Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1918, Page 4, Image 4
BRITISH LABOR IIORLS OEFIAT PRUSSIAN LOROS Henderson, in Election Cam paign, Appeals for Abolition ; of Secret Diplomacy and End of Militarism. (By Asaodatea1 Tnn.) - Londop, March 5.--The campaign for the next general election al ready has begun. Arthur Henderson, secretary of the labor party, ad Iressed a meeting last night in East 1am, making a strong appeal for the ibolition of secret diplomacy, for peace by conciliation and a league )f nations. v . - . He said that before the war be jan the people had entrusted foreign lffairs to statesmen and diplomatists ind were paying dearly for their Tie-fleet- It had t' be recognised that 30 greater disaster had occurred during the war-than the fatal omis lion to do the; utmost to keep Pre mier Kerenskyi and his government In power in Russia. .The people must e on their guard against a repetition f the same fatal policy over a wider ield. a.-: v 4 It Is h'ghiy improbable; Mr. Hen derson declared, that the war: can be ended by a decisive Prussian military triumph, but it might ;cud by a pro cess of exhaustion.. .v. ( ;,' , J. Urges Conciliation. . v ' There, remains," he said, a third- al-ternative-J-a -i policy of cottcilation through the combined forces of labor and socialism to - obtain ft real people's peace. That did not mean a surrender to the enemy or patched up peace, or peace at any price, nor , that the people are willing to con done German brutality or to leave Germany with all its power for mis chief unimpaired.. ! " , What the policy of concilatlon meant was the destruction of militar ism, not only in Germany but every where. ' fj ,V " ' ' i V Mr. Henderson then recited the well-known war aims of the labor ?arty, including a league of nations, le said that such ft league, implied , the complete democratization of the machinery of government In all countries, the suppression of the greed of diplomacy and the' publica tion of treaties, which must never contravene the stipulation -of the leatrue of nations. It meant the con certed abolition of compulsory mili tary service in all countries, limita tion of armaments and abandonment of an economic .boycott or of finan cial or commercial isolation of Ger many. . . - v-7 . ' -Struggle In Germany. The sneaker ouoted a recent speech of Fhilipp Scheidemann, the German socialist leader, and articles in the socialist ' Vorwaerts proving that there was a struggle in the central powers . between the military caste with the fortes of democracy. ' "We must tell the German social ists" Mr, Henderson continued, "that we have done our part. Whether the struggle is to terminate soon or is to be" indefinitely prolonged depends largely upon how soon they can pro . duce ft change of mentality in their government. When they induce their government to accept the broad hu man principles which inspire the pro posala of allied labor and socialism, then a world peace is insured. McAdco to Start Campaign For Old Discarded Jewels New York, March 4. A national campaign to indues people to sur render discarded jewelry for sale for the benefit of the personal needs of army and navy avjators, was an nounced here today by the treasure and trinket fund of the national spe cial aid society's aviation committee. Since September first about $40,000 has been raised privately throuah the sale of contributed jewelry. The trin- zia iu oc asscmoica curing inc puo lie campaign will be bought by the United States assay office to be dis posed of at an Easter sale conducted hjtre by the committee, v Churchill Expects Attacks on j Western Line in Few Days Xondon. March 4. Winston Spen cer Churchill, speaking at the Mansion hbuse todav at a meeting n( th An. gto-French society in celebration of tne anniversary ot verdun, said: " "In a few weeks, perhaps a few davs. the German mint attack nn th west front or expose the fact that uiey are incompetent to deliver a great offensive. In the hush before this impending event it is pleasant to reflect that our army is stronger and better equipped than ever before.'' Oakland Sends Patriotic ! Message to? President Oakland, Neb, March 4. (Special iciegranw "uawand and territory stands behind yoq unitedly for the successful DfOSfCUtion of ttl wir" was the tenor of a message ordered tent to rresiaent wnson at an en thXisiastic mass meeting here tonight