17 . ' w-2 Ny M"" MS-jsr.-' " IL-J" A '.L..,- - i -.JLIL-." ABIE THE AGENT TWO B(MS NAJfcE NW MACE PrVKUlsh Copyright 1(14. International News DRAWN FOR THE BEE BY HERSCHFIELD , W CN, THtNKS. W NA-TVKrS rWT Mw ENOUGH kv Mr, nM OicvrtVM Vii LOO . SWTUL f WW .nwhw. Want Ad Rates (Cash With Order.) IMe f word each insertion 8a par word (or three consecutive Insertion! le per word for each additional insertion Ne ad taken for has than a total of 20a or lata than 10a par day. CHARGE o per line (count 6 words to line) one tine 8e per line each time, t eoniecutive timet To per line each time, SO consecutive timet SITUATIONS WANTED Z5e per line per week CARDS OF THANKS AND FUNERAL NOTICES 10c per line... each imertion (Minimum Charge, CO Cents.) Contract Ratea On Application For convenience of advertisers want ads will be accepted at the following offices : MAIN OFFICE Bee Building Ames Office 4110 North Seta St. Lake Office 2616 North 24th St Vinton Office 1715 Vinton St. Park Office. 2615 Leavenworth St. Walnut Offic 810 North 40th St South Side 2S18 N St Council Bluffs 14 Main St. North THE BEG will not be responsible for mote than one ineorreet Insertion of an ad vertisement ordered for more than one time. Use THE TELEPHONE If you eannot con veniently bring or tend your ads to any of the above offices. Ask for Want Ad Taker and yon whl receive the same good service as when delivering your ad in person. PHONE TYLER 1000 Want Ad Columns Close Evening Editions 12 AO M. Morning Editions ...10:00 P. M. Sunday Editions.. 10 P. M. Saturday Evening MOVIE PROGRAM North. ALHAMBRA 24TH AND PARKER MARY PICKFORD, in "FANCHON, THE CRICKET" URAND 16TH AND BINNEY MARGUERITE CLARK, in "SNOW WHITE" South. APOLLO J9TH AND LEAVENWORTH WILLIAM S. HART, in "THE SILENT MAN" ROHLFF, 2669 LEAVENWORTH TRIANGLE PLAYERS, in "THE SHIP OF DOOM" West DUNDEE BIST AND UNDERWOO. 1 JACK PICKFORD AND LOUISE HUFF, In "SEVENTEEN" DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES. PEARSON Mrs. Johanna M., aged 64 yeare, It days, February 27, llg. Funeral Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock from family residence, 80 I. 15th Ave. to Forest Lawn cemetery. CARD OF THANKS. WE wish to thank our many friends for their kindness and sympathy shown us during the Illness and death of our hue band and father. Mrs. George H. Moser and Children. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following licenses to wed have been Issued: Name and Residence. Age. Jess Payne, Omaha ill Mary Prickett, Omaha 19 John L. McKenzle, Omaha 21 Mary C. Armstrong, Btreator, 111 20 Philip Cash, Fort Crook .Neb 21 Lillian M. Doran, Seattle, Wash...; 22 Fredolln Klaessy, Corwtth, la 22 Leona K. Holm, Corwlth, la 18 Ellert O. Ellertson, Omaha 22 Irma E. Robinson, Omaha 24 Andrew W. Morris, Des Moines, la 46 Anne Mae Goodrich, Des Moines, la 37 William T. Roney, Carl Junction, Mo. over 21 Adda M. Irons; Omaha over 18 WUIle Grove, Omaha 29 Millie Grayson, Omaha 27 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Edward J. and Lenore McManus, 2444 Hartman avenue, boy; Leroy S. and Maude K. Lambert, 1754 Harney, girl; Ple tro and Sebastians De Mare, 1441 South Fourteenth, girl; Concetta and Maria Gior dano, 1112 South Twenty-second, girl; Frank and Francea Griffin, 308 North Twenty-second, boy; Harry and Ilaxel Strat ton, 816 South Thirty-fifth, boy; John and Adelaide Olenlk, 2713 J, boy; Elmer M. and Margaret Nordln, 2910 South Sixteenth, boy; Steve and Mary Keans. 4418 South Forty third, girl; Sam and Josephine Dalton, 2417 Ellison avenue, boy; E. W. and Ruth Chrls tlanson, hospital, girl; Thomas and Eliza beth MdEntes, 2710 South Sixteenth, boy; Carl A. and Ruby Fried, 6102 North Twenty-second, boy; Molar and Mary Calmician, 2212 8outh Twenty-fourth, girl; Claud and Irma Urer, 3301 Dewey avenue, girl; Jesse and Mary Batterton, 2026 Fowler avenue, girl; Franklin and Mary Bestor, 4819 Un derwood avenue, girl; Peter T. and Hazel C. Becker, 4423 North Twenty-second, girl; Elmer C. and Cora Paulson, 3018 Charles, girl; Jake and Ethel Gesler, hospital, boy; Roy G. and Carrie L. Nelson, hospital, boy; Lee H. and Florence Hoerner, 1029 South Thirty-first, boy; Lynn A. and Esther Ha merstrom, hospital, boy; Earl K. and Mary Alma Roybone, hospital, boy; E. Z. and Marjorle Homberger, 3012 North Thirtieth, boy; Charles M. and Lula .Leonard, 1714 California, girl; William J. -and Beth Wil kenlng, 1714 California, girl; Gesnardo and Maria Hsrosta, 1427 North Eighteenth, girl; Alfio and Concetta La Ferla, 1418 South Fifth, girl; Guiseppe and Anna Cerane, 2107 Pierce, boy. Deaths Jacob Klein, 62, Omaha; Rachel Mitchell, 27, 1014 South Eleventh; Ernest Madison. 