THE BEE: OMAHA'. TUESDAY, MARCH . 8, 1918. . it .a I f 7 The Omaha Bee DAILY (MORNING) EVENING SUNDAY FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSEWATER VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR . THE BEE PUBLISHING COM PANT, PROPRIETOR, Entered at Omaha postoffiea at eeeond-elass natter. t Hall. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Br Carrier, Otllr and Sonde.. .... ..'v.paf tMes. JM t)i It wiUinot Sunday . ... " 10a Ermine end Sunda? 10a Omnia wulimrt Sundar Z V Z 1SK Bund. Bee onlr " . e . . mud notice of cbmn of address a? ImfuUtltt to dsllrert la Oaaaa hem Clrculallao OtMrtaxal. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS tot AnoelttrO Pn. at wM The Bw U a menher, tt a All nsiit at MolteaUoa af i M.i.Mut to rH. m. Inr mihllnalKn Of all BW1 dlaoatrhM Sndlt to II or not otfterwtaa credited In thlt paper end alM the local news ontthatiMl herein, trv alao raened. aot (Mtntl djspatebss REMITTANCE Hmtl ta draft, errrss or eosul order. Unlf S-eant eUans tttao la tiarment of amaU ecoounta. Personal abet, attest oa Otaeae sod saMrta eicrjani. not aeoaptsS. OFFICES Omaha Tee Br Randrna. Imci to Paoplt't Am BatldlBaV u,.i iim.ii i M ki In Tnrk 2M Fifth in. Ooiiidl U!uS-H It. alais M. St. Loult Mr B'k of Commtrea. u1011 u l-toooln LUUe fcalldtaa. Waabluitoa- St. CORRESPONDENCE Address OnawmtrV-ltHioa Mallei W aawa aad Sdllorlsl S3 altar to Oranbe- Bat. Kdmaiaa DeperUnnit. - FEBRUARY CIRCULATION 62,544 Daily Sunday, 54,619 armsa eiNMMK tat the noota. sabsorlM aad swart la M DwlfM Vtilliawa, OtcirtaMaa Macaw. Subaoribara leervtaf tba city ahouM have Tha Baa mall ad ta tbem. AeMrsae changes! aa atten aa requested, It i all right, Mr. Hoover; most of us will cheerfully obey any rule you make. -'"Jim's" compliments to the "Jacks," andjhe knows a nice warm place where they can go. S L. .. ' .' The March lamb is what Bret Harte, called a "cute little cuss,"'but do not trust him too far. -It is hotter to be born lucky than have a heavy head of hair, if you are going to mingle in Omaha politics. . , , -Sammies live like troglodytes along the "Road of the Ladies," but the Germans agree they fight like modern machine?. .What material difference is there between a "jazz" band and some other means adopted to secure attendance at church? V , iThe colonel's left ear has gone to jom his right eye, but his voice and his hands are still on' the jobf and he feels bully. . J ' i La toilette's friends are making a desperate fight to prove that Wisconsin is disloyal, and happily with little hope of winnirig. Privilege to cultivate the right-of-way is of fered the farmers "by, the Nebraska railroads. Trouble is not here, but in need of men to prop erly care for other land available. 1 - . ?Trotzky has had his- vengeance on Russian capital, but how he has helped the proletariat by establishing the rule of the kaiser over the bol shevik! will be hard to understand. ' If the kaiser expects to restore Palestine to the sultan, he will have to hurry, for General Allenby has very nearly made .his occupation of I the Holy Land a fact accomolished. af cb rJ i A biffarer balloon school does not necessarily 5 . T ' . " J1' mean bigger balloons, but more of them. Omaha (jj is ooing wen oy inis grcai aojunci oi our new oj army and Washington evidently understands this. ii i '-i, tl Not much sympathy will go out to the New J York food speculators who got caught when egg prices tumbled. They had their warning long ago, but insisted on monkeying with the buzz saw. : , art " The household purveyor must be both vigilant ! and versatile to keep up with the food regulations ' these days. It would help a little if Mr. Hoover .would let us get accustomed to doing something p, before changing his instructions. V F , , j, . g ' - . " fr ' Rule That Works One Way. T An informal but quite reasonable rule has just thf been laid down by the collector of internal reve tfj nue, relative to poker gains and losses. In con spj nection with the great American pastime custom soj has assessed the winner for whatever toll was J taken by tbe "kitty." This practice is supported , ! by the inexorable logic that the loser can not pay, as the contribution comes out of the "pot" y in; which the winner alone has concern, except jj as the other fellow may care to nurse reminiscent jnjj thoughts of what might have been, and ruefully nej compare his experience With his judgment Ac "I cording to the revenue department, the law of the 4 "khty," if it may be so called, is to be extended Stadd given a wider application. Poker winnings oiare' to be assessed as income and made subject tM to all the surtaxes and excess profit taxes known Pq to the law, but without the comfortable counter jv'iiling permission to the unlucky loser to de Idiict his losses from his taxable income. Thus Uncle Sam takes cognizance alone of the win rnei net's gains, and denies to the loser even the ques: app tionable consolation of knowing that he is not to 'j?!jbe charged for what he had but has no longer. 