Dr. W. H. Mullen of Rlnnmfli.M 4. livened a patriotic address under the auspices ot tne nome guards. A big Kea wosssaiewiUPe Held soon. Food Dictator Would Use Telegraph Poles on Teutons Philadclph a, March 4. "We will not be a strictly free people untii iu.uuu uerman propagandists in this state have been hanged to telegraph ooles. and shot full of hoi" This statement was made today by no war a neinz, teaerai tood admin istrator for Pennsylvania, at ft lunch eon of food officials. Adams Men Go Tuesday. Hastings, Neb, March 4. (Special Telegram.) Forty draft; men, who will leave Tuesday for Camp Funston, were guests of the Chamh merce at luncheon today. The fare well address to the hnv n Sliv ered by Rev. T. P. Thiel, who used for his text the French challenge at Ver dun They Shall Not Pass." and said the men who go from Nebraska this week will play their part in bringing ucuuau military ooasis 10 naugrtt. ' Pictures of Washington, Lincoln and Wilson were unveiled and . triotism was at high pitchy Y pa- " 'Bee Want Ads : Bring Results. SEIZE GREAT WIRELESS PLANT FOUND Off ROOF OF NEW YORK BUILDING (By Associated Press.) New York, March 4. Wireless apparatus sufficiently powerful to communicate with Germany, which was in the possession of Richard Pfund, once manager of the German Telefunken plants at Sayville, N. Y, and Tuckerton, N. J, was seized yesterday by federal officials, it became known today. The outfit was found in the tower of the office building at 111 Broadway. ' The raid was made by United States government agents. They were refused admission by 'Pfund, who occupies the four floors of the tower as a laboratory. He said he was doing experimental work for the navy and that they had no right to interfere. He unlocked the door only when the officer, threatened to break it ' Pfund is said to have made an explanation concerning the presence of the apparatua, but the nature of it has not been disclosed. He was not taken into custody, although it is understood the inquiry has not been completed. His assertion that he had been doing work for the navy was verified, but no announcement was made as to its nature. SEES PEACE . HERTLIHG TALK Marquis of Lansdowne De- clares German Chancellor Shows Inclination to Meet ). ' Entente Half Way. London, March 5. In the view of the Marquis of Lansdowne, expressed in a letter to the Daily Telegraph, the recent speech of Chancellor von Hertling marks a perceptible advance in peace discussions. Lord Lans downe thmks it atl the more remark able because "the speech may be regarded as a kind of rejoinder to the depressing announcement recently made some ot us think rather gra tuitouslyby the Versailles confer ence." - ' " Lord Lansdowne notes that the German chancellor regarded the speech made by Viscount Milner on February 21 as more conciliatory than that made recently by Walter Runci man, former president of the board of trade, and Lansdowne seems by implication to agree with count von Hertling. , ' ' Agrees With Wilson. k Four points of Von Hertling! speech are selected by Lord Lans downe for comment First, is the chancellor's wish for an intimate meeting of the belligerents. Lord Lansdowne interprets this to mean a small informal meeting, not of pleni potentiaries, but of persons author ized to discuss confidentially the pos sibility of a more formal conference. He refers approvingly to the opinion of Foreign Secretary Balfour that it would be unwise to begin negotia tions unless some preliminary agree ment exists, and asks how such ft pre-: liminary agreement is to be reached without preliminary' conversations. Meeting of Belligerents. The second point is Von Hertling's admission that peace can be discussed on the basis of , President Wilson' four orinciDles. This, sava Lord Lansdowne, is satisfactory as far as goes, but he maintains that we are entitled to scrutinize the manner in which these principles have, been applied by Germany.". ' '.. . The third point is the chancellor's assurance tits t he would greet joy fully and co-operate gladly with an Impartial court of international ar bitration. Lord Lansdowne says this statement may oe welcomed and re calls that Mr. Balfour made ft similar utterance. - The fourth nolnt la Von Herttintr'i Intimation that Germany does notN think of retaining Belgium, together with the chancellor's references to the papal note and to the utilization