THE BEE: OMAHA, SATUKDAX, MAKUtl Z, 110. 0 ARMY HEADS OF GENERAL STAFF TO BE REMOVED Return of General March From France to Result in Heads of Several Branches Being Removed. Rush's Celebrate Their 50th Wedding Anniversary Brie City News iUr Root Print It New Be. con Pre. Lighting Fixtures. Rurffrss-Granilcn. West Farnnm S23 N. 38th Ave. nodem tioust, D. 2947. MO. (By Associated Preu.) Washington, March 1. Numerous changes in the personnel of the gen eral staff of the army are expected to follow the arrival here of Major General Peyton C. March, who landed at an Atlantic port today, returning from France, to assume his duties as acting chief of staff. Officers here have no kowlcdge of plans General March may have laid in this regard, but it has been announced that he will draw his aid men in whom he has special personal confidence. . It is understood that one of the first acts of the new chief will be to name . a successor for Major General John Jiiddle, assistant chief or staff, and who has been acting as head of that body since General Bliss was assigned to the supreme- war council in Europe. , There are indications that General , Biddle already has been selected for an important command in Europe, and it is known that he would prefer duty abroad. Til Temporary Now. Recoganization of the general staff recently effected is now m operation. Celebration of the golden anniver sary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. John Rush, Omaha pioneers, oc curred Friday at St. Patrick's church, followed by a dinner and reception ai me nome. 16U Martha street It has been stated officially however, Solemn high mass was celebrated by that the general officers recently as- Rev. Tames A. Stenson assisted hv signed to duty as directors of the five Father Dan Moriarty and Father P. major divisions of the staff are hold- C. Gannon. Archhishnn Hartv tend ing their positions temporarily. This ed his felicitations to the couple in a artinn xvas taken in nrHer tn nermit I elinft u . t:i j ,l. ,. ... r. suvn acuiiuii. iic iiKciicu ine senn- assistants in carrying out the task of co-ordination of the purely military side of the army. Each of these directors is an assis- , tant to the chief of staff with power Wife." ment of such a union to that which promoted St. Louis of Franceto have engraved in his wife's wedding ring the three words, "God, Country and to act in the name of the secretary, or of the chief of staff in matters pertaining to his own particular field. By this means an organization has been built up for General March in ''such 'a way that he will be able to . devote his own time almost wholly to the broader problems of the de- partment, leaving detail work to his assistants, and quickly familarizing himself with conditions throughout the army. General March brings to the head of the general staff intimate personal knowledge with conditions in France. "He has discussed every phase of the relationship between the war depart ment and the expeditionary forces with General Pershing, and it is an ticipated that complete harmony of action and purpose will prevail on both sides of the water under his direction. May Remove Censor. ,. The remarks made bv General March today on his arrival indicated his desire for a less rigorous censor ship as to activities of American troops in France caused some com' ment among army officers here. A majority of them agree that much " more could be told with safety as to the doings abroad than has been the practice up to this time. Secretary Baker nas taken the position, how ','ever, that all information as to the movements of General Pershing's iorces must come through that officer's censor. He has held that the ; war department was too remote to exercise any jurisdiction over this subject. - The discussion of the new chief's i probable attitude as to censorship Brought out the fact that home officers here have been a little dis turbed as to the nature of information censors abroad have been permitting to come tnrougn, particularly as to tne recent gas attack upon American troops by uerman batteries. THIRD LIBERTY ' LOAN DRIVE TO START IN APRIL A novel feature of the occasion was MRS. JOHN RUSH. the fact that the choir was made up en tirely of members of the Rush family and relatives. John Rush, jr., sang Luzzi's "Ave Marie" at the offer tory. A violin solo, Guonod's "Ave Maria, was played by John Little, a son-in-law. Mrs. R. E. Yocum, Chi cago, was the organist. The 12 sons and daughters and IS grandchildren were present. lhe church was crowded