7. , Speculators in the devious and uncertain ways !of the jackpot will find interest enhanced by the J. fact that the tax collector is waiting for the win othtncr' n(1 w5tnout.8yniPatny for his victim. elgl Germany's Heavy Hand on Russia. Actual contents of. the peace agreement be tween Germany and the bolsheviki, just con eluded at Brest-Litovsk, will not be known until the documents are given out for publication by the contracting parties, but unconfirmed reports indicate the kaiser has driven a hard bargain with his helpless victim. Occupation of Esthonia, Livonia, Courland and other Russian territory by the Germans is assured, in addition to the assess ment of $4,000,000,000 in gold as indemnity. To this 2s now added the condition that all Russian troops must be withdrawn from Turkish territory occupied since the beginning of the present war, and restoration to'Turkey of provinces seized by Russia in former wars. Here is a new light on German purposes. The kaiser makes no bones about turning over to his unspeakable ally the people rescued from Moslem domination in days gone by, but raises a voice of righteous protest when any talk is heard of restoring Alsace and Lorraine-to the French. In this, however, he is consistent; any advantage to the Turk extends the influence of a German Vassal. What is to be determined is whether the Russian troops occu pying Turkish territory will obey orders from the Petrograd council, and deliver Armenia and other provinces over to the Turkish butchers. Aside from this, though, the comparison between Germany's pretensions and performances ought to convince any who care to consider the facts what may be expected in event of German victory. Not a Time for Temporizing. President Wilson is understood to be hesitant in regard to the intervention of Japan in Siberia because of his regard fof the feelings of the Rus sians. This devotion to ideals has marked' the course of the president from the beginning, but it is questionable, to say the least, if American interests at this time do not transcend senti mental obligations to a people that has ceased to defend itself. Germany is in ascendancy in Rus sia, and soon will be in control. Millions of tons of war supplies of all kinds have already fallen into the hands of the German conquerors, and other millions are threatened to go the same way unless steps to preserve them are promptly taken. This is the main element of the problem. Against it may be set the technical violation of the integrity of the territory of a friendly nation. Consideration here must be given to the collateral fact that Russia for the present has no govern ment, that is none to which official recognition has been given by the United States or its asso ciates. In the beginning our president recognized the provisional government of Russia set up by Miliukoff and Lvoff, and continued this through the Kerensky regime. When Lenine and Trotzky overturned all semblance to order and loosed the reign of anarchy, it left no one with whom we could deal. , Tentative recognition of the bol sheviki by a military attache was repudiated by Washington. There the matter stands. Ger many has recognized the bolsheviki as represent ing Russia. To halt now, when the danger is imminent, and debate over Japan's intentions, is to imperil the final settlement of the war. To permit the stores at Vladivostok to fall into German hands might convince the bolsheviki of our disinterest edness, but now they have little more than an academic interest in our attitude. ' Their appeal is to the proletariat, and not to the government. On the other hand, prompt action may check German aggression and preserve something of Russia for those whe oppose bolsevism and kaiserism alike, No loss to the cause of democ racy is possible through a course that removes a menace to its safety. Compensation to the Railroads. Legislation regarding government control o the railroads has reached a point that makes fairly certain the rate of compensation to be allowed the stockholders while the lines are under government control. The three-year average has been accepted by the conference committee, and this, will undoubtedly