-ft THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1918. 19 v 1 ', i t i'-t 'it SB 1 V, AUTOMOBILES 1916 .tr, i i ic 1 shia niiU :f;-; i t j;vtl ; f,,r eijtrr.v or firs; ia 5 Hi '. TYum h' Hs.' .. liar. 5:1(9. -J ;. iCl'AUTY t r AT:fJ. VAN WIL'.NT AUTOMUIULJ CO., ol'i'i CASH, u cski . . i-iri . no delay. Auo Ex '7 Kn -iniiii S' rtnuit SF 1'tS. ) .ck i'Akih: Six s;i ndaliT, In fine mechanl fvnA ;. Auto Parts Co., 2106 : I 'll rnam St. Doug. 43ti0. I'aiKv-i'airr: Id Six Touring Car. i.lV.l.. SMITH. Hi fid Knrnam Pong. 1970. Fi: i.. , SA1 IC Xiw Stearns-Knight Clover t roadster; must sell. I'hone Harney Ma HS1I OAKLAND CO., i.liiu Xarnain St. A KKW lfls ford touring ar. Ona usil 1M7 Ford tourl.ig. 4001 3 24th 8t So U K BUY, SELL. KEPAIK FORDS. THI . 7ti kly. Dong. 1640 8318 Harney 1st. Kurt SALE liray & Davis electrio starter for Ford. Benson 6171. BATTERIES vHARGEL AND REPAIRED Ever RearH Battery Station. 'I0 Farnam. Auto Bodies. HOW IS THE TIME TO PAINT YOUR AUTO. WM. FFEIFFEB. AUTO A CAR RIAGE WKS 2525 Leuvenworth. Ty. 701. Auto Tires and Supplies. GUARANTEED TIRES ONE HALF PRICE 1 8000 Mile Guaranteed 80x8 17.76; 30x34 88.76; 32x3 H $10.26; 33x4 312.36; 34x4 313.25; 35x4tt $15-60 Writ us today for particular! r AGENTS WANTED Expert Radiator and Tire Pepalrlnf F "2 IN 1" VULCANIZING CO. ' oi niik. Tk )Q1 4 TIRES AT HALF PRICE, ALL BIZEs! NBW 80x3 Firestone, 38.00; Ford tubes, $3; NEW 80x3H Non-Slid Flreatonea, $1$. KAIMAN'S TIRK JOBBERS. 1T21 CUMING. SAVE 60 PER CENT ON TOUR TIRES. G.' & G. Tire and Vulcanizing Co., 2415 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-W. FORD TIRES. 30x3 $ .45 30x3 11.90 3,000-Mile Guarantee. THE TIRE SHOP. 2518 Farnam St Douglaa 4871. TIRE price wreckers. This is no 2-ln-l tire. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY. 422 S. 13th. Agts wanted. Omaha. Neb. BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatic tires and eliminate your tire troubles. Powell Supply Co.. 2051 Farnam St. Auto Repairing and Painting. PHONE HARNEY 2907 for auto repairing. DELAY A BEAL, W. Farnam Garage, 3627 Farnam. Now open. Give us a trial. EDWARDS. E. 8., 2616 N. 19th St. Web ster 1103. For best results with repair work consult us. Auto Livery and Garages. RENT A FORr -DRIVE IT YOURSEL. lOo a mile, 35o per hour minimum charge. (Except Sundays and holidays.) FORD LIVERY CO., Douglas 3522. 1314 Howard St Starters and Generators Repaired. . AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto. 216 8. 19th St Douglas 64S8. toa rai-.air inv storaare battery, guaran teeing same for six months. OMAHA BATTERY AND SERVICE CO.. 2212 Harney 8t. Tyler 3394- Tires and Supplies. BOWSER 6-gallon gasoline pump and 280 gallon tank, $360 if taken before March 7. Motor 8hop, Bennet, Neb. ' Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L E Y - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines. Victor H. Boos, the Motorcycle Man. 27th and Leav enworth FOR RENT HOUSES North. I-ROOM mod.irn house on Anus avenue car line. Webster 1581. South. DESIRABLE 6-room flat at 29th and Hickory, on car line; modern, nicely decorated; economical furnace. Phone Douglas 7664. 3405 and 3407 Jackson St., 7 rooms each, modern. $22.60. Wm. McCune, 124 8o. 24th St Telephone Doug. 8162 $13-314; 8-ROOM cottages, 8080 South 18th. gas, electrio lights, sink, toilet, no chil dren, itea "s -ROOM HOUSE, modern except heat 118. 831 8. 21st Bt. Harney 8705. Miscellaneous. 1537 So. 26th St., 6 rms., all mod $26.00 4515 Bedford Ave., 5 rms., all mod.... 22.60 221$ Mason St., 8 rms., all mod 81.00 3603 Chicago St., 6 rms., part mod.... 19.00 408 V4 No. 26th St., 6 rms.. part mod.. 20.00 815 So. 25th St., 8 rms., part mod.... 8.00 BIRKETT & COMPANY, 260 Bee Bldg. Doug. 83$. FOR RENT. 518 So. 86th St., 16-r mod. house. .. .$65.00 1738 So. 29th St., 7-r., mod house.... 30.00 2018 Grace St., 5-r part mod. house.. 14.00 1108 So. th St.. 6-r. house for colored. 20.00 ALFRED C. KENNEDY COMPANY, REALTORS. 205 So. 18th St. Ponglas 722 WE WANT more houses and apartments to rent The fact that we have practically cleared up our big list Is conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rental service. If you want to keep your place rented, see Payne and Slater Co.. Omaha Rental Men 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 1016. 2129 WIRT ST., 8 rms $35.0" 510 S. 27th, 7 rms 36.00 20 8. 86th, 8 rms 46.00 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 153. 333 Securities Bldg. FOR REN1 Houses, cottages, and apartments. PORTER A BHOTWELL. 301 S. 17th St - Doug. 8013. Offices with Home Buiioers. FLAT 4303 Leavenworth, five rooms $20.00 1618' Shorman avenue, 12 rooms, $33.00. JOHN N. FRENZER, Douglas 654. -ROOM, all modern house, close In, $46. JOHN J. MULV1HILL (Realtor). 