THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY, MARCH 5. 1918 11 FOR RENTHOUSES REAL ESTATE IMPROVED " '-- West. Miscellaneous. MODERN (room house, close in. Phone Har. Ill) t a. m. or p. m. hn.A . Sfr; rssz s CLAREMOXT BUNGALOW DESIRABLE (-room flat - at 19th and - Hickory, on car line; modern, nicely decorated; economical furnace. Phone Dougl 7561 Miscellaneous. New tu-eo (rnom. oak finish. lightly what" havf vnn FOR ' rfnt location, m blocks to car; paved treet. in toe way of four, five or six-room mod- . . ern, up-to-date apartmentT Preference will be riven to those tn better district of the city. Want to deal direct with own era. No (rents. TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 101, (303209 '.'.ass, 6 rms., strictly modern, window .hades, fine yard. (181560 N. 10th. ( rms, bath. ' (12.503320 Manderson, S rooms, large yd. ; (10 109 S. 2Sth, rms., owner pays water. (35 620 S. 20th, 10 rooms, modern. Ring-wait Bros. Brandeis Thea. Bldg. BEUTiFUL STUCCO 2129 WIRT ST.. 8 rms... 35.0 510 S. 27th, T rms 3S.00 PITVflATOW :09 S. 36th. 8 rms 45.00 BUAOALUW ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. ... , . . , New S-room, oak floors throughout, oak FOR REN1 finish In living room and dining room; Houses, cottage, and apartment. white enamel bed room, mahogany doors, PORTER A SHOTWELL, larKa llvlng room with fireplace, beautl- 101 8. 17th 8t Dug- lnl- fully decorated throughout, H block to Office with Home Builder. ear paved street. All pavings paid in ("ROOM, all modern house, close In, Hi. full. Price (,950: cash (800; balance (45 . . JOHN J. MULV1HIIA (Realtor). per month. Call Owner. Walnut 2812. tOO Brandel Theater Bldg. Phone Doug 9 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITT. FOR SALE. CREIGH SONS CO.. BEB BLDQ. 827 Seward St., i rms (MOO FOR COLORED. 4618 Grant St., 6 rms.. all modern.. (160 7 rooms, (16; 7 rms. modern (26.00. 4232 Farnam St.. rms (.000 JOHN N. FRKNZER. DOUGLAS 654. 8820 Fort 8t., 6 rm., acre of ground 2 750 6-R. FURNISHED cottage for (25. 3828 Fort St 6 rms acr. of ground 1.600 W. H. GATES. Om. Natl. Bk. Bldg. D. 1294. " 'gVound MM SHOPEN - CO., RENTALS. Douglaa 4228 These are all big bargain. See them and then ee me. '-!:s H. FISCHER. FOR RENT APARTMENTS g First N.fl Banh Bldg.. Omaha . R. S. TRUMBULL. West. 30 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Pou-. 1734. DEWEY. $300 DISCOUNT ((01 Dewey, ( rooms,, with t-r. accom- We offer ( full lzd lot on grade, modatlon. NEW. Sub-lease No. ; Hv- corner of 27th and Hartman for (600 ing room, with built-in bed, and dressing cash if taken this week, room with built-in chlffonnler; dining MITCHEL INVESTMENT CO., room with built-in bed; kitchen and bath; 14th and Ames. Phone Coital 117 very choice; $35 summer, (42.50 winter. j.qR SALE Beautiful new 6 -room modern Be tenant, or call janitor, Harney 1945, white stucco residence on Council Bluffs today. car line. Handy location for . anyone HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. -orking In Omaha. Very easy terms. A. COLLEGE TERRACE. H. Becker, 8206 Ave. A. Council Bluffs. New apartments. Just finished, with all w. FARNAM SMITH A CO., the latest feature and convenience fire- Reai Estate and Insurance. proof throughout, (35 and (40. Located 1810 Farnam St Doug. 1064. eouthea.t corner 23d and California St.. LET m show you my brand new stucco cr c-" bungalow; finely finished, excellent loca. 701 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 496. enable term. Call Owner, Dougla 17M. MILTON. i J-R., with S-r. accommodation. 1964 , , Jen, close In, NEW; large living room, REAL ESTATE -BeS Pi pty lViP bMT:B,lT H. A.' WOLF CO. REAL ESTATE, IN- . S.(?fffi.W;i.- s" ianlt": BLDQTIPHONETTLER ECTRIC HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. BLDG.. TELEPHONE TYLER 85. -R .09 PAXTON COURT. NEW. close-in, BUSINESS propertie. and Investment.. bet 25th Ave. and 26th St, right off of - R 1 Douglas, very choloe; gaa range, refrlger- . 620 First Nat. BanK Biag. ator. window shade, awnings, curtain M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO rods, everything up to date, (32.50. Income. Business and Trackage 8peolallt. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St 16th and Dodge Bta. Dougl 41(. BEAUTIFUL (-room , and bath apartment, ' YOUNG A DOHERTY. walking dlstanoe. In fin location. (39.(0 City Real Estate. winter. Dougla 8140. Dougla 1671. (22 Brandel Theater. HAMILTON APTS. Fireproof, 24th A Far- nam; 1 to ( rm. with kitchen. D. 1471. RAL SJATE INVESTMENT North. . " Central Tizard Palace Block. FINE INCOME Nothing b.tti . for prlo. 4-room apart- d ad conl,st(1 S kZa vlZ, "iri buildings; S; 6-roora house and 220 N. 23d. Phon Red 4232. ton MxlV). all In firat- 4-ROOM apt and aunroom, team heated, claM shape. All rented for $2,124 per (31.50 and (36. 1815 Maple St. Red 682. year Prlce (17,000; take (6,000 cah. ' Z 77 balance terms. SOUth. ABLON REAL ESTATE CO., HEATED APARTMENTS. Phon Red 31.43. , (21 Neville Blk. ( Room. "The Hudson," 207 South 2j6th Ave., summer, (40; winter, (50. ' - ' (R4S?w,int.ruth 25th Ave" ,un,mer REAL ESTATE To Exchange BENSON A MEYERS CO.. Realtors, CLEAR 160-A. unimproved Jones Co.. & D.. 424 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Doug. T46. toT cjear modern house. Seward Bros., (78 7, : ' Brandel Bldg. Douglaa 8840. Miscellaneous. . -- 'JSEJS2k- REALESTATE-Unimproved ' North. rrxn nruT r O . VACANT NORTH FOR RENT Business Prop ty nave ( full lot on Plnkney treet ' ST" ' outh front t 26th Ave., among beautiful - - Stores. ' new home. Priced, to sell, c giv trma FINE Hew Ator room and basement at 27th - TRAVER BROS. CO- and Leavenworth 6ts. Steam neat For Dougla 6886. 819 Flrt Nat Blc Bldg. Z5ur8!VFt;tl Br"- Miscellaneous. MODERN .tor. near posto " modern gg ft. Y'dow. Do?,. tore, room on 16th. near postorfic. low mi i rent O. P. Stebbln. 