27, Omaha; Mathilda Bergstrom, 61, 41S Center; Christian Sekles, 76, 3933 North Twenty-third; Lawrence C. J. Skow, 64, Florence. BUILDING PERMITS. Benson & Thome, 1618 Farnam, altera tions to store, 13.000. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertakers, 24 ft Har. D. 187, E. L. DODDER CO., Funeral Dlreetora. F. L. Fero. Mgr.. 23d and Cuming sis. Phone Donglae 677. Auto ambulance. liULSB & RIEPEN. undertakers and em- palmers, 701 S. 16th. Douglas 1224. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker and embalmer, ttll Farnam St D. 1669. FLORISTS. BEING a member of the National Florists' Telegraph Delivery association, we are In -position to deliver flowers tV short notice anywnere in tne ttniiea oiaiea aim woiu Hess and Swoboda, Florists. 'fJSSS lee l. larmon 1814 Donglae 8t . Douglas 2214. LARGEST assortment of fresh flowere. HENDERSON. 1519 FARNAM. PARKER FLOWER SHOP. 411 S 14. D. 2102 ROPERS. Florist. 814 B. 16th. D. 3400. BATH. National Florist. 1804 Furnam 8t A rmNAGHUE. 1622 Harnor. Doug. 100L SPECIAL NOTICES C. (F. CONNOLLT has moved his law office to 637 Omaha NatL Bk, Bldg. Dg. 17. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS C41AHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Parsons fearing leet tome article woulj j So well to call up the office of the Omaha f' A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it la the atreet car. Many articles each day are turned in ' and the company la anxioaa to rectors 1 them to the rightful owners. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IF TOU lose anything and' will advertise It . ihere yon will surely recover tt tf found -by an honest pereon. If yon find any ' thing of value the honest way I to ad 'vastus for the owner. LOST Tuesday, dark brindle Boston bull dog; left half of head and breast la white. Answers name of "Barney." Phone Walnut 84. Liberal reward. LOST Cameo pin between 33d and Maaon or 14th and Harney, Reward, Telephone Harney 1414. LADY'S wrist watch. Initialed, on South 2f7th St. Telephone Walnut S148; reward. 'LOST In Bee Bldg. er on Farnam car, gray Rlttenfoa muff; reward. Har. 6968. SWAPPERS COLUMN ECONOMIZE IN WAR TIME. Trade those articles of furniture, cloth . Jng, personal belonginca. etc, .that you 'have bo need of. Get aomethlnf you can i'iwsa. Special rate for ads In Swappers' Column :,25o for S-ltne adv. 8 days and So per answer for all letters received. Business adt regular ratea. C&ESTNUT trotter, i years, been miles In i2:24 last season. Ready te start oa 1118. Will sell or trade. What hare you? 'jRoi c'wi I WILL TRADE, even, S and 4-mlnute Vic tor and Columbia records. In good condi tion, or what have yon 7 Red 4278. PIAMONDS Jewelry for rifles, ahot guns, clothing. Friedman, 1211 Dougiaa. jr I WANT to buy or trade for a male ferret Box 8128, Omaha Bee. IAMONDS, Jewelry, for rides, shot guns. clothing. Friedman's, 1211 Douglas. WANTED TO BUY 'ANTED Old false teeth, crowns nd DnUffM. V 9 11VIU 90 iv jv 8V k Soiid by parcel post and wo send chock by v ..turn mtl ail h 1st n t A VAI1P nnrftVftl .i...lia Hn 4 1 riannt riavannAer Tnwra ESKS DESKS DESKS New deakt, used desks bought, ard and traded. J. C. Reed, 12' Farnam. D. 6146. BOOKS bought Kleser, Loyal Hotel Bldg. For Sale Miscellaneoeus Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent repair, sell needles and parti of all "Wing machines. . ; MICKKL'S NETWASKA CYCLE CO., 15th mi! IT-r.i.v Doug. 166!. rSIXCER V WHITE ? NEW HOME I SEWING MACHINE : BARGAINS Saturday at MICKEL'S PRICES $5, $7, $8, $9, $12 and $15.00 Most amazing bargains ever offered. If you need a machine don't miss this sale. Singer ? 9.00 Domestic 7.00 Eldridge ' 5.00 White 8.00 Standard .....14.50 New Home 5.00 Goodrich 12.00 Singer 22.50 Wheeler-Wilson 19.00 New Home 10.00 Nebraska 22.00 Singer 27.00 Singer 16.00 White ............. 22.50 White .............. 34.50 Forty-two Bargains in All. All Guaranteed. AH Have Attachments. Open Saturday night till 9. 100 White Machines for rent. We repair all makes. MICKEL'S 15th and Harney. D. 1662. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS' WOKTH OF FURNITURE. RUGS. STOVES. ETC Our Surplus Stock. MUST BK SOLD REGARDLK8S OF COST. Buy Now and Oet First Choice. The choicest home furnishings that money can buy. We make a specialty of complete home eutflta, also hotels and rooming houses. Railroad far tree to all out-of-town buyers within 16 miles of Omaha on purchases ef 12 er more. STATE FURNITUHB CO., TtL Doug. 1311. Cor. 14th and Dodge tta., Omaha. Too Can Buy It for Lest at the State.1 BARGAINS IN STOVES AND FURNITURE!. Beds, springs, mattresses, bedding of all kinds, tables, chairs, china and kitchen cabinets, rugs and linoleum, 1616-1641 N. 24th St. Webster 1607. Open till p. m. ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Full line of furniture, gas and eoal oil atovaa, rugs, baby carriages, trunks, ate. Loyal Furn. Co.. 222 N. 16th. RUSH right down and get your share of all kinds of furniture at a sacrifice. (61 N. 16th . VAKS buys second hand furniture, shoes and clothing. Tel. South 2270. FOR SALE A sanitary couch. Telephone Colfax 120. Pianos and Musical Instruments. A. HOSPE CO., 1612 Douglas, hare pianos to rent at $1.(6 per month, er will sell on easy terms. Store and Office Fixtures. WE have moved to new location. We buy, sell and make deakt, safes, showcases, shelving, etc Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. S. W. Cor 11th and Doug. Phone D. 2724. FOR SALE White enamel steel surgical In strument cabinet Good condition. Rea sonable. Walnut 76. 6X4-FOOT show cases and opallte Ice aream tables. 2225 Cuming St. Typewriters and Supplies. FOR RENT Remington, Monarch and 8ralth Premier typewriters. Sent anywhere Rental supplies on purchste. Remington Typewriter Company, Nineteenth and Douglat streets. WE buy and sell and exchange all makes of typewriters. Guaranteed' typewriters, f 10 and up. Write for list. Midland Type. Co., 1404 Dodge St TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver I months for 46, Central Typewriter Exchange, 1(0( Farnam. OLD Dutch line "ribbon and carbon. Tou try It befere you buy t from aiatt. 1226 1st National Bank. Tyler !. LATEST MODEL, 1100 Smith Premier type writer. Bargain. (40. 12 Dodge St FOR SALE Hammond typewriter, excellent condition. Cheap. Walnnt 24. Miscellaneous. HOIST ledgerwood, 2-drum, 16-horse, re flued, (600; boiler, horizontal, 60-horse, full front, 250; will swap for electric motor, 60-horse power. Phone Walnut 677. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathers (teamed, renovated and made up In new feather proof ticking. 190T Cuming, Doug. 2461. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, tide, knife, sunburst box pleating, covered buttons, all sues ana styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., (00-308 Brown Bldg, Douglas 1626. VAN ARMAN Drees Pleating and Button Co., 226-7 Paxton Blk, Douglae (106. Baths. LaBELLE Bath Institute; electrlo and plain oatna; massage oi au ainus; nri i tendanta. 1506 Harney. Dougiaa T844. MASSEUSE, baths manicuring, physical cult Miss waiaer, in nevuie bi. Baggage and Express. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will haul everything lor yon. recaagea less than 20 lbs.. 16 ce.ita. Pong. 7462. THE ONLY WAYwb;!i.f THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha Sta Carpenters and Contractors. LESSARD & SON, 2021 Cuming. Ty. 14(2, Cemeteries. WEST LAWN offers sympathttle service In sudden sorrow; perpetual care; no assess ments; lots on easy terms. Phone WaU 620, Chiropractors. Dr. J. C Lawrence. Baird Bldg. D. 8461. Dancing Academy. LEARN to dance In 12 lessons. Rate 64.00. Keep pancing Acaaemy. iongima Dentists. Taffa Dent Rms.. 308 Rose Bldg. P. 2164. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 821 W. O. W. Bldg. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, (12 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. Tyler lias. i. D. JOLLY. 613 Paxton. Red 1136. Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING, Miss Sturdy. Dougiaa 6296. TERRY Dressmaking Co., 20th and Farnam. Fixtures and Wiring TIT TP IT TXT Electrlo washing machines. ele.trio 1 ns and resdlng lamps. 2228 Cuming St Dane. 2616. Historical Costumes. The largest stock of theatrical and masque rade costumes In the country for rent or sale. Theo. Lleben St Son. 1614 Howard. Household Specialties. C. F. ADAMS, 623 8. 