with relatives and friends and hundreds called at the home during the day. Telegrams of congratulation were received from out-of-town friends. Mr. and Mrs. Rush were- married in Omaha, March 1, 1868, and have been prominent in the making of the pioneer history of the city. From eit Near Neishbors Avoca. Carl Smith left the first of tha week for Kansas Qty, Mo. uus Monr was a Nebraska City visitor the first of the week. Pr. J. V. Brendel was attending the auto show at Omaha this week. Mr. and Mrs. John True were here from near Cedar Creek the last of the week for a visit with relatives. Otlando Tefft was a visitor at the state capital this week. John H. Schmidt of Hamlet. Neb., was here this week for a visit with relatives. Mrs. Alex Francis of Dunbar was here this week for a visit with her daughters, Miss Nlta Francis and Mrs. H. H. Marquardt. Chris Nutzman left this week for a few days' visit with relatives at Bertrand. Fred Bose of Berlin was a business visitor here this week. Alvla Bourlter and family were visiting relatives at Berlin the first of the week. Mrs. Ora E. Copes gave the domestic sci ence demonstration Wednesday afternoon. Albln Gustavson was here this week from Talmage for a visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Durham arrived from Chadron last week for a visit with relatives. The ladles' auxlllay of the Avoca Ceme tery association met with Mrs. Ora E. Copes Friday afternoon. Robert Johnson of Sumner Is spending the week with relatives here. Mrs. R. A. Trook and daughter, Elsie, are spending the week with relatives near Au burn. M. and Mrs. H. H. Marquardt were Omaha visitors several days this week, Mrs. Louise Glllin and daughter are here from Council Bluffs, la., for a visit with relatives. Rev. J. M. KokJer has been elected to the pastorate of the Congregational church at Dodge, Neb. Henry Maseman, Jr., left with his house hold goods the first of the week for Ber trand, where he will reside on a farm. The Ladles' Aid or the congregational church met with Mrs. J. W. Brendel Thurs day afternoon. Alvla Bourller has purchased tne pool nan of Fred Bose at Berlin and will leave soon to take possession. Miss Elsie Odd of Talmage nas Been spending the week with her parents In this city. , Fred and Otto Freudenoerg were weeping Water visitors Thursday. Several cases of measles have been re ported In the town and country. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Neumeister were at Nehawka this week for a visit with relatives. Mrs. A. C. Smith entertained tne itoyai Neighbor circle Wednesday afternoon, . Papillion. J. P. Soearman. county treasurer, attended the county treasurer's meetings in Omaha this week. Miss Frances Empey of EI Reno, Okl., vlstted Mrs. A. F. Empey. and Mrs. O. P. Miller this week. Mrs. Drew Clarke of Omaha was a guest llgh this week, where they will reside in the future. Mrs. E. M. Swain and son, Jack, who have been hero three weeks, went back to Chicago last Tuesday. W. S. Ely has gone to Leesburg, Va., where he expects to move his family. Word has teen received that Lloyd Wright, Bernard Besack and Clarence Nicholson arrived safely In France. Norman Lovell of Sallna, Kan., visited his parents, Mr, and Mrs. S. O. Lovell, last Saturday. Mrs. A. W. Armstrong of West Point. Is here visiting her mother, Mrs. O. Adsit. Collin Ball, who has joined the navy, left for the Oreat Lakes naval training school. Mrs. W. E. Phillips and children of Ches- Iey, Ontario, urea visiting Mrs. Dorothy Yarlk. New York. March 1. To oreoare long in advance for the third Liberty Loan campaign, ten parties of three of tn8 E- - Fas6 'amil'r ?u"day- or more speakers each will start tours tKTSSJ early this month, Visiting several Mr. and Mrs. Frank Metchles visited over towns a day and assisting local com- Sunday with Mrs. Metchles' brother at Camp ?r rnK8"1 H .A- The board of trustee, of the German er campaign work for the big drive, Methodist church have decided that all which probably will be in April. services shall be In the English language Une speaker in each party, the Lib- rr?m now on- . k1.Mf,, Wi,,. , j Miss Amy Lewis ana miss uii coning v.y fwui, "',v-"u O.H1UU1IJ.CU wer9 re.eiected teachers In the schools here. lOOay, Will De a united States SOlClier Miss Lewis has been advanced to the post who has seen service in France, and tion of assistant principal. nn i.m11 k. o ,.,nrr,on Mr. and Mrs. Sam Startzer returned this I A A U V O. Vlliail, I 0) T n ,h... y. -w y... Definite plans have been made for visitin upni iiV three parties which will