1610 Chicago. A rDC ATP NEW ator for rent at 24th and Farnam. fine REAL ESTATE ACKEA- location. Call P. 1472. FINE acre for strawberries, Benson. Per- rkC: -A rtu Cn.m. fectly level, richest kind of soil, on a OH1CC and Desk KOOmS. 2.(00t terracei formerly a lake bed. Man COMFORTABLE offices in The Bee Build- north of Florence cleared (670 on of an lng for the most discriminating tastes. acre In strawberries. You can raise enough Keystone Investment Co., Tyler 131. to pay the cost of this acre In one year. OFFICES. (20 per month and up. Trice (876. (10 cash. (10 a month. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG., HASTINGS A HEYDEN, FIRST TRUST CO.. Agt. Tyler 600. 1614 HARNEY ST. n...... anA Pamc 20 ACRES Just outside city limits on west. uarages ana nam. mIe tQ car Une ,th g(J fare t0 clty FOR RENT Barn for garage. 810 S. 27th Land iay9 rlne ana ioil is good. Will di- Bt. vide if desired. Price is low nd terms ' can be given. Phone Harney 4283. ... . . A LARGE suburban tract of ground outside WANTED TO RENT city limit, near carllna. Ideal place to raise poultry or garden. Thl 1 a 250-ft Miscellaneous. frontage for (510; will sell on eay term. HOUSE WANTED A six or seven-room Telephone Walrfut 3466. house; one with garage preferred; what ACREAGE Imp. 1 ,to 40 a., well located, have you got? With lease for a year and reasonably priced; terms or cash; some if suitable will buy. State location and for trade. 211 Brandela Thca. Bldg. Mr. rent ' Pse. DR. FRANK SIMON, ' ' ' Commonwealth Life Insurance Co. DC A I 17C;TATI7 WAlMTFn WANT cheap farm land In Neb.. So. Da- K-A- 31AI- WAPII-U kota or .Colorado, have 5-passenger Velie FYir Sillo ni TTVPriflnrrp auto in first-class condition (only been J1 OdltJ UI Al(UlgC used on eason), as first payment. E. T. pR FARM OR RANCH. Heyden. Phone Walnut 262 or Tyler 60. (50,000 Press brick, close-in business , block; Income (5,000 year, on lease; also (9,000 first mortgages, itors building and MOVING AND STORAGE c,"Benc?) vn. want land. metrop6litan van a btoragf co S. S. & R. E. Montgomery, Owned and operated by Central Furnl- 213 City National Bank Bldg. tor Store; office on Howard St., between Omaha. Neb. 16th and 16th. ?hon Tyler (400. Have i waxtt tt ditv your moving hartjled Just a you would 1 WAJN1 I U BUI an order for now furniture. That' the way a five or six room house, North Side di- we do It Ask to se- our daily .ental lists. trlct. for ab.ut (3,000 or (3,600. Will give FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE e , ' Separate locked room for household vh. t- good, and pianos; moving, packing and umana gee. hipping. I WANT more houses and apartments to OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., rent, sell or exchange. Needed repairs (06 8. 16th Donglas 4163. made and cost deducted from rent. W. " FPFPRENTAL FTflFTTTV Templeton, 614 Bee. Tyler 2020. . J? 1 SERVICE T 117 UllJll I WE HAVE several good reliable buyer for - Phon Dougla 288 for complete 6 and 6-room houses and bungalows with list of vacant house and .part- " 1300 to (500 down. Call Osborn Realty menta. Alo for atorage. moving. Co. Tyler 496. 701 Om. Nat Bank Bldg. 16th and Jackson St.. HAVE calls tr Dundee homes and would Tvi TT T7 1 C4. fl '"se exclusive listings on a few bungalows (jlobe van ana otorage uo. and houses from 0.600 to (12.000. c a. For real service In moving, packing and Grlmmel, 849 Om. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. storing call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338 WANT good residence; about (6,000. Will Jn rL1T7'n Express Co., Moving. Pay one-half cash, balance In good rel- . Kj. XxEjEjU Packing and 8torage. dence lots. Box 1792. Omaha Bee. 1907 Warnam St Web. 2748. Doug. 6146. ' ' FINANCIAL REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Real Estate. Loans and Mortgages. West. 5Vi and per cent mortgage. icurd by - . m ..:7,..0 . . " Omaha residence or Nebraska farm. ALMOST NEW BUNGALOW E. H. LOUGEE, INC.. IJ,.IlVenorth W1!;"!' "'J:00 638 Keellne Bldg. nd bath, modern, oak finish throughout; . .., ... .. - - full cemented basement; a bargain at DIVIDENDS OF i PER CENT OR MORE. (3,500; (1,350 cash, balance long time. One do lar e ta rt "c0""t-, , Ownei has moved est; rented now. but OMAHA LOAN A BLDG. ASSOCIATION. can show. H. W. BINDER. INTERSTATE REALTY CO, Money on hand for mortgage loan. 913-14 City National. Douglas 2819. City National Bank Bldg. FOR SALE 3 lots N. E. corner 54th and OMAHA HOM CS E AST NEB. FARMS. Pacific 8ts. Bargain. Inquire J. Wlsler. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 4679 Leavenworth St. 1016 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Doug. 2715. KOUNTZE PLAGE Modern 8-room house. LOWRATES C. G. CARLBERoTllsT Bran- full basement, large lot. close to car. Price dels Theater Bldg. D. 686 (3.350. Norrts A Norrls. D. 4270, Ti I Of MONEY rii (W M1NNE LUSA homes and lot. offer the "72 JC HARRISON A MORTON,Ot O best opportunity to Invest your money. 916 Omaha Nat Bk? Bldt Phone Tyler 187. CIxy A,5 FXRM LOANS DUNDEE PROPERTIES. (. 6H and Per Cent GEORGE & COMPANY, J. H. DU.MONT C. Keellne Bldg. '0lrcrlty. kT; f--Poug'a'756-: LjT-TtT PRS: FIELD club district, 6-room modern cottage, 933 8. 38th Ave.. :t,soo. c G. Carioerg. W. H. Thomas & Son, Keellne Bldg. 310 Erandels Theater $100 to (10.000 MADE promptly. f7D. North. Wead. Weed Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Sts. . MONEY to loan on Improved farms and A NEW FOUR-ROOM rnnch" rS, HOUSE 8HCN ACOMPNX.ougla422( Have a new house with all the modern FARM AND RANCH LANDS conveniences except heat which I will sell for a small payment down and balance Arkansas Lands. ' like rent This has a built-in bed besides MARCH 5 , the living room dining room and kitchen. excursion to McGehee. Ark. Paved street Full Int. Phone Wal. 677. w 8 FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. BIG SNAP $3,850 Idaho Lands. 