200 Brandels Theater Bldg. Phone Doug. 86 nni7KR8 tvi ,T. D1PTD nff TTTffl rTITT CREIGH SONS A CO.. BEE BLDG. SHOPEN & CO.. RENTALS. Douglas 4228 FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. "APARTMENTS FOR RENT . WEST FARNAM DISTRICT A tew beautiful apartments, with every modern convenience, In a brand new fire proof buNdlng, located West Farnam dis trict; close to two car lines. Ranging In price from $66 and up. Building has storage space, modern laun dry equipment and room for servants; steam heated garage at rear. For families who desire nice surroundings and all modern conveniences, these apart ments will prove most attractive. Inspection can be arranged by telephoning MR. A. E. BURR any work day, at Douglas 2926, between 8a.. and 5 p. m. COLLEGE TERRACE APARTMENTS. New fireproof building, located south east corner 23d and California; many special features, garbage incinerators laundry and locker room, etc.; all oftsldf apartments; best of car service; ready for Immediate possession; rental, HO and $45 winter, $35 and $40 summer. See janitor. Apartment 1, 2221 California, or call OSBORNE REALTY CO.. Tylei 496. BEAUTIFUL 3-room and bath apartment, walking distance, in fine location. $39 60 winter. Douglas 3140. HAMILTON APTS Flrtproof. 24th A Far nam". 1 to 6 rms. with kitchen., P 1472 North. Central Tizard Palace Block. Nothing better for price. 4-room apart- ment 2204' N. 23d. Phone Red 4232. lso 4-room nat. Appiy omce. 4 AND 6-ROOM apts., steam heated, $30 and $31.50. 18th and Maple. Red 682. South. HEATED APARTMENTS. $ rooms, "The Hudson." 207 S. 26tb Ave.; ' summer, 340.00; winter. $50.00. BENSON & MYERS CO.. REALTORS. 424 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 746 Misce!l?reous. PETERS TRUST CO. "WANTED TO RENT Miscellaneous. INVALID wheel chair. . Box 8093, Omaha Business Prop'ty Stores. I NK .v t'.nrv run . 1 a: u bn ii ciit at 2Jlh and i.CHVi'iiwiirth Su Strain ht-ae For Hilu uinrii s ,' Cm taii YuMng. 122 Brai' d.-ta Thnter BMar Pouc.as 1571 lul.L;i. tftore nt-ur iouluf fuv. $5U. njuUt-rii s'ortf rot m on 16th. neiir tmtufft et. low r-nt ( P. Stetblnfc. 1S1 Chicago NEW store for r?nt at 24th and Farnam. fine location. Call D 1473 Office and Desk Rooms. THE Lice building has offiis that will ploasa you. Better Investigate. Key stone Investment Co., Tyler 131. OFFICES, $21) per month and up FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG.. FIRST TRUST CO. Agts Tvler 600. HALF siiace room. 401 Bee Bldg.. -lth vault, $10; adjoining elevator; present occupant wholesale lumber. Garages and Barns. FULLY equlupH? auto garage and livery. Building 66(132, two floors, brick struc ture, living apartment upstairs and stor age room beyond. A fine running busi ness. Address Hattie M. Fox, 1814 Cum ing street, Omaha. Tel. Douglas 1667. MOVING AND STORAGE METROPOLITAN VAN A 8TORAGK CO. Owned and operated by Central Furni ture Store; office on Howard St., between 15tb and 16th. Phone Tyler 8400. Have your moving handled Just as you would an order tor now furniture. That's the way we do it. Ask to se. our dally .ental lists. JO PTTlTTI Express Co., Moving, . J. IXLiEjU. packing and 8torag. 1207 -arnam St. Web. 1748. Doug. 6146. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 8. 16th. Douglas 4168 FREEsIrvicb fidelity , Phons Douglas 388 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving, 16th and Jackson fits. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing call Tyler ISO or Douglas 4338 1 t 1 j 1 jjj REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. NEW DUNDEE HOME , This house will be completed about April 1 and Is far enough along so that one can get a good idea of the plan, and no doubt secure some changes to suit their Individual tastes, provided this prop erty is bought at once. This Is a Co lonial type house, located o a double corner lot, 100x135 feet Convenient to car line, having living room with brick fireplace along entire east side of house, tiled front vestibule, central hall entrance, attractive dining room, butler's pantry and convenient kitchen on first floor. Four corner bedrooms and tiled bath room with wall tub and pedestal lavatory on second floor, maid's room and complete bath room, store room and cedar closet on third floor. Full cement basement, brick foundation, laundry with stationary tubs, vegetable room, floor drain, shower ' and toilet This Is something good. Price and terms on application. GEORGE & CO. Phone Douglas 756, Evanston (Dundee) Home For Sale New, 8-room modern, up-to-date, brick veneer and stucco house, with oak wood work In first story, white enamel In sec ond; hardwood floors upstairs and down, tiled bath room, full cemented basement, hot water heat, Rudd water heater, gar age for 4 cars, and 2 full lota. Price $13,000, subject to paving not delinquent; easy terms. This property Is on a quiet street elose to Dodge street and Happy Hollow boule yard, and overlooks Elmwood park. It is protected by building restrictions. Im mediate possession can be given. J. H. DUMONT & CO., REALTORS 416-18 Keeline Bldg. Phone P. 680. North. MINNE LUSA BARGAIN Just listed a five-room, brand new bungalow at Mlnne Lusa; oak floors throughout; oak finish In living room and dining room; built-in buffet; colonnade opening; bulltln bookcases; plate rails; panel walls; bedroom finished In white enamel; built-in linen closets; full base ment; furnace heat; south front on paved street; one-half block from car line; one of the prettiest spots In Mlnne Lusa. Priced at $3,800. Before buying It will pay you to see it. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS, 637 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781, BEMIS PARK-$6,500 The best built house In this pretty addl- tlon and the biggest value offered. A 8-r. house with four bedrooms and sewing room; quarter-sawed oak finish and every room In the house decorated over can vas. This house is only about six years old and originally cost $7,200; decorations $1,400 additional. A bargain for quick sale. GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS. Pouglas 3962. 919-20 City National. MILLER PARK DISTRICT Seven-room, strictly modern home on Laurel avenue near 24th street Living room, dining room, sun room, kitchen, first floor; 3 largo bedrooms and bath, second floor. Oak throughout. A nlcs south front; block to car line; large lot. Price, $4,600, and must be sold as owner has left city. Immediate possession. J. L. HIATT CO., Ann FIRST NATIONAL "O JJJ BANK BUILDING. TYLER Ut A NEW FOUR-ROOM HOUSE Have a new house with all the modern conveniences except heat which I will sell for a small payment down and balance like rent. This has a built-in bed besides the living room, dining room and kitchen. Paved street. Full lot. Phone Wal. 677. ALMOST NEW BUNGALOW. In Leavenworth Heights; fine 6-room and bath, modern, oak finish throughout; full cemented basement; a bargain at $3,500; $1,350 cash, balance long time. Owner has moved west; rented now, but can show. INTERSTATE REALTY CO., 918-14 City National. Douglas 2819. ATTRACTIVE NORTH SIDE BUNGALOW. Six-room modern bungalow, south front, 2434 Brawn St., one block from car line; hot water heat fireplace, beamed celling, built-in buffet, cupboards, bookcase and window seat; oak floors, French windows, sleeping porch; full bssement with vege table room. Price $8,200. Tel. Colfax 488. 7-R. HOUSE In Kountze Place, oak finish, hot water heat 1600 cash, balance monthly. W. H. GATES, 847 Omaha Nat. Bldg. P. 124. KOl'NTZB PLACE Modern 8-room bouse, full bssement, latge lot elose to car. Price $3.2511 Norris A Norris. D 4270 MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tvler H7 ONE or two acres and a small house, easy terms. Mlfhelson. 3907 Hartman Ave. South. IMPROVED ACRE House, barn, chicken house, vegetable cave, electrio lights, ft acre fenced with 62-inch chicken wire fencing, one block to car line and oiled road. Price $2,600; good terms. BIRKETT & CO. 250 Bee Bldg. Douglas 633. 2809 SO. 34T11 ST. 6-roonj stucco bungalow; living room finished in oak; oak floors throughout; bullt-ln cupboard $3,650 C. O. CARLBERG, 810 Brenril Theater Bldg. FOR SALE -8' veil room flat, rinse In. Don't ai!n'r unless you mean business. Call Red iiii. FOR RENT- REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Miscellaneous. $300 DISCOUNT We offT 3 full slfd lots on grade, corner of 27th and Hurtinan for $CO0 cash If taken this wwk. MITCHKL INVESTMENT CO., 84th and Ames. I'hone Colfax 317 FORSALE Beautiful new 6-roum modem white stucco residence on Council Bluffs car line. Handy location for anyone working In Omaha, Very easy terms. A. H. Becker. 32i Ave. A. Council Bluffs. VT farnam" smTth" & CO., Real Estate and Insurance. 13g0 Farnam St Doug. 1064. HOUSE, 7 rooms, double garage, paved treet. on car line, hot water heat; $3,700: bnrgaln G. P. Stebblns. J610 Chicago Jit ITmeshow-you my brsnd new stucco bungalow; finely finished, excellent loca tion. A real bargstn at $3,860. Rea sonable terms. Call Owner. Douglas 1722. R. 8. TRUMBULL. 808 First Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1734. HOUSE for sale. 2707 South 20th. Price $2,650. Call Harney 1176. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty H. A. WCLF CO, REAL ESTATE. IN VESTMENTS INSURANCE. ELECTRIC BLDG.. TELEPHONE TYLER 85. BUSINESS properties and Investments. .V. P. TU::ET and SON. 62 First Na. Bank Bldg. M'CAGUB INVESTMENT CO., Income. Business and Trackage Specialist 15th and Dodge 8ts. Douglas 416. YOUNG A DOHERTY, City Real Estate. Douglas 1571. 822 Brandels Theater. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. VACANT NORTH ITave 6 full lots on Plnkney street south front, at 35th Ave., among beautiful new homes. Priced to sell. cat. give terms. TRAVER BROS. CO.. Douglas 6886. 819 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. MINNE LUSA Nice lot on Titus Ave., near 84th St.; can be bought at a bargain; this lot must be sold. Call owner evenings, Walnut 70. Miscellaneous. LARGE gardsi. lots near car line, paved street 8125 to $195. $1 down. Doug. 6074. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE High Sightly Acreage( 19 acres on paved military road, west of Benson. As pretty piece of ground for a country home as can be found In Doug las county; fine soil; 10 acres In fruit. No other Improvements. Price $10,00$. Call Owner, Walnut 1680. BUNGALOW ACRE FARM. Owner must sell his 6-r. mod. bungalow olose to car and school, bearing raspberries, currants, blackberries, strawberries and grapes. Fenced In with poultry house. Prlre cut to $3,400 for aulck sale. F. D. WEAD. 310 S. 18TH ST. P. 171, A LARGE suburban tract of ground outside city limits, near carllne. Ideal place to raise poultry or garden. This Is a 250-ft frontage tor $510; will sell on easy terms. Telephone walnut n GOOD ACREAGE tracts, from 5 to 40 acres, well located, reasonably priced. Terms or cash. Some for trade. Charles L. Pease, 211 Brandels Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. WILL TRADE OR SELL THIS NICELY IMPROVED ACRE Here Is a very well built house having 4 nice rooms and bath on 1st floor and room for two more on second floor; full basement with both Inside and outside en trance. Private water system. Electric lights and A-l well. Fine chicken house and excellent acre fronting on a good ma cadamized road; transportation right at your door; not far from school. Owner will consider In trade a 6-room modern bunga low In city. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Clark. Evenings Tyler I860; 6 2-8 ACRES IMPROVED. Has 4-room house; about 3 acre of level rich garden land, running water, the balance pasture land. Located within one mile of paved road and West Benson auto buss line. Price $2,900. Possesion can be given at once. Will make easy terms. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St Phone Tyler 60. Dundee. DUNDEE BUNGALOW 6-room stucco bungalow, large living room, fireplace, beamed celling, south front, half block to car; paved street; nice garage; cement drive. Price $4,800. Terms can be arranged. , This is a real bargain. Benson & Carmichael Douglas 1723. (42 Paxton Blk. REAL ESTATE To Exchange r- A T- 4LA A inlmnrAUarl .Time! P(V S. 1).. tor clear modern house. Seward Bros., 678 Brandeli Bid. DouglHM 3840. REaTTESTATE WANTED For Sale or Exchange FOR FARM OK KAIML.fi. $60,000 Press brick, elose-ln business black; Income $5,000 year, on lease; alBO $9,000 first mortgages, store buildings and i nnnA,laa Want land. S. S. & R. E. Montgomery, 213 L,uy rxauonai imira &iu. Omaha, Neb. WE want more houses and apartments to rent. The fact that we have practically cleared up our big list Is conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rental service. If you want to keep your place rented see Payne A Slater Co., Omaha Rental Men. 616 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1016 WE HAVE several good reliable buyers M 6 and 8-room houses and bungalows with $300 to $500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co. Tyler 496. 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. WANT good residence; about $6,000. Will pay one-half cash, balance In good resi dence lots. Box 1792, Omaha Bee. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. MARCH 6. Our next excursion to McGehee, Ark, W. 8. FRANK, 201 NEVILLE BLK. Colorado Lands. LOW FARE ROUND TRIP Homeseekers' excursion to Colorado points every first and third Tues days. Write for free farm booklet and special land-seekers rates for parties of five or more. Immediate possession and eight years' time on our lands at 6 per cent. THE TWIN LAKES LAND AND WATER COMPANY. 836 First Nat'l Bldg.. Omaha. WHEAT lands. Kit Carson county. Colorado; $12.60 to $18 per acre We control 25 choice quarters. Send for booklet Klok Investment Co., Omsha, Florida Lands. Quick For This Big Land Buy Southern cattle ranch or subdivision, near Pensacola, Fla. 8,000 acres fine ranch or general farming land. On railroad. I have 60 days' option at price one-third surroundl.ig. $5.60 per acre. About $20,000 cash to handle. I want selling contract and portion of profit If we cut up and sell In farms. You can double your money In few months. Get particulars. R. E. Kroh. 1026 Jcarrltlt Bldg., K. C. Mo. Idaho Lands. IDAHO For Sale 40-acre irrigated farm, all In alfalfa and winter apples; paying hand some near R. R. city 6,000; no ageiita or trade. , Price, $8,500. Write H. D. Bowker, Nampa, Idaho. Looking for work? Turn to the Help Wanted Columns now. You will find hundreds of positions listed there. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Iowa Lands. FOR SALE- GooC quarter section of land in Union county, fair Improvements, lays good, very Utile rolling, almost level; close to two good towns, plenty of water good grove, plenty of fruit, good rich soli: $127.60 per sore, easy terms. Possession March 1st. Box 60, Creston. Ia. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 234 acres land. Joining the town of Owego, Wood bury County, Iowa. Easy terms to party that wlnhes to move onto this,. land and make a home. THE EASTERN INVESTMENT CO., Clear Lake, S. D. FOR SALE. Bargain In Iowa farm; 80 acres 4 mllei north of Glenwond, la.; good Improve ments: price $7,000; $1,500 cash; bslano on easy terms; possession given at once J. P. HESS CO.. Council Bluffs, Ia. Minnesota Lands. CLOVERLAND BARGAIN. 160 acres rich clay loam, 90 under culti vation, balance open pasture, easily cleared, all tillable, fenced, good 7-room house, good htp-roofed barn 36x60, gran ary, poultry house, hog house, corn crib, machine shed, silo, orchard, fine well with gasoline engine; 4 horses, 11 cows. 1 young stock, 1 hog, 3 wagons, buggy, mower, rake, drill, disk, corn planter, corn binder, potato digger, Utter spreader, $ plows, 3 harrows, 3 cultivators, 8 sets harness, f gasoline engines, ensilage cut ter, bone cutter, wood saw, cream sepa rator, water tank, small tools, hay, feed, etc. Everything Included for quick sale at $80 an acre, $3,600 caBh, balance long time. Beautifully located on boulevarded state highway. 1H miles from Shell Lake. Wis. No trades. Farm alone would be cheap at $100 an acre.' Equity Realty Exchange, 806 Globe Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. MINNESOTA BARGAIN. 