of Belgium as jumping off ground for uermarnys enemies. Lord Lansdowne points out that the material passage in the papal note upon which Von Hertling apparently relies, insists that Germany evacuate Belgium. Buffalo County People Bid Army Boys Farewell Kearney. Neb.. March 4 fSnerial Telegram.) Seventeen hundred Buf- taio coui.ty people crowded into the opera house this afternoon to bid a community farewell to the 23 men who representee the last IS per cent of the draft array auota from this district. Addresses were made by Anna Cald- weii, ot tne Normal faculty, rrofessor Ralph I.Touer also of that school, and Rev. O. Keve, pastor of the Methodist church. The Council of Defense was in charge. E. P. Mcdermott nresidinir in the absence of Judge W. D. Oldham. ihe boys left for C? Tip Funston this evening, cheering crowds bidding them farewel! at the depot Women Married to Aliens Cannot Vote in Gotham New York. March 4. -Women horn in the United States but married to aliens and who registered for the four specir .ngressional elections in this city v be challenged at the poll tomo: according to a statement Issued tonigh' by Frederick T. Mar shall, state superintendent of elec tions. He explained that manv women of this class haJ registered, ignorant of the fact that "the United States re vised statuto distinctly states that any American woman marrying a for eigner shall take the citizenship of her husband." This law, he added, applies also to women whose hus bands have merely obtained their first papers. , - Start New Buildings. , Camp Cody N. M.. March 4. (Special Telegram.) Major Fred erick P. Simonds, quartermasters' corps, is here to start the million dollar's worth of buildings planned for this camp. ' The first will be six two-story wards at the base hospital to cost f50,000 and the Liberty theater. ' Olemmons Back From East. (From Btff Correspondent.) Lincoln,' March 4. (Special) State Superintendent Gemmons is back from his trip to Atlantic City, where he went to attend a meeting of state superintendents in connection with the National Education asso ciation. Nurse Supply Ample. . Washington, March 24. With 200,- IKW trained nurses m the United States, and 13,000 more being gradu ated annually, Surgeon - General Goriras todav advised the senate .that the supply of nurses for the .army at THE BEE : OMAHA WEDNESDAY, MARCH Norway Protest to Britain For Seizure of Cruiser Christjania, March 4. Norway has protested to Great Britain against the seizure by a British cruiser of the Ger man steamer Dusseldorf. The protest says the steamer was taken in Norwcr gian waters and demands the release of both the vessel and her crew, A dispatch from Trondhjm, Feb ruary 23, said the Dusseldorf had been captured by a British auxiliary cruiser while on its way from Trom soe to Stettin. April Probable Date of Next Draft Movement Washington, March 5. Announce ment of the date of the next draft is imminent. The provost marshal gen eral's office has prepared an "import ant announcement," which is be lieved to deal with the time and method of summoning the second levy. The best opinion is that' the first of the men will move to camp in April. - House Makes It Crime to Circulate Faise jteports Washington, ' March 4. The hill making it a crime to wilfully nuke or convey false reports of statements to obstruct the government's sale ot bonds or other securities, or loans by or to the United States, was passed today by the house. It awaits action by the senate. Western Timber Workers Vote To Oust I. W.WsFrom Ranks . Seattle, Wash , . March 4. An- nouncement was made today that 60. representatives of Oregon and Wash ington timber workers' and shingle weavers' unions at a meeting here voted to oust Industrial Workers of the World from the ranks, r . : Department Order. Waihlngton, March 4. (Special Tela gram.) Phillip M. Carrie hue been ap pointed clerk ef the poetofflce In Kearney; Clark a Pine, letter carrier at York, Neb. Klnt Lieutenant Edward S. Johnson, medical reeerve eorpe, ta anlgned to Fort Dei Motnee, la. Nuxated Iron Should Be Used In Everjr Hospital arid Prescribed by Every Physician SAYS FORMER HEALTH COM MISSIONER WILLIAM R. KERR Attributes his own great physical activity today at over 60 years of age largely to his personal use of Nuxated IronIt will increase the strength and endurance of delicate, nervous, run-down folks in ten