16th. D. (067. Coder new management We want to aee old friends and meet new. Open Bat evening. Yeur credit la good. Agentt wanted. Insurance. NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE! INSURANCE COMPANY, 612-14 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2611. Jewelry. DIAMONDS MeTo4 C at small profit. GROSS. 462 N. 16th gt Kodak Finishing FILMS developed, lOo a roll; one-day terr ies. Kase KodaV Studio, Neville Blk, 16th and Harney. Lumber and Building Material. SAVE HALF on beams, columns, brick. H. Gross Lumber and Wreck. Co. Web. 2884. Medical. WHY SUFFER! Latest and moat Scientific Treatment for AU Diseases. Dr. Charles Barnes, 612-22 Securities Bldg. Examina tion and Consultation free. He la reliev ing U ousanda. WHY NOT TOU? Delays are dangerous. If you can't call, write. Hours: a, m. to 6 p. m., 7:20 to 8:80 svenlngs. Sunday, 11 a. m. to 1 p. m, PILES, fistula and other rectal diseases cured without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed. Write for book on rectal dis eases with testimonials. DR. B. R, TARRY. 246 Bee Bldg.. Omaha, Osteopaths. OSTEOPATHY for rheumatism, tonsllltls, la .'rlppe, pneumonia, diseases of women, young women suffering from anaemia, chlorosis, dysmenorrhea. Dr. Mabel Wes son, 614 Brandeta Bldg. Res. phone, H 47411 office, T. 2'i ANNOUNCEMENTS Oxy-Acetylene Welding. EXPERT WELDING OF ALL METAL H. W. LEVERING, 30 8. 12th St D. (476. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national Patent Co.. 6( Brandeta. P. 6661. Patent Attorneys. STURGES 8TURUE8, U. S. and foreign patents and trademarks. (16 Bee Bldg. Plumbing and Heating. TOPP & CO., 1716 Vinton atreet Plumbing and heating; general repair work our apeolalty. Oil burner experts. Tyler 1118. Printing and Office SiroDlies. Waters-Barnhart Ptg. Co.. 614 S. 11th St Piano Tuning and Repairing.. HAVE your piano tuned and the tone and aotloa regulated by one that knowa how; thirty years experience; best references; sobriety, efficiency, accuracy. W. V. Field, the Paxton. THATCHER, CHAS. H, 11108 Harney, Doug. 6616. Expert tuning and repairing, nanos rebuilt and reflnlshed. Estlmatee free. W. R, Dalbey, piano tuner, Dougiaa 9297. Tailors. Dledrlck, P. L. 214 8 20th. Tailor, P. 2421 Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. D. (28. Trusses. CLECO COMFORT TRUSSES. Fitted Perfectly by Experts. The W. O. Cleveland Co.. 1410-12 Harney St. Safes. SAFES BA,Rn?ri, 1212 Farnam. lit Safe Co. Voice Culture. Albert Haterstro Basso cantante, teacher of singing technique and repertplre. Stu dio, 488 Securltle Bldg. Tyler X44T-J. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements aad printing. Dougiaa Printing Co.. Tel. Dougiaa 644. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Strictly modern, up-to-date, brand new hotel In booming Neb. town of 400 oa main Llnooln Highway: 14 rooms, hot and cold water, steam heat eleotrlo lights In every room. AU furnl. tore and fixtures new throughout Roe. enable If taken at once. (866 will awing leaL mortgage oa fixtures for balance. Reason for selling, going to war. Ad dress Commercial Hotel, Lodge Pole, Neh. A CHANCE TO MAKE BIG MONEY. (200 to $1,600 per month en an Invest ment not to exceed (500 If you are or wish to embark In business. Opportunity only offered to one party In each local ity. Write today for full particulars, Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1(1W1( Farnam St, Omaha, Neb, ON account of health must sell my clean ing plant; positively the best location and most complete plant In town; doing cleaning, dyeing, carpet cleaning and hat blocking, running 16,000 yearly. To any one Interested will make a splendid offer. Address Box 487, Grand Island, Neb. FOR SALE My bowling Alley, pocket bil liards, barber shop and sort annus busi ness. This Is a good chance for two bar bers to own a business at the right price. Reasons for selling, I am In the draft. Bowling Alley, Bratnard, Neb. A GENERAL atock of staple merchandise, all clean gooda In N. E. Nebraska town, about (14.000, and new brick building, (10,000. Will take a good 80-acre farm as part payment. Can give terms. L. Box 206, Oakland, Nop, A good email eet of bank fixtures. Im mediate delivery. Write or phone for price and full description. Security state nann, noiproog, eo. WANTED Man with about 61,600 capital to Invest la manufacture of very useful household convenience to tell at 10c; new patent; sells easily. Bos 8113. Omaha Bee. CASH GROCERY A bargain for ulck sale. Cjme under tint