640 acres, level clr loam, partly fenced, on main road, ( miles from town, 80 miles from 8t. Paul; 40 acres field and tame hay, 100 sores meadow, balance contains 1,000,000 feet of oommerolal tim ber; river through land; good 8-room house, well and outbuildings. An Ideal stock farm; timber alone will pay for the land. Price $26.00 an acre, easy terms. For further particulars and pictures write Dairy Farm Land Co., Flnlayson, Minn. Missouri Lands. . GREAT bargains, $6 down, $5 monthly, buys 40 acres, good fruit and poultry land, near town, southern Missouri. Price only $220. Address Box 282. Springfield. Mo. POULTRY LAND $5 per month "buys" 40 acres Wayne County, Missouri. Price $160. Write for list lands. George D. Williams, Mount Vernon, I1L Nebraska Lands. 58 ACRES Irrigated land, Lincoln county. 64 miles Hershey; rich Platte valley land, all under the ditch; 8-room house, barn and other outbuildings; I acres of alfalfa. A bargain at $75 per acre; half cash. Possession In March. WHITE & HOOVER 464 Omaha National Bank. EXCEPTIONALLY good bargain In 120-acre Improved Buffalo county farm, within auto drive of Kearney, Neb.t $60 per acre. C. K. DAVIES, KEARNEY. WRITE me for pictures snd prices my farms and ranches in good Old Dawes County. Arab. L. Hungerford, crawrora. eo, WE HAVE clients who will pay cash for bargains In western land. Whits A Hoover, Omaha National Bank Bldg. RANCHES of all sizes and kinds, easy terms. A. A. Patsman. $01 Karbach Blk. Oregon Lands. NEW Jordan Valley Project Heart of the range. Get on thi ground floor with 80 acres Irrigated land In connection with open range. Yon en grow stock success fully and oheaply. Personally conducted excursion every tv?- weeks. Bend for bul letin. Harley J. Hooker, 840 1st National Bank Bldg. New York Lands. 120 ACRES GIVEN AWAY miles from village, from school, Hi from store and cheese factory. Lays wall, rich soil, 10 acres valuable timber, splendidly watered, fine 11 room house, wster In side, splendid barns 80 by 68 and 84 by 86, concrete floors, hip roofs, galvanised siding, nlcj hog house, large hennery, buildings practically new, abundance fruit Including hay, grain, IT cows, bull, $ yearlings, good team, sow, 60 hens, sprlngtooth harrow, grain drill, cultivator, plow, horse rake, mowing machine, wagons, buggy, cutter,, sleighs, harnesses, all small tools. Price $6,800. Reason poor health. Free list, Ellis Bros., Sprlngvllle. N. T. South Dakota Lands. MR. RANCHMAN here Is a snap: Eight hundred acres Stantley county South Da kota, good Improvements, $15 per acre. J. B. KQDinaon, 44Z nee ciag, Wisconsin Lands. ALMOST A GIFT. 120 productive acres, practically level, TO under plow, balance easy clearing, no stone, part woven-wlre fencing; fine new 7-room house, big screened porch, good cellar; good warm barn for 12 head, good silo and fair outbuildings; fine well; ap ple trees and small fruit. 8 miles from town- Forced to sell within the next few days and $32 an acre buys It; $1,500 cash, balance to suit Stock and machinery cheap If desired. You will be sorry If you let some other fellow pick this snap up while you are hesitating. Taka ths next train and wire me when to meet you. Immediate possession, Albert Ful ler, Shell Lake, Wis. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, $60 per a.. Including paid-up water rights. Henry Levi A C' M. Rylander. 884 Omaha Nat'l. Miscellaneous. $5,000 Down Secures 180 Acres With Complete Equpiment. Only 1 mile to main line R. R. village; productive black loam soil; 160 acres In well drained plow land. Spring-watered, wire fenced pasture. Fine orchard of 160 ap ples, also pear, plums, cherries, grapes, etc., etc Excellent 2-story, 10-room house, heated by furnace; telephone. Good large cattle barn with silo, sheep barn, 2 poultry houses and convenient outbuild ings. Aged feeble owner left alone makes low price, $12,000, and If taken soon In cludes 6 horses, 11 cows, bull, 2 yearlings, 76 sheep, poultry, hogs, wagons, sleds, plows, harrows, cultivators, grain drill, corn harvester, grain reaper, gas engine and ensilage cutter, harnesses, hay, etc., eto. For details see page 20 St rout's Bar. gain Catalogue. Copy mailed free. E. A. BTROUT FARM AGENCY, DEPT. 8073, 206 8. 18th' 8t Omaha, Neb. CHOICE FARM, Nlllsson 422 Rose Bldg. FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with us It you want to keep It. E. P. SNOWDEN A BON. 42$ 8. 16th. Douglas $871. FARM LAND FOR RENT FOR RENT 234 acres of land Joining the town of Owego, Woodbury County, Iowa. Possession given March 1. 160 acres under cultivation, balance hay and pasture land. Answer, ' THE EASTERN INVESTMENT CO., Clear Lake, 8. D. 160 ACRES in Nance county, cine miles east of Wolbach. Neb. The owner will build new building at once tor a good tenant Cash rent preferred. M'CAGUB INVESTMENT COMBANT. 1608 Dodge Street. NEAR Council Bluffs, t acres Improved, with orchard. Phone Red 7048 Omaha. Horses Live Stock Vehicles For Sale. Harness, Saddles and Trunks We make them ourselves; sell them direct to consumer. Why pay two profits for Inferior goods, when you can get high grade goods at first cost? ALFRED CORNISH A CO.. 1210 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. ' CHESTNUT trotter, 6 years, been miles in ' 2:24 last season. Ready to start on for 1918. Will sell or trade. Wha have you? Room 823, Her Grand Hotel. POULTRY AND PET STOCK "OLD TdUSTY" Incubators and hrooder shippoJ promptly. Rig cata'og free. M. M. Johnson Co., Mfrs.. Clay Center. Neb MONEY TO LOAN Organized by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes ss security. 