Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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Manager Murphy of Cudahy's
Contends That the Piece Sys
tem of Doing Work Prov
ing Satisfactory.
An eight-hour day fqr packing
house employes of the Omaha Cudahy
plant would mean great incon
veniences and a heavy added burden
of expense, according to Manager M.
R. Murphy.
"Enough live stock to fill the chill
rooms in every department can be
killed in eight or 10 hours," said
Mr. Murphy.
The local Cudahy plant is filling
enormous government orders.
In many departments where em
ployes were formerly paid a straight
salary the piece work system is now
being used and Mr. Murphy says
that the change is a decided improve
ment. "It gives the workers a practical
incentive," he said.
"For instance, in the hide depart
ment where workers formerly took
up about 700 hides a day they now
often take up 1,200."
An Automobile Collides
With Boy on Bicycle
An automobile, driven by Miss Ger
trude Metz, 3708 Dewey street, col
lided with a boy on a bicycle at
Twenty-fourth and M streets, South
Side, Saturday night.
The boy, Jesse Miller, S120 South
Twenty-third street, was knocked
to the pavement, and suffered a
fractured leg. He was taken to the
St Joseph hospital. .
Wouid-Be Suicide
Will Probably Recover
Dr. E. F. Shannahan, attending Mrs.
Frank Long, 5215 South Twenty
fourth street, who attempted suicide
by drinking carbolic acid Saturday
night, reports that she will recover.
Mrs.' Long and her husband were:
arguing and when the disagreement
grew into a quarrel the wife seized
a bottle of carbolic acid and took a
swallow of it before her husband
could wrest the. bottle from her.
She is at the South Side hospital
Special. Services Mark
Lithuanian Day in Omaha
South Side Lithuanians celebrated
"Lithuanian day" Sunday with special
church services in the morning and
a program at New Settlers' hall, Thirty-first
and U streets, in the afternoon.
Joe Uvick and Father A. Pamolunas
were the principal speakers at the aft
ernoon program. More han $70 was
subscribed for war relief. -
Serious Charge Made
Against South Side Man
James Clark, 2208 North Twenty
seventh street, was arraigned in South
Side police court Monday morning
charged with aiding and abetting the
delinquency of Alberta Banks, 15-year-old
girl, with whom, it is alleged, he
has been living at Jackson's rooming
house, 4711 South Twenty-seventh
South Side Brevities
The West Bids Booster club will meet, at
Corrlgan echool Tuesday night.
Dan Belsnya, 2800 Q afreet, was fined
)tS and coats In South Side police court
Monday morning (or violating the barber
hop Sunday closing law.
In "An American Widow" at the Besse
Geraldlne Farrar In "The Woman God
Forgot" -at the Bess Wednesday.
Finland, Asks Germans
To Suppress Revolution
Stockholm, March 4.- Geramn
troops will be sent into Finland at
the request of the Finnish govern
ment to suppress the revolution
which is in progress there, accord
ing to an official statement issued
"The German minister at Stock
holm,' acting under instructions from
his government, has. informed the
Swedish minister of foreign affairi
that Germany intended to send at the
request of the Finnish government
troops into Finland to suppress the
revolution," says the statement.
"These troop's, by the consent of Fin
land, should in the course of their
operations make use of the Aland
islands. L
"In order not to hinder the accom
plishment of the humanitarian work
undertaken by Sweden in the Aland
islands, Germany would agree to con
fine herself to making use of these isl
ands to organize there a necessary
halting place for the military expedi
tion into Finland."
James Devereese Dies
While in Denver for Health
Jartes Russell Devereese, 28 years
old, only son of W. T. Devereese, 1733
South Twenty-eighth street, former
detective on the Omaha police force,
died at Denver, Colo., where he had
gone for the , benefit of his health.
Death was due to tuberculosis with
which he had been ill a long time.
Devereese was formerly an employe
of the "Nebraska Power company, in
the engineering department
VV. T. Devereese left for Denver
yesterday to accompany the body of
his son home for burial.