2327 Seward street; full corner lot with jttn a TTiri good elght-riom all modern house, oak lUAIlU finish. (60J cash will handle. House For gale 40-acr irrigated farm, aU In alone cost tr.t money. Investigate. alfalfa and winter apple; paying hand- -IT IT'nTJ P, CTJATT mely, near R. R. city 6,000; no agent. lj LiU V XLfJtV OC X tXlVi , r trade. Price, $8,500. Writ. H. D. X. (163. II City Nat'l Bank Bldg. ' Bowker, Nampa, Idaho. ' i V . ....... - FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. LOW FARE ROUND TRIP Homeseekers' excursion to Colorado polnta every first and third Tues days. Writ, for free farm booklet and special land-seekers rates for parties of five or mora. Immediate possession and eight years' time on our lands at ( per cent. THE TWIN LAKES LAND AND WATER COMPANY. 916 First Nat'l Bldg., Omaha. BEST Bl.YS IN COLORADO. Ftv. sections near Hugo, Mncoln coun ty, 90 per rent best farm land. (10 per era. 640 acres near Denver 400 acre. In wheat (30 per acre. On. to four sections, Cheyenne county, some neai rtilroad. (7 to (9 per acre. Soma good bargains in ranchea and colonisation tract. Agent Hit W. O. W. Building. Omaha WHEAT lands. Kit Carson county, Colorado; (12.60 to (18 per acre. W control 26 cholc. quarter. Send for booklet Klok Investment Co.. Omaha. Missouri Lands. GREAT BARGAINS. (S down. (5 monthly buys 40 acres good fruit and poultry land, near town, south ern Missouri. Price only (220. Address. Box 281. Springfield, Mo. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms. (60 per a., Including paid-up water right. Henry Levi ACM. Rylnder, 864 Omaha Nat'l. Minnesota Lands. MINNESOTA BARGAIN. (40 acre, level el: loam, partly fenced, on mat. road, ( mile from town, 90 miles from St. Paul; 40 acrea field and tam. hay. 100 acre, meadow, balance contain. 1,000,000 feet of commercial tim ber; river through land; good 8-room house, well and outbuildings. An Ideal stock farm; timber ulonj will pay for the land. Price (25.00 an acre, easy terms. For further particular and picture, writ Dairy Farm Land Co., Flnlayson, Minn. Nebraska Lands. A REAL RANCH BARGAIN IN NEBRASKA. (.112 acres Sheridan county, Nebraska, only on. mile from Ellsworth, railroad town, has three five-room houses and sta ble, for from 200 to (00 cattle, 3 wells, fenced and cross fenced, has 6 Potash lakes, wi: cut 1,000 ton of hay. Possession May 1st. Price (14 per acre. Owner to retain ownership to 10 per cent off all minerals, any other information, write or call S. O. Nordqulst 322 Neville Bldk.. Omaha, Neb. 80 ACRES, Morrill Co., Neb.. 3 mile north Bayard; (0 acre alfalfa, balance under the plow; 4-room house, barn, well, fenced, all under government ditch. Price (12,000; only 3 mile beet dump. Land paid the owner hi share rent 1(17 over (1.800. Wilt take (5.00 cash, balance trade. S. O. Nordquist 822 Neville Blk.. Omaha. Neb. CHOICE half section eastern Nebraska. Big improvements, worth (10,000, ideal stock and grain farm, desirable location. A fine place to live. Such a farm 1 seldom of fered for sale. For full Information ad dress Paul Peterson, 364 Brandeis The ater Bldg., Omaha, Tel. D. 1805. Wal nut (106. 283 ACRES NEAR BIG SPRINGS Just across the 11ns In Keith county, Ne braska. Irrigated best water right tully paid. About 80 acre, alfalfa, 120 acres grain, (0 acres fine hay. Good Improve ments Forced to .ell Only (76 per acr. Terms to suit. Box 8334, Omaha Bee. EXCEPTIONALLY good bargain In (20-acr Improved Buffalo county farm, within auto drlv. of Kearney, Neb.; (50 par acre. C. K. DAVIES, KEARNEY. FOR SALE Best large body high-grade, medium-priced land In Nebraska, Very little money required, C Bradley, Wol bach. Neb. WRITE ma for picture, and prices my farm, and ranche. In good Old D.we. County. Ar.h L. Hungerford, Crawford, Neb. WE HAVE elients who will pay cash for bargain tn western land. White A Hoover, Omaha National Bank Bldg. RANCHES of all .1. and kind. ay term. A. A. Patxman. (01 R.rbacb Blk. New York Lands. 120 ACRES GIVEN AWAY 3 mil, from vllluge, M from school, 1ft from .tore and cheese factory. Lay. well, rich .oil, 10 acre, valuabla timber, .plendldiy watered, fine 11 room hou.e, water In side, splendid barns 30 by 62 and 24 by 36, concrete floor, hip roofs, galvanized aiding, nlrj bog house, -iarg. hennery, building, practically new, abundance fruit Inoludlng Hay, grain, 17 cows, bull, S yeerlings, good team, ow, (0 hen, prlngtooth harrow, grain drill, cultivator, plow, horse rake, mowing machine, wagon, buggy, cutter, alelgha, harnesses, all small tool. Price (6,(00. Reason poor health. Free list Elll Bros., Sprlngvllle, N. T. Oregon Lands. NEW Jordan Valley Project Heart of the rang. Get on th ground floor with (0 acre. Irrigated land In connection with open rang. You en grow dock success fully and cheaply. Personally conducted excursion .very tv?- week.. Bend for bul letin. Harley J. Hooker. (40 lit National Bank Bldg. Miscellaneous. CHOICE FARM. Nlllsson. 422 Rose Bldg, FARM LAND FOR RENT FOR RENT 320-A. Improved farm. Cash or grain rent Good location. Reference required. Paul Petersen, 364 Brandela Theater Bldg. FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with u. If you want to keep It. K. P. 8NOWDEN A 80N. 423 8. ISth. Dougla. 1371. Horses Live Stock Vehicles For Sale. Harness, Saddles and Trunks W. make them Ourselves; sell them direct to consumer. Why pay two profits for Inferior goods, when you can get high grad goods at first coat? ALFRED CORNISH A CO.. 1210 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. MUST SELL AT ONCE. One team of gray Percheron horses, weight 3,600, with heavy farm harness; 6 and 7 years old; one team of black mules, ( years old, weight about 2,600 lb. I will sell them very cheap for cash as I am too old to us them. Call at my home. 2408 Jones St. POULTRY AND PET STOCK SINGLE-COMB Ancona eggs for hatching from blue ribbon winners; settings, (1.60 and (2. E. Pallas. (136 Wirt Omaha. "OLD TRUSTY" Incubator and brooders shlppod promptly. Big catalog free. M. M. Johnson Co.. Mfrs.. Clay Center. Neb. THOROUGHBRED HOMER and Carnaux pigeons; must sacrifice. Benson 666-J. THOROUGHBRED cockerels and choice laying hens for sale. Call Webster 1627. MONEY TO LOAN Organized by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, piano and note as ecurity. (40, 6 mo., H. goods, totd. (3.6C. Smaller, larger am"s proportionate rat. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 432 Securities Bldg. l(th. Farnam. Ty. 666. LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY 1VJ SMALLER LOAN8 Of 10 W. C. FLAT A U. EST. 18(2. TH FLR. SECURITIES BLDG.. TT. t60 DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS Lowest rate. Private loan booth. Harry Malaahock. 1514 Dodge. D. 6619. Est 1891. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Morningslde Land company to Richard Collins, southwest corner Sixtieth and Franklin streets. 40x118.7 ( 195 Cora M. Jones and husband to Robert Tabor, Burt street 97.1 feet east of Fifty-second street, north side, - 50x135 5,000 Caroline Homan to Cyrua Edward Speltz, Twenty-fifth street, 120 feet north of E street, west side, 60x 160 6,500 Clyde O. Mtnter and wife to Mary E. Kemp, Larlmore avenue, 141 feet west of Thirty-third street south ide. 47x128 2,700 "Call Rule" for Grain to Arrive Is Upheld by Supreme Court Washington, March 4. The "call rule" for grain "to arrive" established in 1906 by the Chicago board of trade was held by the supreme court today not to be in restraint of trade under the anti-trust law OMAHA LIVE STOCK Week Opens With Fair Sun of Cattle; Prices Lower; Hogs Slump; Sheep Trade Dull. Omaha. March 4, 111. Receipt were: Cattle. Hog Sheep, Ultimate Monday .... 9,(00 9,000 13.000 Sam day laat week.. 10,934 20,(93 6,668 Same day t wk. ago.. 9.(63 10,1(1 14.048 Sam day ( wk. ago.. (.126 11.1(1 18.317 Sam. day 4 wka. ago. .13,447 14,863 (.(94 Same day laat year... 6.108 6.966 (.6(1 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for 14 hour ending at 3 o'clock p. m., March 4. 1918: RECEIPTS CARS. Hone Cattle Hogs Sheep Mule C. M. & St. P 1 .Missouri Pacific .. 71 C. A N. W.. east.. ( 6 IS 2 37 23 2 16 30 7 "i ( 9 10 C. tt N. W.. west 115 C, St. P., M. & O. 19 13 73 36 1 11 16 ('., B. & Q.. at C, B. ft Q., west C, R. I. A P.. east C, R. 1. & P., west Illinois Central .. Chicago Ot. West. Total receipts.. 438 1(3 102 10 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle Hogs Sheep Morris ft Co 696 967 1.136 Swift ft Co 1,466 1,389 3,182 Cudahy Packing Co. 1,444 1,908 (.861 Armour ft Co 1,(60 2,036 1.6(2 Schwart ft Co 667 J. W. Murphy 2,636 Lincoln Packing Co. 104 So. Omaha Pack. Co. 1 Wilson Packing Co. 440 Benton, Vansant .... 40 Hill ft Son 1(4 F. B. Lewis.. 416 Huston ft Co 131 , J. B. Root ft Co 98 J. H. Bulla 43 L. F. Hue 7 Rosenstock Bros, .. 161 F. O. Kellogg 82 Wertbelmer ft Degen 187 Ellis ft Co 24 Sullivan Bros 68 Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co. 88 Christie 86 Hlggln 4 Huffman 28 'Roth 43 Meyers 12 ..... ..... Olassberg 7 Baker, Jones, Smith (1 Hannor Bros 40 John Harvey 436 Jensen & Lungren.. 108 Pat O'Day 32 Other buyers 1,212 2,161 Totals 9,(45 9.(03 15.884 Cattle The week opens out with a fair run of cattle, about 9,600 head, the quality of the offerings averaging up pretty much the same aa last week. Rather unfavorable reports from eastern beef and cattle mar kets, and the unsatisfactory transportation situation created a somewhat bearish feeling In the trade, and opening bid war any where from weak to 1016c lower than Friday. Strictly good to cholc steer sell. Ing at (12.0013.00, were not so very much lower, but on the general run of both beef steers and butcher stock It wa a slow and lower deal from start to finish. In stocker and feeder the supply wa considerably In excess of the demand and movement slow at unevenly lower prices all around. Quotations on cattle; Good to cholc beeves, (12.2618.00; fair to good beeves, (11.00 12.00; common to fair beeves, (9.00 011 00; good to choice yearling, (10.76Q12.26; fair to good yearlings, (9.60010.(0; common to fair yearlings, (7.60Q9.60; good to choloe grass beeves, $11.00 Q) 13.35; fair to good grass beeves, $9.6011.00; common to fair grass beeves, (8.009.00; good to cholc heifers, $9. 50' 11.00; good to choice cow, (9.2613110.60; fair to good cow, (8.3608.16; common to fair cow, (6.60Q(.(O; prim feedors, (10.00011.60; good to choloe feed ers, (9.7510.25; fair to good leeders, (8.76 9.60; common to fair feeders, (6.60O8.00; good to choice stocker. ((.60Q11.00; stock heifers, (7.60 9.60; stock cows, ((.(00( 00; stock calves, (7.60Q10.60; veal calve, $9.00 011.00; bulla, atags, etc., (7.60010,00. BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 2 (10 (7 26 16 844 (10 26 18 887 10 60 15 960 11 10 23....... 896 11 20 26 884 11 (0 12. ......1136 11 60 14 904 11 76 20 1491 13 00 ' 8TEER3 AND HEIFERS. , 711 10 60 HEIFERS. 8(0 ( 76 ( ((( ( 16 807 10 00 11.. T, . . . 10.... COWS. 4 1117 ( 00 8 1048 ( 00 1 900 9 15 1 1210 9 (0 1 1270 10 25 18 1248 10 (0 CALVES. 1 460 10 00 1 110 II 10 8TOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 12 810 10 60 Hogs Receipt of bog today wer moder ate and the shipper opened the trad.' by buying a tew load early at price that wer around 6c lower than Saturday, while pack ers were also buying on about the same ba sis. The best price paid was (16.26, steady with the close last week, and the bulk of the offerings moved at (16.00016.15. The choice medium and lightweight stuff .till has the preference and both packers and shippers were picking up this class first. Trade was fairly active and a fairly good clearance was mad. around 11 o'clock. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 44. .461 210 115 76 65. .177 40 (16 00 69. .216 ... 16 06 25. .841 ... 16 10 66. .278 ... 