Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATUKUAi, makoh z, ltuo. .
. . m A vat. A mW B M A
Public Officials Attend Last
Rites for Wife of Iowa
Senator; State House
is Closed.
Des Moines, la., March 1. (Spe
cial Telegrara.)-The funeral of Mrs.
A. B. Cummins, wife of Senator Cum
mins, was held at the family home at
Forest Drive and Grand avenue at. 3
p. m. today. Public officials, both
state and national, were in attendance.
The state house closed at 2 o'clock in
order that all officials might attend.
Dr. Kirby, pastor of Plymouth Con
gregational church, of which Mrs.
Cummins was a member, was in
charge of the services.
New Contingent Here.
With the arrival today of 1,296 men
from northern Minnesota at Camp
Dodge the movement of approxi
mately 15,000 selected men in this fi
nal increment of the first draft has
been completed. AH of the Iowa men
have reported and have been as
signed. The handling of the incom
ing increment has progressed rapidly
under the guidance of Colonel R. P.
Howell, registration official. -
. Takes Food from Hornet.
J. E. Figley, special agent of the
food administration, invaded a num
ber of homes in Valley Junction to
day and confiscated food. Alleged vi
olators of the Hoover regulations
were compelled to return their sup
plies to various grocers. -
Oat for Governor.
E. D. Hanson of Marshalltown, for
mer editor of the Christian Pro
hibitionist, Is now circulating nomi
nation papers for the democratic nom
ination for governor. Hanson has
changed from the prohibition party
to the democratic party and supported
E. T. Meredith for governor two
years ago.. His father, John F, Han
son of Oskaloosa was the prohibition
candidate for governor in 1903,. .
Plot to Kill Swine.
Reports which have been received
by the State Council for Defense of
parties working in Decatur county to
buy op brood sews have aroused sus
picion that an attempt may be made
to kill off th swine industry in Iowa.
Secret service men have started an
Official Resigns.
The announcement is made from
Sioux City that J. W. Kindig, first as
sistant attorney general of Iowa, will
resign and take up his law practice
again with the firm with which he is
associated. : ' ' ' t
Select Labor Bureau Heads.
D. H. Caldwell, for many years pub
lisher of the Iowa Unionist, has ac
cepted a federal appointment in the
department of labor. He will move
to Davenport soon and with T. C.
Nietzel, who has been head of the
state free employment bureau, will
have charge of the employment bu
reau being opened by the state and
government in that city. State Labor
Commissioner A. L. Uriclc announces
For Spring Wear
302 South 16th Street
This is the last day of
the sale. Many charming
models in wonderful col
ors and shades. Come
early Saturday morning
for the best selection.
Georgette, Satin, Taf
feta and Foulard, worth
up to $45 in a regular way.
Group 1
Silk Dresses at
':. Group 2
Silk Dresses at
Group 3'
Silk Dresses at
Group 4
Silk Dresses at
Competition Is Defied
. 302 South 16th Street,
First National Bank Bldg.
that labor employment offices will
probably be opened at Cedar Rapids,
Ottumwa and Mason City. Offices
will soon be opened at Waterloo and
Sioux City. W. M. Brashear will be
in charge of the Sioux City office and
Mr. Barnes of Detroit of the Water
loo office.
Explains Shipbuilding Plan.
In an address at the Trades Assem
bly hall last night Herbert J. Met
calf, secretary of the State Council
for Defense and Iowa director of the
United States public service reserve,
explained the campaign to secure 300,
000 American workmen to work in the
shipyards of the United States. He
declared that the men were being en
rolled now and could continue in their
present employment until the govern
ment needed them and that they were
not obligating themselves to go by en.
rolling. He paid a high compliment
to the loyalty of American union men
in this world's crisis.
(Continued From Fata One.)
cross roads and towns. German work
ing parties were dispersed effectively
and once the 75s fired vigorously on a
number of Germans in a first line
trench, blowing in the entire trench
Ground mist and rain have pre
vented free. observation, but the guns
have the enemy targets so well regis
tered that they have been able to
work effectively.
Late this afternoon the Germans at
tempted to retaliate for the destruc
tion of the minenwerfer batteries.
They bombarded the American heavy
artillery with their biggest guns, but
their shooting had little effect.
American patrols were all over No
Man's land last night, but did not en
counter any Germans. The American
sector is now an ocean of mud and
constant work is necessary to keep
the trenches, gun pits and dugouts
free from water.
From information' reaching the
American lines it is apparent the
enemy is taking advantage of the low
visibility to do much work in his
positions. Noises impossible to sup
press and other information make this
certain. - . . ..
President May Send '
United States Troops
To Vladivostok
(Continued From Ff One.)
thing in Russia against the German
peril except Japan."