James Devereese is survived by his j
Barents and & sister. Pauline. No f u-1
neral arrangements have been an
nounced Sixteen Stars Added to
i Burlington Service Flag
Sixteen more stars have been added
to the Burlington service flag hanging
in the rotunda of the Omaha head
quarters building. , On the flag there
are now 95 stars, indicating that off
the Omaha division of the JBurlington
that number of the young men have
cast thpir lot with Uncle Sam. Of
the Burlington men who first enlisted
a number of them are now in France
and the others are in the cantonments
and training casus '
Briej City News
Bate Soot Print It New Beacon Pre.
Lighting Fixture. Burgoas-Grnnden.
Root. C Drueeedow & Co., stocks
and bonds and local securities, (60
Omaha Nat Ban Bid.
Divorce is Granted Christine
Tangeman was granted a divorce in
district court from Herman Tange
man. Nonsupport was alleged.
The War Tax Service Bureau solves
income tax problems. Audits ac
counts. Prepares Returns. Expert
service. 805 Om. Nat. Bk. Tyler 320.
Maiden Xante Restored Alice E.
Fuller was granted a divorce from
Harry C. Fuller in district court upon
allegations that he had failed to sup
port her. Her maiden name, Alice
Elmquist was restored.
Two Officers Promoted Captain
Lazar, adjutant to Colonel Nance at
Fort Omaha, has been promoted to
rank of major, according to informa
tion received by Colonel Nance. Lieu
tenant Oonso was promoted to rank
of captain.
Enters Training Camp Ray J. Sut
ton, formerly chief clerk of the Ne
braska exemption board, division No.
1, leaves Tuesday for Atlanta, Oa.,
where he will attend an officers' train
ing camp for the aviation supply de-.
State Bank of Omaha, corner Six
teenth and Harney streets, paya 4 per
cent on time deposits; 8 per cent
on savings accounts. All deposits In
this bank are protected by the de
positors' guarantee fund of the state
of Nebraska. Adv.
Booze Runner Caught Only one
runner of the "booze" blockade was
apprehended by federal authorities
Sunday. He gave his name as Grant
Smith and had in his possession six
quarts and a half pint of -whisky and
a quart of wine.
Anna Chambers Freed Anna Jose
phine Chambers was granted a di
vorce from Mustoe A. Chambers in dis
trict court She alleged he had been
extremely cruel and had failed to sup
port herself and daughter, Adelyn.
She was given the custody of her
Speed Tp Recruiting The Omaha
navy recruiting station called 20 addi
tional men enlisted as quartermasters
and quartermaster machinists for spe
cial training at a naval training school.
These men were called in addition to
the weekly quota of 30 men sent from
this station.
Awarded Red Cross Miss Hary
Bernette, member of the Trinity
Cathedral Episcopal Red Cross chap
ter, is the first to receive a Red Cross
in the chapter. The Red Cross signi
fies that the young woman has done
work equivalent to that required of a
Red Cross Nurse.
Charge Embezzlement A charge of
embezzlement was filed Monday morn
ing by Robert R. Rice, 1512 M street
financial secretary of the Amalga
mated Meat Cutters and Butcher
Workmen of America No. 602, against
Fred S. Mortensen, treasurer of the
order. Rice charges Mortensen with
embezzlement of $402 of the order's
Insurance Men Sell Stamps More
than 100 insurance men in Omaha are
selling war stamps. They are can
vassing the city and are combing it
thoroughly. They met at the Omaha
Chamber of Commerce rooms Monday
and started the drive from there. This
is part of a drive being made all over'
the state by the Insurance men who
have volunteered their services for
this work.
Second Thought Pays George Vere
was fined $100 in state court for
bringing "booze" into the state and
when taken in hand by federal au
thorities wanted to given $100 bond
and never come back. He then de
cided to take a chance before Federal
Judge Woodrough. He made $90 by
doing so, for the judge fined him only
$10 on his promise to obey the law
strictly in the future.
