Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1918, SOCIETY, Image 15

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    . 3 B
ftsJ'-n ir i..toJ(
Ella Fleishman
Mrs.' Julian Farnam otVMinneapolis
has arrived with her twa children to
make her home with, her father, Mr.
M. W. Rayley, while Mrf: Farnam is in
the service. He was called last week
to Boston, where he has entered the
school of aeronautics at the ; Boston
Institute of Technology. ,A,,
Mrs. F. W, Marrow,' andTer sister
have returned f fom a three weeks
visit with Mr. Marrow.'who is attend
ing the aviation school in New York
cny. . -
Miss Helen Duggan. and her sister,
Mrs. T.-T. ; Holmberg, have returned
from a "trip tdrNew
cago.; - ' '.'..'
r-- XOTK
and Chi-
Vfi rathhe Lafv who has been
in New. York for, the. last two weeks,
has return'edf , ','" A
.Mrs. W.'R.. Matthews,rtho was
painfully bruised arid cutabout the
eye; in" an 'automobile accident .in' Los
Angeles, is recovering and is expected
home, with baby Anne Matthews in
about two weeks." '
Mc.'and-Mrs.' W..J. Kierstead re
turned Saturday 'from a two months'
stay in Los 'Angeles. ,
Mr. and Mrs. F. D.vWead and son
Henry, returned Saturday,: from a
leisurely-' tour of the south. They
wire away four months., .
C. E. Crain of Springfield, 0., who
married'. MUs Wakeleyof this city
has been called Mipon by the govern
ment to ajd in airplane production and
now makes tis headquarters in -Dayton,
returning- to-Springfield ' for the
Mr. F. . H. Meyer and Mr. Ed P.
Boyer are spending a few,days' at the
Elms hojel in Excelsior Springs. ,
H. Ov Edwards has been. ill at his
home with bronchitis for th. past
twg weeks. ,
Mrs. Frank W'. Brown'is in Lincoln
visiting friends ior a week.
Mrs. Arthur iMelz leaves .Tuesday
for New York ,and ' will accompany
her daughter', Miss Olga Metz, and her
roommate ifMiss; Spence's school,
- and. Miss ,Graldin i Hess, from Bryn
Mawr; to Atlantic City ; for the East
er vacation. "'.'.-.
f , ' 1 ; 1- : :' . ' ' !
Cyril Langan returned " Tuesday
from Galiiorrna where he has been
taking a course at the Riverside; air
craft schoo!. j . i
Mr. arid MYs., James H. Ludlow left
, Wednesday for Dallas, : Tex., their
former home,, for a visit. X
Mrs. W. R, McKeea returned Sun
day from tl.tjee weeks' visit in Pitts
burgh, Youngstown and other eastern
Mrs. Willhm E. Martin left for St.
Paul Thursday to make arrange-,
tnents for Mrs.-Anthony F." Merrill's
course N of iectures in St. Paul and
Minneapolis '.his rrionth. While in St.
Paul Mi"s."Martiri will be the guest of
Miss Alice Forepaugh. ' . "
Mrs. E. T. Rector returned Wednes?
day from St. Louis, where she visitel
her daughter. Lucile; who is at the
Principia scliool. . .
A.. V. Kinjlers.alt Palm- Beach for
two or three weeks. '
Dr. E. L.: Bridges is recovering rap
idly from the operation 4ie under
went at Rochester, Minn., and is ex
pected home with Mrs. Bridges very
-soon. ' ' . "
Mrs. E. VvV Nash returned Sunday
from Dubuqve and left Thursday for
New York;K see her daughter, Miss
Frances Nasn, who has ah opportun
Xty to go to South American on a
concert tour this spring, a tour Mrs.
Nash is opposed to at thistime on
account of : the war dangers in. sea
travel. - - ... , ' -
Mrs. J. j. Monell, .who has spent the
winter at the -Blackstone, will re
opcif her home in. Council Bluffs this
month. k ' .
