Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1918, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 A"
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! I
Connell Would Sell Emergency
Location and Build Modern
Contagious Hospital on
New Site.
Health Commissioner Connell has
a plan which he will submit to the
city commissioners, proposing to sell
the Gty Emergency hospital on Doug
las street and building a modern con
tagious disease hospital on a new site.
He estimates that this property
would yield $50,000 on sale and there
will be due the city approximately
$20,000 from the residue of the Anna
Wlison estate, which will be settled
within the next two months among
seven beneficiaries.
"The Douglas street hospital, for
merly the Anna Wilson property, was
bequeathed to the city through my ef
forts and influence," stated the doctor,
"This institution ' has served a good
.purpose thus far for isolation of cases
of contagious diseases and has re
sulted in minimizing the spread of
these diseases, but the location is not
.desirable and the building is inade
quate. Cottage Plan.
"My idea is to acquire a tract of
land within reasonable distance and
build a municipal contagious disease
hospital on the cottage plan ' which
has been adopted by many cities. One
cottage would serve for nurses and
general administration purposes,
while other cottages would be used
for scarlet fever patients, erysipelas
patients and other cases as may be
, "Omaha if a large city now and the
present contagious disease hospital
is lacking in meeting E the - demands
made on it I intend to present the
matter to the city commissioners and
I believe they will be impressed with
the merits of my proposition."
Delta Tau Delta Frat Men
To Oppose German in Schools
Opposition to the teaching of the
German language in the schools and
colleges is expected to develop thU
afternoon in the conference of the
western division of the Delta Tau
Delta fraternity at the Blackstone ho
tel. '"V", .v.V: - , .
Sentiment against the teaching of
German has been developing during
the two days' conference, and it is
expected by leaders that this will be
embodied in a resolution when the
resolutions committee 'reports in the
afternoon. ' ,r
' In the absence of President Axel
son of Chicago, Frank Rogers of New
York, editor of the Rainbow, the of
ficiah publication of the fraternity, is
presiding. ' ,
Election of officers will take place
during the afternoon. A banquet is
scheduledi for tonight at the Black
stone. Visiting and local alumni will
be present. Colonel Curtis, president
of the national council, is expected.
A delegation of Delta Tau Deltas
has arrived from, Manhattan; Kan.,
from the state agricultural college
there, to make application for a local
, charter. ' r...- -
Eggs Drop 17 Cents Per
Dozen; Butter Cheaper
Eggs have dropped 17 cents per
dozen in the scale of prices estab
lished by the price committee of the
food administration at Omaha. Last
, week they were listed at 55 cents. The
new schedule of prices issued quotes
them at 38 cents.
No. 2 potatoes are listed In the new
schedule and are quoted at 1 1-3 cents
per pound. No 1 potatoes are still
quoted at 2 1-3 cents.
Butter is down 1 cent. It is now
quoted at 54 and 51 cents, respec
tively, instead of at 55 and 52 cents,
as last veek.
A 12-ounde loaf of bread has been
added to standard loaves bakers are
permitted to bake. This is to retail
at 7yi cents per loaf.
Voters Who Have Moved ,
Must Register at Once
Between 5,000 and 10,000 voters in
Omaha have moved since their last
registration, according to Election
Commissioner Moorhead, and will not
be permitted to vote at the April
primaries unless they report at his
office at once to re-register. v
"Even jf a .nan hn moved in his
own precinct he must report the
change of residenc- to this office to
avoid having his registration chal
lenged," Mr. Moorhead said. '.'It is
possible we will have registration of
fices in South Omaha. Benson and
Florence later. Voters residing in
those districts, however, should regis
ter at this central office now and avoid
the delay and confusion of an over
crowded registration at the eleventh
hour." .' s
Omaha Women Urge Wilson
To Suspend Death Sentence
The Ladies' Aid society of the
North Prejbyterian church and the
Daughters of 1812 of Omaha dis
patched telegrams to President Wil
son urging him to suspend the death
sentence imposed upon four American
soldiers found asleep at their posts
while on sentry duty.
