JO, 3Sr 18 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1918. Ella Fleishm Adelaide Kennerly ASS'T EDITOR. No Whispering When Women Censor Surgical Dressings SOGIETPY 1621 FARNAM G5 an. 23 say. I! 1 1 i t) ft Si b By MELLIFICIAMch. 1. Summer Hats All Winter. Straw ht all the year 'round I 'How does that sound? Mis Grace Parker of Hew York, national com mandant of the Woman' Service league, issued the edict that service league workers who wear the regu lation uniform will wear straw hats, summer and winter. Miss Parker's hat is a tailor-made-looking sailor with the league button on the front In New York women wear their vel vet hats in August and their straw ones in December. The Palm Beach fans started the style and so it has grown until even little Miss $7-DoHar-a-Week Shop Girl does likewise. This is extravagant and foolish, es pecially in these times of conserva tion, and Miss Parker believes in the straw hat all the year 'round. Of course, it would be a little, incongru ous to be caught out in a blizzard with a rose-wreathed toque, so the simple black sailor will be good taste even in midwinter. In the different branches of the , service league work each woman has a special uniform. The truck drivers wear smart khaki outfits, short coat, knickers and leather puttees; the can teen workers have their special uni form, too, and the service league women who are engaged in other branches of the work are urged to wear the simple blue serge dress with the black straw hat. , Miss Parker wore no insignia of rank, although she Is the national commandant, but later she will wear the braid on her sleeve that will cor respond with the stars and bars of th army. For Miss Parker. Miss Grace Parker of New York was the speaker at the public affairs luncheon today at the Chamber of Commerce. Because of Miss Par ker's diversified interests in war ac tivities, men who are at the head of the different war work organizations in Omaha were seated at the speak er's table. They were: Messrs. Gur don W. Wsttles, John L. Kennedy, Frank Tudson, T. C. Byrne, E. F. Folds, C. C. George, O. T. Eastman, Ward M. Burgess, H. H. Baldrige and Randall Brown. Mrs. W. W. Langworthy Taylor, Mrs. William A. Smith and Mrs. Clement Chase of the Woman's Service league were also at the guest table, Mrs. Chase presiding ana introducing the speak ers. ,, ;, ' ,' ' ' .I." '; For the Future'. Miss Florence Ringle and Mrs. J. Abramson will entertain at dinner Sunday at the Blackstone in honor of Mrs. Samuel Cohn, a recent bride. The guests have been asked to bring articles for the kitchen for the honor guest. Twenty-five guests have been invited to the affair and they will be seated at one long table decorated with pink and white roses. The after noon will be spent with cards and dancing. Dancing Party. - Tkfr. Jordan Peters and Mr. Munson Dale will give a dancing party this evening for the members of the high school set at Harte halK t The Week-End Danqmg club will give party at the Fontenelle Satur day evening. . At Prettiest Mils Club. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Skoglund will entertain at dinner Saturday even ing at the Prettiest Mile club in honor of Mrs. Skoglund's mother, Mrs. Mor ris Minix of Madison, Wis. Covers will be laid for 10 guests. Bridge ' Luncheon. Mrs. Louis N. Platner entertained at a bridge luncheon at the Black stone today. The guests included the members of a bridge club and covers were laid for 11. Soldier and Nurses at Parry. A unique party was given Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Ford Hovey by 16 young women. Miss Elizabeth Boone of Junction City, Kan., who is a guest at the Hovey home, was honor guest at the affair. Sixteen of the men from Fort Oma ha attended the parry. The girls wore Red Cross nurses costumes and the Red Cross was used in the deco rations. The girls have a camouflage band and they gave several numbers. Readings were also given. French Prof essor ' To Lecture Monday Prof. Ceitre, teacher of English literature in the Bordeaux university, will speak on the subject, "The Moral Heroism of France," Monday eve ning in the assembly room of the City National bank. The lecture will be given under the auspices of 1'AUiance Francaise. Ecd Cross Ffotes 1 Burt county leads the state in Red Cross membership per capita. Red Cross members make