Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1918, Page 2, Image 2
2 l THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1918. 4i s f VIOLETTE FIRES OPENING GUN IN BIG BOND DRIVE Kansas City Speaker Tells of . ; Ambitions of German Mili tary Party; Boosts Lib erty Loan Campaign. 'r The toast "To th j Day," which Ger- V man junkerdom has been drinking I many years, means to the military X party the day when all Europe will ! be controlled and governed by one ji government the German, declared Dr. E. E. Violette of Kansas City, in bis talk before the Omaha Chamber of Commerce at noon. He spoke on "What We Fight For." ! Dr. Violette is pastor of Indepen dence Boulevard Christian church at I Kansas City,' the largest Christian i church in the world. He is head of the speakers bureau of the Tenth Federal Reserve bank district for the Liberty loan campaign soon to come. Dr. Violette passed 19 years in Eu rope, much of the time in Germany. He was in Germany when the world war started in 1914. Pan-German Empire. "For some time I lived at a hotel in Germany at which an army officer lived. I got well acquainted with him." said Dr. Violette. One day I (asked him what the famous toast, 'To the Day' meant. He said it meant a European war in which Germany ! would be victorious. He wid it meant a pan-German empire from , Hamburg to the Persian gulf. He said it meant one great government in Eu ropethe German government. ''And he said that when-this is I realized there will be only two con Isiderabie governments in ttie world, the German and the American; and the officer added. 'I doubt seriously I whether the German government and lits ideals and the American govern- l . . g j - i 1 : : iL. fmeni ana ks lacais cn live w mc t same world together.' J "And my answer to that officer (was, 'So much the worse for. the Ger- man ideal, and the German nation.'" I ; Recites Own Poem. i Dr. Violette recited a poem of which he is the author, setting forth 4 "What We Fight For." In part the ;poem ran: I "We fight against worm-lnfeeted throne , Whan a mildewed might and boastful e lint refuse to own I The aaered treaty rights of ' nations! With Motherland f W right Hall glorious England! Thou J . didst understand r that all the world would pral thy - navy I But (or thy might At aea tho cold, kultured plrktes would ' hava dimmed tha light Of Juttloa for a thouaaod fears to . - oomrt" Lieuteninf K. F. Nance, for six i,month an ambulance driver in France, ' now attached to the speakers' bu- reau of the Federal Reserve bank of Kansas City, accompanied Dr. Vio lette. :, v ? v . -,t - v Lieutenant Nance spoke at Omaha university at 11 o'clock and at Central (High school at 3 o'clock in the after. T noon. At the Chahmber of Com merce at noon Lieutenant Nance also ' spoke on tome of hit experiences in France jaa an .ambulance driver. s i ' i Hundreds of Speakers. Dr. Violette said there are listed at the Kansas City office about 750 speakers who will give their time to ' boost the next issue of Liberty bonds. ? "I predict that the issue will go .ever big," he said, "for the people are thoroughly , awake. The sinking of - the Tuscania and the casualty list of the boys gassed in the recent raid are going to have their effect. The peo ple of America are more determined than they were a few months ago." During the afternoon Dr. Violette 'poke to a meeting of Liberty bond ; speakers at the Chamber of Com merce... .j .;;..i,'-,.:v ,. He spoke against. Senators Reed and Stone at the next election. He told 1 members of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce at noon that there is no '.place lor such men in the senate or in congress. ... - j ."We're going to clean house all the tway up and down the line," he said. S"l wilt stump the state against Rted and Stone at my own expense if no I one else will pay it. We have no jright to ask men to go to France to t fight in the trenches for democracy J unless we clean up the mess of fel tlows like these at home. . "In Paris they had a hotel keeper iwho sent an invitation to the kaiser nd his crowd to dine at the hotel in Paris, September 30, 1914. Well, the kaiser i never got there to accept the invita Jtion. Do you know what France did jto that hotel keeper? They did what swe ought to do to a lot of fellows over here now. They took him out early one morning and shot him so Hull of holes that he looked like a JSwiss cheese. Today he is preparing 2a Rood hot dinner tor the kaiser in Janother land. I hope the dinner