At the suggestion of Mrs. J. M.
Wilson, wife of the pastor of the
church, the Ladies' Aid society of
the North Presbyterian church sent
the following wire to the president:
"We, the ladies of the North Pres
byterian, church, believing justice and
mercy will be better served, most
earnestly entreat you to intervene and
save the lives of the four sentinels
found asleep, as referred to by Gen
eral Pershing, and give them another
chance to serve their country."
The Daughters of 1812 sent a wire
similar in substance.
William Gentleman, Omaha
Boy, is Stationed in Paris
William Gentleman,' son of Mrs.
Mary Gentleman, 2919 Dodge street,
and who went to France, accepting a
position with the American embassy,
is now in Paris, where he has taken
station. : 5" k? ; '- : ;. -
In going to Europe Mr. Gentleman
was a passenger on the steamer Ni
agara and made the trip without hav
ing any thrilling experiences while
passing through the zone traversed
ty the German submarines
Better Values Here Prove Conclusively that Cash Buying at a Cash Store Means Conservation of Your Cash
Remarkable Value Monday in Our
Annual March Sale
of Wool Dress Goods
Now is the time to get what you need for
some time to come. Staple weaves in plain col
ors. The items on sale for Monday are much
lower in price then we could buy them for today.
, Buy now for next season and save from 60c to
$1.50 per yard. Our March Sale Cash Prices
will show you how. "
$3.50 Fine Broadcloth, $2.25
25 Pieces, All-Wool, Satin Finished Face Broad
cloth, in a full line of neat street shades. These
Broadcloths will be sold next season at $4.00.
Our March Sale Cash Price, 25
$4.00 Trlcotine, $2.98
10 Pieces of 66-Inch All Pure Wool Tricotine
Suiting, a beautiful cloth for coata or suits,
easily worth today $4.60. March dJO AO
Sale Cash Price P.UO
$2.98 WoolJeraey, $1.98
60 Pieces of this popular material, in the new
Spring shades of Rose, Emerald, Chartreuse,
Peking Blue, Sand; also the popular Scotch
Heather mixtures, $3.00 and $4.00 values,!!.;..jS1.98, $2.98
$2.98 French Serges, $1.93
30 Pieces of All Pure Wool French Serges, fine,
soft finish, very satisfactory for dress purposes;
a good line of colors, 50 and 64 inches wide;
. worth today $2.98; our March djl QO
Sale Price . . . ............. V VO
$3.00 Poiret Twill, $1.98
20 Pieces of 56-Inch All Wool Poiret Twill Cloth
a fine medium weight fabric that always gives
satisfaction. Ten new colors for Monday, worth
today $3.00, our March Sale, df AO
Cash Price... ...... Pla57
$2.00 Poplins, $1.38
76 Pieces of 44-Inch All Wool Poplin and French
Serges, in a full line of colors; this is a won
derful bargain; worth today $2.00; d1 OO
March Sale Cash Price P 1
Priestley's Black Dress Good
15 Pieces of All Wool Black Dress Goods, discon
tinued lines that we cannot get more of, includ
ing all wool Batistes, Crepes, Serges, Tussah
Cloths, worth $1.50 to $2.00. While QOU
they last, March Sale Cash Price...., UOi,
100 Pieces of Wool Dress Goods
Including French Serges, Panamas, Storm
Serges, Granite Cloth, French Mixtures, Check
ed and Striped Novelties, 36 to 50 inches wide;
your choice in March Sale Cash Price-
48c, 68c, 98c
New Black and White Check
Small and large checks, 36 to 54 inches wide, at
48c, 98c, $1.25
Skirts Made to Your Measure
We are now ready to make your new Spring
Skirt. The new models are here. Stylish new ma.
terials, See them Monday and have our expert
.tailors make you a skirt that will fit you and
give every satisfaction, f For the or o C
making .... ... ...,, ,., PeGtawO
' Semi-made Skirts for the ladies who prefer to
make their own Skirts; almost all. finished, one
seam left open to give you a perfect, fitting
Skirt. Enquire at our Daylight Dress lioods
Section Monday. All , information cheerfully
given. Prices
$3.98, $4.98
Charming Spring Suit, Goat and Dress Styles
An almost endless assortment of clever new designs in Spring appar
el here for your selection Monday. A display combining exceptional
beauty and satisfying quality, with surprisingly moderate prices.