Start March Papillion relatives have received word 11 on tours respectively of the Rich- from Forrest King, who has been at Camp . - . . . fimilnn that ha hna hoon , E.l vnPfl tft a division' of clerks and will be sent to France Immediately. Five men, the last of Sarpy county's quota In the first drive, will leave for Camp Funston March 6. Patriotic services were held at the Pres Benmngton. John Meeve3 has moved to his father' farm on the ccunty line. Eggert Ohrt has almost recovered from his burns and returned to school Monday. Charles Smith, Julius Suverkrubbe and C. Carstensen have moved to the Bum farms north of town. The Farmers Union Elevator company has purchased the Nye, Schneider, Fowler plant at tnis place. E. G. Maxwell, recently appointed county demonstrator, was a business caller Wednes day. Herman Petersen and family have moved to the Schaefer place, four miles northeast of town. C. J. Wilcox was In Lincoln several days last week visiting home folks and taking in tne press association meetng. Conserve Ham and Bacon, Says Food Administrator Complaints are heard at the food administration office charging the drop in the price of hogs at the stock yards Ihursday to the federal food speakers who are out in the state dis couraging the home consumption, of bacon and hams. Food Administrator Wattles said this morning it must be understood that the only pork products the gov ernments wants to feed the soldiers abroad are ham and bacon. "It is these we want the people at home to conserve for export." he said. "Other pork products may be eaten, except of course on meatless days and meatless meals." mond, Va., Atlanta and Dallas federal reserve districts. Moving picture stars have been en listed for campaign work. Douglas Fairbanks nas agreed to tour any wnere, OO anytning and everything byterian church last Sunday morning ana in me uerman juemouist .piscuyai uuun-n in the evening. The Presbyterian church has a service flag with 14 stars. Sarpy county has purchased a service flag which will have place for about 1,000 stars. All boys going from the county will be rep 1 on behalf of the loan. Mary Pickford will spend one week speaking in east em states and Marguerite Clark will make a speaking tour of the middle west U. S. Seizes Eighth Part of Busch Estate St. Louis, Mo., March 1. The one eighth interest in the estate of the resented on it. Railroad Men Dynamite Ice to Protect Bridges The warm weather general over Ne braska is causing railroad officials to renew efforts to protect bridges from possible damage when the ice breaks up. All along the Nebraska lines, sec tion men have been advised to begin breaking up the ice above the bridges at once. Dynamite has been shipped in large quantities to points along the Platte, Loup and Elkhorn rivers. Tom Nolan Returns T. J. Nolan, Omaha attorney, has returned from an eastern trip. Robt. C Druescdow A Co., stocks and bonds and local securities, 860 Omaha Nat. Bank BUg. Thrift is the spur prudence works In youth for prosperity In age. Ne braska Savings & Loan Ass'n shows the way. 211 S. 18th St. The War Tax Service Bureau solves Income tax problems. Audits ac counts. Trepares Returns. Expert service. 805 Om. Nat. Bk. Tyler 320. Richard Makes Chance M. Rich ard, formerly with the Brandels stores, has accepted a position as manager of liernsteln'i store, 111 South Sixteenth street Arrives in France -George E. Bert rand, clerk In the municipal court, has received information that his son, Alexander, has arrived in France with a company of engineers. Pool Ball Man Fined O. E. Hen 8che, manager of the State pool hall. Seventeenth and Harney streets, was fined $20 and costs in police court Fri day for allowing minors to frequent his place. Transfer Recruiting Station Orders were received at the navy re cruiting station to transfer its sub station at Lead, S. D., to Beatrice. It will require about one month to make the change. Robert Harris Divorced Robert M. Harris, 4218 Davenport, has been granted a divorce decree from Doro thy K. Harris. The wife Is given $50 a month alimony and Mr. Harris the custody of their minor child. Ktldio Fleming: Resigns Patrolman Eddie Fleming has resolved to be a farmer. His resignation has been re celved by Superintendent Kugel. Fleming jokingly remarked that there is more money raising beets than walking a beat. State Bank of Omaha, corner Six teenth and Harney streets, pays 4 per cent on time deposits; 8 per cent on savings accounts. All deposits tn this bank, are protected by the de