840. 6 mo., H goods, total, 33.60. Smaller, larger am' proportionate rate. PROVIPHNT LOAN SOCIETY. 432 Securities Bldg. 16th, Farnam. Ty. 668. SOUTH SIDE LABOR MEN WILL INSPECT PLANT OF MEATPACKERS Permission Has Been Tele graphed Heads of Amalga mate." Meat Cutters to Investigate Conditions. Permission to inspect the plants of the South Side packers was tele graphed to officials of the Amalga mated Meat Cutters' and Butchers' union in Omaha Thursday. This is an outgrowth of the stock yards wage arbitration in Chicago, in which bamuel Oompers, president ol the American Federation of Labor, will, it is said, plead for adoption of an eight-hcur day and higher wages for packing house employes. T. P. Reynolds, president of the Nebraska Federation of Labor, and James Blaha, local official of the Amalgamated Meat' Cutters' and Butchers' association will be members of the inspection committee. They probably will go through the packing plants Friday. Permission to inspect local packing plants was also telegraphed to offi cers of the Amalgamated Meat Cut ters' and Butchers' union in Kansas City and Sioux City. Business Men Neglect Income Tax Blanks Many business men are neglecting to fill out income tax blanks under form 1096 and 1099, according to In come Tax Inspector II. B. Allen, in charge of the office in the South Side city hall. Anyone paying more than $800 In salaries, wages, rent, interest, etc., is required to fill out these blanks. Mr. Allen urges South Side busi ness men to attend to this matter at once. State Board of Appeals Sustains South Side Rulings The board of appeals sustained all of the classifications made by the South Side exemption board, district No. 2. Only a few South Side regis trants from district No. 2 appealed the decision of the local board. "We have done our work conscien tiously," said J. J, Breen, chairman, "and are gratified to see that our judgment has been endorsed." One Pair of Pants Is v Not a Suit, Says Attorney "Your honor, you can't make a suit out of a pair of pants," was the con tention of Attorney Frank Keegan before Judge Madden in South Side police court Thursday morning. His client, Albert Coulter, 2425 M street, was arrested by Sergeant Shea han, charged with stealing a pair of trousers from s locker in a local packing house. He was dismissed. South Side Brevities To the Union stock yards employes, ths Omaha Beverage company, Hoffman Broth ers, Fire station No. 5, Knights and Ladles of Security and the Omaha Bchwobar.and to all our kind friends and neighbors we wish to extend our heartfelt thanks for their kindness and sympathy In the loss of our dear wife and mother F. J. Egger and Family. SHE IS HERE HE IS. Primarily a comedy, but containing number of thrills, "The Countess Charm ing," Julian Eltlnge's first Paramount pic ture, will be shown at the Besss theater tonight. This Is the first appearance of the distinguished feminine Impersonator on ths screen and it Is promised will bid fslr to ex cel anything he has yet attempted. Besss tonight. Looking for work? Turn to the Help Wanted Columns now. You will find hundreds of positions listed there. MONEY TO LOAN LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY Iff 8MALLER LOANS 0(7 l O W. C. FLATAU. EST. 188$. fO 6TH FLR. SECURITIES BLDG., TT. $60. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Mslsshork. 1614 Dodge D 8618 Est 1881. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. 6 ft and 4 per oent mortgages secured by Omaha residence or Nebraska farms. E. H. LOUGEE, INC, 638 Keeline Bldg. DIVIDENDS OF t PER CENT OR MORE. One dollar starts an account. OMAHA LOAN A BLDG. ASSOCIATION. H. W. BINDER, Money on hand for mortgage loans. City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMT3S EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg Doug. 1715. LOW RATES C. G. CARLBERG, 312 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. 686 5V HARRISON A MORTON. 918 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bids CITY AND FARM LOANS 6, 6H and t Par Cent J. H. DUMONT C, Keeline Bldg. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY, W. H. Thomas & Son, Keeline Bldg. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. L Wead, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Bts. MONEY to loan on improved farms and ranches. Kloke Investment Co.. Omsha. Private Money SHOPEN A COMPANY. Douglas 4223 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Moshler O. Colpetzer and wife to Wrlgljt W. Cochran. Fifty-fourth street, 360 feet north of MUltary ave nue, west side, 50x128.5 $2,300 The Benson Realty company to Sophia H. Sherman, Blnney street, 200 feet west of Sixtieth street, south side, 60x128 T.700 Barbara F. Welsh and husband to Scott A Hill company, Martha street 266 feet went of Twenty-ninth street, north side, 60x133' 3,500 Martin V. Drew to Jennie L. Huff et al, Sixty-fifth street, 144 feet south of Main street west side, 100x128.. - 1 Ivan Mitchell to Byron R. Hastings, Thirty-eighth street, 60 feet south of Redlck avenue, east side, 100x130.... 1 E. F. Fsrnsworth, referee, to Freda Groeteke, Capitol avenue. 