Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1918, SOCIETY, Image 14

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Adelaide Kennerly
Ella Fleishman,
v a SfC
.-w-.j- wtiMtiin nwi n sr
Z 5
; The call of duty has scattered Oma
ha men far and wide, from one coast
to another of our own land and from
across the sea comes the news of
those who are in the service. Every
day more and more of our men are
joining the great army and their
movements hold the center of interest
A cable last Saturday announced
the safe arrival of Jarvis Offutt at a
training camp in England. Young
Offutt sailed with the 22d aero squad
rcn about four weeks ago.
" Colonel Leonard Wildman was in
Omaha the early part of the week,
having come over from Chicago on
army business. Colonel Wildman is
well known here, having been sta
tioned at Fort Omaha at one time.
f Major Paeglow. who left Fort
Omaha in command of the second
squadron for France, has been made
assistant cniet signal omcer or tne
balloon division in France.
.Francis Gaines, who Is with the
aviation section at Waco, Tex., has
been pat in charge of the engineer
ing oepanmeni, wnicn means in care
of the airplanes and is a responsible
Second Lieutenant Milton Petersen
vtas promoted to be first lieutenant
of the Twentieth 'infantry at Fort
XJouglas, Utah.
J Robert Howe, son Mr, and Mrs.
R. C Howe, ii with the fs defense
department of the army and is in
New York tt the plant, which makes
gas masks for the allies as welt as
for our own army. Mr. Howe has
charge of the employing of men and
the, shipping and receiving.
Colonel D. E, McCarthy is now
stationed at San Antonio and wst
joined this week by hie wife and
Miss Gertrude McCarthy. His ion,
Qaniel, jr., is at Leon Springs, a
cjmp near San Antonio.
' iFrederlek McConnell, jr., son of
Mr. and Mrs F. R. McConnell, is now
ii the service, having left Saturday
for Camp Lee at Petersburg, Vs. Mr.
IpeConnell has been in Detroit this
winter as assistant manager of the
Arte mi Crafts theater,
'Lieutenant Sievers W. Sussmann,
Eighth Field artillery, arrived here
Monday to t.pend 10 days with bis
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Sussmann,
before going to his new post at
Macon. Ga. Lieutenant Suimann has
bees at Fort Leavenworth.
George Durkee, who accompanied
the second squadron from Fort Oma
ha to Franc., writes with enthusiasm
of the work of the Red Cross canteen
and the Young Men's Christian asso
ciation, and says they are the best
friends the soldiers have.
I Fred Montmorency, Jr., ion of Mr
and Mri. Fred Montmorency, enlisted
in the coast artillery Monday and has
!one to Fort Logan, Colo, for hii
net examination. Young Mont
morency, had his 18th birthday Satur
day, and with the consent of his pa
rente lost no time in enlisting for
Robert Bradford, who Is consul at
Havre, writes that the cost of living,
while dearer than usual in France,
is not as high as it is here. Supplies
are mere limited, sugar, for instance,
growing more and more scarce, and
there are food cards for everything,
bearing Identification pictures. Mr.
Bradford and his mother, Mrs. Louii
Bradford, have found an apartment
which possesses: a bathtub, t rare
Birthday party,
t A party in honor of Miss Lola Mil
I was given on her nineteenth birth'
day at her home Tuesday evening.
The evening was spent In music and
games. Roses and carnations were
wed for the decorations. Covers
were tpread for 20 guests. Those
present were;
Vary 8rek,
Mltd-t.4 wiitor,
Jtls Hay!,
Dorothy WrHck,
Gl4)r WndMy.
Pr1 Lati, '
Oortt LnitMP,
Vlacll Wrrn.
Alt Hy
Ot Ht-VM.
Bartk Dim.
Mi Corbtt,
lUl Millar, .
Altni CorVelt
Mr QMUtt.
GtUU ,
Mi. b4 Mrt, tavm
MlS mA Mr. CbarlM Mliltr. . ' ;
Women' Oolf Club, , ' '
The: Prettiest - Mile Ladies' Golf
club will meet Tuesday evening at 8
o'clock at the home of Mrs. V. D.
Benedict, 2595 Crown Point avenue.
Those assisting the hostess are Mrs.