up 72.5 per cent of the population. Kimball county is second and Grant third. Mrs. H. I. Baldrige, state censor,' reports that from the opening of the warehouse, December 1, to February ' 1 there have been 443,208 articles shipped to an eastern port for sending abroad, 7,019 distributed to Fort Crook and 8,590 sent to Fort Omaha. Mrs. ' Anton Dredla, chairman of the. surgical dressings at Crete, Neb and Miss Zella Johnson, secretary of the Alliance, Neb., surgical dressings department, are in Omaha taking a special course in the state instruction room, Wead building. In the Junior auxiliary campaign the best record is held by the Eustis chap, ter; The members realized $284.80 from a box supper held in the school on . the evening of February 22. The money was spent to buy yarn and sup plies for the knitting and ' surgical dressings classes. The boys of -the school made the ta bles and chairs in their manual train ing classes, which are used by the small workers for the Red Cross. A daughter was born Thursday to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pose water. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Standish re turned Thursday from an eastern trip. Mrs. Martin Sugarman was called to New York Wednesday Ijy the seri ous illness of her mother. Mrs. Charles E. Johannes, who has spent the winter in New York, is now with friends in St. Augustine, Fla. On her way south Mrs. Johannes visited Colonel and Mrs. Herbert M. Lord. Colonel Lord was stationed in Omaha a few years ago and he and Mrs. Lord are well known here. The daughter born February 18 to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fischer at Fort Dodge, la., has been named Leon Amavette for her grandmother, Mrs. Amavette Fischer. Miss Marie Parry of Beatrice, Neb., violinist, spent the week in Omaha giving a series of concerts. Is he played for the boys at Fort Omaha and Benson High school, besides at several local churches. She is accom panied by Miss Amalie Neidhart, also of Beatrice. Miss Parry is the house guest of Rev. and Mrs. F. O. Win-slow. Plans for Garden Work Considered by Service League Plans for garden work considered by the Omaha branch for the National League for Women's Service will probably be modeled on the work done by the league in Lincoln. Mrs. Frank Quick, Lincoln state chairman of the garden division, gave an account of the work in her city, at the state meeting at the Fontenelle Wednesday. A 20-acre plot was secured by the league. It was plowed and surveyed by agricultural students at the uni versity. It was divided into 167 gar dens and given out to any one who would promise to plant and care for them. Methodist ministers, girls in offices, colored boys were included in the war time farmers. Four retired farmers superintended the work and anyone who neglected his plot lost control of it. ' There were only six who failed to "prove up" on their land. The others realized fine crops of potatoes, corn and garden truck. The league dis tributed 300 bushels of sprouted on ions, which the seed dealers donated to them. Tarlatan for Curtains Tarlatan is a stuff that holds great surprises for those who have never handled it when dressing windows. It is made in lovely colors, which per haps you know from experience in making fancy dresses for fairies when the school children produce a play. If these curtains are made very full and with exorbitantly wide hems (even to the extent of Ave or six inches) they look too quaint for words, and the lightness of their weave, along with the simplicity of their texture, makes them an excellent idea to be used with a wall covering that is all disturbingly patterned. Sometimes tarlatan curtains are made with frills all 'round simple everyday two-inch ruffles with a tiny heading and are looped back with cords at the line of the window sill. Boston Brown Bread IH 0. cornraetU , moltnci. , 1 Vt o. 1 e. tour milk. 1 1. loda. 1 T. cooking oIL 1 t MIL Mix and sift the dry ingredients and add the molasses, milk and shqrt ening. , Beat thoroughly and steam three and one-half hours in well greased covered molds. Remove the covers and bake the bread long enough to dry the top. Vassar college is to conduct a training camp for nurses this summer. SPECIAL SALE OF WHITE SATIN VESTS ' SATURDAY ONtY Ladle' VmU Mad of white, pink and gray aatin, lik cut; guaranteed