Mr. Josepl. Ringwalt of New' York,
son of Mr. nd (Mrs. J. K.' Rinfewalt,
has gone abroad on a business trip. -
J -'
Miss Marian Jones left Friday
morning for Lincoln to attend the Ca
det Officers' club dance as the guest
of her brother, Major Philip Jones of
the state university regiment. Miss
Jones also attended the basket ball
tournament. A She was the week-end
guest of Miss Eleanor Seymour.
Rev. and Mrs. E. A Russell of Ord.
Neb., who are making their home
with their daughter. Mrs. W. B. How
ard, have jpnc to Tekamah for a few
' days! ' " . ,-
Miss Gail Howard, who is a 'cgis
tered nurse in Lincoln, is spend ng
a few days with her parents. , .
i ". . . ,
. Mrs.. Ben Gallagher and Mrs. Frank
Colpetzer will be home from Belleair,
' Fla., Tuesday. , .'.
" " v . . ' ' '
Mrs. Herbert Wheeler returned this
week from Detroit, where she has
been visiting her sister. Mrs. John
Wilkes. f
Mrs. Charles Metz and Miss Ger
trude Metz went to Chicago . Sunday
for a week. .', ......... t
Ay. E. Martin was called to . Chi
cago last Saturday by the illness' of
his mother, 'Mrs. CM; Martin, who
however, was so much better Monday
that. he came home that evening. .....
'Mrs. H. 'P' Edwards1 returned last
week from the east, where she . was
irt" New ' Pork part of thetime and
also irV Philadelphia, whew she was
the guest of, Mrs. W. H. Bucholz. who
.has an apartment there while her son,
Fritz, is employed at the Hog( Island
shipyard. ." " ' ;' , ' '
,Mr.'avn(f MrsV.W. j'. Hynes are ex
pected home today or tomorrow from
New York' and , Washington, where
they have ; ben.' on their way from
the south. - '
'.. i ,v . 7 ... . .
Mr. and Mrs.' AJ. Love returned
- Wednesday from the east, where they
have been for, three or four weeks in
New York, Boston and Atlantic uty.
, . Mr; and , Mrs. John S. Brady,; who 1
t n1la:ir ; Fla cinr,
middle of. January.' leave there today h
Ailnfi tn 'iMeif'ttiir tnn and h!.i
wife,' Lieutenant and Mrs. Hl Brady,
Writes Shott Stories.
- Of Western Life
Irs. 'Ella. ?.Ifai$hi
"Mrs. Etta P. Haight is author of a
book of short stories soon to be. is
sued by the publishers Announcer
ment . of this and other magazine
stories written ' by the ' same . prom
inent Omaha woman., as announced
exclusively in The Bee Friday, came
as a pleasant surprise to her friends,
who have an apartment in Atlanta
during his term of duty there. .Mr.
and Mrs Brady. willprobably remain
in Atlanta ten ' days before - coming
Pleasures Past. : 1
A surprise party was given :Thursr
day. afternoon in honor of Mrs'. Louis
Downing. , Fifteen guests were presi
ent. - .
Mr. and Mrs.,; Walter. T. Page enter
tained, at a theiter party Wednesday
evening at, the" Boyd, when their
guests inckded Mrs. A..V. Kinsler,
Miss Grace Allison, Lieutenant Lewis,
Lieutenant Wiggins and Lieutenant
Milner,of Fort Crook. ' ;
Woman to Talk for First r "
Time at University Club
Mrs. St. Clair, Stobart, the English
woman who -.'Willi lecture for Serbian
relief Wednesday night at', the Fonte"
nelle, will, speak atthe University club
i. noon, on '
This is the first time a woman has
ever , addressed . the members, in the
club, and the club will be . open to
wonien guests of members.
Mfs. C. T. Kountze will ventertain
at tea at her home in the afternoon
for Mrs. TStobart, rwho is' a major in
the' Serbian, army; - -'. " ;
re " - . -.v ' '
, Miss Gladys E. Miller is republican
nominee fof tax receiver lor Mamaro
ueck, N. Y. : ' ' " -m - J- '
' M
' r 1
'''A AvKT ' '
-'Ay V V :
V .1 -
I , . v 3V ' .
"Miss Theresa Henian is " in St.