Hundreds of Beautiful Dresses
Twenty distinctive designs, in Cloth
and Jersey Street Dresses and Aft
ernoon Costumes in Silk Taffeta,
Crepes, Georgettes and Combina
tions, all sizes 16 to 44. The sea
son s choice colorings, all
. remarkable values, at our
Cash Price ....
, M ft
ine sea-
Three wonderful lines of Street, Afternoon,
DresSsShown at $49, $59 arid $69
Misses' Suits
A showing of the
most charming new
models,' including
the popular Eton
and Pony modes,
Ladies' Suits
I m m e n s e assort
ment of distinctive
designs in choicest
ings: all most at
tractive values, at
$45, $55, $65 and $75
$35, $45, Up to $55
200 Handsome Spring Suits ffl. $25
A broad assortment of clever designs in Serges, Poplins and Burellas, in newest
colors, including Rookie, Beige, Soldier Blue, Clay, Pekin, Quaker, also Check
and Hair Line Suitings; values we are confident you cannot duplicate elsewhere.
Good News for Large Women
Our extra size Linens are here for your
selection, . ; ;
Suits, $25 to $65. Coats, $19 to $59
New Top Coats Are Beauties
At every price you'll find the assort
ments most satisfying and the qualities
truly exceptional.
Two Special Lots $25 and $35
Many other choice lots of ? attractive
Coat values at from
$49, $59, $69, $75 Up to $95
Dresses, $15 to $65. Skirts, $3.98
to $18.50.
Waists, $3.95 to $15.00.
Practicability and quality as well as
.beauty strongly influenced our selec
tion of the Spring Lines.
r Wonderful Values Offered This Week in Our
March Furniture Clearance
All Odd Lots, Odd Pieces and Floor Samples are marked for
quick clearance without regard to present wholesale prices; Nq
home-furnisher should fail, to be here early, Monday, prepared to
choose from the greatest lot of values shown in years.
Splendid Savings Evident in the
Annual March
Sale of SILKS
Monday we start 'our yearly March Silk Sale.
We have prepared in advance for this event.
Our stocks are large, -showing generous assort
ments of the wanted SiBss, for Spring wear.
These Silks are strictly first quality and will be
sold Monday at our low Cash Prices. (
40-Inch Satin Baronet, $3.98
Just 4 colors left of this beautiful Satin; newest
weave for suits and skirts; colors, navy, green,
taupe and plum. While they last, do QO
Monday, March Sale Cash Price. . ... POei70
$2.25 Chiffon Taffeta, $1.65
100 Pieces of 36-Inch Pure Dye Chiffon Dress
Taffetas, and 40-inch All Silk Georgette Crepe;
every new street and evening shade; this is a
wonderful bargain in the two popular silk fabrics
for spring. $2.25 Chiffon Taffeta and $2.00
Georgette Crepes, your choice, dt tt
March Sale Cash Price 4 1 eUU
$2.50 Dress Satin, at $1.85
20 Pieces of 36-Inch AH Silk Dress Satin de
Luxe, in a fine line of new Spring colors, very
dressy. This silk we can strongly recommend.
Worth today $2.50, March Sale dfj QC
Cash Price V eOU
New Silk Ginghams
200 Pieces of these stunning New Silks, in Loui
sennes and Taffetas, plain checks and striped;
and stripes, also Satin Striped effects, in great
demand and extremely stylish. March Sale Cash
Prices 1
$1.38, $1.48, $1.75, $1.98
New Spring Foulards
150 Pieces of 36-inch and 40-inch All Silk Fou
lards, in a variety of different styles, small and
medium sized effects, stylish dots and stripes.