to wash. Thi Vt i being worn by thousand of well-gowned women in New York and Chicago. It' all the rage. Retail atorea cell them for to 11.00 my price la only $2.50 No Phone Order. All Satin Collar Saturday Clearing Sal Satin Collar 86V Pique Collar 38 WARREN Room 24, Patterion Block, 17th and Farnam SU. Over Unltt-Docekal Drug Store. Phone Tyler 3071. f! i j A IT A ' ' ' " ( u' r4gK These busy women in tne shadow of the "Silence" sign are censors in the surgical dressings department of the Red Cross state inspection warehouse. And they heed it, contrary to the popular belief, for these women are most earnest about their war work and. are fully aware of the responsibil ity' which rests upon them. If one woman feels inclined to snatch a bit of conversation she'mighi upset the count of the woman to whom she ad dressed her remarks and, of course, that would be unforgivable. Surgeons and Red Cross directors emphasize the great importance of a strict count of all surgical dressings on account of the danger to the patient if one com press more or less than the surgeon expects is included in a pack. Save Petty Jobs for Spare Time, but Give Your Morning Vitality to Biggest Job You Have By BEATRICE FAIRFAX. Stop asking people if they think you are going to succeed. They prob ably don't think so because you have not done it yet. You will have to "show them." But you yourself dare think you are going to succeed if in your soul you are visioning success thinking toward your future, planning what you are going to do. Have you ever mapped out a day, a week, a campaign and then started methodically to carry out your plans, step by step, principle by principle? Try it. That method brings logical constructiveness into your work. The way to carry out your plans is to draw them up via pencil and paper and then to set your desires in motion. To your real plan of your work add faith in your ability to do it better than anybody else. By faith in your self you arouse faith in others. By thinking in terms of success you be come confident affirmative. Present ly you are not nagging people by whimpering' queries as to whether they think you wilt succeed; instead, you are succeeding. Having a definite plan of campaign actually doubles your efficiency. You will find that you can clear up a job that used to take a half hour in ten minutes just by fitting it into the proper groove. Little time-savers half an hour here, ten minutes there are all won derful short cuts to efficiency. The worker must have a system of order. Classify your day's jobs. Keep unrelated matters separate and re lated matters together. Po the big things first, while you are fresh and energetic. Make sure that the day's end does not find you with your big jobs un done. , Weed out the useless. Don't make motions. Don't spend a precious moment of your efficient time in the morning hunting for a pin to fasten up a rent in your collar or washing spots off the lapel of your coat. Such things should have been attended to the night before the lesser jobs for the times of lesser energy. Make an outline of your Jay's oc cupation, figure out its relation to the week's work and to the job itself, get rid of unnecessary time-eaters and get logically and sanely down to busi ness. Your efficiency will double. Your ability will stand out, and your promotion will fairly march up to meet you. Spring Silks Patriotic So much has been said about con serving wool and using silk in its place that it is well to remember this in planning spring clothes. There are times when it seems as though noth ing would serve the need like woolen. Yet silk will in many cases be satis factory. So many silk suits for sports and general wear will be used there is a long list of suitable materials. There is khaki kool in new and interesting patterns, such as batik and airplane, satin ondule brocade and fan-ta-si, two crepes most exquisite in weave and color. The former comes plan as well as brocaded, the latter plain and satin striped and it rivals the beauty of cloth of. gold. Amphora crepe is an other worthy of mention in its pongee-like weave and another that must be seen tj be appreciated in moleskin, satin with a crepe back, both sides of which are often shown in a costume where contrast is desired. Another double fabric is satin victoire, satin one side, georgette crepe the