Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 13, 1918, Page 9, Image 9

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    Ihe Time to Buy Stock
I . Remember that the big money was made in
the seven companies, above by the people who
bought tfie stock when the company was first
: That is the time to buy stock in any company
when the company first starts.
; The time to buy stock in the Sprague Tire and Rubber
Company was when it was selling at $50 a share, not when it
will be selling at $200, $300, $400 and $1,000 a share.
E .The time to buy stock in the Overland Tire and Rubber
Company is when it is selling at its par value, $10 per share,
not when it will be selling at $40, $75, $100 and200 per
This company is just starting and it is starting right.
Omaha As a Tire and Rubber Goods Center
. - r ... ,
! , In 1917 there were 5,148,063 motor car registrations in the United
States. - , '
In the territory tributary to Omaha there were registered in 1917 over
2,00,000 motor cars-hence two-fifths, of the tire business of the United
States is tributary to" Omaha. .
Akron, Ohio, has twenty-four tire companies,
r Let us say that Akron j tributary to three-fifths of the tire business.
' Then certainly there is a field tributary to Omaha to support twenty
big tire companies.
t Suppose that Omaha had ten tire companies, each making five hun
dred tires a day.
i f ,They would produce one million and a half tires a year, but the Oma
ha territory demands ten million tires a year.
f Hence with ten tire companies in Omaha turning out one million and
a half tires a year, the Omaha territory would still demand 8,500,000
more than Omaha was building. i -
: U Omaha is a big jobbing and distributing center.
; L NoW get busy and make it a big manufacturing center.
Here is What $1000 Has Become Worth in Seven Tire Companies:
$1 OOO ePuWicuber Co' Amount Invested $1,000, gQ QQQ
Ct 1 AOA Fisk Tire & Rubber Co., Amount Invested $1,000,
9 JLplHJy Became Worth
Manufactured bj
Tha Orarland Tira and
Rubbar Company.
it 4 AAA Diamond Rubber Co.. Amount Invested $1,000, 1 CA AAA V
?JLfWU Became Worth WV,VWW
$ 1 OOO B F Goodrich Company, Amount Invested $1,000, CQ QQfl
f Became Worth . ...... wy W ww
Authority Chicago Herald, March 18, 1917.
The Mohawk Rubber Company began business in
1913 at Akron, Ohio. Up to December, 1916, an
original $1,000 investment in this company had
become worth .. ...
AAA Up to December, 1916, an original $1,000 invest
ment in the Firestone Tire & Rubber Company
had become worth 4
fc 1 AAA Up to December, 1916, ail original $1,000 invest
ment in the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company
had become worth ;
Authority Andrews & Company, Investment Bankers,
Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Detroit
Statement Issued December., 1916.
Opportunity Missed
Hundreds of you people wanted the stock of
the Sprague Tire and Rubber Company and
really intended to buy it, but you put it off until
it was too late.
Do not make the same mistake now.
Buy this stock the first time it is offered to
you, because again you may be foolish and wait
until it is all gone.
We believe that this stock will make you as
much money as the Sprague stock. We believe, it
will make it as quickly and we believe it will
make more money. ,
1 or 8 Preferred Stock
No man ever made a fortune out of a small invest
ment by buying 7 or 8 preferred stock.
Thousands of people have made fortunes out of a
small investment by buying common stock in automobile
tire companies.
If you have $100,000 to invest, then it might be all
right to consider a 7 or an 8 preferred stock.
A great many companies that sell a 7 or an 8 preferred stonp-tnose same
companies have a little common stock which controls a great big issue of preferred
stock, and if they make the 7 or 8 preferred stock they can use up all of the won
derful profits of the company, above 7 Or 8, in big salaries to the people who own
the common stock.
The best stock to buy is where a company has only one kind of stock, namely,
common stockwhere each stockholder, shares alike with every other stockholder
where each stockholder gets equally the same dividends as any other stockholder-
This is The Overland Tire and Rubber Company.
1 L IF- ( 1
The Overland Tire and Rubber Com
pany believe that no man will have his
money in this company to, exceed twenty
four months before he will receive not less
than 30 on his money invested.