days', time in many instances. Opinions ef Dr. James Francis Sul livan, formerly phyalcian of Belleruo Hospital (Outdoor Dept.) N. Y. and tht WaitchctUr County Hospital, Dr. Schuyler C. Jaquas, Visiting Surgeon St. Eiisabath Hospital, New York, Dr. A, J. Newman, Former Houso Sur geon, Jefferson Park Hospital, Chi cago, and other physicians who have tested Nuxated Iron in their private practice. own la . eommentlnr on . the statement of Former Health' Commissioner Kerr In regard to the widesprrad us of Nuxsted Iran Dr. James Francis Sullivan, formerly physician ol Bellevoe Hospital (Outdoor Dept.), N. Y., and the Westchester County Hospital, said: '"Commissioner Kerr Is to be commended on hsndinr out this statement on Nuxsted Iron for public print Thsrs art thousands of men and women who need a strength and blood builder, but do not know what to take. In my opinion, there is nothing better than or ranis iron Nuxsted Iron for enriching the blood and helping to increass the strength and endurance of men and women ha hum up too rapidly their nervous energy in the strenuous strain of the great business com. petition of the dsy. I have strongly em phasised the great necessity of physicians making blood examinations of their weak, ansemie, run-down patients. Thousands of persons go on veer after rear suffering from physical weakness and a highly nervous condition due to lack of sufficient iron in their red blood corpuscles, without ever realising the real and true causa of their trouble. Without iron in your blood your food merely passes through the body, somewnar like corn through an old mil! with rollers so wide apart that the -mill cant grind. "But la my opinion you cant make strong, vigorous, successful, sturdy iron men by feeding them on metallic Iron. The old forms of metal lie iron must go through a semUdigestive preeess to transform them into organic iron Nuxated Iron before they are so reedy to be taken up and assimilated by the experience witn nux ated Iron I feel that it is auch a valuable remedy that it ought to be used in every hospital, and pre scribed by every phy sician in this country." human system. Dr. A. J. Newman, late Police Surgeon of the City of Chicago and Former House 8ur geon, Jefferson Park Hospital. Chicago, in commenting on the value ef Nuxated Iron, said: "This remedy has proven through my own tests of it to excel any remedy I have ever used for creating red blood, building up the nerves, strengthening the muselee and correcting digestive disorders. The manufac turers are to be congratulated in baving given to the public a long felt want a true tonic, supplying iron in aa easily digested snd assimilated form. A true health builder in every sense of the word." Dr. E. Ssuer, a Boston Physician, who has studied both In this country and in great European Medical Institutions, was asked what he thought ot Commissioner Kerr's remarks. In reply he said: "I fully agree that people need mors Ironas I have said a hundred times over, I regard organic iron aa one of the greatest of all strength builders. If people would only take Nuxated Iron when they feel weak or run-down, in stead of dosing themselves with habit-form-rag drags, stimulants and alcoholic bever agee. I am convinced that there are thous ands who might readily build up their red blood corpuscle, increase their physical en ergy and get themselves into a condition to lward off the millions of disease germs that PERSHING SENDS NAMES OF HEROES KILLEDJN RAID Ten Sammies Give, Up Life; Twenty-two Are Seriously Wounded as Result of German Raids. , (Br AsMetatod Ftcm.) Washington,' March 5. General Pershing reported to the War de partment today the names of the men killed in action March 1, the day of a German assault on an American trench sector. The name of a lieu tenant and four men killed the same day, previously ' has been reported. The dead are: . Names of Dead. First Lieutenant Stewart W. Hoo ver, infantry, Blackfoot, Idaho. Privates: Russell A. Murr, Napa, Cal. . Chris Busch, Napa, CaL William Fair, Milan, Pa. Fred Gard, friend Hans T. Larson, Crosby,. N. D. Edward H McNulty, 3917 North Ninth street St. Louis. Matthews D. Souza, Sato Antas, Azores Islands. Claude W. Keller, Glenburn, N. D. Lloyd S. Miller, Commerce, Mo. Frank Midak, friend John J. Davis, Minot, N. D. Corporal Homer J. Wheaton, Syra cuse, N. Y., and Private Lawrence