16 IS 88. .176 ... 16 20 64.. 245 40 16 25 Sheep One ot the heaviest Monday runs of the season showed up this morning, a big supply of early Colorados making up a good share ot the offerings. Trade wa. very dull at the start and the undertone to values wa. weak and lower. A few odd. and ends ot fat lambs sold around (16.10 and looked about steady. Nothing, either handywelght or of a choice medium weight kind, turned early and there wa. little bidding don. on even that class ot stuff. Packer, wer bear ish and value were quoted lower gener ally. Fat sheep wer. In little better demand and old about ateady. Heavy yearling at (13.50 and lamb-weight yearling and weth er at (14.40 sold early. A string of fairly good ewe brought (11.85. The trend wa a little lower. If anything, on ewes. Feed ers were in fair supply and good demand. Value wer ateady. Quotation on sheep and lamb: Lamb, handy weight (16.60017.00; lamb, heavy weight, (15.00016.25; lambs, feeders, (15.00 016.75; lambs, shorn, (11.60018.60; lambs, culls, (10.00014.00; yearlings, fair to choice, (11. 60014. 60; yearlings, feeders, (12.000 14.25; wethers, fair to choice, (11.00013.00; ewes, fair to choice, (11.00012.50; ewes, breeders, all ages, (10.60016.60; ewes, feed ers, (7.(0010.60; ewes, culls and canner. (5.0007.26. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr, 110 fed ewes 127 (12.60 Kansas City live Stock. Kansas City, March 4. Cattle Receipt., 16,000 head; market, steady; prim fed steers, (13.00013.76; dressed beef steer, (10.60013.10; southern beef steers, (7.600 11.60; cows, (7.25011.00; heifers, (8.00 12.00; stocker and feeders, (7.60012.60; bulls. (7.26010.26; calves. (7.00Q12.60. Hogs Receipts, 9,000 head; market, low er; bulk of sales, (1630016.60; heavy, 116.46 016.65; packer and butcher, (16i4016.6(; light, (16.25016.60; pig. (12.60015.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 10,000 head; market, higher; lambs, (1660016.(0; year lings, (13.00014.25; wethers, (12.00013.26; ewes, (11.25012.50 Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City, la., March 4. Cattle Re ceipts, 4,000 head; market steady; beef steers, (10.00013.60; fat cows and helfer. (8.00011.00; canner. (7.OO0(.OO; stocker and feeders, (9.00011.60; calves, (8.000 12.50; bulls, stags, etc., (7.60010.60; feed ing cows and heifers, (7.0009.(0. Hogs Receipt., 7,000 head; market ltc lower; light, (16.15016.30; mixed, $10,160 16.26; heavy, (16.15016.25 pigs, (10.00 15.00; bulk of sales, (16.160K.25. Sheep and Lamb. Receipts, (00 head; market steady. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, March 4. Cattle Receipts, 22. 000 head; market weak; native steers, (8.66014.30; stockers and feeders, (7.60 11.00; cows and heifers. (6.60011.(0; calves, (8.7614.26. Hogs Receipts, (3,000 head; market, un settled; bulk ot sales, $16.30016.80; light (16.60017.00; mixed. (1. 16016. 95; heavy, (K.70016.60; rough, (1670015.90; pigs, (U. 60014.40. Sheep snd Lambs Receipts. 15,000 head; market, firm; sheep, $10.15013,40; lambs, (14.00017.60. St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph, March 4. Cattle Receipts, 4, 000 head; market ateady : steers, (9.00 1(.7(; cows and heifer, (7.00012.26; calve, (6.00012.60. Hogs Receipt. (.000 head; market slow; top, (18.66; bulk of sales, (16.(0 16.40. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 15.000 head; market lower; lamb, (1(.001(.60; ewe. (7.00013.(0, OMAHA CASH GRAIN PRICES TODAY Cash Grain Prices Today. Omaha grain receipts were heavy, even for a Monday. They were: Wheat, 26 cars; corn, 319, and oats, 45 carloads. Corn was in (rood demand and early sales made at $1.38 to $1.80 indicated a market that was unchanged to 5 and 6 cents higher. Oats were j cent up. selling at 89 to 90; 4 cents a bushel. GRAIN ANDPRODHCE Good Corn Sells Readily, With Yellow and Mixed Varieties Holding at Unchanged to 2 Cents Up. Omaha, March 4, 1918. Corn receipt wer. again vary liberal, 319 car of thl cereal being on hand. The re mainder ot the receipt wer 1( ear of wheat, 46 of oata, on. ot rye and six of barley. Everything on th. grain list wa. In ac tlv. demand, with cash permlums steady to somewhat higher. Good corn .old readily, while th sample grad ituff attracted very little atetntlon. Whit, corn wa a shade easier and th. yellow and mixed varieties unchanged to 2o higher, th. bulk of these offerings, however, bringing .bout Satur day's figures. Corn of a good berry, con taining from 18 to 20 per cent moisture. Is especially .ought for drying purpose, aa th most of th No. and sampl. corn, which contain an excessive amount of moisture, become too shriveled and light when dried down to 16 or 14 per cent No. ( whit topped th market today, selling at (l.(( 1.91. No. 4 whit, brought (1.7(01.(1 and th. No. ( whit. (1.(6 01.70. No. t y.llow sold at (1.7101.75 and th. No. 4 yellow at $1.6501.76. while No. ( y.llow went at (1.(1 1 (8. No. 4 mixed Mid at (1 6401.70 and No. S mixed at (1.(001.(8. Oats were strong and in good demand, these offering being picked up quickly. Early sales showed an advance of M.OKo, while later on a few car went at an ad vance of 1 cent. No. 2 whit sold at 00e and standard oat at (9Hc. No. ( whit brought (908940 and th No. 4 whit. (6 89Hc. Sample grad oat went at (8 89 Uo. Rye wa. up 6c and barley 23o higher, with a good milling demand for either ce real. No. S ry. .old at $1.66 and No. t and No. ( barley at (1.1J0M6, respectively. Clearancea were: Wheat and flour equal to 806,000 bushels, oats. 61,000 bushel. Primary wheat receipt wer. 478.000 bushels and shipments 165,000 bushels against receipt of 1,027.000 bushels and shipment of 464,000 bushels last yesr. Primary corn receipt wer 3,374.000 bushels and shipments 1,396,000 bushels against receipts of 1,104,000 bushels and shipments of (22,000 bushels laat year. Primary oats receipt wer 1,748,000 bushel and shipments 963,000 bushels against receipts ot 1,072,000 bushels and shipment of 722,000 bushel last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. V . Wheat. Corn, Oata. Chicago 1 123 110 Minneapolis 213 ... ... Duluth 9 Omaha 26 819 46 Kansas City 68 568 61 St. Louis 39 386 161 Winnipeg (46 The aale wer reported today: Corn: No. ( white: ( car (17 to 1T.40, moisture test), (1.