Captain Charles J. GUdden of Fort
Omaha, who has driven an automobile
100,000 miles, twice around the world
and is the donor of the Glidden trophy
for touring in this country, will de
liver an illustrated lecture at the Hotel
Fontenelle on Thursday, March 7, at
8:30 p". m., for the benefit of the Oma
ha Girls' club. Subject, "The World
and Its People as Seen from the Mo
tor Car." Captain Glidden's lecture
is illustrated by over 300 photographs.
Admission 50 cents Adv.
Fine fireplace goods at Sunderlands.
Four Men Injured When
Auto Crashes Into Trolley
Four persons were slightly injured
last hightvhen a light automobile in
which they were riding north on
Twenty-fourth street near Rees ave
nue collided head-on with a south
bound crosstown car.
ojohn Kasada, 4313 South Twenty
ninth street, butcher in the Cudahy
packing plant, was most severely
hurt. He suffered deep cuts about
the head and body bruises.
-Frank Kanger, 4530 South Thirty,
second street, driver of the car, suf
fered a laceration over the left eye
and hip.
John Kaziol, Thirty-fourth and L
streets, South Side, was cut about the
Joseph Nickles, 3326 South Thirty
eighth street suffered an abrasion of
the knees. i
The automobile was demolished.
Liberty Loan Bureau Head
To Speak in Omaha Tuesday
Dr. . E. Violette of the Federal
Reserve bank of Kansas City and
head of the Liberty Loan Speakers'
bureau for the Tenth Reserve district.
will speak at a public affairs luncheon
at the Omaha Chamber of Commerce
at noon Tuesday and to a group of
Liberty " loan state speakers in the
Lieutenant K. F. Nance, for six
months an ambulance driver in
France, will accompany Dr. Violette,
Lieutenant Nance will speak in the
morning and afternoon at some of
the Omaha schools. At noon he also
will be at the Chamber of Commerce
Houston Calls on City
Folks to Help Farmer
Washington, March 4. Secretary
Houston of the Department of Agri
culture today issued a call to urban
people to study the farm labor sit
uation and to render assistance to
farmers during the coming crop
"If soldiers are willing to serve
in the trenches and risk their lives,"
declared Secretary Houston, "many
civilians can well afford to save a
part of their time to serve in the
furrows and in the harvest fields.
In many town and cities there are
men who have had farming experi
ence, who are able bodied and who
would doubtless be willing to serve
tha nation in the field of agriculture
at this time. Especially for the
seasonal strains of planting, culti
vating and harvesting, it will not be
too much to ask such men to aid
the farmers in the necessary under
taking of maintaining and if possi
ble supplementing the food supply
in order to feed the armies and to
sustain the civilian population be
hind the men"
Mr. Manteil in "Richelieu" at the
Robert B. Manteil and company la "Riche
lieu," a dram In five sets and seven
scenes, by Eiward Bulwer Lytton. The
Cardinal Richelieu Mr. Manteil
Gaston Mr. John Alexander
Baradas Mr. Albert Barrett
De Berlnghen Mr. John Wray
Adrian de Mauprat , .Mr. Frits Leibe-
Huguct.... Mr. John Burke
Joseph..... Mr. Frank Peters
Francois Mr. Our Llndaley
Louis XIII Mr. Edward Lewers
A captain of guards.... Mr. Charles J. Ryan
Page to Rtrholleu..Mlss Virginia Branson
Clermont Mr. Oeorg Westlake
Saoretary Mr. Abraham Ivory
Another Mr. Edmund Foos
Marian De Lorme......Mlas Marlon Evensen
Julie De Mortemar..Mlss Genevieve Hamper
Mr. Mantel! began his week's visit
to Omaha with what is to him some
thing of a mety, a Sunday perform'
ance, presenting his fine picture of
the cardinal in "Richelieu." In qther
times The Bee has warmly com
mended this role in its treatment by
the star, and now finds no cause to
abate judgment hitherto expressed.