All silk, qualities that will be very popular. See
them Monday at our March Sale Cash Prices,
$1.48, $1.78, $1.98
- Printed Radiums
40-Inch Novelty Printed Radium, in special
favor for Spring Dresses, also in great demand
for coat linings, etc. Stylish printed designs.
' Also the new plaids and striped effects. March
- Sale Cash Prices, J (Jg and 2 IJ0
$1.50 Tub Silks, $1.18
50 Pieces of Beautiful Satin Striped Tub Pon
gees, strictly all silk, in styles suitable for
ladies' or men's wear. Our March (1 1Q
Sale Cash Price ipl.lO
$1.75 Chiffon Taffeta, $1.35
50 Pieces of 36-inch Chiffon Dress Taffetas, soft
finish, bright, lustrous quality, in a full line of
the new Spring shades, in plain and glaze ef
fects; our March Sale Cash J" OP
price .. Vl00
$1.75 Crepe de Chine, $1.35
100 Pieces of 40-Inch All Silk Crepe de Chine,
all pure silk, fast edge; a good dress quality in
every new color and black. Our d -Q C
March Sale Cash Price ........... V X OO
5,000 Yards of Fine Dress Silks
Laid out on our special Silk Booths for easy se
lection, including All Silk Crepe de Chines, Silk
Poplins, Chiffon Taffetas, Fancy Satin, Striped
iTaffetas, Military Striped Messalines; wonder
ful bargains, at
98c, $1.18, , $1.28 ;
Specials in Black Silks
36-Inch Black Chiffon Taffeta. ... 98
86-Inch Black Fuchedde Satin ........ . 9,8fr
36-Inch Black Silk Poplin .7. .;98d
36-Inch Black Georgette Crepe........ 98
36-Inch Black Satin Duchess ...... $1.48
36-Inch Black Chiffon Taffeta, heavy
quality, at '. ...$1.48,
36-Inch Black Satin de Chene .-. .$1.48
36-Inch Satin Messaline. . .... . . .... .$1.48 '
Hayden's Always for Silks v ,'
Furniture Bargains for Every Room
One odd lot of Pedestals, fumed, golden and mahogany, really worth
more than $4.00, each, in this sale. .$2.00
Bassinets, children's bed on wheels. $3.00 and $4.50
Nursery Chairs, brown or natural reed, $2.00 value '.$1.50
All wood nursery chairs with table............... $1.50
Nursery Chair, no table ....$1.00
Kid's Rockers, golden oak, with arms, $2.00 value .$1.00
Folding Seats, fits over toilet seat, for babies 100
Baby Walkers, worth double, each....... .....$1.00 and $1.50
Canvas Swings, for babies, on sale for 75
$3.50 Folding Card Tables, leatherette top. ............. ; .$2.50
Maple Sewing Tables, yard measure, folding $1.00
Dining Chairs, Leather Seats
The best quality made, finely finished dining chairs.