(6. No. 4 white: 1 car (18), (1.(1; 4 car (17.(0 to 18), (1.(0; 1 car (18), $1.78; 4 car (18.60 to 11.20), (1.76; 1 car (18), (1.72. No. ( whit: H car (18.(0), (1.68; 1 car (20), $1.67; 1 car (20.40), (1.66. No. 6 white: 1 car (18.80, 1( per cent damaged). (1.(0; 1 car (10.(0), (1.65; ( car (20 to 21.(0), $1.60. Sampl whit: 1 car (22, 17 per cent damaged), (1.04; 1 car (20.60, 16 per cent damaged), $1.40. No. 1 yellow: 1 car (16 to 17), (1.76; H car (17.S0), $1.71. No. 4 yellow: 1 car (17.(0), (1.76; 1 ear (18.10 to 18.80), $1.70; ( oar (18 10 to 19.20), (1.67; 10 car (19 to 19.40), $1.66; U car (19.40), (1.(6. No. ( yellow; 2 car (19.80). (1.68; ( car (20 to 20.20), (1.(4; 16 car (19.60 to 11.10). $1.(1; ( car (21.20 to 11.40), (1.(2; 3 cars (21.40), $1.(1; ( care (It to 20.20), $1.(0. No. ( y.l low: 1 car (21.(0), $1.46; 1 car (21), $1.44; ( ear (11.(0 to 22.(0), (1.42; 6 car (19.(0 to 22.20). $1,40. Sample yellow: 1 car (21.20), (1.21; 4 car (12.10 to 21.60), (1.16. No. 4 mixed: J ear. (19.40, near white), (1.70; I car. (17.(0 to 18.10), (1.(8; 4-6 ear (18.40), $1.(4. No. ( mlxtd: 1 car (18.(0, II par cent damaged), (1.(8; ( car (19.40 to 20.40), (1.(4; 1 ear (21.20), $1.62; 10 car (20.20 to 21.40), $1.(2; 1 car (21.40), $1.(1; 1 car (21.40), $1.(0. No. ( mixed: 1 car (23), $1.41; 4 car (19 to 20), (1.42; 1 cars, (20 to 21.40). (1.40; 1 ear (22.(0, shipper weight), (1.38. Sampl mixed: 1 car (21.(0), (1.26; I ear (11.80 to 21), $1.15; ih can (28.20 to 26.20), 7(0. Oat: No. t whit: 17 car, (Ottc. Stand ard; 1 car, (9tto. No. I white: 1 car, 19Kc; T car. 89Vio; 1 car. 8914c; ( car, (9o. No, 4 white: 1 car, 89c; 1 car, 88 Ho. Sampl whit.: 1 car, 891ie; 1 car, 89c; I car., 8864c; 1 car (fir. burned), (8c. No. 4 mixed; 1 car (barley mixed), 89c. RyeNo. (: 1-6 car, $2.66. Barley No. S: 1 car, $2.22, No. I: 1 car, $2.16. Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 1 car, $2.12. No. red durum: 1 car, $2.05. Omaha Cash Prices Corn: No. t wh.te, $1.8601.92; No. 4 white, $1.7201.80; No ( white, $1.6601.70; No. ( white, (1.(001.60; sampl whit, $1.40; No. ( yellow, (1.2 1.76; No. 4 yellow, $1.6601.76; No. ( yellow. $1.6001.68; No. yellow. $1.4001.44; sam ple yellow, (1.1001.28; No. 4 mixed, (1.(4 1.70; No. 6 mixed, (1.6001.68; No. ( mixed, (1.1801.45. Oats: No. 2 whit. (0Wo; tandard, ((He; No. S white, (9089c; No. white, 88bic; (ample, awso. Barley: No. I, $2.16. Rye: No. I, $3.55. Chicago closing prlo, furnished Th Be by Logan ft Bryan, atoek and grain brok.ra, IK South Sixteenth .treat, Omabai Art I Open. High. I Low, Close. IBat'y. Corn. I Mar. 1 27 1 27 127 1 27 127 May 1 17 1 27 127 1 27 127 Oata. Mar. 19 90 89 90 19 May I788 17 80(( (7 Pork. May 47 (5 48 60 47 (5 48 20 48 36 Lard. May 24 10 26 26 28 00 26 IS :6 07 July 26 40 28 45 26 (7 26 17 21 10 Rib. May 26 17 21 (6 25 12 26 20 28 26 July 21 67 26 70 25 60 25 (7 26 67 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Scarcity of Good Grade of Corn Harden Price. Chicago, March 4. Corn prices hardened today. Influenced largely by scarcity of good grade and by report that the number of car available wa Inadequate to meet rural need. Future closed firm at the same as Saturday's finish to He higher with March $1.27 and May $1.27. Oats gained e to 0o. The outcome In provision varied from 35c decline to 7o advance. Despite big receipt demand for eorn howed urgency for th better qualltle and displayed some Improvement as to the I desirable kinds. On of the leading Indus tries which ha been out of th mar ket 10 day. became a purchaser again. Complaints of car shortage were princi pally from Illinois and Iowa. In thl con nection It was asserted that with a normal spring virtually no corn would be moving from farm three week hence, a farmer would then be busy with field work. Under such circumstances the fact that th visi ble supply total had climbed did not re ceive much notice. Persistent buying of oats took place throughout the cession. Gossip was current that a better outlet east wa. likely. Packer.' aupport rallied provisions from an early decline. Th Initial weakness wa ascribed to a setback In the value of hog. New York General Market. New York, March 4. Flour firm; spring $10.55011.00; winters (10.25010.(0; Kansas (10.60011.00. Corn Spot steady; kiln dried No. 2 yellow (1.94; No. I yellow 11.99; No. I whit. 11.(6 e. I. f. New York, prompt shipments. Argentine 12.25 f. o. b. cars. Oats Spot quiet; natural (1.0601.06. Hay Easier No. 1, (1.(0; No. 2, $1.70; No. 1, $1.60; shipping $1.10 nominal. Hop Quiet; state medium to cholc 1917, 40050c; 1916 nominal; Paclflo coast 1917, 202.1c; 1916, 14016c. Hide Quiet; Bogota 84035c; Central America 830 34c. Leather Steady; hemlock sole over weight No. 1, 48c No. 2. 46c. Pork Firm; mesa $61.00063.00; family, $54.00056.00; short clear $50.0006( 00. Lard Barely tdy mlddlewest (26.(0 17.00. Tallow Quiet; city special loos. 17e. Wool Firm, domestic fleece XX Ohio and Pennsylvania unwashed 66 66c. Rice Firm; fancy head 99c; blue roe, ($c. ; Kansas City Produce. Kansas City. March 4. Butter Creamery, 45c; firat. 