stand. On this basis the owners of the lines are assured of reasonable return, because the period covered takes in two years of greatest activity known to railroad ex perience in America, when earnings reached un precedented heights. It must not be under stood, though, that the bargain is to be entirely lopsided, for the government is saved through the application of other features of the contract It makes no allowance to the 'companies for moneys expended in improvements during the last few months of private ownership; it will look after the upkeep of the lines, but will make a charge for permanent Improvement, and further, through the , application of economies that were impossible to competing lines, will achieve net earnings the real owners knew not of. This surplus goes to the government, and out of it will be paid expenditures for temporary repairs and extensions needed to keep1 the lines in good going condition. On the surface, the bargain looks like a good one for both sides; certainly the shareholders suffer but little. - 'Berlin says the shock troops penetrated the American lines to a depth of over 500 yards, while the American general in command lays the kaiser's men did not set a foot in the Yankee trenches. One guess as to which statement is correct ' . - Everyday Life in Berlin A Woman's Impressions of the Stress of War London Times. ' (The following impressions are taken from the letter of a neutral woman who has passed all her life in Berlin, which she left last month. I have often been obliged to ask myself with surprise, when walking of an evening in the western part of Berlin, whether I was really in the great capital, which I recollected as a city bathed in a lake of light, and in which the life of labour and of enjoyment appeared nev:r to cease day or night. How quiet and, above all, how dark the city has become! It is not advisable to walk through the quieter streets without an electric pocket- lamp, but even the streets once so busy in the center of the city, in which, especially at Christmas time, much animation and traffic prevailed till the late hours of the' evening, become quiet in the afternoon. . "Save light and coal," runs the watch word both for public and for private life. The shops close; some at 5, and some at 6 o'clock, and few find it amusing to prome nade in the twilight of the street, illumina tion to admire the displays in the shop win dows. What is mainly lacking in the street traffic is the motor cars which followed each other ,so swiftly and gave the streets such animation. Every provincial can now, with out the friendly help of the policemen, cross the Potsdam Platz, where the traffic reaches its utmost concentration, and without receiv ing the impression of running great risk to his life. These circumstances have con tributed to teach the Berliner to value his own fireside more, even if, in order to eke things out with the rationed coal, he is obliged to restrict himself to one or two rooms of his often very large residence. Sauntering was once the Berliner's great est pleasure, and what he enjoyed above all was acting as bear-leader on the occasion of visits of his friends from the provinces. Now, however, the reins are drawn very tight by orders "from headquarters." What should he do in the restaurants now. -when he can no longer get his favourite dishes and se lected dainties? The severe police look sharply after it that no one receives more than he ought,' and find out all the secret cellars in which the great restaurants have concealed their smuggled supplies in order to be in a position to supply their regular customers with a frequent, but feeble, re minder of the former luxurious abundance. Externally, also, the restaurants make a different impression now, since there is no .longer any table linen. The tables are for the most part covered with a glass plate, but one also sees naoer tablecloths. The cafes in which good orchestras play, and wucrc lur some nine past cauarci artists aiso appear, are those in which most animation prevails. The attractions of the cafes are not to be sought in the gastronomic delights afforded by food substitutes (Ersatz Pra parate). Real enjoyment fs still to be found in the theaters and concerts; and although the prices have been greatly increased one has to exert oneself betimes in order to reserve a seat. Although the latest disoatches from the front and the prospects of peace are sub jected to a thorough discussion on all sides, the question of bodily well-beinir occuoies the front place in every one's thoughts. The question which is uppermost