$5.00 high back, golden oak, leather seat diner. ........... .$4.00
$4.50 diner, golden oak, leather seat, 2 patterns. .......... .$3.50
$4.50 diner, fumed, leather seat, boxed. .. , $3.50
$4.00 diner, tack seat, leather, fumed .................... $3.00
$3.50 diner, wood seat, golden oak only..,., $2.50
$2.50 wood seat, boxed diners, not as nicely finished, but strongly
made, in this sale, only .....,...,................,...$1.50
$1.75 diner, wood, a good cheap diner, only. .,,........., .$1.00
$2.50 leather tack seat diner, boxed, golden... ....... ....$2.00
Arm Rockers
Arm Rockers, wood seat, $4.50 value, only. S2.75
Arm Rocker, wood seat, $5.50 value, only, ............... .$4.00
Arm Rocker, wood seat, $3.00 value, only .$2.00
Arm Rocker, leather spring seat, $8.00 value... ...... i... $5. 50
Arm Rocker, large, high back, golden, $18.00 value...... $14.00
Arm Rocker, leather seat, fumed, $8.00 value ..,...$5.50
$4.00 golden oak sewing rocker, only. .$3.00
$3.50 Arm Rocker, wood Beat, mahogany or oak. .......... .$2.75
Beds and Springs
2-inch posts, Vernis Martin beds, thin fillers, $8.00 value ..... $6.50
2- inch posts, Vernis Martin beds, heavy thick fillers, $10 values,
only .$7.50
$20 Brass Beds, 2-inch posts, heavy fillers... ...$15.00
$22 Brass Beds, 2-inch posts, heavy fillers... $17.50
$22 Wood Bed, mahogany, golden or fumed oak ....$16.50
$12.00 Coil Springs, the best made, guaranteed for 20 years,
double deck, in this sale $8.50
$9.00 Coil Springs, fully guaranteed, only. . . . .......... .'. .$5.75
Link Springs, $6.50 value, $5.00 I $6.00 Springs......... $4.50
$5.00 Springs $4.00 I Good Springs......... $3.50
3- piece Beds, springs attached, floor samples. ........ .....$6.50
Furniture Bargains for Every Room
Mattresses, Etc.
Genuine Layer Felt Mattress, full size $10.00
Combination Felt Mattress $6.50 and $7.50
$7.00 Kitchen Cabinet, base only . $5.00
$8.50 Kitchen Cabinet, base only i.......$5.75
$27.50 Kitchen Cabinet, sliding aluminum top. .$22.00
Buffets and Dining Tables
$50 Golden Oak Buffet, best quality. .$38.00
$40 Fumed Oak Buffet, best quality $30.00
$42.50 Golden Oak Buffet, best quality ......$32.50
$40.00 Golden Oak Buffet, best quality $32.00
$25.00 Golden Oak Buffet, fair quality $20.00
45-inch Dining Table, round, fumed $10.00
48-inch Dining Table, round, fumed $14.50
$40.00 54-inch Dining Table, round, golden ..$30.00
$35.00 54-inch Dining Table, round, fumed $29.50
Dressers and Chiffoniers
$24.00 Dresser, French plate, golden oak $19.00
$12.00 Dresser, golden oak, polished $8.50
$25.00 Chiffonier, golden oak, polished $20.00
$20.00 Chiffonier, golden oak, polished $16.00
$8.50 Chiffonier ...$6.50 I $9.50 Chiffonier $7.50
$12.00 Chiffonier $9.50
All in golden oak.
15 discount on all odd Rockers, all odd Chiffoniers, odd Period
style Bed Room and Dining Room Furniture and Library Tables.
25 discount on Ladies' Desks, odd China Closets, odd Tapestry
Overstuffed Furniture and Library Dining Tables.
We Make the Prices That Comply With All Federal
Food Laws. License No. 11496.
18 lbi. best home crown Potatoei, 25c
19 lbs. but Whit or Yellow Corn
meal , .49c
S ban Diamond C, Best Em All or
Swlft'i Pride Soap ...2Sc
4 lbi. best bulk Laundry Starch.. 2Se
E 0 Corn Flakea, pkg. 7 Vie
a lbi. f liner Japan Blot .25c
16-ounc ean Condensed Milk... 12 Vie
-ounce eana Condenicd MUk....6Vie
The boat domeetie , Macaroni or
Spaghetti. pk. .7 Vie
No. I eana Hominy or Pumpkin.... 10c
4 Ibe. California Brown Beani....2Se
Fancy No. I Pinto Beam, lb.. .....10c
S8-ounce jar Pure Apple Butter... 2Se
24-ounce jar Freeh Fruit Preservei, 25c
18 -ounce eana Condenaed Soupe..l2Vie
Jeilo, for deesert, pV. Be
Large Bottles Picklei, assorted
kind .....lOe
Pure Cider or White Vinegar, gal. ,23c
Diamond H Pancake Flour, pkg,..13Vie
For Puddlnra. Plea. Cakea and Sauce.