posltors' guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska. Adv. Fremont Man Fined Albert Van Cleave of Fremont was fined $100 and costs in police court Friday morning on a charge of illegal possession of in toxicating liquor. When arrested at the Burlington station he had 10 quarts of whisky in a suit case, police said. Red Cross Entertainment Fifty dollars was netted at an entertainment given Thursday night by the Belvl- dere Ladies' club Red Cross auxiliary at the Belvidere school. Mrs. E. Gwynne-Vaughan was chairman of the committee in charge. A woolen quilt, which went to Miss Olive Chris tenson netted $33.50. One Hundred and Costs "You're talking to another stranger," said Judge Fitzgerald in police court, as he fined John Pearson $100 and costs for alleged illegal, possession of liquor. Pearson gave his address as the Union hotel on the South Side and alleged that he purchased the liquor from a stranger on the street for $3.50. Wants More Market Space City Commissioners Jardlne and Kugel and Market Master Klllian are working out a plan to double the market space along Eleventh street I Retail grocers who attend the 'market during the open season want suitable space where they, may park their vehicles without being interfered with or interfering with others. Fine fireplace goods at Sunderlands. Police Unable to Find . Man Reported as Dead Don Chrisman, 3613 North Twenty fourth street," and Archie Humphrey. 2929 North Twentieth street, reported to the police last night that a man was lying dead near the fire barn on Twelfth and Dodge streets. They said that he had an ugly gash in his head. apparently from a . knife wound. A corps of doctors and police offi cers was dispatched to the scene, but no man was found. A cap was found on the spot where he was supposed to have lain. Firemen in the barn denied anv knowledge of the affair, although Chrisman positively declared that one of them had seen the body and sent him tor the police. Smith Says He Gave Wrong Age When He Was Married Philip Smith, who operates a res taurant on the bouth bide, was be fore United States Commissioner Neely on a charge of failing to regis ter. He says he is over the draft age. Wis marriage certificate shows him to be less than 31 years old, but he says he gave his age as two years less than it really was btcause he was so much, older than his bride. He came here from Minsk. Russia. 12 years ago. The commissioner nave him a month in which to get proof if possible from the immigration station in New York as to hn real age. Alleged Reckless Driver Is Granted Continuance Fred Grieth, 1902 South Seven teenth street, arrested on a charge of reckless driving, was granted a con tinuance in police court Friday morn- street car at Twenty-first and Dodge streets while traveling at an alleged speed of 25 miles an hour. Grieth was given emergency treatment at the police station and later arrested. His injuries were not serious. Two companions were taken tf the Ford ing. Grieth is driver of a delivery 1 hospital and given emergency treat wagon. His machine crashed into a ment. Y. M. G. A. on Italian Front. Rome, March 1. The American Young Men's Christian association has completed arrangements to ex tend its work to the Italian front. Young Men's Christian association huts are being erected and""30 secre taries have been engaged. Bee Want Ads Bring Results. Elkhorn. Charles Parkenlngi Is here on a furlough from New Jersey to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Parkenings. Mrs. Amy Calvert was an Omaha shopper Mr. lat Adnlnfiiis Rnsrh. wMlthv Krcwpr. I Saturday. A v.. l.:- .:a .u Mrs. John Hanger and Mrs. Henry John uwiicu uj u.o yviuyw, nu uui .cwiiiy were visit0 at the Red Cross room lett uermany aiter a visit oi many Saturday. months, has been olaced in charce of Word was received hers from Prof, and lonncitsrv naml Kir A Mitrrioll I Mrs. John Fate, recently of Lincoln, that a depositary named by A. Mitchell tn moving t0 mIger Idfth0i where raimer, uniteo oiaies custodian or tne professor has a good position In an alien enemy property, it was learned agriculture school. today. When last heard from Mrs. Busch was in Switzerland, and it is believed she will reach the United States shortly. Trustees of the Busch estate said cherry county. ' today that upon her return an at- Mrs. d. c. cjuinn of Piainview, Neb .nnf wnuU h tnad tn rocr-ii'n lior here visiting relatives. v .e, " j w Wyatt was a Gretna visitor Tues- jjuaacaaiuiia. mis. xjuolii indue a iaa return to the city in December, IVlb, Mr. of $1,630,656. Schuyler