in all minds is whether the various cards I believe there are 12 different kinds will be sufficient for the needs of the people, and whether the cabbage turnip (Kohlrube), the national win ter dish, could net be prepared for table again in a somewhat different way for the tilth. day ot the weelc The Berlin women' have grown slender owing to the scanty diet of the war. and the question "How much do you weigh now?" or "How much have you lost, since I saw you last?',' ir often asked as the quite ordi nary "How do you do?" People who still look rotund and well nourished are fre quently to be pitied, for they are easily looked at somewhat askance, with the ar riere pensee, "Their larder must be well filled," and the street urchins make fun of them, exclaiming, "Look, there goes another Hamstertantel an untranslatable expression meaning "Auntie who get foods on the sly" or similar amiabilities. People are not always content with the universal distribution, and the Zentral Ein kaufs Gesellschaft (Central Purchasing company) and the municipal authorities are frequently roundly abused. In recent years the people have gradually accustomed them selves to privation, so that the complaints of the smaller quantities of provisions are not excessive. "We shan't starve in any case"; with this comforting . assurance the people endeavor to overcome everything. What they most regret is, not to be able, when their dear ones come home on leave from the front, to coddle and pet them as much as they could wish, and as much food s pos sible is always set aside for these visits. I have generally heard that south Germanv has more provisions, especially dairy prod ucts, than north Germany, particularly Ber lin and the west industrial region. Yet with money you are able to open many a backdoor, and occasionally to buy a pound of butter for 20 marks (1), or get a bit more sugar, rice, or similar delicacies. Any price asked is paid, in order to get extra food from a secret source of Supply without a food card. Every opening tiat urally exists for food usury, and people have often complained to me that a secret male or female dealer has accepted a large sum of money from them without ever delivering the treasures promised in return. The pur chaser, however, is unable to prosecute the deceiver, as he himself has made an attempt to obtain by roundabout methods more than he is entitled to, and rendered himself liable to punishment. On the whole money does not play a great part. There are iarge earnings, espe cially by the working classes and, indeed, mainly by the women. Workmen who do not belong to the army, and are caoable of work, are naturally much sought after, and these are mainly employed in large1 concerns. The proprietress of the boarding house where I lived told me that she was only able with the very greatest difficulty to eet a me chanic into the house to do the most indis pensable repairs. Thus, for three weeks the bath could not be used because the tap re- ijuireu a email repair. The lack of female domestic servants is also extraordinarily great. These girls have now opened up to them so many opportuni ties of employment at large salaries and in circumstances of freedom that only a rela tively amall number are still willing to re main in domestic 'service. In spite of the hard work, most of them orefer the muni tion factories, as there they receive very high pay, and are fed at the central kitchen. Most housewives have now to do their own work,, since they are not able to pay the wages, which have increased threefold, for domestic help. Moreover, not every house wife can comply with the demands of her servant; for, before the latter accepts serv ice, she asks the question 'Have you sup plies, ma'am, or do you live from what you get on the cards?" If the latter is the case, she rejects the place with great indignation. ' Pope Gregory's Latest V - Triumph V " It has taken Russia since 1582 to adoot the Gregorian calendar, that monument to papal enterprise and the, genius of Clavius which so closely approximates the civil to the natural year that there will not be a day's difference between them in 3,000 years. The bolsheviki did the act, advancing their calendar by 13 days. It is perhaps best for us not to speak unkindly about their laggard recognition of Gregory XIII's improvement in time measurement, for it was not until 1751 that our English forebears allowed their common sense to overcome their sectarian prejudices and abandoned the "old style," George Washington was born under the an cient Julian reckoning February 11, 1732; the act of the English