Some of. the newspapers back up
their arguments for Japanese action
by emphasizing the danger to British
interests in Asia from the threatened
Germanization of Russia. The dan
ger, they say, is equal to if not greater
than that menacing Japan, and the
Jowers recall the terms of the Anglo
apanese alliance, by which Japan un
dertakes to safeguard peace and tran
quility in the far east.
. . ,
(Continued, From rie One.)
plied Mr. Heney. "but the data seems
not to be at hand right now."
Touches All Points.
Chicago, March 1. Letters Intro
duced today in the federal trades in
vestigation of the 'packing house in
dustry as read befdre Examiner B.
M. Manly ' of the - commission by
Francis J. Heney, its counsel touched
many subjects and concerned such
widely separated items as the Argen
tine labor troubles, , leaky cans of corn
beef, specifications for army and navy
bacon, gift packages of soap and
toilet article and the quality of a
large consignment of hams rejected
bv the navv.
The reading consumed more than,
$1.00,Ferri Nuxum, the
great Iron Tonic ...79c
25c Mentholaturri .... 17c
60c Syrup Figs ....... 39c
25c Wright's Silver f
Cream 16c
25c 4 and 6-inch Nail
Files ....12c
$1.25 Pocket Knives ..65c
American Made Aspirin :
Bottles of 100 5-gr.
Tablets ...........69c
Box of 16 5-gr. Tab
lets .... .......... 16c
Box of 8 5-gr. Tab
lets ....8c
25c Vi-lb. Peroxide Hy
drogen . .6c
25c DeMar's Cascara Tonic
and Liver Pills ..... 17c
;25c De Mar's Corn Rem
edy ..........17c
25c DeMar's Headache
Tablets ,17c
50c Nadinola Cream ..29c
25c Opal Shampoo ... 19c
$1.00 Listerine ...... .67c
15c Chamois ......... .9c
35c Box Stationery ...19c
25c Beaton's Cold
Cream ..; 19c
50c Beaton's Cold !
" Cream 38c
25c Bucklen's Arnica
Salve t..l7c
$3.75 Horlick's Hospital
Malted Milk .....$2.79
50c Ziora (an Ideal
Antiseptic) 39c
Mail Order Receive Prompt Attention.
the usual session and at times was
varied by comment from the examiner
or Mr. Heney. At its completion,
adjournment was taken until next
No End in Sight.
No hint of the probable duration of
the inquiry was given, ine letters
and documents introduced this week
are all exclusive of the papers taken
from the private vault of Henry Vee
der of Swift and company by Mr.
Heney on a search warrant. Whether
these letters "from the vault" will be
presented in the investigation de
pends on the outcome oi an appeal to
the United States circuit court of ap
peals, by which Mr. Veeder is seek
ing io recover possession oi mc pa
i - L-
pers. The appeal is set for argument
next Wednesday.
Some of the documents read into
the record by Mr. Heney told of dif
ficulties in the inspection of govern
ment meat. From the Cudahy files
came a complaint from Colonel Knis-
kern of the quartermasters depart
ment that leaky cans were being in
cluded m shipments from bioux City,
with the remaTk that they were ap
parently being packed at night. Em
ployment of an alleged incompetent
inspector, who first rejected a certain
run of meat, then, it having been pre
sented again, passed halt of it, was
also referred to in the letters read
by Mr. Heney.
The name of John C Eversman,
who was referred to in letters read
earlier in the hearing as having been
employed by Wilson & Co. to rep
resent the firm at Washington, where
he has influential political friends, ap
peared again in connection with a re
jected consignment of hams to the
Navy department.
The correspondence, after detail
ing efforts to adjust differences over
the good condition of a large quan
tity of hams, told of referring the dis
pute to Assistant Secretary of the
Navy Roosevelt and a letter to a Wil
son company official dated August 7,
1917, said "Wire Eversman to do.
nothing. He will get us in worse."
' The correspondence said that any
attempt to mix politics with the dis-
Eute over the ham shipment would
urt. '
The Wilson contention was that the
hams, several carloads of which were
rejected at Brooklyn, were packed in
accordance with navy specifications
and would keep the required four
months in any climate.
Rumbaugh Money Turned
Over to Clerk of Court
Mrs. Dorothy Elmira Rumbaugh,
wife of Jay V. Rumbaugh, an automo
bile salesman, alleges, in her petition
for separate maintenance, that she lift
ed her husband's "roll" rFiday morn
ing and deposited it in a down
town bank for safe keeping, .because
he was threatening to leave her.
Rumbaugh says the roll contained
$1,000 and that she took it r.ut of his
pants pocket while he was asleep.