Jwill not be long delayed." I Dr. Violette said he had not voted for Woodrow Wilson, and he said: "I sometimes lie awake half the night to be ashamed of myself because I did not For when, the history is- finally written . we will find three ereat name standing out in American history Washington, the father of his coun try; Lincoln, the savior of hit coun try, and Wilson, the teacher of his country." ' ! Archbishop Laid to Rest j With Full Catholic Pomp I Philadelphia; March 5. With all the traditional honors called for by Caholic rubrics, the funeral of the ,Most Rev. Dr. Edmond F. Premier ,gast, archbishop of Philadelphia, was ;held today in the cathedral of Saints iPeter and Paul. Cardinals Gibbons And Farley, Archbishop Bonzano, pa jai representative; more than a score of : bishops,' archbishops and mon aignors from many parts of the coun try, hundreds of priests and members or other, religious orders, together .with, thousands of lay church mem bers, assembled to pay their last . .tribute. Officer Really Injured in i v Sham Battle at Camp - Fort : Worth, Tex, March S. .Trench practice became so real at Camp Bowie Monday afternoon that Major Lloyd Hill was shot through the leg with a mortar and his foot jbroken. He commands the First bat talion of the 144th infantry. He will te in the hospital a month. LONELY SAMMY FOUND IN WIRE; DIED FIGHTING (By Associated Prrn.) With the American Army in France, Monday, March 4. Shells have been falling thick and fast within the American lines and upon the enemy positions on the Tout sector today. Aside from a big barrage which the enemy placed on the American positions at daylight in this neighborhood, 2,000 projec tiles have been droped in the vicinity of the terrain occupied by the Americans, many of them upon towns. The American causalties however, have been light Sunday night the Americans con tinued to shell the enmy and put down two barrages on hia positions. The infantry activity was confined solely to patrol parties. The Amer icans searched No Man's Land in the snow for the bodies of enemy killed in the raiding. None was found, but the body in the American wire in front of a the American wire in front of a listening post The man had on his gas mask. A bullet had passed through his head. Only two cart ridges remained in his rifle, which was found under his body and there were other indications that he died fighting. The snow, is continuing. Invents Net Designed to Prevent Torpedoing of Ships S. W. Carter. 410 Lincoln avenue. Council Bluffs, has completed clans ana speculations 01 a net wnicn ne says will prevent the sinking of transports or other ships with torpe does. The net can be raised above the-water so as to not retard the speed of the boat, and lowered in stantly when an emergency arises. Completed, the net will weitrh about 25 tons and may be constructed at a cost of about $75,000. Mr. Car ter says it is the most economical and only mechanical device that will abolish the present menace of sub marines. . Mr. Carter will give the govern ment the benefit of his plan free and will forward all details to the emer gency fleet corporation at an early date. ' , Plant for a device to regulate the dropping of bombs from aeroolanes given to the government by Mr, Car ter have been adopted and the un erring aim of the aHied air pilots, he says, is due to the use of this instru ment . Sammies Repulse German Raid and Take Prisoners Paris.' March 5.-A German attack last night on the trenches held bv American forces in Lorraine was re pulsed, the French official statement issued today announced. American patrols operating in the same region. the statement adds, took a number of German prisoners. , 730 Lives Lost When Race Track Stand Falls Shanghai. March 5. At least 730 lives were lost in the disaster at the Hongkong Jockey club s track at Happy Valley last wrtk, when - a stand occupied by Chinese collapsed and, then caught fire. Many charred bodies have been removed from the ruins.' ..: " " .. Americans Decorated , By French Premier With the- American Amy In France, March 5. -It it now per. missible to give the names of the officers and men decorated yester day by Premier Clemenceau. They re: Lieutenant Joseph Canby, Brook lyn, N. Y. Lieutenant William Coleman, Charleston, S. C. Sergeant Patrick Walsh. Sergeant William Norton. Private "Buddy Pittman, Brook lyn, N. Y. , Private Alvin Soiley, St. Louis. The tergeantt have been in the army for many years. Sergeant Walsh formerly lived in Detroit