Parliament by which the change was made transformed the day after September Z, 1752, into September 14. Probably the revolution in Russia would have done something to the .calendar, no mat ter what system had been in force. Such is the habit of revolutions that overthrow social orders. The French revolution evolved a calendar based on philosophical principles. It had 12 months of 30 days each, the new era dating from the minute of the autumnal equinox, September 22f 1792, which was the day from which the existence of the republic was reckoned, although the republic was formally proclaimed on September 21. A philosopher does not scorn a legal fiction. The French revolutionists introduced five festal days Sansculotttdes at the end of each year to let the sun catch up with them, and an additional jour de la revolution every fourth year to correct the error not taken care of by these. This calendar endured until Napoleon Bonaparte restored the Gregorian System, January 1, 1806. 1 Meanwhile ,the Mohammedans use a lu nar year of 354 days, of 12 months, which al ternately nave 3U and ) days. ISO attempt i made to regulate the calendar to the solar year, and New Year's day may fall in any season; tnere is no correspondence between months and seasons. ' This is much opposed to our more orderly way, yet the followers of the prophet do not seem, to be downcast over this. They will probably be brought into line some day, however, for the Gre- ?;orian calendar is sensible, simple and easy or everybody to understand. New ., York Sun. - .. Rent Profiteering in Wash ington Congress is trying, in its blundering way, to correct the evil of rent profiteering which suddenly has become acute in Washington. For a long time after the tide of immigra tion here set in the landlords of the district as a class obeyed the injunction of the real estate men not to tempt fate by charging unreasonable rentals, but as wealthy dollar-a-year men and others of means poured in and, finding suitable apartments unavailable, started bidding up the prices, a fever for quick money has spread until the national capital today presents the greatest example of rent boggishness since the Chicago fair. The carnival of greed started with the tenants in apartment houses, who sublet their quarters, with the assent of the owner and sometimes in collusion with him, for two and three times the old rental. In fact, the local papers have been full of ad vertisements of suites at $100 up to $250 a month which never before have brought more than $50 at the most. The situation has become a scandal, the news of which has kept thousands of clerks from coming to Washington after the gov ernment sent for them, while men of larger means than - the average clerk have been compelled to pay enormous prices for very indifferent accommodations. The worst evil has been the furnished apartment, In which there has been wholesale speculation, some persons early in the game hiring half a dozen unfurnished .apartments, furnishing them well or badly and subletting them for a great many times the normal rental. The situation is now such that few if anv rooms are at- tainable at reasonable prices, even in the less L ucairauic paria oi mc city, wnne permanent residents here dare not try to move or sell their property, no matter what may be of fered for it, because they know that in doing so they would be simply turning themselves out of doors. Two relief measures are pending in the house one proposing to tax back into the treasury all rent profits in excess of 10 per cent more than the prices prevailing October 1, 1916; the other penalizing with a fine of $500 charging an employe in any branch pf the government a rental exceeding the rate charged for the premises on December 1, 1917. Washington Letter in Boston Tran-script Mr. Agnetr Makes Rejoinder. Omaha, March 2. To the Editor of The Bee: I would suggest to the lel low signing his name as Dewey Wayne of Papillion, Neb., that there is no law compelling him to read what I write to The Bee and which you see fit to publish, and it he does not like what I write, he does not have to read it Occasionally I run onto a mutt like Wayne as 1 expect to, but the great ma jority of those who read The Bee tell ma they are greatly pleased with my article and tell me they hope I will keep on doing it Sometimes some one writes to your publication and says I am level headed on most things, but on this or that thing I am not so level headed. So when I run onto someone who does not like what I write, I simply compare the criticisms with the commendations and find that the