Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1918, Page 9, Image 9

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Sunday; March 10, 1918-
-Store Hours: 8:30 a. m. to 6 p. m.
-Stor. Hoam 8:30 a. m. to 6 p. m.-
-Phone Douglas 137
Newness Everywhere These Days at Burgess-Nasli
With the
of the ,
New ;r
..... w . . i
eaSOIl Crv:r; ; ,
With the arrival rof the new
season the parting of the ways
of Winter and ' Spring nature
takes on a new lease of life and
things become bright and cheer- ,
ful. V...-"V
Nature, t Jherself, cannot v be
denied her:- bright new dress
and men,'. Women children and
homes, are, after all, just part
of nature,' and should not be de
nied the bright new dress that
will make them happy and cheer
ful. Economize in wheat, red meats
and the. labor of man.
I UX nothing else is there a
'scarcity but that can be over
come. .-"-
Economize in demands , upon
the labor! of men- our, country,
most of allneeds man's labor,
and service. .
The eountry is farthest from
needing your economy otherwise.
Pretty clothes.
Fireside ..furnishings. ,'.
The rational ; pleasures and
pastimes. . Y
Brightness for the children.
-let.' them be bounded only
by your station in life.
The business side of war is
bringing more dollars than ever
to the purses of untold thou
sands. ',''..
There .was never less need to
save money; there was never, a
time so ' many thousands had
money to spend.
So this store has as diligently
as in former years, gone about
providing for these new demands
of spring.
And with understanding which
acknowledges that dependable
quality is now more essential
than ever, we can view the com
ing season secure in the belief
that the service of this store will
prove an' indispensable value to
our patrons. -
WE'LL Plan,
Cut, Fit and
Pin Free of Charge
We are continuing this week the special feature of our
piece goods section, where
i . . Mrs. Moulton and Her Staff
of -the Keister Dressmaking School, will without charge, help you
plan, and will cut, fit and pin your new spring coat, suit or dress
of any material you may buy at $1.00 a yard or over.
Come and ask them for
style information to your
heart's .content. Youll find
their suggestions most help
ful, instructive and make the
producing of your garments
much easier.
Mrs. Moulton and staff
will be in the silk department
Monday. Please accept this
service witn our compli
ments. Burrow-Nub Co. Maim Floor
A Silk arid Wool
Fabric, at $1.75
Made especially for one-piece dresses in pretty shades of navy,
old rose, brown, green, wisteria and tan, also black. 42 inches, spe
cial at $1.75. K
Storm Serge, at $1.50
Navy blue storm serge, 50 inches wide, for dresses, suits and!
skirts, $1.50 yard. -.- Co. Min Floor
Let the teacher explain to
you the unusual features of
these yarns their softness and
warmth, their fine finish and
beautiful dyes and the economy
and convenience of
Th New
Diamond-Wound Balk
She will also teach you any
thing you wish to know about
knitting and crocheting with
The Fleisher Yarns. Join, the.
classes tomorrow go that you
may get the full benefit of your
BorfMS-Nuh ' Co. Third Floor.
BRING Your Films
to Burgess-Nash
If you will bring
your kodak films to
us any day - before
IJ 12:30, they will be
I i develoned. nrinted and
ready for you at 11:30
the next.
' Likewise all films
left before 4 p. m. will
be readv at 3:30 the
next day.
We guarantee our work, too.
Burgtaft-Nuh Co. Main. Floor
Js UK. v7lrt
A NNOUNCING for Monday
" An Uncommon Offering and Display of
Everything points to an unprecedented demand for laces
this season and we have prepared accordingly.
Our showing is extremely wide in kinds and variety of pat
terns, and the values are of the unusual.
Included is a charming assortment of fancy silk guimps,
tassels, drops, bands, braids, fancy buckles and orna
ments in the new shades.
Note Many made up garments are in
the lace department to suggest the
various uses of lace.
Real Filet Laces at 50c to
v $5.50
Also medallions and insertions
in Italian and Japanese filet from
one to eight inches. Beautiful new
designs at 50c to $5.50 a yard.
Imitation Filet Laces, 25c to $1.00
A remarkably large showing copies of the real
filet, in edges and insertions to match, 25c to $1.00 a
yard. ; , .