42c; seconds, 40c; packing, 14c. Egg Firsts, II c. Poultry Roosters, 20c; broiler, 2402(e NEW YORK STOCKS Stocks in Deadlock, Leaders Moving Within Very Restricted Limits With Tendency De cidedly Downward. New York, March (.Stock wer almost In a state of deadlock today, leader movlg within restricted limit, though mainly downward. The tenor of domostlo and foreign advice afforded a pretext for further short selling, but this was con ducted with caution. Investment rails. Including Canadian Pacific, Union Pacific, granger and coalers, yielded on to two point and industrials of the seasoned class averaged one point re cession. Shipping, oils, leather and the more diversified array of war share, mad. gross declines ot on. to three points, and util ities, notably American Telephone, Public Service of New Jersey and People'. Gaa, lost on or two point.. Marked heaviness was displayed by tobaocoa, American Sum atra excepted, and Harvester, Continental Can and American Sugar. Reactionary tendencies ware partly neut ralised by th. relative atrangth ot Baldwin Locomotive. American Car, Mexican Pet roleum and motor and accessories. Sale, amounted to 116,009 share.. Call money opened at I per cent, a natural result of last week, adverse bank statement, but soon fell to four. Tim. loan, held at I per cent with a minimum of supply. Lire, or Italian exchange, re corded another sever break, demand bill, selling at (8.95. Internationale and tractor wsre heaviest of th bond lilt Liberty Issue, varying slightly. Total sake., par valu. aggregated 1,(6(,00(. United State, bond, (old Issue,) wr un changed on call. Number of aal. and quotation on leading stocks: Closing Sal. High. Low. Bid. Amer. Beet Hugar. (00 80 79 (0 American Can .... 4,(00 89 (( (9 Amer. Car and F. (,(00 74 76 T( Amer. Locomotive. 1,100 (( (4 (4 Amer. & and Hefg. 1.(00 (0 79 (( Amer. Sugar Hefg. (00 106 104 106 Amer. T. and Tel. 4,000 104 101 106 Amer. Z. L. and 8. ..... 14 Anaconda Copper. 8,300 11 (1 (2 Atchison 400 (I (4 (4 A. O.ftW. I. 8. S L. 4.(00 111 109 111 Baltimore ft Ohio, 1,(00 (8 (( (2 B. ft & Copper.... 1,000 10 19 19 Calif. Petroleum .. 200 1( 16 16 Canadian Pacific. 2.(00 144 141 144 Central Leather .. 3.400 70 (9 70 Che, ft Ohio 1,100 14 (4 (4 C. M. ft 8t Paul... TOO 40 11 29 Chicago ft N. W.. 1.100 (( (1 (( C. R. I. A P. ctfs. (00 10 11 I Chlno Copper .... 1,200 42 41 42 Colo. Fuel ft Iron. 400 88 36 (8 Corn Product. Rfg (4 Crucible Steel .... 9,000 (2 (1 (1 Cuba Can. Sugar.. 1,(00 11 11 11 DIs. Securities...... 1,(00 (1 (9 II Erl. (00 14 14 14 General Kleotrlo 11( General Motor. .. 1,(00 111 117 111 Gt. Northern rM 91 Gt. North. Or. Ctf. 1,200 18 2( 18 Illinois Central 14 Inspiration Cot per. 1,000 46 4( 46 Int Mt. Mar. pfd. 11,100 97 9 97 Inter. Nickel .... 1,700 19 !( 28 Inter. Paper 4,800 (1 11 12 K. C. Southern.... i( Kenntcott Copper.. 100 12 12 12 Louisville ft Nash 112 Maxwell Motors .. (00 21 11 21 Mexican Petroleum 99 Miami Copper .... 200 11 11 11 Missouri Paclflo ., 100 21 It 11 Montana Power .. 100 70 70 70 K Nevada Copper .. 100 11 11 11 n. x. central i.sve 11 ti 71 N. T., N. H. ft H. TOO 18 18 21 Norfolk ft Western 100 101 201 101 Northern Paelflo.. 1,800 (( 14 84 Paclflo Mall (00 11 29 29 Pennsylvania 100 4$ 44 44 Pittsburgh Coal (4 Ray Con. Copper.. (00 14 14 24 Reading 1,100 76 76 71 Rep. Iron ft Steel.. TOO 11 ,71 76 onet. An, wop , , Southern Paclflo . . TOO' (4 (4 (4 Bouthsrn Railway.. 1,400 14 11 ( Studebaker Cor. .. 11,100 41 48 48 Texaa uo i.eoo no 1414 150 Union Paclflo .... 1,(00 111 111 121 U. 8. In. Aloohol.. (00 120 111 111 0. S. Steel ((.(00 90 (9 90 U. 8. Steel pfd.... 400 110 101 109 Utah Copper 1,700 (0 79 T9 Wabaah pfd "B" 11 western union .. sou ..ft tt Westtnghous Eleo. (00 41 4fl 40 loiat saie ror tnee day, 815,000 .hare. New York Money. New Tork, Maroh 4, Mercantile Paper e pr ceni. Sterling Exohange 60-day bill, $4.71; commercial (0-day bill, on bank, $4.7ff commercial 10-day bill, $4.71; demand, $4.76; cable., $4.71 7-16. Silver Bar. (6n; Mexican dollar. (8c. Bonds Government heavy; railroad Irreg ular, , Time Loans Strong; 10 day., 10 dsea .nd six months, p.r eent bid. Call Money Bailer; high. per oent; low, 4 per cent; ruling rat, I per eent; eloelng bid, 4 per cent; offered at 4 per oent; last loan, 4 par cent U. 8. 2 reg.... 97G. Eleo. la .... 98 do ooupon ... 97 Gt. N. lit 4.. (( U. 8. 8s reg.... 98I. a ref 4. (1 do coupon .... 98 Int M. M. I..... 11 U. S. L. (..... 7K. C. 8. ref. (... 76 U. B. 4 reg,...104L. ft N. un. 4... 85 do coupon ...104M. K. A T. l.t 4. (0 A. r. 8. 6. 96 M. P. gen. 4... (( A. t. ft t. cit 93ft m. rower .... 80 A. F. 6 9N. T. C deb. ( 91 A. ft Co., 4 .. 86 N. Paclflo I.... (9 Atchison gn. 4. 82 O. 8. L. ref. 4., 93 B. ft O. cv. 4. 78P. T. ft T. 6... 92 Reth 8. ref. 6. 0Pnn. con. 4. (7, C. Leather (... 97 Pen. gen. 4.. (0 C. Paclflo lit.. 81 4 Reading gen. 4. 14 C. A O. cv (... 78 8. L.ftS. F. a ( (6 C. B. ft Q. )t 4a. (2S. Paclflo v. 6s. 91 CMft8TPcv4s 728. Railway I.., 92 C. R.I.AP ref. 4 (4T. ft Pao. lit... 85 C. ft 8. ref 4s (8U. P. 4 (7 D. ft R. O. ref ( 60 U. B. Rubber 6s. 78 D. of C. ( 1(11 93 U. 8. Steel S... 98 Erie gen 4 (1 Wabaih 1st .... 94 Bid. St. Loul Live Stock Market. St. Louis. Mo., March I. Hog, reoelpts. 12,(00; higher; lights $16.90017.00; pig. $18.00016.76; mixed and butcher, $16.(0 17.05; good heavy, (16.16017.00; bulk (14.(0 17.06. Cattle receipt, (.100; alow; natlv. beef steers, $8.00018.60; yearling steers, and heifers, (7.00011.50; cows $4.00011.60; stockers and feeders, $6.00010.50; fair to prime southern beef steers (9.00ll.(0; beef oowa and heifer. $6.00010.00; outhrn yearling steers and heifers, $7.(0010.00; native calves, $(.00014.00. Sheep receipt., 1.(00 ateady; lamb. $14,00 017.15; ewes, $10.(0012.00; weather, $11.(0 13.25. New Tork Coffee Market. New York, March 4. The market for coffee future wa quiet again today and fluctuation wer Irregular within a rang of ( to 6 point. Th opening was I point uiiffriiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiifiiiiiiny.iiHiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiitiinimiinmiiiiii; WiltoP.fQnptonft E Specialist In 5 Gorernment and Municipal E Bonds E E It. Loeis New Tsrt Cklcsfo S . S Qetm tl Pittibargh S Jacisoa. Hiss. . We advertise to emphasise to s you the necessity for baying E Government Bonds. Yoir country needs your money. Munitions, war material, E ships, clothing and arms for E our boys cost money. 