A. Lacasse, Woburn, Mass., were killed February 27. Private Alfred Annunziata, Brook lyn, has died from wounds received on March 1. Seriously Injured. Captain John D. von Holtzendorff, field artillery, Brunswick, Ga., and First Lieutenant Ralph H. Blake, Sapulpa, Okta., and the following privates were severely wounded on that day: ' William Richter, Chicago. John L. Bray, Drum, Ky. William F. Woodhouse, Conway, Ark. , Jacob T.' Lemmens, Newark, N. J. warren M. Bowen, Morristown, Ga. Kennard H. Hill, Bates, Ark. Demetric G. Hatzidakis, 116 Eniz inea street, San Francisco. Willie L. Romine, Silva. N. D . Theodore Wong, Sanish, N. D. Maryan Gawlik, Chicago. Henry E. Orange, Gordonville, renn. Slightly Wounded. The slightly wounded were: Corporal Thomas J. McCabe, Brook lyn; and privates: Shellle Moxley, Laurel Springs, N. Ce ' V Bruno Urban, St. Louis. William A. Kenna, Orange. N. J. Willie Brockleman, Council Grove, Kan. . , Oscar Pflasterer, St. Louis. Ralph J. Meyer, St. Louis "As Health Commissioner of the City ol Chicago, I was Im portuned many times to recommend different medicines, mineral waters, etc. Never yet have I gone on record as favoring any particular remedy, but I feel that in Nuxated Iron an exception should be made to the rule. I have taken Nuxated Iron myself and experienced its health-flying, strength-building effect, and in the interests of the public welfare, I feel It my duty to make known the results ef Its use. I am well past my three score years and want to say that I believe my own great physical activity la due largely today to my use of Nuxated Iron and if my endorse ment shall induce anaemic, nervous, run-down men and women to take Nuxated Iron, and receive the wonderful tonic benefits which I have received. I shall feel greatly gratified that I made an ex- ' cepthm to my life-long rule in recommending it From my own Former Health Commissioner, City of Chicago. ' are almost continually around us. It is sur prising how many people suffer from Iron deficiency and do not know it "If you are not strong or well you owe It to yourself to make the following test: See how long you can work or how far yon can walk without becoming tired. Next take two five-grain tablets of ordinary Nuxated Iron three times per day after meals or two weeks. Then test your strength again tnd see how much you have gained. I have seen dosens. of nervous, run-down people a ho were ailing all the while increase their strength and endurance in from ten to fourteen days' time while taking iron in the proper form. And this after they had In some ease been going on for months without gating benefit from anything. Many an ath lete and prise-fighter Ims won the day simply because he knew the secret of great strength and endurance which comes from having plenty ef iron in the blood, while many an other has gone down in inglorious defest simply for lack of iron." Dr. T. Alphonsus Wallace, a physician of many years' experience in this country and who has been given many honorary titles in England, says : "I- do not make a practice of recommending advertised medicinal products, hut I found Nuxated Iron so potent in nerv ous, run-down conditions that I believe all 6, 1918. Carl Larsen, Ram Bonholm. Den mark. Steve Janicek, Chicago. Henry Kinst, St Charles, 111. Corporal Arthur C. Trayer of Free- port. N. Y and frivate jonn Lyons of Cedarhurst, N. Y., were severely wounded February 27. and Corpora Robert A. Eddy and Private Henry Kerr of Willingford, Vt, were slightly wounded the same day. General Pershing also reported that Private Cecil D. McKenry of George town, Tex., died from gun shot wounds received March 1. Private Wallace Hatchard of Columbia Falls, Mont., died March 3 from "trauma tism by fire arms." Mob'Attempts to Lynch Negro; Foiled by Bars Norman, Okl., March 4. A mob of about 50 oersons attempted to take Charles Holden. being, held here for murder, from the county jail today, after announcing their intention of lynching him. The mob overpowered the jailer and reached Holden's cell but failing to open it with keys taken from the jailer, tried to shoot the lock with' a -revolver. A glancing bullet struck Holden in the head m iuring him slightly. The mob then gradually dispersed. Holden is being held here charged with the murder of Deputy Sheriff Grover Fulkerson, when that officer attempted to intercept an automobile loaded with whiskey near here last summer. Birth Control Advocate to . Cool Heels in Ohio Jail Cleveland. O., March". 