Venise Bands and Edges, 15c to $1
Desirable for trimming the new gingham wash crepes
and silk foulards; white and cream, from one to five inches
wide, at, 15c to $1.00 a yard .
Silk Georgette Crepes, $1.50 to $2.00
White and cream silk crepe, 40 inches wide ; two prices,
$1.50 and $2.00 a yard.
La Fillette Flouncing, $2.75 and $3.75
The very latest, for daintiest summer frocks. Fine net
and organdie with ruffles and tucks, 40 inches wide ; white,
maize and flesh, at, $2.75 and $3.75 a yard.
Organdie and Lace Combinations $1 to $7.50
Also batiste and lace combinations in bands and
flouncings to match. Imported materials which are very
scarce and very desirable for summer blouses and dresses,
at $1.00 to $7.50 a yard.
Burf Co. I
Embroidered Voile Dress Patterns, 79c Yard
Fine voile, 40 inches wide, embroidered in dainty col
ors. Just the thing for the dainty summer dresses. Priced
very specially at 79c a yard.
Val Laces and Sbadow tlouncings, 25c 1
Also novelty bands and cluny edges in widths from 6
to 18 inches, at 25c yard.
Nainsook and Swiss Embroideries. 15c 1
Edges, insertions and headings, also fine convent, em
broidery edges, at 15c yard.
Wash Laces at 5c Yard '
Val laces and insertions, round or diamond mesh, 5c yd.
Val Laces and Insertions, 10c
Round mesh val laces and insertions to match, one-half
to two inches wide, at 10c yard.
Main Floor ' '
and Oxfords Are
Very Dainty for Spring
Graceful curves are a feature of the new spring models. Fabrics in
suit shades are often combined with leather. The vogue for oxfords
and . spats is pronounced tnougn mere are
many styles in high shoes for those who prefer
them. Grays and tana prevail; two-color com
binations are popular. You can learn just what
styles best meet your requirements by visiting
this store now.
Prices $5.00 to $10.00.
Women's New Boots, $8.00
Three new styles have just been re
ceived. ., All with the. strongest leather Cuban
heels. The price, $8.00.'.
Burge-Nash Co. Second Floor
ALL Linen, 54-inch
Lunch Cloth
Stamped, at $2.50
For eyelet or solid embroidery, scallop or lace edge,
special Monday; at $2.50. ;
Stamped Linens at $1.00
Pure linen dresser scarfs and 36-inch center pieces,
all new designs, $1.00 each.
KL, ... D. M. C. Cotton at 7c
Odd lots of No. 5 D. M. C. Perle cotton, colors are
rose, pink, light blue and delft, at 7c skein.
, ' Burfei-Nah Co. Third Floor
LATEST Arrivals
of Eppo Petticoats
Attract Unusual Attention
The soft shimmering color v .
combinations and two tone ef-. ,
fects are indescribably beautiful.
The numerous styles bespeak
distinctiveness and express the
maker's efforts to create designs
that appeal to the artistic and re
fined tastes, as well as to the
sedate and economical.
But "Eppo" Petticoats appeal
to more than a woman's sense of
beauty, They are the most prac
tical garment manufactured,
cleanly made with turned-in
seams throughout, and with
braid protected bottoms to keep
them from wear and tear.
"Eppo" Petticoats are made to
fasten on the side, with double in
visible clasps, covered by a neat
reinforced placket.
Chiffon Taffeta, Messalines, Silk Jer
sey tops with taffeta or messaline
flounces, all cut full and flaring, in reg
ular sizes,' stout sizes, double extra
sizes.' "y "'
Prices $5.00 and Upward
Burgei-Nab. Co. Second Floor
UERE'S a Rousing Big
Silk Special Scheduled
for Monday, at $1.95 a Yard
Consisting of all the wanted weaves for dresses, suits, blouses, separate skirts, linings
and underwear. '
36-inch fancy stripe in smart color com
binations of both taffeta and satin.
36-inch taffetas in white and light colored
grounds with self tone stripe and pretty
. neat flowers.
36-inch plain chiffon taffeta in all the
wanted shades for skirts, dresses and
36-inch silk foulards with pretty figures on
light or dark colored background, also
plenty of navy blue with white and col
ored dots.
Special at,
and a splendid quality for
Big Lot of Fancy Silks at $1.69
Including 36-inch plain taffeta, also pretty
changeable taffeta.