166 feet west of Twenty-fifth street north side, 65x116 2.008 The Home Real Estate and Investment company to Chris Jensen A Sons Realty company, southwest corner Fourteenth and Cass streets. 66x66 .. 1 William C. Norris to William Sumner Wllnioth, northwest corner Florence boulevard and Ida street, 40x160... 650 Clyde A. Smith to Alice H. Smith, Nicholas street, 130 feet east of Forty-first street, south side, 50x160... 1 Barker company to Frank E. Kurtz, Oregon Trail, 60 feet south of Lin- , coin boulevard, east side. Irregular, 'approximately 60x100 800 RUSSIANS IN BITTER FIGHT NEAR ORSHA (By Associated Press.) London, March 1. A Petrc grad dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph company, under date of February 27, says it is re ported from Luga that the Ger man detachments which entered that town a day or two ago are leaving. The Russians, moving to meet them, have turned to ward the main railway and oc cupied three small stations within 12 miles of Pskov. Large Russian detachments are con centrating near Pskov. The railway men are forming; parti san detachments along the line. From Smolensk comes the re port that the Germans have met with strong resistance within 16 versts (10.7 miles) from Orsha and were forced to retire. Direct information from Novo Selie says that the Germans have received orders to make no further advance and the Ger man cavalry patrols, which ap peared at Novo Selie, have re tired. According to the bolsheviki headquarters in Petrograd fight ing proceeded all Wednesday morning for possession of Pskov and a message from Luga says it is definitely in Russian pos session. Norgen Island, defending Re val from the sea, is in Russian hands snd the batteries have fired on Reval, where there are numerous German detachments. PLATINUM SUPPLY TO BE TAKEN BY U. S. Precious Metal Growing Scarce in This Country, and (govern ment Must Have for War Purposes. Washington, March 1. Orders were issued toda to commandeer for war purposes of all crude and un worked platinum in the hands of im porters, jobbers and wholesalers. Increasing need for platinum in the manufacture of munitions, according to officials, made this step imperative. Chief Source Eliminated. Commandeering will be carried out through the War department. The world supply of the metal is com paratively small and production has shown a steady decrease since the war began. Internal troubles in Rus sia virtually have eliminated the world's chief source of supply. In requisitioning only the crude and unworked platinum, government of ficials said they obtained for national purposes the greatest part of the metal now in this country for the amount distributed to jewelers and dentists is comparatively small. The war committee of the jewelry trade has been asked to ascertain how much is now in the hands of manufacturing jewelers, and if necessary they will be asked to surrender it. There is no intention of commandeering manu factured platinum. Census Being Made. A census of the available platinum is being Liade and until it is finished officials will not know how much is on hands. The largest importation in recent years was 22,000 ounces col lected in Russia by an American lieu tenant attached to the embassy at Petrograd and brought to this coun try for government purposes. A ten tative price of $90 an ounce was fixed for that consignment. The United States alone uses in normal times about 165,000 ounces of platinum and produces only about fiOO ounces annually, according to the United States geological survey. Only about 5,000,000 ounces have been produced in the world to date of which 1,000,000 ounces have been used in jewelry, 1,000,000 ounces in dental work,' and the remainder for scientific pu-poses. It is an essential in the manufacture of sulphuric acid, a constituent of explosives, and in the composition of delicate gun mechanisms. Price for Binder Twin? Is Agreed on by Manufacturers Wasihngton. March 1. Under an agreement of manufacturers of binder twine and sisal importers, the food administrator tonight announced the maximum advance over cost of sisal, which may be charged by the manu facturers, the scale being based on the present price of 19 cents a pound for sisal fiber. Standard and sisal binder twine containing 500 feet to the pound should be sold in carload bts of 20.- 000 pounds or more at a maximum ad vance of 4 cents per pound above the cost of sisal. Lots of 10,000 pounds or more, but less than 20,' 000 pounds, are to be sold at an ad vance of not more than 4 cents per pound and all amounts are to carry an advance of not more than 4J4 cents a pound. No Women Operators. Washington, March 1. Women as pirants to radio operators positions in the navy and naval reserve force were notified by the department to day that women are not desired for such positions. And He Saluted The Captain, Too Ayer, Mass., March 1. The rou tine of collecting biographies of recruits for the national army was broken i a somewhat startling man ner by Captain Richmond P. Hard ing at Camp Devens today. "What's your average weekly wage?" he asked wearily of one of the last final quota of the first draft to arrive in camp. "About $3,880," came the answer. "Weekly weekly," repeated the captain. "About $3,880 the rookie added. The captain sank back in his chair. "What's your business," he in : quired. "What are you specially trained in?" "My business has been living a retired lift for the last eight years," was the answer. "I am specially trained it. investment." "The rookie was Harold L. Judd of New Britain, Conn., owner of a large factory. A few years ago he was married to Mrs. John W. Gates, jr, of New York. LABOR TO DO ALL FOR WAR, SAYS LEADER Long Hours and Low; Wages Drive Them to Drink, Says Gompers; Would Work Naked. (By Associates' Press.) Chicago, March 1.