Mr. Manteil naturally has found op
portunity to add to the artistic ex
cellence of his portrayal of the char
acter, until it has assumed well
rounded and carefully .thought out
proportions, and has become authon
tative if not the last word in expres
sion of the intellectual giant who
looms so grandly over the statesmen
of his day. It is Richelieu of his later
days, frail ami failing in bodily
health, his strength gone, no longer
able to lift the weapon he swung as a
toy in the battle s rage when the sol
dier supported the statesman; but it
is also the Richelieu who truly could
say: "Beneath the rule of men en
tirely great, the pen is mightier than
the sword." Age has not dimmed his
mind, nor lowered his spirit, nor les
sened his craft He could piece out
the skin of the lion with that of the
fox, and he showed as well the hu
man side in his tenderness for his
ward and his concern for her hapoi
ness. In the brief moments of relax
ation, the cardinals playfulness with
Julie, his quiet fun with Joseph, and
his exultation over the prospect of
defeating his opponents, serve to
lighten "what is otherwise a tense but
well sustained effort.
Fritz Leiber still gives to de Mau
prat that effective life which lifts it
a little above the plane on which the
role is written, and invests a some
what commonplace and cheap hero
with a quality of real worth, such as
might Justify the decision of his emi
nence in ine mauer or oestowing ine
hand and fortune of his ward. It is a
oleasure to note the rioenine of Mr:
Leiber's talent and requires no gift
of clairvoyance to foretell for him a
place among the stars. His work
throughout the week will give further
evidence ot his worth.
Mr. Barrett's Baradas is hardly bet
ter than it was written; the actor gets
but scant chance to show the graces
of a courtier that won so high a place
in Louis favor, or the quality ot cratt
that led him to match his wit against
that of the master plotter of the day,
Only in his display of terpidation in
the closing act did Mr. Barrett give an
effective touch to the part Mr. Peters
is rood as Joseph, the monk, and Mr,
Lindsley is convincing in the role of
Francois. Mr. Wray does the little
bit set down for de Beringhen very
well, and Mr. Lewers Louis is excel
Miss Hamper's experience since last
she was visible here has been suffi
cient to confirm her to a greater de
gree in her'art. She has lost none of
the pirlish charm with which she en
dowed the part of Julie, and has im
proved her utterance and expression,
so that the role is to that extent bene
fited in her treatment of it. Miss
Evenson is a more than charming
Marian, and ofte can understand with
what confidence the ploters resorted
to her house. k,
"Th Merchant of Venice" this eve
ning, with Mr. Manteil as Shylock,
Miss jciamper as roma anu . .mc
ber as Bassanio.
Vaudeville at the Orpheum.
A Japanese dance, an East Indian
dance, a love waltz and a modern
dance with a military touch compose
the aeries of nictorial and drama :ic
dances bv Ruth M. Denis, wno nead'
lines the Orpheum this week. Then
Bettv Moreran follows with Cleo
patra Had a Jazz Band" to prove that
vaudeville can successful jump the
chasm between one extreme and tie
other. - '
One striking achievement marks the
dancing of Miss St., Denis. It is tie
utter simplicity of her dances. With
the boldness of the true artist, she has
eliminated all the semi-gymnastics
and other fancy frills popularly sup
posed to be requisites of the classical
dance, and gives each dance its per
fect interpretation. Miss St Denis is
assisted by Margaret Loomis, who
gives a dance of the desert
Charles Withers, an Omaha boy,
scores heavily in "For Pity's Sake," a
revised version of the travesty melo
drama in which he appeared here be
fore. Withers still portrays the char
acter of the rube manager of the hick
town opera house, who also is his
own property man. Withers' con
tortions on the ladder leading to the
stage loft are particularly laugh
provoking. Frank Crumit, the one
man glee club, strikes a popular chord
bv singing songs of more than a
score of years ago to the modern ac
companiment of the ukelele, and tell
ing negro stories in an interesting
way. Jim and Betty Morgan sing
songs ot their own composition
and Jim add the finishing touches
to a most successful act with violin
and clarinet numbers. Vivian Holt
is an operatic soprano with an un-
1 1 ,, . . , 1 1 .