criticisms amount to about a grease spot as compared with a hogs head. To toot my own horn, I will tell Mr. Wayne that an intelligent working man was in my office a few days ago and' said he did not know there was a man in old South. Omaha smart enough to write for the papers what I do. v So 1 feel very comfortable, whether Wayne likes what I write or not. FRANK A. AGNEW. Jerry on the Job. Omaha, March 3. To the Editor of The Bee: Your editorial ia today's issue headed, "Scope of the Special Legislative Session," states that the constitution says that "the legislature shall enter upon' no business except that for which they were called to gether." I wish to suggest to the governor through the columns of your widely read paper that his excellency mention in his extra session proclama tion the passage of a minimum wage bill. At the dictation of the packers and the merchant princes the mini mum or living wage bill was killed in the senate at the last session. Like wise it will put our governor colonel 'on record as to whether he wants the mothers of the American race fed. JERRY HOWARD. "Organized" Labor In Politics. Omaha, March 4. To the Editor of The Bee: Now that "organized labor" of Omaha has been induced by cer tain labor politicians to put a ticket into the field for the spring municipal campaign, I would like to repeat the criticism for Omaha organized labor hat a Cedar Rapids labor paper ex tended to sioux City alter taking simi lar action, and also to call attention to the fact that both Johnny Lynch and AI Kugel (not to mention many before them) were touted as organized labor's candidates, and their election never proved one iota of benefit to organized labor. The item from the Cedar Rapids labor paper follows: "The Sioux City Trades assembly is listening to some bad advice. That body has decided to enter the city campaign with a complete ticket which will spell cer tain defeat for those who- enter the race. Just why the Sioux City union men and women should imagine that any element is entitled to all the muni cipal offices we cannot understand. But that feature aside, we will pre dict that trouble is in store for our friends in Woodbury county. Jeal ousies and turmoil will bring about discord and strife in the labor move ment of that city that will take years to overcome and with no real ob jective in sight as a reward except that a few union men may hold office without being of greater service to labor than others who.are fair, friend- i ly and unlabeled as either 'labor' or 'capitalistic. Cedar Rapids union ists can truthfully prove this conten tionwhile Des Moines is a good ex ample of how politics can wreck a live labor movement through discordant things that follow in the wake of ac tive participation such aa Sioux City would attempt." We might also point to Marshalltown for the individual examples of what city politics does to those who would run as 'labor' can. didatos and how. 'bad they get in' with those whom they aspire to serve." UNIONIST. SMILING LINES. Nodd How much doaa it cost you to live tf that la a fair question T Todd My dear fellow. If I knew it would worry ma ao - that I wouldn't be able to make half aa much aa I do now. Judge. . Hra. Exa We muat have the Blrfibye to dinner. We owe them one. Sxe That'a ao. We patted an awful even ing there and lt'a nothing more than right that they ahould paaa one here. Boston Tranacrlpt. "My grandfather aaved the day at tun-dy-Lane." "Old man, I've been hearing about your grandfather long enough. My aunt eaved ever two peundi of augar last month." Louisville Courier-Journal. PubllshstWe' have to be careful what hooka wa accept to maintain our popu larity, for our patrons simply devour the j novels wa have put out. ' Ambitious Author That'a all right, for they'll just aat ntlne up. Baltimore American. THE SAILOR MAN. ' (From Life.) . Z like the look of khaki and tha cut of army wear, And tha men of mettle sporting it at home and over there; But there's something at (he heart-atrtnge that tautena when' I meet A blue-clad aallor man adrift on shore. leave from the fleet. From flapping toga his sea-legs win soma tinge of old romance That'a proper to tha keeper of tha paths that lead to France; For what were all tha soldiers worth that ever tossed a gun Without the ships and sailor men to pit . them 'gainst the Hunt There's sunlight now and steady ground beneath the sailor's tread, And every pleasure beckons him, and every anare Is spread Speed well 'this visitor, whose home 'twiit heaving decka la aet, "Whose playmates are the darkness, and tha bitter cold and wetl His comrades these; bis toe is ours, the foa ot law and right. The stealthy, murderous German "fish" that prowla and kills by night; And none may aink blm where he swims, flouting God's age-built plan, Nona but the guardian ot us all, tha rolling sailor man. Hla hands are often cruel cold; his heart Is oftener warm. For In Ita depths ha knows 'tis ha that shields the world from harm; -Because I know , It, too, my heart beats warmer when I meet A blue-clad sailor man adrift on shore-leavi from the fleet. Let Cuticura Soothe Your Itching Skin Nothing purer, sweeter or more effective for rashes, itchings and ir ritations. