THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, . MARCH 8, 1918. LAWYER ACCUSES WILSON OF GRAFT, IS CHARGE MADE John W. Graham Arrested by Federal Authorities on Com plaint of Thrift Stamp Salesman. John W. Graham, Omaha lawyer, was arrested by federal authorities Thursday on the charge of violating the espionage act He was released on 5,000 bond for a hearing before United States Commissioner Neely Saturday morning. The complaining witness against Graham is E. Wolverton, an agent for the New York Lite Insurance com cany, who has been selling war sav ing stamps. Wolverton says when he called upon Graham to sell him war savings stamps Graham made the statements cited in the complaint. Wolverton at the office of the United States attorney gave the information which (resulted in the lawyer's arrest The complaint alleges Graham de dared the money derived from the sale of Liberty bonds is used for . gratt; that the training camps ot the ' government are located 5n swamps and that the soldiers are dying fast; that the equipment and establishment of the camps was accompanied by graft on the part of Secretary of War Baker and President Wilson; that there is no government in this coun try at all; that soldiers sent to the .front are without clothes and equip' ment and do not receive proper care; that he was requested to make speeches in Nebraska on the Liberty loan and refused because he conldn't . do so and be truthful. Graham's Version, . "I did not accuse President Wilson and Secretary Baker of graft," said Graham when asked about the charges made against him. "The stamp salesman called upon me and I did make some remarks which I . think he misconst- .ed. With regard to buying war savings stamps, a man may be ever so willing and yet his . pocketbook may not stand the pres ' sure. "As regards the statement, about not making Liberty bond speeches, I received a letter, as all the other lawyers did, asking how much time I could give to making such speeches. The fact that I couldn't find time for that ought not to argue against me I did go over to the court house and devoted a greut deal ot time to help , ing the boys make out their ques tionnaires." Major Henry Akin Arrives . In France With Engineers Dr. Henry Akin of Omaha, now - major m the medical corps of the ISth engineers, is somewhere in trance with his contingent Will H. Clarke, president of the Rotary club, Us received a letter from the major written aboard a transport. , The letter was censored by a nunr ber of big black blotches that obliter ated some words and sentences, oar " ticularly the information as to the harbor at which the ship was ex nected to land. t Major Akin told of a number of r heavy sea storms. One lasted three days," he said, "and the waves rolled 10 to 15 feet high. Many ot the offi cers had to lie awake all night and cling to their bunks to keen from roll ing out For three days the tables could, not be set, and we had to be served on paper plates and squat around on the deck to eat our meals." U. P. Employes to Care for : Interests of Those at War Union Pacific employes are organ izing for the purpose of . caring for the interests of their comrades and associates who have gone to war. A roster of Union Pacific men in serv ice is being prepared and' indications are that it -will contain nearly 1,500 names. : '. Preliminaries incident to organiza tion are being worked out in Omaha and when complete branch organiza tions will be encouraged in towns where there are a sufficient number of employes. NeW Train Service Order , To Cut Schedules Delayed Curtailment of train service in Oma ha probably will not be made for a week or two, Omaha railroad pas senger men now believe. It first was believed the new sched ules would be ready tb go into effect the last of this week or the first of next, but later advices indicate the schedules will not be completely pre pared before nex,t week. It will be several days later before the new running cards will be applied. Clyde Bond Endeavors To Sever Marriage Bond Clyde Bond, 1413 North Twentieth street is suing Gussie Bond for a di vorce in district court He alleges she was expelled from a dance hall. He says her association with other men has humiliated him and declares she does not cook his meals or attend to the housework. City Detective Surprises Friends by Quiet Marriage Edward Brinkman, city defective, was quietly married Wednesday aft ernoon to Miss Edna Minarich, S50 South Twenty-sixth street The wed ding was a complete surprise to his fellow officers, who did not learn of the event until Brinkman returned to the job and