Catherine's . hospital, where she un
derwent an operation for appendiciti
The Regina club met Tuesday eve
ning with Miss Kathleen" Lang.
Mr. and Mrs. Geprge Baker have
received w6rd that their son, EdwaTd,
had arrived safe in France t
; Mrs. Ruth Hemphill of St. Louis is
visiting friends in the West L street
neighborhood. '
The W. S. W. club entertained at
an Orpheum party Friday; afternoon.
, Mrs. . Walter Slate .enteitainedt
a dinner Wednesday in honor of Lad
die Malpy .-United States r,avy, who
is. home on a short leaye.- - .
Mrs; ; Thomas Inghram s division
of the Ladies' Aid society of the
Grace Methodist -Episcopal church,
held: a 1' o'clock luncheon at the
church on Friday. . .
Mrs. Loran. Banner chaperoned a
party of high school girls to Lincoln
for the Tournament Friday. The
party included ' the . Misses Evelyn
Cla,rk, Gladys Munson,. Dorothy .Van
Sant. Evelyn Vore and Mildred' Bliss.
' Pupils of the. social' center class of
Sbuth High' school will put on. their
play at the South Side Congrega
tionaj church - on . Friday ., evening,
March 15. Besides the" regular
stunts special music will be furnished
by the Misses Eleanor Alexander,
Eva Yerian and Mildred Mabery.
The pupils of , 'Franklin 'school will
give a program of Victrola music at
the school,-on Wednesday afternoon,
March' 13. ' ' .
TheXadies'.Aid of the South Side
Congregational church . has divided
into two divisions' and will , race for
new members. -The loosing side will
treat the winners. .
A new baby boy has arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs.' Bud Downey.
The ladies of St. Martin's church
held a very successful doughnut, sale
on,-Saturday. ,, ,' -,. ' , , :
Mrs. F. A. Broadwell will entertafu,
thejQueen Esther society at her home
on Tuesday evening.
The Franklin school conservation
league will meet at the school on
Wednesday ' evening,'. March 13. - A
program is being arranged and Miss
Nellie Farnswbrth of thi Federal
Food administration will speak; Mrs,
JohnWells is chairmen of this dis
trict. ' f' t
The Garfield school conservation
lir will he t organized on Friday
! nftemoon-March- 15. -Miss Nellie;
Farnsworth. will speak and the pupils
rf:the school will oresent an inter-.
estinjr program. 'This district is very
well organized and a larg attendance
is expected., w . .. .. .
. 2 .
Of Interest to Women .
Miss Mary. K. 'Browne of Los
Angeles,' the champion' w6man tennis
player, has given up the game to ac
cent a oosition as teller of a bank at
Venice, Cal. s ' '
) Should he former, czarina, be re
stored to the throne, as is rumored
to be the intention of Germany, she
will be the first woman, ruler of
j 1
Busy in Varied War Relief
'C- h.v-
'. ilrs. C.J. Hubbard
' KliM'hiirt.Sti'' 1'hoio. .
When you try to name the different
war relief .activities in which Mrs. C.
J. , Hubbard : is engaged, you almost
have to. name the ones that she does
not take part in, for the latter are 'very
few. This little woman is one ot tne
busiest in . town, for she is at work
from morning till nights . 1
During the recent. Young .Men's
Christian association and Young Wo
men's Christian association campaigns
she worked untiringly, soliciting mon
ey in the lobbies of the theaters. She
was an energetic worker in the White
Elephant sale of the Woman's Service
league, when she worked, in the sports
booth, and one day every ' wtek
finds her at the canteen at Fort Oma
ha". We would hate to say how many
days .she works on Surgical' dressings
and'still she finds time to ; work . for
the Young". Woman's Christian asso
ciation membership- campaign, which
is to be launched shortly, and talks
of giving her servicjes at the depots
when the canteen ( opens its branch
there. ' - ; ' ' . '.
.Mj,: Hubbard finds time for. ath
letics,' too, for she.loves bowling and
is, an expert at tennis. . Last summer
shs and a number of young girls and
matrons .from. Dundee. used to spend
the day at the summer camp of the
Young Woman's Christian association
swimming- and playing tennis. . ,
Russia since the days of the great
Empress Catherine (II.- '.