L. C. Carr, Mrs. C, J. Zicbarth and
Mrr. Frank' Russell. " . ,
The Pettiest Mile Ladles' Golf
club, is tolding alUday meetings for
Red Cross work every Wednesday at
the home of Mrs. Lola Norrli Te.
rome,' 630$ Florence boulevard. Cot-
tee will he served at noon for those
bringing their lunch and working, all
1 Alliance FrancaUa Lecture.
Prof. Charles Cestre, who will He
ture Monday evening under, the aus
pices of ('Alliance Franeaise, was (he
firjt French exchange professor at
Harvard in 1856-8. Prof. Cestre is
the author of the best French transla
tion of Chaucer and an authority on
Shaw. The lecture will be given In
the assembly hall of the City National
Bank building, ; . i
.Mrs. Howard Farrell, who has been
seriously -ill at her borne for the last
week, is recovering. ;
Mrs. John F. Coad and her daugh
, ters, Mrs. Jensen; Miss Beatrice and
Miss Alice Coad,. left last week for
San Diego and later will be in Pasa
jena. They wilt be gone probably
two months. .
Mrs. John P. CoadV UH has re
turned from two months In Cali
fornia,:' ... , . -. ,
t" Mr, and. Mrs. Earl Buck returned
A'edneiday from Excelsior Springs.
Louit Nash joined his wife at Co
onado Beach the early part of last
week. rr -'i-, : ' , t
Mrs. Paul Wadsworth left Thurs
day for Atlanta, Ga, to join her ljus-
Omaha Girl to Wed Army Officer
?". jr J
I ; 0, - 4 Jf V I
W y,,oj , $ J. 4r I
nvvv Sea
band, who is attending the aviation
school there. Mrs. Wadsworth has
been making her home with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Scott, since
Mr. waflswortn a departure.
Mrs. Joel Stewart went to Kansas
City last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McFerren of
Hoopeston, III., arrived Saturday in
Council Bluffs to visit Mr. and Mrs.
Charles T. Stewart
Joseph Hayden, with his niece,
Mrs. John Madden, and her son,
John jr, arrived last Saturday in
Honolulu, where they will spend a
month, i
Mrs. F. D. Wead and son, Henry,
who are in New Orleans, are expected
hpme the latter part of the week, t
Mrs. Charles H. Maple, who under
went an opsration at Rochester re
cently. Is at home again much im-
roved in neaitn. Mrs. Marpie ana
iss Josephine are at the Bransford
Mrs. Edward Hayden and Mist
Ophelia Hayden left Friday evening
for Excelsior Springs for 10 days or
two weeks.
William FhsgTrald of Troy, N. Y.,
arrived last Sunday to join his wife
and ion, who have been visiting her
parents, Mr and Mrs. T. C Byrne.
They all three return to Troy today.
Mr. and Mrs. C H. Pickens are ex.
pected back from New York this
week. , , .
C E. Yost expects to leave this
week to join Mrs. Yost at Peters
burg, Fja. -:
Miss Hortense Parke, who has
been visiting her brother and his
wife, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Clarke,
will, upon the letter's return from
Thousands upon thousands ef wo
men have kidney and bladder trouble
and never suspect it. -
Women's complaints often prove
to be nothing else but kidney trouble,
or the result of kidney or bladder
If the kidneys are net In a healthy
condition, they may cause the Other
organs to become diseased.
Pain in the back, headache, loss
ot atnnitton, nervousness, are oiten
times symptoms ef kidney trouble.
Don't delay starting treatment
Dr.. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a vhysi
elan's prescription, obtained at any
drug store, may be just tne remedy
neeaea to overcome such conditions.
Get a medium or large size bottle
immediately from any drutr store.
However, if you wish first to test
this great preparation send ten cents
to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton,
N. Y., for a sample bottle, When writ.
tng tie sure and mention the Omaha
Sunday Bee. Advertisement
Omaha people ean prevent appen
mciua wiw aimpie pucsxnorn para
glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka
One RpnnvTriTT. fiu.t,.. tt.. itm.
----- -r- .tr-t4V. ... -
THUS bowel tract so completely it
relieves ANY CASE sour stomach,
gas or constipation and prevents ap
pcnaicnii. ine iSTAT, pleasant
action of Adler-t-ka surprises both
doctors and patients. Leaves stomach
clean ana strong.
Sherman 4 UoConnell proa C Htk ni
ue co., ism ana rrnm
YU Drui Co., lth nd,
To the) very btt retnltt tale
Dr. Humphreys' "Seventy-aeres" at
the first idmm or thivef.