Buy Today Before
p it Is Tod Late
The capital stock of The Overland Tire
and Rubber Company is now offered to the
public for the first time.
:l: - This first allotment is at its par value
of $10 per share.
i No subscription taken for less than'
ve shares.
;! The company wilKaccept subscriptions
at $10 per share until $300,000 worth of
stock is sold.
The company believes this first $300,
000 .worth of stock will be grabbed up
quickly. ; ,
. . They reserve the right to returr
any subscription when the $300,
000 is subscribed.
Be wise. Act at once.
Fill out and mail today before
it is too late, one of these two cou
pons. DO IT NOW!
4. V"
wesag-.. rsKMW ,. . K jtJC.i! , jt -.Bjwti w.. 1;
Sonclhing About "Ponctare-Prool" nd
i u Pon-Blow-Our Tires
First: Th big dividends of tire companies
were not made by manufacturing "Puncture
Proof and "Non-Blow-Out" tires. '
Second: Puncture troubles have been great
ly reduced by the fact that all good tire companies
make a very thick tread today.
. Third: No one cares to go out for pleasure
in an-automobile and feel and hear the hard clink
ing and clattering of a lot of steel or other metal
which1 is put on the outside or the inside of a tire
for the purpose of attempting to make it puncture
proof and non-blowout proof.
The millions of people who buy tires today
will still continue buying the old-fashioned tire,
which will be manufactured by the Overland Tire
and Rubber Company and which is manufactured
by all of the leading tire companies.
Don't Doy Stock in Any Company that Has
Its Principal Business in Hebraska, But
Is Incorporated in Some Foreign) State
Especially designed for kYy itrtillory work,
t ' Manufactured by tho Ovarland Tiro anil Rubbar
It will be constructed exactly as the picture shows,, as far as architectural engineering
and construction will allow. . ' 1 '
The land, the building and the machinery will cost approximately $500,000.
We expect to announce the factory location very early in the Omaha papers.
: : 1106-7 W. O. W. Building, Omaha,-Neb.
, I hereby authorize The Overland Tire and Rubber Company to issue and deliver to
shre$ of it capital stock at $10 per share, which stock is fullv naid and non-assesable.
" I understand that the company accept no subscriptions for less than five shares. This purchase entitles
me to buy my tires at 20 per cent discount from this company's list price. 1
I understand that the State Railway Commission have granted a permit to The Overland Tire and Rub
ber Company to sell its stock in the State of Nebraska, and in their statement preparatory to issuing this per
mit say: "The Commission upon consideration of the premises, finds that the purpose of the company is
legitimate and that it is entitled to the permit as prayed for, provided full description is made to the pur
chasers of its stock of all of the material conditions of the enterprise."
The important conditions are as follows: No oral statement at variance with any of the written state
ments of the company shall be binding upon the company. The company's expense in selling this stock is
25 per cent of the par value thereof. Five Hundred Thousand Dollars of the stock of this company is to be
issued to W. R. Blowers in return for,' certain formulae and secret processes describing the manufacture of
rubber goods. Five Hundred Thousand Dollars to be placed in a trust fund, and if this trust fund is not
created within one year's time, 85 per cent of every man's subscription must be returned to him. No divi
dends shall be declared or paid on the stock outstanding until the net profits of the applicant1 shall exceed
the amount of the expense incurred or paid for selling the stock in the amount of such dividends.
" , ' I herewith enclose. ...
Dollars, payment in full.
7. ' NAME v ...v.
Street ;
City or Town State
1106-7 W.O.W. Building,
' Omaha, Nebraska.
Please send me full particulars regarding
The Overland fire and Rubber Company.
If satisfied that the investment is good I
might invest .Dollars.
This coupon obligates me injno way what
ever to buy stock.
Name -. . . . . .-.-w.-. . . .
' (B) City or Town . , .-...; . ... . yr.
State ......W......T..
Wan J V ' " '? "'-' -A X
' ' V ,
' V. :
f i i iv (i 1 1 11 I! I'
1 fv l ' I'rsi'I
Ot)iaha, Nebraska Phone Douglas 1563