5 Will You Help? and thus secure taftty S . of Principal, of Home, of 5 Nation and of Liberty? Buy your bonds from ns E whether Government or Mnn- lclpal. Our Service Depart- nient will aid you. E Writs e. Do ae oH. E (law yesr osier. Omr srkas eWorat to wkt rasa. Bead for ear carreat Ust sod book- 2 lata, "A Ncttea St War It Ttaaa- ZZ del Need" and "Seed A Bars As S Oar Cities." S Department KB-S 1 WiHiaalrontptonfo J ' j' 408 Olivo Street, St. Louis E S New Tertt Chicago Olaetasaw S - E : S Pitts bank Jackeoa, Mis. ' , Over Ooorter Century ( tUt .Baste 3 IWUIIIIimillWM.IMIMIMMIIIIIII.7MIIIIUM higher to ( polnta lower sader Mattering llouldatlon. but there wa a rood erst de mand from trade sou roes., presumably sgalnat aalea ot .pot coffee, .nd after lett ing off 8.(3o, December ramea 10 ..esc. May, on th ether haad, reacted from 8.41c to 8.15c and th market cloeed aet ( polnta lower to 1 pout higher. No Improvement was reported m the ooeaa freight situation and tt wa rumored that a rat of $3 per baa had been Mid. which wonld be the highest prloe oa record. March, 1.13c; 8.39c; July, S.4(e; Deptomber, 8 65c; October, 8.69c; December, l.f 7& Spot oof fee, ateady; Rio 7s. (c; Santos) 4. ioc K fresh ornrs were reported In th. coat and freight market. Owing; to th holiday there were no official quotations from Braxll. Receipts at the two port were 41,000 bag. New York Produce, New Tork. March (.Butter Firm ; re ceipt.. 11.10. tuba, creamery hUrher than extras, 4l4tc; creamery extras (93 score, 47c; firsts. 46 0 47c! seconds, 44 45.c. Eggsi Irregular: receipts, 31,804 cases; fresh gathered extra, S637o; extra firsts. 160 J first. 14l6c; second, 140Kc. Chores Easy: receipts, (63 boxes; tt held opeelab), t(2(e; state, average run, 2U2c Poultry lav wniettled; no prices quoted. Dressed firm; chicken. 37039c; low la. 29 36c; turkey. 24038c Xvaporsted Apple. dull; Ckllfoi-nla. 14lSc; .tat. 160164c. Prunn Quiet; Callfornlas, 7 14; Oregon. 11014c. Aprloots Quiet; choice, 17m e; extra cholc. 17e; fancy. ISn. Pescbes Quiet; standard, llc; choice. ll0L3c Raisins Quiet; looe muscatels, ittf te; choice to fancy aeeded, 10(Mlc; seedless. ((e; Lemdon layora, Z.e. . Chicago Frost ac Harkei. Chicago. March , Batter Creamery, 42(e. ) Egg M.rket, ateaeTy; receipt, SS7 ease; firsts, (4c; ordinary flrarts, 12031c; at mars), caaea tneladed, 12t(c. Potatoes Market, lower; receipt, 69 ears; Wlsconaln, Michigan and Minnesota bulk, $1 2601.16; la aacka. $1.16l.l. Poultry Market, firm; young; rooater. 1(. MlnneopstU Grain Market. Minneapolis March (.Flour VarWt unchanged. Barley $1.8602. !S. Rye $8 701.76. , Bran (II. M, Corn No. I yellow, $1.7001.80. Oats No. I white. 0llc. 1 Flaxseed $4014.0t. . . bear York Bagar Market. . --s New Tork, March 4. Sugar Raw, toady; cenutfugal, (.06c; molasses, nomi nal; refined augar, ateady; cut leaf, 1.96c: crushed, 8.7 be; xnoald A. T.96c; eabea, S.tic; XXXX powdered,; powdered, 7.0c; fine granulated and Diamond A, 7.45c; con. feottonera A, 7.86c; No. 1. T.30e. Sew lark Metal. '. " New Tr. March 4 M.tals lad. firm; pot, $7.6007.15. Spelter, steady; East. St Loul delivery, spot offered at $7.71. . . -At London Copper: Spot, 110; futures. 1119; electrolytic. I12S. Tin: Spot '318 10.; futures. (811 10a. Lead: Spot, ! IDs; future. 18 10. 8pltr: Spot 1(4; fu tures, ((. Havannah Turpentine. Savannah, Oa,, March 4. Turpentine Firm; 40 bbla.; aalea, II; receipts, II; ship ments. (; stock, 14,66.1. Rosin Firm; sale. I9t bbls.; receipt. 177; shipments, 114; atook, 10.471. Quota: B, p. E. F. G. H. I, $1.10; K, $4.60; M, $(.71; N, $7.00; WO, 17.15; WW, (7.60. Nosy Tork Drygood. r ' 1 New Tork, Maroh i. Drygood markets her today led strong at th highest price yet reached. Worsted dress goods were quieter on the primary market be cause all that mill, dealred to ell had been (old. Burlap wer spotty oa a pussllng market . New Tork Cotton. New Tork, March 4. Cotton Future! opened firm; March. 11.90a; May, 11.10c; July, II. 00c; October, 2l.98o; December. 19.90c. Future olnaed firm; March, 11.12c; May, 11.14c; July, 11.17o; October, 10.18c; Decem ber, 10.08c. London Honey. ' London, March 4. Silver Bar, 43 d per ounce. , ' Money t per cent. Dlscoant Rate. Short bill and thrt. month., per oent r Bk Leul Graia. 8t Loul. Marah (.Corn No. "I, $1,740 1.79; No. I whit, (1.(001.05; May. $1.17. Oata No. , Jl92o; No. I white, 9$ 94o; Hay, 19o. Dalath Oil. Duluth. Minn., March 4 Linseed $4.(1 4.16; arrive, $4.01; May, $4.01; July, $4.00 asked; October, $2.11 bid. ' French Wheat Crop Will . Be Biggest in History (By Associated Pre.) Paris, March 4. France, without a "bumper" crop of corn to fall back upon, is making a brave effort to in crease the yield of other foodstuffs and there are now, for the first time, signs that the effort is producing re suits. .......... nearly l.uuu.iwu more acres of wheat were sown last fall than in 1916, ac cording to recently completed statis tics. With ordinary good luck, this means nearly 20,000,000 bushels more of wheat Spring seeding this year may exceed that of 191 by nearly the same extent, which will bring the French wheat crop this year up to nearly 40,000,000 bushels more than that of last year. The bread card, taking effect January 29, was intend" ed to save from food consumption the illlUIUM UUSI1C19 1UI lilS tA" tended seeding. IN THE STOCK MARKET What to buy and what not to buy U clearly stated in th Industrial and Mining Age. With certain toek at bargain-counter levels, th opportunity at th moment i par. Vnr ttarttnntara. Addr Immediately . '' INDUSTRIAL AND MINING AGE 27 William St.. Now York Largest Circulation in Its Field in th. World This advertisement is appearing in the March issue of World's Work Review tt Reviews Nat Geographic Magazine Scribner's Magazine System Magazine Literary Digest (Mar. 30) McCfun's Matuine (April) ' 5