usuauy wen iramca voice, uauasmiai
brothers are eccentric clowns, who
also are skillful acrobats. Verce and
And Ready To Eai
One fpfl
of MiMifi S
the fg d B
'few IrsS
don't l!gt&E
need liSglj 3
sugar -4C
Verci present a "Twentieth Century
Romance." Orpheum pictures show
a trip to Yosemite valley.
Vaudeville at the Brandeis.
Tom Linton and his jungle girls, in
their singing oddity styled "The Up-to-Date
Missionary," is one of the hits
on this week's progran. of Hippo
drome vaudeville at the Brandeis
theater. There are seven young
women and a man in this act which
has a pretty stage setting. Claudia
Tracey isn't very big but she makes
up in personality and temperament
She has several clever song numbers,
one being a rube topical selection
which she does quite well. The
Ioleen sisters offer an artistic wire act
which opens the bill. Mr. and Mrs.
William O'Clare are Irish singers.
Mr. O'Clare plays the accompaniments
on a small organ of the type that was
carried by the traveling minstrels of
long ago. 1
Johnson Bros, and Johnson, billed
as "Minstrels Extraordinary,' con
tribute a share to the pleasure of the
program. Maxine Bros, and Bobby
are two boys and a dog in a gym
nastic act Lexey t -d O'Connor have
a repertoire of smart songs and
The Hearst-Pathe weekly pictorial
show some training camp and patri
otic scenes which win applause. A
Sidney Drew comedy "Help Wanted,"
and Nordin's orchestra fill out a
satisfactory entertainment.
Bill at the Empress.
The "Sextet de Luxe" is the head
line attraction at the Empress the
first half of the week, Six versatile
young women have an act of singing,
dancing and solos, duets and ensem
bles playing violins, bapjos and other
Store Hours:
Every Day
8:30 A. M. to
6 P. M.
Monday, March 4, 1918.
THE hospitalities of this
Btore of old - fashioned
fourtesy are extended to the
Visiting Merchants who will be
in Omaha for Spring MarKet
Besides the many conven
iences that you are at liberty
to use freely, this store af
fords numerous interesting
features, and a tour of its
many sections, as well as the
Down Stairs Store, will be ne
cessary to make your visit to
the city complete and you
may gain an idea worth tak
ing home with you.
More than sixty specializing
merchandising shops comprise
this store and in every one
mercantile personality of the
highest type is expressed.
To give intelligent, court
eous service to the public and
provide merchandise of the
most dependable guality is the
constant aim of this organiza
tionto be of the "greatest
service to the greatest num
ber." We , extend everyone a
hearty welcome.
WE'LL Cut, Fit
'v and Pin Your
New Dress Free of
As a special feature of our
piece goods sections, we have
Becured for a limited time, the
services of 1
Mrs Moulion and Staff
of the Keister Dressmaking
sthool, who will cut, fit and pin
any material you may buy at
$1.00 a yard or over, without
Mrs. Moulton and staff are
masters in women's garment
construction. They have knowl
edge of styles, of fabrics and
trimmings, in the widest sense.
Burg tsa-Naan C. Main Floor
Check off the items needed
for your medicine cabinet, then
come Tuesday and benefit by
this saving.
Sloan's liniment, bottle, 17c.
Nuxated iron, bottle, 79c.
Hinkle's pills, 100 in bottle, 18c
Lavoris, small size, 22c.
Lavoris, medium size, 44c.
4-oz. glycerine, bay rum and
rose water, 19c.
4-oz. peroxide, per bottle, 10c.
4-oz. chappedine, per bottle, 19c
Mb. lilac rose talcum powder,
for 16e.
1-qt. witch hazel, bottle, 89e.