draft la reason for selling. Dolnrr good business and getting cash. Box Y-411, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE cheap, furniture and lease of a first-class, all modern seventeen-roem rooming house. Paying proposition 407 ti West First St., Hastings, Neb. WANTED To purchase motion ploture theater la town not over 6,000; give full description, price and terms. Apply Box 8118, Omaha Bee. MOVING PICTURE machine, new and re built, all makes; supplies. Western Sup ply Co.. 201 Nat. Bldg; MOTION picture machine bargains, new and rebuilt fully guaranteed. All supplies Omaha Film Exchange, 108 South 14th St. BUSINESSES furnished and aold. All states. F. V. Knleat, Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. WANTED Small Omaha business, paying well. Cash for same. Address Box 3264, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Business building and General Mdse., (8,000. Box 872. Cozed, Nen. DOWD BALE AND AUCTION CO., 1124 W. O. W. Bldg. Red 3286. TOR RENT Peru's only hotel; will modern ise for right man. Box 26, Peru, Neb. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so licits your old clothing, furniture, msga tines. We collect We distribute. Phone Doug. 4126 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. MEN desirous of retaining youthful vitality until advanced age correspond with ex pert concerning private course to be given Omaha soon. Communications confiden tial. Address O. F. C, Box 66(, Denver, Cole. NOTICE. L Ray B. Thompson, hereby glvs notice that I will not be responsible for any aetus Incurred by my wife, Mrs. Ray B, Thomp son, from this date on. RAY B. THOMPSON. - A TV A Ea.h T. Maa4m stas m n till baths, massages of all kinds 22S Neville Blk. Doug. 7881. IBtn ana Harney aim. Manicuring (Healer) and acalp treatment nor appointment can Ty. 1U3. ma a. in. MIB3 FISHER, sulphur, steam hatha and massage. 271 Bran. Tne. mag, u. tnov. MAB BRUGMAN. tcientlfio masseuse and baths. 203 Karbsch Blk. Red 2727. VAPOR and tub bathe. Massages of all kinds. Rm. (. 1606 Harney. Doug. 7046. PRIVATE Ucensed maternity home. 4416 N. (8th St. Phone Colfax 2042. MINNIE NAGLE at LaBelle Bath Institute, 1606 Harney. Douglas 7048. BATH and massage, 1802 Farnam SU Room . Phone Douglas 8761 LOLA A. ROSS, please write to your sister, Ruth, Wausa. Neb. Manicuring and mass. 143 Farnam. R. 19. MISS WEST, manicure, m.ssage. 210 N. 17th. B. BROTT. massage. 702 8. 18th. D. 62T SCIENTIFIC mast. 618 Faxtoa Blk. D. 6272. MEDICAL RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or write. Dr. Frank H. Wray, (06 Bee Bldg. OXYGEN Sample treatment free to the A ati'llcted. 112 S. 26tb Zai Harney 1677. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. EXPERIENCED colored chauffeur desires steady position In private family. Can do all repair work. Box G. B., Omaha Bee. WHITEWASHING, windows washed, rugs beaten, floors waxed and polished. Call Walnut 1866. TWO experienced men want farm work. Call personally after 6 p. m, Victoria hotel. RELIABLE .man desires employment; can fiirntnh references. Box 1986, Omaha Bee. KXPER1KNCED butcher wants position. See L. r. Frederfclng, Claremont Inn. CH"AT'FFEURwishes position. Box Y 418, Omaha Bee. Female. REFINED young widow with email family wants position as housekeeper where servlcee of honorable woman la desired; have new furniture for 6 roome; refer ences exchanged. Address Postofflce Box 724, Omaha. WANTED Employment by neat and refined lady, (6; prefer position ss reception clerk In doctor's or dentist's office; best refer ences. Address Box 2811, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED NURSE Well care for Invalid In her own home, also nursing, Web. 2100. WANTED A position aa housekeeper or with a small family, by a young woman with (-year-old boy; city references. Col, 2Tv. (418 North tld Ave. Sewing at home, shirtwaist, skirts spcy. R. 7T62. EXPERIENCED stenographer and typist Box 2T7 Bee. Washing, Ironing or plain sewing. D. 8780. Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED laundress, washing. Ironing and housework by day. Satisfaction given. Web. (684. PLAIN and fancy clothes carefully laun dered. Called for and delivered. Web. 42(2. EXPERIENCED colored laundress wants bundle washing and day work. Web. 2320. RELIABLE colored woman wants day work; can give references. Webster 1(02. WASHING and ironing, Tuesday, Wednea day, Thursday. Col. 2178 . Call evenln gs. EXPERIENCED colored lady wsnts wash ing and Ironing. Harney 6078. BUNDLE washing, rough dry and finished. Red 6678. EXP. Colored woman for day work. Web 4664. COLORED woman wanta day work. Web. 698. EXP. LADY wanta day work. Web. 2021. ReL colored g4H for day work. Web. 4711. DAY work and bundle washing. Web. 1088. LAUNDRESS wants work. Exp. Web. 2638. Colored lady wanta day work. Har. 6406. LAUNDRESS wants bundle wash. Coif. 2086! BUNDLE washing wanted, Walnut 8266. BUNDLE washing wanted. Walnut 226. FOR a good woman for day work. W. 6878. BUNDLB washing and day work. Har. 1606, EXP, laundress for day wor. Web, 1(67. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. Experienced Bookkeeper On construction work near Rochester, Minn., until October, and possibly later on other work. Must have Initiative and not subject to draft. Work Includes look ing after supplies for commissary and other details of office. Salary (100 per month, Board, (1 per day. OMAHA STRUCTURAL STEEL BRIDGE CO. 430 Bee Building. YOU MEN WHO HIRE AND FIRB Advertise for "help" the same way you advertise to tell merchandise, and the difference In returns will surprise you. The next time you need help call Tyler 1004. A trained and experienced ad taker will assist you In preparing your advertisement 2 BRIGHT BOYS 840 BOOKKEEPER AND CLERK 176 STENOGRAPHER AND CLERK (76 BOOKKEEPER, out of city 8100 6 BOOKKEEPERS (70, (100 THE CANO AGENCY. 600 BEE BUILDING, CORRESPONDENCE man, (90 to (116; bookkeepers, (126.(110-890-186-876; office slerks, (8(-(76-(66-50-40. WATTS REF. CO., EXPERIENCED stenographer, private sec retary, $110. CO-OPERATIVB REFERENCE CO., 1616-16 City National Bank Bldg. WANTED Man with Implement or hard ware experience for warehouse work. Good pay. Hudson Mfg. Co., 916 Jones St. GENTLEMAN paat 60 who desires pleasant home for assisting with ysrd and garden work. Box 3267, Omaha Bee. SHIPPING and atock clerk, (66-(76. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N ASSISTANT cashier, 176-886. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASS'N SHIPPING CLERK, good firm, (76-686. THK MARTI SERVICE, 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. Professions and Trades. WANTED We can. use a limited number of men between 21 and 40 years of age as CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN. Steady, healthful em ployment Must be physically sound, of good character and habits and come well recommended. Apply in person at of fice of superintendent of transportation, Room 205, second floor Merchants National Bank building. OMAHA k COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. WANTED A MARRIED MAN ON THE FARM FOR GENERAL FARM WORK; 1 WIT T. r'TfTJVTQM ImTTQW! nrW TTMTf'ir PATCH, COBS AND WOOD AND (66 PER MONTH. NONE BUT AN "EXPERI ENCED, INDUSTRIOUS MAN NEED AP PLY. ADDRESS GILBERT AOKRLUND, VALLEY, NEB, OR PHONB CEDAR 6363, FREMONT. WANTED EXPERIENCED MEAT CUT TERS. APPLY. MEAT DEPARTMENT, HAYDEN BROTHERS. WANTED. Bright young man to work la whole, sale stock room, order department. One with wholesale wall paper experience pre ferred. Apply at Omaha Wall Paper Co., 11K-1T Howard St WANTED An experienced Itoensed night elevator boy. Hotel Banfvd, 19th and Farnam. . Phone Tyler 1211. LEARN barber trade, low rates now. Call or write Barber College. 1U4 Dougiaa St HELP WANTEDMALE Professions and Trades. WANTED -First-class radiator repair man, one competent to take charge of depart ment Write or apply In person at MAN DEL AUTO REPAIR CO Sioux City. la. WANTED yretght handlers. Apply Amer ican ICrprees Co Union Station. MEN'S or ladles' tailor wanted. Apply at 4101 N. (4th St Benjamin Page, Col. 1662. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN Wsnted Four Al stock saleamen. Men wanted must be men of ability and In tegrity, who desire to sell Investment stocks Instead of apeculattng ttook. 