Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1918, AUTOMOBILES, Image 24

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    2 t?
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Will Known Omaha Automobile
House to Distribute King 8,
Dripps s and; ; Signal .
V-Trucks. . .
Wallace JG'. Hood, general sale!
manager dot the King Motor Car
cotnpanyIDef.roit, announces an 1m-
portaftlr change for the local automo
bile field.. The Noyes-Killy Motor
company, one of the successful Oma
l.. k..... :it if u
uiuiituuiic uuuacs, wilt un itianu
1 enter Kansas City, distributing from
there the Eight-Cylinder King prod
uct and the new line of the bcripps
W. T-.lCillv. the srtiv find of Mi
Omaha'concern, has been m Kansas
City considerably lately perfecting ar
rmnsrcmrnia to start mis new con
cern off'ln a large way.
The Noyes-Killy Motor company
takes over the new building which
has been' tne home of the King Eight
at '1901 McGee street, and a
complete sales and service organiza
tion for ibe thre linea will be estab
lished. A most important adjunct of
the announcement comes in the fact
cn ucwgias Andrews, wno put tne
King on the map of that territory,
will also have a guiding hand in the
destiny of the Noyes-Killy Motor
company there. Mr. Andrews for the
ffl.f four mnntha fiaa tiaan af T1ittnif
looking after interests for' the King
If r-. . j ii. . c:
uiului vr cvuiyany iuu mc sir-
nal truck. He will now make his
headquarter! at the Noyes-Killy Mo
tor company. .. .. . ,, V ,
Success In Nebraska.
At MahracVa dlcriMrKitrtra (nr tti
King Eight the Noyes-Killy Motor
1... ...!iL t-..-
uuuiyauv 111 Willi HUgC BUtVCSS.
"W. L. Killy is one of our closest dis
tributors," Sales Manager Hood said
In discussing the coming connection
while he was in Kansas City, "He is
a man in whom we have considerable
faith," said Mr.!Hdod.-He i thor
oughly familiar with the , Motor
Car company, tjplicjr of produc
tion and .jnercbandwiing and we hold
him In 'high esteem. He has asked
ns levetahtlrnet; to branch out into
KansasCGfy territory, and now that
thia has materialized I feet' confident
tnat all. present and future King own
.:fi :t.i.-'t.-j . .t-- j.-T ' ....
Big Kansas City Automobile Branch
Taken Over by Noyes-Killy Co. Omaha
era willhe'hlc&ad in the Hriinn vut
have made.'- , - ' . . ' .
A full line 'of , the latest King Eights,
as well assarts'; for these cars, will
be carried by. the Noyes-Killy
Motor company. The new gcripps
Booth model, the latest , protege of
W. C Durant, will also be shown.
This car was one of .the real sensa
tions of the : different automobile
shows 'aroupd the. country. The Sig
nal truck isja commercial vehicle that
has made itself successfully known by
operation. -.V ...... ,. '. .. . ,,
The Kansas City territory 's not
new to me," Mr. Killy said. Tarn
going into this proposition with a
great deal of enthusiasm. I believe
that the policies that have made us
successful In Omaha worked out jn
Kansas City, will be duplicated.'!,,,,
' ' - " j .i ... -
Looking for work? Turn; to the
Help Wanted Columns now. Yon:
will find hundreds of positions listed
there. - . .,
-6,1 , V r ; 4 ss33S? I SSSSSKJ fcSLgSr LLJ 4 , X"?';'1
jTH ISfciVl IV"V s ' ' - tJ.
iff: K " " f I
i s Ir , i j&J , s ift :
iwt' u i..-- t- TsrT---w- I "
Ii i . . K 7;, " ; i ii jrm. 'Trir--r-rmii -if-
- y r
Farmer Keenly Appreciates
Advantage of Motor Truck
Vfntnr Par nmnanw Hnn'nor th rinr
autnmobil hnw naid fonsirlprahlff at.
-. i - -- -
tention to inquiries regarding motor
trucks, ana according to his tabula
tion arinnt frtnr.fiftha rtf th innnirii
regarding trucks came from farmers
. 1 . 1 f 1 rr I
or men wno nau iarm noiaings. lat
transoortition nroblem in the rant
hat mad a rrnfmind imnrritainn iinnn
the farmer, nud made him ralize more
than ever that he must w something
more, than' merely produce grain live
stock, etc. ' It has made him realize
that getting his produce to market
and into the hands of those who want
it is just as much part of his job as
the actual growing and harvesting.