Man is Held on - Charges of Disloyalty Elcke. Fritz Schroeder of Schuyler waived a preliminary hearing before United States Commissioner Neely on a charge of violating the espionage act and was bound over to the federal grand jury under $3,000 bond, which he provided. Schroeder is charged with having 1010 me inner vi iwv ouiuicis iu au- Mr nrt -Mrs. J. C. Geib visited their son, vise them to go Over tO the Germans Roger, at Funston the fore part of the the first chance they got and to have wf- , . v ;,.A tW ri;.:!:.! arfc H la Ed runitl CRrafi lMm('n" Omaha, where vuujHiiLivu v... v..j-. "v .jne underwent i. surgii-al operation, employed in a mill at bchuyler. . James H. White and family left for Ne Phillip Seefus visited his parents, and Mrs. J. G. Seefus, Monday. Mrs. C. W; Hlckeg and daughters, Bemlce and Roma, visited with the form er's mother, Mrs., C. , Witte, Saturday and Sunday. Tom Barlow Is moving with his family to Is and Mrs. Julius Schuldt were Omaha business visitors, Wednesday. Mrs. Henry Bay visited Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. John Schuldt. John Riceken moved with his family to the house recently , purchased by Henry Rev. H. C. Springfield Capsey has received the ap pointment of chaplalnyln the United States army and left for bis post last Wednesday. Asa Hinkle moved his family to Johnson county this week. Frank Snide, who has been at home on a ten days' furlough, went back to Funston last Wednesday Mrs. L. A. Bates Is visiting her son. Ford Bates, in Columbus. ;aker's BREAKFAST COCOA The food drink without a fault Made of high grade cocoa beans, skilfully blended and manufactured by a perfect mechanical process, without the use of chemicals. It is absolutely pure and whole some, and its flavor is deli cious, the natural flavor of the cocoa bean. The genuine bears this trade-mark and is made only by Walter Bater 8 Go. Ltd. DORCHESTER, MASS. ftublis&ed 1780 REG, U. 8. PAT. Off BERQ SUITS MB Women's Shop 1621 Farnam Street Here are SupeTlOP dories pan Shadow of a douLt The Berg Clothing Co. specially invite out-of-town friends and visitors to their new location 1415 Farnam Street The big fire a year ago compelled us to take the most favorable quarters available, and although one-fourth our former size, the difference is more than equaled in the extraordinary values we offer and the wonderful assort ments we show. HIRSCH-WICKWIRE AND L-SYTEM are two new lines we have added to our famed "KUPPENHEIMER" and other celebrated brands of fine clothing. Winter Suits and Overcoats To make room for Spring merchandise, winter gar ments are now to be had at A saving from Spring Suits and Top Coats Speciallj $8 to $15 ing ouus ana i op loats d 1 K j. rfj A k Jy priced from $10 lO New Spring Manhattan Shirts, $2.00 Silk Shirts, fast wash' colors, $3.50 to in .tlfVY MOrtn T -'- ip.t4.VV. t . . ,, Berg Special Fine Madras Shirts, $1.00, Spring Underwear, union and . two- $1.15, $1.50. Beautiful New Neckwear 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 two-piece, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and up. Handsome New Spring Hats All the very latest shapes and colorings $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, ,-, $4.50, $5.00 :' Trousers, Extra S2.50 to $7.50 Imported Borsalino Hats $5.00 - Silk' Gloves Gray, Tan and : Champagne $1.25 t " Khaki ana Corduroy . Work , Clothes. ; Hear Side ID) In conformity with the recent order of the Nebraska State Railway Com mission, all street cars of this Company, operating in Nebraska, will, on and after SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 1918, stop, for receiving and discharging pas. sengers, only on the near side of street intersections, on all paved streets excepting at Vegularly-used branch-off s. s . At roch branch-offs, cars will stop at the far side going in one direc tion, and at the near side going in the opposite direction, as shown in the diagram below. ; ! ) . ..,lv : 1 ) Jr. 1 i i . . . -- y At every such point conspicuous signs will hang on the span wire, be tween tracks, to indicate where cars will stop. The reason for this deviation from' the near side stop is to avoid delay to following cars which would result if cars stopped on the near side at these branch-offs. On all unpaved streets, cars will continue to stop on the far side so that passengers can both enter and leave car without tramping through mud. Remember, NEAR SIDE on all paved streets unless SIGN indicates the contrary. Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Co. i