bn'ca E llugh.s and husband to Fred Hansen. Vinton street, ! feet eat of Fifteenth street, south side, 7Tix2.K) Thorn S. Miehnelsyn and wife to Isak Krlksn. Twerty-ixth strct. 34 S8 f. . t KOuth of Blnney street, west side. 44x1! 2 v:- John 1. I'rHKhton to American S -ruvlty company, t'orthwiwt corntr I .i;lr ':i;h anl 1 Javcnport streets. 3kU2 6000 200 3200 100 4350 SS00 i OMAHA CASH GRAIN PRICES TODAY On the Omaha Grain exchmee early sales indicated that corn was imciiartReei to a cent niRiier. 1 ne re ceipts were 297 carloads and tht de mand was strong, most of the stuff that would grade being: bought for milling, frices were $1.45(3; 1.8... Oats sold at 92 and cents a bushel, 'A to V cent higher. Re ceipts were 22 carloads, j Wheat receipts were 19 carload. s 4 795 I 1(1 9 1007 8 26 7 922 8 65 :i iooo 9 30 14 1046 9 40 6 988 9 60 7 1208 9 76 6 1076 9 90 8.. 17.. . 928 60 . 970 9 00 .1042 9 35 .1043 9 50 .1164 9 86 ...1065 9 86 13 906 11 00 HE1KRS, 1.. 31.. JS. . 11.. 14.. 6.. 1 . . 4S0 7 50 14.. 8.. 1.. 2. . 3.. (13 1 75 45; 7 90 693 8 26 780 6 60 653 8 80 784 70S 9 75 9 25 610 9 00 900 9 60 186 10 00 HULLS. .. 550 00 1 700 7 60 1 1100 8 00 1 620 8 26 1 970 60 1. . ..ISM1 S 60 ... 6S0 8 75 17 .16112 i 85 .1410 9 26 ..1630 9 00 1 C.W.VKV .,296 7 50 9 347 8 (0 1 160 8 14 481 9 26 3 311 9 60 6 4M 10 II 4 3 1 1 610 9 25 680 10 00 416 10 26 300 12 00 150 13 76 3 179 10 (0 6 130 It 50 6 160 13 00 Hogs Receipts of hoits were rather light this morning and demand was good. Both packers and shippers started on the early rounds, buying at prices that were as much as 25 cents and 40 cents higher than yenter day. and trade was active all forenoon, the luilk of tho hogs having passed out of first hands around 11 o'clock. The best price paid was $17.05, An advance of 36 cents over yesterday's top figure, and hulk of the of ferings was made from 916.60 to 816.65. Demand for good quality lightweight hogs still continues keen, this class being among the first sellers. Representative sales No. A v. Sh. Hr. 816 26 18 55 No. Av. 28. .421 60. .374 66. .311 H4..279 6K. .24,1 N. .261 Sh. Pr. 116 6t 18. .408 76. .301 .. 18 60 . . 18 70 ... 16 80 ll 96 40 17 00 .'..250 230 16 65 66. .220 73.. 253 73. .201 43. .136 . . . 16 75 40 16 86 ... 16 96 PIUS. 15 76 Sheep With a fair run of sheep, around 13.000 head on sale today, the market opened active and 16 and 26 cents higher, with outside shippers active competitors. Fat Mexican lambs sold as high ss $17.60 and commoner kinds sold from $16.60 to $17.40. There was very little aged stock on the market. Fat ewes sold up to $13.36 and a load of yearlings went at $14 60. Quality was not quite us good as yesterday and, as usual, most of the offerings were fat lambs, The market was active and a clearance was made before the noon hour. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, handy weight, $16.76017.60; lambs, heavy weight, $16.60016.75: lambs, feeders, $16.60 017.00: lambs, shorn. $12.60014.00; lambs, culls, $ 10.00 Ji H 00; yearlings, fair to choice, II3.25W14.76; yearlings, feeders, $11,000 14.85; wethers, fair to choice, $11.00911.26; ewes, fair to choice. $tl.00i&13.00; ewes, breeders, all ages, $tl.0017.00; feeders, $7. 