The farmer 'of today is one of the
keenest observer nf efficient methrtd
and crasna the. Idea nf effirient tran.
portation more readily than does the
1. .. . c .1. mnt
mcrcnant oi tne larger cities, inu
is perhaps due to the fact that the
farm hauls are ' ennaiderahtv Inno-er
and the necessity of conservation of
time and energy has been brought
home to them most forcibly through
recent happenings.
Omaha Auto Show Impresses '
; Oldsmobile Sales Manager
" The ' Nebraska Oldsmobile com
pany,' according V to reports' from
Charles A. Tucker and L R. 0'NelUr
roade another 'home run1' at the auto4
mobile $hbw this year. The Nebraska
Oldsmobile. company i a concern one
year old and in that short time has
grown to be .one "of the leading di
'tribuing organizations !of this terri
torv.',- The Oldsmobile ! r.enral
Motors product and in, addition to
bavincr that renntatlnn behind it Mr
Tucker is credited with being one of
the fastest salesman and organizers
in the automobile business.
P. L. Emerson, salesmanager of the
Olds motor works, who visited the
Omaha show, was so much impressed
wun tneir success and the success of
the automobile ahow as a whole that
he sent a very strong telegram to the
Olds factory endorsing Nebraska as
one of the brightest spots in the
United States.
Dodge Sedan Car Hauls
: Engine to Scene of Fire
Realism in the window display of
a Dodge Brothers' sedan at Skafie
ateles. N. Y.. was instrumental in vet.
ting badly needed fire-fighting appa
ratus through deep-drifted snow and
saving a burning home.
When the alarm sounded, just after
a heavy fall of snow, about 30 men
began to drag one of the town's hose
wagons toward the scene of the fire.
A little of this was sufficient to con
vince them all that man power would
not do the trick. Appeal was made to
the Dodce Brothers Healer. Tt m
happened that he had a sedan on dis
play in tne window, an ready to run.
In a moment the sedan was started
icn minutes later me. tiremen hart a
stream of water on the fire, the mo
tor car naving pulled the hose cart
tnrougn tne mow without any dim
Then it was driven back to the hose
nouse, where .it . hooked up to the
hook-and-ladder truck and trundled it
down to the fire. .. ,:,
' The situation was more 'or less
trorncU because the town had decided
durinar ' the orevious ' nmmer nnt n
add a 75-horse power motor truck to
I '.V. The convertible sedan is proving : ?
! I ' v? "J a boon "and a blessing in speedmg ' II
war work in all sorts of weather. -
I t ' win PT y to tIsU ut and amb ikU w. ; 11
lH , , . The gasoline consnmption is unusually low. j II
1E r V. mfl Is wraaoaUy Ugh. j I
' SdtB w Cwp, $13501 Winter Touring Our or Roadater, $1050. ' j II
III Touring Car, Roadster or Commercial Cr, 1 885; I II
II .. i (All prices t o. b. Detroit) . " ' I
Srric StatioaBUcfaona FinwLSirU II
its fire equipment, many believing
such a truck would be helpless in the
winter snows.
Shakeup in Argentina
Cabinet After Election
Buenos Aires, March 2.--On the
eve of congressional elections Sunday
there are persistent rumors of a radi
cal shakeup in the Argentine cabinet
immediately after the elections. All
rumors scree that Hnnnrin Pn,.
iuvu, whvi ii3 ucen seeing xoret
uunisier more man a year, will
foreign minister.
Akron-Boston Trucks Are
First Through Snow Blockade
The work of the Pennsyfvania State
Highways association in snow re
movai, just alter the resent very
heavy snows m that state, is an ex
ample of how quickly the deeo
can be removed from the highways
tnrougn efficient organization. As
soon as government reports indicated
the approach of the storm notices
wet eem out to tne engineers of the
A m ...nil -. . a
--- - ----- nj jusi in
fighting the storm. Sufficient men
ana equipment were secured to in
sure the removal of the snow as it
fell. SO that it Tnicrhf n V...
packed hard. Especially good work
wm uone aiong tne Lincoln Highway.