passed out the "smokes." Messenger Boy Burned When Lads Play "Practical Joke" Albert Rich, 3109 Briggs avenue, messenger Doy, was burned Ihurs day morning when three other lads poured oil on his foot while he was sleeping and touched a match to it Warrants for the three boys have been issued by police. Bandits Rob Restaurant In Early Morning Holdup Two unmasked bandits walked into the Manhattan restaurant, 1514 Capi tol avenue, early Thursday morning, and forced the proprietor, Leo You, at the point of revolvers to hand over 39. GERMAN LARDER IS WELL STOCKED Americans Returning From Residence in Germany De clare Food Conditions Show Improvement. An Atlantic Port, March 7. Due to a better system of food distribution and more rigid control of food sup plies by means of ration cards the last winter in German; was not so severe on the poor people as was the previ ous winter, according to Miss Eliza beth McCann, an American, who, with her three sTsters, arrived here todaV on a Danish steamship. They left Germany last December, she said. after residing in that country for 14 years, and were on their way to make their1 home in Philadelphia. "The people are hoping for peace to come soon. Miss McCann said. J do not believe there will be an uoris ing of any consequence as long as the war lasts, for the Germans apparently nave every conhdence they will win. We made our home in Hamburg and we were practically interned from the day America entered the war. "The German, people know America has joined the other nations against them, but they seem to believe what they have been told that enough American soldiers to help the allies to any extent will not be able to cross the' Atlantic." Two other Americans on the ship who left Germany the same month were Mr. and Mrs. I" red Rente of De troit Mr. Rente, who was representa tive at bhoneburg, a town near Mag' deburg, for an American manufactur ing company, said that food was scarce and closely rationed, but that there was plenty for those who had money to pay for it FEDERAL AGENTS FIND WIRELESS SET IN NEW YORK New York, March 7. A dis mantled wireless apparatus which had not been reported in accordance with orders issued by the govern ment several months ago, was found by officers of the army intelligence bureau, who yesterday made another search of Bethel Home, the head quarters in Brooklyn of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract society .and of the International Bible Students' association, it was announced today. Both organizations formerly were Headed by "Pastor" Russell. The apparatus was not seized. 1 he search was made in connection with the federal investigation of a volume of papers taken in a raid on Bethel home and the Brooklyn tabernacle, another Russellite establishment, ten days ago. This examination is be ing conducted, it is said, to determine whether the records contain seditious matter. Officers who found the wireless plant said they were met at the door of Bethel Home by a man who said he was Joseph R. Rutherford, suc cessor to .""Pastor" Russell, .as head of the several religious organizations. He told them the aparatus had been installed for the amusement ot a number of young members of the Russell sect who live at the nome. Earl Reading Hands ' Bouquet to President Mpw Vrtrk March 7. A hieh tnb ute to President Wilson was paid by T?orl Psd;nr (IrM Britain's snetial ambassador to the United States, in an address which he made here today r - .. 1 in the presence 01 mempers 01 ti MArrtiants association, which gave a luncheon at which he was guest of honor. Asserting that he douDted wnetner it mi rcalizpri in Kurnnn how Signal was the moral force in this country in the prosecution ot war tor iiDerty and "a hicrhr mnrai imp vat inn lor numan- itv." Earl Reading declared of the president: "We in Europe have learnea to iook n Wilenn'a wnrrta and to cherish them as representing to us the un alterable determination of America, once fit has commenced to war in winHiratinn nf richt. never to sheath the sword until it has conquered." U. S. Officials Suspended For Army Liquor Views Washington. March 7. Assistant United states Attorney John Dougherty and Deputy United States Marshal Williams of Rock Island, 111., have been suspended for 30 days for lack'of sympathy with the policy of the Department of Justice regarding the sale of liquor and enforcement of the law in vice zones adjacent to army camps. Liberty Bond Bank Will Be Erected on Court House Grounds Liberty bonds will be sold in a miniature bank, which will be erected on the couth house grounds. This novel stunt is sponsored