501)i 0 60: awes, culls and tanners, $6.00 07.26. Representative sales: No. A v. Pr. 1268 Colorado lambs 86 $!, 80 514 fed lambs 75 It 00 449 Colorado lambs 96 16 36 4H4 Colorado lambs 86 18 90 623 fed lambs 61 17 86 176 Colorado ewe lambs, 76 IT 00 41 Colorado feeding lambs, .1, . . 69 16 00 183 Jed lambs 61 $17.26 313 fed lambs 66 16.16 49 culls 66 13.75 121 fed lambs 64 18.85 13 culls 73 12.26 212 fed Iambs 76 17.30 St. Lout Live Stock Market. St. Louis, March 13. Cattle Receipts, 3,500 head; market steady; native beef steers, $8.00tH3.60; yearling steers snd heifers, $7.00 1 3. B0 ; cows, $8.00011.60; stockers and feeders, $6.00010.60; fair to prime southern beef steers, $9, 00I2.50; beef cows and helfars, $9.00910.00; south ern yearling steers and heifers, $7.60910.00; native calves, $6.00914.00. Hogs Receipts. 11,100 head; market higher;' lights, $17. 86018. 10; p!s, $14,009 17.76; mixed and butchers, $17.75918.00; good heavy, $17.6017.80; bulk, $17,669 18.00. Sheep snd Lambs Receipts, 1,900 head; market steady; lambs, $14.00ei7.76; ewes, $12.5013.O0; wethers. $13.00911.76; can tiers and choppers, $6,501(9.60, Kansas City Live Stock Market. Kansas City, March 13. Cattle Receipts, 10,000 head; market steady; prime fed steers, $12.6013.50; dressed beef steers, $10.60012.75; western steers, $9.60912.76; cows, $7.2610.76; heifers. $7.50911.76; Blockers and feeders, $7.75912.50; bulls, $7 50910.00; calves, $7.60913.60. Hogs Receipts, 16,000 head; market steady; bulk, $16.76917.1$: heavy, $16,609 17.10; packers and butchers, $16 90917.20; light. $18.90917.40; pigs, $12.00916.60 Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 9,000 head; market higher; lambs, $17. 00ft 18 00; year lings, $18.60914.60; wethers, $12.00911.60; ewes, $11.50913.00. Chicago Live Slock. Chicago. March 13. Csttle-t-Recelpts, 9,000 bend; market strong; native steers, $9.25 WH IG; stockers snd feeders, a 16 (S 13.10; cows and heifers, $7.00912.10; calves, $10.00 9 16.00. Hogs Receipts, 36,000 head; market strong, 26c to 80c above yesterday's aer- sge; bulk, $16.66917.60; light, $17.76917.90; mixed, $18.40917.80; heavy, $16.10917.26; rough, $16.10916.25; pigs. $19. 7617.80. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 8,000 head; market strong; sheep, $10.90914.00; lambs, 114.50 IB b0. Sioux City Uve Stock Market. Sioux City, la., March If. Cattle Re celpts, 4,000 hesd; market, steady; beef ateors, $10.00913.50; fat cows and heifers, $8.00 11.60; dinners, $7.0098.00; stockers and feeders, $9.60911.60; calves. $8,009 12.60; bulls, stags, etc., $7 9.0 f 10.60; feed ing cows and heifers, $7.0096.60. Hogs Receipts, 14,000 head; market, ISc higher; llghl, $16.80917.00: mixed, $16,769 16.90; heavy, $16.50916.76; pigs, $13,009 16.00; hulk, $16.66916.90. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 600 head; market, strong St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph, Mo., March IS. Cattle Re ceipts, 2.0O0 head; market steady; steers, $91)013.76; cows and heifers, $7.00912.00; calves, $7.00i18.00. Hogs Receipts, 13,000 head: market high er; top, $17.40; bulk of sales, $1$. 