1-qt denatured alcohol, 59c.
1- oz. spirits camphor, bottle lie
2- oz. castor oil, bottle, lie.
4-oz. tincture green soap, 35c.
1-pt. witch hazel, 29c.
1 lot guaranteed hot water bot
tles, for $1.00.
1 lot automobile sponges, large,
for 79c
Protect your clothing with a
Wayne wardrobe, prices, 7Se,
and $1.00.
Burfsss-Nssh Co. ,
Dowu Stairs Star '
musical instruments. The four Pier
rots in a comedy novelty act of gym
nastic exercises is a complete sur
prise. James Mahoney and Ruth
Rogers present a number consisting
of singing, dancing and talking en
titled "In a Seaside Flirtation." Jere
Sanford in "The Chore Boy" com
pleted the bill with a singing, whis
tling and yodeling act.
The screen offering, 'The Girl with
the Champagne Kyes," depicts a
young girl living a lite of petty crime.
She robs a man and drops the money
in the pocket of an innocent bystander
who is sent to prison. This awakens
the girl's better nature and she be
comes an aid to the world instead of
a menace.
In the Silent Drama.
Strand It la estimated that yesterday
tit Tltlan-halrud beauties accepted the In
vitation ot Manager Thomas of the 8trand
to attend tala theater during tha run ot
"Empty Pockets." Tha opening day was
mad "Thrift Day" by many wlns who
Hoove rtaed and chose lady friends with
copper colored hair. Herbert Brennon'a
visualisation of Rupert Hughes' well
known story of New York's slums and pal
aces, "Empty Pockets," la on of th fast
est melodrama ever filmed and kepa the
spectator at th highest point ot Interest
from start to finish. Perry Merltbew, mil
lionaire man about town, la found murdered
In an east sldo tenement Clutched In his
hand la a strand of red hair. The mystery
deepena when five suspects all having red
hair are arreeted. A comedy, "It Pays to
Advertise." with Chester Conklln starring,
oorapletes tha till.
Sun Alio Brady will be shown at this
theater for th last times today In her
latest ancoess, "Th Spur ot Sybil. It Is
a refreehlng and happy offering that was
well received by those who attended the
yesterday's showings. A Chrlstl comedy
and th lateat current event complete th
bllL Tuesday and for th balance of th
week come William S. Hart In tha much
heralded feature, "The Bargain." This Is
tha first plctura this theater has aver pre
sented for five days, but they are confident
of Its success bar a It has bees In other
Hlnn Carm'it Meyer appears In a role
that will be remembered by all thos who
see her tn the lateet Bluebird production.
, -- 1 1 '
Let Burgess
We Feature Scores of Time and Labor-Saving Devices, Which Ev
ery Housewife Will Appreciate, Whether or Not She Does
Her Own Laundry Work
WITH the increased cost of laundry work and the fact that it ia almost impossible
to get help in the home to do such work, hundreds of housewives have been
forced to do their own laundry work.
We feature for Tuesday a sale of time and labor-saving devices that will make
this common drudgery a pleasant task and an economical one as well. '
Wash Boilers, ,
' Heavv
boilers, heavy tin
bottom, No. 8
size, $1.25.
Rome all-copper
wash boilers, sta
if m
dles. Extra heavy No. ,8 size, $3.95. '
EUetrie Iron, $3.45
Gloria electric iron with cord
and detachable
warranted for 1
Rapid vacuum washers
with handles, 69c.
worse onue
. i
1 clothes
wringer, hardwood frame, 10-,
Inch rollers, warranted for 8
years, at $3.95.
Bonch Wringer. $3.95
Extra wide, made of hardwood,
bench holds two tubs t with
wringers in center, Horse
shoe brand, 5.93.
Dutt Clothes, 10c
Big Wonder dustless dust cloths,
good size, 10c.
Furniture Duster, 19e.
With handle chemically treated,
at 19c. .
Water Pails, 33a
c a jt a
Galvanized iron water
pails, 10-quart size,
at 35c.