and Sergeant Norton in Arkansas. Both the privates distinguished themselves by running through the barrage laid down by the Germans during the raid and delivering mes sages. - Two artillery officers Captain Holtcendorff, whote home is in Georgia, and Lieutenant Green will receive the French war cross. They were wounded by shell fire. .Lieutenants Canby and Coleman went out into No Man's' Land in daylight and each took a German prisoner. Sergeant Norton killed German lieutenant and two soldiers. He was challenged by the lieutenant to leave his dugout and led out hit men fighting. Sergeant Walsh took command of a detachment in front of the wire when his captain was killed and continued the fight. ; 1,716,000,000 Pounds of Flour Saved if each of our 22,000,000 families use this recipe) instead of white bread, One loaf saves 11,000,000 pounds; three loaves a week for a year means 1,716,000,000 pounds savedl Enough to Feed the Entire Allied Army Corn Bread with Rye Flour I cap ry flr Z tlpoi 8 twsNH Barley flour or at lour may U natd Intttad of rye Soar with qaally good multa. Sift dry tngrtdUnta into bowl; add milk, Wua tgg and sMhwl hortenlnf. Stir, wall Pat into grwatd pan, allow to stand in warm placa 10 to 2S minute and bake ta eaodmta ovtn 40 to 45 toJaotoa. Our ew Itof, Wkiu ni Bhu boekUt, "Bat Wr Tims Rtcipet." nutaMnr wumr other rtclpn tor making isUdou mud wkoUsomt whut wing foods, moiUd frumddrtss ROYAL BAKING 1 FOOD WILL WIN THE WAR 1 y . 1 Sammies Submit to Experiments In Medical War on Trench Fever Paris, March 5. Sixty enlisted men of the United States sanitary corps, all from New England, are now serv ing as hosts to normal or infected lice, or have received injections of blood from soldiers known to have been suffering from trench fever. They are quartered in a British base hospital, where the American Red Cross is using them for an investiga tion of trehch fever. The organism producing the fever has not yet been discovered by micro scope, although it heads the fevers among the British troops'at the front and stands second in the list of those causing the greatest wastage. The disease is not fatal, but it means an absence of six to eight weeks from the ranks. JAPAN WILL SEND ARMY TO PROTECT RUSS ON PACIFIC (Continued From Fag One.) tested against the proceeding, that the occupation is to restore order and without intent to take permanent pos session, is regarded as very clear in dication of what the Teutons may undertake in any part of Russia, now that the bolsheviki have been forced to accept their hard peace demands. Officials and diplomats here protest ignorance of what preparations have been made by Japan for the opera tion! about to be undertaken. At a matter of course, secrecy has been observed and a strict censorship in regard to the Siberian question is in force at Tokio. Possibly the next word to come out of Japan on the subject will be an announcement of something accomplished. In this connection it it recalled that at the beginning of the Russo-Japanese war the Japanese acted with out heralding. Before there was any such formality as a declaration of war. a Russian fleet had been smashed and the war was half won. - Ute Own Judgment It has been stated in official quar ters that this it no concern of the entente allies nor of America how Japan goea about the task, once the question of policy is settled. If the decision is reached to rive Taoan a free hand in eastern Siberia, it is now conceded that no other military or naval power is in position to render her any substantial aid, owing to the lack of available forces.. In a diplomatic wav the situation has remained unchanged since the middle of last week. The State de-! partment has not indicated to the Japanese government what may be its view oi we new situation created by the signing of peace articles by the bolsheviki. Diplomats Ask Action. London. March 5. The British. French and Italian ambassadors in Tokio intended yesterday or todav jointly to ask Japan to take the neces sary steps to safeguard allied interests in Siberia, according to the Daily Mail The newsoaoer adds that the Amir. (can ambassador was not expected to join ine request, but that no disturb ing conclusions are to be drawn from inn lact, as no American opposition is expectea. . . - Argentina to Negotiate i f ; ' With U. S. for Expdrts , Buenos Aires, March 5. Dr. Ro mulo S. Naon, ambassador to the United States, after a long conference with President Irigoyen, announced late last night that he had