- Samuel Com pers, president of the American Fed eration of Labor, made an appeal to day in behalf of an eight-hour day for employes in the meat packing in dustry at the stock yards' wage ar bitration. He appeared as a witness for the employes and his testimony was eag erly listened to by "Mother" Mary ones, an organizer for the United line Workers, and several hundred other representatives of organized labor from all section of the country. After tracing the history of the fight for a shorter working day, he read from a number of reports and quoted various large employers of labor to substantiate his contention that the eight-hour day in actual operation had proved profitable to the employe and highly beneficial to the men. Will Sacrifice AIL In defining the attitude of organized', labor toward the war, the witness "Labor will make every sacrifice for the successful prosecution of the war, but it will not make any sacrifice for private profiteering during the war." .1 advocate the eight-nour day on the ground of economy, health and morals," he said. "Men should only he required to work overtime in times of the greatest emergency, or for the protection of life and property. i it-I . 1 J . I . J mat la wny we ucmauu time auu a half for overtime, and double pay for holidays. We think this penalty of added expense prevents the em ployers from asking their men to work overtime except when it is real ly necessary." Long Hours is Curse. He declared the saloon in the "back of the yards" district was n argu ment in favor of the shorter work day and higher wages and that it these demands are granted by the packers the money spent by, the stock yard employes in these drinking places will materially decrease. tit rioicuiei me contention vi wit nesses for the packers that shorter hours and higher wages might in crease saloon receipts. He said exoenence in other indus trial reenters had proved the reverse. "It is the tong hours with low wages that drive the men to drink," Mr. Gompers said, "inis is snown to be sn economic truth. The fairly well paid workmen, who is not re quired to work more than eight hours a day, finds more pleasure and com fort at home, or visiting a theater than he does in going to the saloon." SAYSFAULWITH CHICAGO DEPOT QUARTERMASTER (From a Staff Correspondent) Washington, March L A special cial Telegram,) -General Goethals, in a letter to Congressman Lobeck, with reference to bids for supplies at Camp Dodge, says: "After examining fur ther into the Question of purchasing supplies at Omaha, I find the fault was with tne depot quartermaster ai ni--cago, notwithstanding he was re quired to permit the merchants of Omaha to bid on supplies for Camp Dodge. "This, I thinkj is now corrected and I trust there will be ho further diffi culty and that Omaha will get the business that properly belongs to it and which it formerly secured." Colonel Grover, of the quartermas ter's corp. told Congressman Lobeck today that statements made to Gen eral Goethals by Charles Pickens, when in Washington the other day, had gone far toward bringing to Gen eral Goethals the realization ' that gross discrimination against Omaha had resulted by reason of his general order, and convinced him that changes were necessary. Club Traffic Manager Is Busy in Washington Washington, D. C, March 1. (Spe cial Telegram.) C E. Childe, traffic manager of the Commercial club of . Omaha, is in Washington for the first time since he succeeded . J. Mc Vann as traffic manager of the Oma ha club. Mr. Childe was busily engaged fee ing Nebraska congressmen today in behalf of the proposition of giving: the Ihterstate Commerce commission power to make rates in the railroad bill now 'before the house.. A doubt was expressed today, by many members, if the house would retain the interstate commerce clause in the bill when it reaches call on final passage. They are inclined to believe that the power to make rates will be vested in the president, or in a commission of his own creation. Fire Threatens Episcopal Church on South Sida Fire started in the basement of St, Martin's Episcopal church, Twenty fourth and j streets, South Side, earlj Friday morning. Firemen fought th blaze for more than two hours. The building is of stone and only slight ; damage was done. ' ! Reports Theft of Ring To South Side Police Mrs. Clyde .Frazer, 4426 South Twenty-second street, reported to the South Side police Thursday that some one had entered her house and stolen a Tiffany-set diamond ring. t Steamer "Reported Sunk. - Stockholm, March 1. It is reported from Aland Island that the Finnish steamer Mariograr. with red guards aboard, struck a mine off that coast. Latest information is that the vessel was in a sinking condition. Excellent bread can be made l wheat, barley and rye