Gas Plates, $3.45
With two powerful
burners, heavy cast
iron frame, at $3.45.
Soaps and Washing Powders
AT these special prices we reserve the right to limit quantities, accept no mail or
ders or phone orders and make no deliveries, except when sent with other goods
bought on a transfer, ;
T oilikleen,
pack 18c
age ,.
Diamond C
Soap, 7
cakes O C
P. & G.
size cake
White Borax
Naptha Soap,
t !..... 4c
White Russian
soap, CJL
cake ..
Beat Em All
Laundry Soap, 2
cakes 1 1
Borax 20 Male
Team brand,
SS I2ic
Star naphtha
powder, large
:r 29c
Sal Soda, large
trkage 12c
Excel .
for ....
Seven nominees out of 17 members
of the-various local labor unions, who
were chosen a week ago, were placed
on a slate for the city commissioner
ticket yesterday by the Working
Men's Nonpartisan and Economic
league. It has been said that the seven
candidates for city councilmen on the
nonpartisan ticket will enter the race
with a strong backing.
Since placing the ticket before the
union men of tha city, there has been
a small ballot box in the Labor Tem
ple, where members of the various or-
fanizations have voted their choice,
"he vote was completed March 1, and
Sunday afternoon the count was fin
ished, with the following results on
the seven candidates:
V Votes
T. P. Reynolds, Bterotypr union.. ..6,004
R. C. Becker, packing houa mechanic 4,718
H. H. llartnett. pack' housa mechanto MM
Frank C. Gardner, Bricklayers' union.. I.tsi
H. U Brldwell, Plumbers' union. .... .3,(6
M. F. Rooney, Teamsters' union. ...... .1,(11
H. F. Wulf, Carpentera' union .1,601
Of the other 10 candidates, there are
several who were pretty close to the
low ones of the seven, but none close
enough so that there will be a con
test As the votes for candidates were
cast, the names of the voters were
checked. Every vote was under the
seal of the organization with which
the voter was affiliated.
Th Olrl In tha Dark." It Is a mystery
drama of a beautiful girl who la being
shadowed by oriental and how an Ameri
can comes to her rescue. It will ba shown
for th final tlmee today.- Tuesday and
Wedneaday coma Harry Moray and Grace
Darmond In "Th Other Man."
- Nash Help You
Mum Th attraction at tb Muss today
1 . . . . ,,, v. H1 V . I '
ann arain tomorrow win w ,
Heavy tin wasa
boilers with heavy
copper bottom
Stationary wood
handles, No 8 size,
at $2.50.
W..L T..L. 1 1ft A
tin wash
wood han
Clothes Baskets, 59c
Elm splint clothes baskets, oval
shape, wood bottoms, good
.size, 59c. " V ' ..
plug, element
year, $3.45.
Oil Mops, 69c ,
Big Wonder, ex-.
tra large Rise,
Cedar Oil mops,
triangle shape,
oiled ready for
use. Complete
with handle, 69e.
Curtain Stretchers, $1.25
Basswood frame, nickle plated
pins, full 6x12 size, $1.25.
Toilet Paper, 17 for $1.00
Crepe tissue toilet paper, large
size, 17 rolls for $1.00.
Wash Boards, 39-
Wash boards, large size, special
at 39c.
Ironing Boards, $2.19
Automatic ironing boards
stand, re-enforced- with
brace, stands very
firm and
rigid, $2.19.
Wall Mops, 34c
Big Wonder triangle shapa wall
mops with handle, 34c.
Brooms, 69e
Made of best quality broom corn, 4
sewed, extra special' at 69c. .
Washing Machine, $13.95
Quality hand operated washing machine,
easy to run, dolly type, at sij.hs,
Quicker Yet electric washing machine,
dolly type, steel platform with extra tub
bench, swinging wringers, at $78.00.
i a miii i
small size
C&kO e
Soap, Fels Naptha
Laundry Soap,
7c t?:.;.6hc
Pearl White
Soap, cakef'
Starch, 1 fl
ounce pack
If:..., 8c
Old Dutch
Cleanser, spe-
for ..