postponed his return to Washington until April. The president has asked Dr. Naon to study several questions concerning Argentine relations with the United States, especially the possibility of obtaining permission for the export from the United States of various ar ticles now ut.der the embargo which are necessary to maintain Argentine industries. Cold Wave Rides Snow Falls Winter returned to Omaha Tues day with a strong wind out. of the north, bringing the cold wave pre dicted by the weather bureau. Temperatures of 26 below zero pre vailed in western Canada Tuesday morning, 6 below at Havre, Mont, gero in North Dakota. The ther mometer fell rapidly in Omaha all day from 45 above zero at 7 o'clock Tuesday morning. It was snowing in northwestern Nebraska, western Dakotas, Mon tana, Wyoming, Idaho and Utah Tuesday morning. Colonel Welsh savs the colH and high barometer in the northwest in- 1 Mil 1 cap aoilk 1 2 tUyal ftaUaf Powfar POWDER CO, Dept H, 135 WHlkm SL Ntw York Scarcity of physicians in the Brit ish army prevented the royal army meaicai corps irom studying the cause of the disease. The American Red Cross decided to undertake a survey based on the yeuow tever investiga tion in luba. With the approval of General Pershing a call for volunteers .was made and virtually every member of the 101st, 102d and 104th field hos pitals and the 101st. 103d and 104th ambulance companies offered to sub mit to the experiment. Sixty men were selected. A comfortable walled hospital with a complete laboratory equipment and everything-necessary to trace the transmission f the oara - sites has been provided by the Red Cross. Siberians Organize; Boycott Russ Peace Vologda. Russia. Sunday. March 3d A new Siberian council of the workmen'! and soldiers' republic at Irkutsk, which hat determined not to recognize any imperialistic Gferman peace, has organized a council of national Siberian com missioners composed of 11 mem bers of the bolsheviki and four left social revolutionaries. The president of the council is M. Shoaatsky and the minister of foreign affairs M. Weinbaum. A Siberian central executive commit tee, to act aa an indenendent leg islative body, also has been formed. BRAZIL WARSHIPS RUSH TO AID OF Ml r IPn nt nnrt AL LI ELI rLCli l. T j if ii" n ... ijnuun. iviarcn 3. - uur amr ari making every effort to increase their production of ships," Sir Eric Ged- des, first lord of the admiralty, said .-J J .V- tuuy, um ticspuc giowing reports in the -American pre&s and great as the effort of that country doubtless is, na doubt a rmrahu im, , elapse before the desired output is -r Obtained." . Sir Eric, whose address wat deliv- J i u.u r r :j utu m uuust ui vwumwii, Niu iv v tviwg v mt, aiia a 4-u- j ropcan waters wouiu dc augmented . j . I hips. , Sir Erie said the rate of exaggera- tion in the German reports of tonnage al1pori.rf frt hav hpn eifnV was in. aiieged to nave been sunk was in creasing steadily. The exaggeration in the second quarter of the period of unrestricted submarine warfare was twice that of the first quarter. The rates in the third and fourth quarters were three and four times that of the first quarter, and in January four and one-nan umes me nrsi quarter. - . ... lOIOnei hayWara OenOS Word From Front Line Frora a Staff CorrMpondenL) Lincoln, March 5. (Special.) Ad' jutant General Clapp received a mes age today from Colonel Will Hay yard, who is somewhere in France, where he is in command of the regi ment of colored infantry which went from New York state. Colonel Hayward ts a son of former Un ted States Senator Havward. ex- colonel of the old Nebraska Second regiment. lormer secretary ot tne na- uonai rcpuDiican comraiiiec, ana . a . - j u",""K.r"""1 " luc ,,uu antion. The message was simolv a notice that he was well and hearty and sent greeting to his old Nebraska National Guard. fellow officer. 