7017. 36. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2,600 head; market higher; lambs, $14.00918.00; ewes, $7.00918.00. 'ew York fleneral Market. New York, March 13. Flour Steady; government basis, 100 per cent; spring, $10. 760111. 25; winters, $10.86911.05; Kan as. $10.9091126. Coin Spot unsettled; kiln dried No. 1 yellow, $2.134; No. 8 yellow, $2. OH,; No. 1 white, $3.11 H, 0. I. f.. New York, prompt rhlpment; Argentine, $2.60, f. o. b., cere. Oata Spot, steady; natural, 1 1.07 Vi 1.08K. May Steady; No. 1. $l.704ij!.75: No. 2, $1.6091 65; No. $, $1.2091.251 shipping, $1.0091.10. , Hops Kasy; state medium to choice, 1917, 88ft)48c; 1916, nominal; Pacifio coast, 1917, 2023c; 1916, 14916c. Hides Steady; Bogota, 30923c; Central America, 29932c. v Leather Firm; hemlock sole pverewlghts. No. 1, 48c; No. 2. 46c. ' Provisions Pork, firm: mess, $52.00iS 6.1.00; family, $55. dO: short clear, $52,009 65 00. Lard, weak; middle west, $26,169 26.25. Tallow Dull; city special, loose, 17c. Wool Steady; domestic fleece. XX Ohio and Pennsylvania unwashed, 659K6o. Rice Strong; fancy head, $9914c; blue rose, 8 'i (a 8 c. Butter Weak; receipts, 9,388 tuba; creamery higher than extras, 47 47 He; creamery extras, (92 score), 45V,c; firsts, 45", 4614c; seconds, 43 0 450. Eggs Market, strong; receipts. 19,894 canes; fresh gathered extras, 40c; extra firsts, 35',-iC; firsts, 39c; seconds, 37,a9 38 Mtti. Cheese Market, weak; receipts, 2.166 boxes; stale held specials, 2526c; state, average run, 23 lip 25 He. Poultry Live, market, firm; prices un changed; dressed, market, firm: chickens, 27939c; fuwla, 29&34',c; turkeys, 24938c. Kansas City Produce. Kansas City. Mo., March 13. Butter and poultry unchanged. l.ggs Firsts. 34c. Duliilh l.lnn-ed Marli-t. Duith. Mi:.i, March 13 Llns-rd $1.27 t -:.3S Ma.. J 3. ; JuiV. 4.2i asked: Oc- tuber. $o.85 bid. NEW YORK STOCKS Utilities and Speculative Issues Only Stocks to Show Active ' Trading; Market Dull and Heavy. New YorV, March 11. In all essential today's stock market repeated Its perform ance of the previous session. Dealings again were limited to untllltles and the mors speculative Issues, Foreign news was Ignored snd home ad. vices were without distinct Influence. Trad ers had the field to themselves and Initiative In that quarter ss lacking. Two of the foremost Industrial companies American Tobacco and A merles n Sugar submitted their 1917 reports showing sub stantial growths In general operations over the preceding year. These exhibits evoked moderate response, Sugar gaining I points and Tobacco 1 4. Steel and Iron shares were steady to firm most of the time In consequence of the in craned output announced by the leading mills, but transactions In stocka of that division were desultory at best. Ralls moved within sn unusually narrow area, even coalers falling Into their recent lethargy, tor which delay In their progress of railway legislation at Washington was held partly accountable. Among the weakest untllltles were Peo ple's Qas and Publlo Service of New Jersey. American Telephone was again depressed, but made rapid recovery on denial