350 Omaha Natl Bank Bldg. SALESMEN WANTED BTO OPPORTTJNITT TOU A FEW GOOD SALESMEN WITH CLEAN REC ORDS AND CREDENTIALS; EXPERI ENCED IN BELLING STOCK, INSl'R ANC11 AND ADVERTISING. OUR PROPOSITION 18 BACKED BT MOST PROMINENT BUSINESS MEN IN IOWA. IF TOU ARB A (6,006 MAN TOU CAN MAKE 616,004 ON THIS PROPOSITION; CONDITIONS HERE ARB MOST PROS PEROUS. ADVANCE ARTI8TS ARB NOT WANTED. FOR FURTHER INFORMA TION WRITH OR COMB AT ONCE BE FORE TERRITORY 18 ALL A88IONED. VT. E. LEVET. SALES DIRECTOR, 710-711 SECURITIES BLDG, DES MOINES, I A. SALESMEN WANTED. Salesmen, exceptionally quick selling, unique, up-to-the-minute propostlon for retail merchants, big re-orders, build per manent Income. One hundred dollars weekly easily made, exclusive territory. (1.76 to (76 commission on each order; paid at time of tale. Baleamanager, (06 Putnam Building, 1421 Broadway, New Tork City. WANTED Traveling salesman by St Jo aeph, Mo., wholesaler. One with sta tionery, drug, grocery or wrapping paper experience preferred. Give reference and paat experience In first letter. Strictly confidential. Box T-416, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED clothing and men's fur nishing salesman at once; atate age, sal ary expected, whether married and experi ence. Box 8106, Omaha Bee. WANTED Experienced salesman to sell ad vertlalng space; two excellent propositions! call mornings between 11 and 12:16. Mills Advertising Co., (40 Brandett Bldg. SALESMAN WANTED. COMBINATION TIRE MFO. CO 422 8. 13th St WANTED Experienced photo ooupon so licitor. "Scott Studio." Trade Schools. BOTH men and women to learn the barber trade. Special rates. Call or writs, 1402 Dodge. TRI-CITY BAk3ER COLLEGE. Learn In tig weeks, no books! easy to learn; free catalogue. National Asto School. 1414 N.; 20th St. Omaha. Neb. Miscellaneous. WANTED Ooed man lor delivery wagoA; good wages and rapid advancement to steady man. APPLT 2602 Leavenworth St. MEN WANTED, AGES 21 TO 60, for general yard work, ateady Job. Want good men. APPLT TO TIME-KEEPER, UNION STOCK TARDS CO., SO. OMAHA WANTED Married man on email farm near town. Telephone South 2822. FREE JOB No office fee. Apply at 222 So. 10th St. HELP WANTED Male and Female. MOLER Ba.ber College wanes yeuag men and ladlea to learn the barber trade. Call or write for free catalogue, 116 8. 14th St.. Omaha. Neb. HELP WAN icD FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHERS WANTED. For Wyoming bans, town of S.MS. bank experience not neoesnary tf (rnoS atenographer. Salary 11,000 per year. For Iowa bank, within (6 miles of Omaha, town of 2,00 6. Salary (60 to lit. For Nebraska bank In one of Omaha's suburban townt. Salary (60 to start Seversl other gold positions bow Opes. THK CHARLES E. WALTERS CO., 1424 First National Bank Dldg., Omaha. WANTED Limited number of young lady students to enroll In our course of office training, to learn to operate comptometers snd Burroughs caculatlng machines. Two to three months training to quality for a position. A rare opportunity to receive expert Instructions. Cost for the complete course 140, on payments. DWORAK CALCULATING! SCHOOL, 644 Ramgs Bldg. Phone Dougiaa 2169 6 STENOGRAPHERS ........... .(64, (76 FILE CLERK, no experience (30 2 TYPISTS (49, (60 THK CANO AOENCY. 600 BKR BUILDING. ETHNOGRAPHER and clerk, small office. (66. W EST E RN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N WANTED Oood stenographer; one who hat had experience preferred. Apply CARPEN- TER PAl'ER CO., sth and Haraey. BURROUGHS POSTING MACHINE OPER ATOR, (66. THE MARTI SERVICE, 1317 W. O. W. Bldg, STENOGRAPHERS, (95, (90, (86, (76, 266. WATTS REF. CO- U38 1st Nat'l Bank, Professions and Trades. WANTED 4 AT ONCE 26 GIRLS. In packing and labeling departments. Good wages; good surroundings. LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO. 12TH AND DAVENPORT 8TS. HELP WANTED-FEMALE Professions and Trades. WANTED! BT BURG ESS -NASH CO 6 OR 7 EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES FOR CRICKET ROOM. APPLY. TO SUPERINTENDENT, BALCONY. WANTED at once, maker la a mlUtnery de partment Ckne lo Omaha; good wsgea, Address Maker, 211 Brandeta Theater Bldg. - GIRLS aad women wanted for factory work: steady work; (food wagea. AFFINITY. SPARK PLtIO CO., 418 8. 11th St WANTED A eompeteut laundress. Apply st Clarkaon Hospital. LEARN barber trade! 140S Dodge St Saleswomen and Solicitors. (160 A MONTH up, to bright compentent ' ladles with aainry in out-door soliciting, exceptional opportunity for advancement Phone Walnut 1812. Household and Domestic. OOOD wagea to a competent white girl for nousemaiu; no cooaing; launaresa Kepi. Mrs. H. V. Burkley, (171 Davenport St jismsy nil, WaNTBD Olrt tor general housework, faro. Ily of I; wagea (( per weak. Mrs. C. R, Sherman, 1(1 North 81th Av. Pbsao Bar nav 971. TRUSTWORTHY white girl for general: .-.-t. I. (.