Seviity4vena kraalca Colds
U aang wt-lrip. AU Drug Stoma,
Excelsior Springs, go to Mr. and
Mrs. Horace Orr for a few days and
then to Mr, and Mrs. H. T. Clarke,
before returning to New York.
Dr. J, C. Bishop returned Satur
day from a three weeks' trip to Cali
fornia, x
Mrs. C F.
Maul is ill at Birchmont
Mrs, W. R. Sweatt of Minneapolis
was in Omaha Sunday on her way to
California and spent a few hours with
Judge and Mrs. Redick.
Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Hynes, who
went to Cuba early in February, have
Our Government Needs Every Pound of
Wool Available and Requests Everyone v to
Make Their Old Clothes Do Another Season
Nave Them Cleaned or Dyed
Properly done, it will dd many months to the life
of your garments, Come in and talk it over with us. Our
tailoring department will make any alterations or re
pairs you wish, such as relining jackets, coats or over
coats, put in new pockets, seats, repair the bottoms of
trousers, put on new buttons, etc., etc. ;
Don't discard one single garment until you are sure
it can't be Cleaned, Dyed or Repaired.
1515-17 Jones St Phone Doug. 963.
N. B. ,Wt pay Parcel Post on way on all out of town orders.
Write for Price List and other information.
AMiM To Darkisn
Grandmother kept ner hair beauti
fully darkened, glossy and attractive
with a brew of Saga Tea and Sulphur.
Whenever her hair took en that dull,
faded or streaked appearance, this
simple mixture was applied with won
derful effect. By asking at any drug
store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur
Compound," you will get a large bot
tle of this old-time recipe, improved
by the addition of other ingredients,
all ready to use, at very little cost.
This simple mixture ean be depended
upon to restore natural color and
beauty to the hah; j
been at Palm Beach recently and are
expected home some time next week.
Mrs. Frank Hamilton went to
Notre Dame, Ind., Friday to see her
daughter, Exelona, who is at St
Marys school.
Judson Squires, who was called
home from Belleville, 111., by the
death of his father, George G. Squires,
returned Wednesday to Scott field,
where he was made sergeant just be
fore his return home. His brother,
Clarence, will remain here until next
week, when he goes back to New
London, Conn., to the submarine-
chaser on which he is gunner's mate
Mrs. George G. Squires will either
rent or close ner nome ana go to tne
Blacks tone next weeic
Mrs. Warren, mother of A. B. War
ren, returns today from two months
in California.
M'S. Harry Byram of Chicago
spent Tuesday and Wednesday here
with her parents, Mr. ana Mrs. A, r.
Tukey. . . . ,
Mrs. Louis S. Clarke and her
mother, Mrs, R. F. Kloke, went to
Excelsior Springs Wednesday for ten
dayS. '
Mr.' and Mrs. J, E. Fitzgerald re
turned Tuesday from the east, where
they were called by the death of Mr.
Fitzgerald' mother at Northampton,
MrDwight L. Cramer, who has
been in India for the past 10 years,
arrived Thursday in San Francisco
and is expected some time next week
to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
E. Cramer, of this city.
Mrs. Louis Bruckner and baby son,
Louis Morrison Bruckner, of Platte
Center, are the guests of Mrs. Bruck
ner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Morrison. .
Dr. Louis C. Swartzlander left Sat
urday evening for New York City,
where he will take a month's post
graduate course at the Polyclinic hos
pital. Ruth St. Denis, who will be at the
Orpheum this week, will spend some
time as the guest of Miss May Ma
honey during her stay. Her husband,
Ted Shawn, is not with her on this
trip, as he is now in the army.
Miss Nina Diets is taking a stenog
raphic course at Van Sant Business
Miss Nina Hartell leaves this .eve
ning for New York City to be gone
two weeks.
Wife of Omaha Undertaker
Asks Divorce and Alimony
Mrs. E. Gladys Taggart has filed
a petition for divorce against Arthur
W. Taggart, 2763 Burt street, son of
J. A. Taggart of Taggart & Son, un
dertakers. ;
She alleges her husband has been
liiar Halt
,A well-known downtown druggist
says everybody uses Wyeth's Sage
and Sulphur Compound now because
it darkens so naturally and evenly
that nobody can tell it has been ap
pliedit's so easy to use, too. You
limply dampen a comb or 'soft brush
and draw it through your hair, taking
one strand at a time. By morning the
gray hair disappears; after another
application or two it is restored to
its natural color and looks glossy,
soft and beautiful. This preparation
is a delightful toilet requisite. It is
not intended for the cure, mitigation
or prevention of disease. Adv,
Florence XI- scinefy.
guilty of such extreme cruelty in his
treatment of her as to undermine her
health. They have one daughter,
Marion, 4 years old.