of ad verse reports. General Motors wsa weakest of the specialties, reacting 4 points, and General Electric, Pressed Steel Car, Pull, man and Soars-Roebuok recorded extreme losses of 1H to 4 points. Sales amounted to 160,000 shares. On very light dealings bonds, Including Liberty Issues, were Irregular, Sales, par value, aggregated $1,700,000. United States bonds, old Issues, were un changed on call. Number of sales and quotations on leading stocks: Closing Sales. High. Low. Bid. Am. Beet Sugar 81 American Can 1,000 40 4046 40 Am. Car A Fndry. 1,200 76 7 78 Am, Locomotive... 66 Am. S.'A Refng.. 1,600 81S l"H 10 Am. Sugar Refng, 1,000 108 104 H 106 Am. Tel. A Tel... 19,409 102 100 199 Am. Ztno, L, A S. 400 14 14 14Va Anaoonda Copper. 1,600 84 01 II 14 Atchison (00 85 84 If A. a. A W. I. S. L. 1,109 113 110 111 Baltimore A Ohio. 1,140 6 6 $4 14 Butte A Sup. Cop. 1.100 11 11 21 Cal. Petroleum , ... It Canadian Paclfo 14k 1 Central Leather... 1.109 T0 89 7S -Chesapeake A Ohio 1,000 (9 (t 18' C. M, A St. Paul. 1,(00 41 (1 42 C, R. I. A P. ctfs. 1,400 11 11 11 '4 Chine Copper 1(0 41 40 40 uoio. ruei iron (6 Corn Prod. Refng. 1.(00 16 1( 15 Cruolble Steel ... (3 ' Cuba Cane Sugar. 1,100,11 11 11 Distillers' Security. 1,600 10 18 18 Krle 0 16 16 16U General Electric.. 1,(01 187 111 134 General Motors..., 12,100 111 111 112 ut. Nortnern pro., 100 91 II 11 Gt, N. Ors ctfs.... 100 18 11 18 Illinois Central 11 Inspiration Copper 100 41 44 14' Int. M. M. ptd... 10.600 11 17 17 Inter. Nickel 800 It II 18 ' Inter. Paper 100 12 11 12 K. C. Southern 16 Kennecott Copper. 1,600 11 11 11 Louis. A Nash ... ... 112 Maxwell Motors It Mex. Petroleum.... 1,100 17 11 11 Miami Copper, 100 10 10 10 Missouri Pacific... 1,000 11 11 21 IT Montana Power.... Nevada Copper.... 11 700 71 72 72. N. Y. Central N, Y N. H. A U. 1,200 11 11 99 -Norfolk A West... 300 104 104 104 Northern Paolflc. 400 81 16 16 Pacifio Mall TOO 29 21 39 Pennsylvania 400 44 44 44. Plttaburgh Coal 66 Ray Con. Copper.. 100 13 11 !i-. Reading.... 15,600 11 10 10 Kep. iron A Steel. 1,800 71 78 V8 Shat. Aril. Cop. 17 Southern Pacific... Southern Railway,, 1,100 87 18 66 1,601 24 94 24 v 4,600 46 46 46 600 141 149 l'; 1,900 123 121 121 , 700 120 100 120 26,800 91 90 90 T-. 100 110 109 1094 ' 100 80 79. 79 : 13 700 II 91 91 Studebaker Corp... Texas Co Union Pacifio U. S. Ind. Alcohol. U. S. Steel U. S. Steel pfd.... Utah Copper Wabash pfd. "B".. Western Union. .... Westlngh. . Electric. (00 41 41 41.-,., Total sales for the day, 160,000 shares. Mew York Money, ' New Tork, March 11. Prims Merger t llo Paper Four months, ( per cent; six months, 6 per cent Sterling Exchange Sixty-day bills. .. $4.72; commerolal sixty-day bills on . banks, $4.7$; commerolal sixty-day bills, , $4.71; demand. $4.76; cables, 4.76 7-16. , Silver Bar, 86o; Mexican dollars, 6o. Bonds Government and railroad, 'rregu- lar. , - .' ; Time Lflans Strong; sixty days, ninety .'. days and six months, I per oont bid. "' Call Money Strong; highest, ( per cert; lowest, I per cent; ruling rsta, ( per eept; closing bid, 6 per cent; offered at ( per cent; lsat loan, 8 per cent. U. S. Is, reg... 97III. Cent. ref. 4s 11 , do coupon.... 