There are more women than men in
Jew York City.
; The. honor system for . voluntary
jationing,, in co-bpetation ; with the
federal food administration, is : one
of .the practical movements recently
undertaken by many ; prominent
womenof New York Lity. '.
- .5v.""
A; daughter was' born to Mr, and
Mrs. Oscar Olson last Sunday. Mrs.
Olson was formerly Miss Mabel Sten
beg. '
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bailey leave
Wednesday lor their new home near
Binghamton, N. Y.
Paul Roth of- Tekamah made a
short visit with relatives here
Wednesday, while on his way to an
eastern camp, where he has been or
dered to .report. .
Mr. Arthur Chalupsky, son of Mr.
and Mrs. M. Chalupsky, has gone to
Gregory, S. D.
Mrs.'. R. O. ; Webb of New York
City is a guest at the' home of her
brother," W. R. Morse. ,-.'
Mrs. H. Harrier was hostess far the
Methodist . Ladies' - Aid. society
Wednesday. y .
A ditrict convention was held on
Monday evening in The Presbyterian
church for all Sunday school workers.
. Mrs. C Moiilthrop was hostess for
the Loyal Daughters' ' club Tuesday
evening. '..; .
Mrs. Oscar Boisen left for' Wash
ington, D.-Ct.,'- where she will join her
husband after a short visit with her
mother, Mrs. Theodore Williams.
Mr. George Iradale received word
Sunday of the death of his father in
Portland, Ore. v '
A number of social affairs ' vere
given in honor of Mrs. T. J. McGuire,
who is to reside in Omaha.
A letter has recently been received
by Mrs. William Hufitzinger, from her
son,, who is now a lieutenant iin
France. .
A service flag , of tlje Methodist
church containing 24 stars will be
given to the church -Tuesday evening
at o o clock. The program is in
honor of all young men gone to the
tront. K. U. l..Brown will make
the presentation speech. -.
The. wedding "of -Miss Delia Hilligas
and Mr. , Henry Palkc took, place
Wednesday evening at the home of
the bride's parents. Rev.. Anderson
officiated. Miss Edith Calvert was the
only, attendant, the wedding march
was played by j Miss Emma'' Pilant.
The color scheme in decoration was
pink and white. After the ceremony
a reception was held for relatives and
close friends. . Mr. and Mrs. Palke will
reside oh a farm near Irvington.
. v ,. j .., f
Honey in lee Cream
Faced with a serious sugar shortage
recently, two icetcrearn concerns in
Portland, Ore., used honey as a sub
stitute, says ttje Ice '.Cream Review,
and for two weeks made their prod
uct with choice strained honey, effect
ing 70 per cent conservation of sugar.
This .substitute sweetening was used
experimentally at first, a small propor
tion being mixed with sugar and the
product1 distributed, i .When retail
dealers reported that the ice cream
was up -to standard quality the pro
portion of honey was increased..,
' Mrg.'J. McCoy, of -Seattle,, is be
lived to be the only woman in Amer
ica who earns a livelihood as a ship
IjverysKoe bearind
mark"0 ue en Oualitjhonestly'
handled and properly fitted ;
by a reliable store, carries' a-
-Double Guarantee
manufacturer ana dealer
stand '..behi'd'eyriprJ
women of America!
Btr tKe
0 u e en Quality tr ade m ark
onyour Spring Shoes "
T h e beautiful paTntn 'Li berty at the left
. . , .: will be showri in thousa'nds of store windows this
v month. It is also shown on the coyer ofthe '.
, Spring Style Book Every American should ' , .
;. see this inspiring work of art.
' ' . i -
, ',.:'..-, , :, ; : " .r . . ' '
Thomas G Plant Company
w -
. Manufacturers
Frank C. Torter returned Satur
day from Ainsworth, where he spent
a week with his foster aunt, Mrs. A.
C. Carpenter.
, Mesdames F. Potter, M. C. Clarty
and M. J. Virtue of Hanscom Park
place were dinner guests of Mrs.; I.