by the National League for Woman's Service, which wiU work under the ' women's committee headed by Mrs. E. M. Fairfield. Mrs. William Archibald Smith and Mrs. Milton Barlow will be in charge of the little bank, which is I to be patterned after the one in Madison Square garden in the last campaign. Committees of 25 wo men will assist each day of the cam paign. The men's committee is already coaching the women who will help in the art of salesmanship. Work on the construction of the Liberty bank will soon be started. Mayor Dahlman and city and county authorities have given per mission to the women to establish their bank. ' WhenTired Of Common Corn Flakes TRY THE CHOICEST says ostst T0ASTIES CHILDREN'S Spring Dresses at 75c Mothers will find this a splendid opportunity to buy new Spring wash dresses for the children, and at such a low price, too. Made of per cale and gingham, in novel effects; good washing col ors. Very special at 75c. Burfui-Nuh Co. Dowa Stair Star L domes everybody store" dWMK Thursday, March 7, 1918. t Stor Nw for Friday Phone D. 137. I Another Wonderful Value -Giving Day Scheduled for Friday in the DOWN STAIRS ST0R ROMPERS for the Children, 39c A special lot of rompers and bloomer sets in wash materials, plaids, checks, plain cream, trimmed in pink and blue; age 2 to 6 years. Special at 39c. Burftu-Nuh Co. Dowa Stair Star DAINTY Silk Camisoles, at 59c Beautifully trimmed silk camisoles, silk taped, in pink and white. All put in one big lot and priced at the extremely low price of 59c. Burf i-Nuh Co. Dowa Stair Ster Here's a Remarkable Offering of Silk Remnants for Friday in the Down Stairs Store FRIDAY we will place on sale a large assortment of silk remnants, in lengths from 1 to 5 yards. The entire selection has been placed in one big lot and reduced to 98c a yard. The lot includes the following weaves: 1 36-inch silk poplin in all shades Canton crepe in pretty plain shades, 36 inch Fancy silk with attractive figures, 36 inch 32-inch, plain and figured pongee Messaline, in all the plain shades, 27 inch Tub silk, 31 inches wide, dainty stripes 36-inch, heavy white Jap wash silk Burg m?Nib. Co. Down Stair Star Choice at 98c a Yard T5r L S3? i DOY Pants Special Friday: - at 98c O PLENDID wearing pants for the young sters for school o r play. They come in eray. 'salt and pepper , and fancy weaves, in wool and cotton mixtures; ages 6 to 17 years. You should , buy several vain at such an extremely low price as 98c. BurfMa-Nuh Co. Dowa Stair Stor WOMEN'S Dainty Spring Blouses 69c Made, of good quality voile and other new wash materials. Plain white, with lace on collar and cuffs. Some solid color, also striped. Extreme values at 69e. ... i- ... . Burt-Nah Co Down Stair Stor T! 'RIMMED Muslin Corset Covert 35c A large assortment of mus lin corset covers which are trimmed with lace or embroid ery. New styles and all sizes, at SSe. i .. ". . Burf i-Nntti Co. Down Stair Stor Women Seldom Have the Chance to Purchase New Spring Suits 95 at $12 AND they will not over look this wonderful of fer for Friday in the Down Stairs Store. i We have 'just received these new suits, which are made of serge, strictly tail ored, with pleated effect over .the hips and have either self or silk collars. The suits are in navy and black two most popular spring shades. Button trimmings are one of the attractive features of these suits. You will find just the suit that you are looking for, and Friday you can benefit- by this special price pf $12.95. Bttrf-Nb Co.- -Dowa Stair Star WOOL Goods Remnants. 59c and 98c Remnants of wool goods, in plain colors, checks and plaids, IK to 5 yards in a piece; suitable for dresses and skirts, 36 to 50 inches wide. Special at 59c and 98c. v BurfMi-Nuh Co. Down Stair Stor WOMEN'S Pink Mesh Brassier, at 39c One big lot of brassiers, made of pink mesh, open in back and with strap over shoul der. For Friday at 39c each. BurfMS-Nash Co. Dowa Stair Stor WOMEN'S House Aprons. Special, $1.25 A large purchase of these house aprons and breakfast sets allows us to offer them to you at a very special price. A va riety of patterns and materials. Choice $1.25. Burfts-Nah Co. Down Stair Star JL You Will Consider These Pretty New House Dresses Extreme Values at $1.00 WHEN you see this wonderful assortment of house dresses which we will place on sale Friday in the Down Stairs Store, you will wonder how it is possible to mark them at such a ridiculously low price. j It is a special purchase of new spring models, including a few Mina Taylors, which we bought and are offering to you in the same way at a great price reduction. The lot