Ammonia Pow-
Victoria Wash
ing cr
Lux special, 3
P- QCr
ages 0J
ctoi3 fs3
featuring Alice Brady. The play present ;
a startling remedy for social Ills. The
story la from tb pen of Eugene Walter.
Suburban -Geraldlne Farrar I featured
here today and Tuesday in her latest screen
triumph for Paramount Artcraft called "Tha
Devel Stone.'' A splendid cast Is shown
which tnoludea among others, Wallace Reld
and Hobert Boawortu,
Ham U ton Mary Mile M Inter In "Some
where in America" will be th Metro play
shown today. Francis X. Bushman and Bev
erly Bayne will also be shown In a short fea
ture, "A Virginia Romance." Tuesday cornea
Earla Williams In a "Mother's Sin" and the
ninth chapter of "Vengeance and the
Woman." Friday and Saturday, "The Birth
of a Nation."
Lothrop "Tha Birth of a Nation,'' D. .-,
W. Griffiths masterpiece, will be shown -at
thla theater for the last time today, and
Manager Jensen announces that owing to
tha length ot tha performance that only one
showing Is deemed advisable. It will start",
promptly at 8:15 and patrons are requested .'
to be as prompt aa possible, so that they -may
be enabled to get the best out ot the
picture. Tuesday, Mary Miles Mlnter In
'Somewhere In America," and Bushman
and Bayne in "A Virginia Romance." . ,
Promises of the Press Agents.
Onyety For diversity of entertainment, :
for scop covered In a two and half hours' .
program it la impossible to conceive a :
greater variety than cmbraoed In "Bill," the
title of tha melange being presented by"
Fred Irwin's big show at th popular .
Oayety this week. Th review Contained ,,
In yesterday's papera were a unit in com--mendatlon
and of th cleanliness of all tha
dialogue. Mr. Irwin haa most surely "gone
to th front In the matter of providing
gorgeoua, wardrobe and striking, elaborate ,
settings to say nothing of a host ot clever .j
people to Interpret Leo MoBonald'a brs'nd -new
Idea for burlesque. Ladles' dime matinee
dally. m
Don't Wheeze Near Cop;
He Might Run You In
Beware, you, who are afflicted with
colds. Police are on your trail. The ;
guilty one must be found and brought
to justice.
A carton of cough drops was stolen ,
from the store of Gus Nanis, 204
South Fourteenth street yestcrdaw
Stors Hours
Evory Day
8:30 A. M. to
6 P. M.
-TaUphono Douglas 137.
With Your
Wash Boiler, $2.50
, Galvanized iron wasn tuns, urst quali
ty, large size, No. 8 size, at $1.39.
-"- -r . . , ..... 1.
. Carpet Beaters, 10c
Wire carpet beaters with wood
grip, at 10c.
Oil Polish, 9e '
Big Wonder cedar oil polish for
furniture, mops or floors, 7-oz.
bottle for 9c.
Clothes Rack, $1.25 ;
Made, of Hardwood, 54 foot dry
ing space, for $1.25.
Clothes Line. Props, 1 9c
Clothes line props, 8 feet In
length, 19c.
Clothes Lines. 45c
Galvanized iron clothes
lines, 100 foot length,.
Bur(a-Nsh Co.
Down Stair Store
Manf f'lnah.
Crystal White
Laundry Soap,
:" sicis
Geld Dust,
small size pack-
Star Naptha
Powder, small
at".'... 6"C
Golden Rod
Washing Pow
der, large
T:. 25c
Golden Rod
Washing Pow
der, package ,,wv
Gold Dust, large
package 29c
Light house
Cleaner, C
package - OC
Argo starch,
16-oz. pack-
age; specially
priced Tues-
Burrts-Nh Co.
-Down Stairs Store
taWJoi:) j