14-Year-0ld Girl Held On Charge of Murder Fort Worth. Tex.. March 5. Mur- der charges were filed against' Ger trude Ulnch, 14 years old, today. Officers claim to have a statement from her admitting that she adminis tered poison to her father Saturday nignt. on North Wind: in Several States dicate that the cold will' last for two or tnree days at least rvniie ine rauroaas are not locating 2 SSftffi SSSSfSA c luuicnaing wun a reat warcn i According to reports to the rail- roads, there is snow. It began falling Monday night. In Wyoming the tem peratures are 3 to 35 above, with a light wind blowing. In Nebraska the temperatures are 24 to 48 above. Snow plows are" being looked over and put in readiness to be ran out onto the several lines of roads in the event the wind should rise and drift ing begin. PERSHING SENDS MORE NAMES OF AMERICAN DEAD Several Officers Listed Among Casualties Which Occurred as Result of German Raid on Toul Sector. Washington, March 5. General Pershing today cabled the War de- Pftment the names of another lieu 1 tenant and three more enlisted men I killed and five additional men severely wounaea on March l, the day of the German assault on an American trench near Toul. This brought the total casualties of that date thus far reported to the department to three lieutenants and 17 men dead, one cap tain, one lieutenant and 16 men se verely wounded and 10 men slightly wounded. The men reported today as xiiiea were; . First Lieutenant David K. Summer. Jonesboro, Ga. Fnvate Knute Olson. Stouehton. Wis. " ' Private Bruno Silokowski. -To1iet. 111. ' Private Lloyd W. Snetx. BismarrV N. D. ' ' . Severely Wounded. The five men reported severelv wounded were Corporal Oliver D. Deardorff, Decatur, 111., and Privates Roy J. Collins. Petersburg. 111.: Frank ! j. nouie. ware, Mass.; I-fttiRennt i ' r ir fanuchi, 86' Valley street. San Fran cll' w,lliam Rnoades. Soquel L- ueneral ers'nng also reported that "?econa. -,eutenant Jofm fienniken, I lWnn. Mass . nra lrill1 in February 27. and that thre I f l. : i . . i i - mammc xun oaiiaiion were f. vere,y w?"nded F.e.bruary 28- They E . "TvrS r and Ravmond'Peace. LonrfonvJtlil Vt' Tt ' , . ' - i me names oi tne men who have I een slightly wounded in action, also wecrc "Ponea as toiiows: LS"?eant A. Morency, St. i innnQnitrv vt hahrnnr 77 Corporal Le'slie S. Bean. Pooular B uffs. Mo.. FVhmarw ?i Privates Farnosf a R,.n r..t V age, itx., and William C. Cisel. ivinn Tsrnmpr v inn h Airtitir 7A Kalph J. Bean, Littleton, N. H.. ZS '0-" V I .ijuta J 4.U, Clarence R. Hilt. HfirMtchnm V March 2 ma t,.. w p..:m, iiu'' nix, Ala., and George M. Huelbrook, ln;i..L. i. r . Pittsburgh, March 3. Believe Idaho Man Killed In Recent German Raid Washington, March 5. -War de- partment officials are certain that H'the captain of the West Point 1917 class." referred to in d snatches de scribing the unsuccessful German at tack upon the American trenches near ' wa Lr1,6?4"4 laano, whose name anoears in the casualty list reported by General f ershing last night , ., Jio reference was made in reports ,reaching the aepartment to any. American captain having been killed .in that' action. Lieutenant Hoover was' a . member Jn.!i veAl. r,om c asf .wn cn..was P'fL'uoltu "uu ul -" pr ' nUrVrn tj, xrv. ect.... wiMvmwwi, uas.f mmii vil . J IV VV S 1 S, W. Hoover, who was killed leading tne American forces that repelled an attaMr T.i i,. u-a been acting as a captain since last October, according to. information made public by his family today. He was born July 4, 1894. mo; The : T-.iAl. ,t xj. Stortl6lihnjBatter gQ Vf v wCl V AvC JOT AUtOlllODllCS DONT neglect your Starting and Light ing Battery. Like other vital parts of your car, it requires attention. - We will Inspect your bat tery free of charge; we will repair It at a reasonable cost; if yon need a new battery, we will sell you the best-n"J6xl0e." " There's an xide' Bat tery for every car.'! Delco Exide Service Station Omaha, Nab. 2024 Faraam St Phoaa Dmig. 369? Move . into a place that you can call home. Put your Moving oroblems in our hands and we'll see to it that your household goods, etc., are Moved "S. by careful, efficient em ployes. OMAHA VAN & STORAGE CO. Pboao Douglaa 4163 806 South 16th St-Mt oa- BLITS KSIOB Six Feet of Snow in Sic 188 Tyrolese Alps Geneva, March 5. The heaviest snowfall of the present winter in the Swiss Tyrolese Alps has oc cured during the last 24 hours. The snow it from three to six feet deep and it still falling. One avalanche cut an Austrian military train in two south of Bot ten. Twenty-six officen and men were killed. Boy Scouts Conducting Savings Stamp Campaign Logan, la., March 5. (Special.) With the Rev. W. J. Creswell of the rresDytenan church in charge, the scouts of Logan are putting lots of ginger into trie war savings stamps canvass, here. The have sold over ;KUW since Saturday. The scouts are cutting out picture shows, other nceaiess expenses and drawing their bank savings and investing in war stamps. JUdge H. B. Woodruff. rsnA tuuri nere inis morning at 9 o'clock. From the bar docket it is learned that there are 98 equity cases; law 125; probate 15, and criminal 