4. Ben R. Reitman, birth control propagandist will have to serve several months in the work house and pay a fine of 51,000 imposed on htm two years by Police Judge Cull, unless he appeals to a higher court. The court of ap peals today upheld the police court decision. Reitman. now living in Chicago, was arrested while a temporary resi dent of Cleveland, charged with hav ing distributed circulars advocating birth control. Germans Grab Platinum Supply All Over Russia Washington, March 4. Germany is taking advantage of the peace nego tiations with Kussia to ' buy every available ounce of platinum, according to advices received today by 'the American government. Officials said today, that undoubtedly the Ger mans were badly in need of platinum, but their intention doubtedless was also to keep the United States and other allies from obtaining the im portant metal. . Five Members of Train -Crew Killed in Wreck Lewistown, Mont., March 4. Dur ing the severe snow storm today, a Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paul freight train, west -bound, collided with a pile driver work train near Shawmut, between Harlowton and Roundup, and five men were killed, while several more were injurd. All but . one of the dead were members of the pile driver crew. Former Health Commis sioner Kerr has given years of his life fighting for pub lic health . in his own and other cities. It was he who introduced Antl -toxin for Diphtheria in C h I e a g e's Health Department. He puri fied the milk for the Con sumers and thereby helped to save the lives of thous ands of babies. He introduc ed the anti-spitting ordi nance which has been copied all over the country. He Is positive that the widespread use of Nuxated Iron would greatly lessen the worries and. troubles of Health Com missioners In keeping up a high standard of public health. - should know ef it The men and women of today need more iron in their blood than was the ease twenty or thirty years ago. This be cause of the demineralised : - : " diet which now is served daily in thousands of homes and also be cause of the demand for greater resistance necessary to offset the greater number of health haxards to be met at every turn. Dr. Schuyler C Jaques, Visiting Surgeon of St Elizabeth's Hospital, Mew York, was also asked what hs thought of Nuxated Iron. In reply. Dr. Jaques said: "I have never be fore given out any medical information or advice for publication, as I ordinarily do not believe in it But in the case of Nuxated Iron, I feel I would be remiss in my duty not to mention it I' have taken it myself and have given it to my patients with most surprising and satisfactory results. And those who wish quickly to increase their strength, power and endurance will find it a most remarkable and wonderfully effective remedy. - NOTE Nuxated Iroo. which hss been ued by Foraisr Hssith Commissioner Kerr with such surprts Ins results, sod which is prescribed sad nconuiHMded hove by phnicis. Is not a secret remedy, but en WMca Is weu Known to drufslsu everywhere. Unlike tlit elder Inorfsnic tree products. It Is esstly a slmilsied. dots eat injur U weth, Mk the Mark aoe- arwt .the- steaMce.- The nunafutarers fusrsate surveasful and entirely ttfactry results to every purchaser or they will rrftind your n-'titv. It la du renaed in this cltr hr Nherman A Krrnnnell Drug vth. auu ur mu w (vuwuHS.Aarruttinsufc GERMANY TAKES BIG SLICE OUT OF WEST RUSSIA Slav Armies Must Evacuate Three Provinces Demanded by Invaders and Cede Anatolia to Turkey. Amsterdam, March 5.The peace treaty signed between the four cen tral powers and Russia, according to a dispatch received here from Berlin, says the powers mentioned "have agreed to terminate the state of war and bring about peace at quickly as possible" and that, therefore, the plenipotentiaries signed the following articles: TO UVE IN PEACE. "First, the central powers and Rus sia declare .he state of war between them to be terminated and are re solved henceforth to live in peace and friendship with one another. "Second, tht contracting nations will refrain from all agitation or provocation against other signatory governments and undertake to share the populations of the regions occu pied by the powers of the quadruple entente. . TO HAVE NO VOICE. "Third, the