A. Miller Monday. .
Mrs. Mary Hensman arrived on
Monday from Rushville. Neb., on a
visit to her daughter; Mrs. F Whit
tam of West Side.
W. I. Conn returned from'Newcas
tle, Pa.. Monday, where he has been
the las,t month during the sickness
and death of his brother, John Conn,
whom he had not seen for 15 years.
Mrs. M.'J. Virtue and daughters
Eloise and Mary were week-eind
guests of Mrs. Stryker and family m
South Side, v , x . '
Lieutenant Hird Stryker and bride
are here on a short visit lfom Fort
Dodge, la. i . '
The West Side Women's Christian
Temperance union will devote their
semi-monthly meeting on Thursday
to Red Cross work in the Baird build
ing downtown; . ".'."
Mrs. C. Jennings and small son
Homer of Monmouth Park were
week-end guests of Mr.' and Mrs. E.
G. Grover of Eckerman. ,
- The Royal Neighbors with their
farewell reception
nd supper; Wednesday night at the
hall in honor ot Mrs. vv. u uumorc,
who leaves soon 'for her new home
at Plattsmouth. " ' t
, Charles Conn, only sob- of W.; I.
Conn, had a Severe attack of ptomaine
poisoning Monday. ( : ' ,'
Mrs. Frank Hensman. spent; Wed
nesday the guest of her daughters.
Mrs. Frank Thomas, and Mrs. Hoyd
Hens'man, in Monmouth Park.
.. Mrs. H. S. Miller was the week-end
guest of Mesdames J. W. Cress and E.
Fisher, in South Side. .. v t
Miss Stella Evans of, Oakland, Neb.,
who has been, tne guesi or
ti,ct An TiAf Viprnuse it is a fad,
but because they wish to obtain the
..a.f nnpaihlo hnir beauiv and be
sure they . are not using anything
harmful. They have Jound that in
washing the . hair, it is never wise to
Use a makeshift, but it always ad
visable to' use a preparation maae ior
shampooing only. Many of our friends
. nat. tVin bnst TPSultB from E
simple home-made Canthrox-rnkture.
You can usfttnis at a cost oi bmouj, o
cents a shampoo fey getting some Can
throx from your druggist land dissolv
ing a teaspoomui in a cup oi nw,
water. This makes 'enough- shampoo
ih fn nnnlv to all the hair instead
of just the top of the head, as with
i. .. 1. , T . m w. $ A V n A .
most prepnmuuiiB. iauiuii,
oil and dirt are dissolved and entirely
disappear in the rinsing water. Your
hair will be so fluffy that If will look
much heavier than it is. Its luster and
softness will also delight you.Adv.
Tin p
Footwear .
; . ' , - . ' ' ' -.. i ' .
. . f
Buy Wisely!
Best! Look for the
Conn the last three weeks, left fo:
her home Tuesday afternoon.
Glen Webber, who was uijured by
an automobile accident, is now able
to be out of doors again and has be
gun a year's course in Boyles college.
Mrs. Ole Carlsen enjoyed a week
end visit from her "daughter. Miss
Marie, who left Monday night for a
businesst trip' to Western Nebraska.
Herman Feicht of Kansas City is
the week-end guest of J. C.Root and
family on West Center ' street
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davie of West
Side returned Sunday, evening from
their trip to Los Angeles
. Now Located at
304 South 16th Street. "
First National Bank Block
16th and Farnam Sts.
in a
. Hoart '
Call or writ for Iltaitrfctxl CUlot
No. . 90S., Fhon Tjrltfi 204. and ilt imD
will ML , ,
Tha Katlonal
Cradlt Jawaltri
1 ERi Ul iiM 304 s. lata i st
' ' i I
fii $25 Rings. $2.50 a Month Yft
(7 $35 Rings, $3.50 a Month ' I i
fif $40 Rings, $1.00 a Wok 1 I
- $50 Rings, $1.25 a Wood I I
I $75 Rings, $1.85 a Wo.k 1 1
W $100 Ring., $2.50