The Taggarts were married in
Rapid City, S. D., January 23, 1913,
according to her petition '
Or How He Won the
Beautiful Lias
Miron. the gray-haired sculptor,
was interestingly human, and the lady
ne so lerventiy eourtea tne Deauti
ful Lias- was no different than to
day's modern woman; for is it not
recorded that she refused the hand of
the aged sculptor, and did he not
rightly guess that his white locks were
the cause of her refusalz But Miron,
old as he was, had the pep of self
respect and was not to be turned
aside for such trivial reason, there
fore returned in a few days, his hair
darkened to a youthful color, pressed
his suit anew, to which the fascinat
ing Lias replied: "Now I grant you
today what I refused your father
yesterday." But such courtships are
not unusual even in this day and age.
Never-Tel is making thousands of
Mirons and beautiful Liases young
and happy again, and it does its work
so well that even friends can "Never
Tel," It's the one scientific prepara
tion to darken gray hair, and ean now
be had in perfumed tablet form at
your druggist, 50c, or direct from
Never-Tel Laboratories Co., Dept.
204, Kansas City, Mo.
Women Can Earn
A Charming Independence
HtrpUti art la coast. at dextnd:
vary church tarvica la rccder.a
ora imDrauiva bv tha .ddltioa
of Harp auric; thaHaraUaaacc.
lty io every orchestra; tba Lyon St
Heily Harp ia mad io moat of tba
tl forCblldreo .Harp.; Lyoa
w A Maaly Doubla Action
$500 and up; uaad Harp. $250 and
up. Eaay raymanta. Playwhlla ,
yon pay. email children leara
to play creditably after alaa
leaaooa. Write for Harp Book
(Free) and Rental Offer.
1212 Farnam St Tel Doug. 353
This Institution is the only one
in the central west with separate
buildings situated in their own
ample grounds, yet entirely dis
tinct, and rendering it possible to
classify cases. The one building
being fitted for and devoted to
the treatment of non-contagious
and non-mental diseases, no others
being admitted; the other Best
Cottage being designed for and
devoted ' to tne exclusive treat
ment of select mental cases re
quiring for a time watchful care
and special nursing.
No puffed-up, burning, tender,
aching feet no corns
or callouses.
"Ti" makes sore, burning, tired
feet fairly dance with delight Away
go the aches and pains, the corns,
callouses, blisters, bunions and chil
blains. '
"Tie" draws out the acids and poi
sons that puff up your feet. No mat
ter how hard you work, how long
irou dance, how far you walk, or how
ong you remain on your feet, "Tis'
brings restful foot comfort. "Tia" is
magical, grand, wonderful for tired,
aching, swollen, smarting feet. Ah!
how comfortable, how happy you feel.
Your feet just tingle for Joy; shoes
never hurt or teem tight
Get a 25 cent box of "Tiz" now
from any druggist or department
store. End foot torture forever
wear smaller shoes, keep your feet
fresh, aweet and happy. Just think I
a whole year's foot comfort for only
25 cents. Advertisement .
Mr. and Mrs". James Chadwick have
returned from a trip to Denver.
Mrs. Frances Olney left Tuesday
for her home in Minneapolis.
Rev. Harry B. Foster spent a part
of last week with his parents in Paw
nee, Neb.
Miss Virginia Green entertained a
number of young women at her home
last Saturday. .
The Ladies' Aid society of the Dun
dee Presbyterian church met Friday
for luncheon, followed by a business
meeting with Mrs. D. L. Johnston.
Mrs. J. J. Dodds entertained at
luncheon Thursday at the Blackstone
The Dundee mpn'i Bible class cave
an entertainment Tuesday evening at
the Dundee Presbyterian church.
.The suffrage bill just passed by the
British parliament adds about 8,000,
000 to the electorate, of whom
6,000,000 are women over 30 years of
We are now located in our beautiful new store at 304
South 16th Street, First National Bank BIdg., 16th and Far
nam Streets.
In this very desirable central location, and with every
modern facility for taking care of our constantly increasing
business, we are better able than ever to serve our customers
promptly and satisfactorily.