other. Hindu crepe, printed and plain, .will make a cool summer dress, as will pussy willow taffeta and foulard, which is popular, and silk gingham, which comes in cotton gingham patterns. Anna Case, Now Prima Donna, Once Scrubbed the Floors Telling the story of the career of Anna Case, a writer in the March Woman's Home Companion says: Tell me,' a friend once asked Anna Case, 'about all the hard knocks of your life.' I cannot do that,' was the answer, 'because I haven't had them all yet. But I can tell you of a girlhood that knew nothing else.' "A great many young geniuses are inclined to think that their gifts should form a bulwark to protect tnem against the hard knocks of an indifferent world; that, unless a lit tle, cleared, comfortable space be made for them in the crush of life, and money lavished on the develop ment of their art, it is useless for them to struggle. 'Anna Case' is the best answer that can be made to such a point of view. ct. a. c.t. A ; i . juc was inc in si nnicncan gut to sing leading roles at the Metropolitan opera house without training abroad or the stamp of European approval. She has been for eight seasons one of the leading sopranos of the Metro politan. Her rise from obscurity to one of the most important positions in the musical world is one of the unusual episodes of American musical life. She has never sung a note out side the United States, with the ex ception of two concerts given in Montreal. "'How were you discovered?' I asked Miss Case. "'I wasn't discovered,' she replied quietly; 'I just worked. It is a hard struggle to become a singer, and ev erything is -not like the roses they hand one over the footlights. Yet I have no patience with the sentimen talism that declares a working girl has to sell her body and soul in order to keep her body and soul together. It is false and wicked. If a girl is willing to work and wants to keep straight, she can keep straight. If she is too proud to wear patched shoes and old clothes, too proud to scrub floors if necessary, that's a dif ferent story. "'I have scrubbed floors for the neighbors and worked alL day in their kitchens for 50 cents,' she went on. 'I worked in the blacksmith shop to help my father; once I drove a hack. When a New York teacher first be came interested in me I used to go to New York from South Branch, N. J., on Mondays for my vocal les son, and then do the family washing on Monday nights after I got home. My mother was sick most of the time when I was a little girl and I had to do the housework for a family of six washing, ironing, scrubbing and cooking.'" . No Longer Foreign. We used to call them "foreign" those women beyond our shores. Now, every speech that' is made, every article that is written, betrays a world consciousness. We HAVE 'em! Today! Now! All of the March VICT0R.REC0RDS i Latest News From Trenches In This Novel Record No. 18405--Furi in Flanders 10-inch, 75c By Lieut. Gitz Rice, Henry Burr Part 1 on One Side Part 2 one Reverse Side And Here's One Including Bright Efforts of Elizabeth Spencer, Shannon Four, Peerless Quartette. No. 18427 10-inch, 75c "Sweet Little Butter cup," doubled with "Homeward Bound." "Liberty Bell" (It's Time to Ring Again), No. 18434 10-inch, 75c Peerless Quartette Doubled with "There's a Service Flag Flying at Our House," Shannon Four. Hear all of these "Hits" at once, in the delightful store of MICHL'S 15th and Harney Omaha. 334 Broadway Council Bluffs. la. ft P? 8 t all Announcing a Dress Sale Unusually Enticing We were fortunate in securing a lot of about 65 sample dresses all new spring styles in attractive late mod els. The New York manufacturer who made them gave us a splendid price concession. We Can Offer Them Saturday Wool Jersey Dresses Serge Dresses Silk Dresses Worth Regularly $20.00 to $25.00 $15.00 SALE OF SILK BLOUSES Worth Regularly $5.75 to $6.50 $3.95 -WOMEN'S SHOP 1621 FARNAM ST. CENTRAL VALUES Golden Oak Buffets $16.75 to $28.00 Diners This Table is in Golden Oak, 42-in. top, 6-f t. extension, price $10.50 Golden an d Fumed Oaik, leather( seats $2.95 and op Many good values m broken suites of Diners. w "W w will Sta-.tLaaM1 JT4 - Howard Street Between 15th and 16th. Compare Bee Gains with Others 5X IUE1FS A MAXUHiFT IMITATION far afl good tttaca. Bar wir la 2 2 to DYE Umt4 csrelop. for to ue una aua m. Street. Oucmco. save