This creat traffic artorv i .
nnen tha nt r .l. ....
vui( itugiu oi me state.
inrougn tne mountains the snow was
piled up. so high that the road had
the appearance of a snow canyon. The
Goodyear Akron-Boston trucks were
the first to get through the moun
tains after the snow removal.
Members of Diplomatic
Corps Buy Westcotts
Statesmen appreciate the advantage
of a motor car for promoting their
personal efficiency in these times of
stress and strain. Wachinrtnn n r
automobile distributors for Westcott
nave sold three cars to members of
me Russian learinn turn rnrm
, - - -O - .. V VM 0 fcV
members of the swix Imtinn nn.
going to Mr. Frederick C Luthi, and
uiree cars to members of congress.
These sales were made in the face of
stirr competition and m - every case
were closed because of the W.t-ntt'.
t ... v - wr v f w b v
aDUity to meet the preent demand
ior unouearionen nenennahiiitn n
. .V.- T - - M 4
ourability. - ,
Killy Believes Signal
Is Leader of All Trucks
Announcement urai marl 1st ia1
that the Noyes-Killy Motor company
had taken on the Signal truck and
will act as distributors in a large ter
ritory tributory to Omaha and Kan
sas City.
L. Killv was nnite enthnoi'n.tin
over the outlook for truck sales and
has for some time been on a silent
Search fc- 1 trurlr nrhieh nrntiM maaf
his idea of a popular seller. This he
peueves he has found in the Signal
Goodyear Tires Play Part
In Recent British Victory
Reports coming from the Canadian
forces in German East Africa indicate
that Goodyear tires played an im
portant part in the military operations
that resulted In victory for -the Brit
ish arms in that far .off colony.
Many of the roads " encountered
Were little more . than or-.Vi r
through the bushes.. The brush is
thrown to one side and the stiimna re.
main in the path of the; motor ve
hicle. Seldom is anything seen that
resembles a real road, v . ... .
The life, of many of the- tires in
service, on these makeshift joail 3 lias
been limited to 1,000 miles. But so
well have some Of the soldiers been
pleased with the. service secured from
the Goodyear tire equipment on many
of these transports that .-they, have
written to the company . outlining
their tire erneripnre nch a tattar
just' received from a Canadian soldier
states that mileages rtf S.Oflfl and over
have been the rule on his car. - - ,"
all the power, speed, flexi.
bility, convenience, driving
and riding comfort that the most
extreme necessity can demand or
a war time conscience approve.
If you know cars, make up a list
of the specifications you think
your next car ought to have, Bring
it in. Check it against the Westcott
Swti Models, $1890 to $2750
f. o. b. Springfield, Ohio
Let us damonstraU all Um Waatoott
auptriorltiea td jrou.
Standard Motor Car Co.
Distributors '
2020.22 Farnam St. Doualas 1708.
l l - -
Z2m St. DougU
e Can Help You'" Cut;
Your Tire Costs
"E the undersierned Good venr SprviVp
Station Dealers, are nnrr of naflnn-wirln
pian ior Tire conservation, vJ :
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company is
sponsor for this plan, which aims to lower tire
costs for !eyety motorist who chooses to Benefit
dyeasl prt in to build the
highest possible efficiiencv into everv GohH-
year Tire. ''Z:-SBir
Our part inpei pls to back up tliis
wiin ine Kina oi service tnat wul give users
greatest pible r "
' - . . .. . -:-vk;fe-:
If you trill let us exercise tWs service in behalf of th Goodyear
Tires you use, we fromise
It is a service that starts with ireful inspection, th
the causes of premature tke ruin, that teaches you how to care
for your tires. y':f ';i;:i: ,- ,' ;':5;-.-
It is intended solely to mcrease your satisfaction tfitii the
Goodyear Tires you buy from us. : ,
For upon that satisfaction we know depends the future of our
business with you. -
This sign identifies the Good
fear Service Station Dealer.
Goodyear Tires. Tubes and Ac
cessories are always kept in stock
1921 Faraam St. Phone Doug. 5230.
4809 South 24th St Phon. South 1404.
4911-15 South 24th St. Phono South 420.
2814 North 20th St Phono WobtUr 5943.
3814.16 Farnam St. Phono Harney 800.
510-518 Pearl St., Council Bluffs Phono 2691.
2522 Farnam St. Phono Doug. 3854..
. Packard Show Room. f
Fontenelle Garage Auditorium Garage,'
and C. W. Walker Garage, 36th and Farnam Sti.