24. The grand jurors are - summoned ' for iuesaav and the netit mrmra ... , - V-..v.. IUI weonesaay. Membership Mark Reached by Chamber of Commerce The 2,500 mark in membership of the Omaha , Chamber of Commerce has been passed. Tuesday morning the membership reoorted n 251ft The membership and good fellowship committees, which, with other volun teers, worked during last week to achieve the 2,500 mark, brought in a total of 360 members. J. T. Dysart, chairman of the membership commit, tee, expects that other memberships will continue to come in for at least another week. ' , THOMPSON.BEL11N C6 Zhe fashion Cenhr for WomerP New Neck fixings Wide ruching for col lars, . cuffs and vestees, shown in white, blue and pink. Also obtainable in Georgette crepe and net (the latest style pleating) . H The newest neckwear fashions are now ready linens, piques and laces. Shopping Gloves of washable leather Stylish gloves in putty gray - Smyrna - and New- port excellent for out of doors i occasions because they wash so well. $2.25 $2.50 $2.75 a pair Brassieres and Bandeaux. New arrivals-every day-so that selections are very complete. Embroidery and lace trimmed styles, round, square and V necks-AH so well made as to fit perfectly. Early selections are best 50c and upwards ' Third Floor Wed. and Thurs. Specials at the New Public Market Our n4Uvery, no-charge, carry-your-own-pacluf plan ha provea a wonderful uceeea. Hundred of Omaha housewlvee hava already take advantage of thle new cath ttore's policy. Dellveriea of erdera of $5 and over. Everything atrictlv caah. NOTE THESE LOW HOOVER PRICES ' rancy Elna Creamery Butter, lb. pkg. 45o Strictly Freeh Efts, guaranteed, doa. 33e Florida Grapefruit, each. 4c Young Carrots, Oaioai or Radishes, per bunch, at So 1'lb. can Romford Baking Powder, per can, at 19c THE NEW PUBLIC MARKET 310-312 South 16th Street. - i Made io OI " ID : THE BEE ENGRAVING DEPARTMENT . OMAHA - Bernard Baruch Heads. .... Board of War Industries Washington, March 5. Bernard M. Baruch of New York today was ap pointed .chairman of the war. indus tries board. : Announcing the appointment of Mr Baruch to succeed Daniel Wiiiard. president of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad, who recently resigned, Pres ident Wilson alsn innnnnl . ... . " , K" organization of the board into an or gan more thoroughly to co-ordinate the efforts of war industry. " The reorganization, as directed bj President Wilson, will determine priorities of production and regulate utuvtijr to me vinuus war agencies of the government In a measure the reorganization is calculated to meet the demand in congress for greater co-ordination of war effort, ' i Double Funeral First in New St. Cecelia Cathedral First funeral services in the pew St. Cecelia cathedral since its con struction were held Tuesday morning at the double services for Mrs. Cath erine Welch and Mrs. Mary E. Kin ney, mother and daughter, wnbse deaths occurred within a few hours of each other. ' Rev. D. P. Harrington, assisted by the cathedral choir, celebrated hicrh mass of requiem and recited prayers for the dead. Interment was in Hnlv Sepulcher cemetery. ' raiibearers for Mrs. Welch ivere: George Prki, Thomai Uonahoe, Edward Welch. Mr. Murphy, T. J. FltzmorrlB. Mr. Furlnnr Pallbearers for Mrs. Kinney were: J. r. Dally. B. w. lf.ii.. T F. Swift. Mr. Fltipatrlck' ' .'' Thomat Qnlnlan. Mr. Worthing. , " in Lookin? for work? Tumi tn'-'Vi Help Wanted Columns now. Vfin will find hundreds of positions listed there. The Blouse Store New models of Georgette Crepe that will add dis tinction to any costume are grouped at $7.50. Handkerchiefs: ; Plain linens-extra val ues - 9c-20c-25c-35c-50c All Linen embroidered styles 20c-25c-35c-50c. Girls Dresses Priccd$1.95$2;95 The daintiest new styles f or ' growing girls - Practical-easily laundered. Sensibly ' Priced. Mothers will quickly realize the' time and money that can be saved-as soon-as they see this showing. ' 1 1 IN THE BASEMENT Women's Hosiery two out size Numbers An extra out size in black or balbriggan Cotton - with garter tops and double soles 65c. Silk lisle - out size - in black I with garter tops and double V"! soles 59c. - f;1 laraatton or ret MUk, large cans, 2 cans for 23 e Freeh White Fish, per lb... ,.l$c Eatra Loan Pig Pork Chops, per lo, 13 ',c Steer Porterhouse Steak, per lb...22V,e Sugar Cured Bacon, per lb , .34yto extra uu oKinneo nun, per lb. .27 Vg Phone Douglas 2793. ' ii ta ' ' . V - order at c . Bee Want Ad Hrincr Rmilt. 30