regions lying west of the line agreed upon by the contract ing parties, and formerly belonging to Kussia. shall no longer be under the Russian sovereignty. It is agreed that the line agreed upon forms an essential part of the peace treaty. The fixing of the line V. .L- . HI 1- -.i,-J .t. in ine.wcsi'Wiu oe sciucu m iue German-Russian mixed commission. The regions in question will have no obligation whatever toward Russia, arising from their former relations thereto. Russia undertakes to re frain from all interferences in the in ternal affairs of these territories and to let Germany and Austria deter mine the future late of these terri tories in agreement with their popu lations. Three States Go. 'Fourth. Germany,' and , Austria agree, when a general peace is con Lift Out Your Corns ICE-MINT THE NEW DISCOVERY ENDS I ' AU. Foot Troubles This new discovery, made from a Javanese product, is certainly a wonder the way it draws ont Inflammation from a pair of swol len, burning, aching feet It takes the sore ness right out, then the eorn or callous shrivels and lifts off. Hard corns, soft corns or corns between the toes just shrivel op and lift off so easy. It is wonderful. Just think! Not one bit of psin while applying Ice-mint or afterwards. It doesn t even Irritate tne surrounding sum. Yon will never hive to est a eorn again and ran the risk of blood poison. Say good- by to your old eorn salve, plasters and bundl ing tape, for that pet eorn of yours is sure to be a "goner" if it ever feels the magic touch of lee-mint. ' It imoarts sueh a delightful, soothing. eoollnt feeling to tits feet that too will sigh; with relief. .' Ice-mint is the' real Japanese secret for fine, healthy little feet It prevents foot odors and keeps them sweet and comfortable. It Is greatly appreciated by women who wear high heel shoes. Just ask In any drug store for a little Ice-mint and give your poor, suffering, tired, swollen feet the treat of their lives. It costs little and there is nothing better. -Adv. COUGHS AND COLDS QUICKLY RELIEVED Dr. King's New Discovery sold since Grant was President t at fifty cents. That was fifty years ago. In all the years since millions of colds have been checked by it, coughs relieved, grippe vanquished, croupy children eased. Dr. King's New Discovery is very effective m checking the develop ment of an oncoming cold or the advance of a neglected one. It soothes the tortured throat, loos ens congested chest and dissipates the tight-packed phlegm. Standard for young and old as a faithful remedy for an enemy of new and old coughs and colds and kindred attacks. Try it today. CREAM FOR CATARRH - OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tells How To Get Quick Relief from Head-Colds. It s Splendid I In one minute your clogged nostrils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, blowing, headache, dryness. 1 No struggling for breath at night, your cold or catarrh will be gone. 'Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little oi this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream in your nostrils. . It penetrates through every air passage of the nead. soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and re lief comes instantly. It's just fine. Don't stay stuff ed-up with a cold or nasty catarrh Relief comes so quickly. Advertisement Your liver has important work to do. Un der favorable conditions it docs it well If sluggish, relieve itwith Largest Sale ef Aay Medicine la the World. ; Sold everywhere, to hues, 10. ISc. Always Lead to Better Health Serious sicknesses start in disor ders of the Stomach and Liver. The best corrective and preventive is Dr. King'a.New Life . Pills. . They prevent Constipation, keep Liver; and Bowels in condition. No change in price, still 25c Advertisement , iTTxfln n ft cluded and Russian demobilization is fully completed, to evacuate . the re gions east of the .line designated in article 3, No. 1, insofar as article 6 does not stipulate otherwise. Russia will do everything in hir power to complete as soon as possible , the evacuation of the Anatolian, prov inces and their orderly return to Turkey. The districts of Erivan. Kars and Batoum will likewise with out delay be evacuated by the Rus star troops. ACTRESS GIVES RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR A Wall Known Actress Tall How tc Darken Gray Hair With a Simple Homo Mad