Choice California Muscatel ' Cooking 1
Kiisine, per lb.... .ls'tc
Choice California Cooking Figs, at,
per lb. ise
Fancy California Ring Apples, , at,
per lb. ,15c
Fancy California Seedlese Raisins, at,
per lb. lSe
Fancy California Prunes, lb. ,.12Vie
Seeded Raisins, pkg.... 10c.l2Vte
Mince-Meat, pkg. 12Ve
24-oa. jar Mince Meat ......... .25c
Fard Dates, per lb. 30c
California Figs, pkg. 12 Vie
mous Golden Santos Coffee, lb., 20c
Diamond H Santos, an elegant drink,
per lb. 22c
Porto Rico Blend, excellent flavor,
per lb. , 27c
Our famous Mocha and Java Blend,
well known for its aromatio flavor
and high quality, per lb. 37 Vie
8 Ibe. for $1.00
Buy Now Extra fancy Blue V, Ya
kima Valley Jonathan Apples, at, a
box tl.BS
Fancy California Cauliflower, lb., 10c
Fancy California Head Lettuce, at,
per bead 7 Vie
8 heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce 10c
Large Cucumbers, each.... 10c and 20c
Fresh Carrots, Turnips or Shalots, at,
per bunch .....Se
New Cabbage, per lb.... ...7c
Large Soup Bunehes, each ........ 4e
Rutabagas, Turnips, Carrots, Beets
or Parsnips, per lb. , 2 Vic
4 lbs. Red Globe Onions... 10e
Fancy Sweet Potatoes, lb. ....... 7 Vie
Large Grape Fruit Se and 8 l-3c
March Wall Paper Sale
Hayden's Magnificent Wall Papers have a real decorative value. They are
designed by the most skilled artists of the world.
Thus, Wall Papers from Hayden'a mean more than something to merely eover
the walls. They have character and individuality that's worth having.
The only satisfaction in buying common Wall Papers is that they look clean.
Why not get a paper that also has a refined and stately appearance, when it costs
no morel It's merely a matter of coming here to get them. '
. specials ;
80-inch, two tones, Grass Cloths, and
Tiffany Blends, with the newest ent out
borders, per roll 34c
1 0-inch plain Oatmeals, with very pretty
ent out borders, per roll ISe
A big line of .Gilt Borders with 18-inch
borders, regular price 25c per roll, for
this sale, per roll ....12Vic
A fine line of papers, suitable for any
room in the house, per roll 7Vic
( Special Demonstration All This Week of the
Interesting Specials Monday in Our Busy
Housefurnishing Department
Oil Oven, plain,
60-lb. Flour Can, cash price ....... $1.49
25-lb. Flour Can, cash price-. $1.29
6-qt Aluminum Sauce Pan, cash
price $!
A good Flour Sieve, cash price 2Se
10-qt Enamel Berlin Kettle, cash price, 7e
2-burner Gas or Oil Oven, plain, cash
price $2.88
1 -burner Gaa or Oil Oven, plain, cash
price .$1.49
2-burner Gas Plate, cash price. ... $3.28
Wright's Gas Iron, cash price .$1.98
White Enamel Cabinet, cash price. .$1.50
Family siie Food Chopper, cash price, $1.10
Wooden Egg Carrier, 12 ' dot. capacity,
cash price 40c
Second Floor
Just as a gown appeals to
you because of a certain in
definable air that its de
signer has given itso does
the Binner Corset. There is
something about the Binner
to captivate good taste. Will
you let us show you the Bin
ner made for your figure?
Mrs. Dumbauld
Binner Corsetiere
will be with us all this week.
Come in and be fitted to a Binner.
'iwMsPRa-fcsise Jt3&Km3m&nfoi'&&v