With her attorney Mrs. Rumbaugh
appeared in Judge Troup's court after
depositing the cash and filing her peti
tion and suggested that the court de
cide what should be done with the
money. Judge Troup turned it over to
the clerk of the district court pending
a hearing on Mrs. Rumbaugh s peti
tion for separate maintenance. She al
leged that Rumbaugh has been threat
eninsr to desert her.
There'll Be Days
In March
1 1 that will make yoa wish for a
home with more room and pos-
: sibly a little garden spot.
Pick out this new , home and
turn your moving troubles over
to us. . . 1
s Phone Doug. 4163.
I 806 So. 16th St I
i ..v e
50c Goutorbe Rouge ..29c
25c Goutorbe Nail
Cake ....16c
$1.25 Goutorbe Face
Powder . 98c
$3.50 DeMar's Whirling
Spray Syringe . . . . $2.98
$1.00 Pinaud's Lilas Vege
tal .79c
15c Remmer's Peroxide
Soap ...9c
$1.00 Meritol Toilet Water
(all colors) 79c
50c Sempre Giovine . . .34c
10c Black Ripe Cigars .5c
' Box of 50 .. .$2.25
6c First Consul Cigar. . ,5c
Box of 50 $2.35
10c La Masca Cigars . . .5c
Box of 50 ........ .$2.00
25, 40 and 50-Watt
Lamps ...... .....30c
60-Watt Mazda Lamps 35c
We carry a full line of
picture frames in our
Photo Dept. at very reason
able prices. Films de
veloped free, when prints
are ordered.
Commencing Saturday,
New Store Hours
Open 8:30 A. M.,
Close at 6 P. M.,
Every Day in the Week.
Latest Arrivals
in New Fabrics
Foulard Silks in a wonderful se
lection of new Btyles. So entire
ly different from the ordinary
foulards of past seasons. Printed
designs that meet with instant
Spring Coatings are lovely in
weave and colors. Excellent
qualities for motor coats and for
dress wear.
Wool Skirtings Directing your
attention to the new plaid and
striped serges, in light Spring
weights, $2.50 to $3.50.
Thompson Belden fabrics
considered from the view-
point of quality, style and
price, are worth knowing.
Toilet Articles at
Savings Saturday
Soap Sale A fine medi
cated, antiseptic toilet soap
that sells regularly for 75c
a box. Saturday a limited
quantity, 30c a box.
Cutex is priced 25c. -Lip
Sticks arel5c.
Rit Soap for tinting, 10c.
New Buttons
Buttons are small, but of import
ance out of all proportion to
their size.
They can add so much to the at
tractiveness of one's apparel
that too much care can hardly
be taken in their selection.
Proper styles, sizes and colors
for suits, coats, frocks and
blouses, are now shown in seem-;
ingly endless variety.
Notion Section
Hair Ribbons
Newest shades in very effective
patterns that will gladden the
heart and eye of many a small
miss. These are the latest
arrivals. Their prices are mod
erate. An Important
Message to Mothers
The growing girl just at the
awkward age---is the most diffi
cult person to fit out
Corsets are supremely import
ant because her figure must be
properly moulded Into the de
sired lines before it matures.
In the Corset Section there are
a number of suitable models for
the young miss.
Warner's style H-26, $1.
R & G style A-472, $1.25.
Treco style 8010, $1.50.
Wenoma style 220, $2.
Third Floor
Ideal Underwaists
for Boys and Girls
Cambric Waists, plain or puffed,
all sizes, 35c and 40c.
Boys' ideal waists of cambric and
drill, medium or heavy weights,
all sizes, 40c.
Third Floor
Windsor Plisse Crepe
A pleasing fabric for dresses,
kimonos, undergarments. Neat
designs in fast colors, 30-inch,
40c a yard.
McCall'a Spring Book
of Fashions It Now
On Sale Basement
Drexel Shoe
When Buying Advertised Goods
Say You Read of Them in The Bee
Thompson JBelden - Co.
Early Ftocfa
Trefousse Gloves
There is no finer Kid Glove made
in all of France, and Thompson
Belden & Co. have their exclu
sive sale in Omaha.
Shown in black, white, brown,
gray, navy and pastel, with self
and contrasting embroideries, $2,
$2.50, $3.25.
Expertly Fitted.
Children's Hats
New for Spring
For little folks of two to six years
we have a large showing of de
lightfully dainty hats, plain or
trimmed styles for the Spring
season. Prices are sensible.
White Corduroy Wash Hats, two,
three and four-year sizes are spe
cially priced at 49c.
Third Floor
The BLOUSE Store
Second Floor
A profusion of Spring Blouses,
each of which is individually
charming in design and color.
With such a diversified selection
at your disposal, a successful
choice is not difficult.