Mixture. Joicey Williams, the well , known American actress, who was recently playing at the Imperial Theatre in St. Louis, Mo., made the following statement about gray hair and how to darken it: "Anyone can prepare a simple mix ture at home, at very little cost, that will darken gray, streaked or faded hair and make it soft and glossy. To a half pint of water add 1 ounce of bay rum, a small box of Barbo Compound,, and U ounce of glycerine. These ingredients can be bought at any drug store at very little cost, or any druggist can put it up for you. AddIv to the hair twice a week until the desired shade is -obtained. This will make a gray-haired person look 20 years younger. It does not color the scalp, is not sticky or greasy and does not rub oil. Advertisement. . FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A New Home Cure That Anyone Csa Use Without Discomfort or Less of Time. , We have a New - Method that eores Asthma, and we want yon to try it at our expense. No mstter whether your ease is ef long standing or recent development whether it is present as occasional or chronic Asthma, you should send for a free trial ef our method. No mstter in wast climate yea live, no matter what your age or occupa tion, if you are troubled with asthma, our method should relieve yea promptly. We especially want to send it to those apparently hopeless eases, where all forma of inhalers, douches, opium preparations, fumes, "patent smokes," etc, have failed. We want to show everyone at our own ex pense, that this new method Is design ed to md all difficult breathing, all wheesing, and all those terrible paroxysms at ones and for all time. 1 ' . This free offer Is too important to' argleet a single dsy. Write now and then begin the method at once. Send no money. Simply mail coupon below. Do It Today, FREE ASTHMA COUPON FRONTIER ASTHMA CO., Boom lftSl-l Niagara and Hudson StsvBuffslo, N. Y, Send free trial of your method tot The Easiest Way To End Dandruff There is one sure way that never fails to remove dandruff completely and that is to dissolve it This de. stroys it entirely. To do this, just get about- four ounces of plain or dinary liquid arvon; apply it at. night when retiring; use enough "to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning most if not all of your dandruff will be pone, and three or four more, applications will com pletely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have. . You will find, too, that all itching and diegmg of the scalp will stop instantly, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred tiroes better. . ' You can e-et liauid arvon at anv drug store. It is inexpensive, and ' four ounces is all you will need. This simple remedy has never been known to fail. Advertisement. FINE REPORTS REGARDING KIDNEYMEDICINE The satisfaction expressed by our customers after using Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root and the words of praise offered by them in behalf of the mer its of the preparation makes us be lieve that Swamp-Root is all that is claimed and we are pleased to handle a remedy so vonular in the trade. We first began to sell it ten years ago and during our experience in hand ling it we have, never heard a single complaint. i. Very truly yours, FENTON DRUG CU August 10, 1917. South Omaha, Neb. Letter to Dr. Kilmer 4 Co, Binghamton, N. Y. Prove "What Swamp-Root Will Da Far You. Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of val uable information, telling about the mdneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention the Omaha Daily Bee. Medium and large size bottles for sale at all drug stores. Adv. - There Was Nothing So Good for Congestion and Colds as Mustard . : But the old-fashioned mustard-plastei burned and blistered while it acted. Gel the relief and help that mustard plasters gave, without the plaster and without 'the blister. Musterole does it It Is a clean, whit ointment made with oil of mustard. It is scientifically prepared, so that it works wonders, and yet does not blister tht tenderest akin. Just massage Musterole in with the finger-tips gently. See how quickly it brings relief how speedily the pain disappears. Use Musterole for sore throat bron chitis, tonsilin's, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). 30c and 60c jars; hospital size $250. GRANDMOTHER KNOT Persistent Advertising Is tlie Road to Success). i