36 inches figured and dotted foulards, 36-inch,
fancy stripe taffeta and satin for skirts and dresses,
at $1.69 yard.
All Silk Foulards at $2.50
40 inches wide, in the very newest designs of
Bmart color combinations, also navy with white dots,
at $2.50 yard.
extra wide
suits and
3 6, -inch black satin Dutchess in heavy
quality and rich satin finish.
32-inch wash silks for men's shirts and. wo
men's blouses, with woven colored stripes
of both silk and satin. - '
40-inch white crepe de chine, all pun
36-inch plaid silk for skirts of unusual
V J -colorings. t
I arcl , 40-inch silk poplins, 25 smart street shades
for suits and dresses. ,
Satins Are in Great Demand
For spring suits and dresses, we are offering ex
ceptional values in the following: .
36-inch Princess satin, all shades, $1.49 yard.
36-inch Imperial satin, all shades, $2.50 yard. .
86-inch majestic, all shades, $1.95 yard.
36-inch satin Francaise, guaranteed, $3.25 yard.
40-inch charmeuse, all new shades, $2.95 yard.
36-Inch Georgette Satin. $3.50
In white, made especially for separate sport
skirts, rich high satin finish, special at $3.50 yard.
Co. Main Floor
Day Novelties
, Including party favors, invi
tations and novelties of all
sorts; special display in the
stationery section. .
Burynt-Nh Co. Main Floor
MpRErSmart New Suits
wA '..yVrttiio fkstAemrr o
UU1 vtlUUOUlg) ai
Prices from $25.00 to $49.50
New spring suitsf three words that hold great interest for every woman. But Bur-gess-Nash
suits hold a far greater interest for they have that "individuality" and "dis-tinctiySsness"-m
style in fabric in workmanship, that goes toward making a suit
what it should be. ,
The style trend is a decided
change from seasons past con
servation of wool materials has
brought about a lessening of
smart lines and styles of the new
The skirts are narrow, the coat
sleeves are tight and the shoul
ders closefitting. Where extra
materials have been used, if any,
is in the ripple flare of the coats.
Some of the new suits show the
Eton effects; others the pony
jackets, and still others the
smart, severely tailored effects.
The materials are poplins,
serges, tricotines, poiret twills
and mixtures. Co. Stcond Floor
v Rotary Sewing
appeal to the home sewer
because they run faster,
easier and make less noise
than the ordinary sewing
In buying a
Standard Rotary
you have
p r actically
bought two
machines in
one as it
has both
the c h a i n
stitch and
the lock
stitch device.
You can buy a sewing ma
chine from us as low as
$1.00 Down,
$1,00 a Week
Specials for Monday:
1 Wheeler & Wilson sewing
machine (used), $15.00.
1 Standard Rotary, box top,
sewing machine, $5.00.
1 four-drawer, golden oak,
drop head (used), $22.50.
Standard Rotary tailoring
machines (new), at $38.00.
Burgeu-Nath Co. Fourth Floor
FEATURING a Sale of Heisey
Table Ware In the
Down Stairs Store for Monday
Colonial glass with border designs as illustrated below.
Heisey nappies, round
design, at 15c each.
Heisey Heisey corn
ice tea glass- potes, special
es, 15c each, at 19c each.
Heisey high stem shcr- I Heisey table tumblers, i Heisey Nappies with
bets, at 12 He each. I at 10c each. two handles, 35c each.
Burfets-N.ih Co. Down Stair Store
Heisey goblets, special
at 12 He each.
Heisey fruit cuueers,
special at 6 for 50c.
WOMEN'S Dainty
Spring Blouses,
Made of good quality voile
and other new wash materials.
Plain white, with lace on collar
and cuffs. Some solid color,
also striped. Extreme values at
Bur(..-Nah Co. Down Stair. Stor.
ROMPERS for the
Children, 39c
A special lot of romp
ers and bloomer sets in
wash materials, plaids,
checks, plain cream, trim
med in pink and blue; age
2 to 6 years. Special at
BurtM.-Naib Co. Down Stair. Stor.
I Suits at 39c
Women's lightly fleeced
long sleeves, ankle length
union suits; heavy fleeced
vests and pants; size 84;
also odd lots of children's
suits at 39c each.
BorfMS-Nuh Co. Down Stair. Slot