-.It- " . ,Ku.. 1 m work; best wages paid. Tel, momlags ot after 6 p. m. Harney 172. COMPETENT maid for general housework. three In family, good wages, no washing. Phone Harney 6429. ' MAID for general housework; as laun dry: good wages; pleasant rosea on the second floor. Telephone Harney (192. WANTED Middle aged or elderly lady housekeeper for two adults, walnut 1698-3. WHITE girl for general housework; wages, (8 per week. Laundress kept, lot Nona 8.14 v Dundee, Tel. Wal. 171. WHITE GIRL, to assist with housework! email new nousa, no wasning, gooa wages,-, Phone H. 4699. 109 B. 42d St. WANTED A girl for general housework. (8 per week. Apply 4160 Cass st Mrs. J. P. O'Keefe, Walnut 318. WANTED A girl for general housework; no laundry work; references required. Tel. Walnut 640. WANTED A girl tor general housework; none but good girl need apply. 2061 N. 19th St WANTED Competent cook. City refer ences preferred. Mrs. Ben Gallagher, 1( South 28th St COMPETENT maid for general housework.,, Good wages. 116 N. 36th St. Harney 811. ' WANTED A good girl tor general houee-' work; references. Telephone South 1060. OOOD WHITE GIRL; must be a good oook. ' Mrs. T. J. O'Brien. (616 gwrnsm St. WANTED Good cook for family ot adults. Apartment 1. 1404 8s. loth. ti EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE, a DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day It enrollment day. Book- " keeping, thorthand, atanotypy, typewrit": Ing, telegraphy, civil service ell commer cial aad English branches Catalogue frea BOYLES COLLEGE, Douglas 1(66. Kta and Harney Bta. Van Sent School of Business. Day and Evening Schools S26 Omaha National Bank g. Dougiaa 6S4. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. TO THE WOMEN WHO HAVE ROOMS TO RENT. ' Remember that the weather condition!.. for the next few weekt will probably not permit room huntera making ta ss tended hunt for rooms. They will stay .4 Inside and watch the want-ads. It you wish your room rented, phone as your - ad NOW. Tyler 1000. ; BEAUTIFULLY famished room In private home, near Farnam car line; excellent . neignnornwpq. M efS)iron narney NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM, suitable for , 2 working girls; walking distance. Har. 6269. . 2679 HARNEY Neatly furnished room, prU-7 vate home. One or two gentlemen. Red 6978. tlTEAU-HEATED rooms SI wk, also spte. with kitcheners. Ogden Hotel Co Bluffs. MODERN roots for genUeraaa, private fam ily; walking distance. Douglas 6836. 1216 DOUGLAS Furnished rooms by weelc r or day; well heated, good location. . COMFORTABLE Sleeping room, private home, reasonable. Red M5L TWO room cottage; partly furnished. 7 kinds ef fruit en place. Flare nee 446. CLOSE IN south trout room, modern brick flat. Red (667. 11H SOUTH (1ST ST. Front room on car line. Modern home. Harney 1044. . WEST FARNAM, walking distance, south room, (6 per snoath. Harney 1732. ; Housekeeping Rooms. FURNISHED room tor light housekeeping ' In modern uoraa, aa ear line; walking dis tance; wishing privilege; employed peo-' pie preferred. Reasonable. 1620 South . 24th St. longlas 7568. MODERN, well nested, good location; no children. Tel. Harney (664. Board and Room. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS! : If you fall to find the room you , desire among these ads call at Ths I. Bee office tor a Room Last Olves ! nomplets description ot vscsnt rooms In oil parts ot the city. New lists tssued svery week. WANTED Board aad room la private mod-.' ern home for tubercular young man; aula to be up; (19 per week. Walnut 2769. PARK AVE. DIST. First class room with,, board, ressoaabto H 1 SOI. Unfurnished Rooms. j World Realty Co.. Dougiaa 6142. Sua Theater Bldg. FOUR rooms en suite. In nice modern home; '' lanndry privileges, (16 a month. Webster 2290. AUTOMOBILES WS HAVE Forda, Maxwella, Buicks, Stlde bakers. Oak lands la both touring ' and roadster models. ' MSKKS AUTO CO. OMAHA OABM.OB. 29th and Harney. Tyler 66. ALL kinds ot cars for biro, with of with out driver, by the mile er by ths hour.. Fords, lac par mile. Douglas I S0. Ne , breaks Service Oarage. ' Standard Motor Co. , TJbed Allea tourUg ear, goedfeatidltlon. Bargain. i26 Peruana St Carl Chang strom. BARGAINS IN USED FORD CABS. McCaffrey Motor Co.. 10th ' d Howar' Ford Agent Dong. (108. WE ARB THE USED CA'R MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam Bt. Doug. (074. (100 rewaid for auto or tractor magneto we can't repair. Baysdorfar, 210 N. MtSx i i