97 'Int. M. M. 6s.. 12 U. S. 8s. reg... 88K. C, S. ret. 6s 74 do coupon... I9,,U N. lint. 4s. II U. S. Lib. !S...97.40M. K A T 1st 4s 60 U. S. 4s, reg.. 104 Mo. Flo. gen. 4s 17 do coupon... 104 Mont. Power 6s. 19 Am. For. Sec, 6s II N. I. C. deb. Is. 11 A. T. A T. e. 6 12 N. Pacifio 4s.. 71 Anglo-French Is. 99 do 1 17 . Armour ACo4s I40. 8. L. ret. 4s. 11 , Atchison gen. 4s 81'Pao. T, T. 6s. 81 Bal. A O. 0. 4s 77Penn. com. 4s. 11 Beth. Steel r. 6s (1 do gen. 4s.. 81 Cent. Pse. 1st. 79 Reading ten. 4s. II Ches. A O. e. Is 80 S. L. A S F 6s 11 , C, B. A Q. j. 4s. 92 S. Pso. ov. Is.. II CM. A3. P. 4 71S. Railway Is.. II C. R. I. A P. r. 4s 44'Tex. A Pao. 1st II Colo. A 8. r. 4s 9union pso. e... D. A R. a. r. Is. 10 U. & Rubber Is. 17 D. of C. Is, 1911. II V. a 8teel Is... 11 Krle gen. 4 11 Wabash 1st 4 Oen. Klectrlo Is. 99 French Govt ! 11 Gt. N. 1st 4s. 98 Bid, Asked. Ixiadon Money. London, March II. SilverBar, 184 pet , ounce. Money I per cent. Discount Rates Short bills. 1 l-ll per cent; three months, 19-11 per cent. ' Omaha, Hay Market. Reoetnts et prairie hay light, demand good, raaiket firm snd ateady. Receipts ot alfalfa good, demand oiny lair and prices some lower. Hav Choice Upland. 121.10: No. 1. 111.50 to 120.60: No. I. 111.50 t $17.10; No. 3. $12.60 to $14.50; No. 1 Midland, 111.10 to 120.60; No. I, 116.60 to 117.60; NO. 1 Low land, $15.60 to 117.60; No. 1. 114.10 to 118.60J No. 1. $13.60 to $11.60. Alfalfa Choice. $28.60; No. 1 111.60 to 127.60; Standard, $2$. 00 to 121.00; No $21.60 to $22.60; No. 1, lll.lo to $20.60. Straw Oats, $11.00; Wheat, 110.00. Evaporated Apples nod Dried Fruits. New York. March 13. Evaporated apples dull: Callfornlaa, 1491$o; state. 150 16c. Prunes Firm; Callfernia, 7l4c Oregons, 13914c. Apricots Firm; choice, 17 c; extra, , choice, 17 c; fancy, 19c. Peaches Firm; stsndard, 11 e; choice, 16c Raisins Steady; loose muscatels, 9 9 9c; choice to fancy seeded, 10ltcj Bond less, 899c; London layers, $2.00. Minneapolis tiiwln Market. Minneapolis, March 13. Flour Market, unchanged. Barley $1.9092.36. Rye 52.9392.96. Bran $32.98. Corn No. 1 yellow, ft. 109 1.15. Oats No. 8 white, 9393c. Flax $4.1194-14.'- New York Metal. New York, March 13. Metals Lead, quiet; spot, f7.3797.50. Spelter, Mts East St. Loirls delivery, spot, 17.60 9 7.60. At London Copper: Spot, 110; futures, . 110; electrolytic. 125. Tin: 6pot, i2: futures. 210. Lead: Spot. 29 10s; f uteres. 28 10s. Spelter: Spot, 54; futures, 60. Kansas City r.raln Market. Kansas City, Mo., March 11. Corn No, 1 mixed. 11.7091.85; No. 2 white, 11.10 ; 2.05; No. 2 yellow, 11. 8292-00; May. $1.17. Oats No. 2 white, 13c; No, 2- ml ' 8898$o. i. St. Louis Grain 'Market. St. Louis, Mo.. March 11. Com N. V $1.60; No. 4 white. $1.70; May, $1.17. Oats No. 2, 92e; No. 1 white, 959 96 c; May, 90o i: New York Cotton. New Tork, March 11. Cotton Futures opened firm; March, $2.10c; May, 11.60CJ " July, 11. 16c; October, 10.14c; December, 29.950. New York Sugar Market. New York, March 13. Sugar Raw, MN ket. steady; centrifugal, .0c; molassee) sugar, uomiuai; refined, market, steadjl ': line granulated, 7.16a, aa