includes fleeced lined dresses; also percales, in light and dark colors, broken sizes. i Wonderful values at $1.00. Burrsi-NMh C. Dowa Stair Stor T SWISS and Nainsook Embroidery, 10c Edges, insertions, headings and galloons of Swiss and nain sook embroidery. Special value at 10c yard. C AMPLE Handker " chiefs at 5c Each Women's sample handker chiefs, plain white, colored edges and embroidery corners, 5c each. M EN'S Union Suits Special 59c and 89c Lisle and balbriggan, with short and long sleeves, knee and full lengths; also athletics of nainsook. Friday, in two groups, 59c and 89c. VAL LACES, Very Special, 3c Yard A generous assortment of val lade edges and insertions, spe cially priced for Friday at 3c a yard. DEAUTIFUL Em broideries Friday, 5c Embroidery edges, insertions and beading, alh in one big lot Your choice Friday at 5c yard. PRETTY Mercerized Prints at 10c Gingham effect, pretty plaids and stripes, in mill ends up to 10 yard lengths. Special for Friday at 10c. SALE of Soaps and Cleansers 3 packages Lux, 35c. Golden Rod washing powder, for 25c. ! Toilikleen, can 19e. ' Sani Flush, can, 20c. Diamond C Soap, cake, 4 c. Pearl White Soap, cake 5c ' Fel's Naphtha laundry soap, 7c. White Borax naphtha soap 4Je Old Dutch Cleanser, can, 9 He. Victoria Cleanser, 2 for 9c. Ivory Soap, small, 7c Borax Chips, small pkg., 10c. tight House Cleanser, can, 5c. Beat 'Em All laundry soap, 5 Vie No mail orders or phone or ders and no deliveries, except when bought with other goods on a transfer. 4, Burf cM-Nuk Co. -Down Stair Star Fashion Says, "New Hats" So We Offer Friday-New Spring Hats In the Down Stairs Store At 3.98 SHOW ROOM samples, bought at a tremendous sacrifice. New individual shapes including: Large Li sere Sailors, Dainty Poke Bonnets, Shiny Watteau Sailors, Small Nifty Turbans 1 A collection worthy of your approval. You will find a much larger assortment than you think for. Besides the straws you will find some combined "with the finest quality georgette crepe, black and all colors. Burg M-Nh Co .Down Stair Star Extra Special ' For Friday A Big Sale of Women's, Men's, Boys' and Girls' Sample Shoes-in the Down Stairs Store IN addition to this wonderful assortment of r sample shoes, which we are offering for Friday, we have added all of our odd pairs and short lines of shoes for men, women, boys and girls, giving you a splendid selec tion from which to choose. At $3.95 ' Women's high cut lace novelty boots, sam ple pairs ; extreme values at the price. At $3.45 Sample pairs and short lines of women's high shoes, including black kid skin, gun metal and patent kid. Splendid values. At $1.19 Women's high shoes; pumps and ox fords. All sample, shoes and odd pairs. Very specially priced for Friday. At $4.85 , . ..One big lot of men's sample shoes of genuine black calf skin, tan Russia calf, oak tan leather and Rinex soles. Wonder ful values. : , .' At $2.45 Buris-Nah Co. Children's and misses' school and dress shoes; sample and short lines' , in all leathers. Choice $2.45 and $2.85. At $2.65 'Boys' play and school shoes of black velour calf, solid leather soles, button and lace. Samples. In two groups, $2.65 and $2.95. Down Stair Stor COLORED Madras Skirting at 19c 82 inches wide,; in pretty stripes in a variety of colors; mill ' ends; splendid values alt 19c a yard. . ' ASSORTMENT of Plisse Crepe, 22xzc A special section of Windsor plisse crepe in dainty floral de signs'. For ; Friday ' we have priced it at 22 He a yard. 4 ' ' MILL Ends of Ginghaihti 29c Large plaids ' and y fancy stripes, in mill ends, up to 20 yard lengths, 32 inches , wide; special for Friday at 29c yard. rANCY Dress 1 Percale at 21c ! Friday we place on sale a new line of fancy dress per cales, about 75 different styles. While they last, at 21c yard.'. fOTTON Union V V Suit at 39c ; Women's lightly fleeced, long sleeves, ankle length union suits; heavy fleeced vests and pants, size 34; also odd lots of children's suits at 39e each. , , WOMEN'S Union ' Suits, Special 98c White cotton union suits, ankle length, medium weight; odd lots and soiled from (die-' play. Special, at 98c a suit. - NECKBAND Shirts; Very Special, 69c A cleanup of men's neckband ; shirts in a variety of patterns. For Friday, very special at 69c. MEN'S Half Hose ' : at 19c Pair : Hickory brand hose for men, known for their splendid wear ing quality, in gray and palm beach. Specially priced at .19c. a pair. . , . V" . V. : PLASTIC Top Cor "sets, Special $1.25 Made of firm pink ; coutil, with two ' pair supporters, double boning, free his; sizes 19 to 28. Very special Friday at $1.25. ' ? i. ft W II 3? t