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal. They prevent skin troubles if used for every-day toilet purposes. For free samples address: "Cntl cura, Dept. 2A,Bost on." Sold every where. Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50. Stiff Joints V Limbor jp Quick Amazing: Eesulti Prom "Ulypto." You'll say, "I never saw anythingr like it." Apply a little "Ulypto Ointment on that etlff or aching? Joint, or sore muscle, on that rheu matic pain, apply It where your back hurts or where you have that ""NaV terrible headache, head cold or neu ralgia. The result will be gloriously , soothing and the pain, congestion; and soreness will disappear quickly. "Ulypto" Ointment is a scientifia surprise, a new combination con taining among other things the al most magic properties of the uca lyptus tree. Just think, no blister ing or irritation, no objectionable mustard odor, Just a wonderful bland, sootht.iff pain-chaser. Use It f lor lutti sore uirutti, iuv, yom iu u chest chilblains, earache, or any in flammation. "Ulypto" Ointment 1 sold by all druggists in 25c and 60o jars, or cent direct by the MacMlU lan Chem. Co., Tails City. Nebr. , . Quick Ease for Sore Throat A tew "Ulypto" Cough Dropa worM tnagic on the inflamed membrane of the throat They will clear your voice at once, stop the "tickle," easa the cough and end hoarseness. It's a. new combination. with tha won derful eucalyptus. Try them right now, 50 a package at au drug stores, candy, grocery and cigar stores. "Ulypto ' Ointment Is for sale anrt recommended in Omaha by Sherman k McConnell's Five Stores, Merritt Drug Stores, Beaton Drug Co Dundee Phar macy, Green's Pharmacy. Looking for work? Turn to thi. Help Wanted Columns now. Y01I will find hundreds of positions listed there, - I TQPAyI caujOiie Tear Ago Today in the War. wou Germans took line north of Verdun Ta(ter severe fighting. ' p President Wilson in Inaugural ad- 1 liresa took stand In favor of armed iUneutrality. sw 1 Swedish cabinet resigned, following s rerusai or paruampnt to itrant an- i Ijiropriation of 80,000.000 crowns for 'i preservation of neutrality. Stilrhe Day We Celebrate. f George H. Lee of the George H. ' Manufacturing company, born 1 eon, dldn Thomas W. Blackburn, attorney at aw. born 18SS. 1 Tint Joseph D. Leltch, brigadier general, wea )rn in Michigan S4 years ago today. J' . Wliliam F. Durand. head of the spe- Lbi ial committee of the United States trt t National Advisory Committee on Aero li(f lautlcs. born at Bethany, Conn., SI g-ears ago today. y Vhis Day la History. 1770 Boston massacre. In which avas shed the first blood In the revolt ,f the American colonies. I 1815 Paria received a. semaphore J!patch giving the news ot Napol jon's return from Elba. , .v ! S2 Bricsaon's Monitor was lompleted and delivered to the gov 'ntment for trial. J 1S8 United States senate con ened as a court of impeachment tor ' ho trial of President Johnson, J ust SO Years Ago Today Dr. Hoffman has returned from a several week's trip to the south. Ticket Agent Woods is sick and travelers over tha Union Pacific miss his genial face at the window. E. P. Weirs Is officiating in the mean time. Twenty-five old army men met In City Clerk Wellu office and resolved to form a grand nrmy pott Enough money was p.oduced to pay for a charter and Comrades 3oyles, Theo dore Elliott J. B. Erion, J. A. Mc Murphy and J. W. Cress wer . ap pointed as a committee to settle on the time and place of the regular post meetings. - . Commisalcn-r Grlffltts of the freight bureau of Omaha board of trade has been notified that the In'-rstate Rail way commission will arrive in Omaha on the nineteenth instant to hear ar guments in the discrimination cases against the railroads. . George Stebbina and bride have re turned from their honeymoon, Aimed at Omaha Crawford Courier: AH In all. Oma ha's sportin? bosses seem to be get ting in bad. Kearney Hub:' John L. Kennedy, state fuel administrator for Nebraska, declares that "profiteering" must