A special group of delightful
new models will be a feature
Saturday for $5.95.
Other Blouses, $2.50 to $25.
Royal Society
Package Goods
Each containing a stamped pat
tern, together with materials for
embroidering. Night gowns; com
bination suits, corset covers, chil
dren's dresses, caps, centerpieces,
dresser scarfs, pillows, and many
other useful articles. .
, . Artneedlework, Third Floor
White Flaxons
Plain flaxons or checks and
stripes all equally fashionable.
For Summer frocks, blouses and
for children's wear, flaxons are
favorites. They are unequalled"
for wearing and laundering
Plain Flaxons, 25c to 6Se.
Striped Flaxons, 35c to 50c.
Checked Flaxons, 35c to 50c.
White Goods Section
Worth While Hose
Black silk to the top hose, with
double soles of lisle, $1.50.
Pure thread silk hose in black,
white and colors, lisle tops and
soles, $1.50. -
Sale of Children's Hote Black
and white lisle, fine ribbed hose
at the low price of 29c a pair.
Women's Spring
Weight Union Suits
Gauze union suits, low neck, no
sleeves, knee length, fitted or
wide knees, 85c.
Finely ribbed cotton union suits,
a very good quality, low neck,
ankle length, $1.35.
A Real Boy
That is a Boy that's full of "gin
ger," and "go" should have
One pair of these Shoes will out
wear two pairs of ordinary Boys'
1 t SH S3.00
9 to 13K82.50
Mail Orders Solicited
Parcel Pott Paid.
Co. 14i9 Farpam St-
uAe fashion Certter Jor
Pays of Bwbj
Very Distinctive Styles
Such a comprehensive
showing assists materi
ally in permitting of a satis
factory selection. A Thomp-son-Belden
suit retains its
initial attractive appear
ance throughout the life of
.the garment.
Exceptional Suits
Thompson-Beldeh Springtime Coats
Appeal to .women who dress distinctively
always considering that the service rendered
is equal in importance to the first appear
ance. Variety enough so that choosing a
new coat is quite a simple matter.
$25, $35, $45
A Featuring of New Hats
Types That Are Individual
Their air of exclusiveness is the result of '
inspired designing together with the finest
of workmanship.
Hats whose brims are a
bower of richly colored
flowers, screened by
Flower wreathed and
flower crowned hats of
Oriental line and
High turban's decorated
with beautiful lacquer
ed quills founded on
The Prices Are
$5, $7.50,
Men Who Dress Well
Find the MEN'S SHOP
Pveady to Serve Them
Interwoven Hose New shades
for Spring, good to look at and
even better to wear; sold 35c
to $2 a pair.
Jeweler? NoTeltiei New devices
for soft collars; pins and the
like. Also new links for soft
cuffs; in enamel, sterling, pearl
and gold.
Your Fortune Possible
From $30 Investment
Wonderful Opportunity for Shrewd Investors
MAKE US PROVE IT I Send immediately for free Gusher Oil Bulle
tin. Hot off the press. Full of official maps, photographs and United
States government reports.
You Purchase Geologically Approved Oil Land
NOT OIL STOCK, but a full quarter acre tract of real oil land ap
proved by the best geologists in the world. Warranty deed with each
tract '
We Guarantee To Drill Two Big Wells
One to be drilled on this wonderful prospective property and one on
our positively proven lease in Famous Humble Gusher Oil Field, al
ready surrounded by big wells, with oil positively proven to be on
our lease. y -
50 Of All Profits Goes To Our Purchasers
We believe our Humble Lease alone should enable us to pay you 500
per cent annually on this investment, and when we bring in oil on
our prospective property we believe every one of our purchasers will
be able to make enormous profits by leasing or selling their quarter
acre tracts. One well of 2,000 barrels per day on your tract should
earn you royalties of approximately $400 per day.
v Send at once for free bulletin.
I Gulf Coast Development Company
740 First National Bank Bldg.
It is thoroughly well
tailored. Fabrics are of
an unusually high quality.
In line and color these
suits best interpret the dic
tates of fashion for spring
$29.50 to $95.
for $35, $45, $55
Notably Modest
$10, $12.50
. Second Floor
Spring Neckwear and Shirts are
here in hundreds of distinctive
new combinations.. Patterns are
different from ordinary colors
are bright and Springlike. Youll
criticize neither the styles nor '
the prices in any instance.
The Vogue of Soft Collars grows
with each succeeding season. Its
such a sensible habit to form.
So comfortable, and with the
new styles, so clean cut in ap
pearance. Soft collars in madras,
pique, fiber and silk; stripes and
figures; in up and down or round
styles, 20c to 50c.
The Men's Shop, to the left as you enter
Phone Tyler 398. y Omaha, Neb.