You are cordially invited to call and see the magnificent
new stocks of Genuine Diamonds, guaranteed Watches, Solid
Gold Jewelery, Silverware, Ivory Toiletware, Clocks, etc.,
now on sale at our new location.
With stores in leading cities throughout the United
States, our great purchasing power means lower prices to you
at all times than the one-store jeweler can hope to meet Your
credit is good with us. Don't Forget the New Location.
K I cP-
278 Loftis Per
767-D (amend King.
Tooth" mounting, 14k
solid gold, 7C
preed at..,.,..,.'
fection D 1 a m ond
Ring, 14k a a lid
gold, big Ci)
$1.SS a Week
$1.00 a Week
w. mmmrn mm w .-.w
them meets
Grip leaves its victims weak with Idealized troubles.
Many of them drag along for months after an attack with aching
backs, coughs and colds and impaired digestion.
: Grip is a catarrhal disease and it leaves the system M of
that dread malady. Drive put the catarrh and yea overcome
the grip. .
Tbere Is one treatment that seldom fella to brinj reCet one remedy
that time baa tested and thoosasda bare proved.
Rebuild Your Lost Strength
with PERUNA-a good tonic
Because PERUNA is a good tonic and because IthssBpedad
reference to catarrhal conditkea its use in the weakness foUov
ing urip Das proven very DeaeDciaL n dears ap
the system of aB the poisonow matter loft after
the attack, gives tone aod strength to the diges
tive organs and overcomes the congestion and
Inflammation. What It has done for rhoosande
is well toMlnthe letter betar.
lbs. Frank Stzoebe, S. F. D. L Appfeteo,
Wis., ears:
"I began ulna) Parana a few months ago
when my health and strength were all gone,
and I wasBcthhbutanorTOuawreca. Could
not sleep, eat or rest properly, and felt ne
desire to live.
"Three bottles of Peruna'made me look at
life ia a different light, as I began to regain
my lost strength. While my recovery took
nearly four months, at the end of that time
I was better than I ever was before. I had a
splendid color and neverweighed more in my
"I certainly think Penmate withoate rival
M a tonic and strength builder, and k baa
my endorsement"
PERUNA is now put tip in tablets, not on
pleasant to take. They are very effective and
convenient treatment for catarrh la whatever
form it manlfeste itself. They are invaluable in
eotds, affording quick relief, and are a prevent
ive if taken in time. Carry a box with you. ,
The Pruna Cornpairy, CaImbUwu, OhU
Says Cream Applied in Nos
trils Opens Air Passages
Right Up.
Instant relief no waiting:. Your
clogged nostrils open rig;ht up; the
air passages of your head clear and
you can breathe freely. No more
hawking:, snuffling, blowing, head
ache, dryness, flo struggling for
age. It is believed that the womea
will constitute about two-fifths of tht
whole number of voters.
Wa Hare Obecrred
That tha man who think ha lacki tlm
fen.ra.lly lack energy.
That no amount of culture wUl make
fat man atop anorinf In hla aleep.
That a fallow doesn't have te be a mar,
then runner to be long.wlnded.
That In the constant elf Una; ef life mea.
generally land about where tb7 belong.
That there are lota of men with, juel
enough, knowledge to be nutsaneea.
That a homely face save a woman front
hearing a lot of rank nonienae. Boatoa
Transcript -
faculty Member Sharwaed School ef Music.
Studio, 813 McCague BIdg. Phaoe Doug. 4804
Superfluous Hair
Baanovee It quickly, with ewtatoty
and abeolote eafety. Money back
guarantee ia each package.
ant am
1041 Convertible Braeelet Watch finest
quality gold filled, plain polished) high
grade Full Jeweled movement; gilt dial.
Case and Braeelet guaranteed 20 years.
S1.BO a Month,
or vrita toT Catalog Ne. 903.
FhOUe Tyler 204,
304 South 16th Street, First National Bank Block,
and Farnam Street,
breath at night; your cold or catarrh
disappears. . , . , ,
Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream
Balm from your druggist now. Apply ,
a little of thia fragrant, antiseptic,
healing cream in your nostrile. It
ii.uuavcs tiuuugu every anr pati
age of the head, soothes the inflamed x
or swollen mucous membrane and re
lief comes Instantly.
It's iust fine. Don't stay stuffed
up with a cold or nasty catarrh,-'