be stopped. All right go to it Hastings Tribune: The way Oma ha is cleaning up Its backyard and nabbing bootleggers is a matter that every Nebraskan ia Interested in. Let the good work continue. Beatrice Express: All Nebraska is watching the "cleaning up" process In Omaha and hopes that while County Attorney Magney ia at the Job, he will make a thorough one tf it - Kenesaw Progress: Last Sunday's Omaha Bee was a sterawinder. It was the auto show number and con tained nearly 100 pages. The Beeis one of the best daily newspapers In the great west and the Kenesaw Prog ress is the best weekly in the but we are too modest to finish the sentence. Minden Courier. Another Omaha woman displayed ignorance equal to that of the one who had been aav ing a loaf a day for about a month, and asked Hoover what to do with the accumulated loaves. The one now coming to our attention asserts that she bad to throw away three loaves ot bread last Wednesday morning be. cause It waa wheaUeaa day. Ye gods and little fishes! - , A Different Class. : The Flirt For an army officer you are not very venturesome. ' Shy Suitor I belong to the re serves, . Right to the Point v Louisville Courier-Journal: It Is said a sucker Is born every minute, but it should be added that speaking generally he is born in Russia. Washington Post: We suppose the wealthy New York wool dealer who has just been Interned will register a kick if his new uniform contains any sUoJ-:;-. St Louis Globe-Democrat: It is not tikely that Sir Rabindranath Tagore was in any plot He waa merely using the privileges of his poetic license to cuss the government . . " Baltimore American: We boast the highest civilization in this age of high civilization, but the nation yet con tains people who blow out the gas, look for leaks with a naked light and believe in love powders. Minneapolis Tribune: The corre spondents with General Allenby's army are sending out some mighty interest ing stories about Jericho, but Joshua still holds the record as the best pub licity agent Jericho ever had. New York World: If Russia ia a land flowing with milk and honey on which the Germans are to fatten, the Russians themselves have been sin gularly backward in profiteering by their own opportunities in the fact ot a general famine. New York World: Without belit tling in any way the kaiser's pious outgivings, his adversaries may invite his attention to the arrival of a Brit ish army en the hills overlooking the River Jordan. It used to be said that that was a hard one, but General Al lanta ia traveling it v Twice Told Tales , Unsolicited Advice, One afternoon a man dropped into a drug store for some medicine and stood by while the apothecary was filling the prescription. , "You are not making up that pre scription as I would," finally inter rupted the customer. "I would just dump in a little pinch of this and little drop of that" "Pardon me," responded the apothe cary, turning to the customer with a freezing expression. "Are you a drug gist!" . , "Oh no," was the prompt rejoinder of the other. "Far from that" "Then," demanded the druggist "why do you try to tell me how to run my business?" , "Reciprocity," waa the smillnt, re Joinder of tha customer. "I am the manager of a base ball team, and I notice that your frequently sit in the bleachers handing me out a lot of unsolicited advice." Philadelphia Tel egraph. - Go th limit . Jones occupied an office in common with Smith. One afternoon Jones was writing a letter when he. paused and became very thoughtful. "Say, Jim." he finally remarked, glancing across at the other, "how- do you spell 'graphic,' with one T or two?" "Well, responded Jim, who didn t want to hurt Jones (feelings, "If you are going to use any, Sam. I guess von might go the llm't." Philadel- 0iA TeiaKrasta. . 7MV r The Past That Makes The Present PossiHe Year after year since 1851 the Western Union Telegraph Co. has gone ahead, growing in scope and public usefulness. Now it uses one million, five hundred thousand miles of wire goes into twenty-six thousand cities, towns and hamlets and gives work to fifty thousand employees. Today under war conditions! thousands of our boys in khaki are safer, happier, better clothed, better housed and: better equipped because there is such a thing as a world-wide telegraph system. THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. F 1 THE OMAHA BEE INFORMATION BUREAU ,..4 ; Waahington, D. C. ' " "v. ' ij Enclosed find a 2-cent stamp for which you will please send me, entirely free, "The Poultry Book." Name Street Address. Jjjy-.............. Stated ..-..,.........J